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Times Bldg., BROCKTON, MASS 

My office will lie cIimciI all dny TilP«tlu)*. 

j. F.&W. H. CUSHING. 




Coal Dealers 

Hard and Soft Coal, 
Otto Coke, 

Hard and Soft Wood 
Hay and Straw, 

^ICEJ. % 

Telephone ’ill**J. 

Best Grade o 


For Open Grates 


in i 

Town Officer* of Weymouth and their 
Pott Office Addrett 

|ol»n A. Raymond, East Weymouth. 


|.,lm II. Stetson, South Weymouth. 


rit<>n Willis, chairman, South Weymouth. 
Itradfonl Itawe*, secretary, Mast Weymouth. 
Koltrit McIntosh, East Weymouth. 

I-.{ward W. Hunt, Weymouth. 

. rv . r I.. Newton, North Weymouth. 

Francis It. t owing, chairman, weymomn. 
John W. Bate*. clerk, East Weymouth. 
Crorge E. Newton, North Weymouth. 

( iilman II. I .mid, South Weymouth. 

George C. Torrey, South Weymouth. 


W. A. Drake, chairman, North Weymouth. 
|,,<tfph A. Cushing, East Weymouth. 

It. P. Perry, Weymouth. 

Prank K. I.oud. Secretary South Weymouth. 
Charles II. Wllloby, Weymouth. 

Mrs Mary K. Holbrook, South Weymouth. 


S/IVING£ mw 

nitniK, p. tint, rre.iafui. 
OHRl'H T. HUNK. ( Iff* B»d Trea.arer. 


rk.rlr, A. iU)«,r, t Fr.trl. H. Inala., 

Mu«r4 w. Hum. 

HrnHrll R. I lapp. 


nmr a. nasii. 

Run* Ilnur.. ... I.. Pi A. M., I.l" I" I’. M- « ™ 
,.. , Mon.litr .'i.-iiitiu-! .....I u ,.. ill A M. 


I,..|....R. ,.Urf.) on tntrrr.t on tli. Iful Moult) 
-Umurr. Ajiril, July ...-I October. 




|.,lin c. Anthony, Past Weymouth. At 

;|i«e of school on Monday will In- at the Athens 
"wilding: Tuesday at Jefferson; Wednesday at 
Howe'; Thursday at Hunt. 


Prank II. Torrey, North Weymouth. 

|,,lin II. Stetson, South Weymouth. 

Cordon Willis, South Weymouth. 

Wcndall H. Clajip, Weymouth. 

|i M. Easton, East Weymouth. 



Iv, rs M. l.ow, East Weymouth. 

Tax Collkctok. 

Willard J. Dunbar, East Weymouth 


W. O. Collyer, chief,North Weymouth. 

I . K. Orr, East Weymouth. 

\V. W. Pratt, East Weymouth. 

J. K. Walsh, Weymouth. 

|). W. Ilait, South Weymouth. 

Gordon Willis, South Weymouth. 


Thomas Fitzgerald, chief, Weymouth. 
A. II. Pratt, East Weymouth. 

P. Butler, East Weymouth. 

'ohn 1). Walsh, Weymouth, 
fichael Allen, South Weymouth. 

Isaac II. Walker, North Weymouth. 
Beniamin P. Richards, Weymouth Heights. 
Nathaniel B. Peare, East Weymouth. 

Asa B. Pratt, East Weymouth. 

Thomas Fitzgerald, Weymouth. 

John D. Walsh, Weymouth. 

William K. French, East Weymouth. 
George li. Bayley, South Wesmouth. 
Michael Allen, South Weymouth. 

George W Conant, South Weymouth. 

Walter I.. Bates, South Weymouth. 

Charles A. Loud, South Weymouth. 

John P. Hunt, East Weymouth. 


William II. Clapp, Weymouth, 
f.ouis A. Cook, South Weymouth. 

Frank If. Torrey, North Weymouth. 

Prank D. Sherman, Weymouth. 


(From Sixth Norfolk District.) 
ieurge L. Barnes, South Weymouth. 

\ulirey Hilliard, Braintree. 


(Second Norfolk District.) 

Edward II. Nevin, South Weymouth. 

Pre«id? - JOSEPH DYER. 

. (Kills J. FITCHRR. 

Vlff lTf.llfUU, j AHW „ haTMORI). 

( Iff* and TffMUfff. HRORRR R. HKRI>. 
Itnaril of Invesf inent t 

.Ionkpii Dvku, Kt.i.ia J. Fitciirr, 

IL W. I It'NT, 

At .non It. It A V ROND, 

GORDON \V11,1.1-, 
TlIKKON I.. TlUHKt.t. 

bask noiraui: 

« to 12 A. M.; 1 (0 I r. M. Also Mondays, T to X 
F. M. Saturdays, II lo l‘J A* M. 

Deposits go on interest second Wednesday ol 
January, April, July and October. 

Dividends payable on and after the second 
Wednesday of January and July. 

FIRST South 

NATIONAL Weymouth, 

Fogg Building, Columbian Square. 


Shattered My Nerv¬ 
ous System. 

Stomach Deranged, 
Liver Dormant. 

Dp. Miles' Nervine Cured 
Me Completely. 

A slight cold in the winter with fever, head 
ache, backache; when the nose runs aud the 
eves water and n soreness seems to permeate 
the marrow of ttic bones; this is the l*ej»in- 
tiitm of Grips deadly grasp. The danger 
follows iii the shattered nervous system and 
the derangement of the heart or the digestive 
ore his ns "* the following case: 

•'Hie last week in Januuiy I contracted 
I .aGnppe and was confined to my bed for 
live weeks. My nervous system was com¬ 
pletely shattered, stomach badly deranged 
and l»ver in nn almost dormant condition. 

I took treatment daily from iny family phy¬ 
sician, but could get no relief. Mv condition 
continued to grow worse ami as 1 had often 
heard of Dr. Miles’ medicines I decided to 
trv them. I purchased a Little of Dr. Miles' 
Restorative Nervine and Nerve and Liver 
Pills. When 1 began taking the medicine I 
had no appetite, couldn’t sleep and was 
scarcely aide to get around. My weight at 
this time w as one hundred and twenty-four 
pounds. At the end of the second week I 
was a changed man, mv appetite wasliryond 
a ontrol, my sleep was refreshing, my strength 
renewed and my weight was one hundred 
ami forty two pounds. I never felt better In 
mv life than 1 do at this writing. I take 
great pleasure in recommending Dr. Miles' 
Remedies to the afllicled. If anyone doubts 
the above statement 1 ain ready to confirm 
it.”—D. C. Walker, U. S. Treasury Dep't, 
Washington, D. C. 

All druggists sell and guarantee fir*tbot» 
tie Dr. Miles’ Remedies. Send for free book 
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address 
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad. 



Editor of the magazine, "Correct English How To I v It " Evanston, III, 


Rsvnlism In Kssex xvsa a great place for « nine a famous clergyman In New Eng 
Iron forges amt at Haynbam In Massnchu- land. Samuel Rlmonds who came from 
aetta In Dm 2 wan net up the tlrnl Iron Ylcldhnm In Essex In 1(1,17. lie owned 
forge In America Stratford in Kanex an estate at Topnflehl, held a position at 
w an noted for Its adherence to Episcopacy the Court of Chancery and hla w ife \vn* 

and the oldest Episcopal church In Con- 

member of the 


necllcut la at Stratford Then Wethera- family of Karla Colne, lie became nn 
Held In Essex waa famotta for rnlalng officer In the New England Colony and 
onlona and Wethersfield In Connecticut wna Deputy Governor at the time of 
has been famous for the same thing all his death- Nathaniel Sparhaw k w ho came 

through her history 

from llrnlntree or Dedham, more likely 

I know a i*arty who will boy the lot. 

SAY : 

1 know a person who will buy the lot. 
Note—"Tarty” is a legal term, and 

"lie dop’t" and “don't he.” 

"She don’t" and “don’t she." 

"It don’t" and don't It " 

These errors are of common occurrence 

should not be used In the sense of "per- nn ,| nro generally made by persons w ho 
son " should know better. 

ih»n’t say: The person who uses the expression “1 

I I If I hrr, " llnk ''“"V wo,,w ,M! n,tnnl "’"' <l »° 

r hear the response “I beg to differ with 

Reside* this many counties in our laud from Dedham John Talcott whoeame 
have been named after Essex, as for In- from Braintree In 1(512 and became irons- 
stance the counties of Essex In Massachn- urer of the Massachusetts Hay Colony 
setts, Vermont, New York, New Jersey and a member of the Colonial Tarllament, 
and Virginia, and Hie name has been and Hev. Nathaniel Ward who cante from 
given to towns and villages In many states, Htoodon Massey In Essex 1(581 and re- 
even Itclng used more than 200 years after turned in 1017. John Wlnthrop, Ills 
the settlement of New England Hut If true, came from Suffolk, hut two of Ids 
we examine the names of the earlier set- wives were from Essex Ills first wife 
tier* of New England themselves we will was a daughter of John Forth Esq., of 
find that the majority of them seem to be Great llanbrldge, and Ids third wife was 

I would If I ten* him. 

I should If I fsere she, 

iiiiiir m """ ..ii tll#t „ H . mB jorlty of them seem to be Great llanbrldge, and Ids third wife was 

In nr the n-nponra " I Ih 'K *'> differ wllli Knnrx ntran. Let mu give mime from n daughter of .Sir .lolm Tlmlnl of 0rent 
jon, lull I tlilnk lio -lo. If It In proper ,| le n»t „f iho*e who were m»(U* freemen MnpIrnU'Kil. Illn non .lolm married n 
lo nny "lie don't," II In •-•■rtnliil.v i'<P<*llj , )f Co i„„ y <lf MinnncliunotW llnv, Im- daughter of Kdwurd Uc-a.lo Kn.| , of 
proper to nny ••Im do." for ••done In (lie v , |r , „ ;4I Tl ,„ v nr „ wt.kford lo Knnrx 

nldm.vlnl. d form of “do not." Tim con. „ f f , n „ ||mt „ r „ „ lonpllcoftlm work of .lolm Hunter. 



Suit, Made To Order In lnte,t style,. 

Workman,hip and fit guaranteed. 

Suits from SI 1.00 to S34.00. 




s|(l llronil Slrcct, 



I thouhl If I were he. 

Note that “should” in the first person 
Is the correct form to Indicate simple sub¬ 
junctive futurity 

jugnllon runs, “I do not,” “you do not,” 
“lie does not," consequently the con¬ 
tracted forms are “I don’t,” “yon don’t,” 
•die doesn't ’’ So let us eschew “he 
don’t” 111 the future, ami say either “he 

In spile of the work of John Hunter, 


Note lliat “were* In correct, for dm rcu- t |oen not." or wlmt In perfectly perntln* 

follown : Abell, Adamn, Allen, Annlcr, llicrc ncemn to lie a ilonltl an to die origin 
Allien, Appleton, Archer, Arnold, Atkin- of Kldcr, William llrewnler of Mayflower 
non, darker, llarncn, dell, nendall, lien- fame, aonm wrltera make Mm n unlive of 
nett, lllggn. dlake, dloomflclil, lloiirne. Sufl'olk. and .lolm Klnkc nlnlcn dial Im 
drndlmry, drewnter, I'arrlnglon, I'ham- wan lairii at Herool.y In Nottlngliamnldre, 

IlK.M.Klin IN 

non dint dm aiibjnnrtlve tmale, and not 
the indicative, In rcipilrcil. 

It In twenty inlnntca to live. 


It Is twenty mlunten o/llve. 

Note.—“Of," and not “to," In required 
to show llm proper relation. 

tmrlaln, Chapman. Clarke, Coggenlinll, lint I uni Inclined to think that Col. .loacpli 
«llile In easy nlterante, “lie iioenii t Ciililham, Cole, Coleman, Colllnn, Cooke. I.eimiel (’healer In eorreel In miiliilaliiiiig 

Whenever I apeak of lliin particular ( -^, 0 p € , Pt Colton, Crane, Croaa, Cnrlla, that Im waa n native of Kaaex. Tim lam 
error, die leaponac dial generally grccla ,„| loni DavooiKli, liavlea, Pavla, Davy, Kanes name I will mention la a famous 
Illy ear In, "Inn I II strange Unit an many d^o, Dlnney, lliulley, Dyer, Kaloti. one Indeed, audit la dial of Her. .lolm 

well-mlueated people make Unit miniakeV Klliitlt, Kly, Kim-ry, Karr, Klrmlu, Flake, Kllol, the noble Apusllc to dm Indiana, 
U uniat be dint when one lines that ex- Kltc | 1( Kl , n | jf ow | cri Freeborn, Freeman, who npenl forty years of Ids life In try- 
preaslon lie i/oiif tlilnk of wlial lie la say- Krcnc | li Fuller, Onrrlncr, (llliba, (llbaon, lug lo elvlllxc and bring diem to Clirlatl- 
Ing I never use It. (j||| (Imlfrev, OolT, (Irafton, (iravea, anlly. T’lic man, who In addillon lo 

• li ido l la another Iiiiiiardonable error r3rccnv< Hale, || a U, llarlakenden, Harris, many other great tilings hohaadone.ln- 
ll sometimes seems an If all other nils- | Iarr | nont j| irtl llawkea, Hawkins, vented an alphabet for the Indian tongue, 
takes might Im overlooked If one "•ooltl i Ia .. nOTj Maywood, llowe, Hubbard, llud- and translated the lllhlc Into that lan- 

[ lnln 1 *ont an, 11 n n t. 8on| Humphreys, Jackaon, Jeffrey,.lenner, gunge lie was not born In liHH at Whl- 

■•Al"t In a loose contraelli.. “am Io | |nS(1I)j K c „; p> ., K|„ gt |,ake, l.amliert, ford In Hertfordshire, an some writers 

mil, but not of • la not. Kangley, Llglltfoot, Lockwood, hovering, think probably, but, nn Col Chester no 

• I am not, "you are not, "He is ( (| Mar!<t , Martin, Meade, Minot, clearly proves, at Nn/.lng In Kaaex In the 
m", In dm proper con ugatlon, tbe con- Morc , Morr „, Mott| Mills, Nelson, New- year MOM. forms .elng, I m not yon re InllI , t ffatt. l’as**. l-almcr, l-arkar. 1-arkun, Have I not now said enough lo show 
not or "yon arcn l, lies not, or lie |. armcnt( . r> i* Br i r l,l B e, l’eacoek, l’erry, dint die family Influence on dm Founders 
Imi I, nut “he nlu t. Peters, Phillips, Porter, Purchase, Pyn- of New Knglanil comes mainly from dm 

Some persons w ho endear or to lie eor- , talnafor( | | ii nw i| nH , Hay- Kastern shires of Knglnml, anil more than 

reel eschew contractions altogether, mt , HohcrUt, ltoblnaon, ltogers, ltowe, that, dint the single country of Kaaex 
there Is no good reason why one should Saltonstall, seems to have had the largest share In 

not use contractions If one will use the * ’ .. ’, ... .... 

Cooper, Cotton, Crane, Cross, Curtis, that lie was a native of Essex. The Inst 
Dalton, Davenlsh, Davies, Davis, Davy, Essex name 1 will mention Is n fatuous [ 

Day, Dean, Dlnney, Dudley, Dyer, Eaton, one indeed, and It is flint of llev. John 
Elliott, Ely, Emery, Karr, Flrmln, Flake, Eliot, the noble Apostle to the Indians, 

Fitch, Ford, Fowler, Freeborn, Freeman, who spent forty years of Ids life In try- 
French, Fuller, Gardner, Gibbs, Gibson, lug to civilize and bring them to Chrlatl- 
C.lll, Godfrey, Goff, Grafton, Graves, unity. The titan, who In addition to 
Greene, Hale, Hall, llarlakenden, Harris, many other great things lie has done, In- 
Harrison, Hart, llawkea, Haw kins, vented nn alphabet for the Indian tongue, | Term* Net Cash. 

CAPITAL, $ 100,000. 

(turpliM, • .10,000 


ALLKX R. VIMXH, President. 

KDWARI) R. NKVI.RT, Vlre-Prralienl. 

J. R. NTKTNOX, ('ashler. 



Banking Hour* : 0 to 12 A. M.; 2 to 4 P. M. 
Saturday*, 9 to 12 A. M. 


Dr. Lucy W. Tuck. 


(hruBlr lllsrasrs and a thorough Medlral 

" Cartrrlng," a sure rure for ( atarrh. 

OFFICE, 2 Park Square, BOSTON. 

Every day excepting Thursday. Take Elevator. 



—will bi at his omca— 

I rrpret that you did. 

say : 

I that you did. 

Note —One can not expect anything in 
th» jwt *t. 

DON’T say: 

I live in Yonkers, 


I live in Kenwood. 


I live at Yonkers, 


1 live at Kenwood. 


Lime, Nails, Brick, Cement, Sand, Drain Pipe, 
Gutters, Conductors and Mouldings. 


Spruce, Cypress, wniiewood and Soil Pine. 


Telephone Connection 

Haynes, llaywooo, Howe, Hubbard, Hud¬ 
son, Humphreys, Jackson, Jeffrey, Jenner, 

and translated the llilile Into that lan¬ 
guage. He w as not born In 1(504 at \Vhl- 

Johnson, Kcmpe, King, Lake, Lambert, ford In Hertfordshire, as some writers 
Langley, Llghtfoot, Lockwood, Lovering, think probably, but, as Col Chester so 
Marshall, Marsh, Martin, Meade, Minot, clearly proves, at Na/.lng In Essex in the 
More, Morris, Mott, Mills, Nelson, New- year 1(50J1. 

man, Nutt, Page, l’almer. l’arker, l’arkes, 
l'armcnter, 1’artrldge, Feacock, Ferry, 
Fcters, Phillips, Forter, Purchase, l'yn- 
chon, Fyne, Halnsford, Hawlins, llay- 
inond, Kobcrts, Koblnson, ltogers, Howe, 

Have I not now said enough to show Ml aIIIII III III U * 
that the family Influence on the Founders IWIMIIIUUI 
of New England comes mainly from the mikxtikic NCALP TltRATMKXT*. 
Eastern shires of England, and more than IJIllllllWIKM NAILS TRKA 

that, that the single country of Essex B " - IBWW,f 

Commercial St., WEYMOUTH. 

Manicuring, - Shampooing, * Singeing. 

IXIIIIOWIMI NAILS THKATKIt. auprrnuou., Mart, lit Main pal.lml, 
ana .urrr..fu1l, rrtnutrA. fklllrra'i Hair Cattlig. 

mil mm timuaclioiis If one will uac 

Phone 35-9. 

To refrain from using them I " ta » 

—^ a | —WILL Bl AT Hl« omCB— 

Savings Bank. Over the Weymouth Clothing Store 

Clerk and Treasurer, 

) Joseph A. ( nahlBg. 
I T. H. Kmerson. 
John A. Raymond 


N. D. Cantbbburt. Edmund (L Rat«* 
Johzph A. Cubhinu. John W. Bates. 

T II. Ehbhson. C. B. Cubbinu. 

II. V. Bicknbll. 

■Mvlilends |i«yable on tli* loth of April 
■ nil October. 

■»ep»Blta pl«ce«lon Interest on the 13th 
of Jmii., April, July ■ml Oct. 


From 2 to 5 P. M, exetpting Satur¬ 
days from June 1 to Oct. 7, when the hours 
will he from 10 A M■ to 12 M. only. 

(Near Pott Office) 


OrricK Houbs : — 8.00 A. M. to 6 .oo P. M. 
Will attend to all Dental Work at office 

In Loud's Block, South Weymouth, 
Tuesdays md Fridays 

ofea-li week. Appointment* made by mail. Open 

I live at Kenwood. n tendency to lend n pedantic air to 

Note.—One lives fit New York or in one's speech. In dlgulflcd utterance be- 
Clilcago, but at Yonkers or at Kenwood : fore large assemblies one has less license, 
that Is one lives fit a large city, but at a but in conversational utterances, contrite- 

Sherman, Smith, Soutlicott, Sparhawk, 

that influence. 

Nearly all of the early settlers of New 

Room B, Bank Bldg., Quincy. 

small place. 

The Influence of the Eastern 
Shires of England on the 
Founders of New England. 

nas a icnuency to .emi u peo.m.e u,r to 8pcnce ,. 8Un)oy| stebblnH , Steele, Stev- Kngland can be traced hack to the county 
ones speech. In dlgnlflcd utltrance be- Strange, 8wan, Swift, Sv- of Kssex, aud the reason why this Is not 

fore large assemblies one has less license, TMcotl, Taylor, Thomas, generally known Is because the genealogy 

hut in conversational utterances, contrac- Voww. Towne, Townsend, of the original settler Is often traced 

lions art. pi rimss >o. Turner, Ttilhlll, Wade, Walker, Walton, hack only to tlio town or village In which 

■*-: ■ —-1— ' -~ Ward, Warner, Warren, Watson, Webb, ho lived at the time of setting out for the 

counties of Knglnml was represented in West, Weston, Wilcox, Willis, Wheeler, new world. Thus two of the melt whom 
the great l’oritan exodus, the Hast Anglian White, Whiting, Wood and Wright. I have already mentioned as being natives 
counties contributed to It far more than A little more Investigation might easily of Kssex have been given as natives of 
all the rest. add more names from the same list, hut Yorkshire ami Suffolk. They are llev. 

I have already mentioned as being natives 
of Essex have been given as natives of 

County Officer*. 

bulge of Probate anil Insolvency, James II 
Flint of Weymouth. 

Ke^ister of Probate and Insolvency, Jonathan 


Assistant Keister, John I). Cobb. 

Clerk of Courts, Louis A. Cook of South NN ey- 

Assistant Clerk, Robert II. Worthington. 

Register of Deeds, John NV. Bui’dakin. 

Assistant Register of Deeds, Edward I.. Bur 

County Treasurer, Charles II. Smith. 

Sheriff, Samuel II. Capen. 

County Commissioners, Sumner II. Foster ol 
Brookline. James Hcwin* of Med field. Marshall 
P. Wright of (Juincy. 

Sessions, Every Tuesday at |o 

^>ecial Commissioners, Lewis K. NVhittaker of 
Franklin ; John Everett of Canton. 

District Attorney (Southeast District, Norfolk 
and Plymouth), Asa P. French of Randolph ; Rich¬ 
ard NV. Nutter ot Brockton, Assistant. 


North American 
Investment Co. 

of th« United States. 



I.sirgc-t Deposit "fit- kind in tin- world. 

EDWARD C. CLARK, wullam .. . 

a * **l»l****» nmiitli Historical 8m*lcty. 

\PUQ86IOr 3C {3 W John Ulchanl Green, the English Ills- 
(II loan sired, RIIHTIIX. lorlan, brought so much new material 

III Kruad aired, WKlIKIl'TII CK.VTKR. Into history, that he almost changed the 
Til.plinu,. Nn. M5 Main, lli»t,in, or Wfjr. manner of w riting Flngllah history. In 

..Ball and Xolary Pablle. ilt «"» "°rk .The Making of Knglano we 

sec tbut history In au entirely new light. 
Ilia knowledge of the geology and topo- 
IflMQ M* PACK graphy of England and hla anlhpiuritui 
^ research added life and truth to hla nar- 
... Undertakers... ratlvc, and this with the aoclal aide of 

ai.M. D»iUin<*c an QrAAkeiiU Ds%A l»*a hiatory, and hla marvel loti a graap of 

NSW BllildlngS on Brooksidn Roid. titatorlc movementa caused Ills hooka to 

open Ail Alight. come with aturtling dramatic force on 

Tvlephoiif 5641 llruintrcc. the historic world 

--- In our owu country there la another 

writer, who takes up hiatory hi much the 
ISADORE BERGER, same way. Green gave ua, The Making 

The Lirgest Boot end Shoe Repairing Shop ° f K »e'* ni1 - » ni1 • Io1 '" rl ^° « lv “" 

U MaHaIIz PaumIn The Heglunlngs of New England. In 

in R0HQII uOUHTf. . «|.| M im.ik lw John Flake, we liave aoim- 

all thereat. add more name* from the Maine list, but Yorkshire and Suflolk. They are Hev. 

"Perhaps It would not he far out of the those 1 have given are the surnames of K/.eklel lingers, who had been preaching 
way to say that two-thlrda of the Amcrt- '»>■'> of amlent Kaaex whoae origin has in for some yeara at ltowley In t orkaldre, 
can people who can trace their ancealry each caae been traced to that county, at the time of hla emigration to America, 
to New Kngland, ea. follow it back lo The Hat from which the above namca but he waa real y horn at Wcthorafleld In 

Always Remember the Fall Name 

I .axative Rromo Quinine 

Cures a Cold In One Day, Grip in Two* 


to New England, ea. follow it back lo m (tom which tae auovc uaiuea -. T, 

the Hast Anglian ahlrca o/the mother were taken wus BOO In number, hut lad Kasex, where hla father, Ulchanl lingers, 
country, one-sixth might follow it to names out of BOO Is enough to show the had preached for t yeara. I lie other 
thosesonth-westcrucounties, Devonshire, predomlucnce of Essex surnames. I was Hev. Nathan el llogcta who had heel 

country, one-sixth might follow It to namea oni 01 .«« is enougu io .uu» -" ; , , , ' , , ,, 

those sonth-westcru countlca, Devonshire, predomlucnce of Essex surnames. I was lev. Nathaniel llogcis whoi had heel 
Dorcet and Somerset, which so long were would like to have traced the Pilgrim preaching at Ass ngtou In Suflolk, but 
foremost In maritime enterprise, and one- passengers on the Mayflower to their au- was horn iu lledham and was the son of 
sixth to other parts of England. 1 would ecstry, hut much lo my surprise, 1 found the famous preacher, John ltogers, whom 
not insist upon the exactness of such that a very difficult, or Impossible task. Conti nurd on )wjr 4 

llgures in a mailer where only a rough It will he noticed, however, that twelve 
approximation is possible, hut Ido not of the" surnames on the Maylluwer ate 

Continued on )uvje 4. 

figure* in a matter where 
approximation l* possible 

think they overstate the East Anglican I Included in the list given. 1 hey are, 


Ilrewster, Brown, Clarke, Cook, Eaton, 

... , ,„ .... , Fuller, Gardner, Martin, Rogers, Turner, 

"It was not by accident that the earliest ' ; " 

.. r ... n i Warren and White. Doubtless, some of 

counties of Massachusetts were ealled . , , „ ’ ... 

v r ii *• the others not given In my list could be 

Norfolk, Suflolk aud Essex, or that Boston B J 

l ,-1 ,_i i 111 Lincolnshire gave Its name to the chief 

In ouTown country there ,s another ^ »•* ^ 

I writer, who takes up history In much the or Massachusetts, who 

same way. Green gave us, The Making w “ nilera ull,,,lt r " rnl , " 1 ' 18 



X II .. i ; •, ii ; I 

IZ jo, i v . J.y, \ \ , 4 5 ’. ( S-.V’a *'*-*■' 

7 V', ,i • • j, 10.45 F. M 


.XVrrk !»•> Tluir. 

aiw leave THOMAS' CoKNI K, N.illi " 
■iic utli I I I'UK 1 FU1N 1. " 4 ,. *5,S i ' 

l l -. 1 15. 4 »5. 5 ' ' : 4 • b.l j I M I'f- 

ing, leave Fort 1‘uiot, 71*0, 7.30, S i ' 
iz . , 1 , , 3.30,4 3", y.V 1 , o.ou,(» ;o I’ M 

kuuilii) Tluir. 

.u» have THOMAS' CORNER, N.-rili 
in tli, l a 1 i»K 1 I'UlN 1 . b.15 A. M 1 
115, \ u, 4.1;. 5 •>, 5.4;. <• «> I* M. R fl 
11, . leave Full I "ini. A M , I -’ '< 

, 4 y?, 5.30, ••.oj, 6.30 1‘. H 
Subject to Cluoge NN itlicut Nulitr. 
THOM AS (.AMMON, lJiv. Supt. 

I J. CONWAY, Av»t ^ 

l.*L‘iiZ>, IL , Mai. li 'ytb, I9P 

Calendar of County C ourts 

upreme Judicial Court |ury Fitting, third Tue*- 
day u( February. 

Sutwriur Court, Civil Session*-For work with 
juriaa—First Monday of January, tir#t Monday 
ol May, and first Monday of October. For Court 
WU rk—First Monday of February, first Monday 
of April, fust Monday of September, and first 
Monday of December. 

Superior Court, Criminal Sitting* —First Monday 
"f April; first Monday of September; first Mon¬ 
day of December. 

Probate Court—AV Dedham, on the first and third 
Wednesdays of every month, except August. At 
(Juincy, on the second NVcdnesday of every 
month, except August. At Brookline, on the 
fourth NVcdnesday of every month, except 

L nunty Commissioners’ Meetings- Third Tuesday 
of April; fourth Tuesday of June; fourth Tues¬ 
day of September; last Wednesday of December. 
I»y adjournment. On Tuesday*, except during 

District Court of East Norfolk. Jurisdiction, 
Randolph, Braintree Cohasset, Weymouth, Quin¬ 
cy, Holbrook and Milton. Court held at Quincy 
lur criminal business every week day except legal 
holidays, and for civil business Tuesdays at 9 
hi. Justice, Albeit E. Avery, Braintree. Special 
Justices, E. Granville Pratt, Quincy; Louis A. 
Cook, Weymouth. Clcik, lolm !\ S. Churchill, 
Milton. Probation Officer, Francis A. Spear, ac 
Tltayer Street, Quincy. ( aurt officer and Bail 
Commissioner, William M. Maiden, 24 Codding- 
ton Street, Quincy. 


21 -Qnlury Avo. uml liny wttftl St. 

23 -Quincy Ave tunl CoiumiTciul St 
24—Elliot St. 

25 -Alh'it St ami Commercial St 

26 -Allen St. ami Shaw St 

27—Commercial St., opp Fun Shop 
29 —Commercial St ami Elm St 
31—Elm St. and Middle St 
32 — liivcr Si and Middle St 
34—Kliu St and Washiugtou St 
35 West St and Washington St 
36— Ash St and Hollis Ave 
38 —Washington St opposite Monutiipiot 

4 I - Uliiou St and Middle St 

42 Union St and Washington St 

43 Pearl St ami Washington Si 

45 IVarl St op|>o»IU) SIhh* Factor) 

46 -HaucockSl , private, Hollingsworth 

47 Foml St, opp A o Clark's house 

48 Fruukliu St aud Central Ave 

• 23 Corner Quincy Ave uud Allen St 

• 35 West St aud Ml Vcruou Ave 
•45 Fouutatu Si aud Pearl St 

•47 Towu St uud 1'oud Si 

Inti'irM ’• piTi'i'iit. |" r uimimi pahl on *iiviiig> of 
41 .00 per week ol' OV1 I . 

Under siipervUiun of Suviugs Bank Coin- 
iui»»imiri» of Mni‘*iii , hii«ctl». 1 ’iuU'i' iii- 
rrciikllig *tiile 1 1 « - j>«l! law ol MisNoiirl, 
I111I11 state liiHpeetloii, lii cioid aiid doluu 
1111 -11 n in twenty stute*. 


For particular* call or whirrs*. 

New Kiiglniul Department. 

47,48,49 Journal Building, Boston, Miss. 


116 Arcade Building, Brockton, Matt. 

LadiiV, L'riith men’*, nu**e*’, youth*’ and ehihlreu’s 

. .* repain <1 in 1111 expert maimer. Work done 

while xml wait, and at the very lowe«t prfee*. All 
the leading make* of Ruhliei Heel* alwuy* ill ktrs'k. 

I Washington Square, - WEYMOUTH. 

UppoHlte Walsh Bron. (Itorf. 



Cut Flowers and Plants. 

Central Square, Eaat Weymouth. 

Thu Beginnings of New England. In 
this book by John Flake we have some¬ 
thing of the subject, which in an Imper¬ 
fect way, I will try to bring before you 
It Is not ueceattary to prove that the 
original founder* of New England were 
generally of English birth and descent. 
But John Flake tells us in The Beginnings 
of New England, that the majority of 
these came from the Eastern shires, or 

traced to Kssex county. 

It will be noticed that many of the 
names I have given became famous in 
New England history. Let me mention 
some of them. Edmund Angler, who 
was horu at Dedham In Essex in 1(112. 

no part of it so homelike us the cosy UI ..» " ’ 

„ , , . was born at Dedham In Essex In 1(»12. 

village* and smiling fields and quaint “ ... 

, . . , , , , — 1 u.. 1 Elder, Edward Bend all, who came to the 

market towns ttsdie fares leisurely, aud . ... 

, . ,, t * |. (?olony In HKIO and was famous, besides 

*'Silver Plate that Wears.'* 

Your Spoons 

Fork*, etc , will be perfection in durability, 
Ix-auiy .1 <; 11 und brilliancy of fini.b, if 
lltcy arc iM Iruiit pattern* (lauipcd 


in not too straight a line from Ipswich 
toward Hull. Countless little unobtru¬ 
sive features remind him of home. The 
very names on the signboards over Llm 
sleepy shops have au unwonted familiar 
look. . . Pursuing thus our inter¬ 

esting journey we may come at last to 
I I lie i|iiiel villages of Austerfield and 

.. , ,, . , 1 ,1 I,.«m• *.... 11..., Seroobv, on opposite hanks of the river 

counties of England, and the hast Angllun 11 , , 

.... Idle, and just at the corner of the three 

counties at that. ' ... , ... , v » ... . 

■. ..... ..f llm.. .- "I'lre* ‘if l.lncoln, . «.rk ami NoUIngliara. 



Water Takers. 

counties at that. 

If then, the majority of those who be- 8 1 r, ‘ 8 
raiue the founders of New England came 
from the Eastern counties of Kngland, It ,un ‘ v 
Is possible to tell what influence these Kucl 
counties had on them, aud through them of the 

And it was from this point that the Puri¬ 
tan exodus to America was beguu " 

Such are the words of John Fiske, one 
of the greatest authorities in our land, 

and New England, upon the rest of the and they trace the origin of the majority 
country. This Influence would not be of “f the Founders of New England hack to 

other reasons, for Invculiug a diving bell. 
He was a noted Puritan and named his 
children, Reform, Restore, Free Grace, 
Hoped For, and More Mercy. 

The Hev. Giles Flrmln, who was rector 
of Shalford and spent some years in New 
Englaud. Hev. James Fitch, born at 
Booking in H’i22, came to New England In 
liklH, and later in life was one of the pro¬ 
prietors of the city of Norwich In Con¬ 
necticut. Also William French, who was 
a companion of Kllol, the missionary 
Then there was John Graves, whoeame 
from Na/Jn In Essex, and Uoger llarla¬ 
kenden, who was born at Karls Colne, In 
lt'dl He came to New England In lfifif* 
and belonged to the gentry of Essex. 

Take no luUlilutt-lhfr* 
UK other Kugei*, but like 
all IliliMtioii*. they U. k 
■be mem amt value Iden¬ 
tified with the original 
^ and genuine. 

SolJ by leading 

u """‘ 231 


Plumbing and Heating Cn. 

Plumbing, Steam Heating, 

Tin and Copper Roofing. 

Your luriro or small contracts solicited. 

All kinds of Jobbing Promptly attended to. 

Stove and Furnace Repairing. 


East Weymouth. 

~■ I All sixes ami nil IlnislieH of l'liologrtpliB. 

UhntnnrrQnhC Instant ancons process used exclusively 

rllUIUgld|JIIOl fur children. 

* l.ncr MMirlmnl of ni'Tl'KK MUI LUIMiX c.rrlr. I. Cork. FIUKIM M*UK 10 IIMM. 

Our Eislon's Drug Store. STUDIO GRAND, Recklirt,Mat. 

South Weymouth Ice Company 

TIRRELL & BAYLEY, Proprietors. 


I 2—Pole, River und l'a lldl Si* 

I 3—Bradley Fcrtlli/.cr Works. 

14— Pole, WussagUMsct Hoad, 
i 5—Polo, Unlvcrsallst Church. 

I 6—Pole, Falrvluw House. 

I 7 -Pole, Sea uud North Kts. 

I 8—Pole, Lovell und Bridge St* 

1 9—Pole, Church and North St* 

2 I—Pole, Grant and High St* 

23— Pole, Jackson Square. 

24— Pole, Electric Station, privutc 
25 Pole, Hhuw’s Corner 

26 -Pole, M. Sheehy &. Co 

27—Pole, Bates Ave. und Broad St*. 

28 Pole, Shaw mut and Lake Si* 

29 -Pole, Strong & Garfield Co. 

223 Pole, Commercial and Putnam Sts. 
225 -Pole, ojijmslUi Daniel Pratt's 

31 — Pole, opposite 8 NV & K Na*h's 

32 -Pole, Congress aud Washington Sts 

34 -Engine House No fi. 

35 Pole, Prospect and Granite St- 

36 Pole, Gurllcld Square 

38 Pole, corner Llhrai y 

39 Pole, Commercial St , near Gruiu 


4 I Pole, Lovells Corner. 

42 Pole, opposite G S llnut'* 

43 Pole, Nash's Corner. 

45 1 le, eor k uud Main St* 

46 le, Tow uUSf 

47 -Pole, opposite Phillip Frailer'* 

5 I Pole, near oils Torrey's 

52 Pole, Engine House No. h 

53 Pole, ludepeudeuce Square 

54 Pole, near Depot 

55 * Pole, Cor Pond uud Thiekel Sts 

57 Pole, May's ('oilier 

58 I'ulou Sir»*et, opp Henry Chandl-'r 
61 Corner Randolph uud Forest St* 

At 7-P “Ybtk a.ui.. iiu scho‘I m any gr4>l«t dui 
Ilkg * •». 1 lit' Mine signal at <8 oVUnk, u j school 

in grades l an I a ilunn^ a iu. J la saute signal at 
11-4 i 

. 1 Iu-sann-M^nal at |i». i ..' I k |> m no 

. Ii.h-I in any during p m 

at the Water Office, or to 

JOHN K. III'.'VT, Cullrrlor. 
W Frmjt Street, NVeyiniiutli, Mas*. 
< iffie® Hour* : * to l‘J ami to 6. 

Cameras! Cameras! 

A . tun ru i* a never-emilng *uiin'e of plea* 
are. Do yon own one' IT not, why 110!/ 
surely the puce i* no harrier. NVe have 
*eciii<i| I In- agi in 1 tor till' ('elebrateil 

Eastman Cameras and Supplies 

.iii.l *linw tin III at II.(Ill, B'j.oo. «5.00 

ami upward*. Call and *ce them at the 



one kind only, but wouU to vutad la IU the E.-tcrn -hire, of Engl.n.l Hut It ‘ c>m ,. f / oro „ )|)fori | 

nature., not only would <>.ere m.y be ima.lhle he mMorlty of . lo lhe 

im rim fwiniiv inriiieiiee that i*. the even these to one or two of those Eastern .. . . 

tie me iamii) mnuuict, mui ■*, ui« Kssex gentry, became governor of the 

fuinllv nrlirln of each one of the counties. Let us examine tue eptinty of 7 / ” . , 

iamii) nrigin 01 tarn om 01 ... MassachusetU Colony, and at the time of 

Founders, but the special character*, lines Essex, for 
of thought, family worship, religious that H seei 
Ideas, mental characteristics, and even New Kuglu 
the occupation*, which they followed, counties. 

If we llud certain characteristic* peculiar Diese early 
to the people of these Eastern counties, ••'•' town* 
it w ill only be natural If we find the founded uf 
Founders of New Englaud having the •*•>'! from 

Essex, for Instance, and we w ill learn, 
tliut it seem* to have stamped Itself tipou 
New England more than any of the other 
counties. It was u natural thing for 
these early settlers in u new land to name 
the town* and villages which they 
founded ufter tiie town*, in the mother¬ 
land from w hich they came There is a 

! Diamonds > Ice and 


John Fiske, throws some light on predomlucnce of names in the early settle- 

tliis question. He says, iu The Begin- 
ulngM of New Englaud, pages 7.T-7.T. 

“No one can study the history of the 

lueiits of New Englaud, which arc the 
name* of places In Essex county Thirty- 
five til lca*t, of (lie earlienl settled towns 

two universities without belug Impressed In New England have Essex names 
with the greater conservatism of Oxford They arcBillcricu, Bow , Braintree, Brent 

and the greater hospitality of Cambridge 
toward new Ideas. The explanation may 

wood, Chelmsford, Colchester, Danbury, 
I Dedham, Eusihum, Euslon, lipping. E»- 

have some connection with the situation M ‘*t Hadley, Hatfield, Harwich, Haverhill, 

Itself upon bl* death In HIM was governor of Con- 
f t! • 1 her for his second 

' thing 0 for of Hoger llarlakenden 

.ml to name Then there was James Howe who came 
vhit'll they from Hatfield iu Essex In l(i:i7, and died 
lhe mother- l«i 1,1 l, “* 1041,1 >‘‘ ar (,f l » l, ‘ a «‘’- 

There is a Joliu Lovering from Detlham, and Chris- 
early settle- topher Martin, one of the Mayfiowcr 
leh are the Pilgrims, whoeame from Billerica with a 
y Thirty- wife and two servants. Also George 
tiled towns Minot, who t ame from Saffron Waldeu iu 
tex names. Essex In 1088, ami liecamu a representa- 
tree, Brent* tlve lu the Colonial Parliament, ami Abra- 
r, Danbury, P*B«» w ho came from Great Braddow 
Cpplug, F)s- and John Page from Dedham 
1. Haverhill, The Hev. George Phillips who was a 

I .\ 1 ititiii* iuii .1 iliaumiitl, m 
N nil rail. Dgii'I I Ii ink that it n ^ 

ipilri a .1 lark*' amount of iinnn ), imr M 
1I1.1I )oii 11111*1 pay lor it ull at "U> • . ^ 

out CREDIT t 

|l> mir •) *(• iu "l ••a*y payuu-nt*. 
\\ lib'll mi iintWi tnall, you «-n*» i a»tly 
buy a iliuiniiinl uini pay lor it a* you 
want. To tlic tlr»t ti n who rut thi* 
•nit amI bring n to 11 * wi* mIi! alkiw 
a *|H-r|al ill*, omit on tin ir pim li.i»( ■ 

Ice and COAL and 

Refrigerators WOOD 

Heavy Teaming, Plowing, etc., 

I'TI.Y ATTi:.\IH.l» TO. 

Office, Columbian Square, 


1 ft* 



| of Cambridge upon the East Angllcau Hemslead, Holland, MaUieu, Middletown, clergyman at lluxled lu Essex, and be- 
border, the Eastern counties of England | Newport, Norton, Haynham, Humford, caiue the minister at NVatcrlow u iu Massa- 
have often been remarked as rife iu I S(>riiiullel(l, Ktutnford, Stow . Stratford, chusetts iu 1(580. He I* called one of the 

373 Wafthington St. Room 36. 

Fiar lilamuad, JfSflr, and Halrb 

heresy ami ludepeudeuce. For many gen¬ 
erations the coast region between the 

Springfield, Stamford, Stow . Stratford, chuselts lu 1(5:10 He is called one of the 
Surrey, Sutton, To pa Held, Walden, Wul- first saiuts of New England, wu- the 

thurn, NVetheiafield und Woodford. 

East Weymouth Savings BanU- 

Thame* and the llumlter, was a veritable other county In England ha* given thirty- 

"lltus hooretlcum" Eonglind, Blahop MHe names of early towns In New Eog- He died lu K544 much 

of l.lncoln lu i:»20, reporletl Eollurdlsm Und..and uo where In the world, at that church iu Watertown 

a- especially vigorous aud obstinate iu «*rly day. except iu K**e\ county, aud iu Rogers, sou of Rev. Hi 

common auiestor of the Phillips family 
so proiniuent lu the history of Boston. 
He dle«l lu 1(54 4 much 1 a me u ted by his 
church lu Watertown Ue\ E/ekiel 

OrriOE H0DR8, lOto 12 a. m., 2 to 6 p. ui hladluceae, where more ihau two huu- New 1 

«i .11 uihrr k.. n .1 .. Klllrre.1 ^ ,,u,v brou * l “ f:""," 1 

ttu«(l, up*, (athullr Church. him iu the course of a single visitation | 1 11,1111 

eirly day. except lu Essex county, and iu Rogers, sou of Hev. Richard Rogers of 
New England can tie following names lie Wethersfield, who came to New England 

JOHN A. KA1M0NII, Town Clerk 

It was ill Elucolushire, Norfolk, Suffolk lUynham, 
aud Essex, uud among the feu* of Ely, Not only did the p.ople who came from DUlue Ills father, Rev John Roger* of 
Cambridge and Huntiogtoo that Purltau- Essex give these names to the places Dedham, was u great orator aud pruather 
I-III was Strongest at the end of the l< tl» where they settled, but a* they, or their well knowu in England, aud called the 
eeulury. It was as member aud leading descendant* mowd to other part* of the famous preacher of Dedham aud hi* bust 
spirit of the Ktataru Couutca Aasoclatiou, country, they made use of the names of still adorus the chaucd of the church at 
that Oliver Cromwell began his military their aucestral lu this way we Dedham iu Kssex The son. Nathaniel 

..- ..,.1 1,. ... .i...... .. huee ltruiutlee 1 Ycrtuout, Hatfield iu came with Ids wife aud family to New 

found Hlllcricu. How, Hrcutwood, 
Chelmsford, Easlliaui, Epplug. Harwich, 
Kmidium, Rumford uud Wethersfield 

Hreutwood, lu 1(588, aud became one of the ablest 
plug. Harwich, Dlvlues of ilia day Rev Nathauid Rog- 
I Wethersfield era, who was the soil of auother Essex 
whoeame from Diduc His father, Rev John Rogers of 
to the places Dedham, wa* u great orator aud preacher 



century. It was as member uud leadiug 
fplril of the Kastcru CoUUtcS Association, 
that Oliver Cromwell begun bis military 
career, aud In ao far a* there was any¬ 
thing sectional iu the struggle between 
Charles 1, and the Cong Parliament, it Top-field lu Mai"', uud Springfield has daughter ef Robert Crane of Coggcshull 
wa* a struggle, which ended in the dc- been repeated n the country more than iu Essex He had many descendants 
toryof the East over the West Eaat «»>’U(M»» aud hla eldest sou John, burn at Coggcs- 

Auglia was from first lo last the one re- Auother *11 ; - ttu ‘l suggestive tiling l*all became the fifth 1 resident of llaivaid 

gmlt which the ntipmuuc) ofPailiu- l- thut till business Df Qt t ’Ipal lull of the * ollege ( ottoli Matltel tail* tin- Na 
meut w as unquestionable and Impregnable, new towu wa- ke that of the old Hraiu thiuld Rogers, oue of the Fathers of 
even after the strength of its population tree and !»• ,a, n Were luauufaeturlug New F.nglaud 

had beeu diuiluished try scudiug some towns, both 11 1.-sex county and lu New 1 heu there wa* Joliu liturgies from 
thouatuds of picket! tueu and women ti» Engiuud. vdtde Harwich iu both places Na/lug iu Essex, uud Johu Shermau of 
America While every oue of the forty wa* a 1-hiug tow u on the seashore Dedham. who was horu iu lti:»4 ami In¬ 

still adorus the chaueel of the church at 
Dedham iu Essex The son. Natliauid 

have Hrululicc Vermout, Hatfield iu came with hla wife and family to New 
Peuusylvauiu, Mai ten ill New York aud England iu 1(58(5, uud ids wife was the 

d has daughter of Robert Crane of Coggeshall 
than iu Essex He bad mauy descendants 
aud his eldest sou John, troru ut Cogges* 
iltiug Lull became the fifth President of Harvard 
»f the College Collou Mather t ails this Na- 
Iraiu- thanlcl Rogers, oue of the Fathers of 

While every 

of the forty 

To People 
Who Want 
Reliable Pianos 

Eveu if you ate nut quite iratiy to bui a 
piatiu, c«mo ill and luok about our t-stabli-li* 
meat, Eiaten to the tunc of the various titakck 
!>ce tlic nun) stylet of ca»o and tty the iiikttu- 
inrnt* all you wi>li. Axk qurxtiuiis and let u* 
explain teniift and quote pines- You ate wel 
cutne heir whether you putcliaxc or Uut. Of 
otir tiling you may be certain if you ever want 
a line piano you’ll cunc to u> alter thi* vi»it 




A |>AINTS fur oilt h lit*, .ml lu.lilo in ull lliu uu» sliuileu 

nUKliKCO III while uuil color, will make old Celling* look like new 
HANS*Kit I.YK for cleaning heat dl.lnfcclaut on Ilia market l’UUNINO SAWS 
JAI'-A-I.AC for renewing wood work. Kid Mill STAIN AND WAX 
IIIII’SIIKS of all kind* 


A new and well -elected *toi k of CUTLI1UY. 


HI urn M» WINIMIW WITH T'lllUT-lT-AUU 1'LlUlllkll Uial'IH 



Washington Square, - Weymouth. 

All Rail Anthracite '*'!£.<. 

<il'U cuAI. come* ull the way from lhe lulue* lu ear*. <'ou*o|ueuUy ll 1* 
le** broken, eluauer au.l Biueh belWr than that coining by buata 

Itrgurki a Ilk luur ar4rr, aar ai aar ialradar* ar aa <>k,*ia> Hal. 



Yard, Wharf HI., KA 8 T WKYMOl TH. Tel. tl-A 

Tel. SI-*. 




Beal ft /T\e^artt7y 




ft draper 



Fat is of great account 

Pointed Paragraph*. 

I (’t.ltl ficl* often xauac hot argument* 

A lot of men ko broke* Jnat before tlie 
ilay break* 

If yon arc troubled with Ineorntil* ro 
to Bleep and forjrct It. 

A man Wldom act** like a fool nnlea* 
he's the real tiling 


Army of Government Employe*. 

from Leslie's Weekly l 

arc gigantic-. The coat of constrnctlon 
and equipment, which watx I 

In 1MR0, was $2,lPM.fl.T4,n77 In 1f>0?, nn | 
increase «*f 4 .*»«• per cent The annual | 
operating expenses mounted from $«I2, 
oil,is.*, to $ 142 ,ftl 2 ,ftR? the number «»f em- 


in.omnl* go Tlir gnvrrnmant of the t nlted Slaie* «*I 1 , 1 In * 141 , 812 ,K ,7 ihr nnuihrr nr rm- 
rrgnlr.. an inum-nar army nf men lo.lo |>l..f«* from 70 ,TM to ICo.Tfli', the mllrag- 
f■ h >1 nnl.-tn |ta ronllnc work, and neither In salary nor from * 12.1 to 22 .:.77 rhi- « age* paid In 
prospect of betterment dorr nur i lvll arr- l!H« tmnnnlefl to #K0,?*0,U«, <<r nearly 

I i, . t (III M ■* ItBR 11 • l a fill I ' IU • ' • 
chnrf tie* sr* . ordiallv intlOM to iimtu ••• li mii 
noant emetit* uf Mervt< e*,rtc., m ltie> in*. st*h 
We **nly •0|nil*tr lh»t »«rli nxUrr- (•• l-e in 
•ertnl ■ tikii r* »* h it* *l Itie !*•■«( • I* I liMr«*l«i> 
inornlPK of em it wi ek -die day bfforr |-tibltc» 

tlon. ‘ 





to a baby that is why 
babies are (at. If your 
baby is scrawny. Scott’s 
Kmttlsion is what be 
wants. The healthy baby 
stores as fat what it does 
not need immediately tor 
bone and muscle. Fat 
babies are happy ; they do 
not cry : they are rich ; 
their fat is laid tip for 
time of need. They are 
happy because they are 
comfortable. The fat sur¬ 
rounds their lit lie nerves 
and cushions them. When 
they are scrawny t li >se 
nerves are hurt at every 
ungentle touch. They 
delight in Scott’s Kniul- 
sion. It is as sweet as 
wholesome to them. 

OOOOOO oooooo o o oooooo©ooooo 

Lincoln Block Rockland, Mass. 

Pftklm’ Block .< Brockton 

(’HATTKll I. hud no 

P nil the people Unit ever went: •‘•nd tn» 
weat flint expedition wna the* ’><>" 
moat reinnrknble. ; °*d hoii 

A ainnll boy in n big Imaket' to me n 

had no iit*jo#» of what lay before or be 

•Now. boy. take a good look at the 
«dd lion-e.’’ I reniemlMM- lie xvlilsjierod 
to me tit the gate Unit flight. '"Tnln't 

!!HlTl..i.* of a jolly olil who Ilk. lJ yo ll nyor II ng In. K'-I"l > 

..Iminl, n rllto In tliu I no,..' ho ii'l'b’, 1 . Ii'lllng dc.tvii the In n 

olhor; ,, hlnok .log no,'Mug n, -out, nt the too, of the lnl,e. 

eklrml.l.e, mill tour gum,I Hint «„« "'•••‘I. ",, "" ' , '* * 

).. ,1,,. „f it ni,.y were ... grow under n- <lut t Ih> pull) aprj. 

if a ■ 111110,1 homo in the nortli of Ver I I unn loll ye , „ . . 

«.„i,t mi,I wore traveling Mr Into the I' win. unite ihirk. unit he felt lit. 

.." ,,h! 1 

jssrsm? r:,: 

J •’ . .. I my work earner. 

I had to hold my head down present 
ly when the tall brmdi begun to whip 
the basket, and I heard the big boot* 
of t nde Kb ripping tlio briers. Then 


AND NOTARY <«th snals) 


with iliiat. their fnee* hrmvulng the 
hot nun. It win it very small hoy Hint 
ant liohilo the Imnkol mi,I oiling to the 
rim, Ills tow lien,I nbukliig as the ol,l 


nn,I l.egnl l’npersof every 
name anil nature prompt¬ 
ly ,lra„ n ami cMTiite,l lie saw womle,Ml things of t'm le Kb ripping the briers hen 
. ,.. the ,ve eillne Into the I.kl.ess of the thlek 

North Wrymooth, Mass. * 

South Shore 

MEETINGS Flat MonNiy tl Etch Month 

At Royal Arcanum Hill, 
at 7.30 P. M. 

Moony to Loan at Each Meting on 
Mortgage* of Beal Estate. 

Minimum Hate of Interest, 0 per oent 

per annum. 

For Information, or Loin* between tho 
meeting*, apply to 
CHAS. G. JORDAN, Seo'y-Tr***. 
Weymouth, Mau. 

fir press Co* 

Railroad Express. 
Quick Service. 


Call and see us. 

A(l Sen Street. 



Weymouth, East Braintree and Botlon. 
KUtili a I'royrlrtur. 

t.'» IVvomdilrv Hlrect. Kii»m*t«»l» Stn <•(. 

T. l. plium- 137 * Multi. Tcb poitf 3 »VJ * *»f"rd. 

Id t'liinn MrvrL 

Telephone l.'.W, I &47 Uicliinnnd. 

Expressing, Baggage Transferring, 
Finitiri at Sad Moiiit, Him Tewlij 


Harxr “OltlOLK- To Let for Plfilra. Kxmrsloa* 

Stable, Norfolk Street, Weymouth. 


North Weymouth, 
Quincy and Boston 


day after day looking down at the 
green fields or peering Into the ghMitny ( 
readic*a of the wood, and he talked 
about them. 

•Tnele Kb, in that whore the swift* 
lire?" lie would ask often, and the old 
man would answer: No; they ain't 
real sassy this time o' year. 'I liev lay j 
round In the deep dingles every day." 

Then the Htuall volte would slug Idly 
or prattle with an ImuKluiiry being , 
that had a habit of peeking ove. tin 
edge of tin* basket or would slnmt a 
Ifi'cetlug to some bird or butterfly and 
ask Anally: 

“Tired, L'nele KbV" 

Sometimes the old gentleman would 
nay “Not very" and k«H*p on, looking 
thoughtfully at the ground. Then, 
again, ho would slop and ump hi* bald 
bead with n big ml handkerchief and 
nay. n little tremor of Irritation In 
hi* voice: “Tired! Who wouldn't be 
tired with a big elephant like you on 
hi* buck all day ? I'd be ’shamed o’I 
myself t’ *et there an’ let an old man 
tarry me from Pan to Iteerslieba. (»lt 
out now an’ shake yer legs." 

I was {lie small boy. and I reinemboi 
It was always a great relief to get out 
of the basket and. having run ahead, 
to lie in the grass among the wild flow 
ers and Jump up at him as lie came , 

I'licit* Kb had been working for my 
father live years before l was born, lie , 
was not a strong man and had never | 
been able to carry the wide swath ot 
the other help in the Helds, but we all 
loved him for bis kindness and his . 
knack of story telling. He was a bach 
elor who eume over the mountain from 
Pleasant Valley, a little bundle ot 
clothes on Ids shoulder, and bringing a | 
name that enriched the uomenclutur# 
of our neighborhood. It was Kben Ilol | 

lie lmd n cheerful temper and an Ini 
uglnutlon that was a very wilderness ot 
oddities. Hears and panthers growled 
and were very terrible in that strung* 
country, lie bad Invented an animal 
more treacherous than any In the 1 
woods, and he called It a swift. “Sum 
thin' like a panther," lie described tin 
look of It a fearsome creature that lay 
lu the edge of the woods at sundown | 
and made u noise like a woman crying 
to lure the mi wary. It would light one's 
eye with fear to hear l.’ncle Kb lift 
bis voice In the cry of the swift. Many 
a time iu thf twilight when the bay ot 
a hound or some far cry came faintly j 
through the wooded hills 1 have seen 
him lift his hand and bid us hark. Ami 
when we had listened a moment, out 
eyes wide with wonder, he would turn 
nud say lu a low, half whispered tone 
•• n swift." 1 suppose we needed j 
more the fear of (.Sod, hut the young 
children of the pioneer needed also the 
fear of the woods or they would hav* 
strayed to their death In them. 

A big bass viol, taller than himself 
had long been the solaee of his Sun 
days. After he had shaved a ceremo 
ny so solemn that it seemed a rite ot 
his religion that sacred viol was un 
covered. He curried It sometimes to tin 
back pluz/.u and sometimes to the barn 
where the horses shook and trembled 
nt the roaring thunder of the strings 
When he begun playing we children 
had to get well out of the way and keep 1 
our distance. 1 remember now the look 
of him then-lils thin fare, Ids soft | 
black eyes, bis long nose, the suit ot 
broadcloth, the stock and standing col 
lar and, above ull, the solemnity lu hi* 
manner when that big devil of a tlilnii 
was leaning on bis breast. 

As to Ids playing, I have never heurf 
a more fearful sound in any time ot 
peace or one b*ss creditable to a Chris 
thin. Week duys he was addicted tc 
the milder sin of the flute, and aftei 
chores, If there were no one to talk wltt 
him, he would sit long and pour hit 
soul Into that magic bar of boxwood. 

timber, and I could hear him feeling 
bis way over the dead leaves with lib 
cane. I got down shortly and walked 
beside him, holding on to the rifle with 
ono hand. We stumbled often and 
were long In the trail before we could 
see the moonlight through the tree eol 
mini*, lu the clearing I climbed to my 
scat again, and by and by we came tc 
tho road, where mv companion sal 
down, resting his load on a bowlder. 

"Pretty hot, l'nele Kb; pretty hot,* 
he SAld to himself, fit Hill tig his brow 
with that old felt hat lie won* every¬ 
where. “We've route three mile el 
more without a stop, an' I guess we'd 
better rest a JilTy." 

My legs ached, too, and 1 was get 
ting very shs*py. 1 remember the Jolt 
of the basket as he rose and hearing 
him say, “Well. I nde Kb, 1 guess we’d 
j better be goln'." 

The elbow that held my head, lying 
on the rim or the basket, was already 
numb, but the prickling could no lon¬ 
ger rouse me, and, half dead with wea¬ 
riness, 1 fell asleep, l'licle Kb has told 
me since that 1 tumbled out of the has 
ket once and that lie had a time of it 
getting mo in again, but I remembei 
nothing more of that day’s history. 

When I woke In the morning 1 could 
hear the crnekllng of Are and felt very 
wnrm and cozy wrapped In the big 
Fhawl. 1 got a cheery greeting from 
I t nele Kb, who was feeding tho tire 
' with n big heap of sticks that he had 
piled together. Old Fred was llckluc 
my hands with his rough tongue, und 1 

An officeholder who l.n< a pull doesn’t vice offer much to the ambitions young 

generate much push 

Too many people are trying to make 
h meat dollais dishonestly 

If n man knows he Is In the wrong lie 
cun afford to get angry 

Advice that coincides with your own 
opinion Is easily swallowed 

ft* per cent of the total operating ex- 
|H.r*on,,(i'll her What i. .leimml- Tl.- from »a-r 

nni-,1 I>« tli--x-<i.llv-, hit ,-rvl— I* -„n triUHc r-.n»ln I-** tlinn lh<w- of .1.- 
gtriiiNl t» comP<j*0 ..It imt.oii* In Ih- r*llw»y», tho IXUtr flinging !'<£.*(* ; 
employ of th- -xtMM.llvc ,l-pnrt...-nt of In i;* 02 , where the *tr—t r*llr„»il 
Hi- f-.l-ra! government, -x—pt -t.llMc.1 -elpt* were 0 X 1 . 3 , 
men In th-military an,I naval hranchea, A curlona development of th -17 
nil,I the nn.iii.-r In gh. n nt STl.inn nn——ding l«!M »». th- ntvlfl ill»a| 

Thin dvll-aervlec hunt In larger than any an— of the home ear Th-r-were 

Light literature In cxpfnnlve when It nrmlen the government ever employed In 
cornea In the nhape of gun l.llln actual war except during tho period of 

A curious development of the 12 years 
succeeding was the swift dlsnppcar- 
nnce of the horse car There were 1 . 2«.2 
miles of electric railway in 1*'.K) and 

A man Is never quite sure whether n 
woman Is sorry or glad when she cries. 

There would Ik* more microbes In kisses 
If they appreciated n good soft snap 
There arc but few sensible people In 
the world- yet they all agree w ith you 
Probably more men would become fa¬ 
mous If they didn't attempt to write 

actual war except during the of ntllen of home-power railway Non 
the rebellion In treating of the civil there arc SI ,007 mile* of electric-railway 

oi.i» South cm m u (South Wey 
mouth ) Hcv II (’ Alvord. pastor 
Morning service, in .'to Sunday School, 
lit. Ilaraca Voting Men's (’lass, 12 on 
V P S (’ K meeting at I’* F.vcfilUg 
service at 7 .on Thursday c\citing, 7 :in. 

Thinity Churcii (Weymouth Hev 
William Hyde, rector Sen he with ser¬ 
mon nt lo.tto n iu an I 7 :• i p in Sunday 
School nt 12 00 m 

service the census bureau ulvluca tuts 
force into two parts one, numbering 
120,7si',, comprises largely those who are 
exempt from civil-service examinations 
Included In this division are * 8 ,lH 0 post¬ 
masters, 10 ,M.V* employes nt tion-free de¬ 
livery post-olllces, and I*,lb* men at 
navy yards and stations 
The classilled civil service takes cogni/.- 

iiiiitxriJMviiit inti xi n> in mu. • , - t; N „, N t'OMOKKOA I tONAI. ClHIUll 

mil— of home-power railway Now v (S „ m |, Weymouth) lie. Harry \V 
there are 21 , 1*07 miles of electric railway Kimball, pastor. Mornluu service at 
census bureau divides this and only 2 ft!* miles of horse-power railway Sunday School nt 12 m V P 

<> part** one, numbering The street car horse has gone the way of s * h meeting at *• p m 

.tinea largely ... (ha. .. ... „ulch-eyed and “Kr 

wondroua race " aa Walt Whitman called ,. ri . Bt .|,"in K a. lo.SO a. in ami 7 do p in. 


Why Suffer or Pay Exorbitant Prlcw ? 

\ ain woman may accuse n man of he- I unceof l.‘»o,:is;i governments employes, In- 

ing a flatterer, but never of l»cing n lint eluding 1 :) 7 » 0 f>l males and 1 : 1,322 females 
Some men l.ualle almoat aa hard for a "f » r '- aervlng In .he 

till, aa no...., women l.uatle for a l.ual.and poal-oiliee departnieid and ' In the 

, , , .1,1.* treasury department Thus it Is seen 

An amiable haul,elor a.ya that aim at ihM uyo ,,,. pIrtnlrnt , employ 

any mlaa I, better than a mile providing , f((|irl|| , „ ( r |..aalfled elvll-aer- 

ni ' UI "' r .. . Bor • v "" nit vice employee. More than half of nil the 

Sciential* tell na that people aho.ild wed p () .m un , „ere tiled by examination*, and 

The Aga of Mortal Ganiua. 

If vail nr. ,. .lUf-ier .. henola aa* I’hraik 

It..rear. Wraknr» Mamarh, hl*an, llla*l„ 
aa* Irlaar, Trualilr.. Ulna* Pnl.nalag. Mi. 
IHaea.ra, t'hroalr ln*lgr..loa. or are ailing ■ 
Hiiy ill-cicf pci'iiliiir In ymi, »cfk tlu* ndvlce 
. wln»»i pisrtlcc Hit*I experience n* » RbO- 

•list thr last 20 jrars Iwvr (might him * 

pro.'.lpll.V nppty till* proper n tnpdle* t«* <|iilckly f. 

Hint, tl.etli.enwr. 

i I' folu the New York Press ) 

their opposites. Perhaps that Is why so a , M)Ut one .f 4>(irt h were brought Into the 

many people are anxious to marry money, „ t . rv i C c by its extension 

You never hear a widow aectise a man figures do not Indicate that appointment 
of being nn Idiot unless she Is In love to a ,;| v ll-servlce Insures long tenure. 

them, the Broadway omnibus (irixers Hlble School, 11.45 Young people’s meet- " f v" r wi m nn j 

In the name perlial the cable line* have I„g at « '•rayer meeting, Thu-day 

decreased from 44 s to 211 miles and the ' »• .u.v ill«cn«c |M . nlii*r to yon, *•(•«• 

*team line* froin 711 to 170 mile*. UsivK"aAl.t8 T Cltuitcii (!Sorth \\ ey- .. h,t .....I .-xp 

mouth) lev Melvin S Naah. pastor. |hr „„ M lu 

Sunday ael.m.l m I I.. p.... . preaohlng al . in, 

The Aga of Mortal Geniut. 2.30 P m n„. 


"Take the sum of human achievement," Sunday services are held as follows: dully in v smi 

*ava Ur. Haler. "Ill action, 111 aclcnce, In Morning aervlce, 10 . 3 ( 1 . Sal.lialh Selmol, .. ^ ' 

art, In literature; anhtraet the work of 12 m Kpworth League ae.tIce al j, do 1 ' 

. , . p ... Evening preaching aervlce ..I■•- _ 

men above (o. and while we al.onld mlaa ‘,. r A or meeting Tlinraday .•veiling, 7.30 |W |W ffcV 

great trenanrea, even prleeloaa trcaanrca, u NI „ N ('„x„ l ,KOArit.N*i.f'ilfncil (Wey- IIU V I 

we would practically he where we are mouth au,I Braintree) llev. llol.ert II IB I 

today." Cochrane, paator. Morning service at ■ 

A general rule la not cuav to apply In 10 . 30 . Sunday School at 12 . Y .1 S ... nnnPI 

8 C. K. at (UK., l’raver meeting Tl.i.ra- Timpc RIHp HHDL* 

and. a caae. Ureal deeda have been done, l(By cvunlnu at 7 30 .' All; are Invited to < HUBS DIUg.i DnUUf 

• l ake the sum of human achievement,'' 


Inllv la s. Smidi»y» la 

itidio • la t• • mi 
vciiIiik* till h I'. 1.1 

will, him and he la In love with *omc other , ,f tl,c total above alated, 3 : 1 ,f. 3 .-, held tl.elr ' sh ', 1 ' u |“| ,„|,' tracl work of men WevniouVl.')"' Ttev. ’wi'illai'ii Tl llli’lTeri 

woman places ono year or leas, while only », '.'711 unilt , r 4 „ fr „ m tl , e am., of human achieve- P»*‘or. Morning w-otjhlp and preaching 

Nearly -very divorce reaol.a In two have held the,r* for■ 2 ". year* or^ morcc lllunl lt wouhl make no more dlircrcnco to 

mure marriages. There are, ltowL>tr, in int. . r * the worhl, probably, than the reduction ing service at 7 . 00 . Tuesday evenings, 

«»'» <"• w,lllc « c al' 0 ' 1 '' 1 " ll? " prayer meeting 

great treaaurea. even prleclea* trcaanrca, L , N1 „ s c, ls , i |. K , iA . 
W'e would practically he where we are niouth and Hraintrct 
today." Cochrane, pastor. 

A general rule Is not easy to apply in Sunday Scle 

and. a eaae. Great deeds have been done, f^y ovmlng’ai 7.30 
great thoughts uttered, by men of all attend these scrvle 
ages, from tender youth tojulvanced age Mktiioihsi Ki*is».( 


Times Bldg., BROCKTON, MASS 

oflitv ii III III clo«cd III! dny Tii(««d»jR 

Jpmf for (rev sample. 

;es, from tender youth tojulvanced age Mktiioihsi Krisnu-xt. Cut iteii (Fast 
If we should subtract the work of men Weymouth). Hev. William II Ibitler, 
liter 40 from the sum of human achieve- l'»»‘**r- wx.rahlp and preuelllng 
, ,, , , at 10 . 30 . .Sumlay School at noon, hp- 

..■>( Il >a —ill.I limb., ini III, Ha- 1 1 1 ll • • r* -11 <-* > III . - . .. 

De ture tint thlt f lwture In 11 . . 

It.r f^rOf a label '* Ot. he is on the square 
^raj■ r of e/ery bottle of 1 > ot |* t imagine 
tmulslon %ou buy 

It Is Impossible to hoy n mail ..IT If he persona who hate held plae.a more than from lht . „.|,ole of the deeda of men he- 

Don’t Imagine that a man can talk on 
any subject Just liecttUae he does. 

ftO years. 

Kxcludiiig those who are paid by piece¬ 
work and fees, as will as those whose 

iu prayer meetings Thursday 



yon.l the dcr age limit for the maximum evenings 7 1 ',, class Holy 

’ ' . , (’oinmi.nlon, llrat Sunday In every in,mil. 

Scott 4- Bourne 

who la making .. night of II employment was for brief l"' ril " 1 "; "»■ 

40V4I.1 harl Vtremt 
aVtui York 

50 c and 1 1 00 

Ail Jruggilta 

never thinks of the morning nft^r. 

It's quite easy to convince some married 
men that It is good to he alone 

Men seldom speak favorably of a poli¬ 
tician unless they have an nx to grind 
About ten minutes after you get the 

number of persons on the pay-rolls is 

of human usefulness and cndittvor. 

We shall not trouble to do the sum. 
Any one is welcome to add together the 
ages of Noah when he built the Ark, 

stated at 131 , 0 <*G. The number who arc (> sor w hcn |, 0 conquered Britain. Co- 

paid less than $ 72 «» per \c«r is ft 0 , 0 ft 7 . I ltimtius when he found America. Shake- 

only 1,731 are paid more than$2,000 a s p t . art . when he wrote 

well w hen he lopped oil' Charles' head, 
tlelan unless they have an ax to grind. Continuing the analysis of salaries, we Nupolooii at the summit of Ids fame, 

About ten minutes after you get the flnd that 72.7 per cent of all the classilled Washington when he fought his biggest 
snow shoveled off your sidewalk It begins employes on salaries receive less than battles, Fulton w hen lie built Ids steam- 
to thaw. $ 1 , 4 <io a year The number of male em- | M ,at, .leaner when he discovered Vaccl- 

\ milliner is always suspicious of a ployes who get more than $2,7.00 la 1.1 nal | on , Beethoven when he wrote the 

tnlioii leaving the Meld and then the to thaw, 
tumult ended as suddenly ns It began. 

The corn trembled a few moments aud A 1,1,11 
hushed to u fiiint whisper. Then we woman 

A milliner Is always suspicious of a 

Beethoven when he wrote the 

woman customer who doesn’t want to per cent and the percentage of females N |„ th Symphony, Kipling when lie con- 

could hear only the drip of raindrops try on every lint she has 

leaking through the green roof. It was 
dark under tin? corn. 

To hi (‘oiifiniirtl. 

While the orchestra plays between the 
acts men go out and smile, hut the ladles 
must simply grin and hear it. 

who arc paid above SI,Hot* Is exactly the “M an ,| a i a y," Newton when he saw 

same. There are 3,422 of the clvll-ser- the apple fall, and the autln r of "Bedella," 

vice army who are less than 20 years of wllcn f c *u i„t 0 that ecstasy, and from 

e, and 101 who arc so more. One of t j lc total flnd the average age of mortal school at 12 

following morning service. 

Oi.t» North Church (Weymouth 
Heights.) Kcv. 11 ill pi i .1 llnughton,pastor 
Preaching service at 10.30 a. in. Sunday 
School at 12 . Prayer and praise meet¬ 
ing Thursday evening at 7 . 3 *». 

(North Weymouth). Hev. T. 11 Vincent, 
pastor. Morning service at 10 . 30 . Sun¬ 
day school, 11 . 4 ft a. in. Kvenlng ser¬ 
vice at 7 (Ml. A cordial welcome Is ex¬ 
tended to all of these services. 

ConoukoATIONAI. ClU llCII ( Hast Wry- 
mouth). Hev. Kmcry I*. Hrndford, pas 
tor. Morning worslilp nt 10.30 a in. i 
Sunday School at 11 . 4 ft. Y P. S. ('. 
nt ( 5 . 30 . Kvenlng service nt 7 . 30 . 

Fntsr UMVKitsAi.isr Cutiu'ii (Wey¬ 
mouth) Hev. Melvin S. Nash, pastor. 
Sunday morning service at 10 30 . Sunday 


Coal Dealers 

Hard and Soft Coal, 
Otto Coke, 

Hard and Soft Wood 
Hay and Straw, 


Telrplioiie 211 - 2 . 

To Cure a Cold In One Day. 

Take Laxative Hroino Quinine Tablets. 
All druggists refund the money If it falls 
to cure K. W. Drove’s signature Ison 
each box 2ftc 

must siiiipij „rn t | 1L , cur |osltle9 of the bulletin from w hich K ,.„|„s. We prefer to look around us at 

If you would knock a stubborn man t j| CMe figures have been obtained Is tlmt those who All the pulsing present with 

dow n Instead of stopping to argue with it sla t t ..s that 10 of the persons of less ,] oe ds to see how fur Professor (islcr’s 

him you would save a lot of wind and ^ ^ V( , ars ,,f n ^ c have been in the set- rtt i L , %v ni carry us Into his conviction. 

much valuable time -Chicago Dally News y|ce fro| * n f , ve to n | ne years. IMace-hoUl- 
-—- lug began very young with some of them. 


Long drawn out—“l-o-n-g.' 

vice from live to nine years. Place-hold* it is true tlmt this of nil nges Is the 
lug began very young w ith some of them, strenuous age of youth, but n powerful 
The largest number of employes Is shown i )04 | y |, 0 hls that It Is better not to do 


ntiil upward have 1.. 111 tlie service loss w i,„ |„ om large 111 It alioiihl tlrup tliulr 

than live year*. tools at tlioilsler ukase that they no longer 

could serve the race! 



Long drawn out—“l-o-n-g." In the age period between 30 anil 3 !i year*. niauY things than to do some things. 

The olil-lhne town erler has lieeti cried Nine per vent of those who arc 80 years jj ow history w ould change If some 

down. and upward have been In the service less w h 0 loom large In It should drop their 

You enn eat slow I v, even in a fast dill- than live years. tools at thcOsIer ukase that they no longer 

Ingrnr. could servo the race! 

Facts are stubborn llnngs, when you |, the United Slate* Drifting Toward* 
try to get them out of some people. Aulrocracy? The United State* and Japan. 

Like some lamps, most people sputter (P,nm the I'hiUdelrtiia Ledger.) (From the Columbia, O, Pn-ss Poit.) 

when they a,.: put out A „ Ull , re 11(lt 8onlc traits In our national P“f' ml!,Uc vle » of . 1 ll “ t ?!S' rm “ 

Owners Of hotels that don't pay have c i iaraelcr which predispose toward one- of the military committee Is entire^ in- 

their inns and outs. manpower? It has been pointed out time warranted, and U,e proposition that tin 

A smart lawyer can heat the best car- tt „d again that our liulustrial organization l tdted States *1011 ( now >or n prt p « 
penter ofllmes nailing a lie. Is the most despotic in the world The ‘ certain cm. Uet with . pan 

Facts are stubborn tilings, when you 
try to get them out of some people. 

l.ike some lamps, most people sputter 
when they are put out. 

Owners .»f hotels tlmt don't pay Imve 
their inns und outs 

A smart lawyer can heat the best car¬ 
penter ofllmes nailing a lie 

The United States and Japan. 

(From the Columbus, O., Press-Post.) 

Skconh Church (South ] 
Weymouth.) Hev. I*. \V. Attwood, pastor. 
Morning service at 10 . 30 . Sunday School 
at 12 m. 

Tkm l’KUANCK IIai.i, (Hast Weymouth) 
Gospel temperance meeting at ft p. m. 

I’ohtku M. K. Church (Lovell’s Corner; 
Hev. Mr. Adums, pastor. Sunday 
School at 12 . 4 ft. Preaching service at 2 
p. m.—Kpworth League at O.imi. Social 
anil Praise service at 7 p. m. All are 
cordially luvlted. 

Cltuitcii ok Sr Francis XAViKR(South 
Weymouth) Hev. J. B. Holland, rector. 
Sundays—Masses 8.00 and 10 a. iu Sun¬ 
day School 11 1 ft a. in. 

Cltuitcii ok thk Sacrkh IIkaht (Wey¬ 
mouth) Hev. .) IL Holland, rector. 

Best Grade o 



The pessimistic view of the chairman Sunday—Masses at 7.30 and 10.30 a. in. 
(i«. . .... Sunday School at 2.30 p. in. Vespers at 

of the military committee Is entirely un¬ 
warranted, and the proposition tlmt the 

4 p in. Week days—Mass 7 a ill. 


For Open Grates, 

I'nltcd Statu* should now begin prvimra- tion (Ka*t Weymouth), ltev. .1 unit's W 
tlon for certain conlllet with .Ia|iau I* Allison, rector.' ltev. Maurice Lynch, ns- 

nter ofllnie* nailing a lie. Is ilie must despotic in the world me extreme. Japan will have slstant. Masses Sunday at 8 and 111 30 a 

The chiropodist knows less about foot absolute power wielded by the presidents ■ 1 , , in. Sunday School al 3 p. m. Vespers 

1 .. . . .. ... 1 —... considerable outlet for her overpopula- Masses week days at 7 and 

AH sizes , 

hull than about the hull of the foot. 

The mail behind the gun bus no business 
to he half shot himself. 

In making a man better the doctor gels 
the best of Ids pocketbook. 

of American business corporations in the 
management of such concerns’ cannot he 
paralleled in any other country. It Is 
evident to every observer tlmt the princi¬ 
ples that have determined our Industrial 
success are now strongly influencing our 

considerable outlet for her overpopula¬ 
tion when she dually obtains coutrol of 
Korea. Korea 1 ms long been desired hv 

in. Sunday School ut 3 p. in. Vespers 
at 7 . 4 ft p in Masses week days at 7 and 
i 7 . 30 . 

Sr. iIkiiomk'm Church (North Wey- 

,la|>utiese statesmen ns nn outlet for her mouth). Pastor, Hev. .lames W Allison 

The horncH nhuok and trembled ot th« 
roar I mi thunder of the btrlnys. j 

suppose that Is wlmt waked me. Ten 
was stooping in the little pot tlmt bung 
over tlie lire, und our breakfast of boil¬ 
ed eggs und bread und butler lay on il 
paper beside ll. I remember well tlie 
scene of our little cutup tlmt morning. 
We hud come to u Htrnugc country, nnd 
there was no road lu sight. A wooded 
Itili lay back of us, and just before ran 
u noisy little brook, winding between 
smooth banks, through n long pasture 
into u dense wood. Behind n wall on 
the opposite shore il great Held of rus¬ 
tling corn tilled u broad valley nnd 
stood higher tlinn u man's head. 

While I went to wash my face in the 
clear water l’nele Kb wns husking 
some ears of corn that lie took out of 
his pocket and had them roasting over 
tlie tire in ii moment. We ate heartily, 
giving Fred two big slices of bread nnd 
butter, packing up with enough remain¬ 
ing for another day. Breakfast over, 
we doused the lire, and l'nele Kb put 
on His basket, lie made after n squlr- 

tihoul others need to right themselves 

lacking tlmt we are beginning to depart 

Assistant, Hev. Maurice Lynch. Muss, 
Sunday at 3 . Sunday School at 3 . 

Zion’s IIillChai’KI. (East Weymouth) 
Social service at 2 and 3.30 p in. 

Fntsr Ciiuucii ok Christ, Scikstikt, 

Delivered in Weymouth 
or Braintree 

111 making a man livlter ll„- ,l„cl„r gets ' , , : overllow population. So Korea Assistant Hov aauico ,iki. .muss, 

, . , 7 - i *i i, p es tlmt have determined our Industrial • 1 lin nntll . Sunday at 3 . Sunday Selmol at . 1 . 

I Hast of His pocketbook. ‘ ucccsa ar „ uow strongly Influencing our «“» »"> » f l “ r S " , 1 Zion's II.LLC.ui-Kt. (East Weymouth) 

There are times when people who write omi( . a , ayKlcl „. indications are not rally tended to ctoss the 1 adllc to Hawaii goclalservice at 2 and li .80 p m. 
out others ueed to right themselves. lacking that we are beginning to depart and California or to Australia. Korea s kiiist Ciiuucii ok Ciiuiht, Suikn itht, 
The bookmaker does,,, 7 re,o furnish fr „ m tl , tradUloua. Ideas of popular 

Index to Ills own character government lhu appointive power of t | |cru nu ( |„ubt that Japan will eolonlzc ton street, south of Ilollls avenue. Sun- 

II, lug overcome by ln/.lness Is often the executive Is being constantly enlarged, salUers If for no other reas- 'lay School at HUS m. Weduesilay ut 

outcome, of an Income and nn Increasing number of ofllcers ure it w th aetual settlers,ir for no ot i r r. as _ ^ p |n a . experipnee 

, . , . - - ,,1 ****• i,in on than to moke certain of the hold which meeting. Heading room open Tuesday 

an index to Id* own character 
Being overcome by luzino 

Augustus J. 
Richards & So 

(lie outcome of nil ineome. 


The departure of trains doesn't mean 
tlmt women will wear them no longer. 

A bright child does not always turn out 
to he a shilling light in the community. 

An unlettered man cannot get a posi¬ 
tion as letter currier. 

government. The appointive power o |j4 no (loubt llial f j apan w lll colonize ton street, south of Hollis avenue. Sun- 

ls often the executive is being constantly enlarged, dav School at 10 . 4 .» a. in. Wednesday ut 

am! an Increasing number of ofllcers ure It with actual settlers If for no other ca - . ^ p a t „ Htllll(1Ilv experhmee 

r | a . oil than to make certain of the hold which meeting Heading room open Tuesday 

i't mean being withdiawu II H | IU |i aa obtained by military success. Tliursilgy und Frpluy afternoons unit 

mger. These changes represent tendencies ,, B . 1BI1 a , ao liaa the greet ls la nd of For- Tuesday evening .All nre welcome, 

turnout t "' var ' 1 : r, ; aU ; r '''I""!.',.™' in„»a, another outlet for her population. AU; Noui.s. Cnl'ucll, (Coehnto Hall 

toward greater elllclency in administra¬ 

tion ; but it Is still an open question ,n, ’ s0 ’ anol,,L ‘ r 

Souls ('iiuucii (Cochato Hall 

&. SON8. 

io »e a smiling „S"I me .. wl|ct|lor Uley ari . „i harmony with the . “"'7 “ “" f 

All uulettered man cannot get a posl- i.|.. as 0 r nol mlar government. the nation more nearly allied to the Amur 

Ilo.1 as I,.tier earrler ... 1 1 , Li„, „ lean nation than any other occidental nu- 

lion os idler carrier. We seem to be reaching a point w hen a , .. . , 

There aren’t so many “knockers" ns new adjustment must lie made between 1 ua 1LS '“ ' ‘J. a a “ , ? 

there were before door hells eume Into democracy and clllcloney. A spirit of " a ' n ' 0 ’ 111 ~ . ‘ . " i 

fashion questioning and doubt Is rife as to economic uture as a na,i ifaeti ring a id 

" - .iii commercial nation She Is more fuior* 

Broerasliuatloii is the thief of time, whether the forms of government *hitl _ 

. Braintree). Hev. Frederick H (irillin, 

Study the Japanese ami you will flnd t j'reaelilug service at lu.fln 

Easy and Quick! 


study me Japanese am. you « |m(tlor ,. rL . at .i lluu N ,. r vlce at lu.flll 
the nation more nearly allied to the A mer- suhhuili School ut 11.1 j. Kindergarten 

lean nation than any other occidental na- cluss ut 11 . 4 :., In charge of Miss Helen 

tlon. Besides the day is just dawning 
when Japan Is entering upon u great 
economic future us u manufacturing and 

All are welcome. 


p.ll. iHrtn -W'rjmuulh or Kant Hralntrre. hut other thieves sometimes get more out the founders of our system 

established 8ituatcd than any power in the world 

of tin* watch store. 

are adequate to meet tlie complex proh- 

to trade with Chinu, and in seafurlng 

Mortgagee’s Sale. 

Go all to pieces—pies and cakes. . . . 

in being made through the slow und silent 
nflen found lu the West-the yeast. llf c „ ual | UlU o„al Interpretation 

A handkerchief may he full of tears and ral | lt , r ,|ian by the more revolutionary 
uot he torn. method of amendment; hut these changes 

From any standpoint, some things nre ar ,. no less Important than if made 
rd to stand through changes In our organic luw. 

The girt who blushes may not he a pa- The executive power has prollted by 
oLle eulor hearer every step In the broadening of lnterpre- 

clvill/.atlou. The adjustment there is nu possible doubt that the 

liy virtue of a jHJwer ol wlf ctinUiiifl n a ter- , . . 

in inortiracc deed civcn by (.'liarlea II. Lovell of hard to stand 

. tain mortgage deed Ki' 

rcl presently with old Fn*d anil brought Wcymoutli to llarriaon A. Aldri»h, tru»tre, dated 

him down out of n troo liy* j K^£ , ai,!n*«?fi*j?andMdanrf l to , in*^M l trustal I trlotln color bearer 

stones at him. and then tin 1 faithful fnl 

ImM, k 644, page 622, and aligned to me .is trustee 
(.1) March 4, 1901, for tlie i iiijR-se of toreclosing 

Japanese are hound to become leaders. 

What the United States should consider 
for the future, is not how she may whip 1, 
Japan In some war which exists In the |. 


68 Cintre Street, Brockton, 

mi -lock ull tlie popular adverlUcd Style*, 
nl Shape*, lie** Qiiaiitlf*, Ne»ve«t Idea-, al 
•*t pl'ieew, Hpeehll ( or«e*.« fur Sloill Women. 

From any standpoint, some tilings are 

Drain of some would-be war lord, but (oriel Novclllm Made to Ordrr, llokr Nuppon 

how to avoid friction and to muititain 
permanently the most friendly relation 
witli tills nation which Is so nearly her 

rr«, RuRtlro, Ku«t FurmN, llurtirs and Kom ha* 
rbrlN, Matrrnlly and rbyidral ( ullurr WaMs. 

tatlon of the Constitution, but whether own prototype. 

... . ' un Marcn 4, 1901, lor me J M'Ix-nc m I iinmsmg Tl„. fnlllii.r nrillnnelii lsn \u> ft tOUOU Ol IUC V Ulisuiuuuu, win nmwiw 

lower of our camp got ll bit of meat for Mid mortgage fur breach of the fmlitmn thereof, I lie railing ttrltlill g tt»u will lead to changes lu our rolltical 

I Ids breakfast We ellmlMsl the wall ns will be Jdly public auction on the y, here- total wreck ll,l!4 " ,U l ° * , ‘ ‘' 

Bast** Office, 48 Ckitli* St. 

North Wejiouth Office, 60 Nerth St. 

Undo Kb lmd another great necom 
pllabuient. Ilo wan wlmt they cull it 
the* nortli country "11 lmturul eoouor.’ 

he ate aud buried ourselves in the deep drNcribcd, at Weyniuuth. .m thr 

corn, 'i'lie flagrant, silky tnssels brush¬ 
ed my face aud the corn hissed at our 

22*d day ot April, A. 0.1905, 

at three o'llixk in the aftt-mixm, .ill and singular 

After nightfall, when tlie eorn wart intrusion, crossing It* gri*cu sabers In | jj lc picnascN dcsitilxTl in Nai l moitgagr, a> fob 

rows and, as we lay elowu, drew tin* 
big shawl over us. 

M. Y. CLEMENT, Proprietor 


Carpenters vx. 
Builders, : 


ripening, he spoke In » whisper nnil lint uur piith. Fur In tho flchl my ruiiiluin- 

his cur rooked fur tsmns. lint he luvix Ion licnpisl it little nf the soft earth fur 

ull kinds uf good fun. a pillow, spiriiil the 

s„ this 1111111 hud a hoy In Ills licnrl rows mid, ns we lay 
und n boy In Ills basket that evenln, big shuwl over il*. 
we left tiie old house. My father line l'nele Kb was Ur .-.1 
mother nnd older brother bad beet that night and went 
drowned In the lake, where they tun.' sim.ii us lie was down 
gene for a day of pleasure. 1 had Hies pel off Fred came an 

a Hinull understanding uf my loss, Inn aud stepped over me, 

1 have learned sin,si thut the farm wu> fur leave, and curled 

A certain lot of land with the buildings thereon. 

U pillow, spreiid tin* olh loth bitwcnu follow* — beginning on Pleasant street at the 

northeasterly '"mu land > I Augusta M. Pool 
and running northerly by said street to land ot 

The thermometer, like some men, w ill 
soon he taking u drop too much. 

l'aylug for s salt will, a check doscn'l The stin d,rd Oil Investigation. 

make it u chocked suit ... 

(From the American (iroicr.) 

A had egg unlike some spoiled children, . , , , , ... 

„ .. , , ... If conducted fairly and without preju* 

caunot he whipped Into shape , , . 

dice the Investigation of tlie Standard t *11 BOOll, I,oil, for the 

to the family sllmiii. company smi the public. There lias hccu 

It's reasonable to think some people H o much of lurid literature written about 
1 vc no reason for being so unreasonable. t |,| s j„ our ^reut Industrial develop* 
Anti-fat is supposed to prove tliut meot that the average citizen Is disposed 

, , ... ...,u Hr.,1' 111.' lull ..f I'lurlei. II. Lovell; thence running westerly by land to the family album. 

I licit* Kb was tired nftei the loll or llf wiJ clarIl ., ,, ,. <lVeU (formerly of Lydia ll. 

tlmt night und went asleep iiluiost ns pratt, deceased 1 to land of F. Dexter Tratt; thence It’s reasonulile to think some people 

soon ns lie wns down Before 1 drop- running southerly by land ol said Dexter !•. Pratt have no reason for being so unreasonable 

.a.i . tr i.’rmi, unit li,.ki*d in v fiee l' 'and of Uradford llawes; theme running easterly 
ped off I red . nine nu. Ih ki d iu> rax» l y ^ o( Mii , u<4Wct anJ by land ot Jotlum Sabs. 

and stepped over me. Ills lull wagging to laitxt.of Auvusta M. I’ool; thence running 

I to changes Hi our political ""' lt «** 1 < nv u,e i'.'lucnco uf the 

system more ra.llcal than those „f recent >-',alrmaa of the military commute," Ixo 

vers still remains to he seen. ">“ n " l,n cmiiraflcs I , the 

Civil w ar in 1803 to hecoine u professional 

and.rd Oil Inveatigalion. pnlltldan wlll have any Influence or any 

power to dictate the attitude of the A mer¬ 
uit the American * lean government toward other countries. If Wear Cornet«, *t.n«. $I. 2 S, $I.-V*. * 1 . 7 : 
P.Mill Qliulitv, a.'.uo, In 
w Ih.iic, fl>.’».oo #1rt.r»u. 

I in|>oi t*’• I l ur-i t«. ♦ J.T's io ♦*r»,00. 

To make the very best soap, sitrwVj 
dissolve a can of Jounur in ‘ 
water, melt 5 lbs. of grease, pour 
Lye water in tlie grease. Stir and p 
aside to set. 

Full Direction* on Bv«ry Package 

JUinner lye is pulverized- The < 
may be opened and closed at will, | 
mining the u;*e of a small quantity at 
time. It is just the article needed 
every household. It wili clean pat 
floors, marble and tile work, soften wa 
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pi| 

Write for booklet L'scs 0/ //•*« 
lye"— free. 

The Peon Chemical Work*, PHIIadelphU 
Charles Richardson & Co., lto«too, M 


Old Colony Street Railway 


Selectmen & Overseers of the Pool Time Schedule. 

Tho Seh-ctiuen and Orcrwer* of the Poor of Wry 
uu hi 1 I 1 will be hi krMion al the 

Ask For 

Saving* Bank Building, Ea*t Weymouth, 
Every Monday. 


tl urine tin* uiuulrloal year, from two to five oVloik 
P. M. 

for leave, aud x'lirled Upon tin* aluiwl northedy by land of «ui l Augusta M. Pool to the 

Uot worth the inoitguge and that lit my feet. 

no hky In tlmt northwesterly turner tlirtcof, and tlicn.e running 

East Braintree. 

P.O. Addrev*. Wsymouth. 

Ready for Business. 

Tin umi'-ndtfued Iia. Ifiok*' ali-i t» kuown 
■ Ilo-L'oyii-|>Ta< * "H K*** \ Btiv. t, W 1 ) uioutli, 
•lid baa uioivd Ida |iUut lin n for list- |iurjk«M of 

Cleaning Vaults and Cesspools 

lu all |i*rt* of Wcyuuulli. A•* ••rili ra will !>• 
|i|otn|*lh lattrudi U Io wild tlo l»l'at (lulllfectwllt 
Hai ti, l> . U'ilirt-aaillg 

Peter McConarty, 

r.41* Bui il Wnaouik. I Prarl it.. (|ular). 

everything lmd to be told. Uncle Kt 
aud l-a little lull, a very little lud o 
nix were ull that wan left of wlmt bail 
Imvii iu tliut home. Home were for wend¬ 
ing me to tlie county Iioiimc, but tiiey 
decided tliially to turn me over to a 
dissolute uucle, with some allowance 
for uiy kx*ep. Therein Uncle Kb was to 
Ih* reckoned with. He had *et hiw lienrt 
on keeping me, hut be was a farm hand 
without uny Inane or visible property 
und not, therefore, in tlie mind of tiie 
nuthoriticH. n proper guardian. He lmd 
me with him lu tiie old house, aud the 
very night lie heard they were mining 
after me in tlie morning we Mottl'd on 
our Journey. 

1 remember lie was a long time tying 
packages of bread and butter aud tea 
uud Isjlled x*ggs to the rliu of tin* basket ( 
S' 1 that they hung on the outside Then 
lie put n woolen shuwl and nil oilcloth 
blanket 011 the bottom, pulled the straps 
over ids shoulders aud buckled them, 1 
stuudlng before the looking glass, uud. 
having put on uiy cap and coat, stood 
! me on the table uud stooped so Unit 1 
| could climb into the husket u pack 

gloomy green aisle of eorn. This going I 

to lied lu tlie morning seemed a foolish I ,, 

business to me tlmt day, and l lay u| AUn * certain b*t of land bounded; *outliwc*ti-rl> 

. , .. ', rilu ,i, Ml , by plcaaaut atiret, iioittu-jatcily by taint o! tbe 

long time lis»kln H up at tin rustling 1 tl , l im>c.>|uI ilmr.b, 

canopy overhead. I remember listeu- u „j i, y | alll | „i m, I r.> f. <*t Cliadea ll 

” us “«»">•• ■»'"**" m " >m ^« ai "" 

lieteof, anj iheiue ..* Mlllliivr* put uii s lot lum a,lav*, wi ll 

t'Aitctly by naiO laiul of Augutia M pool to |*oint 

ol beginning,aiul containing ei'ibt (Hj atre* ntou* on lueir mils. 

taint 1 *.unite,I loutlmi-stril, Tl, ° u( «OoUl*»yer »0 With- 

iithruktcrly by laiul ol tbe out say ill;!, forsooth. 

*letliuxb»t Kpiacitiial tliurib, . 1.1 . 1. . 

1 F>i.,l. ,>1 th,tile, 11 ' slaii'lliig in Hi.- ..unity 

lug t•» tlie waves thut came whisper- I L 'wll, ot Jotham Saliabury, ami f tbe lun» 1 I often de|H*uds oil h. t sil-liutiotl 

.1 (I . 1 ) 1 ...- I ** aft ,l.„ .Ii.l .Illll-tK I . V I 111,1 ..( I 

nearer until thx*y swept oxer tis with u 1 Containing (our (4) aero iiiou- 01 lev*. 

roaring swash of leftves like that of 
water flooding among rocks, as 1 have 
hc»ard it often A tw inge of homesick¬ 
ness t ame to me, and (lie snoring of 
l in ic Kb gave me no comfort. 1 re¬ 
member covering my head and cryiug 
softly as 1 thought of those who lmd 
gone away aud whom I was to meet lu 
a far country called heaven, whither 
we were ffolng. 1 forgot my sorrow 

bring the Mine premise* conveyed to oaui Clurlr* 
II. l.ovell by »aui IIaim»oii A. AMmli by Uci-lI 
dated • klobcr 11, ik«>o. 

I'erui* f 100. al tunc and pla< <■ "I 'u 1 ' |baU*ni c 
Hitlun ten days tlvefealter at • line 1 Willian, I'. 
Thompson, S >. to Court street, boston. 

I rustec under tlie will of Arteiua* Aldiitli. 
I M u '.i ' t 

rjmmonweaith ot Massachusetts 

A clock that never strikes may still lie 
a striking success 

I The former pugilist w ho goes to lectur¬ 
ing may iu truth he called an ex-pouuder 
The mau in I lie moon is fur and away 
one of the brightest men oil record. 

it's 110 wonder if. ut llrst, till* seasick 
sailor feels like throwing up Ids jolt 
I'hiiatlclphia Bulletin 

llnally iu sleep When i awoke it hud ( mjuk<*I.K, 

PaoUArK ( ••cut 
rvl "i-kni. and all o*hei 

grow n dusk under the corn. 1 felt for tl**- b. ir* .a uw. n. v« km. «•.'* .. 

7 . ... , , , I peraott* lnl«r« aU'd iu thi «»! .»«•• "I 

l ude Lb aud he was gone. 1 lien I , ' .1 \NF. a. UKLI* 

culled to him. Utr of Wcywoutb, lu »*id < ouuly, drccoat-d 

• 1 |ii->h. box : Lie low," lie whispered, j ... •» '(riaiu iu*trumrai ourpoHmK «» i" 

u-u.iiiig .“. I I..",.. nii:*m ...';' 

ex e ‘Fraid thex Te after us." Vun«-» of WV>m«»ui** “f* 1 * ,iruu ‘ba* b’tiir- ic»ia 

*«t Liit-riiug iKMiflu nu-. 1,“Ming 

1 red !•> tlie collar aud listeuiug. 1 | V"U so*- lu-n to • 
could hear voice.-, tlie rustle of the corn I J" l " 

basket tlmt he had usxsl lu liuntl *g. the and the tramp of feet m ar by 



• ^ 

B»fr. Aiwa, « rs luo... I^WXm. oak l>ruiui*t fui 

X Mlt ia»Jal»M H fc.IVXal.IMU It. 0*4 »ud 

BwM Ui.'UiltF bsjAtss. M'itlt-,1 WrlUl UiUt) r.bUjU 

Takr uu llirr Mrfuar 4uu«rrua* taUU 
lalMtt* -u«l iuiaaUouB. Uuy of your l)ru**^k 
or wild in -lamp* *• *r Karliral»n. T**U- 
MNMlala and •• Urlirf lor U4lr*.“ tn UiUr 
I>» rrluru Mali. IW.XHM* TraUu*ouu*ia. Bold by 
•ll PrucKiaU 

t'lili'UKUrKK CIOMlL'Al. UO 

OIXM* OafclMH **uar«. I IIIU . YA 

NmU*i Ut* »*»#» 

top a little smaller than the i»ottoui. 
XMtce iu. 1 could stand comfortably or 
sit facing sideways, my back uud knees 
wedged from |K»rt to sturtnyurd. With 
me lu my platv. he blew out tbe laUtern 
and groped ids way to tiie road, his 
xune lu one hutul, Ids rifle In tlie other. 
1 red, our old dog a bluck slmpherd, 
with tawny j*oiutsxume after us 
l'nele Kli scolded him uud tried to seud 
him back, but 1 plead for the poor x rea 
ture, aud tlmt settled it; he was one of 
our parly. 

"Duuno how we'll fxrt'd him," said 
l'nele Kb “Our own mouths are big 
enough U take all we tau curry, but 1 
barn' no Imurt t' leave *iiu ull 'lone 

1 was old for my uge, they tell me, 
aud bud a sri ious look uud u wise w ay 
uf talking for u hoy so youug hut 1 

thundering in tlie distance that lieuvy, 
shaking thunder thut seems to tukc ,, u 
hold of the x'urth und there were t “ 
sounds lu tlie corn like tlie drawing of w 
sabers and the rush of many feet. The Jj‘ 
noisy thuuderx hauls caiue Udtrcr uud ... 
tlie void's that had made us tremble l>< 
were no loiiger heard. t» 

stening. 1 V"U «I*< Io Ciud w*pp« *rat *1 rolMl. l oun, 
..r 111 *, dll’ll X.. I.. Ill l.l al X^.UIIF) . Ill MMif ouuly N It k . 

„r tIn’ ,l^f A|...l. A.l». IW*,.l»i«« i 

by. It WUS tli«- forenoon, l<> atom . au»< . ll .HI) >"U b*»c, » • 

ill'll lii'ii\ v tin aauir aboulil uol br griaui* »l. 

dial uxaxy, s ( ^ <4|i) |„.|Ui**n. i >• h*i>i'> 'lue.t».l n* go. 
US to tuke ..ut,!,. ootii«' ibricol by publulimg do- eitallou 

..... ii, • ut i .*• I, week, lot title* am < < —in " • • k*. 
llieie Wilt. WeyuioiUb X.aAelU . a u. vi-pap. . pul li-lj* <1 ill 

drawing of w*-tmouth, dm u>t I'uMi* *ti»u to t o at 

. 'II... U ..A twfoie **»t'l C*'Urt, all I Io lu.ti .ilig, p.wlpa I ■ 

> 1 .1. Unlitiu a . ..|.v 4.f 111,- • !Ut 'I, t • ull k n"** 1. I" 1 

ueurer and mten-tni iu ii.« . *tai», • ■ lad „i u-a-i 

us tremble v.- i hi • i 

( ourt, Ho- lifl* *’iilI' 'la* "I M,»p Ii, in tl-' 1 • 'i ""V 

I’ufUi Kb Iwgtu tu (aatau III* oU ; , ""'.’,'iT"il ...un, u 

blanket to the stalks of coru for A HllfL 

t,-r ll... lulu vuuiu roaring ovrr u» uiVKK, 

'J In-I- .un.I of it was like tlmt of a host t i_t... u .1 . > .pp--ut* i A.iuum- 

Ofiry touflug at a gallop. X\« lay ’Srl^SSt^ 

bracing the stalks, the hiuukct tied 4,,„„| V u f Nmi-.ik .. u-i.. »u 4 i * 

m .. »»«• .io- f.H-» 

time T he raiu rattled iu the souudlug . ..r -at i .!• • a-, .i i. ,,,,, i i, . o t n.. 

“V* ‘ “ T - Summer Home*. 

ml all oilier 

i Spiiug is alreU'lx upon us. The season 

of rei rcatiou and outdoor sport is about 
.on .k in I., to open ami already thousands of families 
J^xleni^t" tr(> tuakiug ready for un early departure 
“‘of w. Miin.idt, »!■" pra>a iiiai itioi- i. *i. to the country ami seashore The hull- 

al V max in Uam'I !•> bliu, die ••»e« ot*»r H.eit ill . . 

wiiiiuui go iitg .. -tti. xy on Ida oiti'Tai i n,.I. cstlxius all along the Hue are tlul the sea- 

ii aie Io ell. i mupp. ai at a Fed. a I. J *ou w ill heglu earlier lliis year tliau ex er 

l»rl»l*Rtim»»ry, U»*si«LnUUljr of N'-lf'-k. .■!. , , 

ii". *■ before for the wilder lias been along 

ami somewhat depressing one t^uaiul 
illia Fitailou “Id I’upe ( ml will U* sought more than 
o »"k-, m ever Besides the seeule beauty aud the 
■' nur''iVv* la hcslUiful eouditlotis that abouud every- 
i’i’iin'Ju p. !' w l»cre there is a charm llial Is utterly uu- 

Isya ..I 1* a*i dellnshle 

U.lg. nf .al,I There is still a wealtli of locatious sad 

il. >t.*r on* retreats to draw from uud now is the 

». K<gi-nr. tune for tlie drawiug A few weeks 

- heuce max be too late The New York, 

'*•:«' '.in.. New I lux eu Hartford railroads iu- 
n,ihi.1.1■ .i m cieased tram facilities is a crowulugiu- 

to believe It to bo au ogre whose indi¬ 
vidual diet l» citizens aud business men 
If it should turn out that it lias done 
only wlmt any business man would have 
done iu competitive business; tliut it has 
employed its own capital iu making valu¬ 
able what would otherwise hx* without 
value, through constructing refluerles 
uud pipe Hues, there are enough fair- 
minded men in the community to say so. 
Western nun, especially, know what 
“grub staking" is and appreciate that 
teamsters or railroad un n ure entitled to 
share iu what they save lu getting ore 
to market and tlie same principle applies 
to oil, uud pipe lines, aud tankage, only 
more so, for they are comparatively 
valueless if the supply of oil fails The 
danger is tlmt individuals, blinded by 
their own interest, uud legislators, ex¬ 
cited by scusulluiiul journalism ami seek- 
lug to ride a popular wave, will not be 
satisfied witii “a squall deal 



(• koiuik I.. Nkwton, X'hairumii. 
I’.O AtlUrew, North WVyiunmli. 
lliunmiui llawica, Clerk. 

P. I *. A<l>Ire—, I’nrtcr. 
Wai.tih L. IIat*". 

Kowaiio W. Hi st. 

UoSKiiT Mi Intobii. 

We)e outli, Map’ll 14 , Dir.'. 


Week liny Time. 

For Rl< AI N'l’KKK DICI’OT, 6.oo, 6.30, 

7.4*. A. M., then on tlie hour and 30 minute' 
until m.30 I' M. Additional car Saturday, 1 
I*. M. Returning, leave liraintiec Pe|*»t. < 
7.0s, 7.35 A M., then 5 and 35 minutes pa-t ■ 

I. .,..1,1 *1 ,.r I ’ M Suf nnlav i ■ in I* V 

If you waut 
Silver Flute 
Ttist Wears. 

Ccmmonwealth ol Massachusetts 

NuRpnl.K, SS. PltoiiATK CotUIT 

rpn tlie licira-al law, m xl of kill, mill ull oilier p< i 

"(141 ROGERS BROS." 

\ aud you will 
J receive tlie 
' Cruuine uud 


/ Rogers 
Spoons, etc. 

They can l»o purehusad 
of laadlnt deuleru. For uiw rat** 
»***!•»• “C-L" address the maker* 
M*rl 4 *n. Conn. 

A -"II- Ull) I* all’ll III the • -late <>l 

KM I l.l K * 1 . II. I.IMir. 
late <>1 XX . \ 111.mill, in *.iiil ( oimlx, «b < 1 .)»> >1 

VY I** I a ■•>. .» I . r t.alll ill-lt Ulllellt plirpiil t illL' to * "• 
tlie la»l M ill ali'l li -tameiil ol -aid *le«’eua* <1 liua he* ll 
i*t* -rnli .l io aal.l i mill loi pioliule, by X .»• i » . ol W'l v moiilli. w lio pia> « 1 1 .sot li llcr- Ii -la 
no lilari max Ih i — m i| |o Iiiiii, tlir • xi'i’iiltii linn in 
ii. mu il, \\ ilbolll gix iug u bum ly m» liu ol'm ial Ih.icI , 
You are lieieliy eiletl Io uppeiir at a Probule ( ••Hit 

I. l Ih iielil al Qlilliev. in -.ini ' mint) "I Norfolk, "ii 

II, . tMclltli day of April. X. I». Rsi.i, al nme o'. I.h k 
m llie Ion noon, to >Iioh i au-*’, il any \ oil liavi, w by 
liu- -mm - Ii* >ii Id not be grunted 

And -aid pi litl"in’l i« In n by dii* • li d Io gi\. pub. 
In iioliee lliereof by pu'di-lniiL* |bi» . il .it ion on. *■ ill 
i .u b w* ek. lor tbn *• mu • < a-i»« unit* u I In■ W * \ 
iiioiilb I iii/ftl*’, a m w-|i.i|.. i I'libli-lo d in Wey¬ 
mouth, tin l.a-t publli ali"U Io Io on. day .*t |ea*t 

I,el.. Louit, and by mailing. |*<.-t|*abl, or de 

Iim i iug a eo|x of lliit i llation I" all know u |hi -on- 
ilileiealetl ill tilt* ealal* , *« »ell ilaya .tl I* a-l befoi* 
• aid ( OUlt. 

Wit lu *». .Iain* * II. I I nl. K-ipui. . Judge of -aid 
Court, tbia lilli i utli day ol Man Ii, in Ilo year one 
tbouaaud lime buiidn d und lire. 

•M I JOHN 1 *. t <* 1111 . UegUter. 

iiour until 11.05 P. M. Saturday, 11.30 !*• V 
For QUINCY, boo, 6.30, <1.45, 7.00 A M , t (i 
mi tlie Iiour and bait hour until 11.30 i'' 
Returning, leave Quincy, 5.50, 6.05, 6’.20, < 
A. M., (lien 20 and 50 minutes |uut rath 1 “ 
until 11.20 J*. M 11.50 to Quincy Point • 
Wednesday ami Saturday to Last Weymouth 
For SOUTH W ICY MOUTH, 6.00, 7.00, 
8.1*0,8.30,9.00,10.00, 11.00 A. M., 12.0 . 

?, 'O, 2.30, 3.00, 3.30, 4.(Ml, 4 30, 5.00, 5. Vi 
■ ;■>, 7.<-*', 7. V», ■ v; . V . -■ \ .IO.30P.M. Hr* 
mr;, leave South Wiymouth, 7*03,7 ) 

•, 5 , 9 - 3 '* * ■ h. 15 A. M , 12 l. 3 v 1 

| 3 05, 3.35,405,4 35, 5.35. (».■’ 5 , b- 35 . 7 ’° 5 * * 

.s 05,5, 1 5, 11 5 P. M. 

I r II INI ill \M. • 

10.10, 11.1 A. M., 12.m, 11 -• 10, j.iu, . 

; ,,.*. 5. \ \ <• on, (1 \o,, S in,,, l 
P. M Keturning, leave 11 ingham, (115. 

;• 1 j. ; 1 1" || | ■ A M . • 

. ,9.30,3.30,4.30, $.|(, $.45, 6.|$, 64 

8.3 >, 93,115, 10.4 , I*. M 

Mu inlay Tim*. 

For It K AI N l U K K 1)1 POT, 7.30, 8.ikj 3 1 
then nu the Iiour ami ; > minute* lust rail, 1 
until 1.1.30 P. M Returning, leave Ilium: 

iib, tin la-1 imi'li'.iii' u i,* ... dm .it iru’-i l*e|"d, h.*<5, ^ A. M . then 5 and y> *"‘ , ‘ 

,i, -aid l ouit, and by iiiaiiiug, p -l|*aid. m d* | aat eaiIt tioui until II.*5 P. M. 
img a ■ "!■> "I tin- • itati**1. t" *11 knowu p* i»mi- |.* |)r nUIN'CY, o. \ M., then on lli. 

I'... l,„ur 11,11,1 „.l . IH 1(,,I. 

"" Why W« Uo Nut Walk. 

are that the seg- 

K r* in the N« w V ik Mail ) 

- year tliau ever 

lh | H . t . u a |„ n „ it l-a familial an usaihtu that Aiuerl- 
g one x^ualut ‘'Bus never w ilk, uml that their legs are 
ughl lhau ‘"‘“U «tix|*l»lrol through Ul.uf Thu 
iu-auty au i the F^xiof U ^ f‘*»«id in the special report 
abonud every- x»u street aud electric railways issued by 
ml is utterly nu l,u ‘ flx'partmeut *»f coininen < uud labor 
Amerlcuua are prc-emiueutly tbe street- 
of locatious and ‘ ttr P*trx2U» «*f the world Bit woe u lotto 

aud uow is the t,u ‘ *'erage number of rides 

A few weeks |*T iuUabltaut udxuuce*! frolU J 2 to lid ill 
The New York, thla country u> a whole, uud from iw t" 
d rallrutd’a lu- I**'* lu the l ilies The street cgnMurrlexl 
«a erowulugiu- ft.‘ ; l ' 2'" patrons iu 1 »<»2 That i» 

Save Your Money! 

1 .AMTATI" «»' d.i-IPII i ||.M\. 

'J XX i * in..iiib, ,1, 1 1 .*• (■*iunt\ "l V iixlk. 

Buy sliares iu tlie 


, * j-ed, n pl> -i lit* d ill** >1 x a-lit If. •uli-inliela. 
having been appointed lx lb* Probate < null tm 
• aid t 'minty i iiliillliiudull* I" l*' I" elti alid exainilie 
ill elaiui* "t • lediloi- ag * li-l the l-l .l, <1 - .id 
Jiwepli I , I .fill v, hereby gx. untie, that -ifc 
inulitl'- from the lir»l day •>) I • bniuix, A. I*. IWi. 
aie ..lluWtd t" I i* 'lllm- to pi • -cut ami prof then 
, iailiia against aaid i -late, >t,d llial they a III meet 
In e xaliiili* tb< • laiiu* ul i 11 dltnl> ut (it I "lift hi., 

Began buxducss March U, lss'.» 
l.a-t tlix ideud <• per m ut per aunuiu 

Itt.alini, M i**. 
Apt It, dime all 

"III ". "ll tbe tut. *' III ll *1 l 
I .Inly, lXNJ.'i, at I* n n'i I*m k I 


IIKIUIKKT <*. ltltlt*t.s, 
DWU.III pxiWKItri, 

t ••muji'-ixo* 
*2 2 

dace ill eut to hundred* of uteu of attain* **t»*»ut four times 

population of tin' 

sheaves mid tlieU eulltc flissliug doxvu -am* . and ... I • i l 'I 

. . a railed U»"Ui !»• m »k* J* *'**••'it 

the ste* p gutter*. Above us beam uud ruilll 1 KF.i l>, v , 

rafter ereakxsJ. away lug uud ahowiug 
glimpst-H of tiie dark sky The raiu 
pasM-i w e eouid hear the last bat 

X are «.( Henry II k ' 

Kel uial V |-t IWi 

aud oilier" wlix eauuol cut themselves gh»he. it Is seven times the passeuger 
ot! from the log eity to pitch the family business doue by tin* sleutti iailroa*is x*f 
t.ut ou t >uil for the summer the country IVrhaps we ride too much. 

but tlieu a-* u people we get Ci*uipeu>atiug 
|»r«u * Ilk* .•■nail, |*|| 1 * ftbaolut* ly run- 1 vclelse ill lUUUillg lu < alt It tlie * ttl s 

» .,*.|KuliirJy vrgrlabi*’. "al 

All tlx total'* uf this sire 

Why uot look iuto tlie Co-operative 
Bauk 1 'lauY By this plan you ( au pay for 
your home us you pay rent, uud ut the end 
of u dozen years you will nwu it 

Series heglu lu March uud September 
For full lufortuutiou apply to 

N.» 142 i uiou St , South Weymouth 

N uria: im 111.111:111 xwva i < ,< > 

-uba. nl,. 1 ba- l»e* li dull app-'iut 
of ll,. will .I II X RRIK’f II M ATS* IN 
l l Ute, in till Mat* "t I "llll* el.* Ill, *b • * a 
and ba» taki ll H|»*‘ll bllli-ell that Itltal 
I'.md, tmd appuintmg X*i **rg* I.. It.111, 
luattui* Illsagi'itt* •• tie law direct*, 
bat 11,g demand- Upon tin' c-tate **f aaid i 
I i'll Iteak’d to exbibil 11" • 
deuted to said iitAto ixrv called up u to 

III* lit to lht Bill.-, lilt) I. 

( II X Ull ' V. I JURY. K 

P-V Uioadwut N.w \ 

Mal< b tail, P*o 

< i.' 111. .1* • - a-i d, (t-lat 1 . 
ll that tru-t lx giving 
. I 11 

w din < l*. Ail pel-mi- 
-tat*’ nf aaid d* e* a-evl ale 
iif . and all person- in 
lbd up..u t*. make pay. 

li liRY, Kxeeutni 
N- w \ ..ik. S. \ 

and ball limn until 11.3 P M Ketiiriiiliy, '■ 

,1,1 Quincy, 7.20, 7.50, AM, tlicn 20 and 5011 < 

pa-t eat h hour until 11 ; • P. M 
For SOUTH WI*.YMOUTH, ».oo, *,..« . 1 
11.(0 A. Nl., 12011, I " . 2.00, 2. }o, 3 0*. 

- 4.00,4.30,$ o, $ |U, 6 o, 6.3 . 7 OO, 7 ■ 

X. 3<>, q.t*i, <y. 30, lu. 30 I' M. Keliirmng, 

• I South Weymouth, 8.35, <M5, 10 35, 11.33 ' 1 

1,1 a-.tS* * 35 . 2 -.t 5 i i ’» 3 b -4 x»5, 4.15, 5 0-. 

6.L5, (',3$. 7.05, 7.35, 8 05, 8.35,9.05, y 35. *■ 

,,1 For IHNiiilAM, 8.10, <1 1 . loin, 11 1 A 
•' * I I , 1.1*1, 2 10, 3 10, 4.10, $ X 3*1, . 

" • 7 I.,h III, ,| l", 1 ", 1 I’M. Urt'll 

' 11 leave 11 ingliain, 8.30,9.30, 10.30, ii.3"A. 

1 ,' 12 V ' 1 . 3 ", 2. ;«•, 3 3 ". 4 - C. 5 o*'. 5. 3 ", <-•* • 

7 ", ■ i ■«.)}, , i'. u 


,%Vrok Ii my Tluir. 

l ais leave 1 IH)M AS’ CoKNF.H, Nmlh Hf 
mouth l i FOR I POIN'J , o 4-. , 15, M ' 
l.l- VI 3 , 415, 5 I 5 . 5 4 ft.* ' p. M 
ing. leave I nt Point, 700, 7.3". 8.30 V 

Or ’ ' I 

11"r MuuiIm>‘ Tluir. 

l ar* leave 1 lit »M AS’ X OKN 1 R, N.nth W 1 
*' moutli. i n 1 OR J POINT, 8.13 A. M . '• 
11 1.1 ' , . 1 I M 1 

..I,. ii'.. leave Foil I 'int, 8 A M , 12 1 

an ’. . 4 . 5.30, U.OJ, 0 30 P M 

Subject to t baiigc Wittmut N"tne 
THOMAS t.AMMoN, Div. Supt. 

J. T. CONWAY, As 1 * 1 
Quiflfy, Ma , Mai, It 'ylb, ly 

Town Officer* 
Pont 1 

(oltn A. Raymoni 

| .tm IL Stetson, 


Curdon Willis, ch 

Uradford llawes, 
Riilvett McIntosh, 
F.dward W. Hunt 

I Il'lfK NcWtOl 

Francis II. Cowin 
John W. Rates, rl 
(ieorge L. Newt" 
(iilman H. I .mid, 
<ieorge C. Torrey 

W. A. Drake, clu 
joseph A. Cush in 
H. F. Kerry, We* 
Frank F.. Loud, i 
Charles II. Willol 
Mrs Mary K. He 

| tilin ('. An the 
;i,ise of school on M 
milding; Tuesilay 
llnwf; ritiinuUy a 

Frank II. Torrey 
|uhn II. Stetson, 
liorditn Willis, Sc 
Wrndall R. Clam 
DM. Kaston, Ks 


Willard J. Dunba 

W. 0 . Collyer, clt 
I K. drr, Fast \ 
XV. W Pratt, Kai 
. K. Walsh, We 
). W. Hart, Sou 

Gordon Willis, S 

Tlmniat Fitzgcra 
A. II. Pratt, Has 
P. Rutler, Hast \ 
ohn D. Walsh 
lichael Allen, S 

Isaac II. Walker, 
Reniamiii F. Hie 
Nathaniel II. Pea 
Asa R. Pratt, Ea 
Thomas Killeen 
John D. Walsh 
William F. Kren 
George U. Haylej 
Michael Allen, S 
George W Cona 

Walter L. Rates, 
Charles A. Lo»d 
John P. Hunt, E 

William II. Cla| 
Louis A. Cook,! 
Frank II. Torre) 

Frank D. Sheri 


(Front Si 

i-mge L. Rarn 
Aubrey Hilliard 

F.dwaid R. Nevi 

bulge of Prol 
Flint of Weymoul 
Register of Fro 


Assistant Regis) 
Clerk ol Courts, 

Assistant Clerk, 
Register of Dee 
Assistant Regis' 

County Treasur 
Sheriff, Samuel 
County Commi 
Brookline. Janie 
P. Wright of Quii 
Sessions, Every 
S|iecial Commi! 
Franklin ; John I' 
District Attorni 
and Plymouth), A 
ard W. Nutter ol 

mreme Judicial 
day uf Februar 

day uf Februar 
Suiwrior (’ourt, 
Juriaa—Firat N 
ut May, and firi 
work-First M 
of April, first N 
Monday uf Dec 
Superior Court, C 
ot April; fust f 
day uf i lecendx 
Probate Court —I 
Wednesdays of 
Quincy, on tl 
month, except 
fourth Wednc 

County Commisa 
of April; (ourt 
day of Septem 
Ry adjournxiei 
District Court 
Randolph, lira 
cy, Holbrook a 
tor criminal bu 
hub J .ays, and f 
m. Justice, 
Justices, E. Xi 
Cook, Weynio 
Milton. Prob 
Thayer Street 
ton Street, Qu 




j. F.&W. H, GUSHING, 



Coal Dealers, 

Hard and Soft Coal, 
Otto Coke, 

Hard and Soft Wood 
Hay and Straw, 



Best Grade o\ 

For Open Grates 




Town Officer* of Weymouth and their 
Po*t Office Addreta 


|olm A. Kay mood, East Weymouth. 


| ,im II. Stetson, South Weymouth. 


I . r ,|„n Willis, chairman, South Weymouth, 
Itradfnrd llawrs, vcretarv, Ka»t Weymouth. 
Hubert McIntosh, East Weymouth. 

I lwjr l W. Hunt, Weymouth. 

I.. Newton, North Weymouth. 

Francis II. Cowing, chairman. Weymouth. 
John W. Hates, clerk, East Weymouth. 
George I.. Newton, North Weymouth. 

Gilman It. I .mid, South Wrvmouth. 

George C. Torrey, South Weymouth. 


W. A. Drake, chairman, North Weymouth. 
Joseph A. Cushing, Fast Weymouth. 

II. F. Ferry. Weymouth. 

Frank E. I.oud, Secretary South Weymouth. 
Charles II. Willoby, Weymouth. 

Mary K. Holbrook, South Weymouth. 

umtir.H r. nm, pre»n*ai. 

( II till'R T. CHIRK, Clerk end Treasurer. 


t harlrs A. Ila)ward. Frarrls H. towing, 

Kdward W. Hunt. Wrairll R. (l*np. 



Rnwk (loan. -•.» t<> 11 A. M., I.j» »•* 1 F M, « to 
to B Mmnliiy rveiiings, atnl u t« l!f A M. Satur¬ 

Deponlts plared on Interest on the if*! Monday 
•lanuary, April, July »n.l t>etober. 




|,,hn C. Anthony, Fa-t Wrvtnmith. At 
r school mi Monday will lie at the Athens 
gilding; Tuesday at Jefferson; Wednesday at 
ll"«f, Thursday at limit. 

Presided, - JOSEPH DYER 

...... t Kills J. PITCH KR, 

Vlre-Piraldenta, j UM0S B . kaVMONH. 

Clerk and Treasurer, URORtiR R. RRKD. 
Itnnril of I It vestment t 

.lo-KI'll, Ki.i.irJ. Fititirii, 

IL W. IIl'HT, GonilON Wll.I.IR, 


1 ioKIUlN Wll.l.l*, 

Til Fit'»N I., TlllllFl.t. 


Frank II. Torrey, North Weymouth. 

|„hn II. Stetson, South Weymouth. 

Gordon Willis, South Weymouth. 

Wemlall II. Clapp, Weymouth. 

|» M. Easton, East Weymouth. 



BASK llol'RH: 

Win IB A. M.; B to I P. M. Also Mondays, 7 to S 
P. M. NatMrdays.Wtol 

Deposits go on interest second Weduesday ol 
January, April, July and October. 

Dividends payable on and after the aerond 
Wednesday of January and July. 

|vers M. laiw, East Weymouth. 

Tax Collkctor. 
Willard J. Dunbar, East Weymouth 


W. O. Collycr, chief,North Weymouth. 
I . E. Orr, East Weymouth. 

W. W. Fratt, East Weymouth. 

J. K. Walsh, Weymouth. 

D. W. Hart, South Weymouth. 


Gordon Willis, South Weymouth. 


Thomas Fitzgerald, chief, Weymouth. 
A. II. Fratt, East Weymouth. 

P. Butler, East Weymouth, 
ohn I). Walsh, Weymouth, 
lichael Allen, South Weymouth. 

Isaac II. Walker, North Weymouth. 
Benjamin F. Richards, Weymouth Heights. 
Nathaniel B. Fearc, East Weymouth. 

Asa It. Fratt, East Weymouth. 

Thomas Fitzgerald, Weymouth. 

John D. Walsh, Weymouth. 

William F. French, East Weymouth. 
George B. Bayley, South Wesmouth. 
Michael Allen, South Weymouth. 

George W Conant, South Weymouth. 

Walter I- Bates, South Weymouth. 

Charles A. Loud, South Weymouth. 

John F. Hunt, East Weymouth. 


William II. Clapp, Weymouth. 

Louis A. Cook, South Weymouth. 

Frank II. Torrey, North Weymouth. 

Frank D. Sherman, Weymouth. 


(From Sixth Norfolk District.) 
n-i>rgc L. Barnes, South Weymouth. 

Aubrey Hilliard, Braintree. 


(Second Norfolk Distiict.) 

F.dtfard B. Nevin, South Weymouth. 

FIRST South 

NATIONAL Weymouth, 

Fogg Building, Columbian Square. 

CAPITAL, 1100,000. Surplus, $10,000 


ALIKS R. VINIStt, President. 

HOWARD R. AKVIJf, Vice-President. 

J. n. NTKTHOK, Caskler. 



Banking Hours: B to 13 A.M.; 3 to 4 P.M. 
Saturdays, 9 to 13 A. M. 


Shattered My Nerv¬ 
ous System. 

Stomach Deranged, 
Liver Dormant. 

Dr. Miles’ Nervine Cured 
Me Completely. 

A slight cold in the winter with fever, head¬ 
ache, backache; when the nose runs and the 
eves water and n soreness seems to permeate 
the marrow «»f the bones; this it the l*egin* 
ning of Grip's deadly grasp. The danger 
follows in the shattered nervous system and 
the derangement of the heart or the digestive 
organs as in the following case: 

•The last week in January I contracted 
1 ntitippe and was confined to my bed for 
five weeks. My nervous system was com¬ 
pletely shattered, stomach badly deranged 
and liver in an nlmost dormant condition. 

I took treatment daily from my family phy¬ 
sician, but could gel no relief. My condition 
continued to grow worse and as I had often 
heard of Dr. Miles’ medicines 1 decided to 
trv them. I purchased a Isottle of Dr. Miles' 
Restorative Nervine and Nerve and Liver 
Fills. When I began taking the medicine 1 
had no appetite, couldn’t sleep and was 
scarcely able to get around. My weight at 
this time was one hundred and twenty-four 
inrnnds. At the end of the second week I 
was a changed man, mv appetite was beyond 
control, my sleep was refreshing, my strength 
renewed and my weight was one hundred 
and forty two pounds. I never felt better in 
mv life than I do at this writing. 1 take 
great pleasure in recommending Dr. Miles' 
Remedies to the afflicted. If anyone doubts 
the above statement I am ready to confirm 
it."— D. C. Walker, U. S. Treasury Dep't, 
Washington, D. C. 

All druggists sell and guarantee fir*t bot¬ 
tle Dr. Miles’ Remedies. Send for free book 
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address 
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad. 

Dr. Lucy W. Tuck. 


(hroatr Diseases sad a ihoroagk Medical 

•• Car trrlmc," a sure rare for Patarrh. 

OFFICE, 2 Park Square, BOSTON. 

Every day exceptiuR Thursday. Take Elevator. 



Kaynham In Essex was a great place for came a famous eb-rgyman in New Eng- 
Iron forges and at Haynham In Massaelm- land Samuel Simondswho eamc from 
setts In lthis was set up the first Iron Yleblliam In Essex In 1(737. lie owned 
forge in America St rat f oh I In Essex an estate at Topsficld, held a position at 
was noted for Its adherence to Episcopacy the Court of Chancery and Ids wife was 


Editor of the nutpi/inr, "t'otwet English: llow To I'm* It " 


I and the oldest Episcopal church In Con- 

member of the 


neetlent Is at Stratford Then Wethers- family of Karls Colne lie became an 
Held In Essex was famous for raising officer In the New England Colony and 
onions and Wethersfield In Connecticut was Deputy Governor at the time of 
has been famous for the same thing all his death Nathaniel Sparhaw k who came 

through her history 

from 11 rain tree or Dedham, more likely 


1 know a /*»rty who will buy the lot. 
say : 

1 know a person who will buy the lot. 
Note—'“l’arty" Is a legal term, and 

OXIMON Kllltolts «*l TIIK « tltH.KM 


“lie dop't" and “don't lie." 

“She don't” and “don’t she." 

“It don't" and don’t It " 

These errors are of common occurrence 

should not be used In the sense of “per- Rn ,| nr ,. generally made by persons w ho 
son " should know better. 

son. should know I 

don't iay : The person 

I ici.iiM 111 tens krr, think lie ilout, 

op hear the res pi 

I hwmM If I mu him. yon, hut I till. 

to say “he dot 
HAV 5 proper to say 

I Wh >ubl If I tacre *he, abbreviated fti 

“f jugntlon runs, 

I nhttuld If I *sfre hr. i "he does nol 

Note that “should" in the IIrst person traded forirts 
Is the correct form to Indicate simple sub- doesn't " 

Juncilve futurity- don't" in the f 

Note that “were Is correct, for the r« a- not," or 

soil (lint the subjunctive mode, and not „\\ } \ v m easv ti 
the Indicative, Is required. Whenever 

, . error, the res 

PON T SAY: , , 

mv ear Is, “I> 

It In twenty minute* to live well-olucnlcil 

say : it must bo tin 

It in twenty mlnuten live. prennlon lie (Ic 

Note.—“Of," anil not “to," In mptlml ,n *- 1 n “' cr 

to allow the proper relation. ' ll aim In 

It sometimes 

pon T say : takes might I 

I expert that von did refrain from 

say: “Ain’t” Is a 

not," but not 

■ suppose that you did. .., nol 

Note —One can not expect anything »»i noJ .. ^ ^ 

the tractcil forim 

pon t say : nol” or “you 

I live in Yonkers, Isn’t," not “In 


a a —will aa at bib ornci- 

Savings Bank. Over the Weymouth Clothing Store 

I live in Kenwood. 

SAY : 

I live at Yonkers, 


I live at Kenwood. 
Note.—One lives in 

The person who ises the expression “I 
think he don't,” would In* astonished to 
hear the response “1 beg to differ with 
you, hut I tldnk he do." If It Is proper 
to say “he don’t," It Is certainly equally 
proper to say “he do," for “dont" Is the 
abbreviated form of “do not." The con¬ 
jugation runs, “I do not," “you do not," 
••lie docs not,” consequently the eon- 
Irst person trncicd forirts are “1 don’t," “you don't," 
Imple sub- doesn't " So let us eschew “he 

don’t" In the future, and say either “he 
or the r« a- does nol," or what Is perfectly permis- 
le, and not »iidc in easv utterance, “he doesn't." 

Whenever 1 speak of this particular 
error, the response that generally greets 
my ear Is, “Isn't It strange that so many 
well-educated people make that mistake? 
It must be that when one uses that ex¬ 
pression he don't tldnk of what lie Is say- 
la required big. I hover use It. 

“It ain't" Is another unpardonable error 
It sometimes seems as if all other mis¬ 
takes might be overlooked if one xvould 
refrain from “It don’t" and “it ain’t." 
“Ain’t" Is a loose contraction of “am 
not," but not of “Is not." 

, “1 am not,” “you are not," “he Is 

not," Is the proper conjugation, the con¬ 
tracted forms being, “I’m not," “you’re 
not" or “you aren’t,” “lie’s not,” or “he 
Isn’t," not “lie ain’t." 

Some persons who endeavor to lie cor¬ 
rect eschew contractions altogether, but 
there is no good reason w hy one should 
nol use contractions If one xvill use the 
proper ones To refrain from using them 
lias a tendency to lend a pedantic air to 
New York or in one’s speech. In dlguitlcd utterance be- 

Reside* this many counties in our land from Dedham John Talcutt who came 
have been named after Essex, as for In- from ltrnlntrcc In 1 M 2 and became Irons- 
stance the comities of Essex In Masnachti- urer of the Massachusetts ltay Colony 
setts, Vermont, New York, New Jersey and a member of the Colonial I'arllament, 
ami Virginia, and the name has hern and Kev. Nathaniel Ward who came from 
given to towns and villages in many states, Stoodon Massey in Essex 1(534 and re¬ 
even iH’Ing used more than 200 years after turned in John Winthrop, Ills 

the settlement of New England Hut If true, came from Suffolk, but two of his 
we examine the names of the earlier set- wives were from Essex. Ills ffrst wife 
tiers of New England themselves we will was a daughter of John Forth Esq., of 
tlnd that the majority of them seem to lie Great Hanhridgc, and Ids third wife was 
Essex names. Let me give some from a daughter of Sir John Tlndal of Great 
the list of those who were made freemen Maplestead. Ills son John married a 

of the Colony of Massachusetts Hay, be¬ 
tween the years HUH-1(541. They are the 
names of heads of families and are as 

daughter of Edward Hcadc Esq , of 
Wick ford in Essex. 

In spile of the work of John Hunter, 

Abell, Adams, Allen, Angler, I there seems to be a doubt as to the origin 

Allies, Appleton, Archer, Arnold, Atkin¬ 
son, darker, Harncs, Hell, llctidall, Hen- 

of Elder, William Hrewstcr of May How er 
fame, Home writers make him a native of 

nett, Higgs, Hlakc, Hloomlleld, Hourne. Suffolk, and John Flake states that he 
Hradbury, Hrewstcr, Carrington, Chain- xvas luoru at Scroohy In Nottinghamshire, 
bcrlain. Chapman, Clarke. Coggesliall. but 1 am Inclined to think that Col. Joseph 
Cohlham, Cole, Coleman, Collins, Cooke. Lemuel Chester Is eorreet In maintaining 
Cooper, Cotton, Crane, Cross, Curtis, that he was a native of Essex. The last 
Dalton, Davcntsh, Davies, Davis, Davy, Essex name 1 will mention Is a famous 1 
Day, Dean, Dintiey, Dudley, Dyer, Eaton, one Indeed, and it Is that of Kev. John 
Elliott, Ely, Emery, Karr, Flrmln, Flske, Eliot, the noble Apostle to the Indians, 
Fitch, Ford, Fowler, Freeborn, Freeman, who spent forty years of Ids life in try- 
French, Fuller, Gardner, Gibbs, Gibson, lug to clvlllio and bring them to Chrlsll- 
4 ■ 111 , Godfrey, Goff, Grafton, Graves, anlty. The man, who in addition to 

Greene, Hale, Hall, Harlakenden, Harris, 
Harrison, Hart, Hawkes, Hawkins, 
Haynes, llaywooo, Howe, Hubbard, Hud¬ 
son, Humphreys, Jackson, Jeffrey, Jcnner, 

many other great tilings lie has done, In¬ 
vented an alphabet for the Indian tongue, 
and translated the Hihlc Into that lan¬ 
guage He w as not horn In 1U04 at Wid* 



shir airs » imais 

Su'ti Mada To Order in laleat atylea. 
Workmanthip and At guaranteed. 

Suits from SI 1.90 to 934.00. 




Hitt Broad Street, • KA8T WEYMOUTH. 


J. B. RHXXTES <& CO., 



Lime, Nails, Brick, Cement, Sand, Drain Pipe, 
Cutters, Conductors and Mouldings. 


Spruce. Cypress, wntiewood and Soli Piqe. 

Term. Net Caeh. 


Telephone Connection 

Johnson, Kcmpe, King, Lake, l.ambcrt, ford in llcrtfiinl'.liirc, as aome writers 
I.angle). I.lglitfoot, Lockwood, l.ovcrlng, think probably, but, aa Col Cheater no 
Marshall, Marsh, Marlin, Meade, Minot, clearly proves, at Nailing In Kssox In the 

Commercial St., WEYMOUTH. 

More, Morris, Mott, MIIIh, Nelson, New- year lilOil. U A 111 All Mil 

man. Nutt, l’age, rainier, l’arker, l’arkes, Have I not now said enough to show M UIIIPIIIIIIU • 
rarmenter, Cartridge, l’cacock, Perry, that the family Influence on the Founders M, b! 

Peters, Phillips, Porter, Purchase, l’yn- ol New Knglaml comes mainly from the mik\TIM 1' BCAll' TIIKATMKkTa. 
chon, l'yne, Halnsford, Hawllns, liny- Kaslern shires of Knglaml, and more than IMdtowIMi SAILS TKKt 

mond, Uohcrta, ltohlnson, Itogers, Howe, that, that the single country of Ksscs on< Mlfrr "' r 

Manicuring, ■ Shampooing, ■ Singeing. 

IMdtuHIkli 1.AILH TKKATKI). Nuprrnuou. Ilalr. Wart. aa< Molrs 
and .urrrssfull) rrMovrd. t'hlldrra’. Hair t'alllaa. 

Hnggles, ltussell, Sadler, Saltonstall, seems to have had the largest share In phono 35-9. 
Sand ford, Sands, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, that influence. 

Room 5, Bank Bldg., Quincy. 

Sherman, Smith, Southcott, Sparhawk, 
Spencer, Stanley, St ebb Ins, Steele, Stev- 

Nearly nil of the early settlers of New 
England can be traced back to the county 

flrrk and Trranurrr, 

i JoRrph A. Cashlag. 
i T. H. Kmersoa. 
John A. Raymond 

County Officers. 


| tiller of Prolate and Insolvency, James II 
Flint of Weymouth. 

Kezisterof Probate and Insolvency, lonattun 


Assistant Register, John I). Cobb. 

Clerk ol Courts, Louis A. Cook of South NY ey- 
mouth. Clerk, Robert It. Worthington. 

Ke<i,ter ul Heeds, |ohn W. HuWjkin. 

Assistant Register of Deeds, Edward I- Bur 

County Treasurer, Charles It. Smith. 

Sheriff, Samuel It. Capen. 

County Commissioners. Sumner II Foster of 
liftoklinr. James llewins of Med field. Marshall 
F. W right of Quincy. 

Sessions, Every Tuesday at 10 a.m. 

Special Conimihsioners, I^wis R- Whittaker of 
Franklin ; John Everett of Canton. 

District Attorney (Southeast District, Norfolk 
and Plymouth), Asa F. French of Randolph ; Rich¬ 
ard W. Nutter ot Brockton, Assistant. 

N. D. (.'antbhbuhy. Kdmcnu Cl. Batbb 


1' II. Khkhbon. C. B.Curbinu. 

IL K. Bicknill. 

IHvlilanda on th« loth of April 

•nd October. 

Deposit* placed on Intereat on (he 13th 
of Jnn., April, July and Oct. 


From 2 to H P. M.. except in j Satur¬ 
days from June J to Oet. J, i c/o n the hour» 
trill he from 10 A.M. to 12 M. only. 


North Aiuerican 
Investment Go. 

of th. United State.. 


$ 350 , 000 . 00 . 

(Near Post Office) 


Omen Hocus: — 8.00 A. M. to 0 . 3 U P. M. 
Will attend to all Dental Work at office 

In Loud's Block, South Weymouth, 
Tuesdiys and Fridays 

ofe»-h week. Appointment* made by iu»il. Open 

Chicago, lint ul Yonkers or of Kenwood: fore large assemblies one has less license, 
that Is one lives in a large city, hut at a hut In conversational utterances, contrac- 

ens, Stone, Strange, Swan, Swift, Sy. of Essex, and the reason why this Is not 
inonds, Tabor, Talcutt, Taylor, Thomas, generally known is because the genealogy 

small place. 

lions an* pcrmlssablo. 

Thompson, Tower, Towne, Townsend, 
Turner, Tulhlll, Wade, Walker, Walton, 
Ward, Warner, Warren, Watson, Webb, 

of the original settler Is often 
back only to the town or village in which ! 
he lived at the time of setting out for the 


Qouijselor at [aw 

(tl Court Ntrrrt, ROMOS. 

117 Broad direct, WKYMOl'TH CKSTKR. 

The Influence of the Eastern 
Shires of England on the 
Founders of New England. 

By Rev. William Hyde, Secretary the W« >- 
iniiiilh HUtoiiral Society. 

John Hichard Green, the English his¬ 
torian, brought so much new material 

counties of England was represented in West, Weston. Wilcox, Willis, Wheeler, m*" world 
the great 1'iiritan exodus, the East Augllan White, Wldtlng, Wood and Wright. I have alre 

counties contributed toll far more than A little more investigation might easily of Essex h 

all the rest. add more names from the same list, hut Yorkshire 

"Perhaps It would nol he far out of the those I have given urc the surnames of Kicklel Ho 

way to say that two-thirds of the Atncrl- men of ancient Ksaex whose origin has In for some ) 

can people who call trace their ancestry each ease been traced to that county, at the Unit 
to New Kuglaud, . a. follow it l.aek to The list from which the above names hut he was 

new world. Thus two of the men whom 
I have already mentioned as being natives 
of Essex have been given as natives of 

add more names from the same list, hut Yorkshire and Suffolk. They are Kev. 
those 1 have given are the surnames of Ezekiel Rogers, who had been preaelilng 

way to say that two-thlrils of the Atncrl- men of ancient Ksaex whose origin has In fur aome years at How ley In Yorkshire, 
can people who can trace their ancestry each case been traecsl to that county, at the Umc of Ills emigration to America, 
to New Kuglaud, . a. follow it l.aek to The list from which the above names hut he was really horn at \\ elhcrsflcld In 
the East Anglian shires ol* the mother were taken was BOO in number, but ISO Essex, where his father, ltlchar.i Itogers, 
country, one sixth might follow it to name* out of IWO Is enough to show the had preached .for tl years The other 
those south-western counties, Devonshire, prcdomlnencc of Essex surnames I was ltcv. Nathan el llogcis who had been 

Cures a Cold In One Day, Crip in Two. 


country, onc-slxtli might follow It to 
those Houth-westeru counties, Devonshire, 

Uirian, brought so much new material | >orc ,. t ant , Somerset whleh’solong were would like to have traced the I'llgrlm preaching at Asslngtou ill Suffolk, but 
into history, that he almost changed the forcnloal ^maritime enterprise, and one- passengers on the Mpytlmvcr to their an- was horn In Dedham and was the son of 

Trii pliont- No. fti5 Main, Ro-ton, or 13-3 Wry. manner of writing English history. In 
.Hall I'onatssloafr an* Notary r.bllc. It. l*l» work, The Making of England w e 

1 would j cestry, but much to my surprise, 1 found I the famous preacher, John Uogers. whom 



New Buildings on Brockside Roid. 

Open all .Might. 

Telephone M-3 Braintree. 


see that history In au entirely new light. 
Ills knowledge of the geology and topo¬ 
graphy of England and his antiquarian 
research added life and truth to his nar¬ 
rative, and this with the social side of 
his history, and Ids marvellous grasp of 
historic movements caused his books to 
come with startling dramatic force on 
the historic world 

In our own country there Is auolher 
w riter, w ho takes up history in much the 

sixth to other parts of England. 1 would realty, but much to my surprise, l lounu 
not insist upon the exactness of such that a very difficult, or Impossible task, 
figures in a matter where only a rough It will be noticed, however, that twelve 
approximation Is possible, but 1 do not of the 41 surnames on the Mayflower ate 
tldnk they overstate the East Anglican Included In the list given. I hey are, 
preponderance. Brewster, Brown, Clarke, Cook, Eaton, 

• . Fuller. Gardner, Martin, Rogers, Turner, 

“It was not by accident that the earliest ’ ....... .. . .7 , 

counties of Massachusetts were called 

Warren and White. 

In, Rogers, Turner, 
Doubtless, some of 

Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex, or that Boston the others not given in my Hat could be 
in Lincolnshire gave Its name to the chief lractM *sscx coun > . 

city of New England. The native of | 
Connecticut or Massachusetts, who 

Lurgi'M Drp«»*lt iif it- kind in flu* world. 

$722,843.38 $125,000.00 

liilrri-*! •"> per iviit. |" i MliliUin paid on »u\lilg« of 
$1,00 p« r wri'k it ok it. 

UinliT MlprivlfiiiH of Sating* Bank Com- 
mi—imiiT* nl Ma*«afliu»cit». Cinler in 
rrva-lng .Into <l«-pn*it law ol MU**iini. 
tlmli'T Mat** lli»pfiiin|i, lli-fliM >1 and doing 
1'ii'ini M in twi-iity -tali’*. 


For particular* call or uddro**, 

N' W F.iiglaiui Depurtuu lit. 

47,48,49 Journal Building, Boston, Mass. 


116 Arcade Building, Brockton, Miss. 

4 $ 4 

Thu Largest Boot and Shoe Repairing Sksp llf Kogiana, *...i John Fi.kc 8 iv«» u». 

I. Pnu.t. Tlll! Beglnnlnit* of New tuglaml. In 

in nonuiu tuumj. . I...* Jnlm Kl«ki. we have some- 

•*', youth*' and children’ll 

*ii.M- repaired in ui! expert'inanner. Work done thing of the subject, which 111 au iuipor- 

st'tasfeet i »m try t« hnn 8 m ** >.». 

»«me way. (ireen 8 .vc u*. The Mxklntf " a,1,U ' rs rilr “' l '°« l “ ml ,l,ul8 

of EDgl.n.1, ami Johtt FUke give* u*. . . uf 11 1,11 l,urafilil ‘ c ,llc 

The IleglDDlng* of New In s " llli,1 « ""M 1 ' ‘" ,l , <" alnl 

thl* book by John Flske we have some- market town* asHie fares leisurely, *ml 

It will lie noticed that many of the 
names I have given became famous in 
New England history. Let me mention 
some of them. Edmund Angler, who 
was born at Dedham iu Essex In Hi 12. 

Continued on page 4 ■ 

“Silver Plate that li ears . 

Your Spoons 

Fork*, etc will be perfection in durability, 
tx-auiy ul deMgn and brilliant y ot fundi, if 
|l»ey arc tcictird Hum paltcrita gUuipcd 


Plumbing and Heating Go. 

Plumbing, Steam Heating, 

Tin and Copper Roofing. 

Your or hiiiiiII contracts Huliciteil. 

All kinds of Jobbing Promptly attended to. 

Stove and Fnrnaco Repairing. 

\ Ulagvs mi.I smiling llehls end <|iiaint , 

. . . . , , . , . Elder, Edwartl Heuda . who came to the 

market tow ns asdic fares leisurely, and 1 . . * ... 

,, m . Ul , . Colony In lfifiO and was famous, laesldes 


East Weymouth. 

Washington Square, - WEYMOUTH. 
Oppoidle Walxh Broa. More. 



Cut FIowci'h and I’lant*. 
Cenlrsl Square, East W.ymoulh. 

11 is not necessary to prove that the , um ' *“>- 

original founders of New England were v-ry uamvs on the over Ihe 

Calendar of County C ourt. 1 ; 6 AfCldl Building 

Sunreme Judicial Court |ury Fitting, third Tues¬ 
day ol February. 

Superior Court, Civil Sei*ion»-For work with 
Jurias—Firtt Monday ol January, first Monday 
ol Hay, and limt Monday ol October. For Court U/CVlinilTU CIRC i| ARM RfWEQ 

woik-Fint Mmidiy uf February, lir*t Monday WtTWIUUIn lint ULRIiItI DUALO. 

ol April, first Monday ol September, and firxt 
Monday of December. 

Superior Court, Criminal Sitting* —First Monday ■ o _p.,1,. Rivi-rand 

o( April; first Monday of September; first Mon- ‘ ’ ,UV ‘ 7 

day ol December. 13 Hradlcy lertlli/ 

Probate Court—At Dedham, on the first and third 14 -1’ole, WenHagilHi 

Wednesdays of every month, except August. At i •_ITnlverHull 

Ijuincy, on the .eu.nd Wedlic&ay of every » ’ ,. 

month, exerpt August. At Brooklme, on the I O— l’ole, ralrvlew 

fourth Wednesday of every month, except j 7 _Sett ami N 

August. 1 B |, . . ,, 

County Commissioner*’Meeting*-Third Tuesday ° * ’ '' M ' ai " 

of April; fourth Tuesday of June; fourth Tues- I 9 Fob 1 , ( htirch Ul 

day ol September, last Wednesday ol December. 2 | Foie, Grant and 

By adjournment. On Tuesday*, except during u 

Augu ^ 23—Pole, Jackson h 

District Court ol East Norfolk. Jurisdiction, 24 — Pole. Electric S 

Randolph, Braintree Cobasset, Weymouth, Quin 25 Foie Sliuw -C« 

cy, Holbrook and Milton. Court held at Quincy ’ 

for criminal business every week day except legal I ole, M Mieeli; 

huli-iays, and lor civil business Tuesday* at y 27 Foie, llttteM Avi 

m. Justice, Albert P. Avery, Braintree. S|>eci*l 
Justice*, E. Granville Fratt, Quincy; Louis A. 28 l 0 I 1 , Shaw mill 
Cook, Weymouth. Clerk, lulm F. b. Churchill, 29 -l’ole, Strong i 
Milton. Frobation Officer, ErancU A. Sjiear. *5 2 , ...pi 

Tliayer Street, Quincy, t ourt Officer and Bail 1 “ u » ‘ 0,nnM r ‘ 

Commissioner, William M. Harden, 24 Codding- 225 Foie, opposite I 

ton Street, Quincy. 3 I— Pole. ODDOtflte I 



Water Takers. 

generally of English birth anil descent. 
Hut John Flake tells us In The Beginnings 
of New England, that the majority of 
these came from the Eastern shires, or 
counties of England, and the East Anglian 
counties at that. 

If then, the majority of those who be¬ 
came the founders of New England came 
from the Eastern counties of Englaud, it 
is possible to tell what influence these 
counties had on them, aud through them 

in not too straight u lino fro,,, Ipswich Colony !„ I« wd w f.mous beside. Hull. Countless mile unohlru- other reasons, for luvenllug . .living hell. 

. . 11.1 # 1 ... lie was a noted l’ur tan and named his 

slve features remind him of home The . m , ... 

very .mines on the slgnlm.nls over the ^Udren, Hcfonu, Ueslore, Free t.raee. 
Sleepy Simps have ..wonted familiar "■’I ’" 1 ■ ml Muru M, ' r<y 

. Pursuing thus our Inter- The Kev. Giles Flrmln, who was rector 
journey w e may come at last to °f Shalford and spent some years in New 
let villages of Auatcrficld and England Rev James Fitch, liorn «t 
v, on opposite hanks of the river Hocking in 1C22, came to New l.ngland in 
id just at the corner of the three in life was one of the pro¬ 

of Lincoln, York uud Nottingham prletors of the city of Norwich In Cou- 
was from this point that the Purl- nectlcut. Also \\ illlain trench, who wus 
sins to America was begun " a companion of Eliot, tlie missionary 

, , 1 1 Then there was John Graves, who came 

are the words of John Hake, one „ ,, , 

. . , . , from Na/.in In Essex, and Roger Ilarla- 

look. . Pursuing thus our inter¬ 

esting journey we may come at last to 
the quiet \Hinges of Auslcrlleld and 
Scroohy, on opposite hanks of the river 
Idle, and just at the corner of the three 
shires of Lincoln, York uud Nottingham 
And it was from this point that the Puri¬ 
tan exodus to America w as begun ” 

Sueli are the w ords of John Flske, one 
of tlie greatest authorities iu our land, 


Take no Bub*tiiute>-thrr* 
■ ic oilier Kuget*, but lik* 
all imiutiot,*, lliry lack 
llir merit and v«lue iden- 
11 tied with the original 
^ and genuine. 

Sold by leading 
vJOyVw dealer* every 

I 2 — Pole, River and Pu Ill’ll Sts 
I 3—Hradlcy Fcrtlll/.er Works. 

14 —Pole, Wessagiisset Road. 

I 5—Pole, Universulist Church 
16—Pole, Fairvicw House 
I 7—Pole, Sett and North Sts. 

I 8 —Pole, I*ovell and Bridge Sts 

1 9—Pole, Church and North Sts 

2 I —Pole, Grunt aud High Sts 

23— Pole, Jaekson Square- 

24— Pole, Electric Station, private 
25 -Pole, Shaw's Corner. 


21—Quincy Avc. Mini Hayward Si. 

23—Quincy Avc aud Commercial Si 
24 -Elliot St. 

25— Alleu St aud Commercial St 

26— Allen St uud Shaw St 

27— Commercial St , opp. Fan Shop 
29 -Commercial St uud Elm St 

31— Kim St. and Middle St 

32— River St uud Middle St 

34 — Elm St and Washington St 

35— West St un i Washington St 

36— Ash St uud Hollis Avc 

36 -Washington St opposite Mouatiquot 

41 I'ulou St and Middle St 

42 Uniou St and Wusldugtou St 

43 -Pearl St and WashiugUm St 
45— Pearl St op|smile Sinn- Fac’Uury 

46 Hancock St , private, Hollingsworth 

47 -l'oud St , opp A. G Clark's house 

48 Franklin St uud Central Ave 
123 Corner Quincy Avc and Alien St 
135 West St aud lit Veruou A»c 
145 Fountain Si uud Pearl St 

*47 Town St and l'oud St 

24 -Pole, Electric Station, privaU* 

25 Pole, Shaw's Corner. 

26 Pole, M. Shcchy 4 Co 

27 —Pole, Hates Ave. and Broad Sts. 

28 Pole, Shaw unit and Lake Sts 
29—Pole, Strong 4 Garfield Co. 

23 Pole, Commercial and Putnam Sts 
25 Pole, opposite Daniel l'rutt's 

3 1—Pole, opposite S. W 4 E Nash's 
32 Pole, Congress and Washington Sts 

34 Engine House No J 

35 Pole, Prospect uud Granite St- 

36 -Pole, Gurfield Square. 

38 Pole, comer Library 

39 1 le, Co ereial St , near Grain 


4 I Pole, Lovells Corner 

42 Pole, opposite ti S Hunt's 

43 Pole, Nash's Corner. 

45 1 le, cor ark uud Main St- 

46 1 le, To House 

47 Pole, opposite Phillip Frail* 1 - 

51 1 »le. ne ills Torrey s 

52 Pole, Engine House No. f» 

53 -Pole, 1 utlepeudenee Square 

54 le, Uea e|M»t 

55 > Palc, Cor l’oud and Thicket Sts 

57 -Pole, May's Comer 

58 I'ulou Stret t, opp lleuiy Chttlidlcr 
61 Corner Rau*i*ilph und Forest Sts. 

At 7.3J u eltxk *.111.. nu kchool in xny grade dm 
tug a hi. 1 he aauir signal at f> u'tluck, 110 M.ii-x*l 
in grades 1 and 2 during am. The same signal at 
11 45 iiVUsk. no s«.lit*>l in giades 1 ai d 1 during 
pil • 1 he xaUlt- m ;nal .»| || ?. ,j | , y m no 

.iIk.'I iu any grade during j, ui 

at the Water Office, or to 

JOHN K. HI NT, Collector, 
tw Front Street, Weymouth, Mas*. 
< Iffice Hours : s U» l’i xml • to 6. 

Cameras! Cameras! 

a I'UUieni i» u liever-eiullaK *ourec of |ih‘a* 
iii<'. Do you own oner If nol, shy not ;’ 
sun U tin- priii' i» no barrier. We have 
seeuied the ngi-ue) lur the Celehruletl 

Eastman Cameras and Supplies 

counties nan on mom, .no „,ro„g„ me,,. ... " keniU .„, wh „ „„born .1 K.rl. Colne, In 

.,ul New Knglnml, upon the rest of the .,.,1 they tr.eo ll,e origin of he m.jorl , New In 1(13B 

country. This Intluenee would nol he of of the founders of New'Kogtand tack to ^ ^ ^ _ )f ^ 

one kind only, hut would he varied in its U.c Ulster,, "hires of Kngl.nd Iut It n.yues, who e.rne from Cop ford 

nature Thus, not only would there may he possible to the n,.|orlty of 

t», c . f a , n |iv infiucucc. that in, the even thcae t<» Ofleor two of those Eastern 
ot int laiuny iiimiiiict, mu* • , ... ... . - Essex gentry, became governor of the 

family oriulu of each one of the counties Let us examine the county of 7 ..' , , ..... # 

lamiiy origin 01 ram mn .... Massichusetta Colony, and at the time of 

Koundera, hut Ihe speel.l eh.r.elera, lines Kssvx for lusl.uee, mid *e will learn, , HSS4 was governor of Con- 

of thought, family worship, religious that seems to have stamp ,*1 tself upon lnwrl „, fur 

Ideas, mental characteristics, .ml even New .nqland more than any of he other uf Uogcr u.n.kenden 

the occupations, which they followed, counties It was a natural thing for . 

■m. -» I All ai/.e. ami nil litii.heH of Photograph*. 

UhntflfYrQnhO lusluhl!,neons process used exclusively 

niuiugi d|jiioi r < cMMnn - 

t lane .uarlwt.l uf I'llTIHK MUI lUIMiS r.rrlr, I, ilack. milt IMIIK TU tiRDKR. 

Ovir Easton's Drug Store. STUDIO GRAND, RecklaaS,Miss. 

South Weymouth Ice Company 

TIRRELL & BAYLEY, Proprietors. 

I Diamonds > Ice and 


New England more titan any of the other ,, , . , 

... ... wife a sister of Roger Harlakenden 

counties. It was a nuturul thing for ” 

und -Imw tin 
and tqiwai'l*. 

it ul $ 1 , 011 , $’i.UU. * 3.00 

l ull uml *i« lit* tit ul lb*' 

If we llud certain characteristics peculiar these early settlers in u new laud to name 
to Hie people of these Eastern counties, ihe town- and villages which they 
it w ill only he natural If we find the founded after Ihe towns, in the inother- 
Founders of New Kuglaud having the laud from which they came There Is a 
same John Flske, throws some light on prodomlnence «»f natutw Iu the early settle- 
this question He says, iu The Begin- menta of New England, which are the 
ulngs of New Kuglaml, pages 78-76. names of places in Essex county Thirty- 

“No one can study the history of the Uve nt least, of the earliest settled towns 
two universities without being impressed In New England have Essex names. 

Then there was James Howe who came 
from Hatfield iu Essex In 1(537, aud died 
in 1702 In the lottli year of his age 
Joliu Lovering from Dedham, and Chris¬ 
topher Marllu, one of the Mayflower 

England, which are the Pilgrims, who came from Billerica with a 

names of places in Essex county Thirty- 
five ul least, of the earliest settled towns 

wife and two servants. Also George 
I Minot, who came from Sallrou YValdeu in 

I■ iroot ■ areai • diamond. 

Yl'll t'UII. Doll'l 1 ll I Ilk tllUt ll I' 

quires a is rue amount ol .. y, noi 

lbut )ou iiiu*I |iu> f<>r it ull ul ••Oi **, 


By our qkOn uf eat) paym ent *, * 

V* llki’ll Hr Ulxki to ull, )HII lull* u»ll* 9 

buy u duiuoiid uud |>4y lor II u- you * 
muiiI. To lb*' llr-i i* u »bo fill ll *. $ 

• •ui uud briua il lu u» we wi,l ulk»x » 

Ice and COAL and 

Refrigerators WOOD 

Heavy Teaming, Plowing, etc., 


Office, Columbian Square, 


1 AH 

England have Essex names. Ksaex lo 1083, and became a represent a- 

w ith the greater couaervatlsm of Oxford They are Billerica, Bow , Braintree, Brent- 





East Weymoutti Saits Bank. 

aud the greater hospitality of Canihriilge 
toward new ideas The explanation may 
I have some connection with the situation 

ud, Chelmsford, Colchester, Danbury, 

live lu Hie Coloulal Parliament, and Abra- 
hain Page, w ho came from (5real llradduw 

Derlham, Eastham, Easton, Epplug, Ks- ami Johu Page from Dedhaiu 

tuf Cambridge upou the East Auglicau lleinatead, Holland, Muldcn, Middletown, 
border, the Eastern counties of England Newport. Norton, Kaynham, Rumford, 
j have ofteu been remarked as rife iu Springfield, Stamford, Stow Stratford, 
heresy and independence. For many gen- Surrey, Sutton, Topsficld, Walden, \Val* 
erations the coast reglou luetweeu the thain, Wetheisllehl aud NVooilfonl No 
Thamea and the Humtuer, was a veritable ‘»thcr couuty lu Kuglaud lias given thirty* 
“lilua hoereticum ” l.ouglau*!, Bishop live name* of early towns iu New Eng- 

sex, Hadley, Hatfield, Harwich, Haverhill, The Rev (Jixurgn Phillips who was a 
lleiuslead, llollaud, Maldeu, Middletown, clrrgymau at lluxled iu Essex, aud he* 
Newport. Norton, Raynhaiu, Rumford, came the mlulster at Walertow u In Massa- 
Springfield, Stamford, Stow, Stratford, cliusetla In 1630. He is called oue of tlie 
Surrey, Sutton, Topsficld, Waldcu, Wal* first saluts of New Kuglaud, wa- tlie 
Ilium. Wetheisllehl and Woodford N<* common aucealor of the Phillips family 

Ilium, Wellieislleld and Woo*lford No coiuiuou auecstor of tlie Piilllips family 
other couuty iu Kuglaud has given thirty- ao prominent iu tlie history of Houlou. 

"lilua lioerelicuin " l.ouglaud, Bishop | live uuuies of early towns iu New Eng- He died It 

„f l.lnculn In 1510, nporUvl laud, .ml uo ulicrv In lliv wurkl, *t lhai cliurvli in 

as I'spi'vl.lly vlgurous ami uhatlutU' lu I viriy vlay, ncjil in K.s. \ . ouul}, ao,l lu Uogi'ra, »oi 

die*I iu 1044 much lumculed by his 
rch lu Watertown He\ E/.ekiel 

orrioi; H0UE8,10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 p. m his dloceae, where more than two liiiu- N*'" “iig 

tl .11 liikrr ...» .1 .. glllrrMI llr ' M l ' er ‘' 11 '' were UUI ' brou *'" . 

Kux 4 , upp. (atbsllr t'harrb. him lu tlie course of a single vlsilatiou ( m-imsio 

_ It was in Liueolushire, Norfolk, Suffolk Kaynham 

airly day, except iu Essex couuty, and lu Rogers, sou of Ret. Richard Rogers of 
New F.nglaud * an tli«- following uaiiics be Wethersfield, who came to New England 

found Billerica. Bow. Itreutwood, lu 1(538, uud became oue of the ablest 
Chelmsford, Eastham. lipping. Harwich, Divines of ills day Rev Nathaniel Rog- 

Rumfoi I ami Wethersfield 


ers. who wx-the sou of auotlier Essex 

uuvl Kssvx, uud umung lUu feu. of Kly, NuluulyUld the I I'l" »hu i aim from Dltiue 111. father, liev John Huger, of 

1 'aiuhrldge aud lluntiugtun that I’uriUu- Essex ulve Hies,- name, to Ihe place. Dedham, ».» a iirc.t or.lor aud preailnr 
l.m was BlroURt'sl at ihe cud of the I nth where the,' settled. Imt a. they, or Utelr well know u iu Kuglaud, aud called tlie 

It was as memlier and leading | 

ts uio\»■• i to other parts «»f tlie I famous preacher of De«Biam and ids bust 

spirit of the Ki.leru Connies A.socl.lluu, v ountry, they mad.use of the names of .till adorn, the chancel of the ehurch .1 
tint Oliver Cromwell Iteeau hi. uillil.rv Iheir t 'vvns lu thl. way we Dedham iu Kssex The son. NalhtuU'l 

that Oliver Cromwell began his military 
rarucr, aud lu s«» far a- there wa- any¬ 
thing aeelloual iu the struggle luetweeu 
Charles 1, au«t the l.oug Parliament, it 
wa-a struggle, which ended in the vic¬ 
tory of the East over the West East 
Anglia was from first to last the one re- 

gU j. have Braiutree Vermont, llutilel«i iu came with his wife au*l family to New 
Meu Peiiusvlv unij. Maiden ill New York aud Kuglaud III 16345, and Ids wife was the 

it, it TopslUld in M > ' and Spriugfiel.l has daughter of Robert Crane of Coggesliall 

, s been repesled Die country more tiiau iu Essex He had iiiauy descendants 

East Uf*) times aud his eldest sou John, luoru at Coggcs- 

ere- Another Mi u aud suggestive thiug hall became the fifth President of Harvard 

giou in which the supremacy of l'arlla* | is tiiat the h.i-.i" >s or oicupatlou of the I College Cottou Mather t ails this Na 


meat w as uuquesliouablcaud impreguaide, n* 
even after the strength of its population tr 
hill beeu diminished l»V sell* ling some to 
thousaiuls of picked UM-U aud women to 17 
America While every one of the forty vv 

;i- k*' that of the okl 

thaniel Rogers, oue of the Fathers of 

tree ami Dedham were manufacturing New England 

tow us, hot li »»» Ksaex county and lu New Then there wax Johu Uuggtca from 
England, while llurwkeh iu I*oth places Na/iug iu Essex, aud Johu Hhermau of 
UU* u 1 -ldng towu on the seashore Dedham, who was luoru iu 1634, and be- 


”'"■•“•2“™ ““ M ; NEW LINE OF SPRING GOODS. 

fi.r iii.muid. Jr.fir, ... Htlr. f 

Itr.airl.K. i |,^|N | 5 f,„- out.i'lc ami lushle lu all the u.w ahatlea. 

rU Ur.KCO lu uliltc ami color, will make ulil Cvillugs look like new. 
IIANNKIt l.YK for cleaulug t hist dl.lufectaul ou the market l’KUNINU 8AWK 
JAI’-A I.AC for reuvwlng wood work. PT.DOH STAIN AND WAX. 

UUI KUKB of all 

\ a, w uti.l vv .-ll sclvclcl of CUTLhKY. 

s, i .,i'it m.w uIKIH.U wuii yiuar-ci.vss ru'iiuikii oisi'i.av 



Washington Square, “ Weymouth. 

To People 
Who Went 
Reliable Pienos 

Evcui if yuu aic nut quite icxdy tu buy * 
puuu, i'line in xiiJ luuk about our i-«uhii*li* 
meat. Listen to the tone oi the variou* uuke* 
sec the nuny style* of case* xn<i try the in*trui- 
merit* all you Midi. A*k <iur*tioo* and let u» 
rzpUin trriii* x*.d quote pt*• e». You aic »d 
come here whether you |Hiidia*e *m not. ‘ u 
one tiling you may Lie ictum if yuu ever want 
x line pixnu you'll coiiir tu u» alter tlii* visit. 



All Rail Anthracite “ *£•*•*. 

Ol'lt COAL oimvs all the way from the luiuvs tu vara. fuiM«qucuUy It i* 

Iv.s broken, i ham r au.l much belter than that couiiug l>> boats 

llr.ur.t .Ilk >uur ... .1 our I.ICar. .r >■ kllrkr. Mat. 



Vard, Wliarf 81., EAST W KIMOl TH. Tel. tl-*. 


ruM.snxD Kvr*T rnnuv by run 


■ AM. ronmiUTin*.) 

Rev. Relph J. Hauflhton Rraiit"* !he 
Putorata of the Old North Church. 



Manager and Editor. 

utihk »T Tee ro.r o»m« «r wttennTH ; 
■ *•*.. AO »«oORn rUM *ATT« 0 . _ 


Mr ItuckefelliTelioiililhive 
much a-lverll-cil slnn.i.ld 

-Ignc-I Hint j 
chock ' I 

Mr Car—gli’ t-oppoacit u> n lilg n»\y 
on,I Mr Carnegie- compenv tloetrc* to 
furnleh nil the armor pinto for It 

Secretory Tuft In n highly ImpnrUnt 
men Ju-t nt prcnenl, being -ccrelflry nf 
wnr, eccrctnrv nf -late nnii practically 
nctlmr prcnhlcnt 

An Inn n nclcntlnt ili-claro- Hint porenun 
elioiilil well their opjwwllce The rcciinln 
nt the illvorcc conrtn neom tn Indicate 
ttint ninny nf them itn 

tin the theory Hint "lime In money' 
Mrs. Chailwlck tins ten yearn that she 

Great Breach of Promise Case. 

Edward C. Clark Duly Acquitted by a 
Jury of His Peers After Exciting 



The Mm k ('null Trial Which w.l« l»r- 
mutcil In (I,M Kclinks npom linu.c 
Wcilnc.ikiv cn-nlnu nmlcr the auspice- 

.if tin-Inn-much t'lrclf nr King- Daimli- 

It r« wn-nil tmini-tiaic nml an Imincn-c 

-ni ce—frnm tin-«l»ihlp‘»lht "f the ■lull- 

dice amt al«n ffiniii that nf the King- 
Daughter- tali- rcccDc.l the prncccl- 
,, till I, amontttcil In hv.’i 2 * 

WurcMirr, told Hm 
nrrllon* with 11 n* 

■lory «• f her cofi- 
d« fnidant from tin* 

lime of tln-lr romantic Hireling on Sim\x 
unit sim i to tin -1 ventfui Align**! eveniim 
wlirn In* propo?«c*«l t«> l»«*r In tin* parlor of 
Imt hoarding hoti«c on f'at .Mlov ami thru 
tin I never to return The detail* of hoi 
story wore then corroborated anil en¬ 
larged upon by thcae wltHiUPi** after 

Court uii' opened ai * o’etoek by ( onrt turns 

Officer I’m*toll W W and crier t ormeii ami rroiiK "amo...... 

!li,,, rU cW tinker The ilefen.lant «a- then put thi 

It.v iinrii -I. ID' ■ ittn- i i ik uf t 'nurtn tnlin \ llnymnnil then wltncaa-lami, amt nmlcr the unlilance u 

...h-h t»t I |( t| ie oral cairn Com.. v«. hln coonael, H. V. SewWB of Wowealer 

U the Old North church ln«i Sunday j (i ,., irui . \y linker, talm «a- chatgeil with t"lit hln -tile nf the -tnr\ talilch wn 
„• Kmcry I. llrn.lfnr.l nf Ka-I On .IcfciuUhl pleading -linllar to Hint nf the plaintiff with 11c 

Otllli ocCTptcit the pulpit ill exchange J ..guilty' lie wn- -inlcnccil by .fuilg ■ Important illlTerence that lie -tatc.1 Ilia 

Hev Kmerv I. Bradford of Fa*d Wry- 
month occupied the pulpit in exchange 

\+ and Trier (’orthell anti Frank “Handsome" Torrey. 

The defendant waa then put on the 
Havipond then w Utica* aland, ami under tin* guidance of 
nonwealth \s, hl*• counsel, K V Newton of Worcester, 

with the pnator. Ih \ Kalpli .1 llaughton, I j MU j, \ f to life Imprisonment In 
and reatI the latter* letter of resignation ||(| , nj ,j |. a ,|| CH * Home nt Qulncv, the llrst 

0 f Cio divorce courts seem to Indicate „f hl« pastorate, aald resignation to take 
that many of them do. effect on Faster Sunday. April 2-> 

' —- Although not unexpected, Mr llaugli* 

o n t|„. theory that “time Is money ton’s resignation wa* received with deep 
Mr**. Chadwick has ten years that she regret hy his parlshoners, for during the 
would doubtless be glad to negotiate at a four years of;h!s pastorate in Weymouth, 
reasonable discount for cash he has made himself extremely popular 

ten days at hard labor ami the la«*t ten see her niece, .icru*iia icay i 
,lnvs at “soft labor " Ann » »• "' n{ ,l,r 

Tin. t»ii*t rase was that of the Tom the proposing 

! days at “soft labor." 

The next case was that of tin* Toni- 
j „,„nwealth v« Martin K tlawc-. lieb-'tng 
J di.rgcil with cling all the ny-tcr- at a 

ding similar to that of the plaintllT with the 
nip • Important difference that lie stated that 
t In the cause of Ins visits to the boarding 
tlrst house of the widow was that lie might 
ten see her niece, .leru*ha Hay I'erkliis , Miss 
Anna It. Hates and that the widow did 
'mil the proposing 

ring Witnesses for the defense, Miss Anna 
at a It llatcs Miss l’crklns) Dr Joseph 

reasonable discount for cash he has made himself extremely popular 

-- Since October I. last. Mr llaughton 

A story coming from Huntington. West has acted as assistant manager of tin- 
Virginia, tells of a couple standing waist Columbian National Mfe Insurance To 
deep In Ice-cold water while the marriage and has been very successful iu Ills new 
ceremony was being performed When position Mr llaughton has supervision 

church supper Kvldence being lac king Chase and Minot “ITetty-plaln" Carey 
that there was more than one oyster In being duly sworn, offered additional cvl 

the stew, the case was continued until the deuce of Mr < 
next session of the court. nc,cc Bn<l ' 

The case was then called of Common* proposal 
wealth\s Arthur M Haymond, charged Both sides c 
till uttering a false note As It w as con- w 1th local hit; 

deuce of Mr Clark's Infatuation for the 
nelce and Ills consternation at the widow’s 

\t wo hear from tills couple they will of thecompatn's Interests In the Wey- ,.|„,| vi lv proved that it was not a promts- getting its full 

»f the argument were replete 
i, the Whale l*dnml club 
I -time, and tin* audience 

pi nimbly be up to their eyes ln“hot water " mouths 
— — brook. 

Firat ImpreMioni. 

The thrifty householder of today has 
learned to “put Ids best foot forw ard *’ 
His front door with Its polished glass, 
the little patch of lawn before It and the. 
generous hallway and tasteful parlors 
Into w hich U opens give no hint of the 
little economies deemed necessary, per¬ 
haps, in the kitchen and sewing-room 
The value of first Impressions Is well- 

llanilolph mnl II,.I- i „ nr> i,„t n imislcnl mile nml Unit w». fmiucnllv cnnuil-cil with laughter, 

I hi- vmihln't help II, the vane w»- ,|iia-heil c-peeltlly when ilurlng the llinl argn- 
[hmil the tnwn unite | n I'miimoiiwenlih v- W M Tlrrell, menu, by the lawyer-, the attorney fur 
llielr lie-l Wl-hes fm ,.|„ ru „| w III, -tiling undre—e,l kl«l-. on the plalnHIl reipienteil Juror T. II Kmor- 

Ills friends throughout the town unite- 
In extending to him their best wi«dics for 
all possible Success 

Mr Haughton's lettc-r «*f resignation 

Weymouth. Mass . April 2. IPO,A 
To the members of the First Congrega¬ 
tional Church and I’arish. 

Dear Friends - Yon are fully aware 
that for several months past I have* been 

'oiinsel provlug that the 

referred son to“please w nke* up for a few minutes.” 

tu were gloves, the defendant was re- 
leased with the sentence that In- nlwnvs 
wear undressed kids 

In the next case, Commonwealth \s. 
Silas It Totinan, alias “Hlnnev, ' the tie- 

In Ids charge to the jury, Judge Cook 
admonished them to remember their In¬ 
born politeness and disregarding the evl- 
I deuce, render a verdict for the plaintiff, 

Absolutely Sure 



UK.orMit nit in it SKlivifks. 

Sunday morninz preaching service at 


Sunday-school session at II C* 

Christian Kndcaxor meeting nt r. 

Sunday evening service nt 7 
Tuesday evening service at 7 80 
Topic for Clirlstian Kmleavor meeting, 
April 1 “What din-s Christ's life show 
us about the Father?" 

Topic for Tuesday evening, April 11: 
“The blessedness of not having our own 
way " 

The animal election of ollleers of the 
Sunday-school w as held last Sunday with 
the following results Superintendent, 
Charles A Handnlt; Asst. Superintend¬ 
ent, Joseph A Sampsou; Si , cr« , tary, Wal¬ 
ter Farrar Treasurer, Holiert H Hay¬ 
mond; l.ibrarlan, William M Heaniey; 
Chorister, T. II. Fmerson 
The regular monthly social w ill he held 
next W nines nay evening Supper will 
be served at «I ;W o'clock, and will be fol- 

as she was a lady, for the full amount, lowed by an excellent entertainment. 

charged with wilful tills- g:l. 0 H 

There are many 

men in the suburbs of 
Boston whose time duyng 
banking hours is fully oc¬ 
cupied, either in their own 
town or in the city, and 
there arc many women 
who come to Boston in¬ 
frequently, but who would 
find it greatly to their ad¬ 
vantage to have a bank 
account with the Old Col¬ 
ony Trust Company. 

To meet these condi¬ 
tions we have adopted a 
system of banking by mail. 
Accounts may be opened 
and deposits made by mail, 
and these deposits will be 
acknowledged on the day 
of their receipt. It is not 
necessary to send the pass 
book with deposits, or to be 
balanced, as statements 
showing the condition of 
the account are mailed on 
the first of each month 
with the cancelled checks 
A pamphlet illustrating 
and describing the Temple 
Place office in the shop¬ 
ping district is of particu¬ 
lar interest to women, and 
will be mailed on request. 



n prcHt ntallon In a traJr whereby Iu* ? 

» such a liousclioltlcr realize* severance of my relations 

riotisly considering tin 1 probability of :t a goat to John II Tliompxui in plare of a 

•by lie soltl The jury, however, disregarded the nd- 
i place of a monition and after being out but a few 
nael being minutes in order that the Judge might 

that his personal efforts, even when dnpll- 

• mtinu*d until 

rated by those of his neighbors, go but a am In a position to >tnte definitely to you 
little way towards making a favorable my plans for the future, and at the out- 
impresslon upon the stranger because set I wish to assure you that it i- not 

offset by some unsightly buildings 

without feelings 

lug at the gateway of the village or upon place In your 

regret that 
morning, m 

get the ln**t ear for South Weymouth) re¬ 
turned with a verdict of arquittal. and 
F.dward Cautious Clark walked forth a 
free man 

The eourt was then adjourned sine die 

the corners of its square 

resignation of the pastorate 

f thought Is suggested by torlc Old North church, which in the 
the ancient railroad station which we spring of HI 01 you were good enough to 
pass daily as we go from the w harves to place iu my keeping 

Washington square Few can remember I fully realize that in resigning this 
when it was built and not many can recol- pastorate to become assistant managei of 
led when any essential improvement was the Columbian National Fife Insurance 

made upon It 
gone by." 

lays Company. I am making 

The time has arrived when I unprepared, the ease was eontinum until get me .as, cat .or nmmi ^ „ , 

Intc ildlnlU'ly to you i|,c m-xl xonlun. turn«l »Uh » vonllct of »n,., Hal, ar 

ure. and at the out- The next ease on the docket, was the Kdwnrd Cautious (lark walked forth 
von that It I- not amit olvll Mill, lo wlliicas which, all llio freeman 

;, t . c p regret Hint I toon - prominent people ha,I The conrt na* then a,IJourne,! fine it 

, II,la momlmi. my aembl.-l. namely, that of Mr- .lorn-lm hy llio Crier, lieorge W Maker 

l-lnrate of Ihl- hla- ltntnr Perkin- Mr- I Mill lln il, \ \ . Tlic-c twelve a<wl nicn all tried ami true, 

urcli, which in the F.dwarJ Cautious Clark, for Breach or || ave hea,J tins funny case all the way through 

'•To a.... l'romi.r Marriage . . 

I The following jury was then Impanelled 

„ |„ re-lglti.Ills I ami-worn l,v llic Clerk : Then,lore Moose- Tho.nh the nilnenn here are ,uch a queer lot, 

11 111 11 1 It’s very hard telling how many are bought. 

assistant manager of I veil foreman William t r.aiU' orour Hut we l re honest men who grind no axes, 
lunal Fife Insurance Cleveland. Peter W French ; David H. The thing we think of is the effect on Uses, 
inking a very great , Hill. N D Canterburv ; I hauticex M. jt’* chcattcr to keep him on the musical trail, 

These twelve good men all tried and true, 

Have heard tins funny case alt the way tlirougti 
both the bench and the tar have shown such wit, 
It’s easy to find a verdict to fit. 

of the road think It Is not woith much can possibly mean to you n metiu- 
OU ,I OV I changing of many cherished plans, 

If the stronger guage* Weymouth by j the frustrating of many hopes S 
her railroad station he must have a poor am thankful for these four year- 

change— a change that must mean much Depew. F H Neviii; J 1 ’ierpontMorgan, 
more to my own life than my resignation Dr. J C Fraser; William F Douglas, 
can Possibly mean to vou It means the James Ford; John F. Hates, S B Tot- 

It> condition suggests that the officials more to my own life than tin resignation 
the road think It is not woith much can possibly mean to you It means the 

It's very turd telling how many are bought 
Hut wc’rc honest men who grind no axes. 

The thing we think of is the cttect on taxes. 

It's cheaper to keep him on the musical trail, 
Than to give him a turn in the county jail. 

So wc hope your honor will plainly see 

Why tin' verdict is not guilty on which wc agree. 


Library Art Club Exhibitioni, Apr.I 12- 
April 29. 

Tills exhibition will Illustrate Festoons I 
Mini Decorative (iroups, also an Orna¬ 
mental Alphabet of Plants. Animals and 
Still life, photographed from nature. 
Those colored lithographs, grouped and 
arranged with a view to llielr use by de¬ 
signers in the decorative arts, were col- 
ledted and published by Martin Herlach, 

The column under this title will be given »*• 
tin* people for % free dWrUMion of »uy mul all 
'Objects, the inanaKetnciit of the paper diMinrtl) 
dinclaitninir all rc'ponrdbMty for the opinion* 
here cxproR'cil 

cliau[;ing of many (hcri-lu-l plan-, and man: llvnry Cabot Lodge, M !'• tlawos: 
the frti-tratltiR "f many hopes Still I Admiral HoorRe Dewey, 1) M haston; 
am thankful for those four years of Alton It. Marker, T. tt Emerson: d'dill 
Christian fellowship, -thankful Hint the 1). I.ont;, Charles It Salford. dolin 1. 

opinion of her and yet, It may he, that Christian fellow-hip, -thankful that the D, Charles 

tins unattractive strneturc Is the tlrst and prlvIloRe has been .. h.iua your Sullivan, I. H Mate 

the last tiling wltldn her borders upon pastor I shall always eherish Hits The plalntiir litln« 
which Ills eye hits rested and I,a- there- amon« the most ptcaaant memories of my the witness box aui! 
fore become associated wdllinit Ids memo- life. from tier attorney, (id \ \ 

rles of the place. In handlup yon my resignation I u-k ■ 

in : llenry Cabot Dodge, M. K. Hawes i ] l'reeedlng and after the trial an orches- 
Imiiat Heorite Dewey, 1) M Easton; tra under the direction of Arthur M. Hay- 
ton M .Darker, T. It Emerson: dolin inond and composed of Mr llansou Of, Charles It Salford dolin 1. (Quincy, violin: James T. B. Hunt, viola; 
lllvan, E il Bates. Arthur Fearing, clarinet; Fred l’ratt, 

flic plaintiff living duly sworn, entered cornet, and Charles Colson, trombone, 


l/iu'.rr IhU limtlint; the paator* of ALI. the 
rliurulir' are corillally Invited to mitke Mich an- 
nonnreiiinnui of Mnrlcea,etr., a* they may wi»h. 
Wc auly stipulate that ruch notices to he In- 
»erte«l uliall reach n» at the lea«t on Thursday 
morning of eatdi week—the day before publica¬ 

box anti altlml by 

-tlons rcntlcreil excellent music 

greatly t" the evening's 

rles of the place. in nanuing you my resignation i msm 

Is not the rallroait station really the that it take effect on Faster Sunday, 
front door of the village and should il April Mrd, and I also desire to thank you 
not suggest hopefulness and thrift rather from the bottom of my heart fertile 
than hopelessness nml stagnation? many kindnesses which you have Iu — 

Why not petition the road for a new many ways shown to me, for your friend- 
station? ship which lias been a continual source «*f 

John J. Fori*. Inspiration, for the klntl words of ap- 

_predation so frequently spoken, for the 

MONDAY CLUB. flowers and sweet reminders of a devoted 

people sent In the hours of sickness and 
Annual Election of Officer*. sorrow For all these tokens of Chris- 

Pupil*' Hours Shortened by N. Y. School 

(liy request i 

NEW VI IIIK, March 211 The Hoard of | 
Education today voted to reduce the hours I 

N. Y. School Railroad Note*. 

Conductor Albert Hates has retired 
| from railroading and taken employment 
The Hoard of I with <’ S. Gerrold, the painter, 
luce the hours | Joseph Cresswell, No. has given up 

Old South Ciiuucu (South Wcy- 
whieh added I mouth). Hev. II. (\ Alvord, pastor. 
vmjiii| I Morning service, 10.3b. Sunday School, 

1I.4.V Haracu Young Men’s (’lass, 12.00 
Y I'. S. (’ K. meeting at 0.1.*». Evening 
service at 7.00. Thursday evening, 7.30. 

Tkinity Council (Weymouth) Hev 
William Hyde, rector. Service with ser¬ 
mon at 10.30 a in aii*I 7.30 p in Sunday 
School nt 12.00 m 

Weymouth, Mass., April C, 130,1. 

To the Editor of the Oaxctte 

Dear Sir —In looking over the Wey¬ 
mouth (iaxette of last week and seeing 
the picture of Mr Brown who has re¬ 
signed as warden of the Weymouth alms¬ 
house and gone to Brockton at it much 
increased salary, I was reminded of the 
old saving that, “you never miss a person 
until he is gohe," which can be applied In 
this case to to Mr and Mrs. Brown, who 
eauie to the almshouse under peculiar 
conditions and bringing it up to u stand¬ 
ard worthy of the recommendations con¬ 
tained In the State Board's report. 

I Mr. Brown Is a most affable man to 
meet; one of keen judgment, knowing 
the value of all stock and merchandise in 
connection with an institution of that 
kind aud w hen to turn it for the best re¬ 
sults to the credit of the town. 

As to Mrs. Brow n, the matron, she is 
a model of neatness and activity. One 
would need only to go to the house ami 
witness her methods of doiug things ami 
knowing when to do them. This in Itself 
is recommendation enough. 

It Is not at all surprising that officials 

f POU < H n 

1 W. Mo..uth,lo \. It. Ili« *n*. IV. A llmurh 
t,„i. In S. WfJTlTHMlth, hy W. A. I 1 


It**** ttt tfM unlit ••no n *rnti ••rD 

tn««Tt*Mi. •»<•* »»tr* lln* *«r i'mir.4 • 111*. 

\« ml*. •c<f|tUtl in fltli il»|i»rlm*nl 
iinlnai with r»wt*« 

I ?on atl.K. 'i«.. HMDh •• • m •• 1 ■ , 

^ ttl nioiitl''‘»» fi«nn, XV«! II ' "■*• 

Yhnm|****u, ■•liainlWnHof. ^ “ 

I .so It Sill. 

‘ i , or In ir.MMl «nn*lili«m. Ni l • i ! J I.'• > 
nvVmi.' mo « * • ninir Hflrr • o’.-lo. |.. 

I XOlt NAI.K. lllBh bn .l III I ' 'v ' 
’ • u'C' ' hn!. - huiir, .’■**«• - •• I W 

|!i, linnl*. 4 I r-uit Pt., W« vnviiili. ' '* 

1 'ON SAI.K. Al h hnr—ii",.» s*idI. '■ • L• " •«• 

’ mt ' .tl hi |wrft « t onji t. \ l.ln *-. I • ' '• *'*•' 

O, Milimii Mi", " " 

I ^Olt NAI.E. Tw<< i Otiif. I* w III • -* I" "' -. 
T s.- Id ifiltl, 2 rt. ** ,'I , Il Iilftli. 11 II- 4 

nii<l ft ft. S ut. Apply lit III.' oltl' • «" ' ^ • 'T,, n 
\ Co.,*.'. Wn*liiiifion St., \\ • \ mi.ill ft. *“ 

I .loll MAI.K. I’twlory »u llr- -I Mr- •«. " 

. - ,i« -t it, in-r.' or t.-ur ilow d . -i " *• 11 
tt-o \ " >ili inml ,IOt» n. front hid I n. *1.' I , " 1 

Oil- fo’tirlli -f it* H«-| -»I , 'I value. M. shr. h> 

1 .XOK Mt.K. I.K»r* loi ItRli hltur. . • " ,t 
* ,idI .1 I’ly inoiith II.H-k* li-tn lii-t< ho* 

• to* k .'iOd pri «otliii|t of 13. .IiicmIi F. 1*1/. i, 

Slum mill St rent, F.n«t Weymouth. t0 ,l 

r|XO I.KT. T. iirmint ovrr of F.. W. Il'iut. ■ 

| \\ t*h'mirtonS<|iDin ,T"iiti»lnlim fiv «"'»> 

i***,iti*. id w ' p,*p. rt -l mnl piilnte.l, Itiriti pMittrv mul | 
Imtii, "Hit )ir.HMl utli*; miiImIiI.* l.»r •infill itmii' 
Apply to K. W, Hunt. 83 I 

W AXTI’.I*. A »i * *'iii|.lmtiil bub* • trrbier u 
pnrmt. Drop 11 p.»-t**l "1 • “Il lit V'.tl 
l.lttisilu St., North Wi * mouth. - H 

W ANTI-IIN, \ n»i*n -t b»mll\ n'juinuti .l in 
W>* mouth. In Hoik on tl*e o.lorU " l*""*P 
for i lonnll*K l * , "l ee"«po , ’ I V A.blm* Imx Zft 

Weymouth or 5 1’enrl Street, QuHn?'. 

\ \ ’ t V ri'.l*. tnibi*tnnn« man -r woman a- I 
VV pertnaiii iit reprr'i'iilative of blir inannfai i 
iirlntr roiiipaiiv, to look after tt« builnc" In thi- 
t ..nut v mid adioinliiK territory. Hu-iiie" »m • . «•- 
till MIDI . -nblMie.1 SaInr* ♦;«.00 weekl.v aU*l -w 

... SMUrv pnid weekly from homeoftlee. l.\ 

prn-e money mlvnneed. Kxperiem-e not en.i nUal. 

Fm |o«e MeirniMreMieil envelope. Malinm r, 
Como Block, Clileago _ 23 “_ < 

W ANTBD. People to Know that It co»U only 
'Z 6 centito make known their w»nU in thi* 


1 Jl’PII.N di iiliiiK iliilrm tlon upon »"> bund ■ i 

1 onlicMral In-truimnL ’1 hi* • I.. k>» 

• hi Month*. W. .Ine-lay mid Fridi»>. upon the piano 
.iidI all wiiid or Mrllig.'l in-truinc nl-. Want •> *'| M 
more memlierR for tit.'in '* Inuul ; 2 ha*** - t -pi . iiilU 
• t ASTI l.l.l t t I oMFIPi, 0 oil 
St., or T81 It road St., F.a-t WeyinoUlll. 1 Vi 


We run Malt von In a paving hii-ine-- on 
-until rapital. Ma. lain - « t-> and -inipl. !•• 
t.p.-rate. Write for free illuMiat. d rntnloRin 
and full information. 


Fii, l..r, Akn.ii, **■ IHIIff ; till fallea M.. VI. 


SM M.l. LOANS on personal property nr real 
i e-'tate*to tide voir over preient lie e-itie-, at low 
. rate* and privately. For interview addr.-, 
“Fiintm ier. Fort Point hotel, North X\ t vinoiith, 

Money Saved is Money Earned. 

NVe are saving ffionPv f*»r hundred' of 
lamllles anil can do the same f«»r you 

Hr base the I.argent Assortment nf AII Kinds nf l t opular- 
f'rlced I iirniture. Carpets and Hanges tn \c%v England. 

If titer.. Is mi)thing that to" "d"* I" Houmhold Furnishings 
Xoil Will III).I n !.'Itut -lock lit re nt Heasonabl© Prices 

We are snl.I AD KM’S foi the FDDY HHFHDiF.HATOH 
ili,- «,111 \, V \ Citoinnd Standsrd nml the *•»•!x refilgerator with 

-lull--II. I , - . | \”l.U .It'llNSt iN BD'Yrl.F.S the b-me'l e\t ie nl 
honest pile. - . nl-.t the Hsnge Dial makes cooking Pftsy —the 
lll.F.N W« it i|* 

w . havt KXI'KIIIRNCKU WoHKMKN l {* ( I l \N M IKK 
iiy KH AND HI. I. \ Y « \HI’I I S anti uuaiaule * 1 Dial >«*nr work 
W HI be tlOH*. sallsfielot lly 


) mil eredll Is 


Tlte Lowest Priced House Furnishers In Ntw England. 


|.|i».*i IliineoeU Street., (piiaey 

\V,, ki-i p ufu'i, Mornlay, Friday anil Saturday cvutilnt!-. 

Bradlee «Se Chatman Co. 


121 Beverly Street, 

Tflr(ihiinr., I:lrt,mir,l {*,* 


S. (i. DlMtAU of North Weymouth, «lu> i« 
iu charge of our Hot Air Department,' will lie 
plenseil to <-;ill nml Bulnnit plana ami estimnteu. 

“Hunt’s News Room.” | “ Hunt’s News Room.’ 


A Full Line of 




A Full Line of 

Union (’onokkoationai. Ciiuucu of llielr stantling are being sought after 
(South Weymouth). Hev. Harry W. by such municipalities as Brockton to ad- 

preclatlon so frequently 

f..r the elementary school* of this city from live returns to the Queen Aune’s Corner route. 

). Hev. Harry W. 
Morning service at 
iooI at 12 in. Y. 1*. 

Hotter- and sweet reminder- of a devoted to three and one-half hour- and abolish Mam street ha- always been a favorite 
people sent 111 the hoars of sickness and sueh studies as have been termed ' frills with "Dewey." 

For all these tokens of Chris- and fails.' 

away during the 

The anneal cling of the Monday club Mm >‘»>' »'"> fcllowtshlp -luring he past | tlrst year « hi the l«a hi g; o set'ting, 

was held April J. The ballot presented four years we have been privileged to physical mining, ot gan ad e. b> 
by the nominating eommlltee recom- work together, 1 thank you all today -logy, and t a gr. 

turns to the Queen Anne’s (’timer route 10.30. Sunday-School at 12 in. Y. 1*. 
am street lias always been a favorite 8 . 0 . H. meotin^ife t» |». m. 

... ,•• BaptibtC iiuitciifWeymouth) Frank B 

Creasoy, pastor. Lord's Day services 
The open ears have all been painted ami preaching at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in 

mended almost an entire change of officers, 
all of which were elected as follows 
President, Mrs. John F. Heckman; 
ilrst vice-president, Miss Lillian Me- 
Orcgor; second vice-president, Miss 
Annie K. Hichards; recording secretary, 
Mrs. Charles M Taylor; corresponding 
secretary, Mrs tieorge 1>. Bullock ; treas¬ 
urer, Mrs. Winslow M Tlrrell; executive 

Wishing you only success in your labors 
for the Kingdom of Christ and tin* wel¬ 
fare of humanity, I remain, 

Mont sincerely your friend and pastor. 

It J llAn.nioN 

with instruction in drawing 

W. R. C. Notes. 

The regular meeting of Heynol.l* W 
K (’ will be held in O A. It hall next 
Tues»la\ afternoon, April lltli. The lust 

.losepu i re. swell, .>o. ... nu B mn ii| (South Weymouth). Hev. Harry W. by such municipalities ns Brockton to ud- 

of study for pupils in the ilrst year of the Ids strenuous run on the Quincy Hue ami Kimball, pastor Morning service at mj| ,| sler lllt , a , ralr} , of l i, c | r c i ly homes. 

vlurns l<» the U-toon Anna's C»rn«r r-.ut,* 10 jl- Smolav^Schnol at 12 m. V 1*. The of , „.*r'c* no doubt 

if am street has always been a favorite »• U. K. mectln^Trc p. m. , ii.miti.m when thev 

kilt. ,.n,.u,.v •• Baptist Ciiuucu (Weymouth) Frank B. binMiv perplexed position when uie) 

* Cressey, pastor. Lord’s Day services: received their resignations, but were 

The open ears have all been painted and Preaching at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in. very fortunate In procuring the services 

>verhauled and It will be but a short Bible School, 11 4*. Aouiig people s meet- (| j. yjrs. Ciimmiugs as warden and 

Imt* before one will hear the conductor's " U ' t ' u, '«* Thursday iuall()|1 Ult . y | )ein „ vcry f am niar with the 

warning cry of "book out for the poles." UsIy 'J., ^ Clluucll (North Wey- work, an,I will without doubt give entire 
fleorge 11 Walker, the senior conductor mouth). Hev. Melvin S. Nash, pastor, satisfaction as they were connected with 
in this division htiH been appointed ns- Sunday school at 1 1.1 p. m.; preaching at the house In the same capacity some years 
distant foreman *»f the Hast Weymouth “ 1 >- m ag«». 

I,arn. Mktiioiiibt EftsooraLCliuitcii (East Very respect fully, 

Braintree.) Hev. \\ t . Darby, pastor. „ 

A gcuernl change of eouduetors oc- Sunday services are held as follows: I __ 





A iill-ill.'" «'OUm.. ill ill'* -.'ll.Mtl li.'gill- 
in A' liml llu-iii*'—< i.ntiniK - in A. tual 
llti-iitr", iiikI .'iiil' iii Artllul lluwiin—-. 
Y*»u I.Ttru Iiy mTuuilv <l«»ing. 





The Earnest Lino of the S. 4 S. Tcn-Ccnt Book, on the South Shore. 

4 4 HuhVs .VV#f?# Room, ’ ’ 


East Weymouth. 

overlia-detl und it w ill ho lull a short (Hide School, IM:. Young people's meet- 
time before one will hear the conductor's »"« Bt l ‘ ra >’ er mcctln «’ 'Hiursday 

warning erv of "Look out for the poles.** c 'j' n n ^* ' ’ 1,1 ’ /V 

" Ciiuucii (North Wey- 

Oeorge 11 Walker, the senior conductor mouth). Hev. Melvin S. Nash, pastor. 

sistnnt foreman of the Ka*t Weymoutl 


A general change of conductors oc 

cry respectfully, 

A Tax P.WKlt. 

t; treas- Notice, 

xccutlvc Notice Is hereby given that the business 
Thayer, of painting, decorating, glu/.lng, paper- 
Hene M hanging, etc., formerly conducted by the 

Mrs Ira («. Hersey, Mrs Kugeue M hanging, etc., formerly conducted 
Carter. Mrs Charles T Crane, Mrs. Kd- late Waterman F. Burrell, will be 

win H Sampson; auditors, Mrs. Kara II 
Stetson, Mrs. Arthur Cunnlugham. Mrs. 
\rthur M Haymond; custodian. Miss 
(icorgia F. Cushing 

Miss Klsle H. Fitchlleld of Fast Wey¬ 
mouth rendered several solos in u very 
acceptable manner. The next and last 
meeting of the club year will be held in 

tied bv the subscriber. 

Mrs. K M. Burrell 
21’. Washington Street, 
Wey mouth 

supper of the season will be served al 3.30 
o'clock, under tbo direction of the Fast | 
Weymouth ladies und will be followed bv 
a Hue entertainment 

At the meeting of the Norfolk County 
Assoc luli.ui i.i'ld :U Franklin, Wodnesduy, 
Hi:vwilds \V II. C was well represented 

last ,., lrrt .,| „ii the various lines mi Thursday. Morning service, 10.JO. Sabtmlh Scliool, 

Now is the Time to do your 

NEW GOODS. Spring Sewing.—— 

Gingham,, Percales, Chambraya, White 


Conductor l’hillii* Cullen recently won 

211 Washington Street, q*,, ii u . Ktiiior of the Weymouth (iaxette: 

Wey mouth. We take pleasure In sending you this 

brief Information a- to high grade cloth¬ 
ing It i* a foregone conclusion that 
A Card. tiie success of any business lies in lti¬ 

the undersigned, do hereby agree triuslc values In this way the well-known 

a $3.00 bow ling prize at Young's alleys 
in Fast Weymouth. I'liil had a total of | 
34(1 for six string** 

Fx-Oonductor Damon visited friends in 
town last Sunday 

J Henry Moran, one of the most popu¬ 
lar polo referees in the west, arrived 
home on Wednesday, after a successful 
season. Mr. Moran Is to enter the Hat- 
vurd law school in the autumn 

Fpworth League service at 3.30 | 
Fvenlug preaching service 7.1.1. j 

at Young's alleys prayer meeting Friday evening, 

' tin* H a, ‘ pastor. 

UscionConcihkqationai.Ciiu lien (Wey- Weymouth, for t 
mouth ami Bralutree) Key. Unhurt It , . ' „ (l 

Cochrane, pu.-t.-r Morning -ervlcu nt amounted to «•". » 

10.30. Sunday School at 12. V. 1*. S. North Woymoutli t'u 
C. E. at 0 . 00 . Prayer meeting Tl—rs- |„ K a tntul of #00.03 

day evening at 7 .30. A11J are Invited to - 

attend these service- . Deafnesa Car 

Mktiiodist Eit-coi'ai. CTilucii (i:-t , „ u 

Weymouth). Hev. William II Butler, e»*r<l |N>rtU*n of tin* r;*r. 

For Brockton Sufferer*. 

The collection taken last Sunday hy the 
Cuiversalist Parish and Sunday-school of 
Weymouth, for the Brockton fund, 
amounted to $ and that taken by the 
North Weymouth Parish w as $23 23, mak- 

Oeafness Cannot Be Cured 

by Iim'hI H|i|*licBtloD, they cannot rnu li the «ll« 
cMt-tl portion of the ear. There lit only one way to 

Weymouth). Hev. William H Butler. ca«e«l portion of the ear. There U only oue wav to 
pastor. Morning w orship and preaching ••ure leafne#*, ami that i«l*r ronatitutlonal remeuiea, 
u,,,,.!... ii,.|„„,l lit inuul l*„. Detfne»» U t au»etl hjr an inflamed conilltInn of the 

at 10.30 auntlay School at noon. r.| mneoue llnlmc of the Ku#tachlnn Tube. When thi# 

w orth League meeting at t».oo p. ill Fven- tube get# inflamed you have a rumbling pound or 

lug service at 7 . 00 . Tuesday evenings, 
7 30 p. m prayer meetings. Thurstlay 

the Davis Bates Clapp Memorial building I to refund the money on u .10-» 

on the afternoon of April 17 

Mai«achusett» Pres* A»*ociation. 

The tlrst quarterly meetlug of the 
Massachusetts Press association will be 
held on Monday, April 10, l'.»05, ut 12 
o'clock sharp at the United States hotel, 

By luvilallon of the Fdlson Flcclrlc 
lllumliiuting Co of Boston the members 
will Inspect the plant of this company. 

Carriages will be at the hotel to take 
the party to the new F street statlou, 
which is considered the fluest electrical 
plant Iu the world. 

Here lunch will be served, after which 
the purty will In* shown through the sta¬ 

apothegm that A pleased customer is 

i Warranted Syrup of Tar if It t | l0 \ WHl advertisement 

fails to cure your cough or cold W« 
guarantee a 2 . 1 -eent bottle to prove 
factory or money refunded 
(!. II Perkins, Weymouth 
Flhrhlge Nash, South Weymouth 
(». M. Hoyt, Fast Weymouth 
A M Dickinson, South Braintree 

Boston Theatre. 

Wilton Facksye will begin au engage¬ 
ment of two weeks at the Boston theatre 
next Monday eveulug, appearing in Wil¬ 
liam A Brady’s production of “The Pit 
The celebrated actor w ill be supported by 
, a company of over four huudred people. 
Including the original ca.**t that ha** ap* 


Siuce the establishment of our busi¬ 
ness by the senior of our house in 1H53, 
no substance oilier than pure wool has 
been used iu manufacture “Pure wool 
goods, like a gold dollar, pass current 
everywhere for Intrinsic worth. This 
maxim of ours, which Iiu* been maluialuetl 
ever siuce, and ha.** passed unchanged 

Pointed Paragraphs. 

Too many quarrels are picked before 
they are ripe 

1’uvlug your debts l** one kind of a pay' ***■*' by INI.'n Catarrh Cure. St-ml for 

* " - Preaching service at 10.30 a. in Sunday 3 f. J. CHENEY A 

lug business Kchool at 12. Prayer and praise meet- Bold by DruitRUu. Tie. 

a poor man may be a crank, but a rich ing Thursday evening at 7 80 UaH> * r>mUy 1>ilu * re thr bc> 

one Is eccentric PlLORiil CoNGHBGationai. CHURCH . _ 

(NorthWeymouth). Hev.T. IF Vincent, IlfKii w AAA' r 
City -oil i- -al-l t-ilii' —i|X' t-i v.-mtry } ltlltor . MornloK-vrvlcc at 10.3-,. Sim- M|ll|| LllQQ L 

soil for wild oats tlay school, 1145 a in. Fvenlug ser- ■III II I linn ^ 

Whcu a docor gives a rich patient up yl®*' at 7.00. A cordial welcome Is ex* 

tended to all of these serviced. 

i up to t ic >1 ui u a u Conobkoationai. Ciu'Hcii (Fast Wey- Dongiico Thou AfO tl 

The Individual who keeps hi• mouth niouth) Hev. Finerv F Bradford, pus DCudUou 1110j MID II 
ut seldom lives to regret it tor Morning worship at 10.30 a m . , r 

... Sunday School at 11.45. V. P. S (.’ I 1(1111(1 ■ Off 

A man always reraeinhers his enemies, liu; :M , Fvenlug service at 7.80. W H U,U 1 WM 

t he sometimes forgets his friends Futsi Univkusaust Cni'iicii (Wey- 

It is not good f«»r man to be alone mouth) Hev. Melvin S Nash, pastor. LESS QUANTITY NEED 

it is wli) woiiiau refuses to Ut hlui at*!™m.* ,irvU " S ' M "'‘ V MORE CONCENTI 

m * Skconi* Uni veils alist Ciiuucii (South 

\ happy marriage Is the usual result Weymouth ) Hev F W. Attwood, pastor . „i*ii-.| f »| L'lutikelntr 

ien love Is adulterated with a little Morniug service at lo.3o Sunday School ANIIItlOl rittfUrlOK 
miaoo aeu--‘ “• 111 HhOll'SOItie llei 

.... Tkxh'kilanck Hall (Fast Weymouth' 

\ wise Woman never gives her bus and Q oa p e j temperance meeting at 5 p in . , cuco 

I. -IUT to Iimllir -II.' l-n|--» t-i r-H'.'Ivi' an i-obtkh M E Ciiuucii (Lovi'lT- Coruerj REFUSE * EE E ' EE * tR 

rly reply Hev Mr Adams, prstor. Sunday °NFY rt in hifik,. Ihf rt-latlves School at 12 45. Preaching service at 2 

" . ,.P IU.—Fp worth League at (1.00. Social in thi# matter of Flavoring 

a man s first wife like the troubles he aui | p ra j M . service at 7 p iii All are defie#imitation, 
s with his second cordially invited. The »uperiority of Foss* Vani 

Dui iug the courtship a uiuu declares he ( IIUBCII »»K Si Tkancis A a\ikii; South mat i# taken in *clectine the - -u 
unot live w ithout her and after mar* Weymouth) Hev J B Hollaud, rector * n J finest Havored Vai. iU lieant 

nnoiiDt wiinout nu | Sundays Masses h «K) aud lo a m Sun- The decisive touche# that 

Age he of tell tl uds It impossible to llv e School 11 15 a ill dc*#eit i» a aucccm or not. dept- 

II, 1 h, ' r OK TII* Bacitku Itiuai (Wey. whS‘ h ot fif “iSyi-AuKU 

Half the things people 'av are regretted moutli) Hev J 1* ll«»llantl, lector. UVI -,I, the ct»ok i# apt t < kee| 

Sunday— Masses at 7 30 and 10 30 a in amount of the Havering t • 
Sunday School at 2.30 p iu Vespers at strength. In tl*;s way the .UPc 
A woiUiii!' idva of a sileut paitner is a 4 ,, In Weekdays—Mass 7 a in is destroyed, and a rank, strong 

. #1 1 ., puddings, pic*, cakes and wliat 1 

•afinuu- nil-II.-c IIIK Umacii.ik (IIXCKI'. 1 |. u , c ‘,V toK t. MC c«aUal 

Some iucu -IH'0.1 a lot of til-' womtir- ‘ "' N - *•»-« W.yiuouUi II- Jam,-- W tu0 k«y. A »«» kn..~n ,™ 

Allison, rector Hev. Maurice Lynch, as- aptly said tlut l-os> \ anilu 
g why other men work distant. Masses Sunday ut b uml 10.30 a flavor* better than any other. 

The buiger a man studies woineil the in Sunday School at 3 p in Vespers dainty, sin Icsomc, dt! . i n an 
h . . -*7 41 t* in Masses week days m 7 and the children tan rm..y them 

ss he knows «t*out them 7 * U ' 11 is the artificial riavoung tiu 

Wise is the girl who t au tell w lien u j K u UM # ; ^ ('iiuiu ii N*uth Wey- DevcrntTmiUtion tan never 'i*c 

imperfect lirsriiiR, uml when it it* entirely closed 
deafness U the ret>ult, ami utile" the Inflammation I 
can he taken out ami thi' tube restored to it* norma 

FI, class meetings. Holy I condition, hearing will be destroyed forever: nloa 

(’oininunlon, 8 r*»t Sunday in every month 
following mornnig service 
Old North Ciiuhcii (Weymouth 
Heights.) Hev. Hulph.l Haughtou,pastor. 

eases out of ten are caused Iiy catarrh, which U 
nothing hut au knfluiiifd condition of the mucous 

We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of 
Deafness (caused hv catarrh) that can not he cured 
hy llaii’s Catarrh Cur* 1 . Semi for circulars, free. 

F. J. CHEN KY 4 CO., Toledo, O. 

Sold hy Drukgisu. "Ac. 

Hall’s Family Fills are the hcs»- 

Why Foss’ Extracts 

through the vicissitude* of hard times, it’s up to the undertaker 
when garments adulterated with cotton The individual who keeps Iii 
were put on the market In vast quantities, M j, u ^ seldom lives to regret it 

ca-rla- . Mill Uieu lie takeu an.l a visit iu **•« play will, -o much ,11-11- ■ 

a-lc t-< lit.- Atlantic Avenue »Utlon, tlou for the pa»t two »ca«on» Thi-will 
hil l, ..I Tin.,i be Mr I.ackavc --ccouil - t»it t-> lluslou 

made to the Atlautic Avenue station, 
which furnishes “direct" current. Then 
the party will In- taken to tin* exhibition 
department at Head place 

in “The Pit.” Last year he presented the 
play with conspicuous success at another 

The courtesy of the Fdlson company of the local playhouses At the Boston 
will afford the members an opportunity to theatre next week the complete pioduc- 

get ut Ilrst huml reliable iuf-rriuatiou lu 
regard tu the pr—luctluu uf the varlous 
clectric eurreuts, the use- to which they 
ea- I— put, etc. 

Letter to W- A. Loud. 

S'iutlt W’r'jmfjutli, -/-*■ 

tlou uf the play will be uactl, i— 1 —ling 
the colo—al ll-,aril of Trade scene a l-lch 
has only been put on in the l.yrlc theatre, 
New York, aud MeViekers theatre. Chi- 
- ago, uo other stage In the country being 
large enough lo adiuil of it- being set up 
"The l*il" 1-a- wad- one of the* biggest 
hi--hat the stage lu Hit* eountn has 

Dear Kir Some lliluk we take a good kui-wu for year- Thoroughly A—erleau 
-leal of l-k In luvIUng complaint- uf De- j n evcry ,i eU |p , faithful pielur. of the 

v-»e lea-l-aud-xluc—wc authorise our agent grtat wheat market of the West und of 
to -ell II under ll-la g-ura-lec social euutoin- and problems «,f totlay, -1 

"If ton liuve any fuulllo ilud wilb ll-la makes an appeal, stronger perhaps than 

ing in \VI 1 * -h inonstrate- our principle of selling pure 
"The Pit ' W,M ’* fubries, wltleUtias never t,ecu set 

■ppurteil by a»l.le, und Is the fulcrum which esfali- 
lr,sl people. Ibdied our house a- the pioneers of pure 
hat has up- wool goods made Into garments aud 
u,h distin,. settled It upon u foundation that upholds 
This will It today us the largest exclusive maim- 
1.1 lluslou facturlug garment house In New England 
e.euteil the fabrics purchased by — from the mills | 
s at another are llr»l treated to a most rigid scrutiny 
the itustou f ur Iho dlacovery "f linperfecllona. 
ete ptoduc- Afterwaut the material is -nbJecU'-l to 
I Includin'- onr "acid bulling -low n process, which 
scene Which vntlrely destroys the texture if It is pure 
trie theatre wool, hut lea-es u residue if it l-aa been 
hialii Chi adulterated 'villi eolUin or ah-xldy III- 
tu nt ry being *bo«‘ubjecl.M lcsl ,l ,uurt 

u-iiig h»*t up survive thev iighl proc.m»M ami tlcmou- 
Ibc biggtst (,tru, ‘‘ t,lHl 11 *' •baolttlcly pcrmaocut in 
couutrv ha.’* ‘ 1 y« or color, b» fore a yanl U allowetl to 

\y Anit*rlcuu ,k; cul ttml “P 1,llu 
•lure .>f the Theat* t*»U au* iin|n raiiv vlv mccsaary, 
V. >t uml of itiaainuvh •» cloth<miy be ao lugcoloualy a»h‘ltcrat**l witli the above name ingre- 
uo'limw ifiHM 'lieiit.**. »*r other auballtulCh for w«*•*!, 

A mun alwaya remember* hi* eoemlea, 
but he aometlmv* forget* hi* friend*. 

It in not good for man to be alone; 
that i* why woman refuse* to let him 

A happy marriage l* the usual result 
wlieu love Ih adulterated with a little 
coniiuou sense 

\ wUe woman never gives her husband 
a letter to mail if -lie Iio|m*s to receive an 
early reply 

Nothlug seems to please the relative.** 
of a man's ilrst wife like the troubles he 
lias witli Ids second 

During the courtship a man declares he 
cannot live w ithout her- ami after mar¬ 
riage he often till*Is it Impossible to live 
w klh her 

Half the tiling* i**ople say are regretted 


A woiuiu's Idea of a silent puilucr is u 
.leaf mute 

Some men spend a lot of time wonder 

Because They Are the Fruit in 
Liquid Form. 


Arllllclal I’luvorlDK Makes 
wholesome Uesserls. 

paint, either now :n putting il on, or here¬ 
after in the wear, tell your dealer about It 

“We authorize him to do what Is right 
ul our expeuse 

The follow lug story tells how little the 
risk Is 

J IF Asher Co , hardware dealers, 
Klducht-ck, N 1 . have sold Devoe from 
'73 lo uow : have sold thousand* of gal* 
ioua and liuve had just one complaiut in 
ull this time 

Three sides of a house were perfect, the 
fourth w us as bad a* the three w ere good 

the dramatization of any romance that 
ha* yet been git eu to the stage In the 
role of Curtis Jadwiu, Wlltou Fatksyc. 
who lias appeared witli distinction in so 
many part?*, ha- found hi* greatest and 
beat opportunity .Manager Brady has 
staged the play magnlllceutly and has 
surrouuded id* *tar witli an extraordinary 

Critic* of Chicago declare thut “The 
Fit’’ 1* the greatest American play since 
“The Henrietta The w ork of the dra¬ 
matist, Chanulug Bollock, ha» been highly 

expert to tell by its appeal ant e that il i> i 
not of intrinsic value 

We should be glad lo send you either 
sample* of fabrics cut from the piece or 
completed garments which may lie re¬ 
turned al our expense if you do not Ilud 
them exactly a** represented and pel fectly 
satisfactory iu every way 

All garments manufactured by us bear 
our full name and designation ou the etl* 
quelle, uttuched to the collar or inside 
pocket u* follow a 

SKVKK HllRIMv, tin* great diTovriy 
iir.*v.'iilA Woolen fi'itnl* from “Itriiikiuji ;.i 
1 .•;«»! * ilto*»e dmiiik. 


C. A. RICE & CO. 

Commercial St., WEYMOUTH. 

Do Not Go Out of Town! 




H. ZEBER, Liullng Tailor. 

is years of experience in tailoring. 

Opposite h’arlow’s Drug Store, 
Washington Square, 

In Itulldlng With (ktnrir Uundrj. 


Troueera Pressed, 150 - 

Suits Sponged and Pressed, 65c. 

Suit* Cleaned and Pressed, from $100 
to SI-50. 

USE Royal Arcanum 
.... Glass Initiation.. 



('«iliiml>l:in Stittar»‘. 



APRIL 12th, 

At Pythian Hall, No. 57 
Center St., Brockton. 

00 Social lu thi# matter of Flavoring Extract*, nature • 

The ouperiority of Fos#' \'anilla over all otiier Center St., Brockton. 

j, . extract* i* due in a measure t-i the extreme tare 
,\ IKK( nouiU t(ut ls t a ^ e „ jn M !,-. ting the v>unde*t, mutt |>cifcct 
aud, rector. 4 „j Iinot flavored Vamlla llean* ihe world ..fluids, 
tt III. Sun- 1 he decisive touches tliat settle whether the 

de»#ert is a suctcss »»r not. depend on the purity, 

kaim VV.-v- anJ delicacy -i the flavoring extract. Hiwktoil, WliiDnaii, KaUilollill, 

r.Aiu vviy whcn ot |, et Yau.Ua l.xtraLts besides Foss’ are ,. . 1 

mi, rector. UkC ,] ( the c.x»k »# apt i - keep on in,teasing the South llraiiitivi*, North Kabtou ami 
10 3o a 111. amount of Lite flavoring t- secure the proper ... ., i ... , 

Vespers at strength. In th;s way the delicious vanilla flavor N\ vyilKUltli ( oil 111*11»< "ill pat til Ipdtt. 
a in is destroyed, and a rank, strong taste mi|>aitcd to 

Wcymontli (.'oiiiieil* will participate. 

is destroyed, and a rank, strong taste cnpaited to 
puddings, pics, cakes and wlut not. llcgivt* work i'V Mall «*f W a ITCH 

I'urc extracts arc essential tu good results in . , 

cookery. A well-known rxtiert in tovkery ha# 1 OUllCll “f 1 )oH.*iH**tt*l. Kclllploil 

even for an ing why oilier men work 

The longer a man *tudie» women ll 
le** lie knows about them 

Wise 1» the girl who CIU tell w lieu 
man l* making id* Huai proposal 

aptly said tlut Fuss' Vanilla fla\->ts more aid 
flavors better titan any other. Make v -ur desserts 
dainty, wholesome, dehi ions and so haimlcss that 
the children ian rni-ty them. 

It is the artificial flavoring that Uia' -.# pies, takes 
and desserts so often disagree w-'l, > .... Tlie 
cleverest imitation can never i*e as whulesomc os 

A ui*u may lie «bU* tu lead a wuinau Suu ,| av u [ Suuday School ut .! 
like a book, but hecaul shut her up Zion » ft 1 n.i.C iiaiki. (Fast Weymouth 

rrlud —au l-a- two talvw RucWaxTvk. at 2 aud fl.SO p iu 

II » anal | |,a> allkl* lit* FlUs I t ’ll t IU It OK (IIKIM, hi H M IS 1 . 

.■ally ha. an.l D-- — I-- s , rvlw ,. sut.O.y a. In a 

*• iii at Christian Science hall on Washing* 

iiad.- mau I* at >»’«*» !u> Schmil^at W 4.1 a. m' WtMoeaday'at 

tu relieve 1 ruv fitence ui the j, u t.-stimouy ami expiTieuee 

ly. meeting Heading room open Tuesday 

. ... Thurstlay ami Fri.lav afteruoou* aud 

icurd with the eterual titne*s •|* ui .„a»y cv.nlug All’arc welcome. 

- lieu a bachelor girl marries AlJ s«»ri s ('iirucii (Cochatu Hall 
mau Bralutree Hev Fnxlerick H lirlffiu, 

t pastor Preacldug service at 10-80 
usually inakvs a u»au out ui a goliath School at ll 45 KlmlergarteB 

mouth' Pastor. Hev Janus W Allison, merely Ihe fruits m liquid f rm. lam tires dial 
Assistant, Hev Maurice Fyncli Muss, have been uvng Itavoimg extra, t* t at an- mere 

Fxplaualiou It raiued the oigUi U fore prftlMd as pre^erv ing all theualtcut point* 

lire fourtli side was paiuted; aud the 
painter* didn’t wait for the wood to dry 

What la done iu such a case ? Whatever Uu . ,| r amitlc Illusion 

iu Fruuk .Norris' great story au«l present¬ 
ing them iu such a way as to fully sustain 

Die dealer, w ho Mold the paiut, couslder* There' 
fair to do. We leave it to him He may mgHoees 
not do exactly what we should do If we 
were there; but we are not litere The 
treat we can do Is to leave It to Idiu 

If ) nU la 

Your* truly, Ktdb«> u«* 

F w i<'.. Auatralian-Leaf. 

l'S M H Loud vV Co. South W.V- mniilTity n iruUlt.r. 

S.tUtpl- pa 

IllOUlil, Si ll our pulut (ala. « I 

There will be Wednesday und Saturday 

Mollscr «.)•>'• Appeal lo Muimu. 

If )uu have pain* ill the h.»* k. I ■ Iumi *. Illadtlei >• 
kidu.') Uulgdi, and MuDl ., • • *!.*>. l-t 
(lUit'di Ini aniurii** - n> M-n •- 

This is u guarantee to Hu* customer of i 
not old) a genuine all pure wool staple, 
but a guarantee ulao of au equity Hi ' 
trimmings, linings and cauv uses, together 
with correctness of cut, and < >usequeut 

Fvery married mau lias two wives 
the one he really lias an.l the one he just 
thinks he lias. 

The self-made inau is at least consider¬ 
ate euougli to relict e Prov idence of the 

It Is ill accord with the eternal tltueas 
- of lldugs when a bachelor girl marries 
' an old maid man 

Marriage usually makes a turn •“*» a 
lurralrk >->ull- IU' alopa Bitlil'g |»oa-.r> 
afli r tlu' ku-»t t» D—' 

Wl-u a »—au rit'uuinii'uJa tu-r l-lij-l- 

iIcvn imitations oi the lutural fn.iU air always JH**‘ *ll<*p • 
-l.-!igl*ttd and smpi. - ; at tin- . ■ t. . i i-fy, deh- ujj VVasIl 
cate, wholesome quality *-i 1 l’.-i» 1 !avoiin; 

Extracts. uml get oift 

t ouqictent cooks and l.ou»rw.vcs d not try tu 

... og %a n i > • ■ egg* 1 ; " «v ring. Tlicrfi | 

TilCK two alt.lies must be tl-c best the iiuikrt 

affuids, or Jio-.I tasting, unit", exxlul cu>Uid», pud- :k n«| wc offt 

vlin^s, *xrt, sheibcts and cak ■> will rexulL is someth,ng better tlan the old faxlo jnt l ul * 
ate .a! extraits. l oss' I xtrsct# sic Iruits iu * 4 'Tlli* I 

liquid Iwim N.,t only an these m «.lein cxtiocls 
‘ -ic J.'.iLatr, purer aod florn every c-nsidciation tlu'UI*elM*s 
- : hra'.’.h id it- satisfactory, but they air mu.h more 
economic al , as leu — reqi—rd I !• I 

Mi». t. - "Ki in lie irmj't I < I,, Clcxtu, trxtrtx vt-In , 

l*,.,- I - I I 1 I'j IllXik, 0 ( 3 , 1 . t'utf 1 *»,-.■ V"" 

A l-ig-' da— -» a—-iv,I. 

All If. A. mciiilii'is iuvili'il ami if 
you ate inU'tcali'il, Iml not a iiicuiUt, 
j lle t drop a poatal to •• Arcunhiii," 
\Va."liiiigt('ii St.,, 

uml get circular- l-y return mail. 

TUere will I"' mote good tiiuca 
and wc olter the l-c-l i-suruiice non 
on tUc market, i.e. tlie I'ratcruol. 
•■Tlic l.or-1 lull— tltoac who help 



East Braintree, Mass. | 


This land, which contains some 7. r > or more hir^e lots, 
must Ih* sold lo sellle till estate. 





l or furllicr information apply to 


Real Estate Agent, Weymouth. 

Within 2 .Minute*' 

class at 11.4.*, lu . arg.* of Miss Helen I pure Fxt.a t ,.i Vaiulla, #iiup!) Ucauxe tt u fruit 

l(an-Leaf. ", 

I, jrulatnr. Al lit* 
packxiC* 4 It I I 
L. It-.*, N \ 

ill, H.-rkinui-'t-lp aud llul-liof ll- l-iglic-l dau (•> »o(“>- <' ll -cr “ u '' f* 11 " 

,.| iaru , I, , cffwl a cure akc - r f..rgl..-» IU.- oilier 

v Shi viax Iwoman Chicago Daily N. vv* 


It . .r« • < olio, llmdci. . I ,1 MiiailtuK. lid, 

•-v I„|..| (l- O '. ' IV! .. 

in liquid foiui, and thr bc#L 
a^icc with her. 

A11 gmeer# m-I! it .nourn 
V\ i 

! .. f Ndfclk D 

> TOTI* F- I* III' III.H\ 1.1X1 N t .il 

J ,1,1,., i i .« It • li • 1 1 I * i|'| n|, I A' Unit - -- 
i •» i v.iram, i'u .. , k ,,i ti,, . i.»ii ' < \ llll ItINI sK 1.1 I I V 

il»a, «ik>. i-w V“"»“ •- • Aim tttst -i i i n. 

I.»ii of W • 'ruoutli, iii Ih' Couulv • hurfolk, . 1 . 
u) Ucau#c it u fruit ,i, mu>ui . md I -• iah< ui u I 

ll, ll —J ,,.U M-ll IM UK.I - l ",- 1 ■" A.I 

p. l«OU» haV Ittg d. llialid* ulMiii tli< • »tat of mM ui 
,-i a-i d 41. i • || ll til'd I" < v fit Id! . . - . ..lid *1 


1 ' naTUKIHN'F. T. ski’d.I.EY, All 

XI al I* W. iMSi* 1 'd Fai< Mi'll 



loney Earned. 

ii hundred* of 
time for x mi 

of All Kinds of Popular- 
.1 nut'* In .Vr tx Png I and. 

i in lIoii'M'lmlit KiirnWhlnn** 
•nimble I'ricc 


..iily refrigerator with 

YCLF.S . iIn* honest exrle nt 
make* conking «*!%*•> tin* 


I guarantee Hint xotir work 

Yoiii* rmllt l* good. 


ishers In Nt« England. 



ami Saturday ex 











L'))W w 



25c, 50c and 75c. 


ail colors 


25c and 50c. 

Washington St., 


latman Co 



i Weymouth, who is 
1 Jcpnrlmfcntwill he 
ohms and estimates. 

Hunt’s News Room.” 


A Full Line of 

The duty inipnactl upon every man who buy* grocenc* 
himseir ami family is to «et i|tmlily. liny fmsl, not eonnleifeit. 

The ilitferenec in jirieo is insijjnilieant when lirallh i- at stake. 
In fai l we never make the least ililTerenee in piiee over other* 
who ilo liot sell tin* I tent. 

Our principle* compel iih to Hell tin? very Iwat quality uroccncH 
f,„- the nniiio ns tin* pool’d' kiwis arc s«»M elsewhere. 

Bates & Humphrey, 

Choice Groceries, Flours, Teas, Coffees, Spices 

Central Fqjftro, WKYMOUTU CHNTBK. 


Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened Now ’vT.!.t , :K »m r ei!:«.'‘;:! i 


Are the Taints you’ll want this sprinji. 

Wall Paper, Oil Cloth and Linoleum. 

M. R. LOUD & CO., 


Wrymouth and 


The engagement is announced of 
Mr carl Strlcferd of qnlncy arcane and 1 
Ml** Olga Marin Omc of Christiania. 

-Mr an»l Mrs John F Clinton «f 
Wollaston, formerly of this town, are 
being congratulated upon the hlrth of a 
a,m on Monday 

—Ml** Agnca Hyde left Montreal for 
1 oronto on Monday morning, havtng t»een 
in Montreal since the preceding Friday 
Iter icatling journey this week Included 
Toronto, Niagara Fall*. Hr spier and 
Spencer llle. 

Wednesday afternoon anti evening, 
April 12th. the Ladles' Cemetery Improve¬ 
ment association will hold a sale and en¬ 
tertainment In Lincoln hall In the after¬ 
noon then* will be a Juvenile concert, be¬ 
tween the hours of 4 ami .*» ami it will l»e 
time Well spent to hear It The cxcnlng 
entertainment Is to lie given by young 
lidlos in “Sunbonnets” n laughable farce. 

— Fine Delaware shad a'. Perry’s tlsli 

Use Creso ^- 

i for Disinfecting Your House or Stable 





Weymouth Pharmacy 

> Public Library Building. 



Trousers To Order, $4.50. 

Uct n bottle of 

TKl.ltPIIONt. tlllM. 




Have You Ordered Your 

Spring Suit or Overcoat ? 


Ml*. Kill'll 1. lim in' of l'.tk (vrnnr 
1u, cnnrlml.,1 n \ will, rol.llvc. In 

r Vim not. now l* n flool tl.n.- In look *1 my Spring R.inpl.w of Forrlfln ami "I'vorly 

• ... • l . .. ■ I. . I.i I I - fail.1.I Ur. 

Domestic Woolens, which have just arrived 

tin* latest Mltrliell's fashion —Mrs. .lames Moore is visiting her son, I tonsllltls at her home on Commercial 

Fred Price of Washington street has P'*" a "«* ,nv P r,cw * ,M «* w 

purchased Walter J. (lelsler’s house on 
Summer street. 

—The furniture ant furntahlngs of the 
I'nlon National hank were sold at piddle 
miction Wednesday morning 

—Mrs. Mary F. Mahoney, of Hast 
Weymouth, ha* kindly accepted an Invi¬ 
tation to read at the Patriotic services, at 
the Baptist church, Sunday evening, May 
7th; subject to lie announced later. 
The subject of Mrs. K.stella W. Ulchards' 
rending w ill lie “('ailing the Itoll," by It 
F. Hussell 

—Morning sermon subject at the Ma| - 
list elittfell, next Sunday : “Comfort f«ir 
Mourning*' (Matthlw ft:4). 

—Vlgortone for exhaustion—Wev* 
mouth pharmacy 

— Miss Leila Archibald entertained a 
party of friends in honor of her sixteenth 
birthday at her lioille on Commercial 
street, Hast Braintree, Tuesday evening 

LadiM* and Gent*’ Garmmli Rep.irrd. Clt.nt.d, Pr.t.fd «nd D»ed. 

24 PlllUlt St., 


Dr. Frotl Moore of New York City 

—Benjamin Tirrell of Main street Is 
confined to Ids home by Illness. 

-Mrs Kligenc Howell ami daughter of Siimlay morning 

Soath WiiRNtk Lancaster. N 11. are visiting Mrs Bow- I The Saturday Night wldsl club spent 


r*. K»U-lla W. Ulclianla* -S O ll *'’ rclurniM fr, " n a 

I’hIIiiiu’ I lie Hull,” liv II yc»i"» I'liii.uomi'nl In Fllcbbnrit »"■' >»k.'n 
n position wltb tlm llrulliw A Chatman 
non sol,Jon at the ll«|- . 1M llovcrly Street, Horton. Having 

Him,lav "Comfort for In the |>sst heated many houaca In \\ ey 

ihfw r.:t). nit,nth ami vicinity, we trust Ida many 

f..r irti.nsllon W. v- friend* will hear him In mind when look¬ 
ing for * Ural el*** heating apparatus 
Archibald entertained a —Through the oltlco of II Walker 
in honor of her sixteenth Trail, llnal paper* were passed April :i,L 
home on Commercial conveying the valuable properly No. .•« 
ntree, Tuesday evening I’earl slrcct, to Kdwar.l W. Wolfe of this 

Mrs Scmphronl* August, Charles Lewis _a„ alarm wa* pulled in 
and Sidney lir.r After about an hour of flr<l , yMl . m , 

nnd a half had been consumed In direct noon for „ tl „. 

and cross-examlnalton of Ihe witnesses, ho „, c ricasan 

during which many Interesting facts were , va , 

brought to light, the able attorney cm- _,,„ lr(te Sl ,.„ lin „f the 
ployed by the defence made an eloquent homc Worcester has lie 
appeal to the Jury In behalf of Ins client. , nf M „ | irotl „. r , ni«rl< 

oil’s mother, Mrs Cralbe of Pleasant n most dellglitfid evening as the guests of 
street. Mrs. .1 Walter Walker, Hilt street, last 

After whist, adjournment w a* made to 

PSA4.T vvrvMoi ith aN iv t he banquet hall w hero an elaborate col- 

WhYMOUTH ANI) latlon was served by Mrs. Mary LaPlant, 

WKYMOUTU CRNTRR. LncImlaTotman. Mrs. KttaKnowles, 

Mrs Ida Peterson, Mrs. Hnaella Manten 
1 *ud Mrs. Lillian Hollis. After tills excel- 

Mis. Florence Young i* unite III win. * Bpper “»«*•» . . . >■ «» 

mils nl her home on Commercial "lines* Uie working of Ihe 

t Itehekali degree upon several candidates, 

The l'olymnlan .....rlelle will sing .1 '" 1 1 ln » ,n * "" ,,Tof f"e*dfa»l 

I'ope Memorial ehnreh. Cohass. I. next A ' l ' ,k ‘ 

lay morning. I,U S > lvM, " r ' Tlr ""' B.tea, 

The Satimltv Night whlal clul. spent McNeil, Alice Trail. Florence 

isl delightful evening ns the guests of ' ' mh<11 ' • ,l ' nnll> ""mphrey, l.llllan Is,ml, 

The Polymiihui i|iiartette xxllt sing at 
the Pope Memorial ehnreh, Cohasaet, next 

—An alarm was piilleil in from Box nl Saturday evening. The for whist 
of the lire alarm system Monday after- were awarded Mrs. F. K Hobart and 

Mrs .1 Waller Walker. Illll street, last Alice Manml, Mary Manuel, SdSlcGIbaon, 
Saturday evening. The for whist ‘ * r,lc " A ' ,,llr »*vm«n,l, Alice 

noon for a brush tire In the rear of Henry Mis Bertrand Maxim. Hcfreahmenta 
Packard's house on Pleasant street N«» were served Next Tuesday evening the 
serious damage was caused. club will observe gentlemen’s night, In 

—(• corgc Stetson of the Odd Fellows Merchant's block. 

•n the recent 

Tills wa* followed by a no less eloquent Majn Mrer 

guest of Ills brother, Charles Stetson of i 

and forcible appeal by the counsel for _|t„**,.|i Tlnkhnm of Medford Is \ Isll- 
the plalnllir Then the Judge, after he- |„g |,|, grand rather, Charles f Tlnkham 
tng aroused from the slumber Into which Tower avenue. 

lie had fallen, addressed the Jury detlii* _Miss Ktta Cushing has resumed her 

lug their duties nnd cautioning them to y j 4 Bayley’s |>erhMllenl store 

give the ease the serious and careful do- Rf|t<r ft R , |orl t | wcn ce caused by Illness 

—Mrs. M T. Croker’s annual opening 
of spring luillinerp xx ill oecttf on Tlmrs 
day. April 10. 

Hobart and 8,mmonB n,,,, ratherlno Pratt. Uepre- 
Uefresliments " cnUl,vcs from 1’wrleaa Hetickah Uxlge 
IV evening the of ,,rocklon - Aurelia M Stetson lodge of 
•ii s night, in ro,li " w, » Abigail Adams bulge of 
South Weymouth wore present ns Invited 

imml opening ,,f " ,0 

eur on Tlmrs Obltuary-Mra. Lucy E. Sedley. 

The folloxvlng obituary from the Bos- 

—Bussell Tlnkhnm of Medford Is x Ml- -On Monday Box 2*i wan rung In for ton transcript of March 28th, w ill he of 
Ing Ills grand Dither, Charles C Tlnkhain a grass lire near the greenhouse of Arthur Intercut to many Kant Weymouth people, 
of Tow er avenue Clark, Middle street The entire lire np- the deceased being a former resident and 

—Miss Ktta Cushing has resumed her paint us from this want responded, and much loved by a large acquaintance of 

liberation xvhleli it deserved. 

the lire xx as promptly extinguished. 

Miss Helena B. Tirrell of Middle 


I ‘'Funeral services for Mrs. Lucy K. 

— Mrs. Walter B. Field of Union sticct I street entertained the members of the I Ned Icy, xxldow of William It 

The hours were pleasantly passed with I town. 

Mr. Wolfe purchases for a home t,u n r t' l|r »‘d « n ‘* °n their return the Lire- entertaining her sister. Miss Marlon Monday Night whlal duh at her home last Hmlih. well-rcmemlicrwl aetor-man- 

uitislc nnd dnneliig. A large htrthday 
cake tlecoraletl w ith violets w as a con¬ 
spicuous feature of the lunch. The gifts 

ami lia:i already taken possession. 

—For the second time within three 
weeks, Hex . ami Mrs. T IL Vincent have 

man, Benjamin Franklin announced I jtolster of Naahua, N 11. 

Included a handsome gold w atch and been called to Connecticut by the death of 
chatelaine pin. « relative of Mrs. Vincent's. 

-The esteem In which Mr. and Mrs. -Bev. T. C. HadoslavotT of Munson- 
John Newman of Bryant avenue are held vllle, N. II , spent last Sunday with Bex . 
by their friends was manifestext In a sub- T. II. Vincent amt spoke at the morning 
stanllal manner last Saturday evening, by service at Pilgrim church. In the exen- 
a large party of friends who called upon ing, Miss Keith of Braintree, who Is now 
them ami presented them with several a teacher at Colby college, Japan, spoke 
useful ami handsome gifts. Haines and In the vestry before a large congregation, 
a graphophone concert helped to make An unexpected happening was an interest- 

rhyme that the unanimous verdict of the 
jury was “not guilty.'' This decision, 
however, did not meet with the approval 

Dialer of Nashua, N. 11. Saturday evening Whist was Inter- ager of nearly two generations ago, were 

—Mrs. Frank Wood has returned from s|iersed w ith refreshments, and the guests held from the home of her son, Allan L. 
a visit to Plymouth were continually reminded of the fact Sedley. ilS Hloomllcld street, Dorchester, 

—Everything new In millinery, trimmed that It xvas the evening of April 1st, by (nls afternoon. The Ixody of Mrs. Sedley 

T C K.,lo.l.vo» of Munson- .. »- «=«>. f ”'> "" 

vllle, N. II., spent last Sun,lay with . " crc «° 

T. II. Vincent anil spoke at the -norn.n« free . there fore reverses, the eel- 

service at Pilgrim church. In the even- ... Prom.unee, a -en ’m-e Sixty 

I ,- 1.1 r (irainirm, w | M now d«x s of ciuitliicmciil iii tlie Ladles Monduy 

nf Ills Honor, Judge Henry, xvho felt I untrlminxxl hats in black, xvhltc and | the xnrious “April fool 

that the emls of Justice wottlil not he ,|| faalilonahle colors at II \V llnrnes, by the hostess 

served if the prisoner were allowed to «o Columbian square. passwl by all. 

free lie there fore reversed (lie dccl- _'pho annual election of olllecrs of II. 

slot, and pronounced ns sentence, Silly & ], \- 0 wa , held on Tuesday evening lln, 

days of ennllneincnt In the I.adlcs'Monday wll |, the followlnit result: Captain, M. phi 

club of Weymouth. The alterin’ was 0 ' 1)( , w ,|. 1 st lieutenant, G. K. Smith; 2nd 

arlous “April fool” Jokes prepared reposed In a black broadcloth casket be¬ 
lie hostess. A very jolly evening was fore the large oil pnliillng of her Ittts- 
isl liy all. band, which formerly Rang In the foyer 

Yon can get anything you newt lu the of the old lloston Museum, of which Mr. 
of spring medicines at Webster's Sedley-Smith was manager for many 
rmaev, Ilroad street. years, and which, on the demolition of 

Rose Cream! 

A line thing for Ihe akin 
tintl enniplex inn ; es|x>e- 
inlly good for removing 
freckle*, so prevalent nl 
litis noaann of Lite yonr. 

.1 tint remember, too, thal 
ttnv physician's prescrip¬ 
tion oil nny druggist's 
prescription blank can lie 
tilled promptly nnd ne- 
cnrntoly nt 



720 Brtil Stmt, East WiyMitt 

36 lyr 


(Ilrls f«»r general housework, table and 
chamber work; als<» a woman to do the 
rooking in boarding house. Hood wages. 


Trl. 176-2. ItXS lUnrork Rt., falacf. 


Al.l. KIND* OP 

Carpenter Work and Building. 

S|kvIi«I AtlPnlmn will l*o rIvmi to .lohiiinc. 

P. 0. AiartM, Llbrri) Rtrrrl, K«M Bralalrct. 

_ _ i 1 yr 



At Public Auction 

days of confinement in the Ladies Mommy w ttk the follow Ing rcnnlt: Captain, M. pharmacy, Broad street. yeara, and which, on the demolition of 111 KIIIMII* |A 111” I ■■III 

| club of Weymouth. The alterin' was o’Dowd; 1st lieutenant, 0. F. Smith; 2 nd Miss Klalc 11. LUchtleld will entertain this playhouse, was given to the widow nl IUUIIU ilUUIIVII 

Will mm Kdxvtns anti the court <• nicer, u 0U t 4 snat)t, J. F. Flynn; clerk, B. F. the members of Ihe Albemarle whist club (>n the casket was n smaller portrait tn la Wf) ■•■($, ■»».• MtaalH la WaAhlactaa 

Isaac llenrv. Hobart; steward, Richard Horace. D. next Monday evening colors, taken 111 1HC8, when he was the Rrmh. * 

steward, Richard Horace. D. next Monday evening 

colors, taken In 1808, when he was the 

the evening nn enjoyable one. 

rsalion between Miss Keith nnd . 

Fresh boiled lobsters at Kerry’s tlsli a young Japanese who resides in North 



market. Weymouth. 

—Walter J. (Jelsler has purchased the —llcv. T. II. Vincent xx ill occupy his 

J K. Trask estate on Walnut avenue. own pulpit next Sunday. 

—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamblin of —Hoff's Imported malt, 2. 

Hayxvnrd street arc ttie happy parents of at the Weymouth pharmacy 

To Cure a Cold In One Day. 

Take Laxative Bromo quinine Tablets. Belief association. 

W. Hart w as recommended for engineer -The hoys of the Loyal legion are manager of the California Theatre in San 
and K. W. Gardner for membership to preparing a draius which will be given by Francisco, John McCullough ami Law- 
the board of directors of the Firemen's them ut nn early date. Great enthusiasm rencc Barrett then.belng Joint stars there. 

All druggists refund the money if It falls 

-The Weymouth letter-carriers, to- 

-llotfs Imported malt, 2.1c. per bottle t« Hire. K. W. Grove’s signature is on 1 gether with Postmaster Klbrldge Nash pleasure, 

l* living shown at the rehearsals, and the About the rooms were floral tributes sent 
drama is looked forward to with great by members of the family, which Include 
pleasure. Mrs. Sol Smith, now with the Sothern- 

and the clerks of the South Weymouth —Minot 8. Mathexvson of Madison Marlowe combination, who xvas n step- 


n little daughter born on Thursday. 
—Mrs. Kea of Andover Is visiting hci 
I daughter, Mrs. K.’J Goodhue of Hay 
I ward street. 

—Miss Mabel S. Bobbins has been 
her spending her vacation at home. She xvlll 
lav- resume her duties at Milton on Monday. 

post office, called on Letter-Carrier nnd street Is moving Into the tenement on the 

'Would you like n piece 

daughter of Mrs. Sedley. 

“The services were conducted by llev. 

—All are cordially Invited to Inspect I cake?’* asked the kind lady 


W. L. Douglas 

—Miss Maude C. Tlnkham of the the latest styles in trimmings, velvet rlb- 
Thomas N. Hart school, Boston is enjoy- bons, fancy quills, etc., at the Raster dls- 

Ing the annual spring vacation. 

-Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sanborn have re- South Weymouth. 

play of II. W. Barnes, Columbian square, 


turned from their winter’s sojourn at the 
Hot Springs, Arkansas. 

—William Hough of Hayward street 

The Leading $3.50 Shoes. 



Adams Building, - QUINCY. 

—The annual meeting of the North 
Weymouth Cemetery circle was held on 
Tuesday afternoon with Mr.*. Jostah 11. 
l’rntt. The following officers were 

‘ Cn ' . ' * ,n * a a . company, presented Mr. and Mrs. Nash —Mrs. A. F. 1'ratt has been entertain- nounccd a brief eulogy. Several selec- 

t » l« nntni c • es me ears, answc ei w | t j, ft i, an ,|s 0 mc serving table. A coll a- ing Mrs. George N. Altwoml and Mrs lions were sung by Miss Jessie Nutc. 

i ,0 * 0 '. 1 •I'am’*—Chicago ^ on waH scrvctl nnd the evening xvas Mary Wood of Fall Hlver. The body was taken to Mount Auburn 

' ,n * * 1 * Mn 1 1 - passed In a most enjoyable manner. —Goto Denbroexler’s for your Faster cemetery, and eventually will lie placed 

‘ < " !4 ' —The “Silent Twenty” met with Mrs. Hats and Neckwear. 7.14 Broad St., Fast beside the body of Mr. Scdlcy-Siiilth. 

-Fletcher Howe on Tuesday evening A Weymouth. “Mrs. Sedley spent her summers at the 

collation xvas served amt favors were —William Farrar was called to Nor- old family home at Groton, and her 

The Painter—Yes, sir; 1 can promise awarded Mrs. George W Cotiant and xvell this week to attend the funeral of winters with her son, at whose home she 

have your house finished In two weeks. Mrs. Selli C. Vlnlng. his father, Charles Farrar died on Wednesday. Her father was 

Mrs. Klbrldge B. Nash Wednesday even- lower floor of the house where he lives, “The services were conducted by llev. j 
of iny loaf Ing, the occasion being tlic first annlver- while Ills mother, Mrs. A. K. Mathexvson George Alcott Phlnney, pastor of the 
sary of their marriage. During the even- Is to occupy the tenement which Is being Highland M. K. church, who read scrlp- 

' Brits Tickles me palate ln K* A. Nolan In behalf of the vacated liy Mr. Mathew son. tural selections, offered prayer and pro- 

tV'kDs • s” answered rom P tt,, V. presented Mr. and Mrs. Nosh —Mrs. A. F. 1'ratt has been entertain- nounccd a brief eulogy Several selec- 
c cs me cars, ansxxtret I a liandsomc serving table. A col la- Ing Mrs. George N. A It wood and Mrs lions were sung by Miss Jessie Nutc. 

tlon w as served nnd the evening was Mary Wood of Fall Hlver. The body was taken to Mount Auburn 

passed In a most enjoyable manner. —Goto Pcnbrocder’s for your Faster remoter)’, and eventually xvlll be placed 

with a handsome serving table 

has resigned Ills position with the Dela- 1’ratt. The following olllecrs were 
ware and Hudson H. H. at Onconta, N. Y. elected : President, Mrs. Josiah 11 l’ratt; 
ami taken a position at the Charlestown 1 st vice president, Mrs George L. Ncxv* 

Will wnlil mi tlir |in mk«, 

APRIL 15, 1905, 

AT ».:i» I*. M. 

Tin* Ini «f IiiiiiI w iili rInivp IniUiUiiga contain* 
nliout 10,600 m|iinn- feel wllli 102 feel fmiilaire. 
Term*, $200 nt n»le. Halan. e on delivery of deed. 

Also, at 1 40 n'rlork P. M., the Rallilaff at it 
door, orruplrd an a Jewelry Store aad 
Dratlnt Parlor will be aold. 

Tlic lot of Inml with the alwive luiildinff cnntitiii* 
ulmiit 2200 *<|Uitre lecl \xttli 31 feet frontnge. 

Tlieno lire Imlh cent rally im-uled ill center of 
liiiaineix* ili-trn I. 

Tenn*. $100 at mtle. Ilaimice on delivery of deed. 
Tin* aiiove nalet mill nr ftlilne. 

For further inform At inn Apply 1«» 


Real Estate and Inaurance, 

»ts utnl Ncckwoar. T:U llroail SI.. Hast liealilc the liody of Mr. Spillcy-Smltli. Real Estate and Inaurance, 

,.j. moll til. “Mrs. Serllcy spent her summers at lire 8 COMMERCIAL STREET, WEYMOUTH. 

— William Farrar was callesl to Nor- ohl family home at Groton, and her____ 

navy yard. 

ton; 2nd vice president, Mrs. 

—Alexander Lang Is to* move from Murphy; 3rd vice president, Miss Susie 
Front street to the house situated at the l'ratt; secretary, Mrs. 1). J Sampson; 
corner of Broad and Webb streets. 1st assistant secretaiy, Mrs. Charles W. 

—Mrs. M. E. Wllloby of Peabody is Joy; 2nd assistant secretary, Miss Kli/.a 
visiting Mr. aud Mrs. Henry N. Wllloby J. Pratt ; treasurer, Miss Clara K. Deals; 
of Baker avenue. directors—Mrs. George L. Newton, Mrs. 

to have your house finished in two weeks. Mrs. Selli C. Vlnlng. his father, Charles Farrar died on Wednesday. Her father was 

Von Blunter—But that isn't the point. _a May breakfast for the benellt of —Mrs. Clayton D. Merchant aud Miss Hev. Stephen Lovell, one of the most 

The Painter—Then what Is It? t | lt , manua l training class, will he given Grace W. Mitchell have been the guests prominent Methodist clergymen of his 

Von Blumer—1 want to know how long lu music hall on Friday morning, May ft. of relatives and friends In Worcester this day, and for some time one of the early 

Mrs. Seth C. Vlnlng. 

—A May breakfast for the benellt of 

It Is going to take you.—Town and Cn*3>- 

Breakfast will lie served from ft to 10 week. 

pastors of the Bromflcld Street church. 

o'clock a. in. 

—Miss Helen I. Lovell of Station street The deceased xvas the second wife of Mr. 

—Latest styles iu hats, lu satin and Is confined to her home by illness aud Sedley-Smlth, and never had been on the 

—Miss Maude C. Tlnkham of Front Phchc 8. Baker, Mrs.Charles 1. Newcomb, 
street has been entertaining Miss Eleanor Mrs. II. Milton Marr, Mrs. Sarah A. 

Somerstiy of Somerville the past week. Dasha, Mrs. Charles W. Joy, Mrs. Edwin 
—Miss Elizabeth Lane has concluded H. Murphy. The report of tlic treasurer 
nn extended vacation spent xvith her par- showed a balance of 81.107 in the treas- 

PhcbeS. Baker, Mrs.CUarlcs I. Newcomb, Mrs. Browne—Your husband says you 
Mrs. II. Milton Marr, Mrs. Sarah A. are the most changeable woman he ever 
Dasha, Mrs. Charles W. Joy, Mrs. Edwin I knew. 

Mr... Browne—Oh, I don’t care! 

hair braids, and dainty effects in ribbons, was therefore unable to return to Vassar the stage.” 
von aml flowers al Easter opening of II. on Tuesday. 

, ver W. Barnes, Columbiai) square. —Miss Dora E Smith, a teacher iu the I. 

—Colonel Andersoif of qulncy enter- schools of Danielson, Connecticut, Is | 
j.| |( , tamed the members of the Norfolk club spending her vacation with her parents, 


We it 
Arrest f 

an extended vacation spent with her par- showed a balance of 81.107 in the treas- doctor says 111 never go crazy, because with a smoke talk on the x.. 

cuts, Mr. and Mrs. William Lane of Baker ury. Mrs. Martha J. Torrcy, who has 1 couldn't stick tonne Idea long enough their rooms on uesi a> exen ng. -- r .am * rs . osi p i oi > o os o 

avenue, ami retiirncd to her duties at served the circle as treasurer for many to lose mv mind over It!—Detroit Free Mrs. Warren mpson ins rtiutm i am r«< « mu ’ a so ° H 

Decklt. years, felt obliged to declined to serve Press * from « r ^ \ CH ,n Seth Dlackwel 

—Kresl. Capo bluoll.l. at l'orry's list, L^eron account of 111 health an,I the Ko “ <! »«"»"»•>;' Mr. llcnnctt la a alcntojE «riU,A' 

market. circle voted to accept her real K nallo„- ™ »* tur ' h,, luthc on^traathc Moslnnhatr, 

-Mia. Blanche 11.11, a teacher In the with regret and to express to her their „ evening by a number of friend, w ho c» led -Miss Mattel Davison of 1 leas.,,. 

public schools of Avon, Is spending Ihe thanks for her faithful and elllclent ser- Bubbl< ”' "" of "" ” rlbd *>' M,ss f ’ om 1,0 " lM 

April recess at home. vice. Mrs. J. II. l’ratt was appointed An upslart-lhe alarm clock. Ilallah... was the recipient of many pres- Homeopathic hospital where she has been 

-Miss Annie Harris Is enjoying a flower committee. The annual sale of May he raised .... any soil-price*. enls, among them being a handsome gold for, 

Civil War" at Mr. amt Mrs. Albert Smith. 

filing —Mr. amt Mr* Joseph Cody of Boston 

We are Headquarters 

Carden, Flower, Crass 

English Lawn Seed, Fancy Red Top and White Clover, Timothy. 



—The L. B. S. met at the residence of 
Mrs James B Jones lust Friday evening. 

your attention for a moment, to 
say u foxv. words In regard to our 

Job Printing Department 

from a visit to relatives In Worcester. guests of Mr. ami Mrs. Seth Blackwell. Mrs James B Jones last Friday evening 
—Miss Hose llallahnn of Main street Mr Bennett is a talented cornetlst, play- The next meet ing will lie held with Miss 
was pleasantly surprised last Saturday Dig In the orcliestru at the Boston theatre. K. J. Pratt on Friday, April 14, and n 

evening by a number of friends xx ho called 

-Miss Mabel Daxisou of Pleasant salad supper xvlll be given In May 

April recess at home. vice. Mrs. J. II. l’ratt was appointed I 

—Miss Annie Harris is enjoying a flower committee. The annual sale of j 
week's replte from her school duties at the circle will be held iu November. The 


—The I’nlon Literary Circle will meet 

meeting adjourned to September 12. 

—A series of meetings will be held in 


Waihing'on Square, 
Weymouth. ^ 

T*cl«* phono 14-:*. 

Tuesday evening, April 11, with Miss Jea- the Univcraallst church the week begin- 
sleMcgregor. Subject, “Scottish Poetry." nlng April Hi. The pastor will be as- 
—Mrs. Bridget Hcardon died nt the slated by llev. T. A. Fisher of Medford 
home of her brother, Michael Murphy of Hillside and other neighboring clergymen. 

An upstart—the alarm clock. 

May be raised on any soil—prices. 

A close shave—a stingy man’s In a llre¬ 
cent shop. 

Good aetois are not alw ays known for 
their goodness. 

The manufacturer of pockeltiooks flints 
there’s money iu them. 

to remind her of her birthday. Miss street has returned from the Boston —The Ladies' Benevolent Society will 
Hullalian was the recipient of many pres- Homeopathic hospital where she has been hold an entertainment in the chapel ou 
ents, among them being a handsome gold for treatment Wednesday evening, April 12th, at 7.4ft 

watch and chain from her mother and —Miss Mary Matliewson who has been o'clock. An interesting program will be 

sisters. confined to her homo by Illness Is con- furnished by the following talent: Miss 

—The members of Abigail Adams valcsdng Alice 0. Blanchard, soprano; Eugene L. 

always know n for | j0t jg Cf «io; 1). H. entertained a party 


—Apollo chocolates are different. 

of about 7ft at whist last Friday evening. Jlt ,| M . Weymouth pharmacy. 

—The members of the Univcrsallst —Stephen F. Pratt, who 
Church were entertained by Mrs. L. W vt . ar |, aH | )L . cn singing In the 

Alice B Blanchard, soprano; Eugene L. 
Sold Murphy, tenor; Miss Adams, reader; Jos¬ 
eph Murphy, Xylophone; and Miss Helen 

which is one of the tiest and most 
completely equipped of any in 
this vicinity. 


Commercial and Society Printinc 

A Specialty. 

—Stephen F. Pratt, who for the past G. qualey, pianist, 
year has been singing In the Trcmont M. Prof.Jiisepho. 1 hompson of Amherst 

No Job too largt.—Non too Mill. 

Common slrcct, with when, she resided, -Mrs. Malvina Clapp has been the A high-stepper dislikes to he asked to Attwood at her home on Tower avenue K ehnreh, lloston, has been cn B a8Ctl for ■» '■>» 8 » ra ' ”'»• «'*' •"* * rr,meal..l.., 



lien, Mass. 


sonic 75 or more In rut* lots, 






on Wednesday. The funeral services I cent guest of friends in Mlddleboro. 

were held from the Church of the Sacred 
Heart at 'J o’clock tills morning. 

—A new house Is being erected at Fort 
Point for Walter W. Pratt of South Wey- 

—A collection In aid of the sufferers mouth, 
from the recent Brockton disaster will be —S. D. Estes has returned to his duties 

taken at the I’nton church uext Sunday at Wellesley after a several weeks’ vaca- 

step to one side. 

A limn often picks out a heavy woman 
to be the light of Ills life. 

I Even a tall, lanky fellow may be a well- 
rouudctl man. 

last Saturday evening another year at au increased salary. ,,t ' 1 Thompson. 

| —Mrs. L. W. Attwood entertained the —Bertram aud Aldeu Lincoln of Doi- —*1. B Merrill of Woonsocket, H I 

members of the executive board of the Chester have been spending their vacation being entertained by Miss Alice Wilder 

Old Colony elub at her home on Toxvcr *Uh their grandmother. Mr* Carrie l.ov _ 

avenue, Thursday afternoon. Lunch xxus e j| u f (’|, ar ,| street. 

ilel Thompson. 

—,!. 11. Merrill of Woonsocket, H. I. Is 

avenue, Thursday afternoon. Lunch xvas t .j| u f (’|, ar ,| street. 

served at one o clock. A pari of the uf- Methodil , Epi , CO p a | church Note.. 



Arc now ca rvhlbltlon and >uu —Timothy Bresnahan died at his home —Mrs. Phillip Wolfe and gram 
and Imprr* 1 thrm.'^Tbr dta/la) on Washington street Thursday morning, Viola have been the recent | 
embrace* all of ibr Kmral aged years. The funeral services will Mrs. Wolfe’s sister. Mrs. John 
Hr*lKaN and la oar of tbr mom be held from the Church of the Sarrcd Brockton, 
romplrlr a**ortmrntN rvrr Heart Saturday. —The unnual meeting of tl 

It isn't uii enterprising magician who is lt . rnoo „ waH Mpc.*nL in discussiug plans for 

—Mrs. Phillip Wolfe and granddaughter 
Viola have been the recent guests of 

alxvays up to his old tricks. 

With a silent partner, actions some- 

Parks of ' Hmes speak louder than words. 

the May breakfast, after which a delight¬ 
ful muslcale consisting of duets on the 
I organ aud piano was given by Mrs. At- 

A business meeting of the ladles’ circle 
wuh held at the home of tlio president, 
Mrs. Charles Harrington, last Monday 

Interesting Lelter. 

We have recently received a letter from 
I A. Shuman &. Co., the well known clothi¬ 
ers of Boston, soliciting our trade, and 

The brass band conductor scatters his j twood and Miss Cady. 

cx cuing, ami xvas well attended. The as It is tilled w ith Information that appeals 

Gazette Publishing Co. 

“Your father," said the man at the 
door, w ho w as taking uames for the city 
directory, “is a blacksmith, 1 believe.” 
“Papaxv is quite wealthy now,” replied 

ctimplrtf a**orlMrn(N 
-h'.wn In Iblx xlrlnll). 

Heart Saturduy. —The unnual meetlug of the Ladles’ 

—Special services xvlll lie held at the circle of the Third Unlversallst church 
First Puiversalist church during Passion will be held next Wednesday afternoon, 

ideas to more than the four winds. 

I A woman may have a nice dress and 
Mill luck a good address. 

annual meeting will be held lu the church to everybody who Insists upon absolutely the young woman haughtily. “You may 

Old South Church Notes. 

The clam chowder sup|H?r served in the 

parlors next Wednesday afternoon, aud It pure wool clothing, we take pleasure 
is urged that the ludics who have not re- publishing it In full in another column. 

put him dow n as a 'blacksmx the.’ "—Cath¬ 
olic Standard. 

Ford Furniture Co., 

Trlrphunr 111*7. 

Broad Street, East Weymouth 


—A largely attended supper ami enter¬ 
tainment was held at the I'nlon church 
on Wednesday evening. 

— Maurice Fitzgerald was taken to a 
Boston hospital for ircaltncul for appen¬ 
dicitis ou Wednesday. 

—The 1'urilaua w hist club xvas delight¬ 
fully entertained last cvculng by Mrs. 
Edwin I. Senior of Front street. The 

limy euieruuncu iusi evening uy airs. 
mm * Edwin I.Senior of Frout street. The 

Spring: Announcement. 

I'"' East Weymouth. Hcfreshments were 

served Mrs Bichard T. Hollins will eu- 

For Spring xvear we arc offering a large line of Men’s, Youths' and Hoys’, u i rUln the club next Tuesday evening. 

Ladies', Misses' aud Children's —Mrs. Charles G Jordan entertained 

the meinliers of the Matinee whist club at 
; TWV M 7V' T® 5, her home on Allen street last Friday after- 

M 1)^ I ^ 1^/ noon. A delightful luuch was served and 

^ JP'ml WJ A M favors were awardexl Mrs. F W Harris 

ami Mrs. Jones 

In all llie si vies of the new* season. ., - - — 

Obituary. J uu wetk 


1 at his home, 21ft Washington street, last . audience m 

Of every desei'inliou. Saturday morning, after au llloeas of aev- ... K 

era! weeks. Mr Burrell was about 4'.* ' " ... 

. « years of age and leaves a widow aud two 

W VKJV” 1 I 1 I j -.4 [j | I 1 small children He was eugaged In the 

c / "* \ * 11 1 1 "V I * I ^ % liusluess of pulullng, paper-banging, etc , 

with Id* father, the late W T Burrell up 
isroitl SI m l. HAST XVHVMOI Til. to the time of the latter's death aud after- 

< iui a wants succeeded ldui iu the management 

April 12. Supper will lie served at the 
usual hour. 

—A dancing party will be given lu 
Englue hall next Wednesday evening by 
several young ladles of the tow n 

—The April meeting of the Century 
club will be held this (Friday) evening in 
the vestry of Pilgrim church. 

—Mrs. Wallace Williams ami children 

vestry on Tuesday, by the Ladles' Aid I turned the little barrels do ho at once, 

cal teacher depends on his pupils society under the dlrectlou of Miss Emily either to Mrs. Charles Harrington or Mrs. — 

T. Loud ami Mrs. Arthur B. Tirrell, was J. q. Good speed. The election of officers | 
to the iufants' enjoyed by a large company. The supper for the ensuing year will take place at 
was followed by a pleasing eutertainment this meeting 

.arranged by Miss Stella J.. Tirrell, Miss The K|»worth League held a very eu- and vlclulty are cor- 

beautiful prl/.ea were awarded Mrs. Wal- of Concord Junction are visiting local 
ter E. Thompson and Mrs. J. II. Libby of re jgtlvea this week. 

East Weymouth Hefreabmenta were . nM4 . n ., M l l4 . 0 | llIl u i, uh i 1o 

served Mrs Bichard T. Hollins will eu- -Mrs. Joseph Kodoiph is coniimM to 
tertaiu the elub next Tuesday eveulng. the house by illuess. 

—Mrs. Charles G Jordan entertained —The Wesaagussetl club wlllglvean- 
the meinliers of tlm Matinee whist club at other of its |iopular whist parlies in 
her home on Allen street last Friday after- ^ c | u | t room a April 21 

noon A ik-llfllitfiil liiurli was servcsl .ml _ T |„. llou , c ou „, y view »• 

favors were awardisl Mrs. I*. W. Harris . , . 

aud Mrs. Jones by J. A Holbrook and occupied for many j * «*« 1 

years by David Uuuvillc, has been sold \ lost time 

to voice Ins sentlmeuts I Loml ami Mrs. Arthur IS. I irreH, w as 

For .mall cliuge go to the luf»..l»' cojoye.1 by * l«rgecom|i»ny. The .upper 
uiiilcrwi'.r ilepertmi'nl by » plcslug euterUlomeut 

. arranged by Miss Stella J.. Tirrell, Miss 

In some wavs tlio contortionist may ... * ,__, 1U . , „ .i , .. 

* M. Anna ( ady ami Miss Helen L. Hock- I j 0 yablu sociable at the home of Mr u 

show plenty of backbone wood . M .ny of those present wore 1 

I lie lire of love is often kindled by a HO |, 4c , symbol representing u book or char- 
gentle “spark " acter. The group, “Helen’s llables” was 

Dresses thal do not come from Paris much admired ami there were various 

Many of those preseul wore | 

W Cain Monday eveulng 

The Ladies of Weymouth am 


to lie held on Friday 

and Saturday, Ad 
April 7 and 5. 

arc not necessarily Worth-icHs. 

There is uo use saying to the hand of 
fate, ‘ Unhand me! ” 

Too uiutiy cooks spoil the broth and 
too many bosses npoil a “broth of a boy.” 
Free silver—your grey halts. 

Home symbol representing a book or char- idling the social a short business meeting 
acter. The group, “Helen’s llables” was ^ aM 

much ulinlnsl »u<l them wore various The »Uty-llftl. tnnu»l »e*»lon of the I 
ulher bits that were inuob appreciated N( . w Klla i al „, Soulhern Conference will 

Are you interested iu the new Spring Styles? 

You xx ill be interested In this superb exhibition of Trimmed aud Untrlinmed 
Hats uml Bonnets, Trimmings, etc. 

other I.IU lh*l were much appreciated. fj C w KugUn.l Southern Conference will 
The unnual meeting of the Old South convene at New London, Connecticut, on WlSUl(lOfl SQUID, 
parish will be held lu the vestry on Mou- Wednesday next. One hundred and eighty 
day evening at 7 4ft o'clock- or more mloiatera will be preaent 11 

Apropos of the public Interest ocean- Bishop Hamilton will preside ami at the •■.■■■.y vilit xc 

S. A. WHITE, WifMitk, Mist. 

Too tnauy cooks spoil the broth ami day evening at 7 4ft o'clock. or more ministers xxill be present 

o many bosses spoil a “broth of a lioy." Apropos of the public Interest ocean- Hilltop Hamilton will preside ami at the 
Free silver—your grey hairs. loned by John 1). Hockefeller's recent concluding session of the conference will 

The actor know, how to make up for u ‘ Ule American Hoard of Foreign send about Ilf I, ministers to new Meld, of 


Missions, at next Sunday evening's ser- 

The pUNtor will go ou Tuesday to 

There's beauty iu curves, but the’lUher- 
nion likes au angle 

vice, Kev. Henry (’ Alvord will apeak attend the annual meetlug of the Board 
concerning the course of events relating of Examiners of which he la a member. 

A large audience gathered lu the xc»lry 

The retoucher hate 

oral weeks. Mr llurrill w as about Hi of Pilgrim church ou Tuesday itculufl to 
years of aue ami leaves a xxldow aud two await the trial of the celebrated ease of 

rouull children lie was eugaged in the i/jmird* v 
biiiducss of paiuting, paper-banging, etc . *. . . 

with Ids father, the late W T up “ u “ ' 
to the time of the latter's death aud after- with the 11 

Edwards vs. Judsou. Promptly at 7 4ft 
o'clock, the sesslou of the court opened 
with the Houorablc Thoms* Henry ou the 

elchralcd ease of The «»elf made man gels 
Promptly at 7 45 making the In st of things 
the court opened The tumbler Is au actor 
ittiai* Henry on the himself luto hi* part 

to it and point out some praclieal lessons 
lies to gel “touched to be kept lu mind. 

Union Church Notea. 

nan get* Id* start by «j»he subjirt of the sermon next Sunday 
^ Hdngs morning will tie, “Mr Hockefeller's Gift 

au actor who throws the litoral Issues involved " 

The Kcd and Blue membership eoutest 
ended iii a victory for the Blues w ho had 
sexenty-slx per cent of their number pres¬ 
cut every Sunday to the Heil's sexeuty- 
four. A Sunday School social is being 
«t tanged by the lied* 

xxards succeeded him iu the management bench The cases to couic up before till* 
of the busluess. He was the oldest active N ,. b ^|ou were enumerated by the clerk, 

A pleasant social was held by (he young yv. C. T. U. Notea. 

No matter hoxx many doorbell* there I people last Friday 

nutation apply t‘> 

member in point of service of the lire de¬ 
partment In this part of the tow n aud was 

bumm-r Charles and after the preliminary 

.WORSTER, I Get Your Money’s Worth. 

also a prominent member of the Active business had been disposed of, the im- 
Yctcruu Firemen's Association. He was purtaut case of the day xxus called, 
uilillated w ith Delphi Lodge, No. 1ft, Most of the men w ho had bccu summoned 
Knights of Pyildas aud with Safety . . 

belie, No nil/ New Ku B l.u,l Order of t“«'“ea» Juror, thought Ihe, had floud 

funeral serxicea 

aud sullldeul reason* for ticUig excused 

enr, Weymouth. 

Hites’ Walk of I .uml. 


Money. xxe’rc *o often, lold l* the root of all evil: xclxxhoof ti* Itaxe not 
wished at times that we might liaxc :i few cords «if the root But Instead of 
HlC idle wishing, prudent people look in *rc closely after their expenditure* 
Bight here is where xve eau help you. 

We Covet Confidence and Challenge Competition. 

\Ve rail “make good Try us the uext time xou waul anxlhiug new iu the 
line of 


Iield from the l uiversalist church at 2 Jo from that duty and offered ihe »aiuc to 
o'clock Tutsday afternoon aud were coo- uia Honor, but lu nearly every case the 

I....I t.. If... M l.;.. td Tl...r.. 

ducted by Hex Melvin S Nash There 
were many beautiful floral irlliutes Del- 

judge decided otherwise ttlid at length the 

phi lsirifli-, No l.-i, K of 1*, Safety IxmIkc followiufl ISU-.'IIO'.I m'ullcim'U »itv >lul) 
N.» N E n l 1 , Hose Co , No J, \V chosen to act as jury Thomas Bit knell 
K D, 11“' Wry mouth Flrnueus Hrlirf w UlUui OUa, Johu Adam., .I, l.y 

V**oi iatluit aud the Active \ elerau Fire- . . . .. . . 

n.™ . As.ocl.llou aUuoded the .rrvlrr. Wl0,r “ l Ju »*P b ' . . . l 

in a liody aud eacorted the remains to the Benjamin traukliu, tills Beut, Leou 

are some people xxill still “knock." 

Some people are like the weather— 
changeable, und always getting lulkcd 

The must ex pet t mind reader could not 
detect any lu some children.* 

The window dresser doeaeul always 
pul the curtain down wheu he dresses. 

The soprano who mi trill, always egr- 
iies her music roll with her 

The science of acoustics Is what you 
might call a sound dociriuc 

tainmeiit was gixeit by Miss licsslc Law¬ 
ler aud the Misses Brown 

The auimul meeting of the parish of the 
Uulou church will be held ou Tuesday 
evening, April llth, at 7 :to o’clock, In the 

The ladies of the social circle will serve 
a clam chowder supper in the xestry 
| Wednesday eveulng 

Kiuueguu What ails ycr face? 

ihe W C. T- I will meet lu Temper¬ 
ance hall Wednesday, Aplil 12, und the 
topic will be “ltallroad Work" The meet¬ 
ing will be led by Mrs. Josle Lovell 
Thu Loyal Lcglou xxill meet Sunday. 
April It!, instead of April s. A full ut- 
teudance is desired US important business 
1* to couic before the meeting 

i Hie of the most able lectures on the 
exits of Intemperance was gkvcu iu Tent- 
perancc hall Sunday evening by Hex L 
«. Adams of Porter, the subject being 
Street Wolves " A very large audleme 

Flauagan The ouhl woman hit me xxul xxus preseul 

Dou i u* i us* the parasol manufacturer I l | lt . of this morulu'* meal o' mush 


Complete House Furnisher. 

Village cemetery The Are alarm was Johustou, Johu Francis. Alonzo Blau- 
lolM »Illll- till- fuu.ral procoialou pro- ( | iar ,l aud Juno, llui liuuau 



Tl 14 'liioltil lUlUIMTIMX. 

eeeded from the church to the cemetery 
The bearers were Lieut. H B Woratcr 
au*l ( apt J S Bat on for the tire depart¬ 
ment Jacob Dcxheimcr, Jr . aud H L 
Hunt for Safetx Lodge; Charles B Trask 
ami George B Laugford for the Veteran 
l iremeu's AsstM-lailou uu*l Frauds M 
Drown aud F A Sulla for Delphi Lodge 

The couuael for the | rosecutiou xxa.* 
Attorney Abraham aud the defendant wa* 
represented by Attorney Adam* The 
w it nesses for the prosecution were Johu 
Williams, William Thomas and Joseph 
^ Pouliu, while those for the defence xxele 

of eoudueliu^ a idiad| tiaiissclion Fiuiiegsu Go 'long wid xe! Sure, 

It la it * 

The dentist saxs he thiuks he ought to mush la too sofi 
i ride iu a pull-man car Flauaguu oh. she didn’t slop to take 

xxa* Nalurallx * '»<»ugh, an a*lrouomer would it from the pot Philadelphia ledger 
•j | u . , lie regarded a- the star boarder 
Johu Soldier fi icuds utay have a falling out. if J a r» 

*seph |,ut tin x l• j xe to respond wheu the order LsOuOl LI 
xxere i-.uue- I all iu' Philadelphia Bulletin DifCltl 

Uodol Dyspepsia Cure 

OOcato whit you ul 

Ktbekaha Entertain. 

Another of the enjoyable occasions for 
which Steadfast Hebekali lodge is uoled, 
was held iu Odd Fclloxxa' opera house 
Mou*lay afltruoou uml evening From 
half pa*t two uulii live o'clock whist was 
enjoyed by about eighty people, the prizes 
being nxx anted Mr- Lottie Stoddard, Mrs 
Ida Peterson ami Mrs Walter Curtis. 


Hie Columbian Square (Jroeer, : : South XVeiaioulh 


Pictures of All Kinds. 

Room Mouldings and Wall Papers. 


Furnllure Kepalrlna and tlpliolalerioK. 
flauu I’ullalilnK, Carpel and Mattma Work lo order. 


1ST. T. Arnold, 

No. 14 REVERE ROAD, formerly Canal St., QUINCY, MISS. 

Subscribe for the Gazette. 


Beal & ffle<?artl?y 


< 5 chiil'crt 





I \SII Oil r.ASV l O MFATf 

oooooo oooooo o o oooooo oooooo 




Copyright. 1900 . by LOTH HUl* PUBLISHING COMPANY 

f ♦ + + + + + + + ♦<* *!* + t + t 

Liiiin+njt+J+ ,, <'+++++tfttfTii 

{. 4. 4 *++«|*•}•*J* ++«t* *J* <• + *J* 4 *++ 4 * 4 * + *r *J* 4 * 4 * v t 

Lincoln Block ** Rockland, Mass. 

PcHtlns* Bf«k Brockton 


nmili us in n itiinuR*. Th<*n tin* Hint 11 
ril APTKU I! irrr «lrr»l»p» I ill" roif* niitl fttnffH Marina 

ISTTIi: 1,of ll*o wkw' . ,1,1 he pmrntljr 

I VV I t fide Kb l.#tt l>roiiglit n.'in r ' .... , . ' ,, 

I r T I "mu t on n-* iliftllPr I HC*rt» s :i PPwlini 

■nrH fni of w.1 nml some wntoi ' - ' , . , 

^ «*.. j.. ™ 't ^uViT.'S.. 

ZTZ,Z„Z^ ' ! «•«»»«.... 

1 , ... 1 1 I llt'VlT klMMV VI llllt WII* HJlhl. nut in«*> 

HlM.rllv ... III* fci'ir.' mi,I iiiihI- " “ , tlllU | M ,„ boat, 

llttlr rlonrlnu In the <-orn by miHntr n . f . 

..... nml the stfiHiffor *•'* very rnemiiy. 

, ’ . , , , .a When we lunl enme near the IntnllnR 

•‘Wo w got to do II. ho ooM, "or w« ’ .. sl .,.. , . . 

enn t take nny roinfort, mi tin? inni , 

,, . ... I* .* 1 he cuve n* tmr I wort mts 

mo I n»ll<l lmv« nil tho coni I 

V."'" . . .. . ... ... , vnirro out o' hnrin'n * 

I” 1 • vo,, l ^ , "' 1 11 '• iii'iir II... Bins,' ..I fr 

....I.. «..«• -:r 

,lnrk; "I *..«• him M'lii'.i I "™t out for ^ililv’.-..Vfurtl..-r v. ll 

«'"• " n „ lt h " . . . I, || i„k.- over tin' 1 

were after us. . .. .... 

He took a look at the sky after **|! .‘ 

awhile ami. remarking that la* guesses]: " 11 ' 1 ‘ 1 " 

they m.iMn't m* his smoke now. he 7 "' 1 ‘j 1 s m ,. r#1 , 

Kfin to kindle the Are. As It burned n, 1 " ouU1 not ,m '° m 
he shirk two erotrhes ami hum* hi* well hut for the filet 
teapot on a stick that lay In them s. wrote It ill down in hh 

AND NOTARY (with seals) 



nml I.«*«al Papers of every 
name and nature prompt- 
Iv drawn nml executed 

North* Weymouth, Mass. 

••Keep t* the wnntln," he said, “till 
ynii’re out o’ harm’s way. Don’t ro 
near the since road fer awhile. Ye’ll 
H in I n store a little way up the moun¬ 
tain. tJIt yor provisions there, an’ about 
elchty rod further ye’ll strike the trail. 
It'll take ye over the mountain north 
nn’ t’ Paradise road. Then take the 
white ehuroli on yer riirht shoulder an* 
co stralcht west." 

I would not have rememhertsl It so 
well hut for the fact that I’uele Kb 
wrote It .ill down lu his account hook. 

It took the heat of the Ihtine. as I laid and that has helped me over many a 

seen him do in the liiorninc. our crot 
to In the corn was shortly as cheerfu 
as any room In a palace, and our Ur* 

slippery place lu my memory of those 
events. At the store we cot some crack¬ 
ers and cheese, tea and coffee, dried 

sent Its llulit Into the lone aisles that I las r and herrlmr. a hit of honey and a 
opened opposite, and nobody could mis. Ion I of bread that was sliced nml but* 

the warm clow of It hut ourselves 
"We’ll hev our supper." said I’m h I 
Eh as lie opened a paper and p:en< 
out the eges ami bread ami butter am 
crackers. '*We’ll Jest hev our Slipper 
an* by an' by when every one’s nhei 
we’ll make tracks In the dirt. I can Id 

South Shore 

tens I before it was done up. We were 
ofT In the woods by U o'clock, according 
to l tide Kb’s diary, and 1 remember 
the trail led us Into thick brush, where 
I hud to get out ami walk a long way. 
It was smooth underfoot, however, and 
at noon we came to a slush in the tim¬ 
ber mil ul briers that wen* all aglow 

i Mir supper over, t'nde Kb let im "Hh hlg black berries. NN" llllul our 
look at Ills tobacco box, a shiny thin; hats with them, and Uuele lib found a 

of German silver that always seeine* spring, beside which built a tire anil 

to snap out a quick farewell to me he 

memorable meal that made me 

fore it dived Into Ids pocket. 11** was clad of my huticer. 

MEETINGS First Mouhy of Each Month 

very clu*erful nml communicative and 
Jokisl a good deal as wc lay there wait 
Inc In the firelight. I got some fur 
ther acquaintance with the swift, learn 

Then we spread the olldotii and lay* 
down for another sleep. We could *«*«• 
the clow of the setting sun through the 
tree tops when we woke amt began 

At Royal Arcanum Hall, 
at 7.30 P. M. 

Inc. among other things, that It hint lie our packing 

Money to Loan at Each Meeting on 
Mortgages of Real Estate. 

Minimum Rato of Interest, 0 per cent 
per annum. 

For Information, jpr Loin, between the 
meetings, apply to 

CHAS. G. JORDAN, Sec'y-Treas. 
Weymouth, Man. 

Express Co. 

Railroad Express. 
Quick Service. 


Call and see us. 

50 Sen Slrecf. 



nppetlte for the pure lu heart. 

"Why not?’' I Inquired. 

"Well,” sold L’ncle Kb, "It’s like tills 
the meaner the boy the sweeter the 

lie sang an old song as lie sal bv tin* . 
tire, with a whistled Interlude between 
lines, amt the swing of It even now 
carries me back to that far day lu the j 
fields. 1 lay with my head in Ills lap 
whh** la* was singing. 

I went asleep after awhile In spite 
of all, right in the middle of a story. 
The droning voice of fncle Kb and the 
fed of his hand upon my forehead cull¬ 
ed me back, blinking, once or twice, but 
not for long. The tire was gone down 
to a few embers when fncle Kb woke, 
mo and the grotto was lit only by a 
sprinkle of moonlight from above 

"Mqp* 1 *J o'clock,” lie whispered. 
"Better be off.” 

The basket was on his back, ami he 
was all ready. 1 followed him through 
the long aisle of corn, clinging to the 
tail of his mat. The golden lantern of 
the moon hung near the zenith, and 
when we came out in the open we eould 
see Into the far Helds. 1 climbed Into 
my basket at the wall, and as fmle Kb 
carried me over the brook, stopping on 
a tint rock midway to take a drink. I 
could see the sky in the water, and it 
seemed iis if a misstep would have 
tumbled me Into tin* moon. 

"Hear the crickets holler," said fade 
Kb as he followed tin* batik up into 
the open pasture. 

"What makes 'em holler:’’ I asked. 

"Oh, they're Jes’ tilin' their saws an’ 
thlnkiu'. Melda? tollin' o’ what's hap- 

"Well hev t' hurry," said fncle Kb, 
"or we'll never git out o’ the woods 
t'nlcht. 'S 'bout six mile er more t’ 
1 ’aradlse road, «*s 1 mek It Gome, yer 
slower'n a toad In a tar barrel." 

We hurried off oil the trail, and I re¬ 
member Fred looked very crestfallen 
with iwn hlg +iuckng<*s tied to his col¬ 
lar. 11•* d dayed a hit by trying to 
shake them otT, hut fncle Kb gave him 
a sharp word or two and then he walk* 
iil along very thoughtfully, fncle Kb 
was a little out of patience that even¬ 
ing, and I thought lie Imre down too 
harshly In Ills rebuke of the old dog. 

"You Hhif’less cuss,” he said to him, 
"ye’d Jes* dew nothin' hut chase squir¬ 
rels nn’ let me break my back f carry 
yer dinner." 

It was glooming fast In the thick 
timber, and fncle Kb almost ran with 
me while the way was plain. The last 
ringing note* of the wood thrush had 

, .. . . , died a wav. ami lu a little while It was 

.. , ho dark I could distinguish nothing but 

the looming mass of tree trunks. 

He stopped suddenly mid strained his 
eyes in tin* dark. Then he whistled u 
sharp, sliding note, and the sound of It 
gave me some hint of Ills trouble. 

"Git down, Willie," said he, "an* tek 
tny hand. I’m 'frald we're lost here 'n 
the hlg woods." 

We groped about fora minute trying 
to liud tin* trail. 

"No use," he said presently, "we'll 
hev t’ stop right here. Oughtor known 
better’ll F come through s’ near sun¬ 
down. Guess It was inore’n anybody 
could do." 

II<* built a tire and began to lay out 
a supper for us then, while fred sat 

Weymouth, Ea«t Braintree and Boston. 
POUli X PAHMKMTKIh Proprietor* 

irr 1 ',t ,, ": n "'“"‘•■"T v ■ vr 1 ," u..»»*.,-*...-«...ii..v.-,i,.rin* 

lltlh- folk*. ' I In Ok- r . . w .i* nitli.-r .Iry, for 

1 .*• Devnndiin- Sin-ct. ll-'i kmir-ti-n Street. 

I « |i |iliiiue t;iT*> M.oii. Telepone « Ufurd. 

1*» fiiiiin Street. 

Telephone 1 Mi, 1547 Uiclaiioinl. 

Expressing, Biggige Transferring, 

little folks. Terrible flood ill their 
country. Kvery one on ’em bed F git 
Up n steeple qttiek ’s he could er he 
drowuded. They hev their troiildcs an’ 
they talk ’Ismt ’em t<si." 

"What do they Hie their saws for’:” 
l Inquired. 

Furniture and Safe Moving, Heavy Teaming 

"Well, ye know," said he, "where they j snl j (V ,| u , ,j n . 


Itaricr "UlllULK" To Lrl for Plralr*. Kxmrtloa* 

Stable, Norfolk Street, Weymouth. 


live the timber's thick an’ they hev 
hard work elearlu’ F mek a home." 

1 was getting t»*o sleepy for further , 
talk. He made his way from held to 
held, stopping sometimes to look olT at 
the distant mountains and then at the 
sky or to whack the dry stalks of mill¬ 
ion with his earn*. I remember lie let 

<'««“ I’lirn nf't'r <1 I"I>« wiilk nml, lho () |i,.|„n, s .„ ,|„„ n rumf.irlalily 

North Weymouth, 
Quincy and Boston 

stcppisl Into a smooth roadway. He 
stood resting a little while, his basket on 
the top bar, and then the moon that I 

had been watching went down behind uskcd me t" kneel and sav inv prayer 
the broad rim of his hat and l fell into j lllul vu . l}> at'the feet 

utter forgetfulness. My eyes opened it f , nv mother. 1 remember clearly 


on a lovely scene at daylight. 

Kli Im.I Inlil nit- .m n massy knoll In u |, cn ,.|„^ n„, vc |„,' ,,f my siimll vol.-v 
lilt of tlmI»i*r nml lliroiiu'li mi o|)i>nlnit tli«>r.* lu llir iluik nml Innrlv .vihhI*. 

Boston Office, 48 Chathim St. 

North Weymouth Office, 60 North St. 

right in front of us l could see a broad 
level of shining water, and the great 
gn*en mountain on the farther shore 
seemed to lx* Up to its belly in the sea. 

"Hello there! said l nob* hb. "Here much evil of the forest, hut somehow 

Prompt Delivery, Careful Drivers 

-n u M. Y. CLEMENT, Propriator 


Builders, : : : 


East Braintree. 

P.O. Addrebt, Weymouth. 

Ready for Business. 

we uro at Lake Champlain." 

1 eould hear the tiro crackling and 
smell the odor of steeping tea. 

“Ye Hopped round like a tlsli lu lliet 
basket," said I’nelo Kb. “Guess ye 
must 'a' been droamin’ o' bears. Jump 
ed so ye scuirt me. Didn't know but 
1 bad a wll'cat on my shoulders." 

I nch? Kb had taken a llsli line out of 
his piN'ket and was tying it to u rude 
pole that h«* had cut and trimmed with 
his Jackknife. 

"I've found some crawfish here," he 
said, "an' I'm goln’t’ try for a bite on 
the p'lnt o' rocks there." 

“Goln’ F git some Osh, I’nrU? Kb 7 " 1 

"Wouldn't say't I was er wouldn’t 
say't I wasn’t," he answered. "Jos' go¬ 
ln’ t’t !*>•." 

Fncle Kb was always careful not to 
commit himself on a doubtful point. 
He bad flxt*d Ids lunik and sinker in a 
moment, and then we went out on a 
rocky poiut near by and threw <>tT into 
tbo deep water. Suddenly Fmlo Kli 
gave? a Jerk that brought a groan out 
of him and then let Ids hook go down 
again, Ids hands trembling, Ids fact* 

Tit* Hint* r»iglUMl fiat w lial l« kuoMii 

a* tin I., "li h»»r» •llril, NVl JlUnlltl . 

Mlitl Ita* luuiid iiii |<laiit Uh-m- lot (lie |»ur|H»M «•! 

ill ull |i.iru i f Wc>uioiitli. An ortlcr* Mill l» 
|• i«>1111• 1 1 . ulU'Uil* *1 1 «. ..liJ lln ln »l i|i»iur« <Salit 
u**•<!, t.» a.UriMUig 

Peter McConarty, 

P.O. Uu\ *i i Ytomoutli. r. Pearl hi., quloc) 



■Mir. aia.ii * lMl«-*,iwit liruuiiltui 

uiiniiAiiim kxui.ibii II. Sr 4 .i.o 
«.ol <4 'intulln l.ui--, m-u 1 i I Mitli blu« nbUuu 
Tahr mu . Iltrr. S« fu«r ilMugrruui *uUtl 
(Mlluua. u>l ItuliuttuMB. Uu> of yuur liruggtat, 
*.r miimI n. I-UHIIM lot ramiruUn. TnU< 
iuuuInU amt "Brllrf fur Udlrt." in lrl Ur 
reluru Hull. IW.OMMO I • m.u.uuimI*. bultl Lf 

*11 I'tUgKlalh. 


SIVO AvUl.uu u«(r. 1*1111.4., **4 

SmUvp UU mmi 

"By mighty! Fncle Kb," lie mutter 
ml to himself, "I thought wc lost Idm I 
thet time.” 

11c Jerked again presently, and thou 
1 could s«*o a tug on the line that luudi 
me Jump. A big tlsli eaim* t lira shim, 
into the air lu a minute, lie tried u 
swing it ashore, but the pole bent, uial 
the llsli got a fresh hold of the watei 
and took the end of the pole under 
l ade Kli gave it a lift then that 
brought it ashore, and n good bit ol 
wuter with It. 1 remember how the 
llsli slapped me with Its wet tail uuflj 
sprinkled my face shuking itself lx' 
tween my boots, ll was a big bass 
und in a little while wc bad three ol 
them. Fncle Kb dressed them and lull.’ 
them over the tile on u gridiron ol 
green birch, suiting them us they cook 
ed. 1 remember they went with a tint 
relish, and the last of our eggs au« 
bread and butter went "ith them. 

Our brcukfusl over, Fncle Kb made 
me promise to stay with Fred and tin 
bucket while be went away to liud a 
man who could row us ucro**. In about 
uu hour 1 heard u boat coming, uud tin 
dog and 1 weut out oil the point of 
rocks, where we saw Fncle Kb uud ail 
other man heading lor us, half over tl>« i 
cove. The bow buuqxnt tin nick* be 

The Better 

The tissues ot the throat arc 
inflamed and irritated, you 
cough, and there is more mat:* 
lion more coughing. You take 
a cough mixture ami it cases the 
irritation— for a while. You take 



wc bad no water, but It was only two 
hours since wc left the spring, so we 
were not suffering yet. Fncle Kb took 
out of the lire a burning brand of pine 
and went away Into the gloomy wo«sls, 
holding it above lil* head, while Fred 

"'S lucky we didn't go no further," 
he said as lie came in qfter a few min¬ 
ute*. "There's a big prec’plce over 
yonder. Ditntio how deep ’ll*. Gue** 
we’d ’a’ found out purty soon." 

lie cut Nome ImiiiuIi* of hemlock glow¬ 
ing near us and spread them in a little 
lollow. That dune. w«* covered them with 

by the lire. Filch* Kb bad a serious 
look nud was not Inclined to talk or 
story telling. Before turning in lie 

kneeling before my old companion uud 

1 remember, too, and oven more clear¬ 
ly, how lie bent Id* head and covered 
hi* eye* In that brief moment. I bad a 
great dread of darkness and imagined 

1 had no fear If In* were near me. When 
we had fixed the lire anil lain down for 
tlic nicht on Hu* fragrant hemlock and 

and it cures the cold. That’s 
what is necessary. It soothes the 
throat because it reduces the 
irritation ; cures the cold because 
it drives nut the inflammation; 
builds up the weakened tissues 
because it nourishes them back 
to their natural strength. That’s 
how Scott's Emulsion deals with 
a sore throat, a tough, a cold, 
or bronchitis. 

writ SE-tO YOU 


ti-nltiK. mitt tne llr.-lluht Im.l mink to a 

glimmer Fn*d lay shivering and growl¬ 
ing beside me I could hear no other 

••|h* still," said Fm le Kb n* lu? boxed 
the dog's cars. I lien lie rose and be¬ 
gan to stir the tire uud lay on mote 
wimmI. As tin* flame h'liped and threw 
it* light Into the tree lop* u shrill <*ry 
like the scream of a frightened woman, 
only louder nud more terrible to hear, 
brought me to my feet crying. I knew 
the source of It was near ns and ran to 
Fncle Kh in n feutTuI panic, 

••Hush, hoy," said he as it died away 
nud went echoing in the far forest. 
"I'll take Hire o' you. Don’t be scuirt. 
lie* more 'frald uv ti* than we are o’ 
him. lie’* milkin' off now." 

We heard then a great crackling of 
dead brush on tin* mountain above us. 
It grew fainter a* we listened. In a 
little while the woods were silent. 

"It * the ol* man o’ the woods," said 
Fncle Kh. "'K’s old Inkin' a walk." 

••Will he hurt folks?" I Inquired. 

"Tow!" he answered. ".It**' as harm¬ 
less a* a kitten." 

[ y>» hr rolltilliml.] 

The Influence of the Eaatcrn Shires of 
England on the Founders cf New Eng- 

Continual from I 

covered ourselves with the shawl. 
Uncle l!l* lay mi mu* salt* of me and old 
Fred o.i the other, s i I felt secure 111 
dovd. 'J in* M-Id had many voice* then 
lu the deep wood. Away in tiu? diw 
Inure I could hear a strange, wild cry, 
nud I asked whttt It was, and Fmle 
Kl» whispered ba* k, ' S a loon." Down 
the side of ll.c mountain a shrill bark 
rang lu the timber, uud Unit |vi»B a fox, 
neeording to my patient oracle Anon 
wc beard tin* nml thunder of a 
f illing tree an 1 a murmur Unit follow¬ 
ed in the wake of tin* last echo. 

“Big lice failin'," said L'mle Kb a* 
be lay gaping. "It Iris t' break a way 
t' the ground, au' it iuu«t hurt. Did 
)'« notice how tlie wood* tremble? If 
wc wu* up above them \\e could ace 
the hole thet tn-c tied made. Jc*' like 
all open grave till 11m other* hev tilled 
it with their top*." 

My car* had gone deaf with drowsi¬ 
ness when n quick stir In the body of 
Fncle Fb brought iiw back to my 
sense* He \}u* up on Id* elbow 11 *- 

lltau'i lllituutMlIr fills »l xiiuUl) < un 
ilhruuiVi-ui <X Nrur* cu. Kulirrly v<-|tr(* s*l 

I have already mentioned and who 
preached In Dedham for 31 years. 

These men because of their personal 
character, great learning, und position n* 
eminent divines, had a great deal to do 
with moulding both the social and political 
character «»f the colony, and though they 
have often been given as from Yorkshire 
and Suffolk, they were really men of 
Kssex I could mention other cases, a* 
for Instance the Adams family, which lias 
furnished t w o Presidents of the Flitted 
States besides Ambassadors to the Court 
of St. James t*f their origin there Is no 
certain record, although some authorities 
trace them to Devonshire, but that is 
doubted, und I am inclined b> believe with 
Col. Che ter. who traces the family to 
Kssex to a parish within ten miles of 
Ketvcdoii. In many instances where tra¬ 
dition lias established the ancestors of 
some New Kugland family to other coun¬ 
ties of England, a careful Investigation 
has dispelled the illusion, and they have 
been traced to some quiet nook or corner 
of Essex 

Another evidence «>f the prominence of 
Essex county in New England Is the fact 
that in li'ibt, when the Colony was divided 
into four shires Essex \\us named llrst. 

It Is stated in the decree put forth by the 
order of the General Court, the Colonial 
Ministry and l'urliumi'ul, dated at Boston 
May 10 th, 1013 , “the whole plantation 
within tills jurisdiction, l. e., Colony of 
Massachusetts Buy, is divided into four 
shires, to wit, Essex, Middlesex, Suffolk 
und Norfolk.' True to their instinct* 
the men of Essex seem to have been able 
to get the name of their own county I'rst 
on the list 

Now these men of Essex had a \a»t in¬ 
fluence in moulding, developing and es¬ 
tablishing the religious, moral and Intel¬ 
lectual life of New England. To them, 
In u great degree, we owe the indepen¬ 
dent, democratic, self government of our 
land Our political Ideas are largely the 
political Ideas of the men of Essex And 
what were these men? Are their names 
and family histories to he found in the 
Herald's College or at the College of 
Arms? A few may he found there, hut 
the majority arc not, strictly speaking, 
heraldic names. Too many Americans, 
who have tried to trace their ancestry 
hack <o some noble family in Kugland, 
have been disappointed by finding they 
had descended from a servant of thut 
family rather than the family Itself The 
pioneers of New England had other uses 
for their shields than to exhibit a blazonry 
of arms. These men, dad in homespun, 
sat in the pews of their humble places of 
worship with one hand ou their Bibles 
and the other upon their muskets, for 
danger was everywhere. And if we look 
for their ancestry, wc w ill not And It 
generally among the records of what is 
usually know n as gentle blood But we 
w ill And it on the moss-grown tomb stones 
in the church yard of Essex uud other 
counties, uud in the mildewed pages of 
the purlsli registers of the churches in 
England These were the men who 
uhoiit 27 .'* > ears ago hade farewell to 
their friends uud the scenes of their boy¬ 
hood anil manhood, und left the sweet 
plains and beautiful valleys of England to 
bru\c. with their wives and little ones, a 
perilous sea \ oyage of several thousand 
miles, und then a perilous struggle for 
existence on u strange an*I foreign shore, 
uuder uii unnatural climate, and among 
the human savages by whom the Western 
world w as ptopbxl These were the men 
to whom u great Republic owed its llrst 
existence brave Essex men and English 
men men of the comuiou people, who 
took their lives iu their hands, und with 
duuutlcs* courage faced the dangers uud 
uucertuiu terrors of what was to them uu 
unknown laid Ami what drove them to 
that course? Religious persecution, we 
ure told The usual notion, uud the state¬ 
ment which is made iu all our secular uud 
religious Amcrlcuu histories, is that New 
Eiigiuud was settled by people who were 
fleeing from severe uud uurighteuus re¬ 
ligious persecution, amt were thus com¬ 
pelled to sock u new home where they 
might uumolcslcd have freedom of con¬ 
science and worship TUI* is a statement 
which involves both an absurdity amia 
falsehood, aud one which ought to be 
blotted out from our historical records 
Men write of The I’llgrlui Republic, of 
The I'urltau Exodus from Kuglaud, of 
The Struggle for Religious Liberty, uud 

•The I'urltau Settlement of New England 
Rut we should remeudKT that the lblgrlius 
were Puritan* before they were Pilgrim*. 
Ulld that the purilaus were not all Non¬ 
conformists Many of the Puritan- wen 

faithful member* of the Church of Eng 
land, and did not feel any severe anil un¬ 
righteous persecution Tfiat many of the 
early emigrants were Nonconformist* 1 * 
no doubt true and that they desired a 
target llloetty of -perch than was given 
to them In England !* nl*o true, and that 
-ome of them, especially those who went 
to Holland, suffered some persecution is 
likewise trm*. hut there I* no foundation 
in nelual truth for the fright fni picture 
presen toil to the mind of the young 
American student, whether he i- taught 
by a country school teacher, or studies 
the ponderous volume* of American his¬ 
tory at a university Anyone who read- 
Hume - History of England will get a 
different Idea, and If anyone will make a 
thorough -• art h Into the family history 
of the early settler* «f New England, he 
w ill find that nut one-htlf of their num¬ 
ber left England on account of religious 
persecution, or were men and women who 
could Justly lie called Puritanic iu their 
notions If we examine the voluminous 
criminal record* of the Colony, in Its 
early days, given with much minuteness 
by the ofllplal recorders of the time, and 
tlie long »atnlogiie of peccadilloes and 
more serious offences they reveal as of 
common occurrence It may he doubted 
whether some of the so-called Pilgrim 
Fathers and early settlers had any ie- 
llgbui at all 

The real truth I* that the colony, ns nil 
colonies usually are, was composed of a 
mixture of good and had people, with 
still another class, w ho were neither one 
nor the other, Imt simply Indifferent. 
The good in the end prevailed over the 
had, and It Is very much to the credit of 
the early rulers of the colonies Hint they 
were able from such rude material to lay 
the foundation of a nation so great ar.d 
respectable os our notion Is It is true 
that many of the early settlers of New 
England enme with a desire for more 
religions liberty than they had in England, 
hut there was another and perhaps a 
larger class who emigrated for a different 

They were men In the humbler ratiknof 
life, with large families, who saw that 
remaining nl home was not only u 
struggle for existence without the hope 
of elevating their children above the 
level of their own walk in life To these 
the New World was n place of promise 
and encliautment. The farmer, us lie 
tilled land which was not his own, nml 
knew that all he could ever own of it w as 
a place to lay his weary holies nt death, 
thought of the broad lands of the New 
World, and believed that after a little sea¬ 
son of toll and hardship, lie would he aide 
to stand under his own vine and flg tree, 
uud look over broad acres of wood and 
meadow, all his own, and which he could 
divide among his children and see them 
settled in life before he died, and this had i 
more to do with the coming of many of 
them to America, than nny religions per¬ 
secution ever had. 

Thus, then, these were the men who 
built up the American nation. Front 
among them s|Trung the future great 
men of tlie nation of such men as 
these the New England Colony pos¬ 
sessed many, and they became emi¬ 
nent as statesmen or scholars and won 
for themselves reputation in the various 
professions and pursuits of life. It wa- 
their influence that shaped und controlled 
the destiny of New England, and from 
New England the rest of the land to a 
great extent 

But where did that influence come 
from? It has been a common thing to 
say that it came from Holland But this 
Is a great mistake. During the time 
Queen Mary was on the throne of Eng¬ 
land and because of the Papal supremacy 
through Hie subjugation of the Church of 
England to Rome, many of the reform¬ 
ers in England had to lice for their lives 
to Holland and Switzerland. On the 
restoration of Protestantism In the reign 
of Elizabeth many of these returned and 
brought with them the teachings of Joliw 
Calvin and endeavored to force them upon 
the English church. From the Inter- I 
course between England und Holland 
w hich still continued, it Is said that the 
religious and political views of the people 
became Hollandizcd, us wc might say, uud 
that iu this way the influence that was 
Anally brought Into New England hud in 
reality come from Holland. It would be 
easy for me to show that the Influence 
which came Into England from Holland in 
this way, und by the coming iu of Dutch 
refuges was an evil influence und pro- 
luced trouble und dissension, but 1 am 
not now defending the Church of Eng¬ 
land, so will pass thut by. It will he re¬ 
membered, however, thut Puritanism llrst 
began in the English church, and that the 
llrst aim was to free the worship of the 
church from what were called Papal 
errors that had crept In. 

By the lutereo irsc with Holland was 
added the theological system of Calvin 
und the struggle to force this into the 
Church of England led to what was culled 
an Armlnian party in the church, or those 
who were opposed to the doctrinal errors 
of Calvin. Itulsoledln the cm! to the 
separation of muny Puritans from the 
church and the grow th of Nonconformity. 
It Is true there was persecution as there 
is in all such conflicts, and the Puritans 
were no ways behind in that kiud of 
work when their opportunity came one 
of the sud things about it is that many 
Calvlnlstic views not truly supported by 
scripture were forced Into the Church of 
England, as for Instam e, his doctrine of 
Foruordinallon aud other thing* which it 
has taken centuries to eliminate 

It is amusing for uu Episcopalian to 
read uud hear people talk of the Puritans 
trying to purify the Church of England, 
when he know* how much they needed 
purification themselves The Church of 
England liud u hard time of It for hun¬ 
dred* of years In the contest It wus a 
struggle on the one hand with Roman 
Catholicism and on the other w ith Purltuu- 
i-*in and Nonconformity, and the wonder 
in that she tame through it a* well as she 

she taught the equality of all men Did 
that come from Holland? If we read 
English history we will And that li wn- 
common In flint country In llie 14 th cen¬ 
tury Think of the rebellion* led by Wat 
Tyler and Jack Straw and the'principles 
they advocated Think also of tin* princi¬ 
ples advocate I by the priest* John 
Ball in tin -ame ccntnry and who wn- 
repeatedly In trouble for heresv and 
revolutionary teaching One couplet 
which he wrote went all over England, 
and vvas heard everywhere. It wa- the 
follow illg 

••When Adam delved and Eve span 

Who was then the gentleman?" 

In 13 * 1 , the priest of a church In one 
of the towns In Kssex spoke a- follows 
to lifl* people “Good people, tilings will 
never go well In England, so long ns 
goods lie not in common and so long as 
there are villains yeomen ami gentlemen. 
By what right are they whom we call 
lord* greater folk than we? **n what 
grounds have they deserved It ? Why do 
they hold us In serfage? If we all came of 
the same father and mother, of Adam and 
Eve, how can they say or prove that they 
are better tban we, If It he not that they 
make us gain for them by our toil, what 
they spend in their pride " 

This spirit can lie traced in England 
down to the time of the Pilgrims and 
Puritans themselves 

Another Idea, ami one which is being 
supported by nn association called ‘‘The 
Mayflower Associates," is Hint the great 
influences which made New England vv lint 
it Is, enme from the Pilgrims and was due 
to their residence at Leyden in Holland 
The arguments already used In reference 
to the Holland intercourse apply also to 
tills statement. Tin* Pilgrim* had excel¬ 
lent idea* of government nml religion, 
Imt they held them in England before 
they went to Leyden, therefore it I* not 
correct to say they gained them there. 
They may have learned something of 
toleration by their residence there and 
from the teachings of the saintly John 
Robinson, Imt it was the natural growth 
of the circumstance* in which they were 
placed and wc should honor them for it, 
not Leyden. Besides, we should remem¬ 
ber that one of the reasons w hy the lead¬ 
er* of the Pilgrims w ished the people to 
leave Leyden for America was that they 
did not like the place and were afraid that 
In time their children would he merged 
Into the Dutch nationality, aud the morals 
of that community were not such ns they 
could approve of, and had nn evil Influ¬ 
ence on those of tender years. 

The Pilgrims were noble men and 
women, and let us honor them for the 
vast Influence they have hud upon New 
England; for the compact which they 
drew up nml signed on hoard the May¬ 
flower nml w hich became the llrst govern¬ 
ment of New England. Let us honor 
them also for the foundation of the Ply¬ 
mouth Colony which has had so much to 
do with the settlement of New England, 
but let us remember they were not the 
only ones who shaped the destiny of the 

Many of the great men of New England 
did not come over in the Mayflower, nml 
never saw Leyden. There are the people 
of Roxhury, Dorchester, Rostou, Water- 
town, Cambridge, Salem nml other towns, 
who had their part to play in the great 
work. There are the names of Winthrop, 
Saltonstnll, Kndlcotc, Williams, Rogers, 
Cotton, Minot, Gallup, Ward, Eliot, Cod- 
dlngton nml Pynchon. These men did 
not come over iu the Mayflower, ami thus 
did not belong to the Pilgrim bund, but 
they Ailed u most important place in the 
upbuilding of New England, and some of 
them like Winthrop, for Instance, Ailed 
the most important place. 

I think enough has now been said to 
show where the influence w hich bus made 
New England came from. It would have 
given me great pleasure to trace the his¬ 
tory of that influence farther hack in the 
history of the English people, and show 
its existence thousands of years ago, but 
the limits of this article w ill not permit. 
The Influence came, not by chance or 
from any of the temporary dwelling places 
of our race, hut It came by the providence 
of God, and belongs to the race itself. 
Instead of talking about the Influence of 
Holland or Leyden upon the Pilgrims nml 
Puritans, let us try to discover what in¬ 
fluence the Pilgrims had upon Leyden ami 
Holland: for they could not dwell there 
for twelve or more years w ithout having 
some Influence. 

Our institutions, our laws, our civiliza¬ 
tion, our morals, our learning, our re¬ 
ligion, ami our physical and mental char¬ 
acteristics are not Dutch or French, hut 
English In origin, and if we seek for the 
influences which have make New England 
vvhut it is, we will And it iu the homes of 
our ancestors in England uml Scotland, 
ami more especially in the Eastern coun¬ 
ties of England, nml perhaps most of nil 
in the county of Essex itself. 





All sizes, 

Delivered in Weymouth 
or Braintree 

I would he sorry to tliiuk that the good 
qualities which made New England what 
it Is came from Hollaud through her Eng¬ 
lish ancestors, ami I am glad to kuow 
that it is not supported by history I sup¬ 
pose most people would say these good 
quuliiie* were due to the Reformation, 
hut vv<- must remember that the Reforma¬ 
tion, both iu church ami state, was going 
on In Kugiand hundreds of year* before 
this intercourse with Hollaud uml before 
the days of Marlin Luther and John Cal¬ 
vin themselves Were there time I could 
give proofs of tIds ail through the history 
of Kuglaud, lull lei iis remember that the 
preaching of John Wyclltfe produced a 
movement f»,r reform, not only in the 
church hut also lu the state It was a 
social a- well as u religious movement and 
iu the llllt aud all through the F>lh ccu- 
lury his tea< lung w as held to be con¬ 
nected with social revolution Wyclille 
did uot iutcud to preach doctriucsof revo¬ 
lution and confiscation, but Id* followers, 
the Lollards w ho had Imbibed his teach¬ 
ings, went about preaching that property 
had duties as well a» rights, aud thut uot 
only the wealthy clergy, but all landlord* 
had duties to per form io ward* the poor, 
uml that unless tlie uoi>les tried to amelior¬ 
ate the couUUlou f tiujr dependant* 
their wealth should in- ■■ mil seated It 
hu- been tlie boast of n, V \ England that 

fit SONS. 

I'.U. Address W'rjitiuulb or K*«t Krulnlrrr. 

Huy shares in the 


Regan business March U, 1 *k* 
Last dividend ii per cent per annum 

A Tip to Automobdltt*. 

(Fffim the Portland (Mr ) Express ) 

All through the country there are to be 
found old race course* wlib li hav e been 
either abandoned entirely or are n*ed only 
when agricultural fair* are held With 
the growth of the automobile trade ami 
the Increased Interest In speed trial* it I* 
quite likely a n*e may ho found for these 
track*. The owner* of the big car* all 
over the country are talking the advis¬ 
ability of buying up courses where they 
ran speed to their hearts' content without 
endangering the live* of any »nv«* them¬ 
selves Automohiltsts In New Jersey 
have secured the option on enough land 
to afford scope for a 23 mile -traightwny 
course. Hitch nn enterprise ought easily 
to be within the mean* of the owner* of 
powerful and costly automobiles It 
seems quite likely that the equipment of 
tracks of this description l* only a matter 
of time, for each year the roll of accident* 
Increases and the time cannot be far dis¬ 
tant when popular sentiment will demand 
drastic legislation to prevent speeding 
above a reasonable limit on public Ingli- 
ways It Is, therefore, In the interest of 
automobilists to secure courses where 
they enn dash along ns fast as they please, 
ill which event there will he less likeli¬ 
hood of law* being made w liieh w 111 i igldly 
restrict their privileges elsewhere. 

Secretary May knows, a* all who are 
informal know. that < lilna i* a great 
market fof four cotton, and the greatest 
possible market in tlie world That teem¬ 
ing nation needs our fabric*, and ** yet 
we have only touched tin* fringe «»f it If 
we could clothe every man, "iimsn and 
child In China Who want* t>» lot* clothid, 
and to vvho«e Interest it would be to be 
clothed, cotton would never foil a- low 
a* fifteen cent* n pound in the Held The 
#22.000,000 dm* m•* from China would not 
lie n drop in the bucket ns compared to 
our trade with Chinn in cot lull goods 
alone, tf had Chinn'* filend*hip and 
China's confidence and China's good will. 
To give that country bark Its sliver dol¬ 
lars would moan flic In vcstnnmt of # 22 ,* 
ooo.onn in advertising Southern cotton 
goods, nml no Southern man who has nn 
Ininillgcnt conception of the question enn 
do aught hut npplniiil Secretary Hay's 
wise business Idea*, aside from all other 
considerations The return of the # 22 ,- 
000,000 In silver may look big to little 
people, but the full-grown man knows 
that the development of Chinese trade 
would mean to the South alone five times 
that sum In otto year But perhaps Mr. 
liny will surv Ive the assault of Ids critics. 


Why Sudor or Pay Eiorbltant Prices P 

The Severest Poitible Rebuke. 

(From the Boston Herald.I 

1 f the moral sentiment of the country 
became aroused to such n degree that the 
religious and educational Institutions con¬ 
sidered It Improper or perhaps immoral 
to receive donations from Mr. Rockefeller 
because of the manner In which his wealth 
has been acquired, the rebuke Implied and 
applied would perhaps be the most effec¬ 
tive that could be employed Apart from 
Ills interest in business aud the realization 
of success which monetary gain Induces, 
Mr. Rockefeller takes Imt little personal 
enjoyment in Ills great wealth. Those 
who have met him in Ills life outside of 
Ills ofllco speak of him as a man having 
hardly any inclination towards those ex¬ 
ternal object* or habit* of lift* which 
require for their attainments large expen¬ 
diture* of money. lie prefers to pass a 
quiet life, to get Ills out-of-door enjoy¬ 
ment by playing golf, and lias few if any 
social and extravagant tastes to gratify. 
Unquestionably he find* pleasure in giving 
money away to religions and educational 
institutions when he believes that the 
money thus donated etui he effectively 
used, for apparently Mr. Rockefeller has 
not given money away except us the out¬ 
come of a careful examination into the 
way In which It was to lie employed and 
Into the results likely to come from such 
employment. This may he said to he his 
use of w ealth outside of the mere making 
of It and the pleasure derived therefrom. 
But If the moral sentiment of the country 
is such that these gifts w ill not be taken, 
Mr. Rockefeller is likely to find that Ids 
position i* somewhat similar to that of 
the miser who hail nn unlimited supply of 
gold but was unable to purchase anything 
with It. It is doubtful If a more severe 
rebuke could be administered to him, or 
If he could he made In any other way to 
feel more strongly that the wealth which 
he has acquired ut the expense of what 
many believe to be the rights of others, 
while fruitful of great results when em¬ 
ployed by those who had honestly acquired 
It, Is in Ills hand* hut a* dust and ashes 

Nance O'Neil at tho Tremont Theatre. 

Those entertaining members of the 
Shakespeare community, Lady MncBetli 
and her seml-barharous husband, were 
re-introduced to the Boston piddle nt the 
Tremont Theatre on Monday evening last. 
The young, attractive and popular Ameri¬ 
can Tragedienne, Miss Nance o’Nell, was 
the Lady MacBeth, supported In nn effoc- I 
live and impressive manner by Charles | 
Dalton as MncBetli, Charles Millvvard ns 
Mnedufl’ and Louis Masson as Bnnqtts. 
The remaining long list of characters in 
Shakespeare's masterful tragedy were 
rendered in nn altogether faultless man¬ 
ner, nud the presentation its n whole, 
mark the event ns one long to he remem¬ 
bered in the history of Boston theatricals 
Manager Jim B. Hchoeffel deserves the 
thanks and praise of every lover of the 
acted classic drama for the manner in 
which the tragedy I* staged. The second 
wet k of Miss O'Neil's engagement at the 
Tremont will embrace a round of her 
most popular nud successful plays. The 
repertoire will he ns follows: Monthly 
evening nml Wednesday afternoon, 
“Magdn,” Tuesday evening, “Fires of St. 
John,” Wednesday nud Saturday evenings 
•‘The Jewess,” and Thursday and Friday 
evening* and Saturday afternoon 
“Camille" Each of the plays will he 
presented in the same careful and pains¬ 
taking manner that have always charac¬ 
terized the Nance O’Neil productions. 
The plays for the third nml Anal week of 
Mis* O'Neil’s season w ill be announced in 
one course Immediately following the 
Tremont engagement Miss o’Nell will re¬ 
turn for a farewell engagement of one 
week iu New York prior to sailing away 
to Australia w here she w ill play a season 
of six months under Mr. Schoeffel’s man¬ 

If \mi nre it -nitVrer from JIfrvoa* ana t'hroalr 
niaea»r, Wrakatn*. Momarh. Klfisey, Itlaifirr 
and trlnarj Trouble*. Rlnnd I'nlsonlng, Mill 
IMNfanr*. t hroalr IndlRMtlon, or mr mlinir fr-m 
any tll»cu*r pcrtillar to jrnot, *rrk tin* mlvlro of mi 
expert, wlio*e pmi'lli < mill experience »« it Xprr• 

all-1 Hie la*t *20 jear* have tioijrht him m 
promptly apply the proper remeilie* to quickly re 
move the illaea-e. 


limit* •litily 10 lo *. Hnn<lnt« M t»» - mm 
WetliH■•ilny iiit'l Sitliir«lit> > tilling- till II I*. M 
special Hour- hy appointment. 


Save Your Money! 


Why uot look lub» the Co-operative 
Bank Blau? By thin plan you <au j ay f«»r 
your home a> you pay rent, aud at the end 
of a do/.cu year* you will own it 
Series begin lu March aud September 
For full information apply to 

No 142 I uiou St . South Weymoult. 


Times Bldg., BROCKTON, MASS. 

Mv nfltee will !»«• closed nil day Tuesday*. 




Coal Dealers. 

Hard and Soft Coal, 
Otto Coke, 

Hard and Soft Wood 
Hay and Straw, 

iICB. % 

Telephone 'JU-'i. 

The Immigrant Problem. 

(From the Springfield Union.) 

Twenty thousand immigrant* a week 
are landing In New York alone, other* 
come to Boston. Baltimore and the sea 
port* that have trail*-Atlantic steamers. 
Most of these men, women uml children 
go directly to the West, where they be¬ 
come farmhand* and a little later furm 
owners. They are poor, very poor, most 
of them, but healthy uml determined to 
make home* for themselves aud their 
children In this land of liberty. From 
their standpoint there is not a doubt that 
they gain by the change of homes. Some 
come from Russia and l'oluud, where the 
poor cannot obtain land for themselves. 
Some come from sunny Italy, some from 
Greece und other places where the laws 
and condition* make progress for the 
poor almost Impossible. We see about 
us right here in Springfield many instances 
of the success of these Immigrants amt 
iu the West wc find them possessed of 
many thousands of acres of land aud 
growing wealthy. Some of them have 
become governors and congressmen, bunk 
presidents ami prosperous merchants. 

As we see them herded like cuttle ut 
Castle Garden, we wonder If this great 
country can absorb so many Ignorant ami 
often to an extent, depraved people. It 
in one of the problems of the Hear future 
that our statesmen must grapple. So far 
wc have absorbed them all uml seem no 
worse for the mixture, but if It continues 
half of Europe, almost, will he in America 

A Whole Year for 12 cents. 

Send twelve cents today for a whole 
year's subscription to the New York “ 400 " 
Magazine which is one of the finest, larg¬ 
est aud best monthly maguzluus of Its 
kind in America. The publishers arc 
making this price merely to introduce ami 
quickly roll up the largest circulation of 
any newspaper or magazine in the world. 
It is taking like wildfire. 

Each issue Is filled with splendid 
stories, a fashion page, special depart¬ 
ments for men, women, hoys ami glth* 
It Is clean, wholesome, and bright. A 
single Issue is worth more than a whole 
year's subscription. Don't delnv, hut 
send twelve cents today for u whole 
year's subscription, ns this oiler Is liable 
to be withdrawn nt any time. Stamps 

Address, Merrill l’ublishlng Co., 3 l» \V. 
24 th St., New York. 



For Open Grates. 

A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. 

Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding 
Piles. Druggists refund money If Pazo 
Ointment fails to cure any cast*, no mut¬ 
ter of how long standing, in <• to 14 days. 
First application gives case and rest. 
.Vic. If your druggist hasn't it send 50 c 
in stamps ami It will be forw aididjoH 
paid by Paris Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo. 

Easy and Qulclj* 





68 Centre Street, Brockton, 

n.ui' in Mock ill tin- |tii|iiii;ir mlvertienl Hiyl*-**, 
• 'urn ' l S|ih|ii'», lit »i QiiiiiiticNi'Wrnt Mi n., at 
|i.vvr«t |>i ii'i *. Sprrial l ‘ori.i t- for Stout Women, 

t'urerl SovrltlfN Madr lo Itrdrr, Hour Support- 
rr*. Kuollrn, llu«t Kurin*, Iturhr* and Hon Na- 
rhru, Muirrnltv und Fliynlral Culliirr WaMa. 

K- to UVur CorwtP., 41 . 00 . #1.21, #|JM, *1.7.'.. 

I Ml . Quality, #2.00, 5 lo #11.00. 

w Ul. lionr, #:t.fto, * 4 .;.o, #.s.oo t.. #io.:>o. 

Iiii|m»i ti-.l i ■ • it-. #‘J.7& lo #75.00. 

v«.i:vr* wa 4iiu. 

Economio Forgiveneu. 

(From the Memphis News-Scimitar.) 
Secretary Hay bus set the uatious of 
the earth un example In magnanimity that 
does houor to the American name by 
recommending thut we forgive Cliinu tin* 
#22,ooo,000 awarded us in damages as a 
result of the Boxer uprising 
This is uot the first time thut Secretary 
Huy has voiced Amerieuu generosity 
While the other uatious were clamoring 
for their money in gold to the last stiver, 
Mr. Hay accepted payment In silver, 
and he Is not a free silver man ut that 
Mr Hay pluced American diplomacy in 
the attitude of a civilizing ami humaniz¬ 
ing force lu the world The great BIs- 
mark w rote uhoiit “the churluLunry ami 
pomposity of diplomacy," ami Sydney 
Smith, the English wit uml statesman, 
declared thut diplomacy wu* to lie for 
one’s country American diplomacy is 
different, ami lias been made so largely 
through the personal influence of Mi- 
Hay. In war uml in peace our policy is 
openness amlcumior, straightforwardness 
amt truthfulness Diplomacy with us is 
a matter of business Wc drive a* good 
a bargain as we cun, but we do nothing 
iu an underhuuded or Indirect way 
Some great editors of quintessential 
sapleucy find fault with Secretary Hay, 
Iterate him uml belittle him: but tlu-ir 
ideas of world politics are confined to the 
congressional district lu which they live 
Kvcryoue w ill concede that Secretary Huy 
is a gentleman of eunneut ehuiu< ter aud 
iiigh scholarly attainments lie has been 
doing things that concern the public, the 
world public His sen ices ure not con¬ 
fined to domestic affairs Withal, he is a 
modest and uua-sumiug gentleman lu 
world jHdillcs or diplomacy lie is looked 
upon a* a commanding pcruuuallty aud 
the founder of a new school, the Ameri¬ 
can school, the school that will \ct domi¬ 
nate and rule the world when the world 
becomes more cullgtilciicd uud civilized 
aud humane, wlieu men uml ualiouo learn 
to trust each other more uud love each 
other more. It »ecun» to be the mission 
of America logo forth as tlie cvuugcl of 
tills ucw dispensation, uu 1 Secretary Huy 
is fortunate iu being the iusiniment of 
uatioual destiny 

mi:i:ii\i.n or Tin: 

Selectmen & Overseers of the Poor Time Schedule. 

The Selectmen »ml Overseers of the Poor of Wey 
mouth will be in <.e*Riou »l the 

Savings Bank Building, East Weymouth, 
Every Monday. 

iluririR the muulciintl year, from two to five o'clock 
P. M. 

(Jsouus I.. Nkwton, clotirmun. 
P.O Ailiire**, North Wevmouth. 
llKAiinom Hawks, Clerk. 

P. i». Aiiiirekft, porter. 
Wai.tch I.. Hatch. 

Kdwahd W. Bust. 

UollKIIT Mi Intofii. 

Weyirouth, March 14 , | 9 u 2 . 

I tiiotati: or i j.knix, m >r 

J W. > inoilllt, in the I 'oniily Norfolk, ih • 

ccum’.I, n |>n-cut. <1 in-olx col The »iili»crihci*, 
hut ilia been u|i|toiiilii| lit tie Pi ol,,it. Court lot 
■.ml ( (limi t roiiimiMtioiK i-lo I. iiit. mill i*xamine 
ull • l.iiin- >.t .'ic.liloi- .ic.itit-1 tlie • ■lule cl -itnI 
J'*-i I'll i . I.cnix, her. ht uit. notice Ilut MX 
moi,ih* from the in-| .In ol ) . I.iiiuiv, A. I». IlKi.i, 
uie ullott. >i |o I'll )|||or-lo |.|.-enl .mil |>rm c their 
. i.iim- MjpdiiKt *ui«l • •lull-, uiul ihut tin t «ill un i t 

lo i \ u mi lie tl. iiii- ol . n ililoiH .it til ( ..nit 

H"-i li, M I! 'in li t! . II t. . nil, * I u' ■ . ( 
A |>llI, .Ini' . I ill.I .1 .' t , 1 i it ten o'i I.m W III the 

III Kill II i HKH.i.s, 

1 oiiiuilMl.ilK 
b l ■: 

Commonwealth ol Massachusetts 

NollPoj.K, ss. I'uouatk < ocut. 

*T > o the lit ir» utlutt, next of-kiu, uml nil oilier 
X |.i i».»ll» inti-rente.I ill llu ,.| 

jam: a. rki:i>, 

lute <>l Wet Uiolitli, ill ■ u i * I t o llllt) , ilei i .i-i <1 

W h. r.-i .iituiti iu-ti iiiik m puipoiiii.a to I., 
till 1.1*1 tt ill Uiol l> *1..till III ol •ui'l lie. < .l*ci| Il4* In , I, 
pre»i'Ule.| !•' -.ti.l < olirl f"l Pi"h.if.', |.( I ie.'l ife ( 

I ol let ol Wet III.I.llll, "i.l. lirut * ll'.il letter• ||'»L, 
meiil.irt inu) lu l»*m <1 i.. him, the . xi . utoi llu ieiii 
nun.. J, tt nIii• nt ait ilia u »uri It on hi- otticiul homl. 

You »IC licit ht ( ll< li lo up|u .tl .tt u,' ( ourt, 
loin lichl ..t Qinm t, in nun] I .unity Norfolk, oil 
the I tt ■ Itlli Jut i A|n n. A. I >. I.** >, .it nine o’. I . k in 
the forenoon, to •loot e.ill-i', if ,nn \„u |,.,t e, tt lit 
tin Milne »huilhl not he grullli J. 

All.I -4l*l |.etiti«.m l \$' duelled lo a>ti 
public notice I hereof ht puldmlnua tin* eitslloll 
I ii< c in i urli ttt ■ k, for thrc< *uic, »»iv, tt.ik*. in 
l.e W* yiliollf ll <•,(/.( He, U lie WApUpl'l pllldildllli IU 
Wet III..till., tin I 1*1 puldn ulioll lo |.< one Jut ut 
!• u»t before a-ukI l ourt, uud bt m.iniua, l»*lp.iiil, m 
(li ilti rilia u > "pt of lbi* . 11 utioii I" nil kin." n pi i 
■on* lutei« *ted ill lln . »lute, *ot. |i du> • .1 I. u-t 

before ■uld » oUll. 

Willie**. I tin* * II. l'li lit. F *.| in ie, J .1 lac nt «.dd 

«, ll. 1 it. ■ • 1 M .1 ,i uu, 

thnllMlIld 11 i 11 < ll* d ulld lltc. 

&4 JUIIS l». colli), 

VJ OTIC I: I* 14 Kill 14 V «.■% 4* .HI 

il ' I “ I ' upp "I.l. '. Adunni- 

t tutor of ill. I-lute Hot ..It.., It udlllililBt. 11 d Ilf 
111 *»M \s poRTKII lull' 1 w.'ll..I., Ill H.. 

CoUIlt) n| Nollolk. d... 4 * 0 .1. llile*Utc, itlili I.U* 
luk> II upon In I*. If tl. it 1 , 11*1 bt pt Ilia bond u* tin 
lutt dire. I*. All per* II* but iua d« Uiuini* up ..11 the 
• ►lule of -uid d. • . 4*( d uie li .pilled lo exhibit the 
* 4 Ui> , mid ull per»ui.» indebted to »aid (Mule me 
culled U|H>II to mukc put incllt to 

11*1 IIII Klin. A.imt 
I un ofilenit II I, nibu r.U f*lui. Kiieii, Ho*ion, 

Town Officer* of 
Pott Off 

|ohn A Raymond, F 

|ohn It Stetson, Soi 

miU TMBN ANl> 

1 Gordon Willi*, chain 
l Bradford Hawes, xrci 
I Robert Mflntoan, Fa 

I Edward W. Hunt, NN 
George L Newton, f 

Krancix H. Cowing, ( 
John NV. Bates, clerk 
George L. Newton, ? 
Gilman II. Loud, Sol 
George C. Torrey, Si 

I \V. A. Drake, chairm 
B (nseph A. Cushing, I 
•« it. F. Perry, NVeymc 
B Frank K. Loud, Seer 
M Charles II. NVilloby, 
B Mrs Mary K. Holbri 


I John C. Anthony, 
Klose of school on Mom 
Building; Tuesday at 
■|..we . Thursday at II 

Best Grade of 

Augustus J. 
Richards & Son 

To make the very best soap, simply 
dissolve a can of Jianncr J ye in cold 
water, melt $}i lbs. of grease, pour the 
Lye water in tlie grease. Stir and put 
aside to set. 

Pull Directions on Bvcry Package 

Jhinner lye is pulverized. The can 
may be opened and closed at will, per¬ 
mitting the use of a small quantity nt a 
time. It li just the article needed in 
every household. It will clean paint, 
floors, marble and tile work, soften water, 
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. 

Write for booklet “Uses of Jtit liner'' —free. 

Tbo Puna Chemical Works. Philadelphia 
Charles Richardson & Co.. Ilostua, Mess 

3 Frank II. Torrey, Ni 
■ lohn II. Stetson, Son 
M Gordon Willis, South 
\ Wendail l». Clapp, V 
B D M Easton, East 1 

^praaiNTHsnRNT 01 


I vers M. Low, East ’ 

Tax C 

1 Willard J. Dunbar, I 

AV. O. Collver, chief, 

m:. K. < >rr. East Wey 
AN NV. Pratt, Last V 

j. K. Walsh, NVeymc 
1 >. \V. Mart, South ' 

■ Gordon NN'illis, Sontt 

Thomas Fitzgerald. < 
3 A. II. Pratt, Last NN 
J P. Duller, East NVey 
■ lohn D. Walsh, We 
I Michael Allen, Soutl 

■ Isaac 11 . NVatker, Nu 
jfl Dcniatnin F. Kichan 

■ Nathaniel li. Peare, 
A Asa lb Pratt, Last \ 
fH Thomas Fitzgerald, 
^8 John D. Walsh, NV* 
a William F. French, 
•1 George li. Hayley, S 
2*1 Michael Allen, Soutl 
SmGeotge NY Conant, 

B Walter L. Hates, So 
D Charles A. Uud, So 
« John P. Bunt, East 

William II. Clapp, 
Louis A. Cook, Sou 
Frank II. Torrey, N of whig 

■ Frank D. Sherman 


(Front Sixth 
George L. Barnes, S 
Aubrey Hilliard, lira 

(Second l 
F.daraid R. Nevin, J- 

.1 | u.ire of Prolate 
B'lint of Weymouth. 
n« Register of Probati 


I Assistant Register, 
1 Clerk of Courta, Lo 

■ Assistant Clerk, R( 
Register of Deeds, 
Assistant Register 

County Treaauger, < 
Sheriff, Samuel II. 
County Cotnmiasio 
rook line, lames II 
Wright ol Quincy. 
SessioM. Every Tu 
S(>ecial CoinmiHsioi 
•ranklin ; John Ever 
Diatnct Attorney ( 
nd Plymouth), Asa 1 
rd NV. Nutter ol lire 

Old Colony Street Railway Co. 

iprente judicial Co 
day of February. 


IVrek llay Time. 

For DRAIN? KEIC DEPOT, 6.oo, 6.30, 7.00 
7.30 A. M., then on the hour und 30 minutes just 
until 10.30 P.M. Additional cur Saturday, 11.30 
P. M. Returning, leave Itraintrre Dcjn.t, 6.30 
7.05, 7.35 A M , then 5 and 35 minutes past the 
hour until 11.05 P. M. Saturday, 11.30 P. M. 

For QUINCY, boo, 6.30, <>.45, 7.00 A M., then 
nn the hour and half hour until 11.30 P.M. 
Returning, leave Quincy, 5.50, 6.05, 6 20, 6.50 
A. M , then 20 and 50 minutes past each hour 
until P. M. 11.50 to Quincy Point only. 
Wednesday and Saturday to Last Weymouth. 
For SOUTH WEYMOUTH, 6.00, 7.00, 7.30 
K.oo, S.30, 0 oo, 10.00, n.oo A. M., 12.00, 100 
2.00, 2.30, 3.00, 3.30,4.00, ^ 30, v 00, 5.30, boo 
b.30, 7-co, 7.30, fK'30, .1.30. 10.3 . P. M. Return¬ 
ing, leave South NN’eynuiuth, 7.05, 7.35, 8 05, 8.35 

•>•05, ‘>- 35 . «° A 5 . »»-33 A M., 12.35, 4 - 35 , *15 
3-0 5 , V 15 . 4 05. 4 35 . 5 -. 35 t 6 ' 5 * *- 35 . 7 ° 5 - 7-35 
8.05, 9.05, 10.05, 11 5 P. M. 

For IIINGIIAM, boo, 6.30, 7 ..mi, 7.30, ?.t >, 9.10 
10.10, It.I > A. M., 12.1c, i.i >. 2 to, 3.10, 4.10 
} 4 M| 5.30, f'.oo, b. 30, 7.10, 8.1c, o,|0, 40 . 00 , lo. 

P. M. Returning, leave llmgham, 615, b.45 
7-15, 7 45. 8 30, 9.30, 10.3 11.30 A. M , 1230 

• >'. - ' .130,4.30, 5.15. 5 45, 1 15, 643, 7/30 

8.30, 9 3 C » *°.I5, 10.45 I*. M. 

kuiKlay Time. 

For HR AI NT RLE DEPO T, 7.30, S.00 A. M 
then on tlie liour aud 30 minutes i*ast each hour 
until 10.30 P. M. Returning, leave llrainttee 
DejKd, 8.05, 8.35 A. M., then c and 33 minutes 
|axt each hour until 11 .e 5 p. M 

For QUINCY, 7. o, 8. : o A . M., then on the hour 
and half hour until 11.3-2 P.M Returning, leave 
Quincy, 7.20, 7.30, A. M , then 2u and 50 minutes 
past each hour until 11.30 P. M. 

For SOUTH WEYMOUTH, *-oo, 9.(4., 1 co 
I la A. M , 12 on. 1 .. , 2. -2.30, 3 ch , 530 
4 00, 4. P, 5.00, 3. b. o, •, 7 to, y.3.1, » ihj 
8. 3 ". 9.0*'. '!■; 10. P.M. Returning, leave 

South Weymouth, 8.35,9.35, 10.35, H G N. M., 
12.35,1. >5. **. 15 . 3 ° 5 . 7 44.405, 415. 5 05. 5-35 
b.05, b,35. 7.05, 7.35, 8 1 8.35,9.. ,, ;5, iu.05 

II.05 P. M. 

For IIINGIIAM, 8.10, 1 , 10.10, 11 1 A. M , 

1 • 1 . i.iu, 2.10, 3 1 ', 1.1«•, 5.1*.. ^ jy, 6.i»c, b.30,8.m. , 10, 1 .».oo, 10.30 P M. Retuiiiing, 
lea'. ILnghaiii, 8.3.1, 9,3c, 1.1.30, 11.3.1 A. M , 

12.30, 1. 3 ", 2.30, 3 3 ", 4 t \ > ". 5 , 3 ". <’.c 0, (> 30, 
7 3 ", 8 ;0.30, 1 j 1u.45 p. M 


.Week Hay Time. 

Cats leave i IIOMAS' CORNER, North Wey- 
in ulh for FOR 1 ' POINT, (if,, 15, X.i 5 A.M 
l.ij, 3 if. 415. 5 1 ). 5.45, 6.15 P. M Ketum- 
ing, leave Fort Point, 700, 7,30, 8.30 A. M , 
12 jo, 1.30, 3.30, 4 30, 5.30, O.oo/ti " P M 
kuuilN) Time. 

t ars leave THOMAS'l OKMEK. North NVey 
mouth, let FORT POIN T, 8.15 A M , 12.15, 
115, 3 13, 4.15,5.15, 5.45. b. j 5 P.M. Return 
iug, leave 1 . 11 Pent, 8.30 A. M . 12 3", i.;u 
1 3 °> 4 5-jo, O.oo, 6.30 P M 

Subject to Change NN ithout Notice. 


I. ?'. CONWAY, Asst. Supt. 

Quincy, Maw , Mal< b 9th, 19' 

wrior Court, Civ 
uries—First Mon 
id May, and first N 
work -First Mond 
of April, first Mon 
Monday of Decern 
uperior Court, Criif 
of April; first Mon 
day of December. 

Probate Court—At I 
Wednesday* of evt 
Quincy, on the 1 
month, except Ai 
fourth NVeuncsda 

I'ounty Commission! 
of April; fourtn T 
day of September; 
by adjournment. 

District Court of 
Randolph, Rraintr 
cy, Holbrook and 
f«r criminal busint 
hohiays, and for 
m Justice, Alb 
ustices, E. Gran 
00 k, Weymouth 
M.lton, Probati. 
Thayer Street, Q 
Commissioner, W 
ton Street, Quine; 


MVMP. 1 'IwrsJlinil 


• A 

'r. T. 

*" -i* ' 1 


Wli| Suffer or Pi| Eiorbllint Prlcos ? 

I f \ mi hit ii •nffVrcr from Nervoa* aad I llfoalf 

IH*ra*r, Weakne**, Mnmarh. MWarj. Rladirr 
and Irlnarj Trouble*, Blond PoDoalag, Kbit 

IMftfine*, I bronlr Indlgroloit. or.. rrmn 

• ill*<-nar |MTUllnr tn you, *.-»'k fin- n.lvlco of itn 
ii 11ooo |>rnrtl«T i«n>l n« it Hprr* 

all*! Hie last 50 )far* lmvi« tnnaht Mm «<» *!<'• piopi r ri-mc<lic* tn «|»»i«*kly tv 
move tlm dbeiiv. 


Ilnur* •lolly 10 to *. Hnn.lnv 10 to mtiy 
W«mIiii»iIi»v iiihI Mutnnlui miiinjr 4 * till 0 I*. M 
pcrlol 11 mil* l»v a|i|iniiitim-iit. 


Times Bldg., BROCKTON, MASS. 

My nfll.-r will be olnwrl nil liny Tm-.luy«. 




Coal Dealers. 

Hard and Soft Coal, 
Otto Coke, 

Hard and Soft Wood 
Hay and Straw, 

*ICEJ. * 

Telephone ‘ill-'i. 

Best Grade of 



For Open Grates. 

Augustus J. 
Richards & Son 

Easy and Quid}' 




To make the very best soap, simply 
dissolve a can of Jianner J ye in cold 
water, melt 5 ,*i lbs. of grease, pour the 
Lye water in the grease. Stir and put 
aside to set. 

Full Directions on Every Package 

/Jiifiner Lye is pulverized. The can 
may be opened and closed at will, per¬ 
mitting the use of a small quantity at a 
time. It U just the article needed in 
every household. It will clean paint, 
floors, marble anti tile work, soften water, 
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. 

Write for booklet " Uses of Jianner ’ ’—free. 

Tha Ponn Chemical Worka. Philadelphia 
Mtarlea Richardson A Co.. Iloston, Maas 

Old Colony Streel Railway Co. 


Time Schedule. 


IVrek Hay Time. 

For UKAINTKKK DEPOT, 6.00, 6.30, 7.00 

7. Vi A. M., then on the hour and 30 minutes just 
until in. 30 I’M Additional car .Saturday, 11.30 
T. M. Returning, leave liraintree Dcj>ot, 6.30 
7.05, 7.35 A M , then 5 and 35 minutes past the 
hour until 11.05 I*. M. Saturday, 11.30 I*. M. 

For QUINCY, 6.00, ff.30, 6.45, 7.00 A M., then 
on the hour and half horn until 11.30 I*. M. 
Returning, leave Quincy, 5.50, 6.05, 0 20, 6.50 
A. M , then 20 and 50 minutes past each hour 
until 11.20 I*. M 11.50 to Quincy Point only. 
Wednesday and Saturday to Fast Weymouth. 
For SOUTH WKYMOUTII, 600, 7.00, 7.30 
8.00, 8.30, i) 00, 10.00, 11.00 A. M., 12.00, 100 
2.00, a.30, 3.00,3.30,4.00, 4 30, sou, 5 ,0, 600 
h.30, 7x0, 7.30, 8.30, 0.30. 1.1.3. I*. M. Keturn¬ 
ing, leave South Weymouth, 7.05, 7.35, 8 05, S.35 
',■ 01 . Ml. 10 - 35 . II-J 5 A M„ I.. IS, 115, ,.|j 
. 1 . 05 , . 1 - 35 . • " 5 . 4 - 3 S. S-,' 5 . O-’S. fcjj. 7 °S, T- 3 J 
h.05, 9.05, 10. 5, 11.05 |*. M. 

For IIINtillAM, 600,6.30,7.^1,7.30, S 1 , 9.10 

10.10, 11.10 A. M.,, 1.10. 2 10,, 4.10 
Jam, 5-3°» f'-oo, 6. to, 7.10, 8 m, 9.10, lo.uo, is 30 
I' M. Keturning, leave liingliain, 615, 6.45 
7.15, 7.45. 8 30, 9.30, 10.30 1 i.t'i A. M , 1230 
1 | . a.j . }. |o, 4.301 5**5» I •»:. 6 1;. «■ 4 ; - 7*J0 
H.30, 9 y, •«».«5, 10.45 I - M 

huiiilay Time. 

For liKAJNTREK DKPOT, 7.30, 8.00 A. M 
then on the hour and to minute* iu»t each hour 
until I*. Nl. Keturning, leave Drain tier 
|)e|K»t, 8.05, 8.35 A. M., then 5 and t; minutes 
|a»t each hour until 11.05 P. M 
For QUINCY, 7 o, 8. o A. M , then on the hour 
and half hour until 11.1, I’ M Keturning, Irave 
Quincy, 7.20, 7.50, A. M , then 20 and 50minute* 
pa*t each hour until n.30 I’. M 
For Sol-’lll WFYMoU I'll, 8.00, 9.1m, 1 ro 

III A. M,I 2 CHI, I " , 2 .On, 2.30, to., t 30 

4 “ 0 . 4 -D, 5-c’O, 5. ;n, 6.00, 6. t \ 7 7-3", 8 Iki 

8. t", «*-«•', 'i-10. t-> I*. M. Keturning, leave 

South Weymouth, 8.35, 9. tj, 10 tj, A. Id., 
•*• 35 * 1 - 35 . *- 35 . 3 - 05*1 4 * 3 J» 5 *> 5 . 5-35 

6.05, 6.45. 7-05, 7 - 35 * 8 °j* 8 - 35 19.05, 9 35, iv.1.5 

u.05 r. m. 

For IIINtillAM, 8.10, • 1 ,, 11 1 A. M . 

12.10,, a.lo, 3 io, 4.10, 5.00, 5.30, 6.0c, 6.30 
7.10,8 In. I |n, I .I.OO, 13 . to I* kl. Keturning, 
leave lliiighaiu, 8.; ., 9. to. 1 >.;•<, 11 ;■. A. M . 
12.30, I t ". 2. to, 3 30, 4.30, ; O, 5.30, n.Cit, 6 (o, 

11 1 | r. || 


. Weel» H•> 'I luii. 

Cat* leave THOMAS’ CoKNFK, North Wey¬ 
mouth for FOK I* POINT, 6 4;,/ 15, S.i* AM 
l.Q, 3 * 5 , 4 ' 5 . 51 S> 5 45, 6.15 I’ M Return 
ing, leave Fort l\»nit, 7.00, 7.30, -vv A. M , 
1 P. || 

fcuutl«> Tliur. 

Cars leave THOMAS’ 1 OKNI.K, Noiih \N. y 
mouth, for Fl>RT POINT, A. M . 12.15, 
115, t it, 4.15. 5.15, 5.45. 6.1 5 I’ M Ketuin 
ing, leave Foil Point, 8.30 A M . u.30, 1.30 
( 3 °. 4 .V?, 5.30, l-.oo, 6.30 I’ M 

Subject to Change Without Notice. 
THOMAS (iAMMON, Div. Supt. 

). 'J'. CONWAY, Acst. Supt 
Quincy, Ma>. , klauli 9th, vy 




Town Officer* of Weymouth end their 
Po*t Office Addrra* 

|ohn A Raymond, Fast Weymouth. 


|ohn H Stetson, South Weymouth. 


Francis H. Cowing, chairman, Weymouth. 
John W. Bates, clerk, Hast Weymouth. 
George L. Newton, North Weymouth. 

Gilman It. Loud, South Wrv mouth. 

George C. Torrey, South Weymouth. 


W. A. Drake, chairman, North Wevmnuth. 

1 Joseph A. Cusliing, I-Ust Weymouth. 
i II. V. Perry, Weymouth. 

I Prank F.. I.oud, Secretary South Weymouth. 
I Charles II Willoby, Weymouth. 

I Mrs Maty K. Holbrook, South Weymouth. 



iinnii!, p. mn. rmwii. 

I'll.RLM T. nun, II-rk .nl Trru<urrr. 

TII K PRHlinUt* 1 

Ih,rlf. A. ll.jM.rri, K. Ionia,, 

Maura W. Hunt. WruUrll H. <la„. 

rnAHLM p. nm iikokuk n. hii huii. 
pram 1,11. nun mi, rnAHiK, a. iiaiwahd 

Rank Rnurv 9 In 19 A. M.. I" ^ I- M.. 97 W 
tn .*titntrn, ni.<I 9 tn 1<! A. M. t*»tnr- 

|.].r,.l nn n.t.rr.t nn lb, SPil Maaii, 
Jnmarti, .ttiir .11.t ttrtobcr* 




Had Turned Blue— 
Limbs Bloated. 

Lay in a Stupor From 
Heart Disease. 

Reflection* of a Bachelor 

ior l* without profit hi It* 


Dr. Miles’ Heart 
Cured Me. 


kt)o\Mi reason lie MTitia t*» think that only 
nu afternoon tea in human In-lnga arc privileged to aif, and that 
•xcltctnrni n?« n man hena, article?* «»f furniture, etc., are 


m |„|, n C. Anthony, Fast Weymouth. At <>f school on Monday will lie at the Athens 
'guilding. Tuesday at Jefferson; Wednesday at 
V|.>we; Thursday at Hunt. 


■ Frank It. Torrey, North Weymouth. 

■ | 0 hn H. Stetson, South Weymouth. 

H tiordon Willis, South Weymouth. 

■ Wrndall It. Clapp, Weymouth. 

■ 1 > M. Fast on, Fast Weymouth. 

JLi'hrinthniirnt ok Strkhts and Water 

H Ben M. Low, Fast Weymouth. 

Tax Collector. 

H Willard J. Dunbar, F.ast Weymouth 


jk\-. o. Collyer, chief,North Weymouth. 

/tv K. Orr, Fast Weymouth. 

A\ W. Pratt, Fast Weymouth. 
j. K. Walsh, Weymouth. 

•51 >. W. Hart, South Weymouth. 

[Gordon Willis, South Weymouth. 


Thomas FiUgerald. chief, Weymouth. 
A. II. I’ratt, Fast Weymouth. 

Preside -l, - JOSEPH DYER. 

„ B , A FLLIH J. IMTC flKK. 

flM-rinlAeali, 1 ALMOk R. RAYMOND. 

Clerk i *4 Treasurer. IIIUKUK K. HKKI). 
Hoard of htveatment i 

JnsKi’ii Dtrr, Kllir.1. Pitcher, 

K. W. Hunt, iJordon, 

Almon II. Katnond, Tiirron I.. Tiiiurll 

BANK H 0 PK 8 S 

W to lit A. M.; ’2 to 4 P. M. Also Honda)*, T to 8 
P. M. Saturdays, tt to 1*2 A. M. 

The nails turning blue is a sign of defective 
circulation as is the bloating ot the # .rms amt 
legs. Other common symptoms of heart dis¬ 
ease are shortness of breath from shcht ex¬ 
ertion, pain in or near heart, smothenne 
spells, palpitation or fluttering, weak, tired 
and hungry spells, dreaming ami nightmare, 
sudden starting in sleep. In severe casi * the 
brain, stomach, lungs, etc., may become so 
disordered as to mislead the physicians n* to 
the nature of the disease. If you suffer from 
any or all of theve symptoms your liea; i 
diseased and treatment should not l>e post 
poned n single dav. Dr. Miles' Heart Cup* 
is guaranteed to help you as it has hei|>ed 
thousands of others. 

"I owe mv life to Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure 
After four doctors met in consultation on my 
case, their verdict was that 1 had suffered 
from heart disease so long that they could do 
nothing for me and 1 would surely die. My 
brother said. 'While there is life there is 
hone, we will trv Dr. Miles’New Heart Cure,' 
When 1 began taking it mv nails had turned 
blue and my arms and legs were bloated to 

n.| t a on iDterf.t .ccond W.dne.d.j ol “'V' 1 1 , U >, n 

. * I. most of the time. Alter the first few doses 

January, April, July and October. u ie dizziness went away ami after three bot- 

Dividend* payable on and aft r the second t j cs j W;ls a j,j c j,, g 0 around the house and 
Wednesday of January and July. do mv work, ltoth my family and mv nurse 

_ think I would have been in my grave had I*. 

not been for Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure."—M rs. 
HoHEKT Morris, Sackets Harbor, N. Y. 

H I ^ I Civiifh All druggists sell and guarantee first bottle 

^ Dr. Miles' Kemediei. Send lor free book 

NATIONAL WsiMouth, vr r .^rncrM e d,c‘,. Addre “ 

BANK, “«*• _ 

Fogg Building, Columbian Square. 1 k 

January, April, July and October. 

CAPITAL, 1100 , 000 . 

Nnrplus, 830,000 

|9 A. II. I’ratt, Fast Weymouth. 

J P. Hu tier, Fast Weymouth, 
lohn I). Walsh, Weymouth. 
Uichael Allen, South Weymouth. 

Isaac II. Walker, North Weymouth, 
benjamin F. Richards, Weymouth Heights. 
Nathaniel It. I’eare, Fast Weymouth. 

Asa It. I’ratt, Fast Weymouth. 

R Thomas Fitzgerald, Weymouth. 

John D. Walsh, Weymouth. 

William F. French, Fast Weymouth. 
George It. Ilayley, South Wcsmoulh. 
Michael Allen, South Weymouth. 

Geoige W Conant, South Weymouth. 

Walter L. Hates, South Weymouth. 

Charles A. Loud, South Weymouth. 

| John P. Hunt, East Weymouth. 


William II. Clapp, Weymouth. 

Louis A. Cook, South Weymouth. 

Frank II. Torrey, North Weymouth. 


Frank 1 ). Sherman, Weymouth. 

(From Sixth Norfolk District.) 

George L. Barnes. South Weymouth. 

Aubrey Hilliard, liraintree. 

(Second Norfolk Distiict.) 
Edward It. Nevin, Sonth Weymouth. 


ALLKN R. VIMMi, President. 

KUWARU R. RUVIM, Vlre-Presldeat. 

J. H. STRTNOX, CMhlcr. 



Uanklug Hour*: 0 to 12 A.M.; 2 to 4 P.M. 
Saturday*, 0 to 12 A. M. 


Savings Bank. 


Clerk and Treasurer, 

| Jo.rpk A. C»kll(. 
I T. H. KBirntoi. 
Juki A. Hoj.ooi 


AND NOTARY (with seals) 



ami Legal Papers of every 
name and nature prompt¬ 
ly drawn anil executed. 

Norlh Weymouth, Mass. 

Figure la ono-«iuarl4*r >t«\- amlttirrc- 
•purler* clothes* 

A girl call* li a compliment when ahe 
Lhlnka yon meant to pay It 

A man hn*» an Idea that either be \\ ill in¬ 
vent something Rome day or IttbeiIt money 
A woman hardly ever i nn have aa much 
faith In her Imaband'a judgment na In 1 1 !•« tin- 
some new s*|»aper clipping s*bi* I** alway** tlit* v«*r1»ta 
cuttingotti. known rei 

A woman giH*a to an afternoon tea in imman bel 
the Fame Mate of excitement a** a man hen*, art 
doc* to a horse race. obliged to 

If yon try to whisper to a gill she arts* lien, but 
as* 'bough fIu* was* afraid sdic might try accompli* 
to kiss* you against her will. and the In 

Most men are willing to let their wives “1 he hit.I 
train the children, but they Insist on If birds • 

training the dog themselves 

, will ii.'t I" 

If the house catches on lire a woman . ln l siMf 

wants to save her old love letters and the ‘ 

, . ”'11 CX 11 I 

hahv's first pair of shoes. 

presses a 

A man could save a lot of money by slM .„ m |i v 
stopping smoking if ho didn't have to an , j» r0Ji 
spend much more to keep from getting p nr u,.jpj,. 
mail with himself for doing it ., Mat ... ^ 

When a woman sees two others in con- are l’ri 
v. rsutlon It Is a sign she suspects they participle 
are talking about her. on 

Generally yon can make your wife feel 
sure of you by Insisting Hint she go and » 

get photographed In her new hat Preset! 

A girl Is so naturally innocent she can elple, sin 
marry a man for his money and make 
him think she is surprised to And he has I’tesen 
U. elple. set 

Every once In so often a mat t ied man 
goes oil somewhere and thinks befools ••Sit" u 
people by aetitig as If lie were a bachelor. _______ 

There is hardly anything more pleasur- 
able than a spring yawn. 

Hoys could he very fond of their par- 
cuts if they did not make them take baths. 

A woman can never endure a man's he- y| 

lug a sneak unless he Is it on account of jK 


There are mighty few divorces in the 
families where three good meals a day Henl |m , 
are as regular as the clock. ^ ( j t 

A woman seems to think that If she •r, 1 ,.„,| ;1 v 


IVut.ii ol thr maga/inr, "Comet Knglith: How To t'*e It." F.vanston, III. 


It D tlu> careless sj*enket who misuses |, ( , r to down and she s<H down; lie Is 
the \ orbs ••«.it" and ••set.’* For some tin- nifthf/ lieslilc her: having ant down, he 

obliged to net One may irt a table or a an Intransitive form hut "sit," In Its main 
hen, but after the “setting" has tk*en uses, Is Intransitive while “set" In Its 
accomplished! the dishes tit on the table nmiii uses Is transitive. 

and the lien tilt on Iter nest. In poetry, Sit (transitive): He could not sit his 
“The bird situ brooding oVr her nest." mule —Shakespeare »S*f (Intransitive): 
If birds can tit o'er their nests, liens The sun Is setting. 

should have the same privilege. One j Note—“Set" In tills sense means to sink 
will not hi- apt to misuse the verbs tit down, to settle, ns the sun, moon or 
and *.Mf one will remember flrst, that *tars 

“sit" c\pres|i-s inaction while “set" ex- “Sit" meanstfl perch or to roost. The 
plesses Action to cause to sit . and, „{(„ brooding o’er her nest ; the hen 

secondly, that the principal parts of ••sit" sittin ./ on her eggs 
are, Present “sit," past “sat," present, Note.—“Sit" 
participle sitting" and past participle j adjusted; lit, a 

Until TO HOC IT Pointed Paragraph.. 

| UOm III Idle minds are scandal Incubator*. 

Rich men have coders and poor men 
have coughs 

IRCK BAKER Marrying a Imanling-house landlady Is 

,, ... .. a lazv man's Job. 

Ilow In t se It." Evanston, III. J J 

The principal products of some factor¬ 
ies are strikes and lockouts 

TIIK CAHKI ESS SPK \l\Kll Most women arc generous to a fault —If 

It Isn't one of their husbands. 

r to tit down and she *<it down; he Is b takes a lot of Ice cream and candy to 
fling Itesltlo her: having down, he popcrly decorate love’s young dream, 
proceeded to explain the situation; he He who preaches economy to Ids wife 
had mil down by the wayside to rest. by the yard Is apt to practice It by the 

•“Sit" and “set" have a transitive and Inch 

i Intransitive form hut “sit," In Its main # .\ parson Is always the best man at a 
os, Is Intransitive while “set" In Its w ,siding, lie gets the coin and takes no 
ain uses Is transitive. chance*. 

"Built to Bake" 

AJULftJUL 5 lfl- 5 LflJL 5 lJll 

When a man Is in trouble two-third* of 
hi* alleged friend* are willing to help 
him stay In It 

A patriot Is a politician who I* trying 
to break Into office. 

Distance oft lend* enchantment to a 
man'* view of Ids wife’s mother 

High price of egg* doc*n't seem to 

Llchtcn the labors of your wife by 
giving Iter a ’ Haiti to Hake" House¬ 
hold Hnngc— you’ll Had b.*r cooking 
better—amt h«-r disposition hnppler. 

Sit" also mean* to be worn or worry the one-night hnrn*tnnucr 

adjusted; tit, as a garment: lienee 

A woman may drive a man to drink. 

while the principal parts of “set" ffguratlvely of anything assumed, as nn but she can t make him take water 

l’rcsent “set" past “set," present 
Iplo “setting," past participle set ." 
lit! VMM \ I It \l. CONSTItlVTlON. 


Sit intransitive verb) • 
sent, sit; past, sat; present parti- 
sitting; past participle, sat 
Set (transitive verb). • 

appearance, opinion or l.alill. Keen- man may hove III. price, lint II I 

Yonr ilrena iloca not ,it (dot act) well; llu ,,. r , ur ,, ally from h |, ni .| B | lt ,or» 

-Her little air of prcclalon .it. so well th , nk ||0 worlll . 

upon her." . . ... , 

It 1 * true that the man who Invented 

“Set" and it* uses. the gold brick l* dead, but a new pur- 

“Set" mean* to cause to Ik* seated or chaser is horn every minute, 
to cause to rest. Some men, according to a woman 

lie told her tosrf the child down; hav- wr n t . r , ,. a „ j )0 conquered with tears, 
ing tet the child down, she set the table; liilc it is necessary to use a hatpin on 
she had set the table and w as ttUiny the „*j u . ri4 

clialrn arouml It when you entered the lrj . 01tnicc , 4 long-haired man with a 
roon1, roll of manuscript under his arm ami he 

— wants to borrow a dime, It's a sign that 

hats were displayed 1 noticed that there spring poems are ripe. 



“Set" and Its uses. 

to cause to rest. 

He told her to trt the child down ; hav- 

1'iesent, set; past, set; present parti- |ng tet the child down, she set the table; 
i»tc, setting : past participle, set. she had set the table and was *cttiuy the 

sit AND ITS USK8. chairs around It when you entered the 

• sit" means to occupy a seat.—-He told ! room. 

. iu ncii tn.nicATioNs. 

were as many men looking at the pretty n w i, | M tlio ghost ol 
thlnti. as there were women. All of A plnk u .„ Cor(lclll 
which only shown that men have a eer- fur „ , c , nilal flltlcllon 
lain amount of taste at least. Perhaps .... .. 

these men are the fau.banda of women 1 « lrl c#n 1 “«’>’ car llu ' 
who cannot get Into town ami will go »U K c of action any too noon, 
home nml tell their wives of the pretty Many a i»»u'n host days are spent In 

Hash Is the ghost of a square meal. 

A pink tea, Cordelia, 1 * another name 



Bank Blk., - ROCKLAND 



Suita Mado To Order In lateat style., 
Workmanahlp and tit guaranteed. 

Suits from $1 1.90 to $34.00. 



The pastor «>f All Souls', liraintree has things they saw in this or that store, but l* tH l because he works at night*, 
sent me a cordial invitation to be present then this will only raise Lbclr wives’ hearts “Beautiful snow" poets are now look- 
at the deduction of the new church next MO that they, too, will want to go Into Ing fur Jobs of spring housecleaning. 
Tuesday night. Now I shall try to go town to see the pretty things their bus- The average man docs't care to pose as ' 



scolds a man for coming home late it for wc tl) , nol 0 f lcn have a chance to bunds saw. But such a sight at j»»t tt | iero w hcn there Is nobody looking 

•»uld make him glad he came at nil 

A hoy goes to school so as to have a I the 

dedicate new churches in this section of I this particular seasou Is more a harbinger 

lot to unlearn when he comes out. worked hard for some years and deserve 

A man could build a twenty-story office the pretty church which Is fast being 
building while a woman Is making her whipped Into churehly shape. The tower 
lilans to wash her hair. t* a pretty piece of work nml the whole 



Jumei’H A. Cthhinu. John W. Uatbb. 
r IL Kmbrmon. c. B. Cusuinu. 

11. F. UlCKNBLL. 

IMvI.lamla |isy*bli on tlta 141 th of April 
and Ortobcr. 

Deposits placed on Intereat on Ihe 131 b 
of Jan., April, July and Oct. 


From 2 to 5 P. M., excepting Satur¬ 
days from Jilin’ 1 tn Oct. 7 , when the hours 
trill he from 10 A.M. to 12 M. only. 


County Officers. 


Judfe ol Prolate and Insolvency, Janies II 
■Hint of Weymouth. 

J Register of Probate and Insolvency, Jonathan 

9 Auistant Register, John U. Cobb. 

Clerk of Court*, Loui* A. Cook of South Wey- 


« A*si»tant Clerk, Robert II. Worthington. 

■3 K*l**ter of Deeds, |ohn W. Hurdakin. 

.» Assistant Register of Deed*, Edward l- Bur 

County Treasuter, Charles H. Smith. 

Sheriff, Samuel It. Ca;>en. 

County CotnmitMoneis. Sumner II. hosier of 
rooklme. James llewin* of Medtield. Marshall 
P Wright of Quincy. 

Seisioas. Every Tuesday at io 

Special Commissioners, I^?wis K. Whittaker of 
•'ranklin ; John Everett of Canton. 

District Attorney (Southeast District, Norfolk 
And Plymouth), Asa P. French of Randolph ; Rich- 
Krd W. Nutter ot lirockton. Assistant. 

North American 
Investment Go. 

ofth$ United States. 





t of Its kind in the world. 



liit.-r.-«t 6 per eel 
♦ 1.00 per week or. 


i paid oil suvillg* of 

Calendar of County Courts 

> Buitreme Judicial Court Jury Fitting, third Tues- 
M day of February. 

'.Superior Court, Civil Session* —For work with 
J Junes—First Monday of January, first Monday 
1 of May, and first Monday of October. For Court 
9 work—First Monday of February, first Monday 
5 of April, first Monday of September, and first 
I Monday of December. 

1 Superior Court, Criminal Sittings —First Monday 
I of April; first Monday of September; first Mon- 
I day of December. 

1 Probate Court—At Dedham, on the first and third 

Wednesdays of every month, except August. At 

(juincy, oil the second Wednesday of every 
month, except August. At Brookline, on the 
fourth Wednesday of every month, except 
I August. 

L uunty Commissioners' Meetings-Third 1 uesday 
of April; fourth Tuesday of June; fourth 1 ues 
day of September; last Wednesday of December. 
Uy adjournment; On Tuesdays, except during 

Distriit Court of Fast Norfolk. Jurisdiction, 
Randolph, liraintree Cobasset, Weymouth, Quin¬ 
cy, Holbrook and Milton. Court held at Quincy 
f«r criminal business every week day except legal 
hub lays, and for civil business Tuesdays at 9 
m Justice, Albert K. Avery, Braintree. Special 
m Justices, E. Granville Pratt, Quincy ; Dons A- 
I Cook, Weymouth. Clerk, lohn P. S. Churchill, 
I Milton. Probation Othcer, Francis A. S;«ar, 25 
I Thayer Street, Quincy, t ourt officer and Hail 

I Commissioner, William M Maiden, 24 Co<ldmg- 
I ton Street, Quincy. 


t'lid.-r .iip.-rvi.ioii of Savings Hank Coin- 
nu..i.ui.-r- of Massa.’lui.elti.. Under in- 
.-r.-ai.ilig .tat.* . 1 law of M|..oiiri. 
t. 11.1. 1 .tat.- lloli, licensed and doing 
Imi.Iik-ns in tu. nty state.. 


For particular*, rail or ad.lreMS, 

New Fngliind Department. 

47,48,49 Journal Building, Boston, Miss. 


116 Arcade Building, Brockton, Miss. 

45 4 


II—"Quincy Aw and lluywui.l St 
JJ—Qulucy Aw and St 

24 Klllol St. 

25 Allen St and (’oiutucrciul St 

26 A lieu St and Shaw St. 

27 —Commercial St., opp. Fan Shop 
26 —Commercial St and Kim St 
JI--Film St and Middle St 
32 Hlver St and Middle St 

34 Kim Hi and Washington St 

35 Weal St and Washington St 

36 A»h Si and Hollis Aw. 

36 Washington St opposite Mouutiqtiot 

41 Culou St aud Middle St 
A 2 Culou St aud Washington St 
*3 lVarl St and Washington St 

45 l’earl St oppoalle SIi.m* Factory 

46 HaunnkSt , prhutc. Hollingsworth 

47 l’oud Si , opp A f» Clark s house 

48 Franklin St aud Central Aw 
*21 Corner Qulucy Aw aud Allen St 
•15 Weal St and Mt Vcruou Avc 
* 45 —Fouutaiu St and Pearl St 

*47 Towu St and Poud St 

I 2 —Pole, Hlver and l’a Uell St> 

I 3 —Bradley Fertilizer Works. J 

14 —Pole, WessttgUHKet Hoad. * 

I 5 —Pole, UnlversallHt Church ^ 

I 6—Pole, Falrvlew House. 

I 7 —Pole, Sea and North Sts 
I 8—Pole, Lovell aud Bridge Sts 

1 9 — Pole, Church and North Sts 1 

2 I -Pole, (iraut and High Sts. | 

23 — Pole, .Jackson Square. 

24 — Pole, Electric Station, private 

25 — Pole, Shaw's Corner. 

20 —Pole, M. Sheehy & Co. 

27 —Pole, Bates Ave. and Broad Sts 

28 —Pole, Hhawinut and Lake Sts , 

29 —Pole, Strong i (1 or Held Co. 

223 -Pole, Commercial and Putnam Sts 
223 -Pole, ojqiosite Daniel Pratt's 

3 I -Pole, o|»poslte S. W <SL K. Nash's 

32 -Pole, Congress and Washington Sts 

34 -Engine House No. ff. 

35 -Pole, Prospect Ulld (itunite Sts 

36 -Pole, (iurtleld Square 

38 — Pole, corner Library. 

39 — Pole, Commercial St, near Crain 


4 I Pole, Lovells Corner. 

42 Pole, opposite (i S Hunt's 
43 —Pole, Nash's Corner. 

45 — Pole, cor. Park aud Main St* 

46 Pole, Town House 

47 Pole, opposite Phillip Frailer'* 

51 —Pole, near oils Torrey’* 

52 Pole, Kngluc House No f» 

53 -Pole, Independence Square 

54 —Pole, near l)e|*ot 

55 -Pole, Cor l’oud and Thicket Sts 

57 Pole, May's Corner 

58 Culou Street, opp llettiy Chaudl-T 
61 Corn* r Handolph aud Forest Sts 

SO SCHOOL fell.N a i.x. 


At 7 I ' •• 1 *"*k a.iu.^ iiu hciiu- I 111 any grade dui 
mg a in Die Mine signal at 8 o'clock, no school 
hi gia !• ' 1 and 2 'limn; 4.IU. 1 In miiic signal at 

11 4; > ' - k, nu subuol m gudev 1 ai'd 2 duung 
juii. Hie same m;iu! at §11.4; *.’■ I - k |>.m i>'» 

mIiuoI in an> grade during p.m 

Dr. Lucy W. Tuck. 1 


(hroalr HlnrasM and a thorough Mrdlral 

“ ( artering,” a sure rare for Catarrh. 

OFFICE, 2 Park Square, BOSTON. 

Every ilny excepting Tbunslay. Take Elevator. 




—wiu. bb ar hi* orncB— I 

Over ihe Weymouth Clothing Store * 

(Near Post Office) ! 


Orrn x H.iCuh: — 8.00 A. M. tu 0.30 P. M. 

Will atteml tn all Dental Work at ot!i«-e 

In Loud's Block, South Weymouth, 
Tuesdays and Fridays 

ofea' h week. Appointment* mail.- by mail. Open 


Qoui)8elor at {aw 

ill Court Nlreet, RONTON. 

117 Broad Ntrert, WKYMOCTII CKNTKIt. 

Telepliour* No. 515 Main, Ilontmi, or Pi-3 Wey- 

Kali CoMailvvlunrr and Notary I’ubllr. Alt 



Ne* Buildings on Brookside Road. 

Opens mil Night* 

Telepliune 30-3 Braintree. 


Th* Largest Boot ind Shot Repiiring Shop 
In Norfolk County. 

l.aditV, g< ntli-iii.-iiN, inUM-B', youth*' and ••hildreu'* 
■h.».-» repuir.-d in un expert luattiier. Work .l"in' 
while >• >ii wait, and at tin* verv h»w.-*t priee*. All 
tin- I.-a>ling milk. * nf Ituhher lie. I- alway* in *(•>• k. 

Washington Square, - WEYMOUTH. 

Oppoelte Walsh Bros. Nturr. 

plan* to wash her hair. w » pretty piece ol worn mm me \uimc 

)i almost makes ... »ant lu jump I- ■' ,-reat a.l.llllo" ... ll,e of 

oil'a ton-story ImIMInc to think of i|... Hraln.r.-.- I.k. that ^,l-f»shlo„,,l co- 
kind of lei tor's !„■ could write to a »irl » f ,h " N ° i rrls , " 111 lhc 

before he ever Imagined she would throw club house and the new church aud yo 
, , . . him- u reallv preltv spot. That is, lu so 

them up at him after they were married. , , ,, 

.. .. far as architecture Is concerned, and ir 

—Y \ . l-ress. __,__ ... 

tins particular season is moic a uaruiupei i.' orU ,„»tc Is the man who (loean't «o 
mry. The All bonis poop c have „ r spring and Master time than any- , , lu . lm8 occasion to sidestep 

I hard for some years nml deserve | tiling else I know of. temptation 

WHAT TIIK cniTtKRRH THINKS. W hcn nn aiilmrn-hnlred female will, n 

No one will know what will happen lie- „„ rl |„, r „„ SL . says “No" that's c*- 
fore sunsot, but with daylight Rone, why, acl | y B |, a t she means.—Chicago Hally 


It Is (litrcrcut. 

Don't he U mummy llcmemhcr that 


Big trees from little acorns grow ami u 

chib house ami the new church ami you niummloH have been dead nt least discreet wink i* a weighty tome to the 


That It I* not true that woman Is hut a 

are he ever inu K i»«i sue womo ...row ^ # ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ „„ „ v0 thousand years. wise 

11 J *° r " ir * n,!l far a* architecture l* concerned, and if Wine neither keeps uor fulfills prom* That It Is not true that woman Is hut t 

' ' 1 rc88 * this new church I* covered w ith climbing iscs, but a* a tlrst aldu> a search for the j,„ m |j e G f H Uly fancies and physical de 

vines, for it is of the style that vlues will roscy and primrose path, It's just the flclcnctcs. 

Men and women are the hooks anti climb to readily and also of the style that thing. That all comes to him who plugs am 

eyes «»f society," remarked Miss Smith. 

“Ami they are constantly becoming un¬ 
fastened," naively put in the divorcee.— 
I Cincinnati Tribune. 

is improved with the addition of vines, it 
will make a really artistic and pretLy ad¬ 
dition b> Braintree. 

lilt IIADNKSS Of I'llF. WOltl.T 

That all comes to him who pings and 
Thai because we have the thiirnlcas w||en j 1L . K ,. lM ,| r „| „f plugging plugs 
cactus and the seedless apple we shall BO me more just for luck. 

have to wait a long tin* for the kicklcs* T|mt j„ ti . a CU ps at affairs 

ral, * c * for “sweet charity’s sake are just us had j erm s Net Cash. 

Yes, It Is true that the path of duty is as w |, cn tlic*y are from over the “line." 
c path of safety, but why do folks ask? TllK C ..m.:.tK.t. C 

What with all this newspaper talk about Yes, It Is true that the path of duty is 
the $ 100,000 that John D. Rockefeller the path of safety, but why do folks ask? 

Kv.-ryune can war a .liaiuoii.l. A 
You . ail. Don’t think that It n * 

.piin-a a large annnint of tnnliey, ner m 
that you uin*t pay for it all at ’on.-.-. T . 


11\ inii *\>t. iu of .-a«y puyin. nl*. . 

w hibli we make to all, you ran .-a-lly m u .liatnoini aiul pay Inr it a* > on . 

want. To tiie lir»t tell who ent ihi* m 

.mi ami tiring u ton* we will allow . 

i - 1 -i ■ i.ii .it-, oni,t on tin ii purchase. w 


373 Washington St. Room 36. f 

Hnr IHumuDd, Jrurlr) and Hatrli $ 
Itrpalrlng. A 

\u»s so long trying to give away, and Why should wc judge from appearances 
the one hundred thousand that young Mr. when we are possessed of seven senses. 

Hyde Is supposed to have spent foolishly- 

w’e are almost made to believe that the To lhc Kdltor of the Weymouth Gazette: "wing 10 «»* wwaunpa. »«««-« “• 

world is KruwliiK heller. At least there W( . |akc plutgurc s ,. 11( |i„g you lids Hohert Kdeaon In "Slrongliearl" at the 
is a whole liuiieh of free advertising being , )r | ef i„formaUi>n ns to high grade cloth- ' ,|lrk tllp,lr e. the lime for another coin- 
given to Homebody nml something by , , t n forc g 0n0 conclusion that pany has been cancelled at that playhouse 
these escapades. The question Is as lo l||0 guuce8a of nny |„ m | nc »s lies In ill- In order to give this popular star and play 

whether the advertising Is of that nature tr , a „| r v& |ues. In this way the well-known a longer engage.nt In Bolton than the 

that rcllcels any great amount of credit i|)llllie g m ,| iat **,\ pleased customer Is usual two weeks This will also upset 
to either of the concerned parties. Here U|e lM .„ t .„| V( . rUsi . m ,. n t" | )c made a the plans originally made by Mr. Ivde-aon s 

awhile ago a man named Meredith mig* tn ,| sm manager. Henry B. Harris to till certain 

graded limited term murrlag. s just the slnC(J lhe establishment of our liusl- New Kngland dates In a spring tour with 

SIR Broad Street, - EAST V 





Lime, Nails, Brick, Cement, Sand, Drain Pipe, 
Cutters, Conductors and Mouldings. 


Spruce, Cypress, wnitewood aim Son Pine. 


Telephone Connection 

Commercial St., WEYMOUTH. 

Park Theatre •—————““““ 

Owing to the sensational success of 
Robert Kdeson III “Strongheart" at the kl| Qfll AIIP 111 ft • 

Park theatre, the time for another com- |f|(||||(jl|| ||||Ll 
pany ha* been cancelled at that playhouse 07 

In order to give this popular star and play MTKSTIMC M AH' THRATMKRTI. 

awhile ago a man named .Meredith siig* 
gested limited term marriages just the 

name as Insurance companies suggest UCH8 ||y thc Mt . nlor of olir | lougo | n 
short term endowment policies. How „ 0 imbalance other than pure wool has 
about if thc wife brings a dowry of sc\* UH1M j \ u manufacture. “Pure wool 

• ral hundred thousand? If these things krOJM | M( likc a KO j tl ,pillar, pass current 
are really going to be, let us look at the wve rywlacro for Intrinsic worth. This 

ln|lsm manager, Henry B. Harris to IlII certain 

Since the ualahllalHui-ut of our hu»l- New Kngland .lal.-« In a aprlng tour with 

iu'kh by the acnlor of our house In IMS!., hi" »>»r. ..““'"K for 

noauhatauce other than pure wool h.» Mr Kdeaon to appear lu New Kngland 
been uaetl In manufacture. -‘X-ure wool cltle. outside of llontou, either thla H.-a- 

Manicuring, - Shampooing, ■ Singeing. 

IM.ItOWI.M. NAILS TRKATKD. Hapfffluoux Hair, Warts and Muir* palalnsly 
and surrr**full} rrnovrd. Clilldrfa's lialr t’ulilnjc. 

'Phone 35-9 Room 6, Bank Bldg., Quincy. 

eral hundred tiioiisanur 11 inese unug* kr()(M | M| Ukc tt KO j tl dollar, pass current 
are really going to he, let us look at the ,. ver y W | lt . ri . for intrinsic worth. This 
other questions that will arise aud see max | mo f ourM| w ||| c h has been maintained 
how they will he met. Bill after all do cycr H j ncC| a ,„| j iaH passtsl unchanged 
>.»u bclloe Meredith really meant whnt tlirouj^li the vicissitudes of hard limes, 
lie is said to have written? I don t for w |, cn garments adulterated with cotton 
.•in* I think that a mountain has been WL . re p U t Q u the market lu vast quantities, 

son or next. 

Aside from the fact that Robert Kdeson 
has risen to a plane of popularity In the 
theatrical world of which many an older 
j star might well he proud, hi* manager. 
Mr. Harris, has apparently made u most 
happy selection lit William (' DeMllle's 



Water Takers. 

at the Water Office, or U» 

JOHN K. III'AT, Collector. 

w Front htm-t, W. yinoutli, NUo. 
Gffl. e Hour* 8 to )'i nn.l J to 6. 

To People 
Who Want 
Reliable Pianos 

Even if you are not quite ready to buy a 
piano, come in and look atxjut our establish' 
menL Listen to the tone cf the various uukt-s 
see thc many styles ut cases and try thc instru¬ 
ments all you wish. Ask question* and let us 
explain terms and quote prices. You arc w«-l 
come here whether you purchase or not. lU 
one thing you nuy be certain if you ever want 
* fine piano you’ll come to us after this visit. 



..It of a moll. 1,111 juat a. in the Ur. | , lemuualralu8 our principle of utlllng pure play “Htrougheart.” The new |,lay him 

Unhir matter. W(M ,I fahrlca, which has never been set two elements which cannot fall to appeal 

MixTINO IU..KS. aside, ami Is the fulcrum whirl, cstali- lu the very keenest way to every theatre- 

Ii h hard tn lose Weymouth, no mutter Hshisl our house as the pioneers of pure goer In America: namely, college life and 

where you go {.lust the other w(M ,i S oih 1 s made Into garments and football and that of the most vital .pies. 

Saturday night l was walking down to settled it upon a foundation thut upholds lion III the pul,Hr inlod bnlay, the pro e 

the Chestnut street theatre III l’hlladel- |t today as the largest exclusive munu- lein of the educated Indian “Slrong- 

phlu und rail Into John Aldrich lie was faeiurtng garment huusclu New Kngland. heart" while a serious play, Is llllnl will, 
III lu u hurry and so was I I slapped Fabrics purchased I.y ua from the mills laughs and fun so clean and wholesome 
him on.tin- shoulder and said "How he are Hrst treated to a most rigid scrutiny that the bur that found Its way out a 

your’ Iml as to whether he knew me or f ur tliu discovery of Imperfections, moment before Is dashed away by mirth 

Always Remember the Full Name 
Laxative R romo Quinine 

Cures a Cold in One Day, Grip in Two* 

( 8 . w* •• 25c. 

you? ’ but a* to 1 
uol 1 cuuuol *ay 

that perhap* there waanot another Wey- our “avid holliug down procean," which Whatever the chai 
mouth man within a good many tulle*, entirely d^troy* the texture If It 1* pur® new play it ha* eertal 
I but it with, a* the old country minister wool, but lesvea a residue If It has been Htorm and It* micee** 
-a\-, •foreordained" that we should meet, adulterated •vlth cotton or nluMidy. Ill* one of the biggest < 

knew me or f or ij ie discovery of linperfcctlona. moment before is o 
chauces are Afterward the material Is subjected to ami hearty laughter 

Whatever the charm may be lu the 
new play It has certainly taken Boston by 
storm and Its success is looked upon us 

• i silty minim»: u*. 

adulterated-vilb cotton or shoddy. Ills one of the biggest of several seasons, 
also subjected to a weather test. It must for of the fourteen performsuccs ending 

also subjected to a weather test. It must lor oi me lourv.-r„ .—.- 

survive these rigid processes aud demon- Saturday last, the l-ark theatre has I.a 

speaking of ..dry ministers brings survive tucse rigid processes ... --r - • ' - - ' . 

I.I.. eniiidry ... up lu West strife that Ills absolutely permanent u , l0 " , for ev- 

< isslpee, N II, Ids,,.. I think was dye or color, before a yard Is allowed to leg.udl, the .gr to U'^^ 

Frank Helm. We are being served dally ho cut aud made up Into gamuts. 
i„ Of the newspapers w ith a diatribe These testa are Imperatively necessary, 
In regard to the mounlalneers of New Inaamuch aa cloth may he so Ingeniously 
llampslilre N,,w I spend lots of time up adulterated with the name mgre- 
lu that sertlou of the . ouutry each year, dleuts, or other substitutes for wool, 

There mt,, be such pi.leas ihe papers that It Is sometimes difficult even for an 

are telling us about and the bouses, in eipert to tell by Its appearance that It Is 
some Ill-lames urc pretty mu, b the worse »"> <*f lutriuslc value 

f.„ age and.. mueb neglee. aud all We should I* glad to send you either 

that sort Of iblng, b it ai tie same time sampbi. of fabrics cut from the or 
.. country people ham always seemed completed garments, which may Is- n- 

These tests are Imperatively necessary, 

Cameras! Cameras! The clouch 


uni *oum ■■ B • 

legated to the stage to give room for ex¬ 
tra chairs Tills is certainly u great 
triumph for Mr. Kdeson uml Ins play aud 

inasmuch a, cloth may he so Ingeniously the fan Ihe, Mr Kdeson w 111 not appear 
adulterated with the above name mgre- lu ally New Kngland cities outside of 
dleuts, or oilier substitutes for wool, Iloston, either tills seasou or neat, will 
that It Is sometimes dlllleult eveu for an no doubt tempt many a one away from 


Plumbing and Healing Go. 

Plumbing, Steam Heating, 

Tin and Copper Roofing. 

Your lartfM or small c.outractH Molleltod. 

All klntlH of Jobbing Promptly attended to. 

Stove mid Filmucn Iteiialring. 


East Weymouth. 

a 1 >nt. ru •• h ih v.t . n-liiikf »oiir« < ..I |.l. a* 

•ii*• Do you i.mii one V It ind, s% li> nol* 

Part ly tin |.ii.<- i» in. I,.mi. i It . Ii4» 

*i-. urtMl tin- !i|j»m > toi tin- i i i. I.i,.it .I 

Eastman Cameras and Supplies 

.m l *Iiom Hi. in .i $|. 0 U, $‘i.OII. # 3 . 04 ) iigiwuiil*, Tull itthl •• •' tin in .1 tin- 




68 Cintre Street, Brockton, 

-i.H-k .til tin- |*ii|iiil .r 

-Il4|.. », It- -t d^ll llill. 

h|«. ■ ul < ..r*. I* 

t<lverlis. -l hi» 
S. wttol I Ir M 
i . hi.mi W’.'t 

t„ to be a harmless sort of people lurued at our espouse >■ 
ut, I tin > never spoke tu „„ unless I spoke them exactly as represent 
llrsl ami if Iliad a rc.|Uesl lo make of satisfactory lu every way 
them ami d was lu their power to usslst All garmeuls tiianufaci 
„r direct tu, I never knew them to refuse »»r full •'*»»' »•"' deslgr 
.if course lids is only my experience but <l ue ‘ u '- “ ll »''he<l lo the 

expert to tell by lts appearance that It is tbelr homes to see this splendid play 
nol of Intrinsic value Matinees are given at the Park theatre 

We should Ik glad to send you either on ..esdays and Saturdays aud seals 

■s of fabric, cut from the piece or may be ordered by telephone, Oxford 70 . 
•tisl garments, w hich may Is- re- tel, graph or mall and w ill 1 st held until 
at our expense if y ou do not Und I P •". for the matinees and 7 :io p it, 
vartlv as renreseulu.1 and lu-rfeetly for the evening performances 

tuructl al our expense tf you ti») uol Anil 
them exactly as represeuleff anff |*erfcctly 


All si/.es tt:..! nil finishes of PhotogrtpUa. 
Insluitluiietms process used exclusively 
for children, 

ih carries Is Murk. HUMPS feUUK 10 uKUkK. 

tur.rt Viorlllr. MaSr tu orSrr, llusr hu.eurl- when v - ■ t leiitember ' I have rlddcll, 
rr., Hu.tin, Hu -1 Punas, llathrs aaS Una ha- in, v\ ulk, .1 ut. : mlgld almost say 

rhro. Matrrall, aaS PSyxIrall allure Mal.u, luUl .,| ,,f that sertlou of 

1 N-w .. .he Northern dc 

w . I...I,. #.j :*>. # 4 .bb. *5.wi.. #n'..- 4 i \l<»loii of the Boston anff Maloe railroad 

in th.- Coucorff anff Montreal fflvlstou, I | 
i«si \ i»* wAivvib a: i i. • S-• iii nk I know wli»i I aiu wriliug alxmi | 

All garmeuls tuauufaclurfl Uy u* hear 
our full uatue anff ffealguallou ou lhe ell- 
quelle, atlaehetl to the collar or Inside 
pocket a» follow* 

i'lil* loornitif* I walked from Boylsioii 

Tldh Is u j'uaisntee to the eusloiner of 
not only a geuulne all pure wool utaple, 
hut a A'liaranlit- also of uu eqiislitv lu 

TOWN ( ITKk’S OITM’K ... • ; «» m "•»««w*^ 

m liliiail ay sri i I* u ulili eorrueiueMi «»f cut. slid couscouctil 


! Eusl WeymDutl) Savings Bank. 

OlTIUi: HODH 8 , 10 lu 12 a. in.. 2 io 6 p. m 

Al *11 uikrr feaurs at KrslArarr u* Ulllrrrsi 
Itua#, o|*|i. (atbullc tburili. 

JOHN A. KAYMONH. Town Clerk 

Sminuet »trect» t“ lhe South statlou It 
i, mu- of tie.-. ••nou» spring luorulugM 

that hrlug 
Iffy get out- 

hi) one who eau potud- 
- a har^ulu day it is true 

l,ul notwIth-tui "s! that, the slruels are 

full of well .Ir* '- 

w.'in.-n wear u 

I joist emblematic 
Haul uu.l I'D tor. 
when i 1 is* a v eu 
As 1 piA's-e.l *t»»r 

• 1 iv- *. -1 nu u and w omen The 
•:n - wns und hats that are 
i,a “f spring Bright, brll- 

• it tur.-que I do nol know 

t-ujoyod a walk no much 
I «t"i . * where ladUV KiNter 

w llh correctness* of cut, aud consequent 
fit. workmanship and finish of the highest 


A Sin max 4 Co 

Patience Dili you ever get u kiss hy 

Patrice oh, yes! 

“What'a It like?' 

It's like having u dollar in vour luiud ” 
Y oukers' SUlesinuu 

A Guaranteed Cura for Pilei. 

lulling, Blind, Blending or Protruding 
piles Druggists refund money If Pa/.o 
oiutiiienl falls to cure any ease, uo mat* 
t»-r of how long staudiug, lu t«» 14 tlays 
First applleatlou gives ease and rest 
.’sic. If your druggist hasn't It scud ’*dc 
in stamps aud it wlllbnforw aididjos 
paid by Paris Medicine (’o , St Louis, Mo. 

••You are threatened with brain fever 
What 1* your business?'’ 

“Nothing; 1 am merely a society uiau 

“l.eiutne look at your longue again 1 
am mlstakcu lu the brain-fever diagnosis 

lloustou Post. 

She—That youug lady makes a great 
deal of money, but she never has unv ul- 
tcullou from lucu 

He—It’s probably her owu fault Why 
doesn't she let them know aj^c s making 
It?—Detroit Fro? Press 

4 large asserlnral of Pit TUB: MUllUWlih rarrlei la slock. HURLS M. 4 DK TO UKUaK. 

Our Eiston's Orug Store. STUDIO GRAND, Rocklui,Mtu. 

South Weymouth Ice Company 

TIRRELL & BAYLEY, Proprietors. 


Ice and COAL and 

Refrigerators WOOD 

Heavy Teaming, Plowing, etc., 

I-IIUMI-T 1 .V ATTK*l»i:i> TO. 

Office, Columbian Square, 


WEYMOUTH GAZETTE, school committee meeting. \ AtUTmeFHtuIH 



(MAM. COWfOlUTin*.) 



Mimpr and Kditar. 

IlM , At tirONI> OI.Att «ATTW*. 

Friday, April 14, 1905, 

ThUye*f* Faster stylos will bo tlio 
*ame n* la*t year's for many of ns 

The Now York l’ross *tv* that “I n* 
doubt edlv Mr. Hoekofeller Is the mildest 
anfl politest man that our *tabbed a 
oompelltor In the bark or nit the throat 
«»f n rival In business " 

The New York World suggest* that if 
Prof infer ronllv thinks a man Is no 
good nTter ho has reached the ago of 
sixty years, lie might try to l*eat l r ndo 
Hussoll Sago on a stock deal 

< Hi, tradesman! in thine hour ot r * e, 
ll on thift |u|»rr you should r c ., 
l ake our advu e and now In- v v '. 
istraight ahead and advert i i i 
\ oil’ll find the project of *omr > " ", 
Neglr; t can offer no ex q q q. 

Ur wise «t once, prolong vour d a ij, 

A silent business soon tie k k k." 

Andrew t’ameglc says “there ran bo no 
great success w ithout the esteem of one’s 
follow men " Tills may tie true, hut take 
the case of John D Hockefeller, he has 
route in for a deal of unfavorable rriti* 
t Ism of late and he Is generally consid¬ 
ered the greatest of groat successes 

Cerebro*8pinal Meningitis. 

The germs which cause eerobro-splnal 
meningitis ore very small, resemble ker¬ 
nels of coffee mul arc slightly bluish says 
the olllcial bacteriologist of Pittsburg, 
who claims that he has examined some of 
them tinder a microscope, lie discovered 
the same conditions noted by the Vienna 
••xpert who first Introduced them to the 
public more than twenty years ago, that 
they travel In pairs like, the Siamese 
twins, and that groups of them consti¬ 
tute the fatal agents of spotted fever. 
<’ I) Harlow is advertising a preventa¬ 
tive in this Issue See ad 

Educational Association. 

The Weymouth Kducational association 
Is arranging for a public meeting to be 
held in the vestry of the Pilgrim church, 
North Weymouth, on Monday evening. 
May 1 It Is intended that tills meet¬ 
ing shall t»e interesting as well as In* 
structlve Further particulars will he 
given later • 

Monday Club. 

The next and last meeting of the Mon* 

• lay club for the year w ill be held next 
Monday afternoon April 17th, at the 
Clapp Memorial building. Weymouth 
Center Miss Kvarts will entertain 


Nalhanlei Chandler Hurt in Train Wreck 
In Ohio.-ls 85 Years of Age and waa 
En Route for Missouri. 

Nathaniel Chandler of Summer street, 
one of Weymouth's oldest citizens, w as 
injured In a train wreck on the Cleveland, 
Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Hall¬ 
way w hich ocettred ut llellefontaine, Ohio, 
Wednesday night. 

Mr. Chandler, who is 85 years of age. 
left Weymouth on Tuesday for Jelt'erson 
City, Missouri, where he was to visit his 
sou, Freeman (.'handler He was to be 
met in New York by In* son's wife who 
was to accompany him to Jefferson City. 

Mr. Chandler's injuries arc of an inter¬ 
nal nature and It is feared that on account 
of his age, they may prove serious 

Old Colony Club. 

A large number of members and friends 
of the Old Colony club met In the vestry 
of the I'nlon church, South Weymouth, 
on Thursday afternoon. Henry T. Hailey 
was the speaker of the afternoon, and he 
took as his subject, “The City of Refuge " 
Piano solos were rendered by Miss Helen 

The annual mectiug of the club w III be 
held on April 1*7, when Supt. of Schools 
.1 C. Anthony will address the members 

Letter to <Mi»») H. W. Barnet. 

South Weymouth, .t/«i*.» 

Dear Madam : It's an old saying : the Itetrt 
advertisement Is a pleased customer 
It happens to us continually in this 
way A man buys Devoe for his house- 
lie has painted it once in three years for 
a dog's-age. and thinks he knows what he 
wants—buys ;’.o gallons, and ha* in 

He sees right-oil' that IfU Devoe I* us 
much as :io of auythlng else He likes 
that: it comes quick: It is a surprise; 
and he tells of It. The best advertise¬ 
ment I* a pleased customer. 

Three years roll round. There isn't a 
sign that Ills house needs paint he doesn't 
paint it Next year he doesn't paint it. 
This comes slow : it is a surprise; tint he 
has got used to It. Still the be*t ndvei- 
1 Dement 1* a pleased customer 
Yours truly, 

F. W. l>» vok Co 

PS M It. Loud & Co, South Wey¬ 
mouth, sell our palm. 



—A pleasing entertainment was given 
ut the old North chapel Wednesday even¬ 
ing under the auspices of the Ladies' 
lleoevoleut society. The following pro¬ 
gram was rendered with artistic skill to 
an appreciative audience Plano solo, 
Miss (Jualey: song. Schubert's “Sere¬ 
nade," Kugetie Murphy xylophone solo, 
“Waves of the Ocean,” Joseph Murphy: 
song, “April Weather." Miss Blanchard 
reading from Mrs Wiggs of the Cab¬ 
bage Patch," Miss Adams song. -Sail 
on," Luge tie Murphy; xylophone solo, 
“The Messenger Box," Joseph Murphy 
song. “Summer Night," Miss Blanchard: 
piano solo, Miss t^ualey 

The monthly meeting of the Ladies 
Missionary society connected with the 

• Aid North church will lie held iu the 
dtapel on the afternoon of Tuesday. April 
I*, at .5 15 o'clock Miss Cora Keith of 
Kabe College, Japau, and Mis* Keith of 
Bralutree w ill address the iiieetiug A 
cordial invitsUou to attend this meeting 
I* extended to all w In* are Interested III 

Deafness Cannot Be Cured 

I.) appli.'ivltuu, it* (Lry < *uuul retell tin Ut* 
«-*»«:«] portiuu ut tlir rar Their U uuly our m »y to 

■ uie intlim*., uu<l U*»» bf nautiliutUiliAl reuiruir*. 

i- • »UmkI l>y »ii luflaiut-.l • uuditlon of the 
mucous liulug •'( the KukiRcliiiUi Tube. When tin* 
tube n tUun-iI you l.»vr t* tumbling »<>umJ or 
Imperfect 1 ,raring, ami whvu it is entirely eluted 
•ii'Mltiess t* the re-uit, and uulc** the iufl*iuiusUoii 

• 4 ii be Ukeu out uud tin* lube reatored to ll* nurrn* 

■, luatlng will be dr»troye«l Iureter; uim- 
etwee out of leu Ate caused by < atarrli. whh h l» 
itolhlua but su inflamed ruuduiou of the uiu< «.u» 

We will siveOue lluudrrd Dollar* lor auyraaeof 
I tft*lue»- ,<au*c<l by catarrh) that cat) not he • urrd 
I' r Hal’* • sUrrli Cure. Seu<l (or circular*, free. 

y. .1 C1IKNKY A Car., Toledo, o. 

RfAlfflMtlnn* nf T«o Trnchern 
Rmlvrd nml ArreptM. 

Lieut. Qov. Guild To Speak at High 
School Graduating Exercises. 

The regular ifltmthlv meeting of the 
SchooPCommittee wa* held at the town 
offit ••* in the sav inu* Bank bull I nfl I »*t 

Weymouth on TucmIby evening 

The resignation* were received and n< • 
•■••pted of Ml-* Mabel l'.-te* «.f the Pratt 
school, precinct four, who ha* accepted ii 
position in Maiden and Mi** Pauline 
Buckminster of the Hate* *ehool, pre. on t 
live, who g«>e* to F.vefett next Motidav 
The matter of tilling the vacant v nt the 
Pratt achnol, fr»f "lib 11 : Im t • an? tkit 
candidates, came up for •■on*ldernuoii 
and after some discussion wit* '-•«•■ I ••.cr 
until the next meeting 
Supt Anthony annoiinceil that l.feht 
(Jov Curtl* Guild, Jr. bail nenpted an 
invilAtton to deliver the adtlrea* at the 
graduation e\errl*e* «*f the High school 


ii i:« . i i (it • hi im ll *ru\ n i - 
Sunday morning prendilnu -ervlce nt 

Sunday-school session at II t • 

Christian Kndeavor meeting at •: 

Sunday evening service at 7 
Tuesday evening service at 7 
Topic for Christian Kndeavor meeting. 
April ltl ••(ilOflf.ving God in our recr«*a- 

Topic for Tuesday evening, \pnl I* ] 
••Hod Insists on humnti effort 
The morning service next Suinlnv will I 
be held In the Metliodl*' church, the i 
other fu r vices being held In the I' nit ii ri tin 
church Those who usuallv worship In 
the Methodist church, which will t••• 
closed on account *»f the conference, in- 
cordially Invited to attend all or ati\ <»f 
the above sen ice* 

The organ lia* arrived mid i* being j 
rapidly set up, the expectation being that I 
it will be ready by the la*t of this mouth | 
In order to allow for any unforeseen •!•- j 
lav* the dedicatory exercise* have been j 
set for Sunday, May lltli, on which dux i 
there will be three servlet-* tMlier *er- j 
vices will he held during the week follow 
ing that date The details of these ser¬ 
vices w ill Jieduly set forth in this column 
The near approach of the evacuation of 
the building of the I nilarlnn society on 
Cottage street, which has been the home 
of the Congregational church during the 
two years since the burning of the “White 
church," was emphasized Wednesday 
evening when tin last social was held at \ 
that place Supper was served ut fi.Hrt 
o'clock to an tintiSiially large number, 
after which the follow ing entertainment 
w as given Piano solo, Mildred Hibson ; 
the farce, “No cure. No pay' by half a 
dozen young ladies, and a duet by Jillleii 
Merchant and Mildred Gibson. All these 
numbers were exceptionally well pre¬ 
sented, especially the Inst w hich wii* vig¬ 
orously encored. 

Absolutely Pure 



The mtnitia utnler ti*i* title "ill lie glteii «'• 
•ii*- )•••**|.if fur « free >ll«< u»«inn nf miv -n't 
• hi. (Im* n'ki Nffement nf tlie |»»|»**r *11*1 t(»«*tl> 

■ i •«■ . *iin.111* i« i re*|mn«lblltty f"t the ('plulntt* 
tirre ei|.M «*f I 


Each Flavor is From the 
True Fruit. 


1‘rorrsslonill Conks ItefTise All 


The cook doesn't appreciate eatin.; tin* dinner 
slip prepares hah as much ax the hungtv gurxt, hut 
die value* and apprrcialrx liettrr than aii\ one 
pure, natural flavoring, and is afraid nf thus*- 
tracts made in tkilful imitation of the true Iru.t. 

That ix why Fn«'Pure F.xtrads only are used 
by the chefs of auclt well-known hotels as the NVw 
ML Waaliington, Hrelton \\.•• *«ls f N. It, t he Nes\ 
Raymond, Pasadena, Cal, W entworth Hall, |acl* 
son, N. I!., Hotel Ormond, Ha., Hotel Alcazar, M. 
Augustine, l-'la., lintel Knyal Palm, Mian , l ia., 
Hotel ('olonial, Nassau, llahanu-, and a Inn; list of 
other leading hotels whete the Irest is imperativilv 

Chefs at stall high-* la*s lintels «!• • tint tie to 
economize by uim; inferior material. They tike 
Foss’ Extract*, as they do the liest e;;s and butter 
became they are the lest obtainable and result- 
show it. 

The desire i* to make things latte good, llicielnfe 
what you u»e lor flavnrini* determine* the -u ress 
of your cooking. 

Fo»»’ Pure Flavoring Extracts are known to I* 
produced by e\tra< tinn Imm the fruit I: takes one 
year to make Foss’ Pure Extract of Vanilla, wlmh 
is the Oueen of all tlavots. When vanilla is used 
as a flavor care should b>* taken that only the 
quantity specified is used, Et one I the character¬ 
istics of a pure tandla like Loss’ is that when you 
use a sufficient quantity, more does not increase the 
Havor. Thu is not true of anv I tin many adul. 
terated articles, tor with them, thr more you usf 
the stronger and ranker ttiry becc ine. I i that 
delicate and delicious flavor r-e F« s- 

Mrs. Lincoln, Page No. < i her Itostmi t <H>k 
Hook, orders Foss’ Pure Fxtrait <•! Vamlla simply 
t>ecause it is the fruit in liquid form. M i i con, 
oinical, more wholesome, and most pleas n. t<• thr 

All grocers sell Foss’Pure Extra* t» m Muincy, 
Wollaston, Utaintrre, Weymouth, I . Wrvniouth 
South Wevntouth, Atlanti- and N■ • rf k |> .wri'. 

Royal Arcanum 
Assessment Rates. 

Curt or 1 «T (.'iwrnrYNIi ( o>T >>r 111 . 

Ami ai.lMMI AKT ai.tMNI ts *1.000 

.vi 11.04 
*■ IL4o 
vs 11. M 

i v: I V v4 
1 - PLTV 

Low 13.os ! 

I .MB l'.lV 

13V 16 14 

l.M 19.1. 
1.4 ls> 

ITS VO, 70 

v. io r-.vo 

V V. .• 04 

rsold by l>rui(Kbt«. 

Hall'- t iwUr I’lils Air I 

Twelve Asses* ill fill* :t year. |>u\ahl< 
without but ire ou the last ill* v • • f each 
mouth. iH*f«»re lo o'elcK k P M 
III fixing the Msse**meut oil t’lllrSUee 
the age ut lust birthday i* taken, not 
nearest Irirtioiuy 

Arcaoian," j»« V\ ashiugtun St., 

Weyntuulli, *eiol* •in iilai* «»ii appiha 


\ well-known naturalist tells us about 
a farmer w ith w Imm he spent one sum¬ 
mer I'lil* farmer often aecompinietl the 
natiiraHst in hi* ramliles tlirougli the 
woods and Held*, and alw ny* pointed out 
some flower along the wav and Inquired 
what it wn* If tin? naturalist gliHlv gave 
tiie Latin name of the plant his questioner 
wa* impressed and fally *at!*lh*d, although 
a* a matter of fart the name had eon- 
\eved no Idea to hi* mind The natural¬ 
ist wn* much amused when till* neenrred 
repeatedly, for it always seemisl to give 
tiie farmer genuine *ntlsfnetlon, and lie 
explains it liv the supposition that milch 
enjoyment came to the man a* lie found 
nut that those plant* wlilrh had been so 
common to him nil hi* life were yet so 
important to the world a* to lie dignified 
by well-sounding Latin names Many 
people are thu* lmpie**ed with a kind of 
awe at hearing the unfamiliar teehnicnl 
inline of a plant. Hut there are people, 
too, who have little respect for the scien¬ 
tific names mid who sent! at those who 
u*c them, believing that they are only ex¬ 
ploiting their knowledge \lso, there are 
those who really do not know w hy there 
i* need of having Latin names for plants. 

\ few words, then, «»f explanation may 
not he amiss now nt the beginning of the 
Mower season. 

The I.:iti ii language ha* been for hun¬ 
dred* <>f year* the medium tlirougli which 
the ditl'erenl nationalities of the world 
could compare observations and Impart 
information in all *eicntU , e researches. 

..nrly botanists described in 

i.atin tiie plants they studied Each plant 
then was known only by its long I.atin 
description, for plants had no names 
other ilinn these confusing descriptions. 
Thus. If a person found a strawberry 
blossom he could tell others about wluit 
he had found only by saying, “I have 
found the plant which has white llowers, 
and lias ii* *eeds imbedded ill the deeply 
pitted fruiting receptacle: and whose 
leaflets are three, each being obovate* 
wedge-form and coarsely serrate, etc." 
While this method of identifying a plant 
wus accurate It was at the same time 
tedious, uwkward, and too lengthy to 
permit rapid progres* ^ et for many 
generations botanist* plodded along in 
tills way until Linnaeus, the great Swed¬ 
ish holuuist, devised a simple method of 
naming plants bv two names a method 
which the scientists of the world accepted 
and have used ever since 
The two names given a plant are know ii 
as the generic name which corresponds 
to the siir-name of a person and tiie 
specillc name corresponding to the llrst 
or given name of a person This method 
of naming plants proved *•* successful 
'that minerals were mulled in the same 
way and subsequently all branches of 
zoology, and dually the principle tin* been 
with the greatest advantage extended to 
chemistry The importance of this sys¬ 
tem of naming cannot lie ovcr-ttoLlmutcd. 
We itnd i:* greatest practical use when 
we deal in plants, seeds, etc , with other 
countri'* \nd mo*t especially do wc 
realize the necessity fora dcilnite. exact 
system of naming when wc desire these 
plants for uiedieinul purposes. 

Now if for *• ifiitiilc reasons a botanist 
should wisli to secure, let us say, a plant 

of ...laek in-the-pulplt" from Russia, 

lie could never hope to get it if he asked 
for ll •-Eli k-ln-the-pulpit"; but if he 
should *eitd for an Arimi* i.m triphythnn 
kit* would lw perfectly sure of receiving 
what he desired, whatever might be the 
nationality to which lie sent, because the 
botanists of any country upon seeing the 
Latin name would know exactly what lie 
meant E\en In our ow n country there 
arc many localities where tlu* “Jack-ln- 
thc-l'ulplt *•• familiar u name to u* i* 
unknown toothers by that iiaiue Hut it 
Is universally recognized by the name 
.!»/.*'/• >o*t irifihylluio The inline “Jack- 
In-the-pulpit'does not appear m Dray's 
Manual, tin* botanical standard, in which 
the only common name given for It is 
Indian Turnip " This, then. Is a plant 
which lia* dlttereiit common names in 
ilitictriil localities Now uu the other 
hand many plants of entirely dlll'crciit 
*pede* are know n In various parts of the 
country by the same common name 
For example tin- anemone is in many 
localities tailed “May-dower the ar¬ 
butus is called the “Muy-dower" of oilier 
places and i* the plant iiionI widely known 
by that name because of its historical 
association* in other places the little 
white luaiantliemum Is called tiie .May- 
dower Tints we see how misleading 
are the local or common names There¬ 
fore mi. of the dr*t and most Important 
tiling* to 'Ii in the study of botany is to 
learn tin Latin name* of the plauts 
studied Wiieii these names are tlrmly 
llxed in i?'.ini • 'tie 11a* a foundation upon 
which to work and a ineaui of comintiui- 

• at ion w nh * ^nationalities 

The *• lent .tii naming of plauts i* very 
*imilur to t. of people except 
that the urdei f i uni - * returutil \Ye 
*ay “John Smiili James Smith,' and 

• Joseph Siiiltl In botany it Is 7»<iwuu- 

i ■ It j 

'I - uircupa, tali or 

acrid buttercup. - cping buttercup . «* 
though wi »:i smith John.' “Smith 
.lames, eti And tu our Smith family 
uami ' • ' ji nDptj dpi. u. • - 

w lie Ii uuuuhi i "f the > amil) we wiah to 
► peak of and * • in the Ranunculus 
I .on 1 \ tlu* mni" - ’ ,.u. , . mid 

r /»«/*.» up* • ;f> wiiiili '.utter* ip we wish 
to speak of tUotlier -Ulilarlty l»etweeu 
the plant fain < • and ti e lnimau families 
in tlie method of i auuug la that in the 
human family there urn- only a limited 
uumber of given or specific name.*, 
fewer far than the number of >ur-uaiue», 
else why are lbete *o many Johns and 
Mary* and Kate* > • iu tiie plant famll- 
lie.*, the dilbeully of learning the name* 
i* mm ii lc**ciied liy the fact ‘that the 
*ccoinlur> or s|H*eiite name* occur again 
md i •.•in m ' I It. i. id Ian. i . .. Utal 

after a few of them have once l»een 
learned there i« «ooo comparatively little 
that I* difficult or new to learn except the 
generic name I’he learning *»f the I.attn 
names of plant* inn at be much easier to 
u* English-speaking people than to many 
other nationalities Iterance we have in 
our language so many I.atin derivatives 
1 Thus w* know if we see the name 
Vywfifoii'i "itnrot'i that that flower Is 
mioron-tir weet smelling: that a*ranlla 
r urfoirm i* purple, and that tirmrUin 
i fir tiofi i* n owritino or sea-side plant ■ 
that Viola ran <a is the */»»</ violet etc . 

The subject of the s« ieiitlde naming of 
plants i* *o va*t and sj» extensive, in- 
• hiding *<» many other sut»ieefs of equal 
and of less Importance, that it I* of 
course lmpo**ible to consider Ii at all 
thoroughly m till* paper Hut perhaps 
these few remark* may at least present 
the matter in a little different light even 
though they may not fully eonvlllre one 
heretofore skeptical of the necessity for 
it ml ' able of t he Latin naming of plant* 
Mi:* A V 

The Rockefeller Money. 

Rev p S Henson, pastor of Trem«*nt I 
Temple, leaves it to the Lord, others care 
not to wait *o long Take the money 
and give it to the poor clergyman then 
the deed will condone the offense 

Kovii nh s Him 

Feminine Philosophy. 

Sometimes an old bachelor get* married 
because he is tired of himself. 

A girl can't throw straight, even when 
she throws herself nt a man'* head 

A man for want of thought whistles: a 
woman giggle* for the *nme reason 

When a girl must admit tlint another ' 
girl I* pretty, she *nys that she i* like a | 

What puzzles me about the Mormons I 
i*. where do the fellows ge* the money : ^ 

All the world love* a lover because It j 
I likes lo see someone more foolish than i 

! itself 

A woman can't lose hut one thing at J 
cards with good grace, and Hint Is her I 

Lots of people think they are lending j 
the *imple will'll they are leading the 
simpleton life 

Speaking of excessive modesty, I heard I 
of a gill who spoke of •stays" ns “re¬ 

•• 'Tis love that makes the world go j 
round,” sang the poet Also It makes thu j 
old world dizzy 

It used to lie that a man might gel 
wealthy by burning midnight oil lint now j 
that make* the oil trust rich 

Many of u*. If we got cotfeelike mother | 
used to make, would raise a rough house 
like father used to make 

Men and women look nt each other's 
faults through a magnifying glass at 
each others virtues through the wrong 
end of a telescope At their own faults 
they do not look nt till —The Woman's 





Tim j ••mm man wlm ••xpoi f» lo get on 
III thr world • annul do it with a hull' 
In-art, Init inu-i uruqi hi- o|i|iortonilv 
null vigor, and thug hilii-Hl' « ith ail 
lo- might into hi- vocation. 


H) HUNk PKNNKNItltV IHAKK, Aurtloarer. 

Otllre, IV Temple Siri'rt, ipiincv, Mui>. 


\l Puldie Am tiull ol’lhe IVrvohal I*• •.•••-> t v nl’ the tHNVKItSI V • M MU •»« h, N. . 41 Elm 
Knoll ll",nl, Ka*t Hi ivint r* ••, VI.-- * \ It liHAY, 

Al••• 1 1 *. .i l :io P. M. 

I'urlui "iilam- Hail Cloth I’uilot suit, i Oak 
Ho. ker». Itng-, l imp. • !' . Living It-M.m • nntuilH 
III u t W alnut i:\t. n-h.n Tal.le, Mahoganv lliir.-un. 

• «la»». Itiu-, I’aii.v Ilian*. Stove, etc. 11 .til .on- 
lain* llall Stand. Tarpet, g TiiIiIcr, .-I* . L’hainliei 
No. 1 ■ oiitain- While Inni lteiblrad. .spring, II ..' 
Vlattre-*, Woo, Mattre*-, bureau, • Imi.-, • i. 

t hainl'. i No. _• . 011 ( 11111 * White Iron ll.•• I-tend, i 
.spring. Mattre--, ll.-ddmg, lliir. aii, ( • .uuiio.l. , 

• lie*t, ete. •'Iiamlnt No. 3 colltuilia l(e.|«teu<l, 

11 hu k XX . nut Itnreau. Mattre**, t-ia*», S. « inu 
Miiehmr. Chair-. *t' Kit. hen . oiituili- Vluge. 

VIv*ti<■ Range, \... *, .hi elettant linker, Kitchen 
Table, (.'hair*, 1 I.m k. Kitelien Ware. ( i... k> iv. el . 
Shed ■ oiiuin* eomplete Painter'* Mill lit, <"ii*i«tnig 
of a large variety oi I nlder*. all length-. I . -. 
Itriulie*, Ladder ll.a.k-. Paint, Oil. 

Sale po«itive. ruin or *l<nie. T« mi* ea-l. 

I*, r older, llr.Mli M *roim. V.lmlin-lial'T 
N It. Fleetri. - ear* from llrnnitiee t.. W. v moot 'i 
pa- 3 It 




The Hoard of Health of t^olucy are 
prepared to receive bids fur the *ale of 
the entire gurhugc collection in the 1'ity 
of (Julnry from May I*t. lim:. to May 1st, 
linn;, ami they reserve the right to accept 
or reject any or all Did** for the same 
ROSS K. Will |(*N. M IL, See 


Must he Licensed 


APRIL thirtieth, 

Or the Owners* or Keepers therof 
Liable lo a h'lne. 

Eitiicts from tht Lm of this CohiimiM. 

Lv. o iov m i .•. k< • p.T i f . i ^ of |hire nioiitti- 

• loiov.i. mi". >iiv oi . i i,i t,.r.'ill.-llilrtltlli 

da) of April, .u- rrglvirrrd, ■aaikrrrd. 

rtrvrrlbrd and ilrmvrd r n >• >■ tlir lir-* 

d.i.v • i ll.r . u-niiig V| mil. .it. . ,.f Uu- .I. ig ..t 
III. t il- or loan whrr.ln -aid dog i« kept, and »hall 
. . It to we .r aroond il« n. • k . . nllar di-lin. t ' 
"«»rki , d *» .Hi •- i’» jin. n l ii- n gul. i. d 

iiiiUlt.. r 

til Ottlltr d| l UlM| BU ■ ■ | | .. v' ■: 

. ••u*ed .mi" tin- tii -i >l.o •" ii •• •■n-iiiiig May. uotl • 
prr»"ii I" • • in, "k' • in "« in r <-r k - > p< i "■ « dog art. i 
lh. lir»t d.v .«t Muv, not .lin> ii'. iind. mil' .aii-r 
n to I'.- u gi«|fi. d, niiinh. r.'d, d.••• rilu d and lh * o*rd 
a* pun idrd mi the pi. < . ding •• • lion 

Tbr frr f»r riff) llrrnr ikall ko law dollar* 
fur a niair dug, sad dir dollar* for a fraalc dog. 

W k.'ij- a dog • ontiaiy f>. tl" prevUloo- 

■ 'ii- <p'' i • u inrra dollar*. ' >• 

will.'ll - *11 1 . 1 - I ■. I to tin , oiupluinaiit al.d l.-ll dol 
Ur-In tin- ti< 4 -tucr of III* 'WUiilv in-Id* h the -log 
i- kept. 

L-. rv I.vviwr OI keeper of dog* kept (or breeding 
purpn-e- may m me annually u •p<< ial ureu*** 

■ .tl.,.tiring tom to k> rp *> ■ ii u|m*ii the pre in i 

d. »• i it., d ,u »aid > . ... W I en H e uuuihei of 

ki pt dor i U.4 rv ecvl five, tin >• i"i ->*• ll 
•• *i . ' iaeati-i*« dollar*. - lo ll ii.* nuii. 

lirt of ilufi >o kept * ... llv. h- fee ■lutll *•• 

■ ll) dolltr*. • hull he re-imred tor llie 

"• - ' *. "« "e . ... k' • I" l , i 11 " •*«• "I *• v 

ll.uutl' • 

Ai ' >« .• i "i k.. pi t "t . i g du y I • n*. d. 

« h» li Lr, ...iie* ihr<« loouili* ol i all-r tl» Ihirto lh 

• l.,v "l Apio in ..ii- »• ar, -i ■* . whenever I i* the • 
month* Id. * all— tl I" he I. gi-teied. UUloh- red, >le 
•• u 4"d I" • u*t d mild the lira! ul the eu-n 
I.g V|j». pi.o "led •eetiuu elgfitv Ot » haptri 
..... hiiltilred .. ,d two ol ill. Puldie Statut. *, aud 

• i,all < »■.»■ it t«. >*e»i .-round il- !»*•* k u • ••llat d - 
liu.ll/ luaik.d a lh it* owner'* name a ml it* og- 
l. red ||Ulul-ei • 

JOHN A. RAYMOND, ban Cittk, 

%Yr>(noulki M*m. 

I I • .It V l I. Ini HrMoi.olk 


—Anyone tiavlng photographs of sol- 
dlers taken during the civil war which 
they are w llllng to contribute to the col¬ 
lection being made by the l.oyai Legion 
will confer n favor by sending them to 
II. 11. Joy with names amt regiment writ¬ 
ten thereon 

The member* of tiie Old Colony dub 
are lo serve a May breakfast in Music 
hall on the morning of Tuesday, May 2, 
iu aid of the ?>oy* manual training class 
The Mav breakfast ha* been a feature in 
merrie England for 100 year* The 
most «mcesafni American adaptation wn* 
that given in Lynn for charity ln*t year 
at which nearly 4,non people were served 
- Mi** Grace Frawley resumed her 
duties ut the Roger Wolcott school, Hus¬ 
ton, on Monday, after a vacation spent 
with her parent*. Mr and Mrs James F 
Frnw ey of IMeasant street 

Henry (Jerstley and fantilv have 
moved from t ninn street to Lark avenue 
— Mr and Mr* William Staples of 
Hunt avenue arr being congratulated upon 
the birth of a tie daughter last Satur¬ 

Rose lotion for chapped hands 2 V 
nt the Weymouth pharmacy 

Miss Helen Simpson, laughter of 
Mr and Mr* Warren T Simpson of 
.Main street, entertained a number of her 
young friends la*’ Saturday afternoon in 
honor of her eighth birthday About ilf- 
teon guests were present and the hours 
were pleasantly passed with games at the 
conclusion of * which refreshments 
were served 

Harley Thayer of Auburndale ha* 
‘>een spending a few dftvs with Ins cousin, 
Miss Ruth Wright <*f 1’leasant street 

Hurtott Wright "f Lynn and Henry 
Kohler of Waltham spent Sunday in 
tow II 

—Mr and Mrs J It Ashworth of 
Lowell have moved Into the house on 
Columbian street owned by James \\ 
i twens. 

Three candidates received the initia¬ 
tory degrees at Motidav evening’* meet¬ 
ing of Wildcy Lodge. No. 21, I. O, O F 
Mr and Mrs Kltner Thayer spent 
Sunday with Mr* Thayer's parents at 

Miss AliceOllligan is rapidly recover¬ 
ing her recent illness of pneumonia 

A little son was horn to Mr and Mrs. 
Henry D Reilly on Monday. 

— Miss Lena Halley entertained n party 
of friends at her home on Main street 
last evening A lunch was served by the 
hostess and several Solos were contributed 
by William A Mann The party in¬ 
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Thayer, Miss 
Alice Willis, Miss Laura Holbrook, Miss 
Florence Pitcher, Miss Helen Has*, Miss 
Fannie Raymond, Fred T Harnes and 
William A. Mann. 

—Miss Ella Shaw Is able to lie about 
again after an attack of pneumonia. 

—Tito members of the Laconta whist 
club were entertained by Miss Clara H 
Loud at her home on Park avenue, Mon¬ 
day evening Favors were awarded Miss 
Bessie Shaw aud Miss Alice Harnes 
—The Fin-de-slecle whist club met on 
Tuesday evening with Miss Abide Cush¬ 
ing of Main street The honors were 
taken by Mrs Lena Pratt and Miss Lottie 
Baker. The next meeting of the club 
will tm held with Miss Rena flay of 
Pleasant street 

—During Holy week, services will he 
held iu the I nlversalist church on 
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday even¬ 
ings at 7..‘to o'clock. A welcome for all. 

—There will Ik? a vesper service ut the 
I'niversallst church ou Faster Sunday at 
3.JO o'clock. The choir will give the 
“Gloria Sanctus" and “Agnus Dei" from 
Gounod's St. Cecilia Mass, and “llurk, 
ten thousand voices sounding" from “The 
Resurrection" by Bullard. They w ill be 
assisted by J. II Malian of Boston, and 
Stephen F. Pratt. 

—Almon B. Raymond severely cut Ids 
left hand while cutting meat last Satur¬ 

-Richard A , the young son of Mr. 
and Mrs. Richard Talbot died of spinal 
meningitis on Monday after a lingering 
Illness Rev. William Hyde of Trinity 
church officiated at the funeral services 
and the interment was at Wollaston come- 

—Mis* Fannie M Raymond and Miss 
Lena Hailey, in company with four other 
young ladles, left today for a week's visit 
in Washington 

—Almon H Raymond ha.* purchased a 
handsome gray business horse. 

—Miss Jessie Loud of Mill street has 
been chosen Senior Proctor by tier class 
at the Boston (’Diversity 
—Kdward K Solan and family have 
moved to Ahington. 

Mrs C. P. T over I* confined to her 
home by Illness 

—C B. Oerstley has been elected man¬ 
ager of the Norfolk base bull team for the 
coming season. 

Old South Church Notes. 

The annual meeting of the parish was 
held (oil Monday evening Clarouce W. 
Fearing acted a* moderator and* officers 
for tiie ensuing year were elected as fol¬ 
lows Clerk and treasurer, Frank F. 
Loud, trustees, George C. Torrey, c 
Arthur Loud, Clarence W Fearing: audi¬ 
tors, Prince II Tlrrell. Joseph Dyer. 
The usuai reports were read and accepted 
and the work of the parish was carefully 

Rev Lewis IVase Atwood completed 
on Wcdnetdav his fiftieth year of minis¬ 
terial life, since Ids ordination which oc¬ 
curred at Rockport, this state V cordial 
message of congratulation was received 
by Rev Mr Atwood from Rev Joshua 
Cols, treasurer of the Massachusetts 
Home Missionary society Mr. Atwood 
has served churches It. several stales, bus 
done much effective work uud has still 
much vigor At the pastor's request, he 
will give ut a later church service, some 
impressions of u ilfty years' mlulstry 
The members of the Junior Baraca class 
will hold u social and election of officers 
at the parsonage tills eveniug 

At the supper given by the Ladies' Aid 
society last week, the ladies received 
among other things, over loo pounds of 
old rubbers which have been sold for the 
benefit of the treasury 

('arson's Amulet will prevent cerebro¬ 
spinal meningitis. Arte at Harlow's See 

Unton Church Note*. 

The subject of Hie sermon next Sunday 
morning wilt be. “Actors iu the Tragedy 
of the t russ The Multitude ' In the 
afternoon the pastor will preach at the 
Methodist Episcopal church, Porter 
The following committees have been 
appointed in the Phi Alpha l'i fraternity 
Membership coiuinlttct. Arthur Nash, 
Walter Reed athletic committee. Hurt 
Dottle. Keuueth Nash, liaise) F.lwell, 
Warren Hates. Roger llersey social com¬ 
mittee, Arthur Reed, Staiiley lleald, Ran¬ 
dolph Lamp rev religious work. Clark 
Heed, Stacey Wentworth, Fred Policy, 
rooms, Charles Reed, Seth Yining. Thayer 
Me Ur Id • ‘ guide*. stg ( .,. x Loud. Stanley 

At the annual Parish meeting held Iasi 
Tuesday evening the following officers 
were elected Civil H \N Lougfcllow 1 

One difference 

between keeping your ac¬ 
count in the Old Colony 
Trust Company'and keep¬ 
ing it in a National Bank 
is that the Trust Company 
allows you 2% on balances 
of $500 and over, while 
many banks allow no in¬ 
terest at all. 

When irusl companies 
first began to allow interest 
on deposits the practice 
was considered of doubtful 
wisdom, but the notable 
success of trust companies 
and their growth in num¬ 
bers and strength have dis¬ 
pelled such doubts. The 
savings banks have al¬ 
ways allowed interest on 
deposits, but unless money 
is deposited or drawn out 
at certain periods of the 
year several months' in¬ 
terest may be lost. Money 
deposited in the Old Col¬ 
ony Trust Company may 
be drawn out on any busi¬ 
ness day of the year, and 
interest on a running ac¬ 
count is always allowed 
whenever the balance 
reaches or exceeds $500, 
even for a few days only. 

A pamphlet describing 
our Temple Place office 
will be mailed on request. 
It is of especial interest to 
women and residents of 
suburban towns. 


treafmm-, J. H Reiii; parlali committee, 
W R. Field, J. E. Gardiner, W E. Hates; 
music committee, W I. Hates, Mrs. Cyn¬ 
thia Klwell: trustee of Cobh fund for 
three years. George L. Wentworth. The 
treasurer reported all bills paid and a 
small balance iu the treasury; also that 
the debt would lie immediately reduced 
S.AOO. Tills excellent show ing Is elilelh 
due to the faithful work of the Ladles' 
social circle, and to their generosity to 
the parish. 

Last Wednesday evening the Ladles' 
social circle gave a clam chowder supper 
in the vestry. There were about 1 .Art 
present, and the menu consisted of clam 
chowder, salads, ice cream, cake and cof¬ 
fee After the supper tlu? Mandolin club 
furnished u delightful program of instru¬ 
mental music 

The Mission study class held its llrst 
meeting last Sunday evening with an at¬ 
tendance of 2U. At the close of the les¬ 
son some very beautiful lantern pictures 
of the country of Japan were show n 
The primary department of the Sunday 
school gives all its oll'eritigs to benevo¬ 
lence, and the department lias recently 
sent 8-0 to support for a year an orphan 
girl In India 

Special programs of music for Easter, 
both morning and evening have been ar¬ 
ranged. and will !••• published ill full next 

Tremont Theatre. 

The third ami final week of the Nance 
o'Nell season at the Tremont theatre will 
begin on Monday evening next. The 
repertoire for the week will lie an attrac¬ 
tive and varied one. on Monday and 
Tuesday evenings “Judith of Hethuliu." 
will he the bill, this it will In* recalled, is 
the Thomas Hailey Aldrich, biblical trag¬ 
edy which Miss o'Nell employed so suc¬ 
cessfully during her engagement at the 

Tremont In October lust ltl* based on 
the scriptural episode of Judith and llold- 
ferne.* a* set forth iu the Apochrypha! 
writings, and Is a tragedy of rare beauty 
of language and moving dramatic power 
At the Wednesday matinee, “Camille' 
w ill he given and on Wednesday night, 
“lie Ida Gabler" the much discussed Ibsen 
play will l»c presented The demand for 
“The Fires of St John" lias been so 
widespread, that two performances of 
the sensational l.tnlernmn's play will Ik 
given, namely on Thursday night and 
Saturday matinee tin Friday night 
“Magda" will be given The bill for 
Saturday night, will embrace a scene 
from five different plays thus affording 
Miss 0 Neil the opportunity to say good¬ 
bye iu five of her greatest characters 
At tiie conclusion of her engagement at 
the Tremont. MIssu'Nell w ill play a fare¬ 
well engagement in New York prior to 
sailing for Australia where sin* is booked 
for u six months tour under the manage¬ 
ment of Mr Sehoctt'el The attractions 
at the Tremont following Miss O'Neil 
will he llcnrv W Savage *. “Woodland," 
the “Hlrd play" which created such a 
furore last season. 



V If' 1 l|. !*•" aOrf . • ■ w'.llr -__ , 

I* '•» 1,-t'n* aiont'l- n.i .11.i „. 

■«'• • 1 .. tw.i * - f. tl-l. M t., an ,i,, . r, 

I WfV in..iitli, t,_v \.!< Mr- i«ht, M ..I' i X l|..ii/ 

i ..t In s. Weymouth. W. A. I I. 


.\n mli. ■rr(|.|«-,| in flili iltpartmtni 
ntiWai a<-entii|inni».t wllli tlir m»h. 

I .'OH Mil'.. |u 

.1 1'|.*"ii i .tin, \\ " 

Tii>>tn|i**iti, ii.linliit-tnitoi. 

1 .7011 MAM’., s. 

. I , oti'lif i- ' 1 
no tin*' nl.) . veiling ,11. i fl u • k 

1 'ONNHJ.. At,,. 

"'i; ' mt in t .".I. \ 

46. Milt. Mil**. 

1 77001* N.U.K. i 

1 S'/. • I" iglit, i it * .ii 

."I 6 •(. H IM. A PI > Iv ill til.' I'll 

a i'«»., O'. U n*hii!|rtnn si., W.»- 

I JOlt MAM’., r.n t..rv ■ " I' • 

J.illt "I If, to lll"V, ..I t. II 

. *»tii*l. iv..t. i 
v ... !•.(». It. v 

- u 'tl. irln»« (r..iit-. 

• DKtl'. 11 It. 4 .... 
i ..I ,\ *» .I'.t.Inn 

1 .7011 MAI.I.. r,„ t., n , It • I -It" t. "f .in* 

1 pillt "I it, t- II".v. ... t. u •• W"l •••II 

lift.-tv -otli l .nut lotto, ll "til l 2im It. 'I.-* p ' '.I 
oii.'-fuiirtli "t t* i*• i M. •*' ■ • tii. 

1 .70U mm:, hiiu- mi i..i. i "M 

" .ml Itnri.'.l I’lviii'iiitli |{... k- " "i tii■—f 1 In** 

• m. k fsi' p. . •I'ttini; i,| |;i .1. I Hi/*', (T 

Hlnivvintit str.-. t, Kiut VV.xnn.ntli Ml :i 

i.'im mai.i:. ii.., ruk., lint ll'.V' bill'', t« •!• 
I "• •. milk " 14.n1, . «r• > 1 .in.I *• 

I 'OH MAI.I:. \ l.'hliKi.l l.,ic l rv. 1. -. 1 

i" ol ii •••1*1 .ti •'in.. Appiv t.i IL \V. Hunt, 
037 M uu Sin" t, s.iiilli \\ 1 \ nioutlii '• It 

K i:ivl» VOI II pint 1» fi••« t'rflin tut* .tin! mi. ■ 
vv 1 tine it tin' in. I nf pi.noii. i.t* nr tnip*. Wi- 
•i li'l xui" tlifi l"«l 101 16 . , Il.ix 6<Vl. I‘. i*t Wi\ inniitli. 

I 4 IMT. It. Inc n s ■ 1: 1 •• .uni It", ki.m l 
J .. if.nit I.‘in in'* "pin in< nl tr-• 1 .1 n ntcli, Kim I- > 
p|.i.'tiitn I.. .(..Ii" I - ..ii*, **'•. Ilmntr. ■'. Sln«*. 

mi.I twelve tewiinl, a It 

I m: roriaTitv n \ vtii>, w 

j ;iiiy iinml.iT >.f In .iitli) In 11*. • 1 11. k-. ir< • - •■ t.i 
1 lm ki n* "I mi) «lz>' >.i lim < 1 . **. Miiic In n* n mli •• 
VV'll' *npply i-\li:i tin. 11 1 itI I»... I. • uc- lm tint* I. 
iiiB t" pnitii* win. will *. t tin in t.u mm Imi! tin 
. I.I. k* he.l. Willpio H>. l iu li t• • 1 f.ix) "lii. k*. 
. ill,) « iil'l A p"*t 11 1 will l" "if I- .Hi I',*). U..\ 
4 . 72 , Smith W.'Viiiniilli. .Ill 

f|* 4 > I.KT. Ti iii iii. "t u>. 1 *i.«i. "I I'.. VV . Il l'll. 

1 v\ .i*liinainn-j ii".. "iit.iinina tlv" a«....l *i/. .l 
I", 11. n 1) pup. r« • I ninl ii.t 5 n:.•• I, hint" pml 1 v nii.l 
I.nth, with if.....I .iili . •" 11:.l.1*• i..r *iiinll lmult 
Apply to K. VV. limit. 2 11 

W A.\Ti:it. V ' "P.l'ic if I' I"I UM.11,.1 ll""- Vp1.11 to lh I) ill. It. -J'. A(".. Kn*t W . V lli'.iitli, .1 It 

W AXTI.II. \ 11 .ih|. Imm 1 1 .-. 1 . ,l«.|. r lui u-ik 
ill .1 tl. I .. I "ii t hot li"ii*> Vppl) I" V1 thin 

('I iik, Miil.ll" *•!., I .«t W'fVUlniith. :• It 

Money Saved is Money Earned. 

Wc arc *avlng nuiltfiv for hmnlfcd* of 
famllle* and can do the same for von 

lie have the /.argent Annortmcnt nf All kind* of Iktpular• 
Priced Furniture, Carpet* and Iran gen In .Vew Hngland. 

If there I* anything dial von want in Household Furnishing* 
von will find a large *>tnck here nt Reasonable Brices 

the ••l'i New England Standard and the only refrigerator with 
•date *• ltd v ••*• . IYER JnllNSnN HD^CI.F.S the lio|ie*t cvele at 
honest price* . al*o the Range that ninke* cook I tig en*v the 

Wc have I M’l RIlM i;n WORKMEN 'In ( I I.W. MAKF. 
rtVKR AND RI I (’AlM’Frs and guarantee that vmir work 
will be done satlsfietotil.v 


*»|H-tt an tie. mint with 11* Your credit l* good. 


The Lowest Priced House Furnishers In New England. 


I-I'.t.** I lit ti.-ocU str.Tt, Oiilui'.v 

We keep open Monday, Erltlay and Satur.lav evening* 

Quality Groceries.! 

The duly imposed upon every mini who buys groceries for 
himself mid family is to get quality, liny food, not counterfeit. 

The difference iu price is insignificant when health i* at stake. 

In fact we novel' make llic least difivrenee iu price over others 
who do nol sell the best. 

Our principles compel us to sell tlie very lical ipialil v groceries 
for the same as the poorer kinds are sold elsewhere. 

Bates & Humphrey, 

Choice Groceries, Flours, Teas, Coffees, Spices, 

Central (Square, WEYMOUTH CF1NTBB. 

■firANTF.IO. Till.. p i»i ure r 

"t t'.»0 *. X |.pl V t"'. Il'iUl. !' Mil'll. 

Si., WVyiiH.nlli IK lirlii-. It 

W A AiTi:i*. X 1 .... I i"i- g.-ii. 1 in I" ••• * ■ 

u.tlk I’ll'..*" Hpplv III It" "V "lllllg. Ml*. 

Ib II. N< vin. S 0111 I 1 W"( im.mli. "It | 

W %!XTi:i». V mini ul tiiiuilv ii"<|uitiiiti.l in 

VVi i nioutli, I" vv.'i k .111 tin- ...l.iri. ** pump | 
f..r .-liuitiiim' ' null* nii.l .. »*po*.l*. A.blo.»« ll.>\ i’.i 
VV. ) in..util >.r 5 Pearl Street, quill") . II 

7 1 TATITKIh. IuiloiMtnon* in.m "r iv.muiii 11 * 
VV periiuiiu iit r"iir"*cmi»iiv • m I'lg iniimil'ii. t 1 
uriiig ' " 111 i'ii 11 v, to look niter it- hiiwtiie** in (In* j 
(•"iiiilv iiiiu adjoining t.Tritory. Ibi'ine** *m • <•**• j 
fill uml e«tiil)ll*li«ul Salary ♦ weekly ami "X I 
penxe*. Salary paid weekly from lioineolllce. Ex 

pen»e moui’V a’llvaii. eil, Kxpei. 11.>1 "««" 

Kiirlo*" *. il'ail'lr"**ei| iMivrlop". ••• neral Miiliiiif. i, 
(.'oillo lll.H'k, <'lili'Rgo. -A ft 

W A.TI'KIK People to Know Hut It rowtionly 
ib cent* to luivke known llieir want* in tliiw 


P IIMI.N .1" •iiing upon nnv Imii.l • < | 
I". Ii. lll*truuiellt, 'I'llref I"A*.'II» IV. I k!i . 

• >u Mi.mlai, Wi*iln.’»iluy anti rrltl.*) . upon flu- pi .i" 
anil all vviii.I m *liln^i 'l iii*lriiiii"in». Want .u •) 
inor" in.* for the neiv luin.l: 2 I.»**.•* . «p"' iallv 

I .l"*ireil. rvSTEI.l.m I oMKIlo, 'i oil .. 

St., <>i 7S1 St., I'nxt Weyinoiitli, 1 12 

f"VV* t" pl»|lll" lot tl" 

Plants and Flowers 

Easter Lilies, $.20 and .26 pirllower. 

Azaleas, >60 to 3.00 

Spiraeas, >25, .50, .75 

Rose Bushes' In tlowen .50, .75 

Daffodils, Hyacinths, Tulips, Geraniums, etc. 
at very low prices. 


OttDHK EARLY! Call, write, or telephone. 


\V" . an «tait von in a paying l.u-mc** on 
•mull capital. Machine* eu»y anti *itnple to 
operut". Write for free illn*ttat".l . atalogn.’ 
mnl full information. 


Arthur Clark, 

Central Square, 
East Weymouth. 

U|i|i. 4 lupp aiemorlNl IX nl !•! I oi u • 

Fa. torv Akron. • 

rtfflrr: MM Fulton Nl.. 7.1. 


SMALL LOANS oil peomutl propnly or real 

•••tut.* to till" v 011 over pi"*ent ... . ut I.m 

latex ami privately. For interview_ a.l.lre**, 
••l , ’inani i.T,'* !'..rt Point, N'otth VV'. viuomh, 
.Mil**, **n»f 




At Public Auction: 

In Weymouth, Mats., situated on 
Tremont Street. 

Will l.e »..|.l ou the pr.'liiM"*, 

APRIL 26th, 1905, 

At :i uVImk I*. .71. 

Properly eoii»i-|ing ..l a factory l.liil.ling :i*x20 
iv ith an nl &4x2n,.'i *i<.n. * ami l.a*< mi nt with hi " k ! r ami . ngine 1 1 .>•■»•*. I'ngine ami Ii.iiI.t iii . ..n- 1 
■ lit toll to ll*" illliue.liatel) . I <>t .-..III kill* 7U*4 *<|llal • 

Tlii* * e.'lit r.l 1 1V lo.ateil all. I 1 l"*e I" ill.* | 
ruilroiio. I 

Term*, ♦lou 111 «al". Ilalaiiee 011 <1* livei y ft «K-i-* I. | 
Sal" rain or *l*liie. 

For flirtIn-r iiifonnati.ui appli to 


Real E.late and Inturance, 



Ginghams, Percales, Charnbrays, White 
Goods for shirt waists. Domestic 
Wrappers, etc., etc. 

V1-0 SKVKIt SlIlilXK. ll - iy • .1 I -. a 

pi. vi iil* VV ""1 .11 i.i.f.l* lifiu -I 11 " 1 k ... I 

I".i»"* tlio*.* all* inly -Inlink. 

n r A III UK. VMV TO HKItV V ni l; . I «T"V|I IIH. 


Ilmise and Lot for sale, only $2,150. Iu line condition, large barn 
lloiiHe and I«ot, every improvement, $2,850. Klrelries. 

House aud l.ot, good barn, $J,QOU. 

I louse and Lot, very central, on line of electrics, $2,650. 

Another, House aud Large Lot, improvements, about $4,000. 

( Mliers to show you. 

Money on llond and Mortgage. Justice of the Peace and Notary. 


Norfolk County Kent Estate Agency. 





i m 


W. L. Douglas 


The Leading $3.50 Shoes. 




The books will be ready fordeliv* 
ery on the Saturday following the itiue 
of the Gatette contaimng'.the list. 

Alttlielrr, |. A. (iiitlirie of The I • •» V |6.».6 

liurroucliw, John, l ar and nrat 11 •« 

Caine, 11 all. The prodigal son « i -i.o 

•C’liambct*' c vtlop i'.t iu . I l.nglisli liter 
ature, new rd., l'i z-1 »ot, by I ' 

Patrick ;v. |<cf. 

( .alitane, I. II. M.hIciii "duwtiiai 

piugicss. llliut. 7 3 

••Vehicles ol the road, the kea and 
air. elecUiva! inatvel*. lanns, ( "id*. 
nrwiij»ai»etH, bt. :.e», »ky»tta|icr*, 
and tuniicK all ate doscrLbed hi .. 
simple and enteitamiiig *tv 
(Totkett, S. K. J he li ve* : M -- 

Anne i 

Davis, Mrs. K 11 liil ii,i 

A story I the tune in wli.iii il 
author lived, l- ^mning in thre.ilv 
thiitiew, told m a bi.glit, .. pi 

Dudley, A I . W . . n- tl"- |iv i 

I Urn*. A I 1' iu." ■• lia. 

must. s,i.w 

*!lj/ell'» annual lm t >»f Kel. 

lltli vh, N I' < )i.e*t v I I lit) < iiiii . 

Hull, ll in il x. I * v p • d;.i . 

qurtte ■, in. ;S 

|ame», il'iit). llieamla'-a Ii jo 

) F. M i 

I utlirop, Mi* II M Mai s atet v 

nry). Five little Pep|N t« an l the < 

It.end* i J. 114.71 

M •. Mi» | J). 1 he M 

'“•liuwtiu |'lea*ailt lunat ». I uu 
tiie duties and vapat tie* ..i tat'i . 
and mother m l>uiMin. «I, ! 1 ■ ,-n - 

• hat aitcr 

M- t, | |t. Il.-ffit tl.. Miq i 

l< *bei«». I \V. rlo'i-i ,' liar . 

4 tli cd '4-1 4 *» 

• s '■ •eniakt i.M Nt .. .;*• 

• a aa», |(ut:i S: l'« > t 

Pek u. lilu»t. a to.6* 

Saiitii, A P. till the hi<I.Mav >..431 

Spaik*. II. l n.;. ! sut. 1 \ 

a Map* Ill.isi Ci • 141 

Virndci.lHU Id..., 1 lather'I k'. 

annual. Itluwt , YuU.s 

Wa l-.M II V»i t •j i | .<■ 

• *ut ltl skin. -in 4 153 

Uur littl- Irish vduwan *34.94 

• 'ot I'ltle Plidippir.e . ■• * • J 36 .M 

I, , 

( A HI AN( HAMD I .i.rsrifn. 

Commercial St.. WEYMOUTH. 

Do Not Go Out of Town ! 




H. ZEBER, Leading Tailor. 

1* year* of experience In tailoring 

Opposite Harlow's Drug Store, 
Washington Square, 

In lluUdlng Wllk I III near Laundry. 


Trousers Pressed, 15c- 

Suits Sponged ami Pressed, 65c. 

Suits Cleaned and Pressed, from $bOO 
to $1.50. •» 


GirU for gciierul house VV Oik. table uml 
rhftjuher work : uUo a woman to do the 
rooking in boarding hoiiac (iiHid vv age* 


I. IK:i limn 011> si , gulniy. 


ail I.IXH* ..r 

Carpenter Work and Building. 

Kp. ' ial Attellli- U vi lli I ' . 1 i" .1"I'l.lOg. 

f. O. iddrra*. Llbrriy klrrrl, fu*l ttraiuirrr. 

Adams Building, - QUINCY. 

1 zrt rrzrtj 



121 Beverly Street, 

Tr' Ifr.tni.,*.il , J!**!* 


N utio in III Ul Ul \ I 

• *" r 1 .* I t 1 . I *r .«•■ |■■ >1 lit*.I Adn." 
11 nt iv x "I 1 u. ' *1 «t. r V III! HIM SKKI I I 
,1 . . . • lm.w ■ ' X I III KIM Mill 

,1 I fl W •••">..»• I • 1 ■ • ' V I S III I.'Ik 

.-.I, mt. * 4 .«i« . 1 - * .k. n up.. 11 I" *• 
tru*t bv K• sta*ic h'.ml *•• n.. i .a du.< U. 


that tru*t !•» K““'d 

Ifl.l.t.d t" * . -• J .all..I H|icn 

iu. ltl Iu 

« X llll HIM I *1.1 I I M . 

. !•••- I tl I tie Mn • 

s. <i. Dl .MtAU nl Norlli W i »l"> i» 

in .'l.ufj,.* "f "iir IIhI Air Dipaitmt'l'l, will In' 

|ili':.M<‘it In full "ini plum, anil futimuli'.. 

Now is the Time to do your | 
Spring Sewing._ 


H. Wa Barucs, I 

I'oluiuliluii Ktiunr.'. 



Spotted Fever. 

, i •!,«( ( \ ust i\s \mi ill I io worn "ii iii<- Innoi ftnrmonl. it dlffn*o* nft «1or wlilrli I* 

A- « ,.rov. ..ln«.vo of III'" tliaonw CARHUS- ,\MI'I.KT Ik » .'•*'“1.™. » *< »• 

‘""“'"l k 7 H ' '’:J T5 ; , NM M,n, n-h-oil I In* A.Io. »«. ; .. ** ' >" '* '" nl1 

from tlir nci'k liv tx "ilk o""'- ' ' 

_ _ ._ i,s.*m* Washington Square, ■ Weymouth. 

i\ RH’Yi’EF.s iiu* imm-t cycle m 
me 111 mi make* king i*n*• \ IIm* 

» NVollK MEN I'» n r W. M NKE 
is :iml unfitnnti’i* Him your work 

i ii« Your credit l* uhimI. 


se Furnlskers In New Englind. 


[*t, fjiilm-y 

Friday mill Snmr«tny evening* 

€3. L>. HAKUOWk 

JUST RECEIVED from Ohio** A Large Invoice of 


Vanilla and Chocolate. 

25c per pound. 


Weymouth aid Quincy Adams. 

1 -V\.' 



25c, 50c and 75c. 


Weymouth and 


Aromatic Chemical Camphor ft CUSTOM-MADE SUIT™ S18 1 GIRLS! 

in pound packages. A siil»**tilulv' 
lor ortmplior, cnrlwdie W’ltl. *’lr. 


25c and 50c. 

D. Wilbur, 

Washington St., 

wry man who Ini \m groceries for 
y. liny fond, not counterfeit. 
laignillciml when lion It It i- :il slnlxi-. 
ist diflcrcuee in price ovt-r oilier* 

» sell ilu> very Itesl quality jjpneeiics 
mis an* sn|i| elsewhere. 


jrs, Teas, Coffees, Spices. 1 



l’»lrn*. H»v lirn, 

I Inli.irriHli Mil'll* kin! 


sf i ns an.i ni i ns 

HOUSE, dinner 




Best I ood for Mouse Plants 



I ancy flower 


\ .,*•■ an. I JARDINIERES 

id Flowers 

$.20 and .25 par (lower. 
.60 to 3.00 
■25, .50, .75 
In flower i .50, .75 

Tulips, Geraniums, etc. 
low prices. 


Call, write, or telephone. 






I 194 Dovlston Street, BOSTON, MASS. 

Rare Chance 

ivr.'.v V llnk.r i.r \Y.i.l.limi"'i foi .■niinilior, rnrnniie ni'in. ■ 

linn return",! frniii mi "Xl.'tidPd Dip , mj.. 

thronsli Hi.* willi 'I" T. inpl.' M'"" 1 '' For Moths, Buffalo Bugs and Irlicc. 

«if lidltMi 

\nyoiit- having |*l*tn*.^till'll’* »»T • I 5C pCT ID* 

tZSZSS "" " W, I... Ml MU" »«" 

Irrtlnti being lilide I*' tin- Loyal I .fjul* *** III lilt 1 IdWORl I r I € €*S • 

in 111 confer h fi»v«»r In -ending them 1“ 


m tin- We-yinouili pharmacy Public Library Building. 

Knrinrr VreeUli'iil M,'« 'l„„b‘ n " ..... Tn < t 1 //: 

Morrill, nii.l C"lm IP.inrs Ml«« Ul.'i II ...IHI: PI.Ad. IO £>A\I. AUJIVI. ... 

1 trrhy of Soul li WcVIlloutll. Ml". S. TKI.KIMIONT. 1IIIM. 

l.D.rlr Hull' of Norlli W.x i'll'. Mr. - —-—--- — ' 

Min'M I’toxlblU" of Norlli w. iiiioinli. Have You Ordered Your - - . 

nil inoftiiicr" of WoiiifttiN lii-il.'f 'P" « A i, « ft 

Spring Suit or Overcoat ? 

list rim it'll. Sunday 1 .; „ U ,„ H | t „ look nl my Sprln K ««"'P'- , » f;)'• lu" 

May 7il. TUI'I1M Of im'mli"". Of .JIJ,! w'n.i",,.: «1,1,1, Imv,'ju" „rrlv,"l I Ion,' ,l„' I"""' M"-" ' f"* 1 ' 1 -’" 

Army P«»*l •*,*. deceased since May ’• p| : tb -and my |tllcc*< will please 

MHUl, lIms in pun to l»e teim-mlu . 1 .1 :*I { an|| Qf}nU * Q IPme nls Repaired. Cleansed. Pressed and Dyed. 

II••Illy iitimbrr- tell* XVItli s »'l fe:»r«* !•••*! an 

s..r„„,i, ii,.' •■'„"• '• 24 Pleasant SI., L M, MATHISENy Soulh Weimoulh 

next Sunday morning: "Jhir* lb»>lv :i _ **“ __ " 

Living Snerlllre Roiuoiif* l'J I 1 " . 

Nrxt Suntlay will he Palm Sunday 1 ' ” 

north weymouth. e ast wkymwut " an,) 

nn,I It,o William lly.l,' «.lll l„ , *',„ 1,_____ WEYMOUTH CltNTER. 

tl," mornliiL’ on “WnU'liltm »IU, ' l",i„ V „ v „,„. imvlim |,liot.mrn|,l,» of "„l- , 

fit'll,",'inn,,,'." an,I I" i 1 "' "'v,'„l„u "" I .h..^ itikon tliirtnK H„‘ Civil "„r yv lili-l, ----- 

•‘l’nlni sun,lay." tliry nr,- wllllnR lo I'ontrllmli, lo llio col-j Aiiynnc liavlna pltotocrapl," of ""!• 

—'Til,' inomhcr. "fil," "al," hii i, v flu, l.oyal l.i'Bton ,|,,,r« faken flurliif! il„- f'ivll «,,, wliii'l, 

n.'tiv" oraaiil/.alion I,r yoimi; |n'»|,l" ,'on- , v m ,. n! ifer a favor by "cmllns tl„'„, to llwy a,',' fvllllnu lo cintrilml,, to the col- 

nc'i'ti'il will, 111" I nivi'rsali", "biiii'l, '„ l,l (| ^ Soulb WrymoiUli, will, nan,," ! lection l.t-lnjl mail" by the Loyal Legion 
their annual meeting la-t Samr.luy <■', j ^^ |vl ,| 1 ' u ' 1 , ll |, W rittt'n tli.-r.-oi) will confer „ fnvor by ""mlliig tlimn to 

lug nn,l "I", I",I 11," following "Hi,'",'" | Through tl," olllve of II Walker || n ,loy, South Wi'yinoulb, wIII, „nm,'" 

l , r>'*l,l"„t, Trunk Wnl.l,: vl, " |,r"«l,l"iil". ^ u lll( | la „ warranty ilowl i"' uml ri'glmcnt " rllti'n tl,or.. 

ML"" r.ll/nlH th Hull. I'.'lwli, II,,,.,: """«■* . . ( . . v ,.ying |,ro|,"rty lo .lohn I. Miss I.,„•>■ \ Frim, I, r, l,iri,",l lo 

Inry. Franklin Wlillt",,: trp„",Mi" ,, i,)),. f , urniilei'. imn,",llal" |),,"""»"l»„ i Itrlilg,'water Normal Mon,lay. nfler Inn- 
r.eoi'gla I.. While: illreeloi". Ml"" Mabel Umoml cream lotion: a Mlc. boltle ] i„g S |„."| ber vneatloa with her par,ml". 


Trousers To Order, $4.50. 

(Jot n lint Up of 





nun* hall Morning *M*rvlee at W.flO. Ilm Kaal Weymoutli Savings bank nc* I ^ Card, 

aflermmu at i’:lu, evening at 7 o’clock curred In tlidr rootna Monday evening fin* uutlt > r*<l ,|ied «h* 

Speak, r". Mr ami Mr" .1 Albert rlinm j n„,l ortiecr" for the eii"„lng year "" r " 1 1 „ n !f,i„!| u,,' '„inm v''o'n' n 
horlln Of Somerville Ml., thee M el,Tie,I ns follows: 1're.blent, N I). , lf (ir ,, v „ rr „ nu „, Syr 
I'hnmhrrUt, w III have el,urge of the milsl,' . Cniilerbary: 1st i li'e-pre.lilolit, .losepli f,n, lliri ., .,,, r eongl, ore 
"Do., n,Usual, workers are also | A (fti.hlng: 2,1 vlee-presblenl. T. II | m u,e 

... The pnbtle eor.llally I„nt,"l | Ftncr.on: elerk ami treasurer, .lohn A f „,. t „ rv r ,. f , 

Ml>t Nellie Chandler of Wilton, I l{nyinoml; iruatcea, N. I* Canterbury, (J jj \v,. vm „ ut | 

New Hampshire. I* Ihc gneM of Mr. nml D^vh D Handnll. IVIer W French, F.lhrl.lge Nawh, South W« 

Mr** n. s Chandler of Middle xlreel. ('limit*** II ('nailing, Robert McIntosh, ^ llovt Fast W’evmt 

Buy your spring Imla at c R Ihm- Bradford Hawes, K. A Bleknoll, \V II ^ Dlrklnaon South 1 
hi'oetler’a, 7:lt Broad Mrcel I'rall, II P. French. Cliarlca A. Rmulall, 

Sidney llowker *th**erve*l Ilia seven- .1,»**«>p|i A ('uahttig, M. Slieeliv, F.. <* 
teentli hlrthdav Monthly evening h\ en- Bniea, .1. W. Bates, T. II F.ntoraon. \V ' ,n ' . ' l " 1 s *' - I" 

24 Pleasant St., 


South Weymoultt 

Mr** (» S Chandler of Middle atreel 

Buy your aprlng liaia at C R Den- 
hroe.lei’a. 7:11 Broad atreel 

Sidney llowker ohaervial Ida seven¬ 
teen! h hlrtInlay Monthly evening by en* 

We, the iiinleralgneil, do hereby agree 
to refund (In* money on a fiO-eent bottle 
t»f Greene'a Warrantcal Syrup of Tar If It 
fnlla to cure your rough or cold. W T e nlao 
guarantee n 2*1*cent bottle to prove antla- 

(•. II l’erklna, Weymoutli 
F.lhrldge Nash, South Weymoutli 
<• M lloyt, Kaal Weymouth. 

A M Dleklnaon, South Braintree 



Anyone having pbot»»graplia • *f sol- 
diera taken during (In- Civil war which 

terlaiuing alnml twenty-live of Ilia frienda | ,| Dunbar, dainea Ford; hoard of Invent* 
•it a hlrilidny parly Tin* (*veiiltlg was nn-nt, N. I> Canterbury, T. II Kmeraon, 
ph*asnntly paased with games, inuale, etc , .l.din W. llntea, .loaepli A Cualilng, Ed* 
and refreslnncnts of lee cream ami eak»* ( mnnd (1 Bates, C B Cualilng. auditors, 
were served Mr llowker wn-* the l'eelp -1 .l.meph a. Cuahlng, .lohn W Baton, Peter 

Tuesday aflcr- 

ra*»n W * .It tl«* Willie Say, pa. what Is meant 

of Invest- "e ,m "l„g ‘InngerF’ 

Fillers,,,, 11 " ky, er -any klml «f emirtlng my 
blag, Fil- l’ l,i "ag" News, 


dcs I'. ler -VI«otirr (*«)•'• Apiimt to Wnnun. 

. ' If yon Imvo pnitio in (In* lnu-k, tlrinnrv, Ulmlder oi- 

I lie liens* Kiiliii .v tiiiiriili*, uml wiinl » oortnlii ,ili-tKiin( lioili 

. people eon- ^ n favor by sending them t«» , they are willing to contribute (•» the col- 

eli,neb hebl (| () ( am,th Weymoutli, will, names | lection being mmle by the Loyal Legion 

lent **f many gifts \\ French. Roliert Melntosli. llietreas- Kidnt-v t*l*-. mi,l wmit u rertnin ,»t«*A«:mt hnii 

The member. ,.f the I'ue.ilny nfler- mer. .loin, A. Itnymoml. was a XuatrwU.k-LMfr’" It'u',* nmrXr.V.’ltf'ng 
noon whist club were entertained yestcr- weeks* vacation and .loaepli A Cush- "».nti,i> r*-HMl»ior. At Bninrtcta<*r bv nmilWpi*. 

, . I , , . ifit. Siunpl,' |> i, kite* I llr.l.. \iMrri*!, Tin* Mnllicr 

day afteMumii at the home of Mrs. D l ing was appolntnl to serve during Ida u r:i , , t.rltny, N. Y. tn 

Tllden. and the favors were taken by absence. 

Tllden. ami the favors 

Rose Cream! 

A lino tiling for the akin 
mi,I complexion ; pkjicc- 
i»l(y good for removing 
irceklcs, so prevalent ill 
lliis season of the year. 

.lust rememlicr, too, that 
any physician's prescrip¬ 
tion on any druggist’s 
proscription blank can he 
tilled promptly and ac¬ 
curately ill 



720 Broad Street, Eist Weymouth. 

aa lyr 

(iodol Dyspepsia Cure 

Dlgeit! what you oat 

. Charlotte Stoddard and Mrs Mary charily Whist. 



Central Square, 
East Weymouth. 

•HceemrlHl lleillilleig. 

sold :»t 1‘ulilie Auction on 

:er PRATT. 

$2,150. In line condition, huge lunii 
fluent, $2,850. ElectrioH. 


oil line of elect lien, $2,650. 

>1, iinproYemcntH, aliout $4,000. 

-. Justice of the Peace and Notary. 


y Kent Estate Agency. 


AT 9.30 A. M., t | 1(> | 4tt ,jj cs * Cemetery Impr 

at the Home of MRS. ANN E. BATES, Broad “rr»,lfC 
Street, East Weymouth, „r *i*>' >•»» »■»* >,nn,is„„ 

with Mowers, Mags ami In 

a Lapr,' uml |)esii:il)le Lot **f llmiseliohl (Joods, consisting of Kitchen, various tables ami hootl 
Ch'imbc,' Parlor and Other K,m,it,nv, Carpets, Mnll,esses. Pictures. (Iriu^ slock,"I will, II," usual u> 

...I'*. A.S„ l.„. „r S.:,l,lc Fixings. < i:ir,V*. »n,l ..»«■„ ... and 

I,millers. iniilcs wen, In "barge ,,f 

, , In,lies Kitchen. Mrs. 1- 

Til,, above eliihiiu'cs ... „f tl," best ",,,„ls ever ,,U"r,',l al :, |„,l>UL Mrs .1. F Slicppa 

-nl" in this town and is worlliy „f inspcclmu. kerclil"/, yirm Vi/'.L" V!",' 

TI'.ll.MS Cash at Sale. Mrs. I, . 1 . Doune: "iinf" 





Miss Mllznbetl, Hall, F.tlwin II,,,.,: ""<•«•- 
inry. Franklin Wlilltet,: Ire:,Ml»" 
Onorgln i. While: ilUl'clnrs. Ml"« Mallei 
|A S. Nnsli, Mrs. II F I'errv, Mrs Omirge 

I m i;. liii'knell. I. Slmirl .hmlan. Iblwnr.l 


Miss I-’.li/.ahetli Mall *»f Field avenue 
lias concluded a \islt t«» Washington 

_'1’lie Misses Dora and Hawthorn*- 

Cate of Washington street have been the 

T H recent guests of friends In Everett. 

—At a meeting of the Active V. F. A . 
W held last Friday evening, ex-Fngineei 
U Charles F. lllckliell was elected second 

__ assistant foreman In place *»f Wateruimi 

=^3*^ F Burrell, debased. 

—John Reynolds of Washington street, 
who Is to take up hi** residence in Rmi- 
■ dtdph. has sold his estate 1" William 

| Oa Burns. 

- The annual eulertainineut ami sal*-of 

the Ladles' Cemetery Improvement asso- 
f^fQjd elation was held in Lincoln hall Wedm-s- 
1 day afternoon and evening. The Interior 

of the hall was handsomely decorated 
with Mowers, Mags ami hunting and the 
of Kitchen, various tables ami booths wen? well 
tines, (li tia- stocked with the usual variety of useful 
i Fools mill ,u " 1 f ,l,u ’. v articles, home-made candy, 
cake, fruits and preserves. ct< The 

tables were ill charge *»f the following 
... lathes: Kitchen. Mrs. Prescott Nash; 

al :» piildic Mrs. J. F Sheppard: box, Mrs. 

George P Niles; fancy articles ami hand¬ 
kerchief, Mrs. D. .1 Pierce; let* cream, 
Mrs. I>. ,1. Donne: confectionery, Mrs. 
C. |) Harlow The afternoon's enter- 
. I talumeiil was in the form *>f a juvenile 

for -j;,,- at the Weymouth pharmacy 

\ large line of souvenir post cards, 
Including local views, comic designs ami 
Easter cards at It. F Thomas.’ 

Mr and Mrs. Bela P. Flench 

IV II," Loyal Legion \ |> rBt | Mr-. Sto,l,l»r,l will "•nU-rlnii, ( A ,„ C coiirul charity whim party van 
by "en,ling th",n t„ lb,. "Ini, ",'U T„"",l«y litlil In Temple of Honor hall last Monday | 

'yin,unit, w lib nnui"" Mrs I'Mwnr.l lUckni'll "f llackllobL ! ^Li’nioon, nltuiil neventy bulng |,r"""„t t 

. . Millin'. I" vIMtlng her slatur. Mr" M A I ti ib prl,™ were taken by tl," following 

1 1* ''' 1 Wlllluii," of t'onnnorcinl "tr,'"l. i ln,||", Mr". Waller Wnliicr, Mr.«. Samuel | 

Moiulny. ifb'r bav- Sl"i,,lf:,"t Iti'bi knl, bnlgc will l„,M It" | unnvii, Mrs. ICverett l.ouil, Ml". Harry I 
n will, bar",,I". i- ( .gu'lu,'nu'ctlng Moiulny "xi'nlng. At tli". T' n ,„. r Mm. Cltnrlc" lliunpliroy, Mr" T 

It Is Time To Buy Your 

regular meeting Monday evening \t me , |- n i H . rt Mrs. Charles Humphrey, Mrs. T. 
eoticltislon of the business session an en-1 j F.vans and Miss Josle Cummings 
tertuimuent will he given under tin- di* pntrouesses In ehargt* of the nfl'ntr 
feet Ion of Mrs Fannie Merchant. uer«* Mrs .1 C Anthony and Misses 

Mr and Mrs Waldo Douglas of t«*rtiilniii«‘tit will he given under the di- 
•ekton have been the recent guests of f(M .,| oll „f yj rs Fannie Mcreliani. 

•*. Douglas’ mother, Mrs Margi ls, Kretl Belcher «if Hawthorn street Is 

Edward Brown Is making extensive j of Commercial street 

alterations at his residence on Sea street. Mrs. Helen Tim-11 of Middle Mreet Is 
when- he will soon establish a real estate very til with plotiro pneumonia 

—Mr and Mrs. John A. Raymond have 
Congratulations are In order t.» Mr. i been entertaining Elwyn G Campbell and 
I Mrs Isaac N Melsaae «»f Moulton j little son Malcolm of Fairhnveu lids 
•line, the advent *»f a little son having j week. 

•n celebrated oil Tuesday. | -Mrs. E. E Merchant of Water street 

v Kories of meetings will be held at has gone t * • Dr Emerson’s ho.-pit at at 

avenue, the aovciii-u u***.- •*• iianipsuii*-. i- m.- *»•» 

been celebrated on Tuesday. j — Mrs. E. E Merchant of \\ at*-r street p, Roberts of 1 law 

A series of meetings will he held at {has gone t*» Dr Emerson’s hospital at —Cedric Watson Is 
tin* Third l ulversallst ehureli next week. Jamaica Plain for treatment. ahsccftf* In Ids throat 

Rev. Theodore Fisher of Medford Hill* A regular eon vocation <*f Pentalplia Jig-oil Gasklll am! 
sid«* will speak on Monday evening; Royal Arch Chapter was held last even- t,,.,.,, occupying the ti| 
Rev. I.. W Alt wood of South Weymoutli j ing in Masonic hall, Frank W Bates, II ^ Speare’s residene 
on Tuesday evening, and Rev. Harry Fay p., presiding. The work of the evening Philadelphia ' 

Flster of Arlington on Thursday evening, consisted of the working *»f the M M Harold Fay *»f . 

is Margets, Fred Belcher of Hawthorn street Is I y| dr | on Mann, Alice Blossom, Florence | 

sutlerltig from nn attack of the grip Hobart, Fannie Wlilton and Georgia Cush- 

Uhll*- street Is . MrM Daniel Hurt of Shnwmut street, l|1|? T |,e parly was a most enjoyable j 
•* !l who has been spending the w inter in Bos- j u|u ,^ y lc young ladles In charge receiving 

Inymond have lo ,i, has returned to town f«»r a short l|u . niinm ondatlon of all present, and 
t ampheil and t j, 1KV hopes are entertained that another may 

lirhnveii tlds Roger Holland of Hinsdale, New soon j >p 
Hampshire, is the guest of Ids aunt, Mrs. j 

Wat*-r street p Roberts of Haw'thorn street I * * * * * . . 

... f The Loyal Temperanee Legion will 

•. imspitat at (v*lrle Watson is snllering from an , / ,, 

meet Sunday afternoon at J o clock ami a 

,r IVninb.b'i '’I,'.?’ 1 "'. . ,, , i InrR" alien, loui'o I" ilcslriil a" Important 

" r 1 *ntalr*,** 1 .lcr„U (lanktll anil family «b„ bni" .. . .. ... 

I Royal Arch Chapter was held last even- j K , p|l occupying the tipper teiieiiu-nt of A 

Harold Fay *»f Jamaica Plain, 

ceviee t*» he held on Friday after- j degree on several candidates by members | ||l|t|l lljt . ,,f ids aunt. 

noon will he conducted by the pastor, of Saint Stephen’s Royal Arch Chapter of 
Rev. Melvin S. Nash. (Jnlney 

Carson’s Amulet will prevent eerebro- i —At the meeting «»I the select men lu-hl 
spinal meningitis. r.i»e. at Harlow's. See j Monday afternoon, Thomas B Loud was 
tt ,l i appointed lockup keeper for this ward. 

Russell I! Whiting is on a business -The members of the Albemarle wldst 
trip through New Hampshire lids week. | club were entertained by Miss Lisle I* 
The regular meeting of the Century I IJtehllcld al her home on Station street, 
chit) was In-Id in the vestry of the l'il- Monday evening. Mrs. Fred Pratt made 
grim ehureli last Friday evening. The | the highest score for the evening, while 
company was pleasantly entertained by a | Miss Irene Nicholson of West Somerville 
«Hiart*-tte composed of Charles Williams. | made the lowest score. At the e*iuelusion 
nils Rent, Herbert F. Curtis and A J I of cards a ehallng-dish lunch was served, 
Sidelingcr and by M E. Hawes of East | Miss (ieorgia L. Cushing and Miss l.ilia 
Weymoutli who gave an interesting talk Rice presiding over the dialing dishes, 
upon the subject of poisons. At the eon- | The unthpu* costumes worn by some of 


3 ll 



uml be prepared for the work 
April showers will cause you 


Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened Now 


Miss Grace Rickuell and Miss Flora llavl- 
lund, rentiers: George Cliamherlain. v«»- 
ea| stihis The evening’s entertainment 
consisted of the presentation of t li«* 
comedy. -•Suiihounets” by the following 
talent Mrs Amos,1. Loring. Miss Carrie 
Rotdlison, Miss Helen Shaw . Miss Grace 
Collins, Miss Mabel Nash, Mi-- Mil«lr«-*1 
Bailey, Mi— Annie Robcry, Miss Nellie 
Pierce, Miss Lillian Goodwin. Mrs. II F 
Perry anti Miss Relnc llt-ntlt-r The alfalr 
was’well putrtml/.etl and m-tteil 1 lit- asso¬ 
ciation about 8100. 

Humphrey **t llawllmjy street this week 
diaries It Luring i- «h>lng jury tltily 
at DtHlhaui. 

Carson's Amulet w ill prevent cerebro¬ 
spinal meningitis. :*0e nt Harlow’s See 

The annual uniting of the Falrnitmnt 

W. C. T. U. Notes. you will! lien*, m 

The Loynl Temperanee Legion will 
meet Sunday afternoon nt :t o'clock and n 
have ^ ttr 8 e attendance Is desire*! as Important Wish ngton Squire, 

r . business Is to come before the meeting 1 

of A ' —- 

, d to w r T heltl a very Interesting u aj un ^t s ■ 

meeting In Temperance hall Wednesday o V 

i has afternoon, the subject being “Railroad ‘liTUC 

Albert Work," and led by the president, Mrs 11 IllL 

w*s-k Raymond. Several papers were read, 

, v ,| nlv and Mrs (V W Endleott, Mrs L. M TL fi MeC 
Blackwell and Mrs. Hutelilnson M»ve 1 ,flC ' 

i*n*hro- readings. By, request, Mrs. Blackwell 
i see sang “The Battle Song." 

The L T. L will have a magic lantern 
•mount show Monday evening which will he in All tho Pn 


The Coliiinhlnn $<iuurc Urocrr, : : Soulh Weymouth 


Wliclher you xvisli Trimmcl lint", Hcady-to-Trim lints, llntrimmcil lints, 
Klotvcis, Kolinjir, Novoltics, TrimmingB,- or llibhons. you i nn Itiul just fvlmt 
you wnn Itm*. im,l nt the vight |)ricca, too. 

Nishtngton Squire. S. A. WHITE, Weymouth, Miss. 
11 Hunt’s News Room.” | “ Hunt’s News Room.” 


The Medal and Bouud-To-Win Libraries 

The Best Books for Boys. 

t vini'tt'r v nssuclutiol, bus Ii "lit In the cliarge of Arthur Illrkni'll, an, I It Is l,u|,",l 
rooms of ttn* saving" bank l„"t "vunlng, u large „„ml„'r will l,u |,r"»",,l n "„r- 
:o„l tl,.' follnwlsg oltlcers for tl," "nailing dint Imitation 1- "Stt'iioisl to "verytiody 
yetif wore "l""l",l l-ri'Slili'tit. N D t’nn- lnt"r""1",I 

eotteert In wliicl, ll," following yoaiitj si, let l„ "<■>' and l,v M K. Ilawe" of Hast I Miss Oeornltt I. f, 

l f ;;r ..».k I u.™„r,,,,n„n »*•, 

upon the subject *>f polstms. 

ti-rlmry: secretary ami treasurer, J*»lin A. 
Rayunmd: standing committee, M E. 
Hawes, E. G. Bates, Charles Harrington, 
IK-la P French and W. P. Denbroeder. 

- The funeral services of Ralph Salvato 
wo-re lu-hl Tuesday morning at the ehureli 
of tin- Immaculate Conception, Requiem 

Are tlu* l*:iinN you’ll want thm 




ig $3.50 Shoes. 



ling, * QUINCY. 

Wall Paper, Oil Cloth and Linoleum. 

M. R. LOUD & CO., 


elusion of tin- debate refreshments were the ladles were most effective and greatly urn , Tuesday morning at the ehureli 

served by the committee of the evening, admired liy all Tin* next nn etlng of the 0 p n,,, immaculate Coneeptloti. Requiem 

.Joseph Poulin. Dr W \ Drake and rlith will he held with Miss Kin- at lu-r ^j asH i„.iug sung by Rev l-’r. 

Jostali II ITatt. | home on Middle street. Maurice Lynch, ami the church choir 

Mi— Mary Magay «»f Camhrhlge has Little Miss Helen Ni»'k*-i>*'ii Rnnvll f ur „ishlng the intisle under the direction 

been tie* recent guc-d of Miss Mabel F of West Everett has been \i-iting her 0 f Miss Alin* Feiiuoll, tirganlst. There 
Sampson. I graiulpurents Mr and Mrs. Louis Nicker- w ,. r( . iuterrnl at St Francis Xavier 

Mr. and Mrs George Davis «»r Merrl- son and Mr ami Mrs Charles Burrell. t’cmclerv. 

mac were the guests of Mr and Mrs. J -A very Interesting meeting of Ih-y- y . M. C. A. Auxiliary. 

James B French over Sunday j nohls W I! <' was held in G \ R. hall meeting of. the ollleers ami ehaiiineu 

Mrs Russell II Wldtiug is being | Tuesday afternoon and evening Suppei ,. 0 |„,nltt*-A*s «»f tin- auxiliary eonneet«sl 

entertained by Lynn friends this week. I was servosl at "•'» o'clock to a large mini- t | M . \v**>*i,i«»»ltli V M. <’. A was held 

Mr. and Mrs. J. B French have been j l H *r, and was followed by an excellent Hmhome of Mrs. Arthur Cunningham, 

Delegates from tlu? local Reform Club 
will attend tin- lOOLh convention «»f the I 
Massaehusetts Slate Temperance Reform 
Club in Waltham, Wednesday, April PJtli j 

T hirnp Worth Thinking About- 

••If a man eau write a better hook, 

High Mass being sung by Rev Fr. preach a letter sermon, or make a better 
Maurice Lynch, and the church choir mouse-trap than Ills neighbor, though lie 
furnishing the music under the direction imlld Ids house in the woods, the world 

All the Popular 







- Uu* inf HU lio 

imxinai’ituN ilsni. I 

..Best Authors.. 


A copy. 

was well putronl/.ed and netted the asso- mae were the guests or Mr and Mrs. | A very Interesting meeting of Rev¬ 
elation about 81hd. James B French over Sunday j nohls W. R. C- was held In G \ R- hall 

'I’lie Cnioii Clmreli <>f WcymiMith and Mrs. Russ.-ll II Whiting is being Tuesday afternoon and evening Supper 
Braintree wlllcoiiiincinorutc Pa—i<*n week ,. llt ,., j„j n ,.d by Lynn friends this week, j was serv*-*l at «• :’*«• o'clock to a large mini- 
as follows nn Sunday. April l'dh, the and Mrs. J. It French have been | iH*r. and was followed by an *\«-«-lh-nt 

pastor will preach a sermon appropriate ' 

to Palm Sunday on “Facing the Inevi- entertaining Mrs Joseph R Graham of | entertainment. 

table." nn Wednesday evening at Raugor. Maine. M W Wilkins, national orgam/.er or 

Rev..LG Miller of Atlantic will speak Manuel Page lias purchased the liaru | the Socialist party, gav«* a lecture in 

"" 'J" 1 '-', . . ll ". „„ I. -t,""t I,".Kina t,. W \ 1-rim '|'"||||,"||II.I'" Imll Tit"",111, "V. tilna. taklna 

PaoMon'^-'.'^ T’.'trTMlt'ro.'lu' 'ov.-ttlU at ,„„l l,»" .. lllll I,-a. I,. j for 1,1" "Tl," n„-" Siruaal"' 

;.;l„ o'llot'k lli'v.U I. York"of \V""t M",l- a liluhl.t ",i('""""f„l o,„l very Tl,.Him »u» 1,,'M „t„l", 11," :,„"|,l"t'» 

We are Headquarters 

Carden, Flower, Crass 

English Lawn Seed, Fancy Red Top and White Clover. Timolhy. 


table." iMi Wednesday evening at 7.Ju ipiugor. Malm*. M \\ AV llktns, national *»i H an./» i 

Rev. J. G Miller of Atlantic w ill speuk Manuel Page bus pureliased tin- barn | the Soelnllst party, gave a lecture in 

ott "Tl," Hours"—lak"„ fr ,«"' *■>,• n|| ( .' u| . Mll ... \y \ 1'riit, T"iii|,"ia„i" 1,1,11 T„"",luy "V"t,l„i!. taklim 

'7',',rr X .'-.Tlno a, a„,n,»" m,,,., ",IIU" Dr.'!,* lllll !,"a"li. i for 1,1s "„I,J"«'I. "Tl," Has" Siruuul"' 

7.:it, ti'i'loi'k 11,'v.ll 1. York"„f W"St .M",l- a lilnlil y '""f„l an, I vfry "itjoy- ... wa» l,"l,l umi", ll," u„"|,l", , » ..„.. 

fnril will "|,"ak on "Tl," cit'"'it,„"-» "f a lil" ,lamin'' |,artv was Imlil It, r.iml,," , of tl," Wi'ynioull, Sndalisl ll„',,. ( .|i ui | it wn« vole,I to pay "licit sum tr» one that la ranTy cnrml. A|,olof 

■nlursliav'l^ iminV",l.,"",lav"U...l.,K.. tin. .Ur. "- j In cliaru" l»,ln« (' A I'Unl. r W um) , j,,. « () «,1 their e#«llant wroite aMo out. Nine 

foro'llt" "riicliuiott on Krltluy "T.'itltm lion of a party „f y„ui,n la,lit" ronslstlim c.i.lirttii ami li M plctlfi" I, was I lien v„l",l to place the of ten, I he lira thing a man c, 

at 7 ::u o'clock tin* pastor, in memory «»f ,,f Mis- llertba Braysbaw. Miss Bessie -Mrs. Lucy Hayden, Miss Blanche | lf| | tt|ll . ( , |„ tin* liamls of the committee knows of In shoitcoinlng 

Good Friday, will speak on •■Tim attrne- |» ol ,nn. Miss A Ethel Pomeroy, Mrs Bates and George Burin* went to Fall 
live power of III" <To»s" ••\„'l I. If I In; . i>.,.ilin. Ml~" l.illlau <i H„g#l"» | .. ..,lny wli"r.' they iit,. „.l."l 

-r;,” >■ s. „e,^„f..,.-*>-••• 

i-ordlully Invited to these »erviees. on'lu-slra furnislml music, ami dancing | —Mrs S It Atwood and Mis. 

Mrs R. T Rollins entertained tin- was enjoyed until twelve o’clock ] Knowles, who have been spending the 

members or the Puritaua wldst club at \ meeting of the ladles’ circle of the i winter with Mr and Mr- L M ( al ter of 

her lioni" on \Va"l,lni!i„„ "lr",•, T„"",l„y ,'„| v ,. r s U llr.t i lnir,!, will l>" l„'l,l i„ lh"jMhlill""lr""l,l,av"r,'luri,",lloll„'lt "„,„- 

... »■=*“-.- a. ••VI"* ncM mer hoi.. iirl,u„". . 

of Miss All," l'"„„"ll, organlNl. There w ||l tuake a lieatcn path to his iloor. 

tnalti" were internal al SI Krai,els Xavier ,,|,; v ,. rv .. who eau lie u llrst-rate 

eeinctery. soiueUilng—as every mail can he w ho t» a 

V. M. C. A. Auxiliary. titatt at all—Inis no right to he a llfllt-rale 

A ineetliig of Ihe ollleers ami elialriiieii H 0 , m .t|,lnic; fora llfth-rate soniethlng I" 
eoiiimlllees of ih" nuxilitiry "mni""t,',l |ln |„.n,. r man a llrst-rnt" imlhliig. 
nil III" "loiilh y M < A was h.'M .,| t n0 | a question how much a mail 

tin: Imme of Mr". Arthur CuunhiKhain, know ,, tlL wllU um! make of 

Mill" "Ireel. Kriiluy of InM «,rk. w , l#l km)wll: not u 1 |U es,lon of what! 
.... "onshli'rallou wa" ll.o ^ ^ a( ., |l||rcNl> ,„ 1W |„ H ' 

spomil of III" auxiliary's ruiiil" »ll» ," trulixwl. l.ut of wlial li" 1" ami what he 
will lie remembered that the hoys of ^ 

a* association pledged 8 -° t«» the? state , 

ork. Thai .Ms obligation may I." "ApologuluK -a very ilesp. r.te hal, _ 

•lieu, ll WI." V. I lo pay "»"1, sum »" that rarely euro, 1. Apology Is only 

iuv It" r...|..l,",l to make goo,I their egotism wrong able out. Mne times out 
, .I,, ... «},„ of ten, the llrsl thing u mans companion 

III Ihu Ii,IIII" of Mrs. Arthur (Tim,liighoui, 
Mliltll" "Ireel. on Kriilay of l 0 "l wia'k. 
The matter miller eoiisMerallou was the 

ills).. of II," auxiliary'" filial" S1111.77 

ll will he reineinhertal that Ihe boys of 
lb" usHoctntlon |,l",lg",l S2" to llie "late 
work Thai this obbgallou may lie "iiii- 

Watlmiiilan Square. 
, Weymouth. 

lifted up from the eurili. shall draw all 
men unto myself " Tin* public i- most 
cordially Invited to these >ervlees. 

• Mrs R. T Rollins entc>rluliu-*l the 
members of the PurRaiia wldst club at 
her home on Washington street Tm-sduv 
evening. The club favors were taken by 
Mr- J II Walsh and Mrs W II Clapp 
and the guest*' prize was awarded Mrs. 

Knowles, who have been spending the 
winter with Mr and Mr- I. M.< arid' of 

balance in the hands «*f the committee 
appolnte*! by the president «»f the assoel* »l M »logy 
at 1*>u, the ••ullr*' funds to he used for the* “Greu 
decoration of the High school ball dents a 

Annual Inspection. ,,u 

“Great ami small have the same acci¬ 
dents and tin* same vexations and the 
same passions; hut one Is at the elreuni- 

niibum iinpiT iiuii. . . . , i ,i .. 

Tli" oiiiiuiil lns|M'"lIon ,,f KoulliKliore f"r"ii"« of ll," wl,""l. ami tl," oil,01 niai 
iTiinmiiiab'ry. Knlglil" Ti'inplar", oeenrriHl tl," ei'iitcr, ami ll„>" 1""" agltatcl by ll," 
al ilii'ir axylui,,. Masonl" hall. Moialay same moveiacnts 

"Ini'",lay nfler,mon for tin- purpose 

After u few ,!„>• Ill,,""" of I 1 ,,"',* 

"lolling. Tile ll,"peeling olllccr wa" Km. 
Kir Cliarb "I l.llehllebl, liraml I'aplaln- 

•'ll Is lesson nfler lesson with the scholar, 
blow after blow with the labor, t, crop ufier 

The Larflett Line of the S. & S. Ten-Cenl Books on Ihe South Shore. 

u Huh Vs JVe wh Room,” 


Hast Weymoutli. 


PAINTS for nulHhle nml Insble In nil Ihe new shodus 

ni kl.PCO In while nu,l color, w ill make obi Ceilings look Ilk" new. 
IIASKKH I.VK for cleaning; liest disinfectant on til" market. l-HUNWfl SAWS 
JAP-A-I.AC for renewing wood work. KI.UOII STAIN AND WAX 
IIIIIJKHKS or all kin,Is 

A new anil well "elecU"l slock of CUTL.HKY. 


an m il xiw wisiHiw with iyust-ci.ahk i'I.i Mins,; msi' 



II. II llaeliebler .'. . ... the lunch "nmpletlng plans fur the May breakfast j mollis, Kruuk W. Tlsdalo pas",',I uwiiy nt (i ,.| U . ru | „f ||„, iiruial (Tiinmamb'ry „f ero|i willi the fsrmer, picture aflerpb- 

wa« u large cuke In lainiir of III" bn"l"»"' w . r , m lb" u-try fr. I" bis bom.Middle si reel. Mmiduy. aged Mtt „ >ai .|„„ t .,| H nml llliod" Island, wlie tnre willi the artlsl, step after step and 

I'undb's' h ‘.'ontaimd’‘ ii''gold'ring, a oVba k on the.ruing of May \ d" years. I, moi.lli" uml :M day.- ITineral . H;1 , ..h v tt »„li"„f about forty mile after mil" will. Ill" traveler, Hint 

I lilmld" and u "oln. I'll" ring wu- The uniiuul ill,"ling of tho ladle" , "ervlci'" were held front bis late lesldem',' ...uumbrs from I lie neighboring gains what we all desire— Success 




I Norlli Weymouth, who i* 
d Air I>e|unhnent, will he 
siihmit (dun* and cMtiimitcn. 

Time to do your 


GO TO... 








wa»* a large cuke in hoimr of the ln*>te-- ... .., r . ...t ... 
birthday The cake wa** decorated with ' ' 

candle** ami contained :» gold ring, a uehtek on tin- i 
I thimble ami u coin. Thu ring wa- mu- The annul 
cured by Minn May ('liesKinun. the thimble r |,.,.|,. ,,f the l 
by Mr-' Paul Garvin and the coin by MImi* w t . l | nt .^d»v aft 

Edith Hunt . 

the enMUhig > e: 

The annual meeting **f the Ladle*' p r ,. s j,|,,„j f \j r , 
Cemeterv llil|»roveiuenl a**oeltitb'ii will ’ 

lie held at the I'ctddcncc <>t MImm S June pre-ideiU. Ml- 
t’lupp, Front »treel. «»n Thuoday aft*-r* amt treaaurer, 
noon. April if", at • o’*-h>ek Tlu- report j^dwiant Meere 

n airtAI UITTIUPP •-ur*-*l h\ Mi-m May ( lu-i»i»nuin, tin- iiiiumu- 
UUr lltll IflAI I llludi hv Mr-' Paul Garvin and the coin b> Mi- 
nincDP 4 EdRh Hunt. 

WALL PAPlHS and The annual meeting "f tlie l.udlc* 

umiiniupo remet*-ry Itnprovemeui :»*•*•<*elml«*n will 

IvlUULUINuO... he iiehl at the reahU-nee ol Mi-- S Jan* 

Clupp, Front Hlreet. nn T'hur»*»lu> ufl«?r- 
trr hum oa rvlitbliluu and )uu m,»m. April Jf". al *»'* hH k Tlu- report 
nrr rurdlall) lailird lu mil ,if the Male wIII be made and ollieeis* w ill 
mid latpnl lltriu. TlirdUida) be eleeied for the eimuiug a* ;o \ full 
raibrai-rk nil ul ilir Xraffi nUendame 1 - rcqiicMtcd. 

UrklBBB and I* oar of llir aioki . . fc ,. n , 

"" »* »Vll"»,atn. fonnes-tteut. Motatav 

to lie her red l u the \e«*try from to '• IiU home oil Middle at reel, Monday, aged 
o'clock on the morning of May •'’• :*•- yenra,monlliM and :*• day* Funeral 

The annual meeting of th»r hnllc*' Mervleea were held from Ida late rnddriicc 
elr»-le of the l nivernallM ehureli wan held ycNlerduy afternoon. Prof. Dallu* Sharp. 
\Vedne>»«lay afternoon, when olllcd'H for t a former pastor *»f the Port«*r M I. 
the doming year were A-hrted an follow m | ehureli. ollleluling Tin- deceit mam l leaven 
pr«-*i,lent. Mr* D J Sampson . vice- u wife $tid live children 
president, Mr* Samuel Drew. Mceretury i Mra. George II Hum had a* her 
ami t return rcr, Mi* .loalali II Pratt; gueat oil WwIncMday, Mi- I- rederh'k Reed 
a-*i-iani Mcen-tury. MIhh Mary \mlrew> | of Melroi**- 


ewmmundcric* \t b Juan elahorau? ban* 
• pu l wum aerted by the popular caterer*, 

“Every man inuat wlucate lilinaelf. 
Ilia hooka aud teacher are hut helpa; the 

Washington Square, 


Humphrey, to about one hundred wor j. | t | M \ man la not A**lm ated until 
amt Hcvciily-llvc |m-o|»1c MuhIc for the j,,. |,*h the ability to numnion, In an enter* 
evening wa- furnlahnl by Sir Knight hia mental powera lu vigorous ex- 

eornellat. ami Sir Utiiigltt | t«i <*H«*<*t It,* proponed object 

Ford Furniture Co., 

Ttlr|ilionr 1(1-7. 

Broad Street, E»6t Weymouth 

Spring Announcement. 

For Sjuillj 

wc:ir we are ot1cril)“ a huge line of Men'*, 
J.ailiea'.Mi**! 1 **' and ( liildriMi'h 

:m*l |h»v*»', 

The Ladle*' Hehuhert •niartet -ang ' ' ' 

at Windham, ronueet lent, on Monday at Mttn*l.i. Mi** *•« r 
tlm funeral of Jonathan Hatch, an "*• 11«*ui \ li Stile* 
veutor, w Iiomc puteutM In nuielilm i > a - l lu regular hu 

known throughout the world ^ pci will he 

The l'nl«m National bunk imil.i u- Hie l nivci*all*t i 
ami building o«'eti|ded by I’ II Frai> ami lAl ., 

IM (' P Whittle, together with thch-i- ~ 

ii|h>u which llu v lo'Uled. will be *.»Id :i '* “ 1 1 ' " ' f ‘ 

public auction liy ltin*aell li. Wonder :u i,«-.u enter turning 
;io n'eloek tomfii.iw Saiur*la> after- w.*i 
uoon. April ]*• 

Tlu- inciuhcr* *»f the Aetlv*- \ • I ' j Why do you li 
are to hold a Iihim-w arming at tlu.rim .uierpri**- on Frhlu 
III l.ineolii h'tuur*' m \l W* dn*-*d:o *-\« 

well. uuawet 
"The eliuueea ure i 

Sylvtuua ll Kkcluiloud has lieeii a , . 

|S.lllU"l keep of ll.. I". k-„|. in |'1:>* " *»<«,! be asm 

(be late \V K Ituirell »mii"Uill,g to l.lan 

aiidUor*. Mr* Summ-I Drew ami Mr* 
.lame* li Flench; director*, Mr* George 
Aim*. Mi* ho|>lilu Beal, Mr* Flunk 
Kitlredge, Ml** Gertrude F Ileal* Mr* 
lleury li Stile* 

Tin- regular limduc** meeting of the 
t PCI w ill he Iiehl III the parlor* of 
llu- l nivvr*all*t elmn-li tld* Fri*ltt> 

.f New I'UI *tli 
Id* brother 

Mr* —The Hat III day Night whi*t * luh met 
ieorg*- lu»l Saturday evening with Mi> George 
Frank 1 L Whileoiilhof Cedar aWeel. ami the 
Mr* ' prl/.oa were taken hv Mr* Walti i Walker 
i uml Mr* Everett I.uml During the even- 
• f tlu- i ing refreshment* wef *' ive«l On Tin-*- 
ir* of i duy evening the elulM>b*ei ve*l geuth-im-n * 

riilu> night ut the i'*-*ldeu**«- of Mr* Clayton li 
Mcrchont, eight table* ladlig occupied, 
i-t Iiu* Tlu- ilr*t pri/e* f*»r llu- evening were 
from awarded Mi* Walter Walker uml Mr 
Walker, while the *e««*ud pri/e* were 

Arthur M .. J. I'‘',»l"t sad, liolp a» «.• . «lv" "id, oil,", „, 

Mrthcdifcl Fpiiropal Church Notet. thi* world lag debt to each other and 
The Red* w ill entertain the Blue* tld* | | nau who |»ere»-lve* a superiorly or a 
• vtuing with a sociable, entertainment, rapacity in a subordinate, ami neither 
.... In the wildly of the church, uml a confesses nor u**i*(* it, l* not mere!) 

.1 ,,,,,, I the wItliholder of klinlliess, hut the com- 

moat enjoyable ciYulng i* antlcIpatcAl 

IU addition pr tlm regular music Iasi - -- 

Snmbiy uiorulug, .lohn NN Bate* played t fo Cure a Cold In Ona Day. 

v iolin *ol«i, Aid'* “Spring Song." which Take l*axulivc Broiuu Qululnc Tablet* 
wa- n-mlere*l hi a v*-rv *yiil|»atlu-li< \jj druggist* refund the inoiu-y If It full* 
| manner, and wa* greatly appreciated 1 ' i u» cure E W Grove's signature l* on 

All Rail Anthracite 

is the 

, tru r, , \t. 

all t In* wav front lit" iiilii"" in tat" ronm"|U"Ull)' ll l» 

. tiroki'ti. t'b'Utii'r an,I itmd, better limit Hint vomlut; t»y I",at" 

llmur.i .lilt tuur nrdrr. uar ul our t .lradar. or aa kllrbrn Mol. 




Cord, Wharf SI.. FAST Vl’KIMOl TH. 

Tel. 21-2. 

( taken by Mr* 

Why do you luslst ou *turting that | Everett Loud 

•d vl*'* of tlu- lu w 

sol TH VV KV MOt Til. 


(If i u'iy ,b ", i i|.tion 

W. 7VT TIRRELL. Slr,*H, 

I « Ivpltttn* Ml A 


Putroluitu A J L«»ilug of tlu* Ilia ' 
iree polU'e tlepailnu-ut. i* confined to I 
home hv u severe uttu* k "f rlu-uuiuti-u. 

Fre«l Cotdidge hu* n»ov < d fr*»m I •- 
-t re« t l*» Mam lie*ter. N ll 

( arsou - Amulet vv ill pi • v« nt * * i< •> 
-pluul lueiuiigltl*, ‘.o, ut Harlow - >• 


The uuiuiul iue«‘tiug of tlu* ' ;IIuj- 
('••meU-ry \**<H'latlou wu- In M In Ai 
j < nuuiii hull April Tib uml lie !•> 
vv *1 «• 1 e-cle* («•*! u* ollleel* NVill N NN al 
lu* *-. preshleut; Wciulsll B t'lu|»J' * n <• 
pie-ldeiil . Fiaiu i- M Dr«»vv ii. tr* a-m• ' 
amt clerk .l*>«l|l Sheppuid. George H 
Itb km ll. F.dward I Rh liar«l-. Frum - I 

ix Hi" • 111 t'»! * l.'Jlb f II * I ni * ■ > 

.**- on Friday tlm Lllhv 

NVell. ' answered the llloro*e iiittlb 
I'lte chance* ure that anything I under¬ 
take won't tie a MIH'ee**. Wild I like lo have 
something to blame the failure for " 
NVu* hi ngton Slur 

; elaborate colist 
cold lllettls. let - 
I wu* served * 


son of S.unci ' • have l»e**n the re 

giientSofMi NVehster'* bridlui. NV 
NVelisU-r «»f Broad *tr*-el 

(’limb- 11 "lb - and family have in 

I!" „i,,br"lt:i„"l. >l"«tr.' to > .. Mlll .... to 11 iti^l.uiu 

It".I" tbunk" In til" fri.-ti'l" and . 1 , 

,i ii sine* iv (hunk- l*» the friend* uu«l 
uch’lilsM'*, who by vv«*r«l *>r *le*-*l lu-l|M*«I 
to lighten tin* hui,leu of onr leeelil ulllb- 
tiou \Yc would e*pe« iully thank the 
!>rolher- *»f the *iversl «>rgsul/atiou* **f 
which our luisbuml, fulhei uml brother 
w U* u member, the Rev Mi'lvill s \a*li 
lor Iti* *omf<iiiiiig wold-. Mi** Sherman 
tor her sweet Milo* uml those who sent 

llow Cl * 

Mu* 1. M lit hum i 

and family 
Mi Mm NV IU<i!i;in 

".•.■on,I |.rt/"" wi r" tti" I'oiiKN’iiatbiii 
.1 I, tioo.lojt.'.xl unit II," "bolr nliL'ar.ut will I," l„l,l u, 
l ollouiiiti wlitii, ut, ri'.hb'i,".' of tin) iliorlMtir, *V. II Tu',. 

,ii mnoUlinu »f "uluil". tomorrow Satur,ln> "v.ulut!. In~i. :,.l 
lull, " nn,I roll" at It," "It,tri ll, »o lo Hut tmual "tialoni 
Hal"." .X Uilni|>br, x. l b" bi'lti" ""K'lal "iri'li! Iivlil lt« nm,„»l 
iii""tiitn bi Hi. iliur. li |,ailoro IVidU""'l»x 

\rllttir W.'lul.'r amt ... an.1 tbr followliiB«IH"rr» w.-rv 

Iiux.' I,". ii it," i. ■ i'Iiom'U for tin "uautuii xrar I'r.>bl"i,t. j 
►t"i » I,rnili,t \v |; Mr. Dllinr funulmsbam I", xi"" 
.Invt |ir.**lxl"«l■ Mr. tioorif" Hat"" *d 'i 1 "- 

nit,I (ntuilx hux" ttinx t"t |>r.',bb lit. Mi" XX illian, llux.-r ""tt, 
In 111,1^1,am tut). Mr, Wittier XX'ulk.r tnaauri't 

x Mil,, l,ax" Ml" XX llllui.l Wltealnll Hi" l> |",ft "I 
Ida. an t liux" .turtiHl lb" ti'llrlu): lr.a»ur"r "bowed lliat duriui; 
k. unit later XXill take tbe fa-l xear tlie lu.ll.-n bud "arm'd » 
ialMai,..i lit S||||.|M1II xxli.'li xxa« uuwl "inoiironiui; X' 

. Ill" > 1111 " a- la»i ""U- 1 o o'l'lot'k "Uinur XX.,- ..rxed l,y Mr» 
Arthur I nnninuham Mr* Will Aim*, 
mouth branch «.f the Mi* NVallsee Wluioii and Mi* William 
toiiui v Altiuu* e UU*1 ihe Wheaton 

*£»_Get Your Money’s WmKi. 

Mi in Mr*, (aeorge \ Mil** have 
bit Davt 'i !• Florida, uml Iium- *iuite«l 
north f<" " Vork, uud luter will take 

,-lmrgt- "f 1 «' "Royal Mauoi ut SUippsu 
Point. * •uiieetleiil, tlu* same a- last *eu- 

I l.u*t NVeyinoutli braueli of llu 
{ |,n-: an uud Missionary Allium e uml tlu 
l ait Mission will hold Go*p« I nu* tiug 
| ,l.o NVedne-tlay. \pni I'b iu Temper 

Annual Meeting. 

The annual im'eliug 


Chickering Piano. 

A uien one, cost new #4*'*h Grand 
tone full, rich and mushal A better 
piano than Ihe new oue* s»>l*l ul 

Also erne Bquarc Piano ul«* « a**-. t»me 
uml uellou 87*" 

Either one for cash or ou ca*v term* 

L. W. NASH, 

22 Commercial Street. * WCVMOUTH. 

Money, we’re **» often, told l* the root of all evil; yet who of u* have not 
wished ul time* that we might have u few cords of the root But instead ot 
Hu- Idle wishing, prudent |*eoplc look more closely after their cxjveud.ture* 
Right lu re I* where we can help you 

We Covet Confidence »d Challenge Competition. 

XV" "a,I " milk" kikhI Try it. lit" ui'Xt tlm" you xx ant uiiythlus t,"xx lu tli" 

Rue of 





Complete House Furnisher. 

Tt't lti'iioar: lanKHTta*. 


9 Weymouth 

Beal 9 ffle<?artl 7 y 


ScbuDctt * ©ropef 


,j pt.ipct 



. \»ll **U IVSY rW'IKM** 


MUM music STORE 

oooooo oooooo o o ooooooOOOOOO 

Lincoln Block ** Rockland* Mass. 

A Strong Lino of 

Couch Covers 

Our low price com li cover lor 


is ii HARO AIN. Other tpialitics from 

cct Our Assortment «>t' 

Madras Draperies. 



PffUm’ Block Brocklon 

.75 to $8.U0. 




CImum a d b* t M T 

i» r * Ink'ifiAot e*"**' 

•s ■ r r«ii« to RjfJ; "• ,,r *y 

Hair t«j «• «J2 i ^kLV5SI2£ 

, , 4 • a i t‘«ir uiim*. 

Hide, the most attractive, the latest attachments for adju-tin>r. 

ask the purchaser to compare <|iudity and price 

South Shore 

C. L. RICE & SON, 

Gladstone Block, 


MEETINGS First Mondar tf Each Month 

At Royal Arcanum Mall, 
at 7.30 P.M. 

Money to Loan at Each Meeting on 
Mortgages of Real Estate. 

Minimum llate of Intorost, 5 per cent 
per auuum. 

For Information, or Loans between the 
meetings, apply to 
CHAS. G. JORDAN, Secy-Treat. 
Weymouth, Mass. 


.. | lul. Hill the ilecr tiny hep' peekin' In 

1 ll; ' Smiitlilh' fillin' I'mi n ilivr 
.j.•}■•!••<•+-F-J-+-F-F♦J4* 11 ■ 1 ■ x ie mi rii'ruf. Scem's though they 
tit ! luml tlu* look o' me nn’ the taste o’ the 

/\i f\ftis t m\ r.:i r::?,iv: 


Exprex* Co, 

Railroad Express. 
Quick Service. 


Call aud see us. 


I j 'l.vri■ 1;,\ 1.1.x tini" » c 01 " 1 , 

I J\| I ninny tI wanted t*» 
Lneg know about "the < »l‘ inn it o' | 
ICiaill tin 1 woods. hnt I in le Ml* • 
would lake no part in any further con 
versa 11011. 

■ M % ■ ■ % ■ A It 1 171 serve in tin* yoke some way an’ he the 

—I I B I H H H a I^LI f+f 1 friend o' man. They’re the imhiiMts o’ 

I B B 1 I I I ^ I ■! ; the forest, the prey o' the other mil* 

IV ■ I il V I > I B inais, an’nit*n like'em only when they're 

lM A. x dead Ah' they're the purllest erltter 

TtT alive nu’ the spriest an' the inns' grace- 


* Ttt "Men are the iiiom terrible of all ctlt- 

■- tern, an* the uieaneMt,” said Uncle Kb. 

op PUDLISIUNC COMPANY ttt •TI,i;V,v Hi.' unly crlltor. Unit kill (it 

•Fa. 4. fun 

+<•+++++++ ❖ ❖ +•>^^*!*vv•!*++? ' Itedtiuie," said our host, rising pres- 
SttJJJJXtttUttX+JtUtU't?!? ’ 0.1.1, :..l f 1 ■ up 1.1,1, •„ 1I„. mom- 

I In'." 

' And then she hud ill- t » her Wo climbed a ladder to the top tloor 

1 breast and nearly smothered me and he- 0 f q lt , ,. a bin with the hired men, of 
nl ran to hum a l»ll of an "hi song. ^ whom there were two. The good lady 

t«»' N' t' full o’ mother !"'«•, s.ud her 1 0 f u, e Ijoumo had made a bed for us on 
o’ j husband as lie sat down on the Krugs j n, p jj 00P| n nd 1 renieinher Fred emne 
;i,! a nioinent. Lost her only hahy, an’ up | a ,i,j or> too, and lay down he¬ 
ll the good Lord has sent iu» *»tltoi\ I h j,j,, , H fnele Mb was up with the 
! SUi| n. he has got pui'ty -les as . .. monilng. and at hreakfast 

W hil* he told stories T had a glowing 
cinder on the oml nf a sthk and was 
weaving Her) - skeins In the gloom. 

|f«. laid been telling me of a panther 
lie had met In the w ■ nls one day nnd 
how the creature ran away at the sight 
of him. 

• Why’s a panther ’frald o' folks?" I 

•Waal, ye see, they Used t' he friend 
ly. years nn* years ago folks an pan 
tliers hut they wan t eggszne'ly enl’lnt 
•il t' git along t get her some way An' 
op she panther gin 'em one m her cubs 
a great while ago jes’ t' make frien's 
The enh lie grew big nil' used t' play nn’ 

Ik? very gentle They wu* a hoy he 
Ink to, an’ both on ’em got very friend¬ 
ly The hoy nu’ the panther went ofT 
on© day ’11 the wax*Is guess 'twill 
more'll 11 hundred year ago an' was 
lost. Walked all over nn' Un ly got t’ 
g-dn' round an’ round '11 a big circle till 
they was both on ’em tired out. I*01110 
night they lay down es hungry es tew 
bears. The hoy he was kind o’ 'frald 
o’ the dark, so he got up elus t’ the 
panther an’ lay ’tween his paws. The 
lew he thought the panther smelt funny, 
nn’ the panther he didn’t Jes' like the 
smell o' the hoy. An’ the hoy he lied 
the leg ache nn’ kicked the panther'll the 
belly, so't be kill’ o’ gagged an' spit on' 
they want neither on ’em usd coin- 
f table The sof paws o’ the panther 
was Jen’ like pincushions. Ile'd great 
hooks In ’em shnrper'n the p'lnt uv 
a needle. An’ when he was goln’ t’ 
sleep he’d run ’em out Jes' like an ol’ 
eat kind o’ playful an’ pur an’ pull. 

"All t’ ome the hoy felt sumthlli' 
like a lot o’ needles prickin’ Ills hack; 
made him Jump nn’ holler like Sam 
Hill. The panther he spit sassy nn* 
rlz up nn* smelt o' the ground. Didn’t 
neither on 'em know what was the mat¬ 
ter. Itlttie by they lay down ag in. 
’Twan’t only a little while Tore the 
hoy felt Humthln’ prickin’ uv him. Ho 
hollered nn* kicked ag^ln. The panther 
he growled an’ spit an' chimb 11 tree nn’ 
sot mi n limb an’ peeked over at thot 
queer little critter. Couldn’t neither | 
on ’em understan’ It. The hoy c’u’d I 



Our Blunder With Cuba. Uncle Sam'i 
Error iff Allowing the Itlenrf to Or.t 
Into Debt. 

I N some conditions the 

i«.iin from I hr in. 

I gain from the use 
of Scoff's Emulsion is 
vtrv rapid. For this 
reason we put up a 
fifly-cent size, which is 
enough for an ordinary 
cough or cold or useful 
as a trial for babies 
and children. In other 
conditions the gain is 
slower health cannot 
he built up in a day. 
In such cases Scott’s 
Emulsion must be taken 
as nourishment; a Food 
rather than a medicine. 
It’s a food for tired and 
weak .digestions. 

Send for f ree «wmple 

Scott & Bowne, 409 41'' P«ri st. 

Chemlits New York 

30c. and $1.00. All druggHtt 

(’aim IfiM year flouted n loan of Sito.OOO,- 
ikmi to pay «»tr the • nrmv "f llheratloii" 
wldchdid not llhcrab- her 

Now Cuba Is to borrow 92*J,000,000 
more for the same purpose The Interest 
charge will Ik- 92.s.*,o,inni nmnially To 
tins must he added In I'.'in the sum of 
$1,U20,otni a year for a sinking fund of the 
first limn No provision has been mnde | 
for repaying the second loan 
Cuba's revenues, Including « new stamp 
tax. which Is most burdensome, are now 
$47o,000 a year abort of the amount rc- 
«l ill red for the Interest nnd the sinking 
fund of her public debt now existing or 
to be contracted. 

An Incident of tills frenzied financiering 
is the recent purchase for $.*»uo.noo of a 
lla\ana theatre wliicli Its owners found 
unprofitable, hut had sufllclent political 
Influence to unload on the government 
We Intervened In Cuba to avenge the 
Maine That was the Immediate cause. 
Ilut what brought about the Maine out¬ 
rage was Spanish inlsgovernment—Span- 

the legislators on either side to destroy 
the falls, since the notion of the com¬ 
mercial exploitation of them for private 
profit had not then arisen Now It seems 
necessary that there should Ik- some 
International guardianship, secured by a 
treaty hetwn-n (treat Itritaln and the 
I'lilted States It would tw* the first 
treaty of the kind on record, an agree¬ 
ment between two great nations to pre¬ 
serve for posterity a wonder of nature 
It would he none the worse for Its 
novelty, and would lie a tiling xcry well 
worth doing An Intcrnfttlonnl scientific 
commission could then In-appointed, with 
powci to tlx the limit b* which commer¬ 
cial exploitation could b«- carried without 
ruining the cataract, and legi-dalion 
could hold the exploiters to :lint limit 
Whether the Imperial liovernment could, 
even with general Canadian consent, 
acquire the title to the land needed on the 
Canadian side w Ithoiit a *.p<-cial cession 

from the Dominion or from the province 
Immediately concerned we do not know. 
Hut clearly a cession to our Federal Hov- 
eminent from the Slate would he needed 
to give that Government Jurisdiction. 

The necessity for some protective ac- 


Why Suffer or Pay Eiorbitint Prices P 

I own Officer* 
Poet 1 

Ifyon 11 *' .t -nil* n r from Yrnnns and (hroalr 

llhrasr, Wraknrss, Mnmarh, KI 4 *r), Bladder 
aad I rlnarj Troahlrs, BI001I I'oleoalag, ftkla 
Plerasre, ( hroalr ladlgrsilon, nr hit iitling from 

anjr |MTnllar tn joii, ■nr-k tin- mlvh-o of an 

«*Xpert, wIiom- |na< ttii- mnl • xpr-rivin •• u- a Syrt- 

tlnn Is urKi'iiI »n,l In llki’ljr to bci'fimi'mill ■11*1 ih, l*.t JO |,*r« t«„«l,t hint i„ 

more lirjtolit In the future In n Ic^al I'nt.opHy «|,|'ly tl,p|,ro|trr i.mnll,, in <i„h-kljr r. 

and constitutional aspect, the projects 
for unlimited franchises to drain Niagara 

Ish overtaxation and plunder of Cuba («* r . ....... 

W- mopp-,1 H,m We *pt>nt tiundroih of now pomlma m Albany roprooont . «„„• 



llv.-» *n,l inllllnn* of money t„ rut Culm . . .... 

loose from Spall,. An,I then wr r„m- «" ll,, " t '^mpene*!on. From 11,e 
mlltml the crow „l„u follyof r„llln«0„lm P»lnt of view of rlvlll«tlo„. they rrpro- 
adrift from ur ecnl a conspiracy, I" which ccrialo men- 

' Will, « hat rcanHV With that ahown her* of the l.mlalatnrc arc coucernetl, to 
, , ...... .. sell, for a mess of pottage of unknown 

hv the figures given above With the '" 1 ' , , ,, , , . 

' . .... ... i -ii dimensions, not on v their birthright hut 

result that “Cuban Independence has be- " 1 " ' • , 

iow pending at Albany represent n eon- H"ur« dnlly 10 t,. s Sun.lHv* to t.» 1 oniv 

1 . . ' , W. In.-ilitv iiikI Hutiinlio .-vriiingn till U I*. M 

piracy to take public properly for private ,..i ii.,m- i,\ Mppnlntiui-nt. 


Under till* lirmllnK Hip p»*t«<r* of ai i. tlm 
c lilirclifn »rr conll»lly Invilr.l to m»ko «««-li hii 
nounccmonta <»f •erri(?(Ba,etc.t «•« tlic•>■ may whh, 
Wr *nly atlpulate tli»t *uch notice* to lie In- 
•artad ahall reach na »t tha on Thundij 

morning of each wt-rk—tilt* day before publica¬ 

come merely a free lunch >>f the moreen- that of nil the rest ,,f „a. l ies,, hnialn 
a rice. With the re,nit that the Cohans tor. o„«ht to he nm.le to that 
are ,lol„Lt now to themselves what Spain ' ,l " ,lro - v 1 

Times Bldg., BROCKTON, MASS. 

i, r,|,in NVilli*, cli 
Hradl. el llAWr*. 
Kt-lri! M' Intosli, 
I Iwael W. Hunt 

i ;,.,,rg<- I. N'cwtoi 

Franci* II. Cowin 
John W. liatr*, cl 
(.forge L. Newtoi 
(iilnun It. Loud, 

(Jeorgp ('. Torrry 

Mv ofllce will be 

im| nil d i)- Tur«dttJ - *, 

formerly did to them 

helping to destroy their own political 

When we contrast fid,a. pl„„ u l„ K f'dnre. As to son.. thorn, It Is to l,e 

straight along the road of distracted feared that neither their political nor their 

1 . 0 X 111 ( 01 * PUDLISIIINC COMPANY 
A.a.xx4.x + .:.<. + +++4.+++++4.+4..H.+j-5--t-4*j 

. j swim, be bus got putty • yes. •*** j unm jq the morulug, nud at hrcukfnHt 

So I had to.low,, liosldo him uKiiln hi"" ns „ Mnv llmver \", t hungry ,|„„. , M y hostess dime nnd wok, me 

d think out I ho proldom ns host I i right In, both ,, je > t down , v||h jUskos nnd ho.I me to Press. 

.,1,1 Mv niltid wns never more neute- t the tnlde with t,s. When we were til, out going she brought 

museums nnd It gnllierod many 1 l "'- v r,,l 1 "" f '"' "" l " nt n little wngmi out „f the oollur that 

. . impressions, wandering In the ''etwcon the bn,v ,d„ms „( the hni , „ phiythbiB of her doml boy 

"p.. ,,s I looked op at the hired men. I remember my eves enn,e , ... h This won- 

e tups l'nelo III, laid Inilh a furious | 0,llv to P ,,r Ute bilde, so t,,c | ( |c r ful wagon was Just the thing for 

0 and the warmth „f It made me i , -— ,.p - |l-[?- ; the Journey wo ..iking. When 

„.„y at last. It,dl, he and old I'rod flO S- -s- 1 ! Jl I 1 '"'h' »»• hllle tongue In my hand I 

.1 I....,,, u.wiri ti>, ti inn,' tune wlien 1 I ^ ;( ' vvjis hnlfwny t«» honveu n I ready . It 

5ll Sen Street. 


Save Your Money! 

Huy shares in the 


began business J 
Last dividend per 

March Imhil 
r cent per annum. 


Why not look into the Co-operative 
Hank ’Plan? Hy this plan you can pay for 
vonr home as you pay rent, and at the end 
iif a dozen years you will own It 

Series begin In March ami September. 
For full Informal I >n apply to 

F. 11 KICHAHDS, Secy. 
No. 112 1’nlon St . South Weymouth. 

44 :t 

nnd think out the problem best I 
could. My mind wns never more acute¬ 
ly conscious, mid It gathered many 
st run go Impressions, wandering In the 
kingdom of four, n** I looked op at the | 
tree tops, l’nelo Kl» had built n furious j 
tire, nnd the warmth of It made me ■ 
sleepy at last. Doth he nnd "Id 1 red | 
bad been snoring n long time when I | 
censed to hour them. I nolo l-.b woke? 
me at daylight in the morning and said j 
we must lie off to tltid the trail lie left | 
me hy the lire n little while and went , 
looking on all sides and emne back no j 
wiser. We were both thirsty find start | 
cd off on rough footing with mt stop- [ 
plug to eat. We climbed and . rawle.l } 
for hours, It seemed to me. and every- j 
I where the fallen tree trunks were lump- i 
ixl in our way. Cncle Kb sat down on I 
one of them awhile to rest 

"Like the hones o’ the dead." said he 
as he tool; a chew of tobacco and pick- 
oil nt the rotten skeleton of a fallen 
tree. We were both pretty well out of 
breath nnd of hope also, if 1 remember 
rightly, when we rested again under 
the low hanging houghs of a basswood I 
for ji bite of luncheon, l'nelo Kb open- i 
Cd the little box of lmney nnd spread 
some of it on our bread aud butter. In I 
u moment I noticed that half a do/.en ! 
bees lmd lit In the open box. 

"Lord Harry, hero’s honeybees’. ’ said ( 
he ns he covered the box so as to ; 

sec the eyes o’ the panther in the dark; 
shone like tew live coals eggszac’ly. 
The panther’ll never sot *n a tree when 
lie was hungry an’ see a boy below 
him. Siiiiithln’ tol’ him t’ Jump. Tall 
went swish in the leaves like thet. Ills 
whiskers quivered; his tongue come 
out. ("ti'il think o’ nuthln’ but Ids big 
empty belly. The hoy was scalrt. He 
up with his gun quick os a flash, aimed 
at Ills eyes an’ let 'or flicker. Hlew n 
lot o’ smoke nn* bird shot Jin’ paper 
waddln’ right up hit' his face. Tho 
panther he lost his whiskers an’ one 
eye an’ got Ids hide full o’ shot nn' 
fell ofT the tree like a ripe tipple an’ 
run for his life. Thought he'd never 
see nuthln’ c’u’d growl an’ spit s’ pow- 

Oi.n South Church (South Wey¬ 
mouth). llev. II. (’. Alvord. pastor 
Morning service, lo.flo. Sunday School, 
11 4.V Harden Young Men’s Class, 12.00 

Santo Domingo, with Porto Klco, sol-1 
vent, prosperous and advancing, we tuny 
measure the height nnd depth of our folly 
in refusing to take the just reward of our 

) I*. S. ('. L. meeting at <»-!.» Evening blood nnd our treasure expended In the 
Service nt 7.00. Thursday evening, ~ A"- m, 

Trinity Ciiuhuii (Weymouth llev 
William Hyde, rector. Service with ser¬ 
mon at 10.80 a in nud 7 80 p m Sunday 
School nt 12.00 in 

crl'id es thet hoy. Never e’u’d hear tho eVL ‘ nln 

Union (’onoukuationai. Ciiuhch 
(S outh Weymouth), llev. Harry W. 
Kimball, pastor. Morning service nt 
10.80. Sunday School nt 12 m Y 1*. 
8. C. K. meeting at p. m 
Baitist (?iiuhcii(W eymouth) Frank H. 
Crcssey, pastor, i.ord's Hav services:] 
Preaching at 10.80 a. tn. and 7.80 p. m. 
Bible School, 11.4,1 Young people’s meet¬ 
ing at r».4S. Prayer meeting, Thursday 

war with Spain 

We could have guhleil Cuba to pros¬ 
perity, solvency and self-respect ns we 
are guiding Porto Him. We refused to 
do our plain duty to Cuba and ourselves. 
In a costly war we freed Cuba from 
Spain. We shall he fortunate indeed if In 

eternal future Interests them anything like 
so much as their Immediate llnaiicial 
future. It may probably he laid down as 
an axiom Hint no New Yorker is willing 
to ruin Niagara unless he expects to de¬ 
rive personal profit from the ruin 

J. F.fcW. H. GUSHING, 



Coal Dealers. 

Seem hound to crop out—whiskers. 

Should the ocean diver have an under- 

nuother costlv war we are not obliged to study? 

free Cuba from herself. 

sight uv a man after thet. 

I I held tho little tongue In my hand I 
was halfway to heaven already. It 
I had four stout wheels and u beautiful 
| rod box. Her brother had sent It all 
the way from New York, and It hud 
! stood so long In tho cellar It was now 
I much In need of repair. Undo Kb 
took It to the tool shop in the atable 
ami i>fit It in shipshape order and made 
a little pair of thills to go In place of 
the tongue. Then ho made a big flat 
collar nml a back pad out of the leath¬ 
er In old boot legs and rigged ji pair of 
tugs out of two pieces of rope. Old 
Fred was quite east down when ho 
stood in harness between tin* shafts. 

He waited patiently to have his col- 
| lar fitted; ho had grinned and panted 
nnd wagged his tail with no suspicion 
I of tho serious nnd humiliating career 

him ..... .■ .wnu or the ,c£' m. 

Univkuhalist Ciii ncii (North Wey- 
outh). llev. Melvin S Nash, pastor. 

Two General Principles. - Why tho Church 
Should Not Appear to Indorse Dis¬ 

t From the Churchman.) 

man erltter. Went off tew his own 
folks an’ tol’ o’ tho hoy ’nt spit fire nn' 
smoko an’ growled so’t ji linos’ tore his 
ears off. An' now whenever they hear 
n gun go off they nllwus think It’s tho 
man erltter growlin’. An’ they gag an’ 
spit nil’ look es If it made ’em Hick t’ 
the stomach. An’ the man folks they 
didn’t hev no good ’pinion o’ tho pan¬ 
thers after thet. llnln’t never been 
frien's any more. Fact Is a man ho 
can ho any kind uv n boast, but a pan¬ 
ther ho can’t ho nuthln’ but Jest a 

Then, too, as we lay there In the 
firelight Uncle Kb told the remarkable 
story of tho gingerbread bear, lie told 
It slowly, ns if his Invention were se¬ 
verely taxed. And here Is the story: 

"Once they wins ji hoy got lost. Was 

2.80 p. 111. 

Mkthodist Ki'Isuopai. Thu licit (Last 
Braintree.) llev. W <’ Darby, pastor. 
Sunday services are held ns follows: 

Without entering for the moment Into 
qualifying causes or necessary exceptions 
there are two general principles that 
would seem to be quite beyond question. 

Morning service, lu.80. Sabbath School, First, that :i> a Christian Church is open 

The hair bleacher’s charges are not al¬ 
ways light. 

A singer should he like his voice, tried 
ami true. 

Most of us are rather chary about being 
sal down upon. 

The best wire walker may lose Ills bal¬ 
ance in the hank. 

()f course, u ship’s a “she." Don’t we 
hear about “her ladyship?” 

The thousand-legged worm must And il 

Hard and Soft Coal, 
Otto Coke, 

Hard and Soft Wood 
Hay and Straw, 

% X CB . % 

Telephone *i(»-'J, 

Best Grade of 

Kpwortli League service nt JL80 t„ all sorts and conditions of men for a study to put its heat foot forward 
Lveiling prcacliiiig^ service ,.L». salvntion, nil tire free to come, and A snowstorm isn't necessarily in 

12 in Lpwortli League service at u.fln 
p. m. Kveiling preaching service 7.18. 
Prayer meeting Friday evening, 7.80. 

Un io nC o n un koat ioN a i.C11u11c11 (Wey¬ 
mouth ami Braintree) llev. Ilobcrt IL 

o come, anil \ snowstorm isn’t necessarily a dlsnp- 
The other is polntmcnt because It falls flat. 

>f a ( hurcli x u t even the ossified man likes to he 

Union('< iNGUKtiATioNAi.Ciiuitcii (Wcy* lo give as well as to pray. The other is polntmcnt because 
mouth ami Braintree) llev. Ilobcrt IL that where representatives of a C hurcli Not even the o 
Cochrane, pastor. Morning service at solicit gifts from those who are notorl- e olled hard names 
10.80 Sunday School at 12. Y P. S. oug |» reputed to he making money hy . , 

kU l ,ur.i 7 l 3?. yi 'All: , u™"Svlta!lTo Church could> not .p- 

attend these services. prove they assume for the Church volun- ^ ^ . 

Mktiiodist Kimscopai. Ciiurcii (East I tary co-partnership in such methods. 

William II. Butler, 

If she's rich and liberal, “go to the 
aunt” Is excellent advice. 

A “nosey” person Is usually cheeky 
enough to make lots of chin music. 

When the hand Is playing a dirge Is the 



In* was entering upon. Now ho stood goln’ cross lots t’ play with ’nother hoy 

| with n sober face, and his aspect was 
] full of meditation. 

] "You flghtin’ hound!" said l’nelo Kb. 

' "I hope this *11 improve ycr character.” 

Fred tried to sit down when Uncle 
1 Kb tied n leading rope to Ids collar. 


"Lord Harry, here’s honeybee*! ’ said "Orp/imi, Hi f” I Kb tied a lending rope to his collar, 

ho us he covered the box - • m-* to good woman brought the 1 imily Hlhle. i When he heard tin* wheels rattle nnd 

keep them in nnd tmiddl'd eve. vthlng and, sitting on that Ann foundation. I felt the pull of the wagon he looked 

else into the basket. "Make haste now. ute my dinner of salt pork nud potatoes back nt It and growled little nnd 

Willie, and follow me with all ycr and milk gravy- a diet ns grateful ns it started to run. Fm le !!b shouted 

might,” lie ndded. wjih familiar to my taste. "Whoa!" nnd held him back, and then 

In a luimito he let out one of the bees "Orphan, eh?" said the man of the the dog got down on his belly nnd 

and started running In the direction It house, looking down nt me. trembled until we patted Ills head and 

flew. It went but a few feel nnd then "orphan,” I’nclc Kb answered, nod- | gave him u kind word. He seemed to 

nn* lied t’ go through a strip o’ woods. 
Went off the trull t’ chase ji butterfly 
jin’ got lost, lied his kite Jin’ cross 
gun, nu’ he wiinderol all over till ho 
was tln*d an’ hungry. Then he lay 
down t’ cry on a bed o’ moss. I’urty 

Weymouth). Hev. William II Butler, general, then, It would appear that where uioii b ii 

pastor. Morning worship and preaching offerings arc made to God through Ills When the hand is pit 

at 10.80. Sunday School at noon. Kp- church hy tlm ordinary channels the rep- drummer a dead heat? 

worth League meeting Even- . . , 

iug service ut 7.On. Tuesday evenings, reseutatlves ol the ( hurcli are not at When the butcher dr 

7.80 p m. prayer meetings. Thursday liberty, much less are they called upon, nhvuys wear a killing i 

evenings 7 48, 'class meetings. Holy to Investigate the sources of those offer- u« when a show Is 

(’oniiminioii, first Sunday In everv month , , , (lf t , riuirrii ' 11 

fiiiiaiw 111• r iiKirntntf Mcrvier * n 3 8 * * ,nl represiutatlvis of the ( hurcli j, aV u a chance to show 

7.80 p m. prayer meetings. Thursday liberty, much less are they called upon, 
evenings 7 48,'class meetings. Holy to Investigate the sources of those offer- 

I fol!u«YuK° > !>i | >rHnK "cr\'lcc U LVI f ' ’"'’H 1 '' hnt ... uf the Church 

()u. Noutii Cliimcn ... rcsi.nnaihlllty when they 

..... .. ....... . . ' O..II..U f r. >i,k « YY m 

Heights.) llev. Hnlph.l. Haughton,pastor. 
Preaching service at 10.80 ». in. Sunday 

solicit or exploit gifts from those who 
are notoriously charged with violating 

When he heard tin? wheels rattle nnd quick they was n big black hear come lug Thursday evening ut 

School at 12. l’rayer and praise meet- principles which she Is in the world to 
lii'i Thursday uveninir at 7.80. I . . . . ..... .. 

Weymouth, East Braintree and Bo.ton. 
t'Uiili A I'tHMKYTKII. 1'ruprlrlor. 

1 • Hi-toll*birr Slrrct. *5 Kiiur»I)iii Ktrrrl. 

| . .. iif,.. I37* Main. TeU•pour 3*VI • >*f• • i• L 

l«l I m< 'll Mn i t. 

Trlrptintu- 1 '• 4*v. l.’>47 Uicliiiiiiiul. 

rose Into the tree top. 

“He’s goln’ t’ git up inti tin* "p« n 
air," said Unele I - H». "But I’ve got hi* | 
heurln’s, nn’ 1 guess he knows the way 
nil right." 

| ding Ills head. 

"(Sod fearin’ folks?" 

"Best in the world," said Fnele Kh 
"Want t’ hind ’ini out?" the i:i; 

Expressing, Baggige Transferring, 
Furniture and Safe Moving, Heavy Teaming 

Wu took the direction Indie:'ted for nt * r.midn’t spar 
few minutes, and then Fnele I!t» let out j decisively 
nnotlier prisoner. The hee flew off aj "Where* ye goln’V" 
little way and then rose* in n (diluting t’n«•!»• Kb hesltateil, gropln 

! "Whoa!" nml held him hack, and then 
u of the I the dog got down on his belly and 
j trembled until wo patted Ills head and 
red, nml I gave* him si kind word, lit* seemed to 
understand pre*sently and enino along 
with a steady stride, our hostess met 
ido Kh. us at the gate, nud the look of her fnco 
the* man when she hade* us gooelhy and tuckeil 
some eookles Into my poclud has «1- 
sjiiel Fm h? l!i» ! ways lingered In my memory and put 
In me a mighty respevt for nil wo- 
i men. The sound of her volee, tho 
g for nn i tears, the* waving of her lmndkerehlef 

lie sh'iwe'el us. nnswe*r. I suppt 

eir RVEI1Y liKHC'lllITU'S. 

I'urge* “ OltlULK" To Lfl for I'lrnlm, Kxruraloa* 

Stable, Norfolk Street, Weymouth. 


North Weymouth, 
Quincy and Boston 

compass," said Fne-le* Kb as we inflow- cuuflii'tiiig ••inn 
«*el the line eif the h(H*s. "It p’ints home* ••That's right 
ev'ry time* an’ neve*r makes a mlstnke*." lug in im- u 
We went fartln*r tills time* Ite-fmv re* "UViv em flu* 
leaslug another. He showed us that we* nn* yen'll se*e* it 
had borne emt eif our ceiurse a little. au<l 11* ye* k(H*p in ll 
as we tlirmxl to follow there were? half goexl boy 
a dozen bees flying around the* box sis if After dinner 
begging for luitillssiem. off my clothes 

conflicting emotions at the tjiblex 
"That's right," sjilel fnele Kh, turn j 
lug to tim ii net patting my head. . 
"\Ye*'iv e»u tin* road t' heaven, I hope*, ' 
1111' ye*'11 see* ii some* day, sartlu sure, I 
if ye* keep in tin* .-(might mail and lie a 


Boston Office, 48 Chatham St. 

North Weymouth Ottlce, 60 North St. 

Prompt Delivery, Careful Drivers 

M. Y. CLEMENT, Proprietor 


Builders, : : : 


course to the tree tops. He showed us. j answer. I suppose, tlmt would do no ns we went away are among tho things 
however, that we were looking the violence to our mutual umlerspindlng. | that have made me what I am. 

right way. •Coin’ F heaven." I ventured to say We stowed our packages In the wag- 

"Them little fellers hev got a goad presently, mi answer that gave rise to on box, nnd I walked a feu miles and 

compass," said Fnele Kb as we follow- eouflieting emotions at the table. then got Into the empty basket. ret 

od the lino of the bees. "It p’lnts homo ••That’s right." .-aid Fnele Kh, turn j tipped his haul over once or twit e, but 
ev’ry time an’ never makes a mistake." lug to n,«- nml patting my head, got n steady gait In the way “Mm us- 

We went further tills time before re "We re on the road t’ heaven. I hope, 1 try after awhile and :t more elieerfii 

leasing another. He showed us tlmt we an’ ye’ll see it some day, sartlu sure, I look. We had our dinner hy the mad 
had borne out of our course ji little, an.I if ye keep in the -traight road nnd lie a side on the hank of n brook an hour or 
ns we turned to follow there were half good hoy ' 1 so after midday and came to a little vil¬ 

li dozen bees flviug around the box jis If After dinner the good woman took Inge about sundown. Asueuereneai 
begging for admission. off my and put me in bed while ! ing It there xvas some ex* Itement among 

"Here they are bark ag'in." said Fn she mended them. I went asleep then ( the dogs, and one of them tackled r red. 

via Kh, "an’ they’ve told a lot *•’ their and did not awake for a long time. He went into battle very promptly, the 

cmules 'bout tin* man an’ the boy xvittij When I got up :it hist, she brought u ' wagon Jumping and ml thug until it 
honey." ] big basin of water nml washed me I turm**l bottom up. lie-enforced by 1 n- 

.\t length one of them flew over out | with sueh motherly tenderness in voice do Kh's cane, he soon saw the heels of 
heads and hack in the direction we had and maimer that I have never forgot his aggressor nml stood growling sa\- 
come from. ten it. Fnele Lb lay sleeping on the ngcly He was like the goal In ji puz- 

"Ali, ha,” said Unde Kh, "it’s u !»»•«• lounge, and when she had Anished zle maze, all wound nml tangled hi his 

tree, ou' we've pnssixl It. but I'm goln' dressing nu* Fred and 1 went out to harness, and It took some time to get 

l' keep Icttlu' ’em In un' out. Never phiy in the garden. It was supper his fare before him nud his l**et fits 1 

heard o' a swarm o’ bees goln’ fur time in ji little while, and then again At a small grocery, when* groups of 

away, an' so we tuns’ he near the tin* woman winded the shell and the . men Just out of the Acids were sitting, 

clearin’.” men came up from the Held. We sat I their arms Imre to the elbows, we 

in a little while we let one go that down to eat with them, as we had done bought more bread and butter. In puj- 
took it road of its own. The others hail a t ihmui, and fnele Kh consented to ing for it l ndc Kb took a package out 

gone Imek over our heads. 'This one spend tin* night after some urging, lie of his trousers pocket to get his change, 

boro off to tlie right in front of us. and |,elp»xl them with the milking and as] It was tied In a red handkerchief, 
we followed. 1 was riding in tlm has j i„. s ide him shot a Jet of the nml 1 remember It looked to be about 

ket nnd was first to sec the light *»f tin j warm white iIyak! into my mouth that tin* size of his list. lit* was putting it 
open through the tree tops. Hut I i tickled it so 1 run away laughing. hack when It fell from his hand heiix- 

dldn’t know what It meant until 1 The milking done. I sat Unde Hy. nml I could hear the chink of coin 
hoard tlie hearty hurrah >>f Fnele Kb. j/| ) S m the doorynrd with nil the ns It struck. One of the men who sat 

away, an ho we tuns no near ine 

In a little while we let one go that 

his fine before him nnd his feet free. 

At a small grocery, whore groups of 
men Just out **f the Adds wen* sitting, 


"•What's the matter'/’ said tin* bear. 

‘“Hungry,’ says the hoy. 

•• ‘Tell ye what I’ll dew,’ says the 
hear. If ye’ll scratch my buck fer 
uie I’ll let ye cut a piece o’ my tall off 
t’ (*ut.’ 

"Bear’s mil, ye know, lies a lot o’ 
meat on It-hearn tell it was grim’ good 
fare. So the lmy he scratched the 
bear’s hack, an’ the hear he grinned 
an’ made his paw go patltty pat on the 
ground it did feel so splendid. Then 
the boy tuk his Jackknife nn’ begun t’ 
cut off the bears tall. The hear ho 
flew mad an’ growled an’ growled so 
the hoy he stopped an’ didn’t dust cut 
no more. 

“Hurts awful,* suys the hear. 
‘Couldn’t never stun’ it. Tell ye what 
I’ll dew. Ye scratched my hack, an’ 
now I’ll scratch your’n.’ " 

"Hee whiz!” said I. 

-Yes, sir, that’s what the bear said," 
Unde Kb went on. "Tho hoy he up an’ 
run like a nailer. Tin* hear he laugh¬ 
ed hearty uu’ scratched the ground like 
Sam lliil an’ flung the dirt hlgher’n his 

" ’Look here,’ says lie ns the hoy 
stopped, "I Jes’ swollen.**! a piece o’ 
mutton, ltuu ; *.* hand mt’ my throat, 
an’ I’ll let ye hev it.’ 

"The hear he opened his mouth an’ 
showed his big teeth.” 

"Whew!" I whistled. 

"Thot’s eggsznc’ly what he done,” 
mild Uncle Kb. "lie showed ’em plain. 
The boy was acairter ’n it weasel. The 
hear he Jumped up an’ down ou his 
Iilud legs un’ laughed an’ holhfred un’ 
sho«ik himself. 

" ’Only Jes’ foolin’," says he when ho 
see tin* boy was goln’ f run ag’iu. 
"What ye ’frald uv?" 

l'tt.OKIM CoNUItKUATlONAI. Cllt'ltCII ; 
(North Weymouth). Hev. T. IL Vincent, j 
pastor. Morning service at 10.80. Sun- I 

teach nml to preach. It is not within our 
province nor within the province of any 
committee to judge Individuals person- 

tiny school, 11.48 a. in. Kvcning scr- ally, hut it Is within the province of cltl- 
vicc at 7(H) A cordial welcome Is ex- /.ens, whether In Church or State, tore- 

tended to all of these services. 


mouth). Hev. Kmcry L. Bradford, pus 1 1 
tor. Morning worship at 10.80 n. in. nm i 
Sunday School at 11.48. Y. 1*. S. (’ toil* 
at 0.80. Evening service nt 7.80. ,11^1, 

FttiM’ Univkusai.ihi Uiii ucii (Wcy- fj (M j 
mouth) Hev. Melxln S. Nash, pastor. , 
Sunday morning service ut lo an. Sunday "V 

School at 12 uk punl 

Skcond t’nuacii (South ,,IL ‘ S 
Weymouth.) Hev. L W. A ft wood, pastor, ilerc 
Morning service at in.80. Sunday School p a u, 
ut 12 m. lla | 

Tkmi’KHanck Hall (East Weymouth) , 
Gospel temperance meeting nt 8 p. in. 

Potmen M. K. ('iifitcti (Lovell’s Corner) 

Hev. Mr. Adams, pastor. Sunday co,n 
School at 12.48. Preaching service at 2 nppi 
p. in.—Kpwortli League nt 0.00. Social an ,| 
ami Praise service at 7 p. in. All are , . 

cordially luvlted. ” 

Ciii ucn ok Sr. Fiuncis Xa viKit(Soiith 11 
Weymouth) Hev .1 IL Holland, rector. SUI ‘ 
Sundays—Masses 8.oo and lo a m. Sun- shot 
day School 11.18 u. in p n p 

Ctiracii ok TttK Saciikd 11k a in (Wcy- ,,f „ 
mouth) Hev. J B. Holland, rector. 

^ sent and condemn a servile attitude on 

ii (Last Wry- t j p ttrl „f their reprcsctilatlves towaril 

i rail ford, pas * 

io.80 a. in. the representatives of methods that tend 
Y 1*. S. (’ to degrade citizenship ill the state anil to 
L 7.8o. dishonor citizenship in the Kingdom of 

ii m u (Wcy- (; 0 ,| To the extent to which this protest 
prio’ Snmiiiv •’•‘listers the puldic Judgment and the 

' puldic conscience as against such servility 
•,i UKC „ (Smith these Uongrcgatlonal ministers have ren- 
t wood, pastor, tiered very real service ami deserve syin- 
Suinlay School pathy and cooperation. If the pruden¬ 
tial committee did solicit gifts from Mr. 
*nt'' f ^' , n| ,Ut * 1 ' Rockefeller, the acceptance of that $100,- 
1 I,. r. m v 000 under those conditions would surely 
.tor. Sunday commit the Congregatlonallsts to an 
g service at 2 approval in some form of his methods 
- (5.00. Social a nd ways. We cannot believe that any 
p. lit. All arc body of Uhristians would tie Justified in 
X \vtKiK South v,,lu,,t,irll - v forinlng a copat tnersliip on 
ollantl, rector. terms. We believe that every man 

lo a in Sun- (Oiould !)«• as much at liberty to give as to 
pray, to give on the scriptural principle 
Ukaut (Wcy- of not letting one hand know what the 
ill and, rector. M u„. r \v«> do not belive in “clean" 

When the butcher dresses tip lie doesn’t 
always wear a killing costume. 

Its when a show is on that the actors 
have a chance to show olf. 

You can’t foot a bill by kicking the 
collector out of doors. 

The fruit sellers seem to have more 
dates than they care to keep. 

The cornet virtuoso is excusable if lie 
makes u great blow about it. 

The busy mailman seems to he tkd to a 

For Open Grates. 

“SUrcr Plate that Wears.*' 


Easy and Quick! 



la atampad 


( And has a 
Round Bolster 

doing away with all sharp 
corners ou thut part bav* 
I ing the hardest wear. This 

Sunday—Masses at 7.80 and lu.80 u in . %f 

Sunday School at 2.30 p. in. Vespers at ,l,ou »*y or “tainted money. Money n 

4 p 111. Week days—Mass 7 a in. 

Cllt'ltcu OK TIIK iMMVlTI.UK ('oNCKI' 
inis (Hast Weymouth). Hev. James W 

* 7 a in neither good nor had: it Is an Instrument 

i t .uk Concki*- and can only become a power for good or 
Ib*v. James W evil in the hands of the good or the evil 
?n l *«/ l Il’ man. We equally believe that the repre- 

AlllM.n, ivutur. 1|< v. MnurlLo I.yiidi as- We c<|ii»l!y l.dlevc tlmt the .epre- 

distant Masses Sunday at s and 10.30 a ' , v,, , , 

in Sunday School at 3 p. in. Vespers sentatlves of the C hurcli have a grave re* 

"I84T WOQim Bltoar 

patented improvement 
insures much longer wear 
on plain or fancy knives 
than the other makes 
should they be plated 
equally as heavy. 

To make the very best soap, simply 
dissolve a can of Banner in cold 
water, melt 5 .^ lbs. of grease, pour the 
Lye water in the grease. Stir and put 
aside to set. 

Pull Directions on Every Package 

Banner Lye is pulverized. The can 
may be opened and closed at will, per¬ 
mitting the use of a small quantity at a 
time. It ;3 just the article needed in 
every household. It will clean paint, 
floors, marble and tile work, soften water, 
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. 

Write for booklet “Uses of Banner"— free. 

The Peon Chemical Works, Philadelphia 
kb a r| e e Richardson & Co.. Boston, Maes 

wo followed. 1 was riding in the bus | j beside him shot a Jet of the ' nml 1 remember It looked to be about 

ket und was llrst to mv the light *»f tin warm white flood into my mouth that the size of his list. 11 * • was putting It 
open through the tree tops. Hut I tickled it so 1 run away laughing. hack when H loll from his hand lieuv- 

dhlu't know wluit it meant until t The milking done. I sat mi Unele Hy, nml I could hear the * hlnk of coin 
heard the hearty hurrah of Unde Kh. Kh's knee tn the doorynrd with nil the ns It struck, one of the men who sat 

We had cornu to smooth footing in it 1 p **st ,,f that household, hearing many near pieked It up nud gav** it bark to 
grove of maples, nml tin* eleun trunks | t:i | t . H 0 f Hie \vHUerm*ss a ml of robbery him. As I remember well, bis kindness 
stood up as straight ns 11 granite col a „»i murder «>u l’atadl ho road. I got had nn evil flavor, for he winked at his 
until. Presently we eatm? out upon n, t , impression that It was a country companions, who nudged ouch other ns 
wide fli-lds of corn and clover, and u> „f unexampled wickedness and ferocity ! they smiled ki.owlnglv Fm h* l'.b was 
we looked buck upon the grove it had in men aud animals. One man t*»l«l 1 ji bit cross vvlicn 1 climbed into the 
a roiiudcd front, uiul l think of il now about tn** ghost of Hurut bridge how basket, nud walked along in silence si 
ns tho vestibule of the great forest. U,,, |, r |,i p . |, ai | burnt one afternoon | rapidly It worried the dog to keep pa«•**. 

"It's u reg'lur big tomb," Mild I nch ; a , u i bow a lertaln traveler In the dark Tho leading rope was lied to the stock 

rest of thut household, hearing many near pieked It up find gave u nan; 10 
tales of tho wildernesa Jind of robbery ] him. As I remember well, his kindness 
and murder ou Paradise road. 1 got had nn evil flavor, for hi* winked at his 
tlmt It unit II fountrv COIUDMJllollS. who Ullllgeil * iiell other IIS 

Kh, looking hack over his shoulder Int* u f tlm night, driving down the hill 

East Braintree. 

P.0. Addretit, Weymouth. 

Ready ior Business. 

The leading tope was tiiil to the stock 
of the rifle, nnd Fred's walking gait 

the gloomy cavern of the woods. j above It. fell to bis death :it the brink j "its too slow for the comfort *»f his 
Wo could set? u log house In the clear j ( ,f the culvert. ! neck, 

lug, and we made lor it ns fast us out . ".\n’ every night since then. ' said "You shit less cuss! I'll put n kink 

legs would carry us. We bad a mighty the mini very positively, "ye can hear In your neck for you If >*• don't wulk 

thirst, and when we came t*» 11 little | inm drlvin' down thet bill je**‘ ns plain up," said Unele Kb as he looked hack 

brook In tho meadow we lay down as ye can !.■ tr im* talkin’ the rattle o’ lit the dog in n temper wholly uu- 

and drank and drunk until we were the wheeH / all It stops -udden. | worthy *»f him 

boy, ‘ 'less ye'll kw*p ycr mouth slict.’ 

"All’ the hear he shot his mouth OU* 
p'iutcd to the big pocket 'n his fur 
cjiit nu' iviuked uu' motioned t' the 

"The bear ho reel)* did hev 21 pocket 
011 tin* side uv his big fur coat. The 
hoy slid his hand In up f tin* elbow. 
Wha’ d'ye s’pose he found?" 

"Dunno,” said I. 

"Humtliln' t’ eat," he continued 
"Hoy liked it best of nil things." 

I guessed everything I could think 
of. from cookies to 1 •efstcak. and gave 

at 7.48 p 111 Masses week days at 7 uml sponslhillty which they cannot Ignore. 
7 30 Therefore, when they seek or exploit 

Si Jkiimmk's Cllt'ltcu (North Wcy- gifts from those whoso methods ofoh- 
mouth). Pastor, Bev. James \\ Allison, lu | umi , , none y are a source of public 
Assistant, Hev Maurice Lynch. Muss, ' ", J „ ... ' 

Sunday at 0. Sunday School at 3. scandal they necessarily put themselves, 

Zion's II 11.1.UiiAKKi. (Hast Weymouth) and consequently the C hurcli, in an un- 
alservice at 2 ami 0.30 p in.' worthy attitude before the public, und in 

1 it-1 Uiii'iuii ok Cuitisr, Scikntist, a measure under obligations to defend 
uintrcc Services Sunday ut b» 48 a. those doubtful methods. 

Hold b/ lending dealer* •▼•rywbar*. 
For llluatratod caUloguo r C-L" addrv** 
InUrnatlonal Sllvar Co.. Maridas. Conn. 

Old Colony Street Railway Co. 

Time Schedule. 

MKirriXUN OF Til K 

stay here,' says tho I s « c tal service at 2 aud 0.30 p in 

Selectmen l Overseers of the Poor 

bet.’ Fiiim (’m i:* 11 *»k Ciiiiist, Kukntisi, 
h an’ (Braintree Services Sunday at lo 48 a 
n fur b*-Flirlntlan Sdcuce hall on Wuslilng- 
• 1I1 » street, south of Hollis uvenue. Sun- 
U1 ° day School ut 10.48 a. m. Wednesday at 
7 48 p. in u testimony and experience 
ockct meeting Heading room open Tuesday 
The Thar.-duy and Friday afternoous uml 
Ihow. Tucstluy evening All ur*- welcome. 

All S*)fi.s UnriuTi (Cochato Hull 
Braintree) Hev. Frederick H (irillln, 
nued pastor. Preaching scrvlc*? at 10.30 

The Selectmen and Ore rarer* of the Poor of Wry 
moiuli will be in aeaaiou at the 

A Warning Writ In Fire. 

i Fjoiii the Haverhill Gazette ) 

The Brockton disaster Is certain to 
draw more attention to tlm safety of 
factory buildings, w hich, as the (ia/.ette 
bus often urged, is quite as Important us 

Savings Bank Building, Eaat Weymouth, 
Every Monday. 

during the municipal year, fmui two to five o'clock 

P. M. 

Subbath School ut 11.48 Kindergarten D the safety of public places where people 
clUM? ut 11.4.*, In charge *>f Miss Helen j or amusement. One exchange 

Johnson All arc welcome. , 

*|Uestlons the proprietory of wooden con¬ 
struction for such imimmse structures as 
••Say, mister," queried the tramp us lie house hundreds of w orking people, ami 
paused in front **f the house, “hev yonsc it seems as If the collapse of the Brockton 



"Thought ye 
talk," I objected. 

said It** soberly nt 

(ioiinoN ( liuirinuii. 
P.(J.Ad*lrc*«, S«.ii*Ii Wcvmuuth. 
lluAuroun I law km, Clerk. 

P. O. Addret*, Porter. 
Kowahu W. Hi st. 

KxIikht McIstomii. 


Weyr outb, March 14 , llsrj. 




got a ole pair uv pants wot youse could 

Waal. Ill** boy'd fell asleep, an’ Im'd gimme?" 

fairly gruutiug with fullm 
we filled our teapot nnd went t>n 

'•’hen mi* then ye «at} hear ’im hit the rock* 
Men I way down i:.«io af the bottom o’ tho 

were reaping with their erudh‘4 11 gtilley an gMim an' groan. Alt’ folks 1 twilight 

had crossed a *l»*ep valley uml 
climbing ji long bill in tbc dusky 

Tlo- ui.d.i.itrmd I..,* lei 

.»• Hu i • j ... K--> 

uml liu» n ui • 'I 1 • | .o.J th 

kl'd YY i.u* >• klt'.MU 

utrci'l, \V'i'>u»«.)illi, 
re for the pujpoof ol 

Cleaning Vaults and Cesspools 

ill 4,1 p.Ut* ■ ' W. 

pioiupil? .u> lid, 

Peter McConarty, 

I*. 0. Iluv Hrjiuouili. .*• Prari hi., qalnr). 



field of grain, ami as we neared the log kiv it's a • r.v 
cabin u woman came out in the door t H«-t hole open 
yard and, lifting u shell t » her lips. "Wlmt's ,i . 
blew u blust thut rushed over llj" clear- pered. 

Ing and rung In the woods beyond it. "Sumthin’ I 
A loud Lulloocuuie buck from the men. <n 1. "but i t - 
A small dog rushed out at Fred, panther la-’ night.’ 
barking, and, I suppose, with same lack t • *>ur host • ll . 
of rnspcit, for the old dog laid hold of | 1 .«• see the tire " 
him in a violent tempi-r and sent Um "Scalrt!" na 
away yelping. We must bavo present-1 gaping I 
od an evil aspect, for our clothes were j Hv**d twenty \ 
torn end we were both limping with n was all w 
fatigue. TL® woman hud a Uludiy face «:iI,in. Seen , 
timl, uftcr IrMiklng ut us a moment, bear* in the g 

say it’s a * i.r , ti the town for leavin’ | 
thet hole open’’ 

"What's i ghost. Uncle Kh?" I whis¬ 

*’Sumth;n’ I k" a swift,' he answer 

p iwvrful. We hoard n ns y* 

"Willie, said l nclc Kh. "your eyes 
ure better'll mine. Look buck and see 
if nn> one's coinin’ " 

"Can’t sec uuy oni*,’’ 1 unsvvtTcd. 
"Jsxik way back In the road us fur 

only dreaiiu*d o’ the hour," sjii«l Unci** 
FJ*. "Ye see, bears cun talk when 
boys nr** dreuiiilu’ nv ’em. Come day¬ 
light, the boy got up an* ketchod a 
crow . broke bis wing with tin* cross 
gun. Then he ti**d the kite string ou 

••I don’t know,” replied the man on the 
front porch. I’ll u*k my wife " 

“Don't trubhle verself, mister,' said the 

factory, where the spreading of the wulls 
hy the shock of the explosion allowed the 
floor brains to pull out und precipitate 
two or three floors into a fiery furnace 
below, indicates u fault in construction 


hobo, um he started to uiotc 

Kf that should not lie permitted 

h** added, turning 
■r**d like sin when 

turning i did so, hut I could stv id one. lie 
ii when | blackcucd his pace a little ufter that, 
aud U*foro we had passed the hill It 

"Scalrt!" said tue mun the house. | W as getting dark. Tho road run Into 
gaping "That's what ailed him. I've | woods, and a river *ut through them a 
lived twenty v« iron’ ] imio way from the clearing. 

it was till when I put up the "Supper time. Unele Kh." I suggest- 

« bin. S«en *!«•* r «.n the doorstep un’ ,^i id we came the bridge. 

t' the er.ivv’s leg. an’ the crow flop|x*d 
al*>ng an' the boy foBovved him. an' 
hiine bv they coiue out 'n a corn fluid, 
where ili • crow 'd been used t' coinin' 
fer his dinner." 

"What 'come o’ the boy?" said I. 

"Went home." snid he. gaping as he 
, lay «*u iris buck and looked up at the 
I tree top* An’ hi* nllwus said u bear 

youse hev got dal kind uv u wife I reckon 
she's got use fer ’em herself. 

1’tttlcuce— Aud so you quarreled? 
Patrice—Yes; ami I returned all his 
gift* And vv liut do you suppose he did? 
1’aticucc Can’t guess 
Patrice Scut me iiulf a dozen boxes of 
fu*e powder, with a note explaining that 

quiry us to tIn* original cause of the din- 
aster iu the explosion of the boiler should 
not lie ullowcd to detract ultculion eii- 

Ami >o you uuumM - I lird > oll “' 1 n! ‘ lter “ 1111,1 « l '"“- 

V,-, uml 1 rvluriH'il all |,U | lrll.ulln V lo Urn uufulm-. 
horror • 



was pssl * oinp'ny if ht*'d only k*H*p his bethought lie had taken tiiat much home 

Draining Niagara.-The Need of Belter 
Protection for a Miracle of Nature. 

All sizes, 

bears in the garden, an' panthers in the 1 "Supper time. 

cam*» und utoo|H'd before me nml held thdds Hut 1 tell >» there's no critter s,i turning dow n to the shore 

NafV. AIyyuy - r.I.itdlr*. u»K HrujulAl Cyii 

4 1114 II l.s I I It to iVt.I.IVll i . He* And 

«.olU un-UUk)' bull*, Yklib bJu« nbbon 

Tube uu . liter. It, lu*e ilun^vruui >uIm*I 
luliinx-.uil liulluiliMu. Itu> <./>our liruAKUl, 
of Mrik.I Jr. .11.|J r l*arlteulara. Trait- 

luuulul, 41.-1 “Keller fur ladlrt." >'■ MJ» 
Ut rrluru *l«ll. 10.000 1 ualiu.uuntl* fiulU 
■ ■ 


HIOO n mUI.uu N<,u>rr. rUILA.. KA 

MwUdii (All »u>e 

my »o? iiH face in her hands, turning it terrible a* a : i All the animals i u ,,t t) ut *»f the basket then and fol- 

bo she cvuld look into my eyes know 'im how he mars an' spits tire j lowed him in the brush, l’rcd found It 

"You pool little critter," -aid she. nn* sue le an' lend it u through u , lmrd traveling here, ami shortly we 

"Where you goln :" body * r Idles >>fT n 1*.-. mehbe. (lucss ! took off hit buritess uiul left the wagUU, 

Uncle Kb told her something about | they’d made frt* uds with me. hut them transferring its load to the basket, 
my father und mother bring dead aud { 1 didn't kill went nwny smartin' with while we pushed ou to find a camping 

our going west. Then sin* hugged und holes 1 11 **ui. An 1 gue--. they told all plucc Hack ill the thick timber u long 

|Uswl me aud wade me very miserable, theh juvojile 'bout tue t e terrible crlt way from tha road wc built a lira and 

1 remember, wi tting my faec with her t»*r that walked <>:» its l i h*gs an’ had had * ur supin r. It was a dry nook in 

1 got out *>f the basket then and fol¬ 
low.-*1 him in the brush. I’red found it 
hard traveling here, ami shortly we 
took off his harness and left the wagon, 
transferring its loud to the basket. 

tears, that were quite lieyoml m> «om- 1 a white face un' <Uew up uu* spit ’is the p 
prehension. teeth into tbcJr vitals ’truss a ten acre $ald 

"Jethro," said she as the men * ame j lot. Ah' purty so*.u th* . « unelud**d (“•e*!! 
into the yurd, "I want ,v» i' |,#«)k al tins they diUn't want t’ hev i, » truck with in ti* 
Itoy. ]ii*J ye ever »e su» h a limnin'j in* 'i'la-y thougiil this ( learn,' the lii-'H* 
little erltter? J*-*»' l«*,*k ut them blight I valley o’ death, an' they . r very . are pi* •- 

had * ur sup|* 

It was a dry nook in 

mouth slat Jy's* like some folks I've 
henrn uv." 

"Ah' what Voine o' the crow? 

"Went f tho ol’ crow doctor an' got 
hi* w ing fixed " he said drowsily 

And iu ti moment I heard him snor 

We hail l • eu asleep a long time when 
I the harking *»f Fred woke u* 1 could 
Just s**e Unde Kh iu the dim light *>f 
the lire kneeling U-side me. the ritl** iu 
his hand 

•Til HU ye full o’ lead If >*’ come 
any nearer'" he slamted. 

mi hi* cost slue* 
lustrtted Bits 

he first knew me 

i From ibe New Yotk 'l ime* i 

spit ’is the pines "tight os a house. 

Mrs Muggins Vt the dinner parly 
last night I heard your uncle fiom Chi* 
cugo counneullug altuut the three forks 
ui Ids place 

Mu* Huggins Did he seem embar¬ 
rassed i 

Mrs Muggius (»li, not at all lie sim¬ 
ply lui-l tliein t,i one -idc uml proiccdinl 
to cut wilii Ids knife Philadelphia Hcc- 
! urd 

fa id and curpctul with the frugrant 
ncedhs When *»• lay *>u our backs 
in Hr firelight 1 remember the weary, 

I !•>« Clem, MM- AI.M-.VS I (Mil-1 As| . 

Aii'UiiUg voice of t la b Id* an Im 
pro-die iuh timpani me nl >! vv: specs 

iKiti'i lUifitutHiu mu* 

KUruluatt'Ui A N'rUf 4 i* 

There is much to In: suid in favor of 
the proposal of the Merchants' Associa¬ 
tion thut Niagara should tie put under 
International guardianship und protected 
by the sanctions of u treaty The practi¬ 
cal difficulties in tlic way arc considerable 
Such preservation uml embellishment of 
the natural surrouudlogs of the cataract 
as there have been, aud they have been 
important, have been the fruit, Iu the first 
place, *>f u "gentleman » agreement" be¬ 
tween Lord Duttcrin, then Viceroy of 
Canada, aud (Jov Kohlnsou of Hu* State 
of New York, beguu ou the mltiativc of 
the former, ami followed by appropriate 
legislation uu both stiles of the river 
There was tI k-u no *ousidcratioii offered 

Delivered in Weymouth 
or Braintree 


& SONS. 

PO Addrek* Wryiaoyib or Kati liralstrrr. 

VV. A. Drake,«lia 
lasepli A, Cicdiin 
II. I*. Perry, We> 
l-‘rank I'".. Load, S 
Cliar'-eH II. Wiilol: 
M,s Mary F.. tin 

|,,lm < . A a tho 
,. ,.j s, ho-*1 "ii M 
iiibliiig; I’uevlay 
l >\y,• Tlinrulay .it 

I Mid II I'otrev, 
!..Im II. Stetson, 

((Oidnii W'illik, Si 
W r nt l.i 11 ll.« lami 
1 dm I .iston, I.a 


Willard | Dunbai 

\\ (1. Collver, *hi 
id I(»rr, I aM V 
J.W W. Pralt, I i- 
U abh, \\'r> 
i. W. Mart, Soul 

I riinllKU 1- it/.gt*r.»l 
A. II. Pralt, Fast 
I*. Hutlcr, Last \\ 
John D. Walsh, \ 
M i< liael Allen, So 

I Isaac II. Walker, 
lleniainin F. Kith 
Nathaniel 11 . Peat 
Asa II. Piatt, Kas 
Thomas Fitzgeral 
John D. Walsh, \ 
fl William F. Frenc 
A C.eorge II. Hay ley, 
•S Mil liael Allen, So 
;J «,,- it v«- \N Conan 

Augustus J. 
Richards & Son 

I Waller !.. Hates, ! 
I * liarlcs A. ixuul, 

1 t -Cn I' Hunt, F.a 


W William M. Clafi| 
W l.ouis A. * >H,k, S 
| I'rank II. Torrry, 

l ijiik I). Slicrm 

i I I HI M N I A I l> 

i l-'roni Six 

• I.. Haim-H 

tui'frv Milliard, I 

I U-inl II. Nevin 

I hnler Prolia 
ut u( Weymoutli 
Keijister of ProU 

AsMstant Kri>istei 
L'lrrk )»i (Jourtn, I 

lAssivlant Clerk, I 
iK'-kliMei ol Deedn 
IrWsdtant Kegistcri 

■County Treaxuier 
sherill, Samuel II 
( uiinly LtimmiHs 
i• oklme. James ! 
Wright ol (Juinc 
Sessiunx, F.vrry 'I 
s|wcial Cummissi 
ranklui ; |ohn 
1 1 'ii ii t Altornev 
i Cvmoutll), Asa 
i V\ Nuttei nl II 


Wrrlt IU) Time. 

For HHAINTKF.F. DF.POT, 6.oo, 6.30, 7.00 
7.30 A. M , tlien on tlic hour and 30 niinutei* |ast 
until 10.30 P.M. Additional car Saturday, 11.30 
I'. M. Returning, leave Hraintrrc Dejmt, 6.30 

7 - o$, 7 -Is A M , then 5 and 35 minutes |>ast tiie 
lioiir until 11.0; P. M. Saturday, 11.30 P. M. 

For QUINCY, 6.00, 6.30, 6.45, 7.00 A M., then 
on tbc hour and half hour until 11.30 P. M. 
Kc-tiarilir.g, leave Quincy, 5.50, 6.05, 6 20, 6.50 
A. M , then 20 and 50 minutes |a»t each hour 
until 11.20 P. M 11.50 to Quincy Point only. 
Wednesday and Saturday to Last Weymouth. 

For SOUTH WKYMOUTII, 6.00, 7.00, 7.30 
8.00,8.30,9.00,10.00, 11.00 A. M., 12.00, 1.00 
2.00, 2.30, 3.00, 3.30, 4.on, 4 30, 5 00, 5.30, ti.oo 

6.30, 7.00, 7.30, 8.30, 9.30, 10.30 P. M. Kelurn- 
inn, leave South Weymoutli, 7.05, 7.35, 8.05, 8.35 
0-05,9.35. (°- 45 , •«-35 A M., 12.35, >- 35 » a *35 
*<> 5 . J- 35 . 4 -u 5 . 4 - 35 . 5 - 35 * 6 -° 5 . 6.35. 7 05, 7-35 
8.05,9.05, 10.05, >(-05 P. M. 

For HINDU AM, 600,0.30, 7.00, 7.30, 8.10, 9.10 
10.10, 11.10 A. M., 12.ii>, 111. 2 io, 3.10, 4.10 
3.30, 6.00, 6.30,, 8. m, 0.10, 10.00, 10.30 
P. M. Keturnmg, leave llinghani, 6.15, 6.45 
7.15, 7.45. 8.30, 9.30, 10.30. 11.30 A. M , 12.30 

1.30, 2.30, 3.30, 4.30, 5.15. 5.45, 6.15, 6 45, 

8- jo. •) 3 °' *u.«5, 10 45 P. M 

Niiiiila) Time* 

For HKALNTKi.K DF.POT, 7.30, 8.00 A. M. 
then on the hour and ?o minute* last each hour 
until 10.30 J'. M. Returning, leave liraintrre 
Depit, 8.0;, 8.35 A. M., then 5 and 35 minutes 
|-.a»t each hour until 11.05 P. M. 

For QUINCY, 7. o, '*.oo A. M., then on the hour 
and lull hour until 11.? j P.M. Returning, leave 
Quincy, 7.211, 7.50, A M , then 20 and 50 minutes 
pa»t cadi hour until 11.; > P. M 
For SOUTH WEYMOUTH, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00 
11.(0 A. M , 12.00, |.oo, 2.00, 2.30, 300, 3.30 
4-)»o, 4.30, 5.00, 5 v, 6.00, 6.30, 7.00, 7.30, 8.00 
S. 30, i<.00, 9.30, 10.3J P M. Returning, leave 
j South Weymouth, 8.35, 9.35, 10.35, *••45 A. M., 
12 - 35 * 1 - 35 . *- 35 . 3 -° 5 . 134 . 4 -U 5 . 4 - 35 . 5 “ 5 . 5-35 
6.. 5, (.. ,5. 7.05, 7.35, 8 o j, 8.35, 9 °5* 9 35. *0.05 
II.05 P. M. 

For HINl.HAM, 8.10, 9 > . 10.10, 11 10 A. M . 
11 .11 ,a.|o, ■ * . 1 1 , 5 a . ; •,". Loo, •■•.to 

7. ic, 8 .iii, •, 10, 10.00, iv p P. M. Returning, 
Icau- Ihn^halii, 8.30, <r. t. , 10.30, II.30 A. M , 

12.30, I.', *. 2.3«', 3 30, 4.30, 5.00, 5.30, 6.00, 6 30, 

1 11 |j p. k 


.Week »•>- Time. 

Cai> lia?e 1 IIOMAS' CUKNKR, Noilh Wcy- 
mouth lor FuR 1 POINT, 0.4;, 7 15,8.15 A.M 
115,315.415,515. ; 45, 6.15 P.M Keturu- 
ing, leave F<irt Point, 7.00, 7.30, 8.30 A. M , 
1 .■ 30, 1.30, 3.30, 4 30, 5.30, (>.00, 6. 30 M. 
Nuuils) Time. 

* ar» leave 'J'llUMAS' * ORNI.R, North Wey- 
moutli, l<>r F'DRT POINT, 8 .j; A M . 12.15, 
» »5. t *5. 4 -« 5 . ' > 5 . 5 - 45 . (• *5 P M Return 
mt;, leave Fort J mt, 8.30 A M , 12.30, 1.30 
3 30, 4.30, 5.3c, li.oo, 6.30 P M. 

Subject to Change Without Notice. 
THOMAS *.AMMON, Du. hupt. 

J. CON WAV, As»t Supt 

• JuiJic), Mass , M.11I1 will, I*/. ', 

i kniciiie judicial C 
|*uy of February. 
I| i eriur Court, C 
[lurirs First Mu 
f 1 May. and lirsl 
'virk First Moil 
"l Apiil, first Mo 
Monday of Decei 
uperntr (!ourt, C’ri 
■ 1 Apiil; first Mi 
I day ui December. 

M •*•»> "I I •ecemlM'i. 
H'l ilate Court - At 

■ Wednesdays nl ei 

■ (Jmncy, on tiie 

■ month, except A 

■ fourth Wednrsd 

■ August. 

■ unt) Commissioi 

■ 1 April; iourtli ‘ 
B day i,| Se|ilelnlM l 

■ Ry adjoinn.unit. 

■ August. 

■ *' 'frill (.'null >• 

■ Randolph, Hrnint 
I 1 >, llulbrook and 
H l » 1 iiniinal busit 
I <1 J a>s, and Im 

I m. Justice, Al 
| lustier*. lira) 

I * Y--k, Weviiliiutl 
Milton, piolati 
I layer Stieel, * 

1 •tntiiiftftioner, \ 
toil *slreft, Quill* 


E l Qultiry Av 
3 Quiuvy Av 
m** Klli*»iSt 
jwl r > Allen St : 

Mien St i 
1*17 Coiiimercf 
■29 (’iiinmercl 

I D F.liu St ui 
32 Hlver St 
^4 F.lm St a 
35 W. ~ 1 m 
1*6 \hh St in 
I 38 Wash! 11 gt 
M’ bin ti 

| 4l I!ill*til St 
42 I'njim St 
43 IVarl St. 
45 IVfirl Si 
44 ||auc*K‘k! 
47 ptiucl S( , 
■ 48 F rtanklin 
■ 23 • ’urui'J Q 
J45 Weal M 




Why Sutler or Pay Exorbitant Prices P 

If > 0.1 nn* n •lift, n r from ffmnax an* I hroatf 

lM»ra*f, Wtlkarie, Mnmsrti, kldar). llla*(kr 
■nil Irlaary Troshlr*. IllonW l'«l«oata*, ftkla 
lilnrnnm, Ckronlr la*lffr*ilnn, or urc nilin«c fr-.m 

■tiy illx’iine peculiar to you, «rck till' tulvl.-c of nil 
ri|iirt, wIhim 1 pruritic uml r\|»frictirc n* .1 Apfr- 
■lint tkr InM *20 jrarn Imvc tnuglit him to 
promptly npplv tier proper rrmcdic* to •|ieli-kly re 
inner the illwn**-. 


Hour* ilnlly 1»> t«. *. Snn>lny« 10 to *2 only 
\V«'i|in-«.l:iv uii<I Knliinlny ••veiling* fill V I*. M 
Spot ml limn- l.y appointment. 


Times Bldg., BROCKTON, MASS. 

Mv oilier h 111 Iv clonr.l nil .liejr Tnradays. 




Coal Dealers. 

Hard and Soft Coal, 
Otto Coke, 

Hard and Soft Wood 
Hay and Straw, 

n, I CE . % 

Telephone 'ifl-'i. 

Best Grade of 



For Open Grates. 

Augustus J. 
Richards & Son 

l own Offiear, of Weymouth and thelf 
Pott Office Addrc, 

m \ K.ivriion.I, Ka*t Weymouth. 

town TnttAsunnn. 

•tin II tv»n, South Weymouth. 

t, t•!• .*< Willi*, chairman, South!., 

111 .i’ll' i lljwrA, Arc retar v, Fait Wevmnlith. 
K-'ld'i: M> Int.iAh, K»aI Wevmouth. 

I Iwai I W. Hunt, Weymouth. 

■f.. . 1 N'ewton, North Weymouth. 

h ram ia II. Cowing, chairman, Weymouth. 
|olin W. liatrA. clerk. East Weymouth, 
f •purge I.. Newton, North Weymouth, 
i.ilman II. l.out|, South Wevninuth. 
George C. Torrry, Smith Weymouth. 

\V. A. Drake, chairman, North Weymouth 
l"Aeph A. Cudiing, l ast Weynmuth. 

II. I*. 1 ‘erry, Wevmouth. 

Frank K. I.innl, Secretary South Weymouth. 
rhai'.fA II. Willohy, Weymouth. 

Mia. Mary E. Ilolltrook, South Weymouth. 

I si I'l HINTRNDKNT OF st'Moot s. 

I • .hn Anthony, Fast Wevmouth. At 

.I ** hi *>1 on Monday will lie at the Athene 

iitihliiiK: Tup*day at IrlleiAou; Wednrxday at 
||,,wr , rimrvl.»\ at Hunt. 


Fiank II r.nrey, North Weymouth. 

>) ■ |,,hn II. .stetson, South Weymouth, 
fl i ,uii|oh Willi', South Weymouth. 

\\ ,'hilall l». Clapp, Weymouth. 

11 M Faston, Era! Weymouth. 


Ivrm M. laiw, East Weymouth. 

Tax Collkctok. 

H Willard J. Dunbar, East Weymouth 


I\V. 11. Collyer,chief,North Weymouth, 
i] I . nu, l .i't Wevmouth. 

■VV. W. Pratt, l ast Weymouth. 

||l K. Walsh, Weymouth. 

Hi W. Hart, South Weymouth. 


IHlHlKa p. mil. I*rf«ld»il. 

rn(lion r. iikhk. i iphi aat Trra.arn. 
dm no nin't*: 

Ikirlr. (. Pranrl, H. roam, 

kiaard «. Hum. dradrll A. Ila„. 


llllHLKa r. mil l.KIIKI.K H. IIIMIU. 

main h. ro«inN. ihikih A. haiward 

Rank Hnun.—a ta A. M., I.iii i«» ■> I* M...J10 

1.. a ..I... . Vriini,., I. ,.. la A M. Natur 


DcpoaiiA pUred on Interest on Ibt f FRt Benia) 
•litniurv, April, July an.I October* 



Preside J, JOSEPH DYER. 

1 VlreaP.Ml 4 e.iR * MAW J. NTCSKR. 
Vlre*Pie«l 4 eRtR, j ulI0J( B kaibonii. 

Clerk and Treasurer. UKOItUK K. KKKII. 

Itnnrit of luvratment i 

•IonK i’ll Dyf.ii, Kl.t.ta 4 . PtTCHRU, 

It. W. I If st. Uorihin, 

AI Son It IUYUoNII, TiIRRON I.. TlRltltt. 1 . 

liROIlUt I . llAIINR" 


It lu I ‘2 A. M.j *2 to < r. M. Also Mor 4 r)r, T to N 
P. M. NalsNayn, « to 12 A. B. 

D< |Mi*lt« n„ on tmerent Aeeomt Wetlneaday ol 
!atiuary, April, July aud October. 

Dividend* payable on and aft< r the second 
Wednesday of January and July. 


NATIONAL Witaouib, 
BANK, M,, ‘ 

Togg Building, Columbian Square. 

CAPITAL, 1100 , 000 , NurpluR, # 210,000 

Easy and QuickI 




To make the very best soap, simply 
dissolve a can of Banner in cold 
water, melt 5 <i lbs. of urease, pour (lie 
Lye water in the grease. Stir and put 
aside to set. 

Pull Direction, on Every Pock.,. 

Banner is pulverized. The can 
may lie o|>ened and closed at will, per¬ 
mitting the use of a small quantity at a 
time. It is just the article needed in 
every household. It will clean paint, 
floors, marble and tile work, softeo water, 
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. 

Write for booklet " t'ses of Bonnet• "—free. 

The Ponn Chcmlc.1 Work., Phllod.lphU 
•hart.. Rlchird.on At Co., tlo.ton. Him 

Old Colony Street Railway Co. 


Time Schedule. 


Week lUy Tim*. 

For IIKAINTKEE DEPOT, 6.oo, 6.30, 7.00 
7.30 A. M , then on the hour and 30 minutes past 
until 10.30 P.M. Additional car Saturday, 11.30 
P. M. Returning, leave Braintree Dej>ot, 6.30 
7. 05, 7.35 A M., then 5 and 35 minutes |ust tlie 
hour until 11.05 P. M. Saturday, 11.30 P. M. 

For QUINCY, 6.00, 6.30, 6.45, 7.00 A M., then 
on the hour and half hour until 11.30 P.M. 
Keturning, leave Quincy, 5.50, 6.05, 6 20, 6.50 
A. M., then 20 and 50 minutes |Ust each hour 
until 11.20 P. M 11.50 to Quincy Point only. 
Wednesday and Saturday to East Weymouth. 

For SOUTH WEYMOUTH, 6.00, 7.00, 7.30 
8.00,8.30,9.00,10.00, 11.00 A. M., 12.00, 1.00 
2.00, a.30, 3.00, 3.30, 4.00,, 5.00, 5.30, 6,00, 7.30, 8.30, 0.30, 10.30 P. M. Return¬ 
ing, leave South Weymouth, 7.05, 7.35, 8.05, 8.35 

9 -°$. 9 - 35 * »° T 5 t h -35 A M., 12.35, »- 35 . *«35 
3.05, 135 . 4 -«» 5 . 4 - 15 . $. 35 # Mi ®» 3 Si 7 05, 7-35 
8.05,9.05, 10.05, 11.05 P. M. 

For IIINtillAM, 600,6.30, 7.00, 7.30, 8.10, 9.10 
10.10. 11.10 A. M., 12.i", 1 10. 2 io, 3.10, 4.10 
;.<»<». 5.;^, g.oo, 6.30, 7.10, 8.10, 0.10, 10.00, 10.30 
P. M. Returning, leave liiiigham, 6.15, 6.45 
7.15, 7.45. 8.30,, 10.30, 11.30 A. M , 12.30 
1-30, 2.3'. 3 -V*. 4 - 3 “. 5 * 5 . 5 - 45 * ^ • 5 . 6 45 . 7 > 
9 3 p . ‘"-‘S. k »-45 **• M 

hiinilay Time. 

For BRAINTREE DEPOT, 7.30, 8.00 A. M. 
then on tlir hour and to minutes last each hour 
until 10.30 P. M. Returning, leave Braintree 
1 >c|Mit, 8.05, 8.35 A. M.. then 5 and 35 minutes 
past each hour until 11.05 P. M. 

For QUINCY, 7. o. 8.00 A. M., then on the hour 
and halt If nr until 11.30 P M. Returning, leave 
Quincy, 7.2.', 7.50, A M , then 20 and 50 minutes 
past eat li hour until 11 i> P. M. 

For SOU I II W EYMOUTH, 8.00, 9.0*1, 10.00 
11.1 .> A. M , 12.00, 1.00, 2.00, 2.30, 300, 3.30 
4.00, 4. ; 6.00, I 

8.30, o.uo, 9.30, 10.3-> I' M. Returning, leave 
South Weyuiouth, 8.35, 9.35, 10.35, *>-35 A. M., 

I 5 , 1 . 3 $#! . » o$, 4 . IS, 5 os, 5-35 

6. C 5, r.. ,5. 7.05, 7.35, 8 Oj, 8.j5,9.05,9 35, 10.05 
11.05 P. M. 

For IIIKOHAM, 8.10, 9 1 lo.iu, 11.10 A. M., 

II . i .i". 2.10, 3 10, 4 1 ,5 . 5.30, 6.00, 6.30, 8.10, , 10, m oo, 10 10 J'. M. Returning, 
leave lllllgliaili, 8.30, 9.3.'. 1 1 .30, 11.30 A. M , 

12.30, I.30, 2 - 3 ", t V, 4.30, S-oo, 5.30, 6.00, 6 30, 

7. • . , 1 15, 1 j 43 P. M 


.Week Us) Time. 

Cars leave THOMAS' CORNER, North Wey¬ 
mouth lor FORT POINT. 6.4;, 715, 8 15 A M 
lie. 3.»5, 415, 5 15. 545. 6.15 P. M Return¬ 
ing, leave I' it Point, 7.00, 7.3U, 8.30 A. M., 
ij *,o, 1.30, 3.30, 4 30, 5.30, C.uo, 6.30 P. M. 
kuutU) Time. 

Cars leave THOMAS'( ORNER, North Wey¬ 
mouth, i<<r FORT POIN T, 8.1. A M . 12.15, 
1 15, t 15, 4.15, 5.1;, 5.45, 6 it P M Return 
tug, leave Full I'wiiit, 8 3 A M , 12.30, I.30 
*, 30, 4.3c, 5.30, t».oo, 6.30 P M 

Subject to Change Without Notice. 
THOMAS OAMMoN, Div. hujd. 

J. T. CONWAY, As»t Supt 
Quincy, Mu" , Maitli 9th, 1905 

■ ihioliiii Willi*, South Weymouth. 


9 Thomas F'itzaerald. chief, Weymouth, 
v A. II. Pratt, East Weymouth. 

; I*. Butler, East Weymouth. 

S John D. Walsh, Weymouth. 

I Michael Allen, South Weymouth. 

S Isaac II. Walker, North Weymouth. 

Benjamin F\ Richards, Weymouth Heights. 
Nathaniel B. Peare, F ast Weymouth. 

Asa B. Pratt, Fast Weymouth. 

Thomas Fitzgerald, Weymouth. 

■ |nlin D. Walsh, Weymouth. 

William F". French, East Weymoutli. 

B Oeorge B. Bayley, South Wesinouth. 

El Michael Allen, South Weymouth. 

H rieorge W Conant, South Weymouth. 

9 Walter Bates, South Weymouth. 

B ( lailes A. Loud, South Weymouth. 

B P Hunt, East Weymouth. 


"Iv william If. Clapp, Weymouth. 

'W 1.011 is A. • 00k, South Weymouth. 

/ Frank If. Torrey, North Weymouth. 

9 Frank D. Sherman, Weymouth. 


T'roin Sixth Noifnlk District.) 
jB 1 ""ige I.. Barnes, South Weymouth. 

■ \nlifry Hilliard, Braintree. 


(Second Norfolk District.) 

S I I tv a 11 1 It. Nevin, South Wevmoiitli. 


AUKS K. VIMNW, PreaNrat. 

UPWARD R. NKYIN, Vice-President. 

J. R. HTRTSON# i'Mhler. 



IlnnkltiK Hours: li to 18 A.M.; 8to4P. M. 
natunlnys, 9 to 1*2 A. M. 


Savings Bank. 



Fieri* an4 Treasurer, 

t Joseph A. Ceshlec. 
It. II. Kmeraoe. 
John A. Raymoa4 


Headaches and 
Dizzy Spells, 

Weak, Nervous, 
Wretched, Tired, 

Until Dr. Miles' Nervine 
Cured Me. 

Are you in ■ "pocr condition?" Are you 
almoKt ready to give up from exhau»tion, 
nervouanes’, headaches backaches and 
dirty rtvells ? No need to mention the de¬ 
tail* of a run down or **poor condition” to 
those who are suffering. Better t. tell you 
of Nervine, the remedy fold on a guarantee 
to lie Ip you. and restore your poor weakened 
nerves to life, strength and health. 

**Dr. Miles'Restorative Nervine has done 
a great deal forme. In the fall of 1897 my 
health was in n verv poor condition. V.x 
trrme nervousness, dirty spells and sit k 
headaches made me most miserable. I had 
lieen under the care *.l our local phv-ma:i 
lor some time, but got no better. 1 was on 
the verge ol nervous prostration. Had no 
appetite, and rouhl no: sleep. I grew vmr»f 
as the dirrv s|>ells continued and lo*t flesh 
and strength, oh! those uwlul day*. A 
lady friend who Tad taken Restorative Net 
vine advised me to trv it. I bought a bottle 
at the local drug store ami when it w^sonr 
ha'f gone I noticed the medicine wa. 
helping me I continued t:ik ng it a> coubtig 
to directions until I bad used tine*- bt.ulr^ 
when I felt so much l etter 1 stopped taking 
it. 1 feel that mv pie^tnt • reutlv improved 
health is all *lue to I*. M'e>* Restorative 
Nervine. I amgndcfi.l lor the benefit I re 
ceived and recommend the Nervine wholly 
on its merits ns a nerve tonic and restora¬ 
tive."--M rs. P. M. Hogohoom, Dalton, 

All druggists sell and guaiautee first bottle 
Dr. Miles’ Remedies. Send lor free book 
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address 
l>r. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, lad. 


AND NOTARY « with seals) 


oi-:i-i»s. MoRioAims 

and Legal Papers of every 
name and nature prompt¬ 
ly drawn and executed 

North Weymouth, M.iw. 

County Officers. 


Io. 1 ut- ol Prolate and Insolvency, |allies II 
hut ol Weymouth. 

Register of Prolate and Insolvency, Jonathan 

Assistant Register, John D. Cobb. 

■ Clerk ol (Joints, lauds A. Cook of South Wey- 

BAssistant Clerk, R«»bert It. Worthington. 
Bl<egister ol Deeds, |ohn W. Burdakin. 
H,\ssistant Register ^»f Deeds, FJdwaul I.. Bur 

BCounly Treasuier, Charles II. Smith. 

■ Mierilf, Samuel II. Ca|ien. 

Counly Commitsioneis. Sunnier II I "-tei *•! 

1 • • vkliue. I allies llewins of Medlield. Marshall 

Wright of Quincy. 

* 6 -Nsi.»ns, Every Tuesday at 10 a.111. 

signal Commissioners, larwis R. Whittaker of 

ranklm ; |ohn Everett of Canton. 

Distiu t Attorney (Southeast District, Norfolk 
1 T\mouth), Asa P. French of Randolph . Rich- 
1 W N'ittei ol BriMktoii, Assistant. 


Calendar of County Courts 

[ pmntr liulicial Court lury Sitting, third Tues- 
ilay ol rrbruary. 

|«rii.r Court, Civil Sessions— For work with 
(lines First Monday of January, lirst Monday 
-I May. and first Monday ol October. For Court 
*ork F irst Monday oi February, first Monday 
•1 A pi il, first Monday ^f September, and first 
Monday of December. 

upeimr Court, Criminal Sittings —First Monday 
1 A|iril; lust Monday "I September; lirst Mon¬ 
day ol December. 

lolute Court At Dedham, on the first and third 
Wednesdays of every month, except August. At 
Quincy, on the second Wednesday of every 
month, except August. At Brookline, on the 
1 'iurtli Wednesday ol every month, except 

I nity Commissioners’ Meetings- 'Third Tuesday 
1 April; tourtli Tuesday of June; fourth i ues- 
U) 1.1 September, la-t Wednesday of Decemlxer. 
by adjoinn .imt. t)n 'f'ursdays, except during 

♦.strict Court of East Norfolk. Jurisdiction, 
Kaiidolph, Braintiee 3 'uhasset, \\ eyiiuiuth, Quin- 
., HolbriMik and Mdlon. Court held at Qiom v 
t o iimiual business every week day except legal 
1 .1 J ays, and (or civil business Tuesdays at 9 
in. Justice, Albert F. A very, Braintree. Special 
I •!.« es, F.. (iianville Piatt, t Juiucv . laiuis A. 
« t- 4 , Wevninuth. » Irik, I obit P. 8i. Churchill, 
M..ton. OMum, Fraiius A. S|*eai, 25 
I iuver Street, Quinty. ‘ tout Dtiicer and Bail 
iiiiiisxiniii't, William M Maiden, ’4 1 isldilig- 
t.ui >trert, Quint y. 


Qulucy Av** ami Hayward St 

23 Quincy Av«* mid (’•Miiiticrciitl Si 

24 Elliot St 

25 \lien St ami t‘oiiimcr**iul si 

26 \|U*u St uud Shaw St 

27 CuiUUlcri’lttl St , «»|»|» Fun Simp 
29 < •(iiniiHTcIttl Si and Klin SI 

31 Elm St and Middle St 

32 River St mid Middle St. 

34 Elm St and Washington St 

35 Weal St and Wa-sliiiiitUni St 

36 Asli st and Hollis Avc. , 

RJ Washington St opposite MoiiuthfUot 

$*41 I tilt »ii St and Middle St 

42 I'njou St und Washington St 

43 IVarl St und Washington St 

45 IVarl St «ip|s»siu- Hhoc Factory. 

46 llanc«M'kSt , private. lioliiuK»H*>rlh 

47 I'taiid St , opp \ ti Clark's house 

48 Franklin St and Central Avc 

21 'ornei (Jilin* v Avc ami Allen St 
15 Vest SI and Ml Vernon Aie 
45 Ft.uutainSt ami IVarl Si 
47 w 11 St ami J’oud St 


Reflepfiont of a Bachelor 

If Shakespeare had written fashion 
aitleles women would think much more of 

11 appears as if most men's money eould 
Spend Itself If there was nothing to spend 

It on. 

A ulrl is more fisillsh about a man after 
she Is married to Idm than he Is nliont her 

A woman regulate* her calendar by 
wash day ami the ehlldren's Saturday 
holiday from school 

The wav not to get I tea ten In nn argu¬ 
ment with your wife alnnit the children 
Is to agree w Ith her 

There are many more wax* of being 
wrong than right. 

Nobody ever has to put on glasses to 
-*•*• the faults of his friends. 

An early spring Is n sign Hint there 
will lie n big crop for the fool killer. 

Tact is keeping the other fellow from 
knowing what you really think about him. 




I .litm nf tbf magaiint, "Correct English : lb>w To Use If.” 


Tills is illlterellt to that : *»r this Is 
erent than that 

This !•* ilidcri'tit from that 

1 am " fritM I can’t go 

I Oar I can’t go. 

Note —The adjective 

Palm Beach Modes. Tha Vogue of Silk. 

Another silk season Is before us! So 
says I'arls, and Palm Beach visitors con¬ 
firm thin decree. 

Notwithstanding the deserved reputa¬ 
tion of taffeta silk for cracking, splitting 
ami spotting, very few women have ever 
l»*en able to reaint Its beauty, but until 
the advent of the latest and liest develop¬ 
ment In silk weaving, the result lias al¬ 
ways boon the same, shrends and lamen¬ 

Hut today no woman Is w ithout at least 
one silk gow n, and for her whose outfit 
should Is worthy of the name of being fashion- 

awful nice the way a girl’s lips lllnd it autnrhi re. 

can get in the war of her hand 
you are trying to kiss them 

Note A thing differs from another . not be used In the sense of the verb able, not less than four have beonpro- 
w lien It Is unlike lb but it does not differ ‘ fear.” vlded, for at last wo are offered a silk 

to It. nor Is It dlfferem than il nnx'i say. *'M R ,ve wear and not go to pieces. 

*“'*-**•*•- The dainty reception gown on the left 

in nty drawing waa one of the most beau¬ 
tiful of the many modish gowns worn at 
Palm Beach. Aids tnessallne taffeta, of 
which II waa composed, hears Its guaran¬ 
tee on the selvage, thus eliminating the 
usual ouostlons regarding wearing possl- 


sms sirs«oram 

Su'ts Made To Order in latest styles. 
Workmanship and fit guaranteed. 

Suits from SI 1.00 to S34.00. 



I mil going some ptarr to«ln\ 
21 nd it iiiia plan-. 


1 fim going somru'hii'i today 


sin Hrimd Btreel, 


1 fear tlint I •dia'd ittuconimnile you 
»’t SAY. 

I L-ar that I shall tncummodr yon 
Note - Standard says "Discommode," 
i*t at onetime a favorite word, because con¬ 
venient ninl useful. Is apparently obsoles- 
l ( l rent, and, in the I'nltcd States at least, 
. ’'Incommoile" Is taking Its place 


A girl never underestimate* tile impor- n preposition. , III 
tillin’ to I he world of lilies, matinees ami with a preposition: n 
bonbon- place" or "I can’t t»n 

Note "Place” IS n noun, mid sh.mld an.., m .up • mini ni.cs m icasi. 

not In- umM ». no ln.lln-.-t ol.Jo.-l will.. " lnmn, ' no,l <'" l " l "‘ I' 1 * 0 '' 

n preposition. # ‘‘IMare" may be usisl commonK ititoitsor iiik« arf.i i i hprakbii. 


N. D. Cantbhbuhy. F.dhlnd li. Date* 

JOMKI’R A. CUHHINU. John W. Datbm. 

r II. Khkhniin. C. B.Cchiiinu. 

II. K. Bicknill. 

IMvIttffiiiita |tnynl*l« nn th« loth of April 
au«l Oef nlirr. 

Ilcpoalia plueadon Inlaraaf »n llir IDIh 
or Jmii., April, July anil Ort. 


From 2 to 5 P. M., crrrptiiuj Satur¬ 
days from .luni' 7 to Oct. J, t often the hours 
mill hp from W A. 1/ to 12 M. only. 


North American 
Investment Cn. 

of the United States. 



1.urge-1 D ttiot.ll nf it* kiml in tliv world. 


Ilitl'Tl'-t |H'|- I t 'll. )•• I lUlltlllll I*ilI*I nil RUVillgo of 
♦ I im) |i*'r week or ov 11 . 

Iboli-r Rii|M'rvi"i.iii ol Suviug* Bunk Cniii- 
MII--inlM T- Ol VI :t*».l> llll*Clt*. Cllller ill 
I'lt-uoillK ►lull' t|«'|»n»il ll*W «*t Mlsnouri. 
I'lid. i t-lulc llit*|H'i-linu, lirrii*. d und tluiiiu 
bu-illCM ill ttv.'iity states. 


I'm particulari* «•.»! 1 or uddi*'*-. 

New England Depart incut. 

47,48,49 Jourml Building, Boston, Miss. 


116 Arcide Building, Brockton, Miss. 

' 45 4 

Pole, ItilcF mid Ptl Hell Si- 
-Bradley Fertilizer Work” 

Pole, WrssagusM’t lloud. 

-Pole, IJiiivcrsaliat Cliureh 
Pole, Fuirvluw I louse ■ 

Pole, Sea und North St.” 

Pole, Lovell Ulid Bridge St” 
i , «»l*’, Church and North Si” 

Pole, (irunl ami High Si” 

- Pole, .lackaoit S(|UUI'e 
P*»le, Khictrle Station, private 
Pole, Shaw's Corner 
Pole, M. Hhcehy L t’«i 
Pole, Hates Ave. ami llroad Nt» 
Pole, Shaw’lUiit ami Lake Si” 

Pole, Strong & (iarlleid Co, 

Pole, Commercial and l'uiuuiiiKt* 
Pole, opposiUi I bum I Pratt'.” 

Polo*, oppoilU* S \Y <sL L Ntt”h's 
Pol*-, ('oiigres” mi.I Washington Sts 
F'.ngliic llouae No it 
Pole. Pr*»sp*'* t mid t• runit•* Sts 
Pol**, (iarlleid K«|uarc 
I***!*’, conu'i’ Library 
Pole, ('oiiimereittl Si , near 4 «ruin 

Pol**, Lovells < 'orucr 
Pole, oppoidtc (• S Hunt’” 

Pule, Nash's ('orucr. 

Pole, cor Park and Mulu St” 

Pole, Town House 

Pole, opposite Phillip Frailer .” 

Pole, near Otis Torrey s 
—Pole, F'.ugiue House No. 6 
Pole, Independence HijUUre 
Pole, near Deitot 
Pol*', ( «#r Pond and Thicket Sts 
Pole, Ma) » Corner 
l iii**u Sir*-* !, opp Henry Chandler 
Corner Ka:i*lolph au*l Forest Sts 

S" M lllHil Mi.SALS 

At , i " ', it., m lii. ] iii any ^ dui 

i,. a.ui i be sainr stgual at 8 o’cluck, no tcboul 

-I* i'Q 1 **‘d 2 dui mg u HI. J |„- wiiic signal at 
M Q' " fc ' " w M-buul in i 4 i J j 11111101; 

, I II.’ '411*. s 114 l at Uk |. Ill no 

M I.IH.I ill 4II» glade dniiiij’ ii n, 

Dr. Lucy W. Tuck. 


j Miroalr lllneanen aaA a thorough MrSIral 

" f'artrrlng," a sure rare for Catarrh. 

OFFICE, 2 Park Square, BOSTON. 

Every dar rxcrptlng Thursday. Take Elevator. 



—will ■■ at ntn ornci- 

Over the Weymouth Clothing Store 

(Near Pori Office) 

Orrira Ilouan:—s.oo A. M. to I*. M. 

Will attend to all Dental Work at otlire 

In Loud's Block, South Weymouth, 
Tuesdays and Fridays 

of ea*'li week. A|i|M>intineutP made by mail. O|)eo 


Qougselor at [a\jj 

til court Hlrrrl, K(iNT0>. 

117 Hroai Street, HKIMOI TH CKhTKIt. 

Tflf|ili<*Uf Nu. 515 Main, Ito-ton, or l‘J -3 Wey. 
in* • ii t li. 

Rail CoamlMloarr aad Volar) Pahllr. (It 



New Buildings oo Brookside Road. 

0|icn all .\lglil. 

Tele|diniie .'•O-.t Braintree. 


The Largest Boot and Shoe Repairing Shop 
ii Norfolh County. 

I.udiei',geiitb'llicn'*, iiiism’s', yulltli*' ulid • lilldreu’* 
rIhn'r re|iain*d in uu • v|h-ii manner. Work done 
wldle > 1.11 Midi, ulid at the very towcM price*. All 
Ihe h ading iiimLi'R of Biihlx i lie* l« ulwav* ill *tin k. 

Washington Square. - WEYMOUTH. 
0|>|M>nlte ttalsb Rron. Htorr. 

When a man retires from business to 
take life easy, he has to get up all the ** ar / ’ 
earlier to pull Ids son out of InmI 

if aiu 

There is something about it woman's 
Imt that makes a man feel sympathy for 
the inventor of tlytng machines. lie 

) «ni can always convince a woman that 
it i” more becoming for her to wear her n,, 

hair the way she does than it would he *^ 0 

foi' anybody else. used 

The best w ay to be |n»pular Is not to slrabl 
be successful. used 

A woman would rather lie w rong and 
win the argument than right and lose it. ( 
Nothing Is easier than for u woman to 
fool a clever man, specially if he Isn’t. 

There i” a great ileal of money In It for N 
the man w ho doesn't go into public Ilf** 

Kit her a man trnds fault because lie is 
t:i\*’»l »ir b**eause he lias nothing to he 
t UM-.I 1 11 

A girl has to be mighty pretty to make 
a man forget the way she tries to reason. I a 
After a man lias tried every other way tired 
to lose hi” money lie can always hire a 
lawyer. vinel 

The only woman w ho acts prouder than 
1 lie one w ho Is just going to lie married ^ 
is the one who lias just been divoreisl. 

When a man leaves a town because lie p a jrv 
didn’t pay Ids rent, It is a sign he will 
toll every body the climate was malarial. ^ 

Sometimes even a man who doesn't ... 


know enough to earn a living lias such j, ro p 
go*nl business judgmenl that he will a|j( j ( 
marrv a rich wife. 

with n preposition: as, "I saw it in sour 
or "I can't I'lid It in any larr . 
One should say "I am going to som> 
plan f *»r "I am going mannrhrrr ** 
can’t tlml it i‘u any placr," or "I can't IIm 
it anymherr ." 

It** I” very well } his ted. 


lie Is very well infonnnl. 

Note.—Although "posted” I* fre*|iiently 
used in colloquial speech, it i” an unde* 

it hi romc It Is the eilueated person. rre<|iietilly 
any placr." the college graduate, who Is very par- 
g to some tleular to say, "I feel badly." The un- 
f'hnu "I educnttsl |>erson would never In* guilty of 
I can’t find the offense; if he hnd never seen a gram- . 

mar, he would say, "I feel bail" and he | 
would be correct. The same (terson who I 
feels badly would never think of finding ] 
sadly nor gladly: lie would feel sad or 
glad ns the ease might he, so to he con¬ 
sistent he ought to find bad. But strictly 
* frequently sinking "1 feel bad" In the sense of not 
s an unde- feeling well or of feeling unhappy Is not 

J. B. RHX2TES «£* CO., 

DRA 1 ?KRH in 


Lime, Nails, Brick, Cement, Sand, Drain Pipe, 
Cutters, Conductors and Mouldings. 


Spruce. Cypress, wpitewMM and Son Piqe. 

sirnhle form of expression; that is, when the best Kngllsh one can use. It occupies 

used In the sense of "Informed a dubious position. "I am not feeling 

don’t say well’’If one Is not in good physical con- 

, , , , dltion Is a better expression. “I am foel- 

\ hat klm o a man s it Jug M ad or uphappy” If one’s feelings 

other than physical are aflecU’d. “You 
\Yhut kirn* of man is lie'/ look nicely' Is another error mad*’ by the 

Note.—Tin* indefinite article "a" I” person who alms to use correct Knglish. 
superfluous. If you look nicely, yon will have to look 

, M , N ’r kay or or l»*PPHy- 

A word to the w ise is sufficient. Let 
.ini no oi I r«s u«4 in the future, If we have to feel had or 

HAV look hail, feel hud or look had without 

I am tired, or somewhat tired, or a little • adding the "ly" to Its sins, for strictly 
tired speaking when one feels or looks bad, 

Note.—“Kind of’ is an American pro- one's morals need attention even more 
vinciallsni and should be avoided. than one’s "grammar." 

vim-ialisni and should he avoided 

Term* Net Caah. 


Telephone Connection 

Commercial St., WEYMOUTH. “ 


Whether you wish Trimmcil Hutu, Heady-to-Trlm lints, llntrimmctl lints, 
l-'liitvers, Kolinjie, Novelties, Ti'intmiii)>s, or Hibbons, you ean tlml Just ivlint 
you Willi here, :unl :it the rifilit prices, too. 

I Wishington Squire. 


Wayaouth, Mas. 

Engaged Early. 

Preparations are beiug made iliut indi¬ 
cate extensive improvements to town 

hllitlcs. Supple to the touch apd excep¬ 
tionally lustrous, this silk runs the gamut 
of most exquisite fashionable shades, and 

reaches the acme of perfection In the a u rxr asoortaitnl of PIC 
weaver's art t 

With the interest in the question of Olir ElttOll S DfUg StOTB. 


All sizes and nil finishes of Photographs. 
I list ant silicons process used exclusively 
for children. 

4 larxr asaurlmral nf PICTI'RK MUI-LDINUM rarrlrS la stork. 


Th« Herald School Conle.t. ani , varnish 

The Weymouth High school ami Alice try, stated 
<i. Kgun are coming to the front Bad lie had 

Here i” a part of the record: March 27 * paint ut this 
with HH 4 coupons to Us credit the High ever known 
school stood No. is. On April l.i with lie contemplating painting 

rr " ' 1 MUCH PAINTING THIS SPRING. Tremont Theatre. With the interest in the question of 

* dust one year from the time of Us good health as a great factor in the tie- 

e he p a int Should be Bought and Painters original production, Henry W. Savage’s velopment of beauty, the harmful prae- 
wIII Engaged Early. production of "Woodland” will again he ticc of tight lacing Is seldom indulged In, 

trial. . , , , offered at the Tremont theatre. After a so nothing need be said on that, score, 

esn't rt parat otis are h tig mat i tint mi- run n f seventi’eu weeks in Boston the but the proper adjustment of the corset 
such <atl jnprovemi nts to town pj lM . e w#8 played in New York, Chicago Is not ns wldelv nnderstooil as It should 

property ibis spring. The paint .letler. Bm , olher hlg elUe* will, no le« «uccc. I*. 

ami the painters are looklns fonvar.1 to a of Ulc h , Hl work . of 1Mllcy , ml good model of atralght from corset 
bu.”> season. I.uders, authors of "The Prince of lMIsen" such as the C-B a la Rpirltc, should be 

A prom nent pa nt *»a tr. w io tarres an ,| 0 tl,er popular musical plays, Us selected, and if It be brought well down 

t n* pro* tuts *> on* *» ti* .tig* si P® u *|uaiut Idyllic story, lieautlful stage pic- so as to clasp about the hips, with the low- 

... an< ' ttrn91 ,nanu ® c tnrtra o t i. *oun an ,j rharmlng music combine to est clasp below the abdomen, the strings 

try ’ 8tat4Hl yesterday that never ndore „„ entertainment of rarely pleasing being then moderately and comfortably 

had he hnd so nmny inquiries regarding , 1(iallty . It is a fanUsdc creation of con- drawn together, the coraet Instead of he- 
I. 1 . P# Hi ut Hi s t mt o t i* year, nor iai u . tlutial Hiirprlrioai and unbroken charm. It ing pernicious will lie decidedly lieneflclal 

Ovtr Elston's Drug Store. STUDIO GRAND, Rockland, Miss. 

Manicuring, - Shampooing, - Singeing. 

INUItoWINU NAILB TRKATKU. Bapcrflaoaii Bair, Wart* aaA Moira palalt"»lr 
ani sarrrMfally rranayri. Chllirra'a lair faltlag. 

A go*»*l moilel of straight front corset 
J.uders, authors of "The Prince of Pilsen” such as the C-B a la Rpirltc, should be 
ami other popular musical plays, Us selected, and if it he brought well down 
•piaint idyllic story, lieautlful stage pic- so as to clasp about the hips,with the low- 
tures and charming music combine to est clasp below the abdomen, the strings 

’Phone 35*9. 

Room 8, Bank Bldg., Quincy. 

had he had so many Inquiries regarding 
paint ul this time of the year, nor had he 

lll'.ll coupons it stood No. * among the iwh-nt that the eomint: season would be a .. . ’' ^ 

. ... , , f V, „ imitators. The characters are all birds Jorlty of welMressetl women chose run 

•W competing high schools outside of i»i«r one. ami lie had nut ill an especially . ,,, , „ . 

, , . 1 , ,. and before the play has been unfolding the gamut from the stiff street hat to the 

(•reatcr Boston. larue stock to take care of Ids trade .... _^ ... ._ . .. . .. . 

so man> properly owmrsto Bas the great advantage of being a novelty to health as well as appearance, 
ating painting, lie was con- « t ,.i i... ....._, ... 

and it appears to be beyond the range of Hummel tailored hats, w hich the ma- 

(inly 4 teachers from all the 7(5 

large stock to take care of Ids trade 
< it her dealers and painters in town have 

and before the play has been unfolding the gamut from the stiff* street hat to the 
live minutes one Is aroused to keen In- daintiest creation Tori heat re wear 

peting grammar schools outside Greater had practically the sume experience. 

Boston have as many coupons us Alice G. 
Kgan of Fast Weymouth. 

Why not show, for oner, what Wey- 

terest In the doings of the fantastic prin¬ 
cipals. lMxley has turned out a diverting 

Ki.aink Ho/i 

II ia that hot), paint Avalvra ami HU>rJ , l>llderil matchea | t lo cora . 

painters strongly advocate the importance 
of property owners figuring on their 


m "" lh ' lo xr 'r :'*"‘ l !:" lmlr ^ rvKular palnlln K , tonilneil oB .„ r „, for ( .|, rlRtm „ 5| ve „' lon 

representatives at tlie head of the list? season opens 
Don't till out tlie coupons, but send pound, 
them in Idank to Thomas Welch ut the - 

The reasons put forth are 

Karly preparation, the deciding 

positions. It has Iteen said to resemble 

in many respects the great Knglish pan- Library Art Club Exhibitions, April 12— 
tomlnea offered for Christmas diversion. April 29. 

Moat of the HngUali panlmnlnca an- ar- Tlila eihlhltlun will llluatralv Eeatouua 
rancotl vapt-cially for cliildiali approval, and Devorative Group., alao au (trna- 
liut In tho caae of "Woodland,” there ha. mental Alphabet of l'lanta, and 

Kliuk*- Intoymir *Ihm n Allen’- Fim.* F’ti-e, :* powtli'r. 
It cure- * nrii-. Bullion*. I'uinful, KinnrtiiiK. 1 I*»I, 
km i.lleu fe*'t. At utl Druggi*>l<* und Shoe Store*, 25 e. 


The eombiiiatioiis of colors used ou u 
house are of considerable moment and 
should not he decided upon hurriedly. A 

Doane, Stanley II. Forde, Douglas Kuth- 
ven, Chari*-” Meyers. John Donohue, 
Charles Dow Clark, Kmms Cams, Ida 
Brooks Hunt, Louise To/.ler, Helen Hale, 

Notice Water Takers. 

UNPAID WATKIt BILLS ean he paid 
at th** Water Office, or to 

CII AIN li II T«IIIIIA:1, (ollrtlur. 

North \V* >mouth, M.*»». 


(•iris for genera! housework, table and 
chamber work. also a woman to do the 
('•Hiking In boarding house Good wages 


T« l. -• lisa Haarurk Bl . quin*). 


aii nisn* **r 

Carpenter Work and Building. 

”|*«| Ul All. tillou Mill l.( uni'll ».. Jobbing. 

t*. «• Allrrn, Llltrri) lirrrl. Fas I Bralairrt. 

To People 
Who Want 
Reliable Pianos 

1'At'ii if you arc not «,ui*e ready to buy a 
|iuiio, come in and luok aliout our evtAblivli- 
inent. Listen to the tone of the various nukes 
see Ihe many styles of cases and try the instru¬ 
ments all you wish. Ask questions and let iis 
explain terms aul quote pn»e*. You are wrl 
come heir whether you purchase or not. Of 
one thiii}; you may be certain if you ever waul 
a fine |>inn«i you'll * nine to us aftrr this vliit. 

alnish' trlimnliignut lu harmony will nftvn Margaret Hayre, Ida Mt. . I.ucllle Nel- 

make a liiiuae all antiravallou. Several Mattie NIe,ml» .ml The ev. 

I»alin inuntifactiircrs, appreciating the | 
value of this feature, have an organized 
department of artists und architects 

non, Mattie Nichols and others. The ex- y 
qulslte stage pictures, the quaint comedy ‘ 
and the beautiful meloilleH In"Woodland" 
combine to give It a wholly unique char- * 


A holiday uuinber—the Hlth 
They're seen *»u all shies—ears 
Kven the old-time kulghts hnd 

whwL ' sol « lU "y ,M lo ****"* 8 ,MM| «J° r actor as an enu-rtalnment and stir up 

coiuhiuatious. Local dealers report that 
it is a common practice now for paint 
buyers to give them a photo or draw ing 
of their houses to submit to paint makers 
for color specification* 

keen Interest In every theatre goer. 

Empire Theatre. 

Another tremendous vaudeville show 
ul the F.m pi re Theatre (Boston) Is prom- 

Another point in connection with select- laed for the week of April 24 . Manager 

The labor agitator aims to l>e a strik¬ 
ing success 

It's a far erv back to the time of the 

The wheelbarrow manufacturer believe” 
that his products w ill hear pushing 

It's time we reullxed that u good time 

Ing colors Is that an early decision will <’ W Anderson has been able, to put on i»*‘»r.e of the necessities of the tlini’s 
enable the dealer to order any s|>eclal one programme several names which are The toper loses Ids hold, a” u rule, lie- 
colors he may not regularly carry in of the highest Importance either In vaude- cause he holds so much. 

colors he may not regularly carry Iii 

There is economy, too, in engaging u 
painter before the season rush is on. 
When the reason is In full swing and the 
painter bus many jobs ahead, it is often u 

vllle or oil the legitimate stage, 

The man in the inoou may mil Im 

result should be memorable. An offering woman hater, but he looks down on them, 
of umiaual importaniT will It "The Ambll | on d(HM mar « than the \.r»y« to 
... M «»‘-"lf« r ." » >'»«-»« "y ,how wlint'a in a pcraoil. 

I .axative Rromo Quinine 

Cures a Cold in One Day, Grip In Two. 
(O. ®a 35c. 



Ladies', Misses' and Children’s GARMENTS, 
Men's, Youths' and Boys' 

Clothing, Hats # Caps. 

Our storlv roll Hint a ol' First-*'hiss Mutci'iulx, licsl .Makes and 
Lutes* Styles. 


Our hooks are opened for uccnuntH during this sale. 



1 Granite Street, - QUINCY, MASS. 

Mount lo our Noa Sturt, 1479 Haucuek 81., Qulucy, oi Moy 1st. 


J Hartley MannerM, which will introduce 

limiter of Kpenilation when your work that diatlugufohed FuglUh actreem, Mlsa Going up. lu »onu Ktor* ” iimuii* 
ran Ihi Ukea eire of. I'llutluif aluiulU Mlaa, It will *" *<■» »" ''hn.u.ra 

he ihUHM'.rly in the a|irmu, as aeon ua Im* rrr.lhsl. hulhhsl .u envlthle reputitloa A pre|>.r.lhio In auothe . (willing liihy 
the mulature la mil of llieliunlter .ml Ihe »» leading l.ily In Cliirlra Krohmiu'n aliould he aold .( cut ratM 
wealli.rartllial Therarrfnl huuaelioliler Kmplre tliratrs ( New Vork) au>rk com- Twlua may luuk juat alike, hut a qu«r- 
Bhk all the detad* of the work arranged pauy for several Kca*«»n*, aud in a nlmllar rcl make* a dlflcreu* c Ik- tween them 
iimnv w*”*kH ahead capacity iu other Important «irgaui/a- Fant frlcodoi ahould Imj alow to believe 

HI*- IllUlffiilll I" (MU •»* »n«- *• 



Letfor to J. A. Lamprey. 

South B \ymonth, t/>r.»» , 

Dear Sir Here * a paint that'a being 
^ 1 ^ I All .i.I.I In hnrgaliehunU-ra 

| llw |mr 

f*u ** " Z.lliO* 


68 Cfltn Stmt BfICktOI Baryt4*aud whiling ar**i>aii*l and vvlillo- 

>• " ‘•l*”'k ull fix- |tuiiuUr advertin'.! Klyh-a, ,l 'd palllt 

( 1 ”1|4|(. *, Ural QuuUtlra, NrWrtl |.!«•.»., ;,l SolllC pWOpll* ll>U*t Ilk*' g»»l*l lirick* 

. tpiKia. K|i*‘. ,.(| ( «>r**'l« for Motti W'oiui ii. . .1 . .i 

. I hr u.iur of iu.t |.. n. !» - "purr 

rr*. Mii'llru. Bml Kuran*, Karkru bb4 Hub Bb- lea*l-aud-xllie ’ Ihe *h ul.-j who*e||« if 
rkrlo, MBleralif bb 4 Ph)»lral ( allure WbDIu. ”iy* ii - a* g*Nod a” D"' 1 *' 

‘ ••Your* truly, 

*f th* w**rk arranged pauy for neveral o*ea**»un, aud in a similar I rel make* a difference between them 

South Weymouth Ice Company 

TIRRELL & BAYLEY, Proprietors. 

rapacity lu oilier linportant orgaui/a- Flat frlruda nhmdd lw alow to tielleve 
tl.iua; ami ahr liaa ilwaya l.een a prime anything unkind of each other 
favorite with aoclety patron, of the .(age. Son , eUme , lUt u . Bl harltone'a voire la 
Her present engagement at the Kmplre , „„„ 

theatre will mark tier first appearance in 

, , *'n the whole, hoiiic i*coplc hcciii to 

lloHtou till* aeaaon au*l her *»nly one , , . ' ' 

... miii...—* in i. n think they are the whole thing 

Mlaa Mlllward will have competent «up- 3 

port, and patron* <»f tin* playhouse are It * a dull girl whddoeMit iuidcr*tttud 
asauri”! an artlMtlc treat in her perfor- dm mlatletoe. 

malice Does the aU’eple eliiutter require a 

Another great card will he Mine Mhii- high-Nouudlug name- 
Belli, the lirilllaut ami ticaiitiful operatic \ ou cau scale a uiouuUiu, Imt you can 
prliiia douna, w ho haH not l»*-eu heard iu u*»t weigh It 

ltoNton for at leuat two Heanou*. her last The milkman, like the choirmaster » 
engagement there tudug w ith the Maacagui preparing III* Faster strain” 
opera company. Then there w ill be John H take* more lhau a picture hat to 
Ford, Maymc Gerhue and their ten Daisy make some girl* "a* pretty a* a picture 
girl*, iu the most picturesque terpal- K\eu the architect may let some wuinm 
ehorean novelty *»f the *ea”*in, which ha* help him make plan* for the future 
scored au iimueuise hit iu Nawr York; the You can’t get auythlng iuto u pigs 
Teiiu* troupe, direct from tlie New York lieatl, but we've ofteu seen a hogshead 
lllppodrone, l»y *|Hrlal urraugement with full 

tiiat va*i amusement resort The Teiiu* Fretty lips are emmgii lo make some 


i, . i) i.. \V*'ui Comet*, #1.00, #1.-25, #1 *1 ‘ 

!('•( «/(ittlii v, #‘2.05 t« #.i.w. 

W • ... #-1 5*1, # 4 . 60 . #5.i*i I.. #|A.5o 

1 1 > iHirtetl« ur« la. #‘4,1# tu #75.00. 

Alil'.WTN IV ANTES* lilt 

F W Hr.VOK A Cu. 

I* S M It Loud A ('o , Mouth Wey¬ 
mouth, sell our paim 



Ice and COAL and 

Refrigerators | WOOD 

Heavy Teaming, Plowing, etc., 


TOWIH UTKk'N omui Selectmen & Overseers of the Poor troupe i” undoubtedly tlie acrohati* sen- I girls purse proud 

Fretty lips are eooiigh to make some 


W Wevnoo(l) Sannis Baik. 

orriot HOURS, tou. 12 a. m., k lu 6 y. m 

il all .I.W ol KwiWacc .. glllrmi 
■«*. I aia.ilr VkaMk. 

JOHN A. MAYMONI). Tow* Clerk 

" .'TZe* ' IU * w,r ; iun »ill la- -larillug auil ilirllllag i Hbera 
Saving, Bank Budding, Eaat Wrymouth, I lu ''' ll '“ ll ,M ' Mlll ‘ ll “- 

”Stion of tlie period, uud its dehut ill Bo” 

Every Monday. 

(lurAos Ibr u*uu»- l|'*J ) f w. from I mu lu iwr o'clo* 6 cell 

Blackface Miustrel Girls, in s fuuuy eon 


ii Bos- Of course the watehmsn esu't up t*» 
ither* the times without Itsuds 
, the Rome men rise by their own efforts, 
y cult slid others hsve wives who blow them up 
ijthor A good foot rule (iu the shopping dls- 

Office, Columbian 8quare, SOUTH WEYMOUTH 

Bradlee A Chatman Co. 



• tumm* Wii i t*. (!«»*ri*iau. 

l-.M.Addrr-' WrvuMiUlli. 

BK 41 *roMl. II*-*-. Urrk. 

p. •>. At) lie* * ‘- 1 *' 1 » liliMltli. 

Euvssu W Hist. 

HiiSSMi W Jsioes. 

(isomti i ssmrua. 

Writ 1 wulti. U.r.l* 14 . \ 9 »i. 

I, I ol 

; hrlmim 

I 4,< 

1 Wr)u„it 

known better s* "The Folite Juvenile," lu tricts)—"Keep to the right " 

a eoalcAl luouologue. Gaston amt Gilroy, Au engaged couples dispute Is uot ul- 

i wo merry aud eeceotrlc eometliaos, w ith way* settled out of court 

sougs uud • the LaTell Brothers, The brook Is a stream that babbles, 

acrobat* and hand to hand Italancers: the aud some woiucu talk a perfect stream 

* Bagraph and other features Fhiladelphia Bulletiu 

121 Beverly 8treet, 

TaUakunr.. Klrkoiaa*) ]}{{; 


S. (i. IHJNHAlt of North Weymouth, who ia 
in vliuigo of ouc Hot Ail' IK'imrlmcut, will Iw 
|iiriuwul lo cull ami aulimit plana ami ealiwatea. 



completing an exposition. 

Plrflt.lHXI' KVKRV rmlMV BV 1 HP 


(«a*«. cmxfmutiow.) 


Wl |l qo to F.rm School .1 T tiompaon'a Now on lh. .t Lob,. i«l 

Clork F«,r. Slilo Buildlnqo Going Up 



up,., i ,,, . h, it, '■! -i i:\ trp. come to Boston daily or at 

ftnti ior m ihiim pmi. iiiiiK "orvin* »t Infrequent interval! you 

CHARLES tl Wll.i 

Mana|«r and Edit#, 

.r to. mat nooir. .r •»»»nori 
inn*" _ 

Friday. Apru. 21 . 1905 . 

\ literal lnliT|irclflll*»n of the 
r ,.|mr< on Hie riilllpptniK. i.lnriy per 
eent of Hie people there are elvlll/eil. 
H.iiilil m»ke it appear that life on the i«- 
lamia 1< more a.lianeeii tlil.Il in the I nltml 
Slnlea Tlila honever, l.arav nliere 
min li ilepemla upon ileHiiillnn 

Rapidly. The Trail Sprinfllnq from 
Guild » lake 

t movent Opt la on foot in llnetnn to 
preaervethe limiae which, «a« once the 

Inin.. rani Revere The movement 

.mttlil to he aiiceeaafnl. bill lloalon haa 
beep notleealily neglerlfnl for a elt.v 
wlileh la anppoaeil to hlqhly re-peel ami 
foinllv treaaurc Ip antl'iOlllea 

St'l’T. I>r St IIOOI • .loll' 
lin |i.t« hnmh-d In* r* aitfiM 1 

A .pedal moot Inn of Hie -ehool 
tlllttee «a. held a, the town olllre- 

Sl. nolo Iiefore Hie o|ienln(t of tin' 
t en . and Clark i xpo-ltlon flnda the 1 , 1 * 
fair more near I, ready than haa been am 
prey Iona elllerprlae of Ihe Mod III the 
, nrre-|aitldlon period I Itthl of the ten 
exhibit palaii -Serp Itnlahed and loeki.l 

Up Week, auo the ... l„*l.l« o|iened 

now and then to permit the -lorinii of 
enrhiad. of etblblta The Mtiaenm of 
\rti>. a unique airiM-tuie for the hnnalim 

and i-xhd.iiion .IT pile.. palntlim«. I- 

rapldly lukinu Mrm ll I- built of aril 
t|. 'al -lom liloeka, and util he tboronnldx 
ilreproof The l.llmral Aria palaee, the 
la-1 of the lilu exhlhlt tittlldllitta, i- 
nearly llni-lnal that hnl txxo or three 
week, of xxoik are required ll|nitl II 

Ii.u inu the |UI«I lortnuhl Hie -tale 
hnilditm- haxe hern urowlntt iiiagleally 
t’nllfornla’a Immen-. Imllillnn, vvhleh 
eoinhltiea Hie arelilleet ural fealnre- of 

i in m i, -i in lo’- 



1 in :U) 

Stinday.wcluad PPMlrtn at III' 1 
(hr Minn Kndcttur mei-tinu id »'• 

! Sunday fretting undco nt ' 

lnc«.lay evening hit vIn- at 7 .JU» 

Toplr fur Chrhtinn Endeavor IWftflltlu, 
xpril !?:?. •Tlio |"nur of 11 reinrree- 
I * loll 

Topic for Tuesday evening April 2 ’.. 
I • ||.tilling fn-Y xx hit xx •• have R«ln«l " 


Absolutely Pure 


Norfolk Y. M. C. A. Convention. 

TIi* second annual cfltlXenlldh of tin* 

Y(mi nit Men'* Christian nasodation “f ; 

M mission houses, one on I Norfolk county, under tin* supervision of 

Wevmmith. at o'flork Mmulay nfi'T* „ i, „f Us font * 11 * running out from a I the county rorninlttee. " Ill be held at 

Tin* return* of the tlr*t eight month* 

noon, all the members being |»re*eilt 
The principal metier which .nine up for 
conahleratloti was the resignation "f 

ftitr**. ha* all the exterior stair Mllghlandvllle In the town of Needham 

Public School Meetinq. 

X public lilt ' lltlB xx III bt held In the 
\e*.irv of lin- I'llurlm church. Nortli Wey¬ 
mouth oti Monday evening, Mux I. under 
lie uiisph-cM of Hn* Weymouth Educa¬ 
tional aasoi ailoti 

X talk upon Nature Sllldx” xxlll Im* 
given by Mis** S K I»rn****IM and there 
will be *ltoi t a.ldresscs by hr William 
i X Drake, clinlrman of the School Com* 
i mltlee, and other friend* of education 
I Slmruof hy children from the *ehm»ls 
! may he e\|*celcd and light refreshments 

i will he *crved Those xvho attend xxlll 
I Inn •• a giMwl time 

Indicate that Cuba la Importing per cent s „,, 0I |uii.ndem .Tulin i AiiHmnx. Inhai- 
mure tmcrlcau dour than It did la-i year. accept!*.! an niter I" U" I" Hie Th.imp- 

,ir I., the i nine »f M,»" Kar ,„ . .. „ areally In* 

*l,.ytai,iaai In the tlr»t elghl miaUlm of the ( . r(>n . ) ., 1 .„| ar , 

\\«>rk and i* bring palnterl oil the Interior 

Washington's big bulhllng, near by* Is 
more than half fltllshed Oregon i* put- 
tmu the splendid Ionic column* under 

Saturday. April Sloth 
The morning *e**lon xxlll be held in 
the Episcopal church, hculnnlmf at o l*» 
I o’clock It xxlll he devoted largely to the 

W. R. C. Note*. 

The business meet I flu of Reynolds W 
It f will be held In «. A It hall next 

Island Kami school at a greatly In- L,,,. r „„f „f |„. r front portico New York boy* xx <*rk icpre*entnl hy the I'lil Thursday 

In tin* afternoon the 

Inst fiscal year The Increase In the im- 
pnrtallon of other mereliandl^e froni the VnlhonV ', 
t inted Staley I- al.n lamer than "a-ex* ri .uialu. am 

I... after the reciprocity treaty »» re »|gnatlon I 

lint 111 force The total value of thc»cv* .y n thony‘ 

porta from the d.'nltcl Stat.a to Cuba In fl) | )uw „ 
the elghl month- ending with Leliruary Weiuiou 

vxna ^'.'1 ,ir m* eompari-l with h 1 — Tu the Selin 
than OIT.OOo.iaai during the name period „f Weymouth 

of the preceding year That allows an In- a( , on ||H .uperlnlemlent of -chonl- of 
ereaae of .2 per eent. The Imports from l ||( , n , lf Weymouth, to lake died 

fuha tortile -ame perl ml were valued al Kj #v ! ||to:,. 

creased salary 

The comm dice voted to increase Mr 
Anthony’* *alary tos-Voon. hut he de< lined 
to remain, and it xxa* voted that hi* 
resignation he accepted with regret 
Mr Anthony * letter to the committee 

Kast Weymouth. Mi'" Xprll It. 1 "' 

.* of litilld * lake is covering Alpha VI Kraternltx The hoy* xxlll have j Indie* will ttus t at the *ame place to knot 

the frame «»r her building with ornamental luncheon together and there will he a re- I a «iullt for the .. 
wtNii Mnssaehttsctt*. Idaho, Missouri, union of the hoys who were in camp at j lunch »e rvcd at 
Illinois, t tali and Montana are rushing Hus* Maud last summer 

work on their'building*, xx Ith a certainty The afternoon session begin* at if Weymouth B 

..r i, ii \ iiiv 11 ,cm entirely llnlslied, fur- o’clock Supper will be *erv.*l at and \ lunk , rf>H cy, I 

Ht«i1 Ma**achiisctt*. t-iano, aiissoun, | 
Illinois, t tali and Montana are rushing 1 
work on tlieli hitlhling*. xx Ith a certainty 
of having litem entirely finished, fur- 

,,| i*|.{iilv to hold receptions two I the convention vvlil el 

■ week* before President House- I flue program has 

To the School Committee of tin* Town n,,. day of June, presses the I ll*t 

I close at to \ very 
been tttrangetl with a 
»pcaker* There will 

Weymouth Baptist Church- 

p r «nk i‘. Crwsey, Vaxb't Jonathan rilaon, 

UllllOrSfY h't'll |'*4bt **l I >«A V , X | 'Y 1 1 ? t. t" o; ' 

I hereby tender my icsig- 

hoou thereafter a* 

9t2,0(KMNK) f an lner« ase from { \ ]nl \ 

telegraph key and start* the machinery 
• if the exposition 

nil the Trail, built out over Outlds 
ike. the • oiicesslon structure* are spring- 

list of splendid speaker* I here will 
Im* dlscu**lons of important topic*, both 
to the men and to the box* 

Kveryotic lnt«*rc*te«l. particularly in 
boys' work, in tin* county I* Invited to 

Figures made public by the bureau of 
statistics at Washington allow that Urn- 
dou Is not far ahead of New York In the 
matter of commerce. The British capital 
handled last year foreign trade to the 

[,f $i,:to 4 ,::»t.l*l and New York refnfM , 

return to the Farm school at Boston 
In so doing, I wish to express mv re¬ 
gret that my residence in Weymouth, and 
my pleasant relations with your commit¬ 
tee, should terminate *•» soon and to te¬ 
nure that you Uiat nothing but a very favor¬ 
able offer. one that I felt I had no right to 

ept an offer to j ma n| , |,lg water lilies or mushrooms attend 

^I.lo«;.tiT 9 , 04 <;. The gain for our own 
,-lty was much larger than that of London 
over the previous vear. In the amount 

action at this time 

I wloti further, toexpre- 
for the hearty reception 

* my gratlt nde 

Ilf I lie toW II*- 

f exports London Is out-ranked hy New 1 mui the cordial support given i 

from the water one can almost hear Tho? 
t'„. b|h. ii ..f the laden camel and the hark partak 
of the iieriy Spicier, so rapidly I* the must n 
Trull a;M»roachlng the* point where those J. Sliol 
ueees*ary accessories will he due to com- The 
pl.-te the amusement street of theexposi- of Nor 
ti..ii bi tilm 

Th«* machinery, electricity and trails- sociatl 
portatlou building, one of the large ex- total 
luliit pHlaees, was lllllshed some weeks comtlli 
„go, hut dxx lug to the unexpected de- Island 

Those vx ho expert to be present and 
partake of either luncheon or *up|" r 
must notify the county secretary, Mr W 
J. Sliol it t. 2 Park square, Boston 

The county committee of Y M (’ A 

I i irgaii voluntary. ••Faster Morning 
] Whittier) 

l poxologv. “Praise liod ' 

('horns Choir and Congregation. 

I Invocation, Pastor 

i Anthem, “lie Is Risen" K«aris 

psalm Hi, Pastor and People 

| Chant. “Venlle Kxiiltemiis Poinllic’ 
ISalm Hymn 1 "T 7 
I Scripture. John 2 u 1-1 * 

Hymn, Church and Congregation 
J Prayer, Honorary Pastor 

Anthem. ••Christian, the Morn Breaks 
(ieiitly o'er t’s" 1 Shelley 

of Norfolk county now supervises work Notices and offerings for Church Kx- 

in nine vllloge* There are *. men’s as¬ 
sociations and T hoys' diapers, with a 
total membership of C'-'i The county 

conduct* a boys' camp at Hits* Sermon, 


Anthem, “Hark, Hark my Soul' Shelley 
offerings for Boston Baptist Hospital 
Anthem. “Joyful Easter-tlde' Bcirlx 

Island. In tin- Annlsi|tiixm river. 

York which had a total of 9 r»O(J, 80 H,OlJ. j,y vonr committee and t" assure xou 
That fact does not worry England how- ||IV experience in Weymouth, al- 

ever, for Liverpool leads the world with t |, oug |, Mliort. xxill he among my most 

In these impor-I (lloiicestcr Camp xxill open July 1 .th W ,ini 

exports valmsl at 9 :.:» 7 ,r, 98 ,'J 8 (J. That is 
but a few millions more than the figures 
for New York however and the English 
have but n few years more In which to 
glory over theirIMg figures The Amer¬ 
icans are hard after them 

pleasant memories 

Respectfully submitted, 

Jolts C AMU"" 

Grand Army Note*. 

Mr Edwin Clapp has kindly offcrisl the 

The Farm school Is a private home 
school for good hoys and l* one *»f the 
oldest and best known in New England 
The instruction and training given there 

taut departments, two annexes ate now and ru 
being built, eiich a hundred feet square may b 
The annexes will be tlnlshisl within a retury 
week or *o Exhibits are Indtlg installed 
In the main building 

The sniullcr structures here and there Mr 
throughout the grounds, such as cafes niorc i 

and run for live week* Full Information 

Resurrection and Salva- 


Bright Easter Morn" 

Ashford i 

Honorary Pastor 

i„iiv be had by writing to the county see- 

Mr C'hugvvaler If you read the paper* 
are eloselv you wouldn't have to ask me 

I organist, Helen I. Sull* Chorister, 

I F A Still** 

! iQuartette- Mrs CharlesJ llollls, Miss 
: Edith White, ( harles Price, F. A Stills. 
The above music will he repeated Easter j 
Hay evening, seven o’clock. 

can have a bank account 
at the Old Colony Trust 
Company with perfect 

The system of banking 
by mail which has been 
adopted gives thorough 
satisfaction in every re¬ 
spect. You can send your 
deposits by mail in the form 
of money orders or checks 
Your pass book need not 
be sent with your deposit, 
or to be balanced. Each 
month a statement is ren¬ 
dered by mail which shows 
the condition of your ac¬ 
count, and your cancelled 
checks arc returned at the 
same time. 

When you come to 
town you need not bring 
money with you and run 
the risk of losing it through 
theft or carelessness. You 
can cash checks at either 
the main office in the Ames 
Building or at the Temple 
Place branch office, which- 
ever may be most conven¬ 
ient for you. 

The Temple Place office 
is particularly adapted to 
| the needs of women, not 
only on account of its loca¬ 
tion, but because of its 
arrangement, equipment, 
and management. A 
! pamphlet illustrating and 
describing it will be mailed 
on request. 




. p |*it> »n*» ii.ntf * 

I HrtllUn' |n»1t.l. Vnilil *•«, IM*f> 

Ktfl (u l i Mtirt » I", ll.' '.'Wl b, III JmIhi 

Make the Dining Room 
Attractive ^ 

In Wcvimmlli, »'Y X. B. I»; d. ** *•'«**• A llnlli 
mi. In’S. XV••» month, liv XX. .X. 1 "ini. 

A gn at »b“il of a innn’s tiini* til linini* i* spt nl in 
flic liming room. Mnkr tlii* •linini! ichiiii ns nlirm*- 
livt; sis jwissibli*. 

\Yr |i:iv«* :t x i*rv Inrgt* nssortint*n! of I Ininlsoinc 
Dining It* m• in 1*11 1 nilni«* :it l*opnl:ii Prii i’H xvhicli x\r 
will In* plrnstMl In slinw von. 

Hminl. (Wnl ninl Sqliftlv Inblrs, SiiU'botinls, 
llnflvl* :in<I ( nni'-Hi'iitCil Mining ('liftif* nil of tin* 
Ih nI fink iiihI highly pnllultoil. 

Yomiff Housekeeuers 


!%« N«la. ■•••'*|dnl Im fill* •t*|»*rOii*nl 
litllrn •«Ti»n*,»»Ml*ll ««l|li Hie f»»h. 

I Oil I» 

I ,t ’ 1 1.■ ■ 11• -• m farm, XX i >i 
I li»tnp-‘>it, Riltnini-lrHlot, 

XI in t.. . 

II , L .|ii« t XX I 

1 .1011 sai.i:. *• . ond 1.1 1 "r 

" .it.l > ond It I on, \ 11 i It! IfskiT • 

11 vmm- ant • timing i n trH im i.. 

Young Housekeepers 

•i• *• *itnit ill Im• I«>11* buying cIhcxx lit*ri! Tin* g»»Ml* "IP 
pl«:iso yon :i im I tin* piirrs siirprisi’ yon 

We will liiniish :i foni-mom liotisr rn.iiplrli* lo 
tin snmlh st th toils, for SI L*.*• tliwl fmin this pin t* tip. 

1 .101* NAI.K. Iomit, i " 

' Si/< • 1 . t^lif, 2 II * hi 

all.) 5 ll. s III. Apply .1 III! otfl. • • 
f it., 0 • W i-h nutiiii SI., XX • > inn .I 

i fit-« fiont-. 
ML. II 0. 4 in. 
i \ * •lortlitii 

I Jmli sH.i;. a .|.i. i.., . . ■ 

’ lllll III IP MX | ...Mill' Mi 

Xlf. \ K. Itiillixk, 49 1 't Iiirnl sift. 

1 *011 MI.E. X ftt.1 .1 111 | .• 

' lop; | i .■ tifiilly tiftr hmI hi t -i - 
ioll. Xpply .it • tll/l'ltl' I.flirt . 

I ;on NA1.K. High tired tthod. I- 15 • • 1 

^ . kg- fur Imtt liing; -X"' . •riling. I'li' " 

Hirliitt J-, 402 Krt-iit St , XVfvmontli. 4 It 


New England's lowest Priced House Furnishers. 

10,*» Hancock Street. Q«li»«.V 

1 .1011 SAM''., I ot of red ot it Ini.- 

* uni I. nirili-. • i ilur-liiiigh - nitd j'lnf 

lni.itd• cheap, mth, tmiple and pine it.I, tn-n •" 

inert iuilitttlil»'; one new milch Uncrn«ct eott , h‘"i 
Tonl«»n«i gee«f, l it inff. I rftnk II. Itolnie*, a" 
-i i, it min >i,, 11 .1 \ '.l'. I. .i-i XV. t no mu h, XI . - - . 

4 It 

l lil.'i llatienek Street. (|a 

(Mir'til (’nnlll Sv-tnii liink.'S cmr.» In.inr- n 1 
\-k ... Imvc it I'spiiiliii'.) I.. y .mi 

\V.' L.'iq. .qn ii Mnn.lnv, l-'it.lny nn.l Si.inr.lin .•nqilnqi. 

’’HF.I* YOl’It pantry fm* n I min 
i tt it limit the aid of poOnn, < at-or'trap*. XX'' 
I •tin method toi ir»e. Hot hrtii. E i-t XX i tmoiilh. 

a o 

I IVi: VO 11|.THY XVXXTIlh XV,ll lint 
J ant nttniliei ofhc.illlit In n», dll, k-, g''e*e oi 
tliii ken* oi ant -i/« i.rlireed. s. tlinu hen- tvanti ,1. 
XX ill mipplv i vtni (tin- Marred Hock ••««. tin hat. h- 
mfffopaitic- who ttlli net them lot him halt the 
i hick* hatched. I" I'tu h Im l -'") • hh k«. 
fi dat * old. X po»tal tt III Iniiitf train. I*. O. Ilc\ 
482, South XX . t month. 

Porcelain Crowns and Fillings 

r| 14 > I.KT. Tl ■neinent ovei «tor» of |'„ XV. Hunt. 

£ X! i-huuftousqn.ipv >nt tininu liti »l/cil 
i,,oni*. in tt it papen d and liainted, laruc panfry and 
L.ith. ti lth k<Hid alth ; •uhuldc tor -innll famllt. 
Appiv to K XV, Hunt. '<* tf 

’ A iYTI‘ 111 . Ttto k.I nil II loi Ire leant- 

xpply at l.uke View Park. XVetmoWtll, 

W \ t.irtu ■ ' ... •* «o to act. 

tt It hill I elit fare ol III .lilitlee .’I Onimt 
Xddri Foil point Hotel, Noftli XVcynn nth. 4 

tVInqi nkilfilllv .lull.'. -.milerfeit iintnrc ns I*. hIihhhI ili'fy ili'li'ctlon; 

nn.l tlie pei-Hoti ho r.M lonnte tin lo Imvc hiii'Ii work in the moiitli ^ninn I lie 
envy of nci|imiiiliiiici's for lmviii(i -neli n peifeeL nrt of lectli. 

' lin. cluqi|i ml veil Ini 1I« iliqitisln of llic cilh's. who mlviqlim! lo pul on 
(;,,I,|> < KIHVXS ns low US rill!KK POl.I.AltS nn.l gol.l llllingH for itiiv 
old price they <qm !?el, Imvc so vulgarized the use of jiol.l in l lie moiitli t tin I 
ftisliioualile people are having their■ jjolit llllin^s removed and replaeed tvilli 

poreeluin. We have ... a large amount of time and money in Ihe lust 

two veins perfectin'.; ourselves in the nil of poreeluin inline, for the reuson 
tliul ive were eonvinred llmt poreeluin wus I lie only riirld kind of lilline for 
iinv cavity near Ihe flout of the moiitli. )Vc liuve also li(!|lired out that tvilli 

W ANTKII. A ran,, el I.,."I. 

XVevmoilth, to tvoik on the odorlc- 
for i-lciinnik v unit* and ce»«pool*. Addn - 
XVc> mouth or Pearl Street, l^ninct. 

hr .din till! incq’OHHPfl skill wltirli n.mrs from long prsiPticc xvp rsin inaei’l tbvsp lilliiigs 

W %KTi:i». IndiiMrmn* man or wmiihii a- 
permanent ri pn -cntallt. of liltf uiaimfact 
uritik compunv, to look atYer It- IhirIiipm in tin* 
coiintt hiiu inholniiik tertitort. Hu*iiic** *in■•••«*- 
fill and C*tut»ll*)icd Sain, t f.M.IHI tvoeklt and e\ 

peine*. Salary paid weekly from I.. hy 

pen«c monev adtaln cd. Kxpern ine not e**« litlal. 

nen«e money ant alli ed, r.xpei 
V’.neloRe *eif-addre**ed put elope 
( OHIO Block, f Ideilko 

tal Matiauei, 
SI tt 

•tt it lint ptire I»r live tlollni’s j m* r rsivilv :m«l irot nbout tin* stum* returns that 
xvp Ittivi* Item getting for our goltl fillings, xvliirb is till xvi* nsk. 

There lire many gold Idling* Unit look all right when nexv, xvltieli IsirniH i 
and look unsightly in ti few months. To sill those who tire dissntislied xx it Ii 
Mieh xvork. we xvonhl say tlmt poreeluin Tilling* imjimve in up pen ranee with 
nge, uml the only tiling that may happen to them i* to full out. NN ben tins 
does liuppen, xve tiekiioxvlcdge il to be our fault mid nlxvttys replnec suelt 
Idling* without further elturge. 

W ANTKII. People to Know tlmt It corUouit 
2ft reutu to make known their want* In tin* 


P T'II.S de-iiinir ln-trueti,,ii upon anv hand "i 
..1. I.i -trill iHRirumetiL 'I hie. lcR*«m- tteeklt. 


S. B. SARGENT. D. M. D.. Assistant 

303 Union Street, Rockland, Mass. 

and indi' Mual exhlhlt pavilion* 
up with surprising eelerUy 
Ainerhan Inn. built on pile 

. tire going no many •iiiestlmi* 

expelled 111 in 

The big 
over the 

ttnhpie mid the 

known lake at die edge nearest the llr-elatl foot- 

for eoinluet tinheeomlng ;t meiiiher *»f the 

Mr* Clnigxxater- Yes. hut Itoxx • an a 

.Air . ... . Ihrnimluiut tlie euiilitiy u- u iiim.I.-I e\- I hill- ..f tin- Cusen.le iiimintiiiiis, has the man ilo anything iiiilieeonilin; a ineiulier 

Hue ..f lilu elegant Memorial t.ull.lliiK ami Hflclt|H|1 of i ,u„l I.eM In j ..ppearuiu e ..fa IlnMieil -triicture: ami of the I.KWatiire- Cliteau., Ttllmne 

....I.,, al... I Ir il HilXritlV It IS t TOT 11 HI* ■ i i .. . i • 

grounds to the Grand Army Boat for use 
on Decoration day, May J" Mr i lapp 
also very generously offers to provide the 

llollitr lir»y*i ,%|qirnl lo XVoiiipii. jbuls- 
|t ion Inn•• puiti* tu the luu-k. I'riUiin. Illaililemr 
Kidiiey ln<t*ltlf, mid want . eertuin ph »«iint hrrl. " 
tetiipdv for women** ill*, rrv Mothpr f'ltiv'* 

Auslralian-Loaf. . •• ■- ■ .«-*-- »•»".«. > 

mm itit lil i' re kt I hi tor. Xt |h iiklfbf* •" h* mail .Hlit*. 

S.(tuple piiekuk*' run:. \«hli• -* -Ihe Mother 
limy l*o.. I.tlloy, s Y. haw 

Feminine Philosophy. 

When a eoipteMe begins to think it I* 
about time for her t«» get married she 
iluds that It i* too lot' - In The opinion of XVed.i. -diiy and Kriduy, upon the PiaiiM 
ami all n mil in *tlinked liihtrument*. XX mil .mi » 
tiMire meinher* fur the lieiv hllll'l: 2 hw*»c* •'•fteeialli 
it l* de*irpil. « XSTI’.I.IJH I "MKIto, fi oil 
■ St., or 7S1 Broad St., Kn»t XXYyinniitli. I 12 


utli. 1 12 


'The reason that “The Simple Life" Is BONA-FIDE SALE OF 

trz manufacturing property 

A K.I...I „mlh...l of! y»nr own At PllhljC AUCtjOD 

,vov K v..„ are a .m,rrl«l man, i- 1» llu.l HI IUUIIU nUUIIUII 

.ml V..II1- wife-- ..pinl.m .I thin u«ree In Weymouth, Maa... aituated on 

Tremont blreoi. 

with her XViMlk 1 *nhl mi thu |lreiuUt>, • 

It is a mighty good thing >•• have a anpil O^fh 1905 . 
i ltlhTs sax lug hank uronml Hie hotise. 

Sometime* there 1 * no oilier xx ay "f get* 

f,,,... Property ••sm-i-tnm of i» fiietnry ImlMiim aHxJO 

tUlg • .11 lati w f||| mi ( .|| 64 \ 20,3 Mtorli'S ami Inltwinfiil Willi on* k 

u i .ii,nr, i,ave anything imaiuai 

Paints, Jap-a-Lac. 

modern edueatlou Among the *peehil , 
features of the school are the model 
farm, under a graduate of Cornell, the 

the grand esplanade leading to it, also 
built nier the lake, is being embellished 
by ornamental taillugs and beautiful 

. ..stomary dinner for the miMnl|«rii ofjtlie ' lraln „ 1} j, including woo.l, metal einstet* of eliM irlr light globe 

Post on that day These oners tite . osi __ ^ ,. ilv . ; I’ ti H-iti * - with the (• oxer lime ucc. pt.^l la»l Tnunlay ev.- 
,.lim ail,I by a rising vote lnatrnctu.1 -l.l- 
jutant .lollil VV llntea to write Mr Cla|ip, 
assuring him of their appreciation an,I 

and forge works, the original school rilv. j 
or C’ottuge Eoxx government, a • omplete I 
municipality organized and managed by 
the hoys, and the school paper, an eight 

Progress with the (Tovernmeiit building* 
on the peninsular is particularly gratifying 
The Territorial and Irrigation structures, 
located on either side of the main build- 

We Shall Step Right Into 

At Public Auction 

page monthly, written, edited and printed inns, arc 

The great dome of 

, . ’ , „ l(l<f games and amusements without iiimibci 

ti,., .. . k.™, .. 

at the breaking out of the war. .ml was nw . . ^ .. 


.. I,r Amleraon now lives at “ ' t ' h ,' Svl 

Newton Centre. ..... . ,| I( . i., 

in* a Mower tin. main i im eminent building has been 
•c are pets, covered xx ith art tiled cooling Stull 
out number ornament* are being mounted upon the 
•huol admit* ciiormou* tower*. 2i’»o feet high, and the 
mid some of r U eadi*s of the large structure art! rapidly 
Boston are I being covered The classic peristyles, 

grimum* , . by the scholar* Each hoy has a Mower 

A patriot r ;.«. «« », I „ f , lla . . .huiv arc ,-ls. 

soon after the dinner »> » «,».i* xvlthout number 


In Weymouth. Maas., aituated on 
Tremont Street. 

XVill In -nlil nil tin- pictnifc*. ' 

APRIL 26th, 1905, 

At :i o'flotk I*. XI. 

Prupcrlv •■••n-i-tiuk ••! i‘ fnetniy luiililiuij •'’"-J 1 
ivi1 1 1 mi ell 64 x 20 , 3 *tnrii*s ami l»ti»t nn id with nn«'k 

among its graduates, while the only txxo lilch connect the main hitlhling xx ith the 
Americans In the Boston Symphony or- teaser structures, with their attractive 

chestra are gratluales of the Farm *chool • ionic 

Your Name at Good at Caah. 

Have you seen the latest styles III mil¬ 

linery V If you have not, you will do well deliver an addret 

Mr. Anthony has recently been asked to Saving station, t 

and paneled buttresses. 
The I lilted State* Life- J 
lo the left of the main 

group and on the shore «»f timid slake. 

i j-dt the Norfolk (’retilt Co.’s store at Study, 

.Jillll.-y, wlit-qu your name la a- goo,I as aoclatloli cniif.Tiqi.q. In hu h.-l.l In ('hl. iii;,, 

nt thi* Nuth.ual l'lilii.'iith.iiiil A**- is r.itiiplvli.ili mi,I lin* v,.listru,qhtti ,,l ll.,* 

The* only rr.sllt liousi* III ljuincy. 

Eatler a( All Soul,' Church, Bralntrae. Thing, Worth 

Thi* celL'lirallon of Kastrr will lullin' So ev,*r grei 

«r»t .. "i' rvl1 ' 0 ln 1 dl " r '' 1 '' Kverylhing In Oil- Morning service, xvltli sermon 

and appropriate music. Collection for _ 

,,„* Ii.'ui'llt of th. Si,...lay s,*■ rhi*erf,"„,;ss. hi 

in.:io Kl,„l«rgart.*n Claus Hit.. rich ai.,1 sa.lsfylng 

parlor, Miss Helen .lohnson, teacher, illadpllne. 

Parents may send their ehll.lren to llila lie who call lake 

Thlnq, Worth Thinklnq Alioul 

No snob ever grew hit" a great limn 

Everything lit tld* world depend* upon 

Cheerfulness, in most people. I* the 
rich and satisfying result of *ironuon* 

He who eau take no Interest lit xxhat l* 

• send them to the second session I small, xxill take fal*e Interest In what i- 

of the kindergarten at 11 43 . 

111.-,. Meeting of the Sunday school, 
Mr John West, superintendent 


That matt Is great who rises to ihe 
emergencies of the occasion and bceoine* . 

Sunday school service of rouse- I master «»f the situation 

eratlou t*» the new church 

The Mrst proof of a man's lucapaelty j 

espoitslve reading, music, a short ad- I ^ anything | H his elioeavoilng to l!\ tie 

dress, and a service on baptism 

Parents desirlug Ur present their chil¬ 
dren for baptism are requested to com¬ 
municate with the minister 

All services In this church are opeu to 
the public, and a cordial luvltatlou is 
hereby giveu to you and all to attend 
these Faster services and all subsequent 

stigma of failure upon others 

In things pertaining to eiilhiisla*ni. no 
man Is sane who does not knoxx ln>xx i«» 
be Insane on proper occasion* 

Fisheries building has been started 
tin the grand esplanade east of the 
American inn i* being erected a pretty 
S vx t - * chalet. where mineral water* from 
Switzerland's w or Id-famed resorts xxlll 
lie served 

A n pica of the cottage home of Robert 
Hunt* i* one of the lust buildings to be be 
gun I lo* i* located In the Experimental | 

garden* west of Centennial park Lovers 

of Scotland s peasant poet in many states 
are interested in tills little building \ 
costly collection of Burusiuita, including 
some "f the poet's original manuscripts, 
the chair* lie *at In. ami other pieces of 
furniture which lie used, is being gUtli- 
j ered for exhibition in the Bums cottage 

The lat»d*euping of the exposition Is In 
a state of progress that calls for congrat¬ 
ulation l ong ago the Lakcvlexv terrace 
was completed, ami already the gentle Ore¬ 
gon rains ..f the early spring have caused 
the grass to grow so long on the pretty 
*lopes that the lawn mower has been 


. <1 it ion tu ii-. 

the Japanese I would like to see them iVot. 

lieked because they Introduced the Kiimmu 
into this country SSTViiS 1 ® 

11 f*nllll.*llllH!M lu.lkS 11.** 111.Hl^ll 11 « lsi* 1 in lullin'. 

I’rnvl.luiive liiul'.l w,.limn m> Uiat Q||QQ[ 
man inlKlil always Main,i lii*r f»r his , 1 .* nllUUI 
f,*.qs uml Re , 

A llilHK I Imvu never l,i*,*ii uliln l<« mi* g COMME 

il.qslttiiil la why a Kill will wi'iii* omi «>f _ 

lli.iM,* ,,|»*ii work sliti twiii-ls mi,I Hii*n K«< ■■■■ 

mini liucaii-c* you look HI |L ■ 

All,ml tin* imo.-I . oiivlnvlim proof ,,f llkl 
mmi's -ii|n.*rliirlly mi*r w.nnuii In ‘uni Q| n (|ham, 
in,,n si nsi* Is ••vlilunc.'.l liy ll»* favl "'H* Good 
n,mi* „f Ins i lotlii'S linlt„n In the tmek. 

So (nr us I limn 1 ,,'i'H illtli* In juilqi* A |„, *kvki 

from a !«• mi.l nr,ln(ms ... 

thu Iininan ruve, tin* vnllliip; ol ills,I,,in „ . A nr 
l.'vtli,Ui,*sn'L,I,'liutL* unvlliliid nl all 
Tli.* stylos of tin* past few winters it 

have eunllrineil me In the opinion ex* ^ 

presseil In tin* ,iUI n.lnqe. Hint ** 1 Is nut Corr 

the eoot Hull nittkes Hie man lull have — 
lu luuk fur the trousers fin U| 

Time may lie itiuuey In sunn* Insiauees, UU 111 
hill the felluws I 'Unuw who have the 

must lime have the least money.I are . 

always willing tu exchange a areal ileal I i 

of time fur a very little money 

"lluw tu sueeessfully nianaae a tins* 
l.aii,I" Is a subject that Is now uailaliua |j J 
ihe Kastern press Since u lul of elderly - 
spinsters seem to he tuklua the must fur I* 1 ye 
ward part In the discussion, we would n n - n «j 
paraphrase the time honored receipt* and U|l|lUsl 
say **ilrst catch your hunhaiid." Any* | 

way, It looks as though this subject were 
brought op by some husband who Is 
anxious to Uml out how we are maiiaaed QDipEC 
Woman's Maaa/Uie rnllt. 



At 30c. per lb. 

Extra Cream of 


In Wlcltor Flasks, *»W( 

Not until you sip them from the 
cup, at your leisure, can you really 
know these Teas for as great value 
as we do. Try a pound of whichever 
you prefer judge it critically we ll 
be satisfied with the verdict, for you 
should be with the Tea. 

The finest Olive Oil sent to th# 
United States from Italy. 

Le Soleil Petit Pois, 

Smoked Sardines, 

The tiniest, finest and most deli¬ 
cious imported Pea. Any similar 
standard is not sold less than 25 cents. 

Our Price now, 

He whi> I* false to present duty break* brought int" use Flowers and shrubbery 

Large Tin, 19c 

1 thread in the loom and xxlll Mud the are being pet along the terrace and else- 

flaw xx hen lie may have forgotten it* where on tin- grounds The Sunken gar- 
.•aiisc. 'lens lu Columbia court arc ready for the 



Ea.ter al tha Old North Churoh. 

The follow In* pro«iam will he *lveu 
at the old North church Sunday im.rnlnt!: 
Anthem. ‘'Thank. Im* to <!od" 

Smallwood „„„ hut for , 

f , l'V, lr . ,. . pro.perlty then 

tin hem, -liay of Wonder, Pay of 

(iltdnuM- Sehnei'kei HWBd adt orally 

Choir The one fats 

I'll,', lh, hol'd" !A E 1*011,1, milted habitual 
Mr* Mabel Vogel. MU. Sherman , . , 

Solo. "M, Unlit that break- from you* a, arm, 

der tomb" (Dressier) “waiting for it 

Miss Kvellu Sherman mau shot 

Mr.* Ahhlu Dennison, soprano. Miss ow ,,thathewi 


The secret of muuy a man * success in 
the world resides iu his insight Into 
the moods of men. and Id* tact iu dealing 
with them 

Caesar would not have crossed the 
Rubicon or Washington the Delaware, 
had they not had their minds on objects 
far above the peril* at their feel 
Adversity ts sometime* hard upon .1 
I man but for one man who ran stand 
prosperity there are 11 hundred iliui xxill 

The one fatal mistake which l* com¬ 
mitted habitually by people who haxe the 
scarcely desirable gift of half-genius. 1* 
“wulilug for lusplratlou 

A msu should never he ushsmed to 

own that he wus iu the wrong, which 1* 

l.vellu Sherman, alto; (’. C Nash, tenor. l)Ut Na y| UK | u order word*that tie 1* wi*<i 
S I* Nash, bass; Mrs X L Flint, or- lo day than hr- was yeaterdax 

S 1 * Nash, ha**. Mrs A L Flint, or¬ 
ganist. Mrs. Dennison and Miss Sher¬ 
man have severed their connection with 
the choir after fifteen sod twelve years’ 
m rvice, respectively, aud hereafter there 
will he congregational siuglug This 
will also be Ilex Mr Haughtou’s last 
Suuday «* pastor of the church 


Tlie • uluiuu uinh r lhl« tlllr will l»r alvtn *»• 
tin* (li-uplr for m free «iUeu*iluu «»f *uy suti nl'| 
• iil.jecU, llu* msUAKviucutufthr |>w|irr ilUliuetlji 
•L»i alum,u nil rrspoimibUttf (t*r the oplOM»u» 
in*if rk|>fi*»»r>l 

wj I* It Is uot work that kill* men. it is w 1 ry 

. Work 1 * healthy you cau hardly put 

here ,Mur *‘ ‘tpon a man than lie < an heat 
This Worry l* rust upon the blade 
last From the same material. 010 builds 
palaces and another hovel* 1 ears a 
stately edifice, while hi* brother x adl- 

- latiug aud lucoiupeteiil—live* n.vir 

j amid ruius 

The supreme Uciuuud of the hour - foi 
originality The man who i* wanted 
j j everywhere la tin.. who cau crcat* 

iscjJj something new. not imitate w hut some 

on# d|k> ha* done W oiuau - Mag 1 ui 

in it nut dressing up, much of the shrubbery 
tu iilreadv having been *et out* Most of 
ig the statuurv uiiout the groiiuds ha* been 
placed upon the pi'ilestuls and gleam* 

I,,, gloriously iu the < begun sunshine 

It will require hut two or three weeks 
t „ for the ilual shaping up of the ground*. 
I'liis, naturally . must he left to the last 
Win n the heavy wagons and the rullroud 
J j trains have Mulshed their work of,binding 
**' { the tiidldiug material aud the exhibits to 
11 i the various points of the site, the road- 
wav* and the pis/as will he smoothed oil 
aud solidified, the grass plats aud Mower 
| beds shaped, and when the exposition 
l " 1 ,qn i'* on that rare day iu June so eagerly 
1 awaited hy the public, the grounds will 
to | present an aspect of eoinplctueas and t 
1 is polish sueh a* eutiliot help hut delight the . 
**t lieholdi r 

Thousands of electric light bulbs have 
i v heel) strung amongst the trees uud sliruh- 
, lUl hcry of Centennial park, the part of the 
•ui exposition site which (Sod finished many 
years ago In this purk there urr Mr 
l t | H trees that lower nearly 200 feet Into the 
a air uud al ti . very top of oje of those 
t il- per feel ’ v licit giants of the wild woods 
V( r the hrum lu - ; me burn stripped oil for u 
few feet and t e Xmericaii Mug floats in , 
the bree/e f iree-top being usisl a* a 
1 ", Mag* tail 

This ia a low price for the article, 
aa it aella front 23 c lo 25 c every - 

Many people keep on buying c* 
pencive French Sardines not having 
tried these. You will be surprised 10 
find what an excellent, tasty supper 
requisite the Norwegian Sardine is 

Extra Choice 

French Mushrooms, 

As long as they last, 
per Can, 

iitnoly lin'iiti'il ninl rln-e i" ilt«* 
*. Itntmii.11 tli'llvcry nl ... 

In use hniilfiitiiteiy’. I.«»t ••••ill:»i»»'* -•|ii*tl«- __ ■■ 

"riii*iiiH|>r ^^^ppaJal 9 

nillnmtL ... , , , w 

’IVnii", #10n lit side. Bstsliff ••» ••'Uvei> •'•'••'«'«i. ^ M————M 
Kale min or sliinc. 

For further Information iipply •«» ■ I J 

russell b. worster, Quality Gro 

n_I r.i.A n 

Real Eitate and tmurance. 



Ginghams, Percales, Chambray*, White 
Goods for shirt waista, Domestic 
Wrappers, eto., etc. 

XI*.. .NKVKK HllltDk, lh.- «n*ai .> '*»•“ »• 

11 it*\ t*ul• XX'nnleii g,mm|- fmui »linnkiug uml o 
I,,.,*. ||,o*e uln-mly slirunk. 


Till* .liltV iin|>0Ht'il upon i*very 111:111 who Imys gi'oceriiiK for 
liimsi'ir mui ruinily is t.. 0,1 ,|ii!ility* iinv (»'”>, »"< <;o«"it‘'if‘‘i<• 
Tin* iliili'iviH'i! ill |,i'ici* is insignificant when hculllus nl slnki'. 
In fuel wn never nnike the lensl ililVeienee in piiee over ntlieis 
wilts do lint H(*ll tllQ Lest. 

0,11 piiiieiples cumpel ns tn sell the very Lest quality gmeenes 
fm (he sjinie :is tin 1 poorer kinds are sold elsexvliere. 

Do Not Go Out of Town! 





H. ZEBER, Leading Tailor, j 

1* years of cNperldiec In tailoring. 

Opposite Harlow's Drug Store, 
Washington Square, 

In RulIXInK With I'blnrar Launkr,. 

II.,use 1 ,ml I..,t f„i* sale, only *2,15(1. In line eomlitinn. Imye I'l'in 
I louse uml every improvement, $2,850. Kleetlies. 

I louse ninl l.nt, |;i>ii'l Inu'ii, $.1,0011. 

1 louse uml, very central, on line of electrics, $2,050. 

Another, House mui l.urec improvements, iilioul $*4.00(1. 

( Mliei'H to show you. Nice litlje C<itt:i|>e, only $2.*t(ltl. 

Money on bond and Marlgage. Justice ui the 1 ‘eace and Nulary. 


Large Size Tin, 19c 

Shredded Codfish, 


Condensed Soups, 

I pound Boxes for 
next week, 

Red Wine Vinegar, 


Preserved Fruits, 

A very high grade packing in 
bandy aize fur family unr 

Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 

NOUFOl.K, bi». IblOBATK t'Ol'HT 

'■■''tl Hie heir* iifXl uf-kin. cretlilor* uml all 

I, 1 *tiii-r iH'Woiui inlfiT'-tcd hi die i-siuie «>i 

; .ti* «.i XV.v im null, lu Mid founty, tltccuetil, hin-i- 

Will-. a |m lit lull lul* !»•••■ II |.| • *. III. .1 lo Man I 

1 ourt lit g 1 .ml a fill. 1 nl’ini.. rat inn «»i» • ‘lajc 

.,1 -uni .fi*. .*,,.<*.1. I.. Cliarlt- T. « ran'’ w .•> im.iitli. 

a it limit Uig *. finely oil Id* 1"'U'I 

You an* In 11 * 1.1 . it. .1 |.ia|il!i>ur al .1 rn.l.alc < omi 
I.. III- III 1.1 at Q.iiii.'Y, III -UI'I ColllilV "t .Nmfolk, 

tl,.* |.,,ll, J.,* o. Mill, A. l». h*"i. at mi.. 

..*. liM'k In tin - •on'iimiii. In mIio« 1 an*. . 'l an> >o I 
liavr, mI.v llu Bain.’ mI.oXI. 1 nut lie graiili'd. 

And Hi*' |i.'ltii>un i .» Ii. n-liv din . id lo •' 

|.uliii, null,.' III. !•» |I III. its), mg 111'* nl at mu, Preaaad, 150 - 

Suits Sponged and Preoed, 65 c. 

Suita Cleaned and Preiaed. from $I*UU 
to 51 . 50 . “ " 


1 Norfolk County Kval Instate Agency 


Royal Arcanum 
Assessment Rates. 



But I" hi- n Imi 
If 'til*ri* Ii uni’ 

Hu* *t «*tInn ( 
I in v right, from 






Grafting Wax, Floor Wax. 


Hen Netting and Wire Window Cloth. 


l|j Dancing 

Tickets :i 
K:isl Wcvmnii 




1 nt* wilt* XViHilcti I •nod* from *lirinkiim and n AMI I 

Bates ot Humphrey, 

C. A. RICE & CO. Choice Groceries, Flours, Teas, Coffees, Spices. 

Commercial St., WEYMOUTH. ^ Central Square. WBYMOOTH CENTBK. 

Wp play 
fiiriUHli y 
l u i n i 1iu « 
tins givtb 
at \i con 
llii’V an* 

I Fo 

I Ir Iridium- 1(1-2. 

I ii-T til 1-1 ..K -’*1' 

\ m i x m i $2,000 xm. 

Plants and Flowers 



Worth 25 c Bottle, I O 
during present sale, I wC 

Come to Us for Family 

l-pound Jars, 


oiun In i'im'Ii week, f<*i lltree >u.ive wwki. ll 

till- XV.-A IIMIIII ll 4 ../. Ill . 14 l..'W|M|»l I»ll 1 .l 1 - 1 " I III 

VX . vin.'iilli, Hi*’I •*« imldii .tliuii Im I" «*»»*• *'•*' “* 

I. :i«t ll. fin. -..l l Unlllt. 

XVmi.—. .luiiirs II. l’li nl. t«.|Uiri', .In.ltfi'of-ml 
4 .lilt, tin- • k'l'li • iilli *l»v *»f X|• 11*. X* D. 11 X 16 
4 o .lOlf.N 1). L'uBB, ItegUh'r. 

$1.1* f 14 !•> #1 :n $21-12 

PRI'.sS \ N 11 si 111 ’lMNG DIREC TIONS 
TI.AINI.Y \ NI) I.T'W E Tl I'd US It) 
lit) nil l-ROl’ER REsl. SI lOlM’ERS 


Now la tha Hint* for Ihe hoy l*» ivadl vvholpthal 

Mi** llaphld.' iu .lurk hull 

Coopcr’a Hlot, tin* alory of i'aul Joui .*, 
l.nug Tom I’oltlii, Tlo* Ariel, aud again. 
The Fight 41f Serupl* aud ltouhomme 

F.dxiikp K Him 

Bob Daylelgh Jack, the Hugger 
Mia* Kaplddi oh, l»«»xv yoiieraivil mi« 
('time right iu here vvluic xx- 'ban i 
UUtiirlx*! 1 'ivxu Topic* 





Commonwealth of Massachusetts 
N 4 lit FOLK, sS. I'MOBftTK 4 

,,n in* i-,i(i- ii. f. r. nf.-.i In tli' i Mulc "i 

| MAlti. A III I I M I I IVAN, 

. , 1 . nf Wl'VUHiiltll, in * d.l 4 milll v, (Il'.'a'iiM'.l 

Wi,m •-• i.i. t lh irdou, I i liuiuUti »t»*i • 1 
i in* .*.tai* ,.f >ulti .1.*.. ... .1, Iu* i" ■ -i nt< d i.»r *.ii'>* 
.tin tlie Hi-l iiii'1 llu.*I u* * uiinf <*r I i- ..•liiinii»tnitii , ii 
i,|,..|i III. . »Ul. **•■1 d. r> .». .1 

You an- Ii.Ti iiy < U«'d i" u|.|** »' .it .» 1 ‘m.imI. i ••art, 

lu lie liitl.l wl Q"iii»y. bi »iii,l ii.i i. llu* t 4 -»nIi 

,ljv ,.i Xt .». A.D. IV" i. >t '"ii' • ' 11 *• •’ •» • • 

...Hill, lo »liow .'uu*.', ii »ny you i*.yi, wT» tli*' 

•4110 alioul.I not fi. ol'O*. d. 

\,„1 a...J .. in,n■■■" -I "i In- t > -i i > * •in- 

ill,tlH'U lo <l«-liv.'iiiig .. llu rru' I.* n 1 i |t**i»*»!»- 

ml, ii* -ii >1 ui ffir «•• i*.mi. i ii kiuv • *i • *.-l ImToI 1 ’ 
4 .nil, oi by puldi-l'iug the • .uu oi,, . in riu'li 
a%, . L. I.o I* '*< ' .. ' XX « v • * 

I. 4/« Ui , 4 Ui'Ma|*u|i< i I'Utill*In *i IU XV . moutli, Ho 

,. ,i I.- 1 • • I 1 

( .*uri, uud Lv uiwi iUk'. i".»i|w 1. i . I ilii» • ,i4 

II. .), |,■ ull knoMii o*'i»..n» mi> i• -t• i .ii tin- .-lul* 

II . 1.0 a ,t I. *»»l ••< f"l -.O' • " I’. 

VViliu a-. -I.aiiu * II. Klinf. I t* . .1 tulif, ..I »,»'*i 
( I'llll. llila -I *. llUTlllb d 4 » • I A|1 , III III* 

I ..III I Inul- .III.I l.illr I.UII.In d 41 . I l:d . 

4 ll I "I IN !• i * »BB. u, inaUr. 


1411 lii.Hil 

I 6,1 1 * 1.1 

I /.2 1 * 4.44 

1 .N 3 2 LVX, 
1 IX) 22 ■*) 

I '.Hi 23 . .2 
•;•:; -AM 

Easter Lilies, $.20 and .25 per Hover. 

Azaleas, *®0 to 3.00 

Spiraeas, *25, .50, .75 

Rose Bushes ' In (lower > .50, .75 

Daffodils, Hyacinths, Tulips, Geraniums, etc. 
at very low prices. 


(iKI)l:K H.MUA I Call, write, nr telephone. 






I :i 2 l '• *4 

I.UN i * - 

1..H lvu. 

I i... 19*0 

Arthur Clark, 

■ u i Central Square, 
W lai K, East Weymouth. 

oji|i. ( 11«|i|i Slouiurlal 

I.WI 22. XU 
2 '»i -4 "" 

2 -i: 2*■ (.4 



CAKU OK THANKS ,,^ . .. ^ ^ , wl . 

'V, * Hu* uud.*r.l4U«l, ,.k.* 11,1. u|,|«,r. K6,' 

I unit > tu ex pie** our sluivre tliuukx f*>r Deafu*** l* • aum-.i by *u u.ilauu^ -i i.'.u'liuoii of U.i 

Ueatnexx Cannot Be Cured 

I al'J'llOaUuU, *• lbf» dkllliot H im ll III*’ 

.iilli X HI . .1.11 -III* . ir i iiuii id* i*»i .. . • ... . 

. luucuui lioiiu uf tlir ku«l» i4ii I ui «•* XV l.wu lu*' I 

I lit* kiuduc*s aud myilipatliy kUOXVII ll* by lu br K»u lurtAUted > :.AV* » imul. ii.g -"UU.I "1 frieudu uud Ufighboi* lu our leceut b \tr refuiL'li 

In-reuv4iiu-ut Wi* are t»pe4*l$liy grateful .«uUv ukm out uud ti.o 
lulti v Mi sharp** aud Itev Mr. Ailam*. I AM ,, uu t «,r un *r. 

lu thuM- xv ho m-uI Ihiwers aud to $11 who outbid >■“• »“ ‘‘.n-u.i-d 


hy vvuril or deed, lieipeii to ligideii our W« wUl aits One liuu< 

. , |)C»!lM*»a 1 aUM'il ll V . aU 

l.unli-u of *4»rioW by JJal•'* »‘ttUurl. t.uir. 

Mu 8 FcvnkW Tj*i»aix ... F. .J ( 11 K 

rva.1.1 I.) !liu*Ki-u 

uud fuuni.v it.. t AU.iit i 

lube geU iuIUuic-.I you umir u amn.'i >*i 
l iu perfect besrina. «ud win n ills entirely . io»4 ii 
Ueslui-sa ia the reauit, uud <*ulr-» llir inBauiUiatioii 
• All be lake'll out uud llila tut" leali’Icd to Ita UotUiA 
cuudltiou, livsriug tpittbi* ileiliuyr'l lori tri; td*" 
cates out uf uu ure cause i t,\ . staril,. aid-lit- 
uotbina but an iurtuiueil • • >imJ it >• ■»» **l I uiu-.-ua 

IiiiumtU anJ 'j-, 
.,14'. A ti'.ii' . 
tadl lielp anyutic 

lul success 

1 - cti tin* pin rlrs* 
sited Hun out ol 
:d liiui on tu Ins 
bi.sit.r-c c i.uAtioii 



Commonwealth ot Massachusetts 

NOUFOl.K ■ ' W 

rlit 1 i*. »•■•!.- on. 1. * ' • t -i mi ii. *i to I 

I I I.I.HI Ull 1- H l!"l HUddK 1 

I.I I... , fill,Ill'll. * . • • VV»*> lU .ltlfi, *»>d 


Wr wdi aits One Uuudii I I* ua 1 *u) •*> >*! 

Ileslueaa • nusni t,r .atari>. Ilisl • an U6t bi • ure-l 
l.v llai • slairli Cui« - fM*u.l l<*i • 

I .1 * 11 KM 1 A 4 . loir,fi .44 

Kv.ti, 1 b| Druagbis * •• 

14 -. 4 *u. ii» I !•• • * 

Kodol Dyspepsia Cure 

(•Iqc-.l*. nliat yuu rat 



uUphoni Oxlifj 

v * In 1 . -*i 1 . t 

4 ouuty. * 4 * 

XV tuna-, (bar I* - A H. -• » 1 .. ln-i.. uml. 1 ue$re*1 
> trust, has pivsciiti »l foi «aii.e, (hi brat a* 

.•wut .1 Ins tru-f *• At 

X .. • *'• ' 1 ' ' • I’ 1 " 

i.i. 1 I .1 tl- 'll* 1 «•*",'•. **n lin W «f> 11 

> ■ uiri iiit «i.i> o( M*,v. \ I*. Iwuft, .ii iii. d'l lii, L li.*ii 

1 .1. lio n, to si "« • ■ • *n 1 , 4 *' ab> ______ 

. -,»ni, -I,, uiil not be .*, ._ 

\|..| —1 * I 11 ,1 at. ■ • , • v t' • *»••(' "• XT M 1 

• v I , * * ..I * 1 l" ll- II,I. I ■ -tl ■• 4 a| 

1.1 , , »t.,|, : I,. I a • I . I I.I t , • al'l 4 . ml, I r at r* c • 

, 1 .. ial.iU|( ll * ... »»> • ■ L. I" 1 oil.* 1 " * 

X • * * ' ■' •*' » 

. i*. * |,. |.,» pubii •I., < 1 1 VV ry in ,t 1 , tin* I.**l pub 

t U I I., all.* <t a« ..t ll ..-t ',' n* said I'oUlt. Ill4l tru 

I,. mg. |, — 11.. 1. . • *,|‘v 1 ■ italioii 1* |a rscMi- 

1 ■ , .*. 1 . 

. t . v • .' I. .-( bi f I. • .1 1 unit. persuus 

lx » .1 iiu • 11 ■ i u»i i . u * uf said iu MM I' 

4.1 ! fi.a fi .111 1 , • l.l I , I 4 \ »* f Xpi !. ill II., V ■ a I 

I .. 1 . I. Xt .1 I. 

» Idtl 1>. 4 ■ ‘tit 1 at.: 

Tvxetve Asae**meiit* u year, pu.xahh- 
vv ii Im ml ttolkce *111 lit** lu*i .lav ol eueh 
mouth, before 1 " oVI*m*W I* M 
lu tixiug tin- a**eitam*ut *»u eiitraue«- 
tin* age at lust liirtiidav is taken. u<d 
nearest birthday 

•• Artinilil." 38 S \N ashing ton SI.. 
We> mouth, semi* cireulaie **n appliva 


numbing and Heating Co. 



o ru k 1 xt ii» lit ax (.IX i:* t •> "" 

ml.., .. fis« la• 11 d, I* apt.i n.t. .1 A’lliuu- 

lK ti,. . -..,(. . 4 \ ihi itisr Mv k 1 i t x 

in.- k lum Ii a* • A I 11 t.ltl N i- -M l I I X . 

JTuTrix ot III. ..lab • • V I II T III Nr Mv r. I • I • I*-» • 
«,(I n*i n, - * kii'.aii .»• • Alllt. It INI >( I II X 

l 4 le ul XV. > uu.nil., in ll,* « mil> «■• S.*,' k 1 

. . .a*.!, UiUotnl. , aU«l I n* lak* > biisi ' 
Ill 4 tlr.l-t b> giv Hifc* liolnl tin ll.vv .1 lieta. A 
im isuii* liaviiu( d« iiiaUil- ui'.iii tlie • slat** of sabl ib 
, »>. .I an r.qulu .i •*• • v lul tin- sam. . ami « 1 
prn>uu» Uul* l‘t'>1 (" said •-'al« o • ailed U|uiU !-• 
iiwki |iav un ul lo 

1 » AMD If INI I a*- " 1 a v v*»»* 

Plumbing* Steam Heating, 
Tin and Copper Roofing. 

Your liii'tfo or siniill ttoulrauta khII«IM* 

All kinds or Joliliiui; t*roiii|ill» ntleiided lo. 

hlow* and Furuaen Ib'iialriiik. 


hi I I I X . Xdin 

I I I it. Mi. ■ 


Enst Weymouth. 



25c, BOc and 75c. 

‘s titill* Sit lullin' is * petit III 

• this difiini! itNiin an sillrnr- 

• uss* >i 111it*111 of llstmlnoror 
it I’opnlni I’i i« rM which we 

limn* 1'sililrM, Sideboard*, 

1 >inini; Clmir* sill of tlir 

should \Isi 1 om 

htorc Mini set* our 
l elsewhere l ln* will 

i Htit*pri*c von. 

in room Iioiisc complete 1 o 
SI-* Mini from thi* | »i i«*«* up. 


iced House Furnishers. 


;»•*» «*iMil fllll III»tl* hollies II ri'SllllV 

n\ nml Saturday exciting* 

I C 


WfblMENff mc0L0RS 

i-tg?25c and BOc. 

25c and BOc. 

A. D. Wilbur, Weymouth. 

No Place Like Home. 

Itui m hi* a lioini*. tin* house ami il* furnishing* must In* of suitable "election »ho 
11 ! is our thing w i* mn •!•». it Is t«* place before you for Inspect Ion tin* flat**! line of 

Housefurnishings and Furniture 

hi tl»i , ‘ *eetlon of tlic Sum* There’s one specialty, ami we work liaril on It We 
ino iii*! 11 . from knowledge of iiinterlnl ami prices, ami give our cusiotners ihebenellt 

s and Fillings 

mltire ms to almost ilefy defection; 
miicIi work in the moulli gain* the 
m perfect set of teeth, 
tin* cities, who advertise to put on 
DOLLARS and gold tidings for Any 
zed the use of gold in tin* mould that 
d Idlings removed and replaced with 
omit of time and money in the last 
it of porcelain Idling, for the reason 
was the only light kind of tilling for 
i. ^Ve have also figured out that with 
img practice we can insert these Idlings 
and gel about the same returns that 
ngs, which is ad we ask. 
h.nk ad right when new. which tarnish 
To all those who are dissatislled with 
in Idlings improve in appearance with 
u*ii to them is to fad out When this 
• our fault and always replace such 

.INCS, Dentist 

. M. 0., Assistant 

Rockland, Mass. 

4 ll 



Floor Wax. 

: cans. BANNER LYE. 
ire Window Cloth. 



man who buys groceries for 
v. Huy food, not counterfeit, 
(leant when health is at stake. 
I diflorenec in price over others 

sell the very best quality groceries 
ds are sold elsewhere. 

Ranges and Refrigerators. 




Complete House Furnisher. 

i ti:i.xciioni: «oyitriTHiv 

\ ...ANNUAL.., 


— t>r- 

l WEYMOUTH COUNCIL. No. 729, K. of C. 


Monday Evening, April 24,1905 

At which the following well-known artists will appear: 

I.Miss ANNIE DEANE. Contralto. Mr. WILLIAM H. WALL, Tenor. 

pr. EDWARD P. ELLIOTT, Reader. Musical Artists. 



Concert commences at * o’clock sharp. 

Concert Tickets, - 3B and 50 Cents. 

Dancing Tickets, admitting gentleman and lid), 75 Cents. 

'rickets and a number of good seats on sale at Tobin’s Waiting doom, 
I Last Weymouth. Tel. Idl-J. 


4 ll 

I “ Hunt’s News Room.” | “ Hunt’s News Room.” 

r Souvenir Post Cards 

of Weymouth. 

/ 4—NEW Subjects This Week--4. 

I ‘ fc Hnut 9 s mJVews Room, 9 9 


East Weymouth. 

Kull Mmirt 

rs, Teas, Coffees, Spices 



, 150 . In lint.. Inrt't' tmi'ii 

ml, $2,850. l-'.U-ftricK. 

mi line nf iilrotricH, $2,050. 

I, improvements, iiIhuii $^,(MN(. 

ju Cottage, only $2,400. 

Justice ut the fence and Nutary. 


Real listute Agency. 


That’s what we have when il comes to the Furniture business. 

I We play it toward the interest of our customers, too. We can 
furnish your house from top to bottom. We have studied the 

! l-'iirnit ii re question and presume to know it pretty thoroughly; 
this gives us an advantage in buying, —sometimes gets ns stock 
at a considerable reduction. Our customers will tell you that 
they are the ones who benefit from this arrangement. 

REFRIGERATORS the Best Makes. 

Ford Furniture Co., 

We furnish Vuur House from Tup lo lloilom. 

Broad Street, East Weymouth 

1rlr|iliuiir MI-7. 





id Flowers 

$.20 and .25 per Hover. 
.60 to 3.00 
.25, .50, .75 

i In (lower > .50, .75 

, Tulips, Geraniums, etc. 
i low prices. 


Cull, h rite, nr telephone. 


Central Square, 
Ea6t Weymouth. 

$3.50 Shoes. 

Up-to-Uate Spring Styles. 

Russia Cell, Patent Coroni Colt, 

Vicl Kid, French Enamel end Bei Cell. 

(»ct a C\*u Ciikck and watch our 
Windows the liint six day* of Kadi 
Month for the date to get your money 


Adams Building, - QUINCY. 

MnuoiUI IIeell»He»U• 


nd Heating Co. 

Steam Heating, 

>pper Roofing. 

■itraetH Milieited. 

Joltliini; Promptly attended •«. 
SU*\ <• and Kiirnue" Itepulrinic. 

OUARF. East Weymouth 

Now is the Time to do your 
Spring Sewing. —t 


Hi. W. Bciriies, 

folumlilun Siiuttrt'. 


Weymouth and 


—F.aater Momlav concert and dance of 
Weymouth Connell 72'». K of C., odd 
Fellow* opera honae, Fast Weymonth, 
Monday evening, April 24 See ad 
—Be Hire and are the deim mat ration In 
the window of Webster •* pharmacy. Ea«t 
Weymouth, next week 

The observance of Faster Sunday at 
the I’nlon church, wilt tie accom¬ 
panied tiy special musical feature*. 
There will t»e appropriate vocal *oln* t»y 
Mr Foster and Ml« Fang and a \lotln 
solo by Mr Leavitt Mh* l.angN nnm- 
her* will 1 m* “Hosanna Gmimr rind"An¬ 
gel’* Faster Song" Bremer The choir 
will render an Faster carol by Ml*« Annie 
Loud and the anthem. “ThcOhoIr Angelic 
All are cordially Invited to the service 
—William Vllltera, agetl |s years and 
.1 months, died last Sunday. April It*. I , .*n.*» 
lie was tin' son of Mr nud Mrs Joseph 
Vllllers, of .".a Prospect street The fu¬ 
neral was livid ai llie family residence 
Tuesday afternoon services by Hex 
Frank It Crcsscy Burial in the Village 

—Paul Revere Post (1 A U of Quincy. 
Ilarlsutr Post of Kockltnd. Woman’s be¬ 
lief Corps of Weymouth, and W It of 
Quincy an«l Sons of Veteran* Auxiliary 
No. :iI arc among the organization* that 
have accepted invitations to attend the 
Patriotic services nt the Weymouth Bap¬ 
tist church. Sunday evening, May 7 1 It 
—The quartette amt chorus choir of 
the Baptist church have generously ac¬ 
cepted Pastor Cressey’s suggestion to re¬ 
peat next Sunday evening the Faster 
music of the morning, for thehcnellt of 
those who may not lie able to attend In 
the earlier part of the day The evening 
service* will be held in the auditorium, 
and begin at seven (7 > o’clock For full 
programme see another column 
—Miss Mabel K. Bates, xv lio some llm-c 
or four years ago bail her home with 
Mr and Mrs. Richard Burrell, on F.sscx 
street, and Is now living in Wintlirop, 
vlslled at llu* Baptist parsonage and :il 
Mr Burrell's on Wednesday. 

—The infant daughter of Mr and Mr** 
Alfred Fisher of Washington street, who 
lias Itecii seriously ill with pneumonia. i« 
slowly improving 

—A Good Friday *i rvtee will beheld 
at Trinity church this evening ut 7 4 ‘. 
o’clock. Uev. William Hyde will speak 
upon “Ll^ht from the Cross.' 

—The ladles of Trinity church are to 
hold a May party w ith a supper and dance 
at Pythian hall. Washington square, on 
Friday evening, May .V Tills will take 
the plaee of the usual Faster entertain¬ 
ment and sale which lias been postponed 
until autumn. 

—The annual meeting of the Ladies' 
Cemetery Improvement association will 
tie held ut the residence of Miss S. Jane 
Clapp, Front street. Wednesday after¬ 
noon, April 2i‘>. at 3 o’clock. 

—The Union Literary circle held a 
very enjoyable meeting Tuesday evening 
April 11 with Miss Jessie Muegrcgor of 
Liberty street. A programme on Scottish 
poetry was given. The olllcers were re¬ 
elected as follows: President, Hev. Win 
Hyde; vice president. Miss ArvHItt Smith : 
secretary and treasurer, Miss Hattie F. 
Bonrk. The next meeting w ill be held 
Tuesday evening April 2.'* with Mrs. F. 
Bourk Quotations on Scottish literature. 

—l»r. ami Mrs Fdxvard While of 
Nashua, N. IL, are being entertained by 
local relatives. 

—Hev William Hyde lias engaged 
Arthur Hlanchurd of Quincy as agent for 
the Avonla spring, ami lie will deliver it 
to the customers hi Hie neighboring 

—Miss Alice Pierce of Webb street bus 
been entertaining her cousin, Miss 
Blanche Ingell of Taunton and Mrs 
Clarence Hunt of Boston 
—James T. II. Hunt of llroud street 
will be a cabin passenger on the S. S. 
Bohemian of the Lcylund Line which 
leaves Boston for Liverpool to-morrow 

—F. IL Cliumllcr of Summer street re¬ 
ceived a telegram from Ids father, Nathan¬ 
iel Chandler, Jefferson City, Mo., on Mon¬ 
day, stating tliul both Mr Chandler and 
Ills daughter-in-law, Mrs. Tremont Chand¬ 
ler, who were in a ruilwav wreck at Hell- 
efontainc, Ohio, lust week, had arrived at 
Jefferson City The telegram also stated 
that while Mr. and Mrs. Chandler were 
both severely shaken up, their injuries 
were not serious. 

—William J. Vllllers, son of Mr and 
Mrs Joseph Vllllers of Prospect' street, 
died on Sunday, uged H years. The fun¬ 
eral services were held Tuesday after¬ 

—:»0c. chocolates at 3*c. for Faster, at 
Weymouth Pharmacy. 

—A well attended and very enjoyable 
darn ing party was held in Pythian hull, 
Tuesday eveulng, under the auspices of 
Mayflower Chapter. F S 
—Michael Hart, one of the town's best 
kuowu ami most highly esteemed citizens 
passed axx ay ut his home, 12 llarl avenue, 
this morning after u long aud painful 
illness. Mr. Hart was about 7o years of 
age and had been connected with the 
Customs department of the port of Bus- 
tou for many years. He Is survived by a 
widow, four daughters, Mrs. Fli/.abclli 
Tracey, Mrs..! F Clinton, MissM Carrie 
Hart ami Miss Nellie Hurl, and a son, 
Fdward F Hart. 

—Chief Fit/gcral<l ami Pulrolmaii 
Walsh hud sevcu men up before Judge 
Avery of the District Court Monduv 
moruing The men were arraigned on 
various charges ami as u result of their 
appearance before His Honor, three of 
them will enjoy a three mouths’ sojourn 
ut the State farm at Bridgewater Tl>c 
others were fined fro (In $:# to $l*» each 
—Our Ice cream is lielter than ever 
Have you tried It? Weymouth Pharmacy 
—The I'liloti National Bank building 
ami lot in Washington square were sold j 
at public auction Iasi Saturday afternoon 
IL J. Hiebards was the purchaser and tie 
price paid was 94*00 The building or 
cupled by Dr C P Whittle aud F II 
Frary, together with the luml occupied 
by it, was sold to I. F Bates, the price 
paid being $ 2 *o 

—A. J Klchards is on a business trip 
to New York 

—The members of the Active \ F \ 
cutcrtained s large number of frieud* ut 
a lioiise warmiug ui their ball iu Llucolii 
square, Wednesday evening Kefresh- 
i meuts were served aud a program of 
music sml readings was enjoyed 

William S Wallace of Summer street 
receive.I a telegram ou Sunday. Apt 11 tf, 
auuouuelug the death of his uephew . Wal¬ 
lace M Huuuell of Grau.l Haplds. Mich 
Easier at Trinity Church. 

Nsxt Sunday at Trinity church, Faster 
will be observed iu its glory au«l Joy 
The church will be decorated with |M«tled 
plants aud (towers, aud there will be ape. 
ial aenuoua by the rector. Hex William 
Hyde The luorniug subject will Im* 

• The liesurrecLion Life” uml that of the 
exeulug, "Faster Joy The evening ser¬ 
vice will lie the Faster Festival of the 
1 Suuday school, with thealngiug of Faster 
carols and recitations by members of the 
Sundav school 


Our Famous Icc Cream furnished in any quantity for Faster 
Pint, quart or gallon. Leave your order early. 



Apollo, Quality and Lownoy's Chocolates 

lo 1-2 nd Ml. koios, llu In bulk. 

Weymouth Pharmacy, 

Public Library Building. 

...777/: m.ACT: TO SAVE MONEY... 

Ttt.Kt'IIOTt vinltit. 

Have You Ordered Your ■ l» W\K.\X\\\% 

Spring Suit or Overcoat ? 



Trousers To Order. $ 4 . 50 . 

* tHITS tntrdnl p.rli •itlinr l,v M(Pl. 



the building formerly occupied by it B 
Sylvester as a market, tin May !td 

Mrs George A Miles Is in town, the 
guest of her sister, Mrs t'tmrles Harring¬ 
ton. of Rhawmiit street 

Faster Monday concert and dance . 

Peter Gallant lias broken ground for I Weymouth Donnell 72b. K of r. 

anew bouse on the corner off ommeidal Fellows opera house. Fast Weymouth. 
If you liax«• not, now Is a g»>od time to look at my Spring Sample?, of Foreign amt itnd Putnam street*. Monday evening, April 24. •*' 

Domestic Woolens, w Inch have Just arrived I have tin* latest Mitchell's fashion 
plates amt my prices w lit please. 

ladtet’ and Gent*' Garments Repaired. Gleamed. Pretted and Dyed. 

Mrs Lottie Stoddard entertained the 

inomtwr* nf llio TuwiHjr Afternoon whlM lh , „f Welwter'. pliirmiirt. Kml 

club on Monday of this week, and Mrs Weymouth, next week 

Secretary, Warren Lille; Treasurer, Bob- 
SOUTH WEYriOUTH rl ' ,vor '’ •’"l * 0 n,,,, lemonade were 

—————* The Ladles' Aid Society have recently 

— Faster Monday concert and dance of packed a barrel of elothlng for colored 
eymotttb Connell 72t», K . of . thld people In the south. 

I'llnn, opera honan, Kant Wovmnutti, r llio Ira.lorat.lpof Mra I. (• Alt- 
onilajr fvrnlni, April *4. Son a.I wood and itaiigtitrr, thn lldlm Imvo made 

— "*• ’ , " r '' »">' *» demonstration In „„l prmenled to tl,e pa.tor a wife, a, nn 

"* of Welwter'. pliarmarr. Ka«l Ka.ler Rift, n nllk l«.,l .,,, 1)1 |, w ||| |, P , 

It Is customary at Faster time 
pe . for friends to express their feel¬ 

ings toward each other by gifts 
What would tie more acceptable 
than a 

Nice Box of Chocolates? 

MAS8. At Webster’s Pharmacy your 

wants have been anticipated 
No one in this vicinity has a 
' more complete assortment of 

Troamtrnr, Hob- VanryKaMornoxo. of 111 * 1 - 

. , Grade ( lioeolates, at a pr res. 

lemonade were 1 

We also call attention to our 
V Inn .. r.n r,.i iv nn«| 0 a 1 l«l line of 

24 Pleaunl St., 


Carrie Lovell secured the itrst prize, Mrs 

South Woynoolh 

The memtiers «*f the companies of 

llain Sp.*ar the second and Mrs Hannah 4 | M . fl r ,, department qiiarter«s| nt Station .*• 
Aldiott the Imoliy 1 lie guests were pre- were out for practice Wedncsdnv morn- 
!.,.„I.Hl will, tiny Knntpr rhlckcnn - Afu . r pre i| m |„, ry Vnwlnc 

Music for the Morning Service 
•‘Christ Our Passover." Momlngtoii ) 
"Te Denni Laudainus," (Simper) 

“Jubilate Deo," (Aldrich) 

“AngeN Holt the Hock Away. Hymnal 1 
“Kyrle Flelson," (Hall* 

OITertorv Sentence*. (Hanks 1 

“llallelula Christ is Hlsen." (Hymnal 
•• \l the l.amlt'H High Feast we Sing." 


"Gloria Fxcelsls," (Mid Chant) 

Carols In the Fveiling 

••Bing Happy llells.” (Ogden) 

••Happy Bells of Faster," t Pitt) 

••The Bells are Kinumg Joyfully," 


•Let 1 lie Merry Church Bells Bing," 

(Hymnal * 

••Til** Day of Besurreetlon." ( Hymnal) 

Easter at the Univeraalist Church. 

organ Prelude 

••Welcome Happy Morning" tHosmen 

* Ipetilllg service 

Besponslve reading 
Gloria Patri 

“Hod hath sent Ills Angels’* A F. Loud) 

Scripture lesson and prayer 



Solo “Faster Dawn" (B II. Woodman* 
Miss Bessie II. Bates 
Sermon. Hev. M. S Nash 
«iffertory. Beverle. for violin (Warner* 
William II Baldwin 



Postbide Hallelujah Chorus (Handel) 
Fmina L. Clapp, organist. 

Holy Communion w ill be observed ai b* 
u in Begular service ut 10.4.7 a. in. 



souvenirs of the afternoon 
—The Daughters of tile Revolution 
celebrated Patriots' Day nl Hotel Veit- 
dome, Boston, on Wednesday A pleas- 

they returned to the house and the tire 
alarm w as sounded without warning for 
a test The companies made a quick run 

thing of beauty and Jov for many years 
The Faster program Is as follow* 

Prelude, Sons l.cs Hot* l Durand) 

Anthem. “The Faster Victory" (Parker) 
Solo. ••() light that break* from yon¬ 
der tomb’’ 1 Dressier) 

Miss Alice M. Belcher 

ing entertainment was given by the I „ tn>| 

to F Sherman's Sons' factory and had a n, b*iloiy. “The Answer ' 

Junior Sons and Daughters and w as fob mlnu!o!l frum ,| 1P tlmp the alarm sou 
towed by an “Author’s Recital by Miss though they were handicapped by 
--Faster Monday concert and dance of Francea Hold Dillingham Flahorate r<- having their regular horses 

«,,, Of w.lwr on .ho hulMlnR In l-:i Anlhl . ln . .. ( ,,„ rv ...^(Notntonljolrno! 

which make anottier dainty and 
pleasing gift. 

But lie sure you 



720 BruA Striet, Eist Wiymiilh. 


es from the time the alarm sounded postludc, Hallelujah Chorus (Handel) The member* of the South Weymouth 
lull they wore hindlrippcl by not A ..I concert will l>e hold In unl,m l ’ 1 *" 10 "° 1 " 1 l '°* rer * 1,1,11 " ,lox rf 

Wex 111 .mill Cotiliell 72‘.», 

Odd freshmeiits 

also served 

Fellows opera lumse. Fast Weymouth, Winslow M Tlrrell and Miss Josie Cl 
i Momlav evening, April 24 See ad tilings of Abigail Adams chapter w 

Be sure and see the demonstration In among those present from Hits place 
I the window of Webster's pharmacy next — Mrs. Toby and Mrs Frank llersey 
week of Wolfboro, New Hampshire, have In 

The young ladles who had charge of guests of Mrs Flank Brant tills week 
the “charity whist” last week, an- —College lees, Imst In town, at 
noiinee tlull the proceeds for the same Weymouth Pharmacy 
amounted to 91 M 7.7 which sum tins been Miss Minnie linn** of Hnmcrvi 

sent to ('apt John Anderson of the Float- spent Sunday In town as the guest 
ing Hospital, Boston. Miss Rtliel Fisher of Cedar street. 

Miss Marion F Mann tin** been visit- --Mrs. Mercy (J. Scaverna of No 
ing relative* In Lawrence this week. Scltuatc has been the recent guest of 

Miss Georgia Cushing entertained brother. William P Lttelilteld of Slat 
the members of the Matinee Sewing club street. 

at her home on Sliawmut street Tucsdnv Weymouth Council, No. 72'.', I\. ol 

The members of the Dewey base ball 

the evening nt <’• o'clock 
xv ill include the following 

Winslow M I Irrell and Miss Josie Cum- club entertained a large number of friends Prelude, March 
tilings of Adams chapter wen* nt a sunset party In Music hall, Wcdncs- Anthem, “Clirb 

The program 

nngs ot 4 iugaii Auams euapier were ^ n „ n | isp j pgrlv In Music linll, Wtslnes- Anthem, “Christ our Passover" day with Mrs A 

mong those present from this place day evening Porter’s orchestra of (Ashford* street, subject, 

-Mn. Toby an,I Mr* Krnnk llerary nrooktm, fnrnUhw! the mualo an,I tlie s ">" «'"l W««rl.",.. • l'«a> Calvary" M n. 1.. W.Am, 

f W olfboro, New Hampshire, have been i( oor WA s under the dlreetinu of Frevl Duet, ° ™ to hold Its next 

ni'atanfMra Krank llranl 11 , 1 a wrrk Clarke, eaalatwl by K. II. I.„»ell, K. M Mlaaea Martrarel an,I l.nttle Mnnme apeaker from In 
-C,, Hope Icee, heal In town, a, the spearln, A. II. Tlrrell ami l’arker Hlowell. I»h«'I. "Kaaler; Kve" illnnnotl) the In,Ilea Am 

l',.ym„uth l'hnrmav) _ A „lll alarm Weilneailay after,,,,,,,, rl! "'" r,,r nu ''' .. r .... , he plven laler. 

Mlaa Minnie liana „f Homer, lllc, ,d|e<l the lire ileparlment lo a bn,ah lire Clinrna, "At llaaler Time" , IllVliarcIa) _ 

—Ctbllege Ice*, l>est In town, st the 
Wry month Pharmacy 

Miss Minnie linn** of Somerville, 
spent Sunday In town ns the guest of 
Miss Htliel Fisher of Cedar street. 

--Mrs. Mercy (J. Scsverns of North 
Scltuatc has been the recent guest of her 
brother. William P Lttelilteld of Station 

Misses Margaret and Lottie Monroe 
Duet, “Faster Rve" (Gobbi 

Song. “Jesus Is risen for me” 

delicacies to the Boston hospitals as 
Faster remembrance*. 

The monthly meeting was held on Tues¬ 
day with Mrs A. S. Marsh of Pleasant 
street, subject, “The Cigarette Kvll." 
Mrs. L. W. Alt wood lias Invited the union 
to hold Its next meeting at tier house. A 
speaker from headquarters will address 

-Weymouth Council, No. 72!*, K. of C. 

in the rear of the residence of Simon 
Scott, near W lilt man pond. 

—The residence of Dr. K. N Maylierry 
of Pleasant street was the scene of a 
pleasant gathering on Tuesday evening, 
when the memtiers of the Silent Twenty 
xx Inst club entertained their gentlemen 

At Faster Time” (Richard*) 

i Gounod) the Indies A more complete notice xv ill 
l Meredith) h< ' l,,fr 

of Simon Duet. “Nearer *» Sax lour Divine 

Mrs. F F. Loud, organist 

W. C. T. U. Nolea. 

(Tullar) j 
(Meyerbeer) I 

Wife—Do you believe Unit marriage Is 
a lottery? 

Husband—No, I don't. 

Wife—Why not? 

Husband—Because when a man draws 

held hii interesting a blank In a lottery lie can tear It up and 

A challng-dlsli lunch was has been presented with a handsome silk fricni j |li Tim guest* were greeted by the ■«» 1 -cigarette meeting at Urn Union church take another chance.—Illustrated Bits. 

served by the hostess ling by a lady friend of thecounell. Last |, 0 stwsc* of the evening, Mrs Mayberry I 0,1 Sunday evening In charge of Mrs. Alice I 

The Saturday Night whist club held Sunday morning the members of the and Mr*. Elbert Ford. Whist was then I (V Alvord, the president. Appropriate! 

a very enjoyable meeting at the home of council attended their annual communion t , n j 0 .. p( j nnt j refreshments were served by 

Mrs. Albert Wilder last Saturday evening, nt the Church of the Immaculate Con- several young ladle*. The honors wore 

The highest score w as mail*- by Mrs. eeptlon. The members of the council to the taken by Mr*. Wentworth and Mr. Pres- 

Frank Sylvester and the second highest number of 100 , marched from the hall to colt judge Wentworth and Dr Granger 

by Mrs. J Q. Good speed. Refreshments the church, headed by G. K. Thomas II W ere unable to count their points, 

wm. served ,liirini! the vu'iilnp. Mias l.yncl. Her. Pr. I.jrnch offlclMe.1 ut the -Mnnkper Oerulley of the Norfolk haue 

Mrs. Albert Wilder last Saturday evening, nt the Church of the Immaculate Con- 
The highest score w as mail*- by Mrs. eeptlon. The members of the council to llu 
Frank Sylvester and the second highest number of loo, marched from the hall t« 
by Mrs. J Q Good speed. Refreshments the church, headed by G. K. Thomas 11 

and Mrs. Elbert Ford Wldst waa then 1 Alvortl, tins president. Appropriate 
enjoyed und refreshment* were served l,y l,lu "h' ««« rendered by the I nlon Clmrcli 
several yonnn ladles. The honors were l holr ' 1,11,11110 10,1,1 clergymen conducted 
tskeii l.v Mrs Wentworib s„.l Mr P,,.. devotional exercises Miss I.ucy Page 

on Chnrclt * Card. 

eonductctl We, the undersigned, do hereby agree 

ucy Page to refund the money on a 50-cent bottle 

were servwl tluring the evening. 
Florence llohart will entertain the 
tomorrow evening 

Miss Lynch. Rev. Fr. Lyucli officiated ot the 

Gaston, the founder and superintendent of Greene’s Warranted Syrup of Tar If It 
of the National Anti-cigarette League, falls to cure your cough or cold. We also 
spoke impressively of the alarming evil guarantee a 2.7-eent bottle to prove satis- 

church, after which breakfast was served tin || c | u ^ | lt ,| t | ip candidates for the team ttn »l tl11 - vigorous movement In progress factory or money refunded. 

I nt their rooms iu Jackson square by the 

—Tin* regular meeting of Steadfast members of the Ito club, an organization 
Rebekali lodge, I (). n F., took plaee in eom|Hised «»f txxenly-ltxe memtiers of the 
its lodge room last Monday evening, and council. 

ai the conclusion of the business session Recsplion. street, who leaves on Tuesday next for 

a pleasing entertainment was given which One of the most enjoyable social events „„ extended visit to Ireland, was tendered 
consist,si of songs by .lullan Merchant „f the season was the reception tendered a surprise party l,y a number of friends 
and the comedy, “No tore, no Pat" by t|, t . fnlty Circle of King's Daughters of last Saturday evening During the cvc- 
Mls* t.raee Mitchell, Mrs Winslow M. Weymouth by the Whatsoever circle of „lng Miss Annie Kav, In behalf of the 
1 irrell. Mrs John Hunt, Mrs. Arthur t|,|s place at the home of Mrs 11 S company, presented Mias Flanagan will, 

out for practice Wednesday morning. 
The men gave evidence of tiring capable 
of development Into a strong team 
- Miss Mary F. Flanagan of Main 
street, who leaves on Tuesday next for 

against It, some states, by recent leginla- 
tloti having absolutely prohibited Its 
manufacture and sale. Miss Gaston ad¬ 
dressed several of the|sehools on Monday. 

G. II. Perkins, Weymouth. 
Fthridgc Nash, South Weymouth 
G. M. lloyt, Fast Weymouth. 

A M Dickinson, South Braintree 

Faster .Monday concert and dance of fort hell, Miss Bessie Gross, Miss Bessie 
Weymouth Council 72!', lx of r, odd €j a y ami Mrs. Charles Merchant Mrs 
Fellows opera house. Last Weymouth. Merchant, who had charge of the enter- 
Momlav evening, April 24 See ad talumcnt, presided at the piuuo. 

—lie sure and see the demonstration iu —The Fast Weymouth tire department 

the window of Webster's pharmacy. Fast was called out Wednesday evening fora 
Weymouth, next week. H ri . m the woods on Pleasant street 

—.1 II. Tower lias purchased u new opposite Falrmount cemetery. When 
automobile the department arrived a lively Idaze was 

—C. I*. Koopmun and family are at their I ,,, progress, but bv prompt und diligent 

Miss Grace Mitchell, Mrs. Winslow M. 

1 irrell, Mrs. John limit, Mrs Arthur ud* place at the home of Mrs B S company, presented Miss Flanagan with 
t ortlicit. Miss Bessie ( ross. Miss Bessie | jOVe || t station avenue, on Wednesday a gold bracelet and a $10 gold piece A 
t.ay and Mrs Charles Merchant Mrs afternoon The Unity circle Is of very collation was served aud a plensaiiteve- 
Merchant, who hail charge of tI m* enter* recent birth and as the Whatsoever circle uIng was passed. 

tniumeiit, presided at the plauo. 1* the oldest iu tows, it seemed quite —T. M. Ryan of Main street has re- 

—The Last Weymouth fire department nttlng that this courtesy should be ac- turned from Cincinnati, Ohio, where he 
w as called out Wednesday evening for a cor ded them and perhaps encourage them xxas a government witness in a Post-ofllee 
lire in the woods on Pleasant street in tholr new work. Mrs. N 1). Canter- forgery case. 

opposite l'uirmount cemetery. When | M iry, president of the entertaining circle, —Mr*. Ritchie T. Ilowe Is acting as 
tlu* department arrived a lively Maze w as we i come ,| u , 0 guest* In a most pleasing substitute teacher In Grade 1 at the Tufts 
in progress, but by prompt and diligent an d cordial manner, and Mrs. Joseph A school, precinct three, 
work by the firemen the lire w as soon pushing gave a brief outline of the his- —Miss Hdua Hart of Ml. St Joseph 

collation was served amt u pleasant c 
uing was passed. 

—T. M. Ryan of Main street has 

cottage ut Haysldc for a few days’ outing. wo rk i>y t|, L . d, 
—Mrs 11 F Kenerson of Ablngton under control. 

has been the recent guest of local rela- _Sons of V 

Kve*. a dance in Mu 

—A little daughter was Dorn to Mr evening. Apr! 
uml Mrs. Frank Wolfe of Pratt avenue, enjoyed from : 
Wednesday morning. y Rates’ « 

forgery case. 

—Mrs. Ritchie T. 


Palnu. Riy Tim. 

I Inlwinsii SIiiuIm ami 






Best Food for house Plants 



Yaut ami JARDINll'RF.S ■ 

is acting as 

An Luster concert will lie given at prompter, furnishing the 

—Sons of Veterans auxiliary will hold the Aged ai 
a dance in Musonic hall next Thursday interesting 
evening. April 27th. Dancing will bo lff t | u . ^jnl 
enjoyed from * until 12 o’clock, Dr F. WPrt . Hervci 
N. Rates’ orchestra, James Norton 

rushing gave a brief outline of the his- —Miss Hdua Hart of Ml. St Joseph 
lory t»f the King’s Daughters' Home for academy Is vislliug her grandmother, 
the Aged at Pond villi*, which was very Mrs. Mary C. Hart of Pleasant street. 
Int.'restlng. Thi* mi.'Sts thm adjourne.1 _ Mr . |. OV erln« of Medford lias moved 
to Ibe dining-room where refreshments Ule |„ U Hlanehard lions.. Thicket 

Pilgrim elmreli by the members of the 
Sunday school ut 7 o’clock uext Sunday 

—The members of the Ladies' circle of 
the Third I nlvcrsalist church have com¬ 
pleted arrangements for the May break¬ 
fast to be served in the elmreli vestry 
from too'clock u. in , May d. 

—Mrs. K. II. Benson lias returned from 
her winter's sojourn iu Jacksonville, 

—P. II Welcome has sold his estate on 
Middle street to W. F. Drake, treasurer 
of the Orient Manufacturing company, 
who will take possession of llu* same at 
an early date. 

—Mrs. Walter F Tlrrell, who has been 
eonllued to her home for the past six 
weeks with an abscess in her throat, is 
slowly Improving. 

—Mrs. Annie Fstcllc Hollis has been 

Interesting. The guests then adjourned 

to the dining-room where refreshments lo .», p 

were served: Miss Helen Lovell poured H | rppl 

coffee. The afternoon was delightfully _pj 

passed by all WptIlll 

Methodist Episcopal Church Notea. rcy. 

Special Faster music will be rendered __M 

—Fletcher W. Torrey of Rostou spent 
Wednesday with Ids father, Joseph Tor¬ 

—Mrs. Waldo Belcher entertained the 

morning service Sunday, which members of the Wessaguaset club at her 

will include the following 

home on Randolph street Tuesday after- 

n. “Christ our Passover" (Tours) noon. 

Choir —Frnest Stetson of Hprlngllcld spent 

“The Resurrection Morn" Rodney) the holiday with local relatives and 

norma. engaged to nuccecil Mrs. Jenny Patrick 

—An taster concert will Im given in W nlk.-r nl the .Irwlsli Synagogue, Mrs 
the T Inr.l I nlversalist elmreli at n o deck Walker having liel.l the punltlun fur the 
next Sun.lay evening hy the member* of past twenty years. Mrs llollls will still 
the Stimlay school asslslc.1 hy the choir, retain her isislllou nt Dr. I.lltlc s church 
—Dttvitl tiutivllle ami family, who have as n„. synagogue services nr.* held on 

resided in this purl of the tow n for the 
past nineteen years, have moved to Kim- 
wood park, Fust Braintree. 

—Miss FstHIa M. Phillips has returned 
from a visit to friends in Roxbury. 

—Henry Farrington lias reuted the va¬ 
cant apariuents in J. p Holbrook's house 
on Pratt avemic 

Friday evenings uud Saturday mornings. 

—Miss Fli/abeth Fgan, with a party of 
friends, left lust Saturday for a visit lo 

—The engagement Is announced of 
Miss Bessie Kendall Guy to Mr Fdward 
Pratt Hunt 

—As a result of (lie uppropriuliou at 

Klsle R. IdleliHeld. 

Quartette “From Death to Life” (Bartlett) 
Miss Litclillcld Myron P. Ford 

Miss Fanny Whltou Harry R Bate* 
Solo. “.Strength of the Hills' 'Nevin) 
Harry K Bates. 


“Awake, Thou tliat Sleepest" < Holden t 


In the evening ut 7 o'clock there will be 
u concert by members of the Suuday 
school, und the choir will furnish music. 


—Warren <\ Fstabrook of Whitman, 
who has purchased the business of David 
N. Craw ford, has moved to the house on 
Pleasant street, formerly occupied by Mr 
aud Mrs. Fdward Marr. 

—A set of swinging harnesses has been 
Installed at Hose house No. 4. 

—The aunual meeting of Hoae Co. No 
4 , W. F. D , was held ou Thursday eve¬ 
ning. otlleers for the ensuing year were 





194 Bovlslon Street, BOSTON, MASS. 

It Is Time To Buy Your 



Tlie Columbian Square ttrocer, : : South Weymouth 

All Rail Anthracite 

is the 

—Mr and Mrs. IL F. Nye have re-j t| K . M ar ,.|, town meeting, for the rebuild- 
turned to Methuen after a visit of several j j n{ r „f chord street, the resident* of the 
days with Mrs. Nye’* parents, Mr and | muiuc are*enjoying a uew road and sltle- 
Mrs. Spencer of Norton street. j wu ||i t which Is u great Improvement over 

— Miss Evelyn Tibbetts Is visiting Iter ‘ q,,. 0 j,j olll . 
uncle, Dr. Oliver Wolfe nf Tan Inn I —.Ml»w Helen I l.uvcll will mil return 

—-All i.l.l folks concert ill al.l .if tile | |,i Vttssar tills year mi acc.mnl ..f 111 
organ repair fuml will lie given In the | | ll , t i||, 

vestry .if Pilgrim .tbttreli next Tues.lsy | _c„uit Marlliurn I. K an,I I. , liel.l its 

Tlie vestry was the scene of a very eu- ,-lccte.l as follows : Captain, T. II. Mcl- 
Joyalile gathering last Friday evenlug v llle; 1st l.leutennnt, J. I- Kelley; 2nd 
when Hie defeated H.sls euterUlued the Lieutenant, C. II. Nolau; t’lerk. K It 
lllties. About two hundred memtiers of Kaalt; Steward, T. F. Moore 
the Sunday School were present, aud E ,„e r „ Univaraallal Church, 
games Iu great variety were enjoyed hy Morning service, lu.llO. 

all Hot chocolate was served during .... * ... 

. . Organ Prelude, Allegro from nth 
the evening hy Mrs. Charles Denl.roe.ler s * symphony fBeethoven-Morse i 

(H1R COAL comes all the way from the mines In ears. Consequently it is 
less broken, cleaner aud much better lhau that coming by boats. 

Ilniuml allli >usr order, oar ol oar I slralsm or aa tubmluft kllrlirs Msl. 



Cord, Wlmrf Ht. v KANT WKYMOIITH. 

Tel. 21-2. 

class who had direct charge of the even- Anthem. “Christ is Arisen" 



—Through the office of II W 
I'liul papers have been passe 

I regular whist party last Friday evening 
)f II W alker Pratt j u„. home of Albert J Osgood, Putnum 
i passed to John j 'j*|„. || rH t prize was taken by 

Scldlcff, warranty dird of valuable lot of | | <0 tHe ShNldard and llo* second 
laud upon Wessaguaset I beaeli, passing to | Normun (* tt ,„ lt w |,j| u Mrs Charles Higgs 
grantee j made the most moves. Mrs. Carrie 

Eaater at Pilgrim Church. Farrar will entertain the club tonight 

The following progrum will Im- given | 

l-Tain ls Muius of Broxi ii I nlveralty, 

lug’s entertainment The follow ing pro¬ 
gramme was given which added to the 
pleasure nf the evening : Piano solo, Mrs 
Charles R. Dcnhroeder: reading, Miss 
Fmina Curtis: vxh'mI solo, Miss Jessie 
"rr violin solo, John W Rates , read¬ 
ing, Mrs Martha Pratt reading, Miss 
Velma Abbott. 

The ladles' social circle w ill meet ill the 
pallors next Wednesday afternoon. Sup¬ 
per will be served st 11.90 o'clock. Iu 
tin* evening from s until lo o'clock, a re¬ 
ception w ill be given Rex and Mrs W 

“Now the Kartli In Resurrection light." 


Postbide, “Iu the Morning” 


At the 3.HO p. in. service the choir will 
be assisted by Mr J. II. Mahau, tenor, of 
Boston and Mr. S. F. Pratt. 

Organ Prelude, Praise to God 


“Hark t«*u thousand voices'' (Dullard i 
“Gloria" ) 

“Haoetus" • from “St Cecilia Mass" 

“Agnus Del" I 

i thm nod j 

Postludc, “Fugue” ( Bseli i 


Have Your Lam Mom Sharpened No* saasr.sri-Si 


Arc the Paints you'll want this spring. 

Wall Paper, Oil Cloth and Linoleum. 

M. R. LOUD & CO., 


on Kuuduy 

Fantasia Iu form nf tin Mfferlolre** 

a former classmate of Myron Ruilcy, has ^ Butler, to which u cordial Imitation is I Union Church Not®*. 

Ant Item. “Thanks hr to God" 

i SinttlllVoud 

Violin Solo 

Legende, Wleulawski "p 17 
Aniliem, **D light Dial breaks from 
yonder ioiuh” i Dressier 

organ Postludc 

March In K flat Wely) 

Suuday-sehool eoucerl In the exeulug 
Dr i: W Hill, violinist 
Herbert \ Hay«len, organist aud director 

i beeii the recent gu»*sl of Mr Slid Mrs. C 
i Will Bailey of Cedar street'. 

Mrs, Harry Vogell has returned from 

K (• A ^tendeil to all iu any way eonneete<l with There will be an Faster service Sunday 
llu* church morning with a sermon upon llu* “Resur- 

fr 4 iin The New Fugland Southern Coufereucc reetlou Life.” There will also be uu 
Dor- odjoiirued ut New London, Connecticut, Faster vesper service Iu the church at 7 
ou Mouday last at ft 4«» |> m Bishop o'clock The follow ing musical program 
Hamilton re-np|MAiuted Rev. William II will he rendered: 

It ii 1 1«* r pastor of the church in Fast Wey- Moruiug 

mouth Anthem, “Christ our Passover" 

. . Solo, “With Verdure Clad" 

I lie first meeting of the new official 

board will be held <m Tuesday evening Solo, “Faster Theme" 
uext at the conclusion of the prayer meet* Mr Herbert Curtis 

j ||( , A lit hem, “Choir Angelic" 

----- F veiling 

Twelve-year-old tlookiug up from 
Grimm's Papa wouldn't you lik«* t«» 
have a golden haired fairy grunt you u 
w 1 st," 

Father abscut-iulmbslly “Hush, 
Richard, your mother is in tlu* next room 

\ftcr all, r 4 ‘inaikc 4 t Huggins, "iuur- 
i ag 4 is oujy a hittery " 

"Don't you believe it, iny friend." n*- 
joined Fnpeek "Men sometimes disxx 
prizes in a lottery " -Fxchaugc 

Siiiullxv<M.d i a tw«i weeks’visit with frieuds iu Dor- adjourued at New Loudou, Connecticut, 

: Chester- ou Mouday last at /).4o p. m. Bishop 

—The estate formerly owued by Mrs Hamilton rc-np|>oiiiled Rev. William II 
l/r'essler Date* iaii Itroad street wus sold liutler pastor of the eliureh iu Fast Wey- 

I ut auction on Saturday la?>i und wus pur- mouth 

Wely) j chased by lleury A Nash. Jr . of Wey- The first meeting “f the new oillcial . 

he evening mouth Heights. # board will beheld ou Tuesday evenlug Solo, 

Mi.-* Itlauehe Bates of Lafayette next at thn conclusion of the prayer meet* 
and director | aveuile has beeu eouflued to the house \ullu 

. this week with laryngitis ----... ._ 

iq> ..i 4 auto* eacajk Frew drowol#* Mra. Catmlo*-U wy* luxw Ui«t * W* Kaak 

y.m Ilk.- lu "<‘ urr.-.l on MouJat si Herriu K Hub „„k,. b ,ms 1 wlv.'s 

uraul >.,« u [ 1 *n»tlie liltlr <lauKl*l*-i Mr auU Mrs >|r |, • w.-ll. if . 

(iisrrgl- .I'UlfS. xx .11, 11141., |.l.,- , tUiDk i „„ B olti B lu (lit* t■. UiUkt! . ' 

", , »»» 1| »- rlv, ' r ' « , l“« K ,„si «lf..„f V..U, you r.- u-ry ...ud. mix x„.l, 

ii.*xI room | sin-ari l,K'uially f.-ll iiitu tin; water »lili'li takl , 11 

xx a^ xi ix d<i p at tin- liiue. the gates ut _ 

j Whitmans poml being open Charles 

g us, mui i im WU s pulsing by, saw the Second street fakii Why. whats Ibe 

i-lilld and grasping the situation instantly. Goiilde 
,u, “ '* juiupeil iuio the xxatii and reseuetl her First sticet fakir- Here 1 worked hard 

id idles draw Tjt <i||lh| lu (|lllu . u whmu .ondltlou f,,r u ,,tt > «P » «P*riow iuto 

W® are Headquarters 


I Garden, Flower, Grass 

Faster Carol with Violin Obligato 

English Lino Seed, Fncy Ril Tiy ill White Clever, Tiaithy. 

Loud, vloliulsl 

Mr Herbert Curtis 
tudaule \ iuexteiups. 

Walter F Loud, violinist 
Solo, “llosauua" 

Mrs. Baker 

Anthem, "Hark, llark my Soul" 
Mr HerU*rt Curtis, Basso 


Waahington Square, 

I Telupliune 

First sint i fakir- Here I worked iiaid Frank Vinlug. ltass.» aud Mr WalU-r F 
for half u day paiuliug up a sparrow Into Loud, Violinist will assist the regular 

FUlerly gentleman N «»n ought uol to 
take the name of the For I in vain, little 


Little boy —I dldu't lake it iii vain 
Didn't >ou see bow quick he eax ivl wiieu 
I cussed him good and strong ' New iq- 
leans Tiiues-Democrat 

Miss Golding Do y ou think ills my 
money that attract* him? 

Prettyinald Shoiildu I wonder 

lull has fully recover**! 

The Shaw unit literary «lut* field it® 
regular meetiug ut tin* boiue of Rev 
l inery L Bradt u I last Friday ev«*u!ug 
1 lie meeting op 4 mst with uu eXiellclit 
paper 4 >n “Si-»»teh Proverbs" by Miss 
\(Mie Cant 4 *rluiry aud was followed by a 
pa|>er on "Restoration und Peroeeutiou 
under t iiarles 11 by Miss Saraii Dyer 
Mr Itradfoid tlren read "Pexerll «>f the 
IVak which was foUoBtol with musical 
seler-thms t»X the At^ollau quartette 
Lugene J. Murphy, W II Pratt, Will 

a red le aded Belgian canary, and I'm 
biowed if tlu- follow 1 sold U> didn't give 
I me a counterfeit half-dollar for it New 
) orker 

4 Indr of the church 

"Marriages you kuow,' remarked Miss 
Kldcrlcigli, "are made in lieaveu " 

"Oil, well, cheer up," reioiued Miss 

>old to Uidu t give The Norfolk Coufereucc of t ougrega 
dlar for It New Uoual churches Is to meet witii the I'nlou 
church, May 2nd. A full program of the 
conference will l»e priuled next week 
remarked Miss jj oy# - club met last Tuesday eve- 

j lieaveu uiog and iuillalcd two lueiutNr® Mr 

, rejoined Miss secretary of the boys' work for 

) oungbud. consolingly You'll prot.ablx MiWiachM-rUll ttU d Hhode Island is 

go there soiuelluie "— Cldeago News 

IL' told a fi lend of miuethal he had atiout ILalges and F A Willard 
made up hi* mind to marry you Chicago I The Whatsoever Circle 

Daughters w ill bold a rummage sale iu I each Im*x 

telle To Curt a Cold In Ona Day. At the Junior Baracca social held at 

Will Take Laxative Urouio Quiuiuc Tablets the parsonage last Friday evening, olll 
Ail ilruggisU refund the money if It fails cars for the eusuiug six mouths were 
King's to cure F W Grove's signature is ou doc led as follows President. George 

dress the Iroys May PJlii 

Old South Church Notes. 

At the Juuior Baracca social held at 
iht parsonage last Friday evening, olll- 

Vic® president. Leon Marsh . 

Easter Announcement. 

Im»i Muster went we said ottering u large line of Men's, Youths’ uml lioys'. 
Ladies’, Misses' uml C hildren’s 


In all Die styles of the new season. 


Of every dearrijitiou. 


Krimtl Street, HAST WEYMOUTH. 

TrUpUuur OU- I. 

Beal 9 (TV^arttyy 



,i Fruptr 



oo oooo oooooo o o oooooo oooooo 

y _ 6 

A Stl . ong T, itu . „f 

Couch Covers 

I ROCKLAND music STORE | <) " 1 ,mv , " ,u ' r r,,r 

oooooo oooooo oo oooooo oooooo $1.75 

Lknln Block .. Rockl.od. Mo»- i» U HAlMIAlN. Oil,,.,. fr ""’' Rl.vk *4 Hr nekton Al.'ll I" AS,till. 

Inspcet Our Assortment of 


Madras Draperies. 

6 v 
o ooooo oooooo o o OOOOOO OOOOOO 

Tliesc emtnins will mnku the 
lititue nunc uttmetive at it very 'iiuill 


Prrkim' Block .< Hrockton 


Tilt' lu'st made, the must nttraetive, the latest attachment^ for ii'ljusting. 
We ask the purchaser to compare quality and price. 

South Shore 

C. L. RICE & SON, 

Gladstone Block, 


MEETINGS First Moitln' if Eld Moot! j 

T»T i 'August tin* mill, iJot hoiiii* Mpirit m 
m m Y 4 >++ ! hit’ \\ llllo* to nil* oil my buck Hoots 

111 111 | i wen ling mil Terrible Itol l.ny In 

III I I 1 ^ I^LI Xx* I the Minnie in tin* of iln> iliiy Uyp* 

OBI w m I I ■I +♦♦ 1 sirs 0*01110 till '•limped I • \ iis I on i t*h I. 

XjLxlJLxl T jll:.. 

+!♦ | I remember well tin* coming of those 

_ n +15 Kyimle. X'>■ .v.'iv llnl.liiu In »litlil nr 

) ALncLLLIt JtT ih** road. unit »ur llro* worn crinkling 011 

+i+ j tho smooth croppml shore. The hin 
Jti 1 xvngons of tin- gypsies there were four 
I* U H 1.1 *» It I N (i COMPANY +XX ! of thrill. :is roil mill liOllllMflll iih those 

k ++++ +++ t++t + t ++++++++ t lil 1 ** r " ... 

diio.1 xvhlle the men mine ovrr a mo 
h+*+* 4 *+* 4 '++++++ 4 *++++ 4*+*+*4 |||e Held. Presently they 

xvenl Inii k mill mined llirlr xvngons into 
In tellurs iiuiirr ground 11 •* told tin* t tie siding mid begun to unhitch. Thru 

At Royal Arcanufn Hall, 
at 7.30 P. M. 

Mouty to Loan at Each Melting on 
Mortgages of Beal Eitate. 

Minimum Bate of Interest, 5 per oent 
|ier annum. 

Tor Information, or Loam between tha 
meeting!, apply to 
CHAS. 0. JOSOAN, Sao'yTroai. 
Weymouth, Man. 



Copyright. IIMHI. hy I.OTIIHOI' I* l) B 1 . 11 II I N C COMPANY 

Save Your Money! 

liny shares in tin* 


^ 1 '. listened nwhllr tin'll. |»ut ills" lhr -lory of I hr mil li"H » big u |,,t of burefooted rhlldl'rii mid women 
lieur<l im sound In tin* thicket. | beetle Hint livrs in thr Jungle* of the coder gii.v slmxvls overrun thr llrld, 

.'iltlioiiKli I'red was groxvllug I grnin .1 ml tin* grass of xvlihh I retnem- t KHtliorimr w«ssl mul milking rrudy for 

omlnmiHly lilt* Imlr "ii end. i ber only mi milHue. mon* or I*"*- Impel* ! night Meanwhile swarthy drivers 
\n for mvself. I never hud 11 111 »rr four fe« * t<n»k the horses to wntrr mid tethered 

fill hour I linn tlint we niilTerel liefnre I l'*i «• ii Is in my own rewinding "I Ills them with hunt rope* so they <ould erop 

flu* |luhI of morning rulin' tale; «»n n bright dny one of the little the grass of the roadside. 

I miide no ouh-rv. hut i lium lo my old Murk folk** went ofT on a long mud In One lull, hony 1111111. with ti* fnre 11 1 
companion, trembling lie did imt Htlr ! u greni th*l«l of barley. Hr tvas going most us Idiirk us that of mi Indimi. 

for 11 few ill I HUH 1 **, mid then we rrept I t«» uimllirr rll.v of ld*« own people to! brought u hie Iron pot mid sot II up 

rntltiouniy Into Hie small hemlocks mi ' bring liel|iriM for the Imrvent llfciimt' n«ir the water. A hie slew or lioef 

om> Hide of lhr opnilin: 1 nlmrlly i" 11 Miindy plm r where Hie bar- bone, leeks mid potntorM hrmin to rook 

•K»s*p si III," lie whlsprnsl ** |». »n* 1 'ley v:t«* thill mid the hot suiiliulit lay shortly, mid I reineinher it had Mtirh 11 
move er speak " near lo the ground. In 11 little valley eooilly smell I wua minded to nsk llirin 

I’ll Al'TKIt IV 

llrean hitalnean March *.», IH«n 
l.u-l dividend 'i per cent per annum 


Why not look luto the ro-operative 
Ihink T'liin * Hv tills plan you can pay for 
\011r home ns you pay rent, and at theeml 
if 11 dozen years you will ow n It 

As for myself. I never hud u m ire hair- 
fill hour than ttint we suffere I before 
the IIkIiI of morulm: • nine. 

l(Nik the hordes to water mid tethered 
• ■ Ii is in my own rewordiiiK *»f Ids them with Ioiik ropes so they *ould erop 
1 ui n brlKlit day one of the little th«* jjiiiss «*f tho roadside, 
folks went ofT on u loim mud In on" lull, bony tnnn, with if face ul 

Presentl.v we heard a mow in ibe 
brush, mid then ipiiek ns a llnsli I mde 
Kb lifted Ids rltle and tlr«sl in Hie dlroe- 

nenr lo the ground In a liHle valley goodly smell I waa minded to ask them 
; rinse hy 1 1 »«• road «»f Hie ants lie saw a fora taste of it. A little eity of strange 

deep pit In Hie sand with steep sides people bad surrounded us of a sudden. 

Series begin in March and September 
For full in formation apply to 

F II lUCIIAlll)S, Secy. 
V. Mi? t'ul*>ti Si . South Weymouth 

j.;i, Hfps| Ids rltb* and flr«st in the dlnv 1 sloping »•> a point in the middle and us I m lr Kb thought of going on. but the 
Hon of ii Before the Imid e« ho had big amund as a biscuit. Now. Hie ants night was i-omlug fast, and there would 
gone off In the woods we heard some 1 are 1 • urlmis people and go looking for | be 110 moon, and we were footsore and 
tiling break through lhe bru-li at a run. things that are new and wonderful as hungry. Women and children came 
•’S a mail." saitl t in lc l)h is lie Its I they walk abroad, so they have miieli over to our lire after supper and made 
icncd "Tie ain't a-losln' 11 • lime ! to tell worth bearing after a journey. ' more of me Hum 1 liked 
nuther.” I The little traveler was young and bad . I remember taking refuge between 

I remember taking refuge between 

We sat listening as Hie sound grew no fear, so lie left the mad and went | the knees of I'nole Kb, and Fred sal 

fir pres ft Ca. 

fainter, mid when It eea-ed entirely I'll down l«> Hie pit and peeped over the close In front of us. growling fiercely 

r|e Kb said lie must have got to the I Hide of It. .when they came too near. They stood 

road. After a little Hie light ,.f the "What tn the world Is Hie meaning of ubout, looking down at us, and wills 
morning begun sirilng down through this ipieer place*/" lie asked himself as pered together, and one young miss of 
(lie tree tops ami was greeted w ill In- I he ran around the rim In a moment the tribe mine up and tried to kiss 
numerable songs. In* hud stepped over, and the soft sand ! me in spite of Fred's warnings. She ' 

"lie done noble," said I'm-le Kb. pat | begun to euve and slide beneath him. had dashing black eyes and Imlr as 
ting the old dog as lie msc to poke tin* 1 <Julek as a Hash the lug lion beetle rose dark as the night that fell in 11 curling 
dre. "I'urtv good . hap I call ini' tie up In Hie center of the pit and begun mass upon her shoulders; lull, some* 

can hev half my dinner any ii. In* 1 to reach for him Then Ids legs dew how*, 1 bad a mighty fear of her am! 

wants it." I ' 1 'I"' caving sand, and the young ant fought with desperation to keep my 

Railroad Express. 
Quick Service. 

can hev half o' m.v dinner any lime he 
wants it." 


"Who do you suppose it wn-V I III 
t qtilred. * could gain. ' Undo Kb laughed and held Fred by the 

" Robbers. I guess." be answered, "air I'pwnrd be struggled, leaping ami colla. 1 , and 1 began lorry out in terror 
they’ll be lavin' fer us when we go out floundering In tin* dust, lie had got presently, when, to my great relief, she 
ineiibe; Inn. if thev are. Fred II liml ■ Hear Ibe rim and bad stopped, clinging let go and ran nwuy to her own people, 
'em. an* I've got or Trusty ben*, an' l lo del bis breath, when the lion began They all went away to their wagons, 
guess thet'll lake care uv us." dinging Hie sand al Inin with Ills long save one young mail, who was tall 

His rllle was always ilattcrcd with I feelers. It rose In a cloud and fell 011 with light hair ami a fair skin, and 
tlial mime of or Trusty when it bad 1 the back of the ant and pulled at hiut who looked like none of the other gyp- 
done him 11 good turn. 1 * swept down, lie could feel the sirs. 

Noon as the light had cot.. lie i mltfhty cleavers of Hie lion striking "Take care of yourself." he wills- 

I in. [struck Ids blades in p to hold the little face from the touch of her red lips. 

Undo' Kb laughed and held Fred by the 

Gall and see us. 

5 (> Sen Slr»‘«'\ 


"Take in re of yourself,” he wills- 

went out In the near woods w;'li <|og near Ills hind legs anil pulling Hu* sand pered as soon as the rest had gone. 

and rltle ami bout around In the brush. * from under them, lie must go down In 1 "Tlm-e are bad people. You'd better hr 


Ilf returmtI ttlmrtly unit miI.I I . liml » iiimiient. nml lie knew wlmi that ..IT “ 

North Weymouth, 
Quincy and Boston 


Boston Office, 48 Chitkia St. 

North Weymouth Ofiice, 60 Nirth St. 

Prompt Delivery. Careful Drivers 

M. Y. CLEMENT, Proprietor 


Weymouth, Ea»t Braintree and Boston. 
KOtiti A PAHMEMMt, PrvprlrloM 

seen whore they eame ami went. 

"I'd u killed '**m deader 11 a door 
null." said lie, laying down the ••!•! rillc, 
"If they'd u-eoiue any nenrer." 

Then w e brought water f. -»m the 
river and bad our breakfast ITed 
went on ahead of us when we started 
for the road, scurrying through tlx* 
brush on both sides of the trail us If 
lie knew what was expected of bill), 
lie hushed a number of partridges, 
and Uncle Kl> killed one of them on , 
otir wuy to the road. We resumed our 
Journey without any further adven¬ 
ture. It was so smooth ami level under 
foot that Uncle Kb let me get In the | 
wagon after Fred was hitched to it 
The old dog went along soberly and 1 
without much effort, save when we 
eame to bills or sandy places, when I 
always gut out and ran "it behind. 

Uncle Kb showed me how to brake 
the wheels with a long stick going | 
downhill I remember how ll Idl the | 
dog’s heels nt the first down grade ami i 
how lie run to keep nut of the way 
of It. We were going like 111ml In half 
a minute. Uncle Kb coming after us 
calling to the dog Fred only looked 
Diver bis shoulder with a wild eye at j 
the rattling wagon and ran the harder , 

meant, lie bad heard the old men of The young mail left us. and Unde Kb 

the tribe tell often bow they bold one began lo pink up at once. They wen* 
_ ._ going to bed In their wagons when we 

I came away. I stood In the basket, and 
Fred drew Hu* wagon that luid in it 
1 only 11 few bundles. A mile or more 
farther on we eame to a lonely, desert 
ed cabin dose to the road. It bad be 
gun to thunder In the distance, ami the 
wind was blowing damp. 

"(Suesti nobody lives here." said Unde 
Kb as lie turned In at the sagging gate 
amt began lo cross the little patch of 
wc**ds and hollyhocks behind it "Imor's 
half down, but I guess It'll de boiler 'n 
110 bouse. < Solti' I' rain Hurt in " 

I was nodding a lit He about then, I 
remember, but I was wideawake when 
' be took me out of Hie basket. The old 
bouse stood 011 a high bill, and we 
could sis* tin* stars of heaven through 
the ruined door and one of tin* back 
windows. Uncle Kb lifted Hie leaning 
door a little uml shoved It aside. \\> 
beard then a quick stir in tlo* old house 
—n loud amt ghostly rustle It seems 
now 11 h 1 think of it like that made bv 
linen shaking on tho line, Unde Kb 
took a step backward iih If it bad star- 
tbsl 111 111 

"tSuess It’s nuthln' to be 'frnld of," lie 

1 . He*'<u«litr«- Street. A.’> Kiiifftton Ktn-H. 

I', ll PIT** Main. Teh*l*on«- SMl'l * Ufoct. 

pi I'im>11 Street. 
relD*|»le»we PVM, 1547 Ktchinoinl. 

Expressing, Baggigi Tmsfirriig, 

Furniture and Safe Moiiig, Heavy TeaRiag! 

the rattling wagon and ran tin* hard*? 1 ' ' ,l " 1 * ,,u ' * "(Suraa It's nuthln' to be 'frnld of," ho 

He leaped aside at the liottom. anil j hdplcsh -iml slash him Into a dozen hM j,j i feeling In the pocket of bis ct)ul. 
then wo went all In a heap for , I'i''*"as Idling go in despair jj 4 . j in ,j s trm k 11 mutch In a moment, 
tunutoly no harm was done. when lie felt a hand on Ills neck. Look- u v j, rt flickering light I could si*e only 

"I tledaro!" auid Uncle Kb as In* ' "I 1 * ’' i '" " ,u ' °' vn P®opl« a |,|, 0 f rubblsb on the floor, 

eame up to us. pulling like a spent hlng over the rliu, ami in a JHTy "Full o’ white owls." said lie. step- 
horae. and picked me up unhurt and Hn \ had shut their fangs together, lie p| nt r iuMlde. where the rustling was 


lUrgr "OltlOUt" Tu Lrt for Plralra. Kiranloaa 

began to untaiigle the lmrm*sH of old moved little hy little as tho other tug now continuous 

Fred. "I guess he must 'a' thought the 1 F'**® him ami In a moment was out of harm " 

, 1 ,'Vll WJ 1 , after him " ,l "' "'"l> b '" 1 fw«l tlit* himoat I'urlli , |1( .. 

"They'll do us no 

(Mild see them now flying . hout tin 

Stable, Norfolk Street, Weymouth. 

Till. iln« growleil a llllh- . J tnul.T him Wlwii tlmy hail gol homo ,|,, r Iile |, m ,. e |||„ K IH. io Iih gallieml 

luent ami lilt at tho Imnio... lull ooa«- ! ""l h'M Iholr ti.lvoiiinrr »omo wore for 
lug i«‘useured bill), and lie went along , K"lng l" slay the beetle 

all right again on the level M a small 
i settlement the children came out ask 

' There Is never a pit in the path o' 
ilut \ said tin* w 1 st* old chief of the lit- 


Carpenters va 
Builders, : : 


an armful of grass ami do\cr in the 
near fh*ld and spread It in at corner well 
away from the ruined door amt win¬ 
dows Covered with our hlanket. It 

I11K 1110 i|imtlona Shu ...111 trlml tlo hla. k folk. • S,+ that yim hoop In llta ,|,. „ r u | r |.v .'omrortat.l,- I»mI S.hiii a. 

to pet the dog. hut old I '-cd kept to 'Hie strnHHit 

Ids labor at the heels of Unde Kb and "If "»r brother had not left the 
looked neither t«» right nor left We j straight road ' said one v 
stopped under a tree by the side of a "lie that was In dungc 
narrow brook for our dinner, mid one !?"»'• down into the pit." 

we had lulu down the rain begun to rat¬ 
tle on the slinky roof uml Hushes of 

•itniiKlH ".ti.l ' aai .1 ... llKll , MlllK „ r ..hi 

"Ii,. that tta. tn tlangnr wnuM liava 

It inntterH lUliih." In' iiiihwiti.I. 
ImM,liml of tliut tllmmr I think „f al- "utuiliiT It waa kin,Ini,» „r .■■iritMlIy 

wttya when 1 think nf I in In Kh It that In,I hint .. tho rwl Hut Im 

a how, tin- manner of mull In »vaa ami | t| m t follow, a f,«,l hath mm It iio,h 1 of 

East Braintree. 

with what understanding ami sym i wisdom, for If be save the fool do ye 
I'**th.v be regarded ever> living thing not sec that be liulli D*iieourug**d follyV" 

P.O. Address, Weymouth. 

Ju rinsing bis teapot h< ic. iih*ntally J 
poured a bit of water on a big humble 
ls*e The poor cream re struggled to ' 

of «otir-e I bud then no proper uii- 
derslumlmg of Hie chief's counsel, nor 
do I preicM<l <*\cn to remember H from 

Ready for Business. 

lift blmitir, anil tlmn attollmi ilown-| ,i l:l t .. . H u . ,„i t . „ oyj.t 

f>,nir ■•aught him nml atlll ..mill ... ,, ... „ r ,, , |„„ tf 

hi. wlnga fell .Iren, h„l I h.-n >>!• ' ,,i,nlnl>.tv <t, ■ n. I.. Kl. 

Tlif mi'll r.igut'il Im. It-iiM-'l w liul i» kuowii 
• t|i>-« • > • |..... .■ .11 \ .tnM't, \V. yinuiiili. 

ml Im* Hi'.' .1 In* pUlil lin n- fur tin* |*iir|«.*r «>l 

in nil |<uii* "i Wcyiuoulli. \ "i'll r» will 

|*l «••««!•■ 1 > .tU<-||<lt’«l t<* 4lt'l till' I •«- * t . 11 ll|«-.-t AAlAt 

ii». <1. !•)’ ,..Mn »»lng 

Peter McConarty, 

breast lieguu beating vlol«*nii>. bis 
legs stiffened Ixdilnd bill), nml In- 
beinl downward In the grass Uncle 
Kb saw the death throes >*f the bee 
and knelt down gnd lifted lie* dead 
Istdy by one «*.' Its w Ing- 

Jes' look at bis velvet • *•:»• l>* snld 

"au* bis wings all wH an' -tiff !"•>•> 11 
nev.*r curry him another Joiirm i It’s 
t«s> bud a man has I' kill evert step lie 
lukes " 

The bee s mb was mot lug l.tiuUy, and 

* ItheuinaHr.' be answered present 

He got to Ins feet little by little, and 
every move he made gave him great 
pain With oik* band on Ins cane and 
the other on inv sbolllder he made Ids 
wuy slowly to tin* broken gate Kven 
now I can see clearly tI m* fair prospect 

If a Cow gave 


of that high place i valley reaching to 
distant hills and a river winding 
through It glimmering In the sunlight; 
a long wooded ledge bri*akiiig into link 
ed, grass) slopes on one side *> p tin* 

\ alley and on the other a deep forest 
rolling to the far hnrlr.on; between 
them big pub-lies of yellow grain nml 
white buckwheat nml green pasture 
land and greener meadows nml tin* 
straight road, with white houses on 
either -Ido of it. glorious in a double 
fringe of goldenrod nml purple aster 
uml yellow .foiln'a-wort nml the deep 
blue of the Jacob’s ladder. 

"Look- a good deal like tin* promised 
land." said Uncle Kb. Iluln't got 
much further f go." 

1 1 «* sat on tin* rotting threshold, while 
I pulled some of the weeds In front of 
fix' dooi-iep nml brought kindlings out 
of the bouse and built a fire While 
we wen* i*ntiug I told Umb* Kb of tlif 
man I laid seen in the night. 

• Juc-s you was drenmln'," In* an hi 
and. while I stood firm for Hid* reality 
of that I hail seen. If belli our thought 
only for a brief moment. My com 
panion was unable to walk that day. 
so we lay by In the shelter of th«» old 
Iiousd*. eating as little of our scanty 
store .'is we could do with. 1 went tc | 
n spring near by for water ami picked 
a good mess of blackberries, that 1 
bid away until supper time so as to 
surprise Uncle Kb. \ longer day than 
that we spent In the old house nftet | 
our isiming I lnivo never known 1 
made the rootii a bit tidier and gather 
isl more grass for bedding. Undo Kh 
Mt better as the day grew warm. I 
had ii busy Him* of It that morning 
bathing Ill’s buck In the spirits and 
rubbing untII my small arms ached. I 
have heard him tell often how vigor i 
oiinly I worked that day and how I 
would say. "I'll take . are o' you. Unci* j 
Kb won't I, Uncle Kb'/" as my little 
bands flew with redoubled energy on 
Ids bare skin. That finished. >ve lay 
ilown sleeping until the sun was low, 
when 1 made ready tin* supper that 
took the last of everything we had to 
eat. Uncle Kb was more like himself 
that evening and, silting up In the cor¬ 
ner as tin' darkness came, told inr 

It was very dark as lie Mulshed, and 
! was feeling a bit sleepy when 1 
heard the boards 'Teak above out 
beads. Uncle Kb raised himself nml 
lay braced upon his elbow listening. lr 
a few moments we heard a sound aa 
of some one coming softly down the 
ladder at the other end <>f the room 
It was so dark I could sec nothing. 

••Who's there?" Uncle Kh demanded. 

"Don't p'int tb'*t gun at me." some 
body whispered. "This I- my home, 
and I warn ye t' leave it er I'll do ye 
lin rm.” 

, ""‘ ,l 1 .. 1 Hunt. Ill .liu ..Ll r,«mi Ilk.- lit.- lull Kin .' 1 

- ' "''*•■ "i.-"»•"--‘I „r ill,* Min I ivim-iulH-r .1 

. .'•"•*'* •"" I is* .*.«riw» 'll.. tbo »«4 uu> au uUl ulhal mil ol 

l„„.| u ;* '••*"' .. ml,1.1,1,. .1 a»‘v 1 In* IIUUK lu IL.' 

*" . . . IlllllUIC aualiur u «lu.l..».u r.-.v h-UKlIU. 

.„l.l '"•*••“" lo „r al,,,.... „ i.luw ii.. truer 

.VII 'V'"' '' " 1,1 lll ‘ .. “ 1.11,1 lhr,.,. aturlui: w tilt.- ,,«la lliul aul 

. . ivr *' ml ..11 U U-aiu ilia.,.* II,.' Uu..r„ m.v. lira 

*■;" '■ ' 11 ' «a I I ,.'111 rulu riMirwl nil llm ulU ru»f aiiurilj uu.l 

tl,,' I.H'.'U I'.l I. II.- aim. la..,; U, ...... , I... I... 

still, bo would when some press- 

Mi, Huwi Nf,.u«ik. A rnri »t.. l h( .^ Kl( luld | llm oll , . warm *'»> III-. lu my face, and I moved a little Then 

Himligbt mid funmsl bim awhile with 

Ib'-u la* would i,n to hi b work wbde 



+* 1 '’ $>■ 

Ida bat. trying to tiring back the breath 

of Ilf.* 

"Hllllty!" lie said pres«*nH> mining 
back with a aober face "Tliel's a dead 
bee No tellln' how mau.v waa Je 
pendent oil bint er what plans lie bi*d 
Must 'u' gi n him a lot <• pleasure t' ttv 
round iu ibe sunliglit workln' «*'ei> 
fair <la.t. S all over now 

ll.* bad u gloomy face for mi hour aft 
er tliut. uml iiiuuy a time iu the duya 

l.reaih * °T bis pencil bored further 

VT ^ Buraau of Forestry Reek* to Da- 

Q - ■ velop and Extend the Induetry, 

j 1 | || Btirean of Fore-try ha- been*!tub¬ 

ing the maple sugar Industry with the 

k . , __ | view of *ecnring a larger n-e of t he inspb* 

nd w°uld have t° . .. Sln ....*, v , „ f ln ,^ 

invont ntilk. Milk IS INQ" sugar farming has greatly changtsl and 
tUTo’S emulsion — butter shrunk In early days maple sugar was 
put ill shape for diges- commonly mad'*, even In tnsnv part- of 
tion. Cod liver oil is ex- the South, because call'* -miar WH- \lr 
tremely nourishing, but tnally nnobtamai.le ... is then* 

even a limlteil product ion in South Unro- 

it has to be emulsified ^ , i( „ r(llll Atal-111 ,_ Hlwl „ Ippli 
before we can digest it. Konlalanna. and Arknnsa- This I- tie- 
# cause cane s*igar can now he bought 

‘♦'C P|Y%|| 1 C|/\ri everywhere at tin* price, and i- pre- 

1 LaMIUIJXUII feffedto maple sugar for sweetening 
. . .. In Indiana, Michigan and Illinois the 

nes the best oil maple tn*es have been extensively cut for 
he valuable hypo- Inmlier. thus reducing the opportunity 
hites so that it is for tree tapping In those Slates also 
O digest and does the markets are glutted with linliations, 

Pointed Paragraph*. 

The man who eouri- trouble i« soon | 
marilcl. , 

All family Jai« nr** not 
s pottery 

A gooil Ii.'aiding lion 

’!>•' imt manufai ti)i'**l m 1 

-ti ak i- nluio-i 

a- rare a- n Is -can 

Time mid -Hence often win out where 

all other ageticle" go lame 

A bank teller i- probably -•» railed be¬ 
cause lie doe-n i tell anyllilhg 
The more you put In u -lot 111711*111111* the 
more Hie owner take- out 

Scott’s Emulsion 

combines the best oil 
with the valuable hypo- 
phosphites so that it is 
easy to eldest and does 
far more good than the 
oil alone could. That 
makes Scott’s Emulsion 
the most strengthening, 
nourishing food - medi¬ 
cine In the world. 

Some men wake up and Uml Hieni-ihe« 1 
f.*111)011-. Iml the majority mrr-leep 
A person can li\c on In cent- 11 da> 
and a tombstone may be aeipilrisl on eten 

« If a married man goes wrong Id- eon- 
-cicnce Is apt lo trouble him murli les- 
tluin liis wIfe's tongue. 

When soinn girl- attempt to make a 


Why Suffer or Pa Eiorbitant Prices P 

I lnwn OlWcer* of 
Post OR 

which removes the Incentive to extending ,nlk ,h '* »'aiure of Hie remarks is 

the Industry In other States, n- iu west- simtCtlilng fleree 

ern Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio. New Manx a good 1111111 who ennlrihutes to 

York, ami In New Kngland. Hie maple foreign mission funds never even thinks 

sugar Industry has held its own or been of the heathen at luum 

Increased ... .... 

Kven xxitli her mold 

I he best sap How is secured in Hu* piim n woman i- sure 

Send for free sample. 

cooler northern States, yet good results f ori . 

Kven with her mouth tilled with linir 
pin- a xvuma 11 i- sure to speak twice be- 

It \mi hi. i • nHrirr 1 r *mi >rrx<iu« and l hrsistr 
|l|*rs*r. Wraknr«*>. Mernarh, Mdar), Hlsddrr 
•ad Irtnar) Troablrs. Riood I'nlsnalna. Kkla 
lllnrisre. I'bNllr Indlgrolmi. m* .iIiiil* fnun 
Hiixr ilt«i*n«r pei'iiliar t« ymi, «• < k tin' •*Ivi< c ,.i mi i 
.'X|M*ri. Srlin*'' |unetli > uml rxpciii in • , > Sprr- 

alls! lhr last -»n jrars tlHV f.lllglll ll I III tn 
prn.-.iplly n|i|i|v the |imp. r fltie.lie* In qni. U) o 
mul 1 tin' ili«i*u*i 

■ •mil SlrtsoM.S 

SCOTT BOWNE, Ctiemlata 
400-4 1 5 Pearl Street New York 
50 c. nml $ 1 . 00 . All druggists 


Under till* Ill'll,ling (III* |ift*tnr* nf At.L the 
rliurcliCN lire rnriltally inviteil lo make «nrli an¬ 
nounce menu of »ervlci*«,i*ti*., u« they may wish. 
We enly »tl|iuiate that such notice* to be in¬ 
serted shall reach im at the least on Thursday 
morning «d each week tin* day before publica¬ 

Oi.t> South Fit ukcii (South Wey¬ 
mouth) Hex II. U. Aivord, pastor. 
Morning serviee, Sunday School, 
ll 4 .T llnraca Young Men’s (’loss. Ilmmi 
Y IV S (’. K. meeting at «•.I.*» Kvenlng 
servicent 7 .no Thursday evening, 7 . 110 . 

Tuinitv ('iiuhcii (Weymouth Hev 
William Hyde, rector Service xxiili ser¬ 
mon at 10 .IM) a in and 7 :’.0 p in Sunday 
School at ILVou 111 

can lie in* expected in most of Pennsyl¬ 
vania and West Virginia, in western 
Maryland, all of Indiana und Kentucky, 
eastern Tennessee, and western North 
Carolina At present the large-t pro¬ 
ducers of sugar maple product* are Ohio, 
Vermont and New York The sugar and 
hlaek maples yield the most and the best 
sap, although some other species of maple 
may tie workisl toadxantage xvhen neither 
of these is available. 

The maple is a hardy and xlgorous tree 
and readily reproduces Itself, so there 
nenl lie no fear of failure of sap supply, 
j For sap production the all important con¬ 
sideration is for the trts* to have n full 
and heavy crown Yet it should also 
grow under forest conditions which 
maintain a ground cover of litter and 


AM), t V I N 4 N ll 

I...,,1,'.ii \\ H a. iluir 

An Irish philosopher -ays there ought 
1 to be a laxx to shut some men up before 

1,1 •’ tln*v open their mouth* 


pro- * Airis who cannot -lag Hu* old songs 

Ohio " M,, hl probably lie npprcrlnt«*d more if 

. they also declined to tackle the nexx 
it and 

• best Make haste sloxxly If you ivoiild gel 

maple «iuieklx 

either A xvomun- argument Isn't iu xalulf ' 
sin* I- able to coin Inn* herself 
is tree \ girl may lead a young mini on. imt 
there N ||e emit nlxvaxs make hi in propose 

A mu 11 i- seldom presenteil with a belter 

* *y*!. «'lgar Ilian lie liuvs for himself 
1 full 

I also Kven a xxlse man goes hum* xx lieu lie 1 
which attempts to argue xvltli a pretix xvouiaii | 
r and ^ singer’s voice max have a line range, 
but yet limy not nlxxnv- thaw mil tin* audi- 

IS ... II. 

Siiii,|.ii • l'i I.* 1 mu 

mul Siilnnlio c)I'litng* ii* 
II* l<) H|*|M)1tllMM'I't. 

;.•«,!• >0 XN i’ - '".in 
k,., |i*.1 I Hisc*. -**i 

k'.l**rt M« l"ti-i*. K; 

r ,|wanl W, \ 
(-•rxc I- Ncwlnn, - 


Times Bldg., BROCKTON. MKSS. 

I* ram i*> I) < ••wini}, 
|,»Iiii XV. Batrs. i In 
1 I- Newton, 

Gilman II. l.oml, 

L 1 iron*** I' Tnrrey, ?* 

j. F.&W. H. GUSHING, 


i \V A. Drake, chairr 
I , r|•', X ClI-llillR, 
k| | I'nrv, Weym 
I-rank I' I.«»nd. Sec 
I lade* II Willnbv, 
ll.. M.i> K. Ilnllx 


As 11 result of the study recently made, '•n«*'* 

Coal Dealers. 

M ri MlNtSN 

I.. I Anthom 

|>,t-. ,| v liool on Moi 

III,PC TnrMlay a 1 

I,.,.-—uv ut 1 

Union ('onuukoa i ionai. Ciiuhcii 
(S outh Weymouth) Hex Harry W. 
Kimball, pastor Morning service at 
H) Ilu Sunday School at l.* in Y I*. 
S. (’ K. tm*etlng at >i p in 

ivitli ser- definite direetioiis for the management A girl’s idea of a 1111/x young 
Sunday and Improvement of existing groxes, and one who ihiesn i attempt ti 
for the estahllshment of new ones iu w lieu lie Inis a ctiftliec 
suitable localities and under different eon- |-;v,*rv girl on earth Inis n uu 
ride,, nt have been prepared and will soon wry widow under a certain 

y |» t be published Many valuable data re- »d,e Is entitled to a second mis* 
K«r,ling the |,mlli in innklnu maple ..mar . ......... 

Baitist Ciitntciif Weymouth) Frank H. were also collected From these It np- 
Uressey, pastor I*ord‘s Day services : pears that a farmer can easily dear about 
Breaching at KUiJO a. m. and 7 ..M) p. in. *:* ai , acre from a sugar grove. The ex- 
Bible School, 11 4 .. Noting peoplesmeet- . . . . 

lug at ,*.. 45 . Prayer meeting, Thursday penses In this estimate are placed at a 

Kvcrv girl 011 earth Inis a im.*-l<m uml | 
every xvldoxx under a certain age Ihlnk- 
she I- entitled to a second mission 

It is easier to applaud than it i- to xxi 11 

Hard and Soft Coal, 
Otto Coke, 

Hard and Soft Wood. 
Hay and Straw, 

frank II. Torrtjr, f 

ulin II Stetson, 

,.,i,|,ill WillM.Snut 
\rn.l*ll l»- UIJ|»I». 

j) M I* ust,ill, U.Ast 

A woman say- a cloven breath iudleate- 
a cloven hoof 


•rs M I..*, Fast 

evening, 7 . 4 p m. maximum: all the labor and hauling are Cnt ucii (North Wey- charged in at market rales, though as a 

mouth). Hev. Melvin S Nash, pastor, matter of fact the sugar season falls nt ti 

. . 1 1 ' P ,n : Ptuachlng nt t | me w j„. n t |„. farmer has little other cm- I 

* 1. , , #*....ployment for himself or his liorses In 

Mktiiopim Ki*ist:in*Ai.( 11 ulien (hast 1 J , , , . 

Braintree.) Hex . W r Darby, pastor, actual practice, for the farmer who can N 

Sunday services are held as follows: do most of Ills own work the prollt should 

Mornliig service, lo.iM). Hahhatli School, | M * considerably larger And the land | 

IL>m Kpwortl. l., ii«iii' HiTvicc at Ji.ilO , 1|l7c| , , vl '|| vi ,. M . . n,m 

l.vcnlng preaching service «. I*>. 

necHni? Frhlav evcnitiir. 7 . 110 . under any other use. 

f V»uPwiTlTkflWr/un' 

Prayer meeting Friday evening, 7..'10 
U n ion Uonuhkoatidin a 1.Chit licit (Wey* 
moutli and Braintree) Bev. Robert II 

The old method of collecting the sap by 
making a diagonal cut In the tree was 

Cochrane, pastor. Morning service ut abandoned long ago because it injured 
Id :m Snmlay School at IS. V I* S. the , rp| . s „ |t w „ rUl ,, for 

Many a man would starve if Ids wife; 
didn't keep a fexv bonrders 

A spinster says that dying an old maid 
I- ctt-lcr than living one 
Many a man lives in the married -lute 
who isn't permitted to think In it 

It's easier to begin at the top and slide . 
doxxn than It i- to begin ul Hu* bottom 1 
and craw I up 

Lots of men xxlm elaim to In* looking 
for justice xxill liml themselves behind the 
bars If they ever get ii Chicago Daily 

Ttilrpliaiir Jtl-J. 

JRilIjnl I Ibuilar. 

Best Grade of 

C. K. at ti.l Hi. Prnver meeting Tliurs- 11,8 irei 1,1,1 11 ‘ . . , t 

day evening at 7 iMb All; are Invited to but a fexv years I he approved practice 

attend these services. 

now is to bore a hole one inch deep and 

Mktiiodisi Kimscocai. Cm itcii (Hast three-eighths of an Inch In diameter Into 
Weymouth). Itcv William II Butler, the sunny side of trees over 12 inches in 

I'a.lor .M,iriiln« \,^,rMiip ,uM i.roaohlnK ,, Umcler , ttn ,| „ iakl! , mt ..*- 

at in..Mi, Sunday school at noon. Kp- , ...... ter of how long standing, in 

worth League meeting attJ. nop. in. Kven- each tree, except possibly where the trees p| rs , application gives ru¬ 
ing service at 7 . 00 . Tuesday evenings, are especially large and productive. Vast ‘ ‘ 

7 *:io p. m. prayer meetings. Thursday improvements have also been made in ' ' M,M / 1 n ‘'~ * ''! 1 

evenings 7 4 .'», class meetings. Holv , .. iu stamps and ll will be foi 

('iiinmuiiluii, llrst Si ay In .-"ry month »PP' l < , n‘-**» r<ir t«an.m.. K 0 ..- s,„. nml I,oil- paid bv Paris MedieineUo., ^ 

«... • illir ll,, to Hll.flll- Hl'rilll 1 

Correct Silverware 

Correct iu character, design ami 
workmanship—is as necessary as 
duuitv clnna or fine linen A you 
would hux’e everything iu good 
taste and harmony. 

following morning service. mg It dow 

Oi.p Noitrii UitiTitcu (Weymouth Maple ti 
Heights.) Hex Bulph.l. Haughton,pastor, percent ol 
Preaching service ut 10.110 a. in. Sunday n nd sugar 
School at 12 . Prayer and praise meet- 
lug Thursday evening at 7 .tin. 


ing It down to sugar and syrup. 

Maple trees now furnish but a small | 
per cent of the commercial maple syrup 
nnd sugar. While the demand for both 
these commodities bus constantly in¬ 
creased, the output from maple trees has 

A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. 

Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding i 
Piles Druggists refund money If Pazo . 
Ointment falls to cure any case, no mat- 
ter of lioxx long standing, in o to II days ! 
First application gives case and rest j 
.me If your druggist hasn't ii send .loc i 
in stamps and It xxill lie forxv aid'd |i - 
paid hv Paris MedieineUo., St. Louis, Mo ' 



11 . U.iIIvit, tliir 

I*., i >r», I t*I W« 

i, XV I'utl. I i*t 
K Walsh, Weyii 
> XV. Mail, Smith 

G ,i'hill Willi-, Son 

For Open Grates. 

rl lioinas Fitzeeiald 
L\. II. I’ratt, Ka-t ' 
ft*. HutIrr, Fast Wi 
Dehn l>. Walsh, \\ 
ati'lia«*l Allen, Sun 

« l*aai II. XValker, D 
Iteidaiuin I*'. Kuhy 
S.Nathaiiiel It. I'earr 
■A*a 11 . Pratt, Fast 

s i hoiiias Fitxiwrah 
Iji.lni l>. Walsli, XX 
BxViHiaiu F. Frencli 
■l.r.>i<e It. Hayley, 
KMiihael Allen, Sol 
ffl'.e.trur W Cutiatil 


(NorthWeymouth). Hev. T. II. Vine,'lit, il>*m'ii»e,l diirlnu the lust inenty years, 
pastor. .Morning service at 10 . 110 . Sun- The trade lias been supplied only by nidi- 


day school, 11 4.1 

Evening ser- rally adulterating the pure goods, or by j 

Each Flavor is From the 
True Fruit. 

vice ut . uo. A eorilial welcome lu ex- ,,, an ,,f a( -t,irlim u proiluet entirely from 
tended to all of these services. , , . . • ' . , 

knives, forks, spoons uml fmey piec__ 
for tufilr u-e uic "corrrct" umf cau be 
purcliuacU Iroiu iVuitma Ueulcrx every¬ 

CataloQue"C-L” tells ubout the aeuuiue. 
International Silver Co., MorMon, Conn. 


Conoukoationai. Uitrucii (Kast Wey- , . .. ' . . . 

ill,mill). Hev. 1:111,'1-y I. HrmHonl. pus eullinuU*! lliul ueven-elKlill.u of wliul I- 
tor Morning worship at 10.110 a. tn. sold as maple syrup and sugur Is a spurl- 
Sunday School at 11 . 4 , 1 . Y. P. S. (’. ons article. Most of the fabrications tire 
at li.HO. Kvenlng service at <- 110 - entirely harmless, but tliev ore not the 

Fiitsi Uin itrii (Wey- rea i tlilux* Those fortunate enough to 
mouth 1 Bev. Melvin S. Nash, pastor. , . . , 

Sunday innrnluu uervlee ut Hi :m Smi.luv ™"'» tll<! KMUirn- urllele will ulwuys 

j School at 12 in. demand it, and conditions should lx* such 

I Hjccond Unmtcii (South that they may get it, if they an* willing 

foreign materials. It is conservatively SOME FAMOUS HOTELS THAT USE 
estimated that seven-eighths of what i- ONLY FOSS' EXTRACTS. 

sold as maple syrup and sugar is a spurl- 

I'rorf-slonal Cooks Hvhm .XII 

real thing Those fortunate euongli to I III Hill lllllS* 

have eaten the genuine article xx ill always • 

demand it, and conditions should lie such DAINTIER, MORE WHOLESOME OES- 

Augustus J. 
Richards & Son 

WXVjttri t. lUtr*, I- 

aktudes A. I- "d.• 
jjBb'lm P Hunt, Fa 

I 1 x ilium II. Ulapji* A. Coftk, St 
Frank II. Toney, 

I Funk l». Slierni 

I'roIVssloiial Cooks Kerns'* 
I mHal Ions. 

Easy and Quick! 


1 1 M M *>1 NTATI' 

(From Six 
nciigf K. Ilurncs 
I Xn 1 1"*\ Hilliard, I 

We i*AQ ititit >mi in it pitying IniMiie** mi 
• mull rupilttl. Mm imn - »*ii»y nnd *irnpl»* i" 
iipcrul'*. XVrlto for fm* illn-ttttlt*«l i*itliili>gin* 
mi,I lull iiifurniiition. 


Fm t«*r> Akron, 0. OIBrf: 104 Fallow Bl.. >. 1 . 

Weymouth.) Bev. L. W. Attwood, pastor. 
Morning service ut lo.llo Sunday School 
at. 12 m 

Tkmpkkanck IIai.i, (East Weymouth) 
Gospel temperance meeting ut .1 p. gi. 
PoutkhM. K (hiuitcii (Lovell’sCorner) 


1 SiHoml 
ll Imji l II. Nevin 

to pay the price. 

The fault does not lie with the prodoc- 

I’lie cook doesn't appreciate eatin;' the dinner 


ers, those who tap the trees and reduce *lie prepares half as much as the hungry gnext, hut 
the sap to syrup and -ngar, but with the sl,r vain,*, and appreciates better tlian any one el#.* 

Bev. Mr Adams, pastor. Sunday und udulterate it most proiltuhly for 
School at 12 . 4 , 1 . Preaching service at 2 themselves. The extent of this adulter- 

the sap to syrup and -ogar, but with the s ‘ ,r values and appreciates laetter than any one el 
IlllilillemMI Wild liny 111 ,' »ll«ar uml mix purl', "almal ll.voring, a.i .1 ix ..fraiil tl,„>v .• 
1 1 I, ... 1. ... ..... ,0..1.1.' r ... tracts made in skilful Imitation of the true fruit. 


p. hi.—K p worth League at 0 . 00 . 
and Praise service at 7 p. in 
cordially invited. 

atlon Is illustrated by the fact that while 
the amount of the raw product has de* 

Cih kcii ok Sr Fuancis Xa viKU(Soutli ‘ reused, the whole quantity sold lias 

I That i* why Foss' Pure Extracts only are used 
hy the , liefs of such well-known hotels as the New 
Mt. Washington, Itretton Woods, N. II., The New 
Raymond, Pasadena, (-'al, Wentwoitli Hall, Jack- 
son, N. II, Hotel Ormond, Fla., Hotel Alcazar, St. 

Weymouth) Bev. J 

-M.M.l. LOANS «*n pel*miiil pi'upeity ui real 
• •tale(hie you over pre«enl ueee«»ltie«, at low 
rules and privately. For interview addle**, 
"Fiuuni ier/' Fori Point hotel, North Wevmoiiih, 
Mum, AUtf 

Sundays—Masses s on uml lo a. in. Sun¬ 
day School 11.15 u. m. 

Ciit'itcil OK T1 IK Sachkd Ukakt (Wey- 
moutli) Bev. .1 H Holland, rector. 
Sunday-Masses at 7.110 and lO.Jlo a. in. 

Holland, rector increased and its luurket price lias been Augustine, l la., Hotel Royal Palm, Miami 

Sun- reduced. Of late years the price 

Hotel Colonial, Nassau, lialiamas, and a long list of 

fall,•» la Illrct ri'lallon lo flu, ,l«?n*«»e In , '" 1 " l, " u ' K “ l " ,|r l, '' t 

. 1 1 r . demanded. 

the price of cane sugur. 

The most common substitutes used in 


Sunday School at 2.80 p. in. Vespers at the adulteration of muple sugar and syrup , 

Chefs at such higli class hotels do not try to 
onomi/e hy using inferior material. They use 


4 p 111. Week du>’H—Mass 7 a ill. 

non (East Weymouth). Bev. James W 
Allison, rector. Bev Maurice Lynch, as¬ 
sistant Masses Sunduv ul s und 10.80 a 

are other sugars ami glucose 

» they do the Ires I eggs and butten 

the so-called maple syrup on the murket show ,t. 

U*c.uise they are the lre»t ohtainahle and results 

To make the very Lest soap, simply 
dissolve a can of JUmiwr Jy*' in cold 
xvater, melt 5 'j lbs, of grease, pour the 
Lye water in the grease Stir and piu 
aside to set. 

Full Directions on livery Focksge 

JUuuit r is pulverized. The can 
may be opened anil closed at. will, per¬ 
mitting the Use of a small quantity at a 
time. It ;s just the article needed i > 
every household. It xvili clean paint, 
doors, marble and tile xvork.solten xv.nei, 
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes 

Write for booklet “t’ws oj J dinner 
lye' '—free. 

The Fean Chemical Work*, Philadelphia 
Miarlre Richardson & Co.. Boston, M-w 

U nothing but a combination of sweets 
with a little maple molasses added to gix«* 


Sunday School ut 8 p. 

The Board of Health of Quiucx arc 
prepared to receive bids for the sale of 
the entire garbage collection iu the City 
of (julncy from May 1 st, 1 U 05 to May 1 st, 
P.MMi, und they reserve tlie right to accept 
or reject any or all bills for the same 

al 7 . 4.1 p 111 Musses xveck davs at 7 and 
| 7 . 80 . 

Si. Jkiiomk's Cm ucii (North Wey¬ 
mouth). Pastor. Bev. James W Allison, 
Assistant, Bev. Maurice Lynch Mass, 
Sunday at t». Sunday School at 8 

Zion's IIii.i.Uiiapki. (Kast Weymouth) 
Social service at 2 and 0.30 p tu. 

Fins 1 ('m lu ll ok ('11 msr, Scikntisi, 
Braintree; Services Sunday al 10.45 11 
in at Christian Science hall on Washing¬ 
ton street, south of Hollis avenue Sun- I 

Vespers I the maple flavor There Is also u muple 

syrup which contains no muple ut all, Imt 
the flavor is obtained by uddiug to the 
compound uu extract of hickory burk 
This extensive adulteration forces the 
producers of pure maple syrup to compete 

I lie desire is tn nuke tilings taste good,* 
wlut yon use for flavoring dfti-rniine« the mmo*v» 
nf your OKiking. 

I'oxh' Pure Flavoring Extracts aie known to Ik* 
protiuced hy extraction from the fruit. I: taker* one 
year to make Foss' Pure F.xtract of Vanilla, whhh 
is the t hieen of all flavors. When vanilla is used j 
a> a flavor cate should lx- taken that only the I 
quantity s|>ev died is used, for one of tin? character 

Old Colony Street Railway Co. 

H | mltfe of I'rota 
jm .iA ul Weymoutl 1 
M Register <4 Proli 

^■Assistant Kegiste 
■link <>l t ourts, I 

« Assistant Clerk, 
Jjl Register of Deed 

■ Assistant Kegistr 

H County Treasure 

■ sheriff, Samuel I 

■ County Commisr 
■< oklme. lames 

XX light of ljuin 

■ Sessions, Every 
SR serial Conimis* 

*| 1 .okInt ; |olin lv 
H I listrn t A Hot ne> 
.-Mi , I’Kmoidh), As 
■i,| XX Nutter ol I 

Time Schedule. 


Must be Licensed 

lay School at In .45 a. 111. Wednesday at and the producer Im entitled to have Ids 
1 4 .. p m a testimony und experience syrup and sugar bought and used for 

with cheap Imitations The price of their istics of a pure vanilla like Foss'is that xvhen you j 
raw product Is kept ilown, and the for* use a sufficient quant try, mote does not itu-tease flu* j 
ests of muple are uot as profitable to their Davor. ‘J his is not true of any *»f tlo* many adol- 1 
owners as they otherwise might be. ' eT *' eil ar,lc,M * tur w,,, ' " sr ] 

TI,,-,'<>n»umer I* .'DIIU.-11,, pur.'"••• >'ron g r. an.i u..-y i»" n,r. I ,i,„ 

. . , . a. .1 , . . , . delicate and deli* ions flavor use I'oxs. 

und the producer is eft tit led to have Ids v , ,,, r .. , , . , 

1 Mrs. Lincoln, Page No vq «.1 her Ihudoii ( >,ok 

syrup and sugar bought and used for fliKik, orders l oss' Pure Extract of Vanilla simply 
what it is. 1 lie remedy Is in the hands because it is the fruit in lirpiid form, Mon* ecoii. 1 


I have hud ever a curious luxe of 

storms, and from the time xxlieu nieui 
or.x began ifs record in my brain It bus 
delighted me to bear at ingtii the roar 
of thunder and see tin* sxxifi play of 
the lightning I lay bet xx ecu Uncle 
Kh and the old (log. xvlio bolli went 
usleep shortly Less xveurntl. I pre 
slime, than either of them, for I had 
done uoue of the currying and bad 
slept a long time that day iu the shade 
of a tree, i xva* uxxake uu hour or 
more after they xvere snoring Kvcry 
flush lit Hie old room like the full glare 
of file nooudux sun 1 remember it 
Show •*•( uie au old cradle piled lull of 


APRIL thirtieth, 

meeting Beading room open Tuesday 
Thursday and Friday afternoons und 
Tuesday evening All are welcome. 

All Soi ls ('ii rum (Cocbtto Hall 
Braintree). Bex Frederick B Griflln, 
pastor Preaching service at 10.80 
Salibufli School at II 45 Kindcrgaricii 
class at 11 . 45 , iu charge of Miss Helen 
Johnson All are welcome. 

Or the Owners or Keepers therof 
Liable lo a Fine. 

Ncxx Boarder Don't x 011 ex er get tired „„ ,,, 

f . , . . , ,, . The public will not object to paying a 

of these nondescript salads the landladv 

... little higher price for guaranteed pure 

furnishes us • . , . ” 

,, ,,,,,, , . goods 1 he cost of making and liaudliiig 

Philosophical Boarder Mu the con; .... , . . . 

. , syrup might In* a tittle more than that of 
trary, I never ceas«* to regard them with , . 

of the producers, and they can effect a 
change for the better in txxo wax- They 
can associate themselves iu State and 
large local companies, and, by selllug 
direct to consumers, eat out the middle¬ 
men and they can ulso put their product 
011 the market iu the form not of sugar 
imt of syrup, which is most in demand 
The public w ill uot object to paying a 
little higher price for guaranteed pure 
goods The cost of making and liaudliiig 

•fled a umical, iiniie W'tiiilrsom>', an 1 mukt |>li*uxinv !>• tIn* 
They u**t«\ 

tc and All gi«Heis M*ll I its*' Puo* |*.xii.»> l» in < »uimv, 
selling Wollaston, |liainli«*«*, XX'.ymmilh, I Wryimndli 
,,, * .j s .ntii WYvuieiitli, Afl.iniii and N**1 f• * 1 U Downs. 


Eilncls from till Laws of this Coaaomtilth. 

I ' • i ' •••* in 1 >>r ki*,|»r of u ilog "f I In,, muiitli- 
1 ■" »>*• > ,iiioi,*I lx’ 011 "• l"*|..ri It,, Iklrllrlb 

Ss) ol -4 |»rlI. .,um' iu Im rr«l»trrr 4 . uuoibrrrS. 
dcrrlbrd and llrraxrd r -r «*»»• '•.»« ,, ii,.-iir-i 

I * • ' 1 1 ■ niik* X| ix iii tin- "Mi' ,- "• 1 . ,< i k ,'t 

tin , ,lx "i tu** 11 v*I ii n lii aui.l ‘log i» k'*|il, .,ii,| kImII 
> an-, il I" x»r ,1 ,1,mini it* IH-ck a • ,,,i||i*l|x 

'n»rki , ,l *» n (• Mini'* iiitim •'»•! 1 •'ri’,1 

iiiiuiIm r. 

xx»>ndcr uml admiration fur their 
ordluarily cosmopolitan charuder 
• ago Tribune 

eame xvblpplng down tbroiigb flu* bare 
boards alMixe us A big drop struck 

1 saw xxtiat made me bold my breath 
h moment uml cover my head xxitli llie 

An "M , r , ,1«,|{ ui.,x ,t uux Inn, 1 ..4x < il Ii 
• • ii-U'l 1,1,11 :i!,, bi.i Uax "I llo* noufiiK Max , and • 
l>, 1»,>i, 1, , k > t|„- ,,x» 11, r or k« < |*« r * ,l,,y .«>1 • ■ 

•I** i‘r*i ,1 ,x ,1 X|jx, u<»t *lulx li.-x iin >1, *1,1, , ., 11 
il t" |, 1 r,|, litiuib* l« J, *l*'»* li!" 'I ",'l "• ■ Ii»r,| 

•** I'lox Ini in (1.1 1.1,,,,|ing •« ,'lltui 

Tkr irr lor rirry llrraxr shall be i«u aullaro 
lor a Mali* dug, a ad air dollars for a few air dug. 

Vbofo , |t. iltg ixiulriTf lo tlo 1 •»,>x .- 

■ Do you think people will ever he aide 
to do uuvthiug iu Uic way of thought 
transference' ’ asked tin* idle lounger 
“1 dllllUO,’ replied tin Western senator, 
gloomily, • Dili I xxi-ii now that I had 
taken a chance ut it instead of writing 
that letter that got intercepted PilN- 
Inirg Post 

sugar, imt the uet returns xxoiild be 
larger, the public bdter served, and the 
maple sugar industry profitably extended 
The association plan lias hecu adopted in 
Vermout with excellent results \ 11 mini 
meetings are held, through whose influ¬ 
ence improved iucIIuhIs of proiludlon 

i have been adopltsl. a eeniral market es¬ 
tablished. and a registered tiude-maik 
created widcli is a guarantee of absolute 
purity lu tills xx ax a trade of good pro 
portions lias been Iniill tip 




• a ailrea doiisn. < , 

1 "bawl. A flash of lightning revealed a | ' ‘‘"lr 

shall quote a fexx cntrh*s fnun the 
diary iih they rover with siiftb lent de¬ 
tail uu Uneventful period of our jour 

tall, rugged uiuu ItHiking iu ut the door 
xx ax I lay close to Uncle Kb. imagining 
111 m 4 i evil of that xlsion Iml made 110 

August Die Jo Hi K died 

Huugg«*«l iu iH'txxeeu my (wo 

i»i* In Ilu- lr, u 
1. kifl. 

F.x. iv "»* 11, i . k,, ji«*f of il,<g» k«*J*l •"* t'O iiling 
l>ur|M,», * in^x 1,,11,, miuslly s »|*i* ul' 
wiitliMiiziUk' 1 ■ k< < i> mh4i ,!"*:» u|m,u lhr |>u 11, 
m** ilr*. rih, «l Whi'li tin* Humhr1 >•' 

tugs m 1 • • , . reti fixr, thv fw i"i surh 

“• * *>• * laraiy Mir iuiiar*. >**"n .. 

' I Ul *l*»g* k,| X.rriU It x . . ll" h • -I' • 

•fl» iailars. I* r * 114If l« rvquitrd l"i thr 

•l"k'« •*• *" • ■ •* •< 1 k |» 1, iiinh I tl" Mg* "I * x 

An* "*»m •• , ■ ■ • . ,|,.g u„| duly 1. • u*• 

x»l.i,u Itai .Miif* iUt< ,• luou li* uid wlU r tl" liilrtMi>, 
■U.x «*f Ai*i il •! ,i x ,,.,r. • .,11. whrnrxrr it i* tho • 
iiiuiith* "Id. • , im ii t. i„ ,, k -i.|rrrd, liuinhrrrd, dr 
1 1 

mg May, 1 > .* • . Ii,. , . igfilx ul elitpl* i 

.m,i* huiiuri'd .,i,d lx . .1 I'uldir KUtUt**, sis I 
■hall I'fcUH ai>. M,.n ,1,1'iiuj 11. i,r< k a ,-ullar Ui* 
liis-tijr tuatlo <1 s .e *. it'd iuiis „isf »• »rgl* 
l. i.d iiuiul.i i 

iislay H il**d n in ilu* leapoi foi din , p^uioua 1 felt reuaouuhly oeeure aud 
uci U • lit go,1.1 ii 11,H,| • f*»ll asleep The suu. siieuuinij iu 

Vugust the -I- n**«*ii a deer ttiis I M f d,,. U |ieii door, roils**! me in ibe 

1 "oitie near murntng At ilie beginning *»f each 

1 but folJoMMi 1 beard bim speak of tin* •**'1 Dn tin- "ag**i 11 * •> to stop an tlx day of »>ur Journey I woke lo find Uu 

■*lr. .. iu»U« 1 .«mR| 44. Oruju^l foi 

lUIIIIIJtllMb CbULIbll 11 , 0*4 auO 
liOill M.' ImIW nqlsi Writ ti bluw IAAtjU 

'••kr uu . liter HrfUM* 4sNKvr«NU wlwll- 
lullutu ■ -u*l AaMtlulAttu*. Mu> <•! your DruggiM, 
. > *rud ;«*. m *uiup« f.x •••rlArulur*. fewlt 
■uiiuiuU ai„l •• tiellrf fur l.uSte*.” , . Utitt 
l>) irluru Sul!. Iu.IMIW OuiU b| 

•ll l-l„«K,*l» 

euicktaarkH chkmiual 00 

slue a«iii»uH, rsiu rt 
S»»u.. an 

luurdertsl Iks* 

We lay resting 11 while ufi« 

eli* Kli « 4 Hiking al tin* lire lie xva a Ix- 

August Die -Jhd 1 . iti.I« a tree Ibis I j U4 j Inside me tins riorililig. bis exes 

and xxat' biug a l»ig «*lly of ants I m le •uorning after xxiUi gmi„ * 1 .nue near open 

Kb h id uie boxv lUey iIIUmI tin* soil of Ibe tailing '.in me a little • n« k in Ibe 

I rani l iu bard ai< k lie said as 1 

mound every year and sow til their own I ** ai ** " 111 ** F°t a - nn i*nnu* 1 

kind of grain a sinull while stssl like wild t 

rice and ieu|asl their burxe-t in 11 »«* Vugn-i llie .'.UI WVnl in »xx injuiin 
Isle summer storing lliv >iup In Ibeli J lx etched a fexx n a b befoie l.jeakfu* 

buck Millie lies got s *tuu finite PJ kissed til ui 

,u *^ , "Wbul'a the mu I ter':" 1 imiuired. 

August ilie .'.hi Went in sxxHuuun' lie struggled t»» .» sitting |Kisture 

••You li.ix •* scorned mi suit, proud 
beauty, hissed tin* villain m the play 
"but, mark my word- I will yet orlug 
you to the dust 

“Hud you brought Ilu* duM to iue," 
replied tin* Itcrolue, coldly, * iny auswer 
miglii lisxe lie'll d 1 fie rent ('Imago 


JOHN A. RAYMOND, Tih Clark, 

1 1 X. vol lu Hi x brail 

XXr>iuuullt. Mss*, 
t IM XX, IMuwlk <■ 

•Y es hi* , lira' s It dear 
■•Were you frightened: 

No 1 liiv . didn I excu (tic 
breath a xx ay 

“No I noth 1 Dial ' 1 ouke 1 

I xxill vet nrlug Isu'l ll fuuuy bow often xx lien a horse 
in bought a man is sold ■ 

ibe dust to me," "Live au learn," a feller said I know 
oldly, inx auswer u mail who tritsi il lait jest about Hi' 
liitercut Chicago time he'd learoexl he tiled 

I ve seeii folks so thick-skinned liiat if 
their lieauty had been skin deep it would, 
Aud the reason you are so late I retkou. have gone plumb tlirougb 

.iu,-. yuu*.T, »irii, kl.> i,ir..ll,'x ..(*»# (Ito. out „f 11 ,* v,l„u 

poxerty coilics iu al th' dtMir " An fre- 
queatiy. If a boardiu’-housc window, 
it takes its trunks aloug with it 

Delivered in Weymouth 
or Braintree 


& SONS. 

Ilraii * MBeuutallr Fills sl.«,.luUly i ui* 
Mkrau*slaUi|A Nrui»isia k-tol,iri| ir^rUl.i, *i. 

Ft) XUdrrs* XX nuniuili ur Ks«l Hralulrrr. 


W'rrk Hay Time. 

I'm IlKAINTHfeK DEPOT, h.oo, *> ?>>, 7."' 
7.10 A, M ., tln-n mi tin* hour and ; > niiiiun-** past 
until |,,. v>P-M. Additional ear .-.ilmdax, 11 ;o 
I'. M. Returning, leave Ihaintn-e l>«|H.r, f».v> 
r.05, 7.IX A M , then s and Tx niiniili s |-a*l tlir 
hour until 11.ox I*. M .Saturday, 11.(o I*. M. 
For QUINCY, 6.00, l*.to, '1.45, ;•(>■» A M., thru 
on the hour and half lionr until 11 ;> l*M 
Ketiirning, leave Ouincy, 5.50, 11.05, f,.;o 

A. M., then 20 and 5,. riiinutei, |,jst •uth liom 
until 11.20 P. M 11.50 to i iitim y point only. 
Wednesday and Saturday to l .et Wrxinoutli. 

Fm SOUTH WEYMOUTH, non, 7.., . 7 .y, 

S.00, 8.30, 0.00, 10.00, 11.00 A. M . 1 .• •• , 1. " 
2.00,2.30, 3.01,3.30,3.1s), 3 V, i, lo, (,.a 
6.30, 7.00, 7. c-, 8.3", u.3". 1 I*. M. Return 

ing, leave South Weymouth, 7. :, 7. |i, ) ;, 8.33 
o..05, 9.35, 1 1.33, 11.35 A. M ., i* , in. 2.33 
1 • 1 

S.05, y.05, ic, ■ , 11. ; I*. M 
For It INtiIIAM, 600,6,30, 7.00, 7.30, Vr , 9.10 
10.1. 111 1 A M., i * i , 1.1 . *i , v 1,41 
: 00, 5.30, Imki, ft. IP, ; in,, u.l .1 1"•, 1 ■ ’ 

I' M. Returning, leave lliiigliaiu, (.13, <143 
r 15. 7 35 * s •> ,;•*. •«* * 11 'AM, in 

' * ■ '• >• 4-3 ' ' • ' 1 

1 11 1 p. It 

Holiday Time. 

For UK \IM Kl I DEPOT, M.o \ || 
thru on the hour and *. iiiiuiiles past **a* Ii hour 
until 10. ;i* I M Returning, leaxe Itiailitir«- 
|)e|Nit, 8.">. 8.33 A M . then md iiiiuiiles 
past each hour until 11 3 I*. M 
I 1 ' >U I N» V, r o, S AM, tli'-n "ii the Iihiu 
and half liom until 11.; • I' M K-tiuiiiii. leaxi- 

1 ',11111 x, ; A. M , tllCII It a lid .. 

last each hour until 11. t * I' M 
For SOI I II U I YMOU 1 il, V . 1 . 

a 1 .< A. M., 1 3 ", 1 •. * l . O' . ; 30 


V ;<*, *. <,•>, 0.30, 10 : > I* M, leaxe 
South Weymouth, 8 33. • .1 . 11 ; A M 

•x 5 » *• A 5 * *• TL T 1 -l"s. C 3 " , 


11.03 P. M. 

i ,.r HIM.HAM. 8.10, 0.1, u iuA M 

I MO, l.lo, 2 . 10 , 11 ., | I , 5 . 'I., h, , 

7 10, 8.10. >) in, 10.00, 1 I M Riturning, 
leave Hinghain, 8. ;• >, q. . 1 , 11.30 A- M 

12 30, l 30, 2.30, t 30, 4.5 , ; «. p , 

7 t<*, S. *, ;o, 10 1 ■, 10,43 I*. M 


.W'rrl* Hay Tlutv. 

( ai* leave I MOM As l ORNER, North Wrv 
mouth for FORT POlNT. n 4;,, 

1 1 3.15, < 13 , 3 15, IV M Return 

I ' 1 . \ M 

i* to, 1. ;o, 3.30, 4. 3*', % 3 ", * '< •' M 

suuiU) Time. 

( ar* leave 1 IIOMAS' t OKNI R. N ull V\ * v 
mouth, l"i I*>K 1 POINT, 8.i; X M 12.13, 
' » 5 , 11 $. 4 • St 4*5, 5.43, (• 1, I NI Return 
in.., leave I'url P»uiit, > ; A M 12 ;• 1 

I \°< 4 TP, 5*30, n.oo, ii. ’,0 P M 

Subject tu t.'liange W iih ,ut Notu< 
i HOMA- t.AMMON, ihx. bupt 

I. I t ONWAN , A*. 1 Suit 

t uiMciur ludiiial 
day ul Februar) 
iiiicriur Court, 1 
juries—First M 
ul May, and lirs 
v»,.rk First M< 
ut April, fust M 
Monday of Deci 
®^Mf-*n,ir Court, U 
ot April; first K 
day uf Decemlx 
I'lohate Court—A 
Wednesdays of 
Quincy, on th 
month, except 
fourth Weilnr 

> ouiity Commissi 
uf April, f our tl 
day of Septrml 

Hy adjourn xier 

District Court 
Randolph, lirai 
<*, Holbrook a 
mm fx Vlilllinal bu 
I hul 1 J -*ys, and f 
hi. justice, 

I J ellies, FI. t» 
I ti-.k, Wey mo 
I Milton. Frob 
I 1 hayer St'eet 
I tun Street, lju 


Wlif Suffer or Pay Eiorbitant Prices ? 

11 \nil nti- it •Mtlrirr Imin >rn»u* and I hroalr 

Dluraxr, Wraknr**. Momarti, Kldnrj, llladdrr 
and Irlaar) Troahlr*. HI mid l*nl moiI nit. Mill 
i libratra. f fcronlr Imtlgrolon, m m*- ullnc i'r»»n 
„ny iflM-n«i< ppi iilinr f<> y<*u, •«« k flu- mlvl«fs «*f nti 

• \|n rl, wlin.r |»t m'f i. r mi l • ;t Hprr- 

allot Ihr laot 70 jraro luive tmiirlif liim t> 
|irti.:i|illy uppli flu* prnprr n ine.In- in >|in. I*l> n 

iiimvi flu- itleortoi'. 


Until* <111111 M III o. Mill!lev* 1 " 1.1 1 Min 
WiiIiii— ili »\ mill Miilnnliv' I II I.IT* II I " T V 
>*|n*rinl ll*nir- appointment. 


Times Bldg., BROCKTON. MASS. 




ji nv%n Officer* of Weymouth and thole 
Pont Office Adilriai 


mm$ mm Prayed 

l .... V K, 

ml, FiM Weymouth 


town TsiASUim*. 

,i^.Hi. South Weynnmth. 

III iHLFx I*. Ill XT. ITr*ldral. 

(11 AltD X T. Him. (Irrh and Trrsoirrr. 

I sup- imin anu oveaaaean op rooa 
* ,t,|. n v\ l> *. iliairnwn, Smith Wrvmmilh 
hu ll < < ll <«*«-. **•' rrtarv, h'l Wryinmill 
Sr Ml l« • • T'^t Weymouth. 

r .lwji.l \V Hunt, Weymouth. 
i* 1 *ii*'* I Nrwtun, Norlli Weymouth. 

IK* ritPHlHKMN : 

I tiarlr* lUyaard. Fraud* It. Inula*. 

Mnarit W. Hunt. Weadrll H. < IMP* 

f pranri* II. < main*, (hahman, Weymouth. 

|„|in W. Ilatr*. ilrrk, I'.ad Weymouth. 

I 11***9 I- Newton, North Weym mth 
I I'liliiun It. I.mnl. South Wr\month, 
k i|f<vfpr. Torrey, South Weymouth. 



It*.I, Hour.. CM.. 14 v. M 1 •,o '" A !• Mm"*' 

In . M.iint.. . .. . c. i.. IS ' M. ' line 

•Ih> «. 

|te|tn«iu pUred on mt« rr*i on the 8r*t Honda) 
.Itiiimri. April, Jaly an.l Ortntier • 

My ollli-e will hr cl.»*eil Hit «lay Tiie*il.i».. 



! = licensed= 

HA III N l| I I.MMII I r (I. 

A. I frake, chairman, Ninth Wevmniith 
I , rj.'i \ Cushin*, Ka*t Weymouth. 

| prirv. Weymouth. 

unk I I.nml, Secretary Smith Weymouth 
K l u ,i,.. || Willoliv, Weymouth 
V t , \f a K. llolliriNik, South Weymmitli 

Coal Dealers. f 

M I'l HIM e M'KN I lie SI IIOlll-H. 

,,,,, i Anthniix. I .nt Weymouth. At 
Ksr ..I s* Inwl mt Moiulav will U- a* the Athens 

a ldiriv! I'ueMlav at |etferson ; Wednesday .»• 

we rinit-lay at limit. 

Hard and Soft Coal, 
Otto Coke, 

Hard and Soft Wood. 
Hay and Straw, 

^ X CB . ^ 

Telephone SlfU’i. 

Best Grade of 





For Open Grates. 

Augustus J. 
Richards & Son 

Rasy and Quick! 




To make the very l»e^t soap, simply 
dissolve a can of Jlanner J ye in cold 
! water, melt 5 'j lbs. of grease, pour the 
Lye water in the grease. Stir and ptu 
aside to set. 

Pull Direction* on Uvery Package 

J'mtnur is pulverized. 'The can 
may be opened and closed at. will, per¬ 
mitting the use of a small cpiantity at a 
time. It is just the article needed, in 
every household. It will clean paint, 
Hoors, marble and tile work, soften water, 
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes 

Write for booklet "Cses of limner 
lye "—free. 

The Fund Chemical Work*, Philadelphia 
Miarlea Richardson & Co.. ISuaton. At-** 

Old Colony Street Railway Co. 

nivisins i. 

Time Schedule. 


IVeek Huy Time. 

For HKAINTKKK DFI’OT, 6.oo, <> 7.0c 

1 7. pA A. M.,th«*n on tin* hour and ; iniunlt-s past 

| until in. 30 I’.M. Additional cut >.tlii(ilay, 11. t<> 

| I*. M. Returning, leave Ihainiree |ie|Nit, 6. m 

705,7.33 A M .then t, and 35 minutes past llir 
I hour until 11.05 I*. M Saturday, ii.;o P M. 
F'tir gUINCV, ft.oo, <>.^5, 70.1 A M., then 
on ihr hour and hall hour until 11 v> I'M 
Returning, leave Oulncy, 5.^0, 11.05, h.}^, fi.;n 
j A M , llieo 30 au<T 511 iniiiuli's past rath limn 
until 11.20 I*. M 11.50 !<• 1 hiim v I'oiiit only. 
Weilncsday and Salunlay t<> l a t \\>miu.iiiIi. 

* For SOUTH WKYMOUTII, 7. , , —., 

, 8.30, i) ,1 ,11.0 L M 1 *.0 1 

^.i>o, 3.50, ^.o", 1.30, 4.00, -i v, i $ V, U.ct,7 1 ', S. \ ,<».;>,i . I\ M. Keturn 

mg, leave South Wcvniiiuth, 7. ', 7. ts, s ;, Vu 
" 05,9.35, 10. h, 11. A M . i.< 1 9,35 

t.05, 3 - 35 . 4 “ 5 . -I T'. ?•”>. 6.a ;, " 5, r * 5 

1 s " 5 , ".<> 5 , 1 5 , n > I*. M 

For HINfillAM, <• 1,6.10,7.1*.,; v ' . • • 

I 10.10, 11.10 A. M„ i - ic>, 1.1 . • 1 . 1 . | 1 

! "".v. fo, «i.< aaa, 6 ;o, ; lo.Vio, am ,1 " , 11’ ;. 

. I'. M. Keluruiog, leave llnighain. 6 it, 6.45 

I : * 5 * 7 - 45 . s t . •» t". i" : 11 • A M . 13; 

1 I . • < . 3 1 ". 4 - 3 ". S-f-. - I ■ ' 1 ■ ■ * 1 45 . : 1 

K,: . .» j , 1 n. 15, i<< 4 : I*. M 

fciiiulay Time. 

1 For HKAINJKIF. DM POT, 7 . . \ M 

llirn oil the hoin and *, minutes lust rath hour 
until 1 •. v• I*. M Heturniug, leave Ihamlire 

* I tejMit, 8 .a< 5, 8..ts A M .then and 1 ninnies 
I past rath hour until 11 I'M 

ICi 1 |UIN('V, o, S \ M , lieu "U the Imur 
and half hour until 11.1 > I'.M K’-tiiriuiig. leave 
t 'uincv, 7.90. 7.? a, A. M , then .’>• and ; nunulrs 
I past each hour until 11 \ ' I' M 

* For SOI' I II U FVMOU I'll, S. . . 1 

| ii< A. M . 1 • ", 1 " . . M . : o . ; 30 

, ... 

J s t",ci, ,|.|o, 10 > F M. Ki-tiiiiiciig, leave 
j N.utli Weymouth, 8 y-,. ,1 . n.;; AM 

, 1 MS. ' .Si 3 s’, ; . I " 5 , t ' 5 . o . 

1 • • ‘ • 

| II.05 P. M. 

. I or IIINlillAM, 8.10, i*. 1 . i".i", 11 i" A M 

I 1 MO, 1 .1 , J 10 , 5 lo, | 1 , 5 " . ; i". , 1. ; 

| 7 10, K. in, i, m, 10.00, 1 ; I'.M Kctuiliing 

; leave lluighaiii, b.t", " . 1 >. . 11.30 A. M 

13 30, I 30, 7 30, t f", ft' ,5 in " ‘ ' o, I. l< , 
7 t", 8. V to, 10 15, 10.45 I'. M 


.Week !•«> Time. 

, ' ais leave IHOMAS' I’OKNKK, N"itli Wrv 
j mouth l<4 FOK F I'UIN f. (> y,. k.'kA.M 

1 il . 3.15, a.15, 3.1 s. | .6.1; I' M Krtiiiu 

1 M g, leave Foil I'oint, . . 7.V, 8 l V M 

! 1 • t<*. 1 ; .4 5.3". '• ■ 1 •' M 

huuiD) Time. 

tars leave JIInMAV iOKNIK, Ndll. \\ v 
uioulii, I'd I‘»K 1 POINT, 8.1; ' M . i.’.iv 
• • 5 , t ' 3 . 4 * 5 . 5 - 41 . * ' •' M Krluin 

ill., leave lull PoaIiI, 8 ( A M 1 •• f ' 

; 30, 4.30, ;. to, ti.oo, 6. to 1' M 

Subjcrt to Change Without N‘»tu« . 

I ll< tM 48 liAMMO.N, l>i. Supt 

J. T. t riNW A 3 . Act Supl 
1 'inu v, M* -M 1 * .tic i , 


B-iank II. I'orrev, North Weymouth. 

Im II Stetson, South Weymouth. 
H,.,id.Mv Willi*,South Weymouth 
B\.-n.Ut l» tMapi*. Weymouth 
aL M l l ast Weymouth. 

ant .ip* sni 

, Fast Weymouth. 

Tax Collpctor. 
li illaid | I luiiliat. F.a*t Weymouth 


\\ it. Collver, chirl, North Wrv m 
! I.. t irr, I 1st Wevmouth. 

3 W. I'ratt, Fast Weymnull 
K Walsh, Weymouth. 

1 W. Itait, South Weymouth. 

1 Willis, Smith Weymouth 

JT 1 lioinas Fitzgerald, chief, Weymouth. 
;i L. II. Pratt, Hast Weymouth. 

IVp. Hut lrr, F.ast Weymouth. 

Hjolm l». Walsh, Weymouth, 
■kluhael Allen, South Weymouth. 



n< >ut h 

cut, Prc<ld» ... . JOSEPH DYER. 


Vlre.PCf.IAf■'». ) 4lM0 , R , HUM".II. 
ll,. At t'lrrk and Tre**uerr, WKflttHK R. KKKIf. 

1 ^then* iliisril of lnve»tmei»( 1 

i**.lav at .topkpii Dvrii, F.i.i.i* . 1 . Pit. iipii, 

It. W. Ill NT. liORIIOR Wii.t.n*. 

M vox It It at u.isn, Tiirhon I.. TllINRt.t. 

ilmiitor: I.. Haiinr-. 

It Ok 1101 HR: 

11 lo I'i A. M.; *J to I I*. M. AImi Mor 4 r)*, T to X 
I'.M. NRiurdR)*, trio 17 A. M- 

De|M<«lt* po tin Interest Meron.l We.ines.Uy ol 
Umurv, April, July and October. 

Dividend* pivyahle on »n«l aft* r the second 
WaTPR We.lnesiUy of January and July. 


I FIRST South 

| NATIONAL Weimootb, 
IJANIv, M,s * 

Togg Buildiug, Oolumbian Square. 
CAPITAL, 1100 , 000 . Hurplu*. fllO.IHMI 


ALLK> K. VININH* I’reMdenl. 

KDWAKII B. NKVIN, Vlff PrealdfRl. 

J. II. NTRTH 0 !V« Panhlrr. 



I lUukiitK Hours: W U» 12 A. M.{ *2 to 4 l*. M. 

Saturday*, « to 12 A. M. 

Il>aai II. Walker, North Weymouth. 
Ilii-uiainin F. Kichard*, Weymouth Heights 
■Nathaniel It. I'eare, Fast Wevmouth. 

■A-a II. Pratt, Hast Weymouth 
9 I hoiuas Fitzgerald, Weymouth. 

■jehn l>. Walsh, Weymouth. 

■William F. French, Fast Wevmouth 
It ieoige U. Hayley, South WeMiimith. 

■ Michael Allen, South Weymouth. 

■ i.r .n*e W Cotiant, South Weymouth. 

?i\\ alter L. Hates, South Weymouth. 
A;tulles A. l.oiid,South Weymouth. 
P Hunt, Fast Wevmouth. 

1 " A illiatn II. Clapp, Weymouth. 

I.* hi is A. Cook, South Wevmouth. 

Frank II. Torrey, North Weymouth. 

BFrank D. Sherman, Weymouth. 

(From Sixth Not folk District.) 

■ crutge I.. Itarne*. South Weymouth. 


Savings Bank. 

J lltr-PresIdrnlN, 

I I Irrk »nd Ireasurer, 

t Joseph A. PMhliff. 
t T. II. P.mersoR. 
John A. KaiMond 

To Be Released 
From Life. 

Almost Insane From 

Dr. Miles* Nervine My 

Do you tnjov Lie, or do you rdeep *0 poorly 
that v»u Rte rn re tired when you get up 
than w hen you go to bed ? I* yonr appetite 
ladmc. ate v.u getting thin; doe* your head 
iu hr, I .0 k a tie, eves tire canlv ( I he«e are 
symptom* id m net you* diu.uler, which I Fe promptly t. e.ned or f.iintingapel.*, 
iiiriitat and phv«ical nervouanea*. morbid 
fear* an I |.» * of . ontr.d will lea.l to insanitr 
or mental irre>poii*ibiIitjr. Strengthen the 
li nes with Dr M.lea’ Nervine. Tt quickly 
mi pi die* nerve force and vitality to the weak 
rnrd *ystem, bringing aleep, appetite and 

"I w a* almost in*me w th nervou* *t • •. le 
t cull not eat or *dr f» * ould a -e 1 o t I as 
lire in life; inder.l, l.fe wa* :» burds 11 t ■ rue 
und I even praved t.rnl t » relea e me fioin 
it | litre doctor* ill t nil t!>ev could f u me, 
nil to lio purpose I wa* i.i despair of ever 
g.-tting beH r wtien I saw the ndxrrtinetnent 
of Dr. Mile- Restorative Nervine. I got a 
bottle, enmmem e l taking it and *1 »te von for 
sidy n r. I t dlowr.l a s irriullv. tak ng your 
Nervine. Rotoi.itive I, an t Nerv- and 
Liver I'll . I In-e t 1 e tie* were in > sal¬ 
vation. Iti* * tm in.nit:.* since I Mopped 
taking the Ionic but I keep the Nervine in 
the house ». 11 the time. u. it i* * friend that 1 
do not teel sale w tnoiit. li any sufferer 
should doubt i ii»- truth oftliii»tatement» let 
them write t" me nod I will do my best to 
drive all doubt fioin tlieir mind.”—M rs, 
M,VHf I. IskintFN, La Jose, I a. 

All druggist* sell and guarantee tir»t Ind- 
tie Dt. Miles' Remedies. Send tor free book 
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address 
Ur. Miles Medical Co., F.lkhart, lud. 


AND NOTARY (with seals) 


tttnl Legal I'apvrsof ev»*ry 
iininr* anti nntnrt* prompt¬ 
ly ilrawn ami oxtHMitfrl. 

North Wrymoulh, Mass. 

1 hn Religion of April. 

(Fioin tbe btdrjsndri.t | 

lint If one April Oliottlil wmiu* bImmi the | 
earth lav dead, iinhlenaed by a Mingle 
Id.unit or liladr* of irraKx, tahen the bnoan 
bud* falletl to awelt. when the bird* for¬ 
got to sing their mating there 

would Im* sin It a panie In the land a- 
ni'lthrr war, famine nor |M*atlienee rouhl 
produee F.ven the aunostle would know 
then that we had lo*l Hml For what- 
ever dould** *01110 may entertain eotieern* 
ing the dog-eared tlu**dogy of mankind, 
there are eertaln aerlpturea oaaiireil t«» u* 
frtrever. No man nor ehnreh rail tani|M*t 
with earlli’n April reaiirrectliiti, »«»•* read 
Into Iter fragrant, goapel* of |M*aee and 
giKMlwill « elatlxe of perpetual damna¬ 
tion If we live or die, kite I* Wire lo 
route again, bringing with her the name 
udraele of life renewed. She I* wire to 
rail forth all the good, green lmp»l*e* of 
nature She I* mire to work all thing* 
together for flu* good of May and for the 
full-blown ro*e of .bine Nothing we 
know or do not know rati take away tlila 
proiid-e of life everlasting It la uot 
founded upon a theory, but upon a faet 
If we nil** the a**uranee. It i* ln*eati*e 
we have h*** faith than the dumb earth 
site doe* not wild up her Itlie* and Hag* 
according to a ereetl, Inti by the divine 
Inspiration of earth and *kv . they come 
when April call*. Nothing wince time 
wa* divided into year* haw changed this 
joy-ipiickcnliig urdcr of thing* And we 
all believe In It with a profound court* 
deuce Inthlellty la at last only a Round 
of the voice, a conceit of the mortal mind 
Hack of It llew a faith wo regnant that the 
veriest skeptic of uw all wtill woww hi* 
weed* In April, and expect.* Iu*r to win 
them hack from the sod In a new , fairer 
form of life 

Married a Coachman. 

Carnegie's niece ha* married a riding 

Financial and Social Success. [Most Housekeepers Use A 

Easter Concert and Ball of Weymouth 

Council, No. 729, K. of C., East T #3|___1 

weymou,h ‘ I Ma' ulenwood 

You Would 

SSL- If You Knew About It 

Your Old Range taJzen tn Exchange 


Coming B»ck to Nrc* Engl.nd. 

Ttcc* fc.llcnvlnu frccii the- Oleic- j 
n.....I Tilticni" (llc'ii«ccc«l, Wlccroti.lci'i : 
Hill l». nf liclc-rr'l tic Iter iiinny frli liilc. ccf 1 
Mr* l.c‘ltnrc. 11 . wlm «n* fccrcmTly Ml** I 
N. lie It IIumIimi of Kn»t \Vc>ycc.ocittc 

•• \t lice* miirnltm *rrvlci. lie ttc- M K I 
■ licir.-li Innt Sii.Mlny, It.-v 1 W l.i'll«i"ii| 
niiimciiicrct i lint tic line I rci'chTcl nil lid-j 
mil .mi rriini tli" New KiiHlmiil Hmillicric | 

.. In Mi>**»"liii«''i'" to t.» ( 

lci« "III llcl.I of liilcnr., nn.I nfliM tli.'iiiilit-1 
fill innniili'riitloii "f til" »nntt"i* liml <!" | 
"l.lnt In *""ppl, iM iiillnit Hi" i iiii*' m »f| 
Hi" lllslmp of till* rcinf"r"iice Tli" N"« | 
r.iialnml SiiiiIIictii I'ciliferi'n"" I* III" "I'l | iHitli Mr nml Mr* l."lt«rnii nmlj 

lli.- wiirk which tli".v t" "titer will 

"III ll" II"W til them Imt Oil til" Iillicr Imml ; 

Hill li" Ilk" rencwliiK 01,1 nc-'iimlntanc"!". j 
nml tin y f<*'l liml tli"i" I* n lli'lil "l"'" I" 

I ni'l" Amtrt-w *ay*. 'p"tikiiu: of tli« liu*- 
linnil, " 11 " I* not rti-li. tint lie I* n milmr. 


ThiT" nri'" 111 ". or«»nlr.nUoii' I" Dma, ••Korevi-r Mine t n A w«,l ) lli.-m In which Ihi-y "#n H""oiupllnh imirli 

intuit li II,U 1 . Council No. 72'.', Knlitht* "f Mls » *“»"> ,) “ 1 "' M r " " " "" ... line i.f their Ilf" work. 

[iliimliii*, licit nut which "nn slum *uili M " T;.«.arVoli nml Drew -ll.-v. l.«n»ron tins ln*'n pusteir "f Hi" 



Suits Mado To Order in latest atylea. 
Workmanship and fit guaranteed. 

Suits from SI 1.90 to $34.00. 




Mil Krond Hired. • KA 8 T v 



ami the family Is well pieaaed. (* 0 | nm |, n „ t j„ lt nnl which can show wuch 

a record for growth and ability to get up 
u llrst-class entertainment nml their an* 

moral, wi-ll-ilolmi limn, nml tin- fumll.V nl|l | conccrt nml lull n* plv.ii in liilil 
wuiiltl liiiH-ti rather have aucli a hunliaml ,i| M . ru limine Momlny iiiulit i* 

for Nnney Ilian a wnrtlilemuliik".” There m)w r( .,., ir ,| „ s onc „f the very Ihm 
I* niiiney emmuli in the family, nml fame ,p| lt , r.-c-ptlotl eummlttiv «n* Mnllhi n 
eunugli t" (!" ariiuml, nml as the family I* ,,’Dowil. Ileury K. Hllcy, I’eter F Miiuli"*, 
pli'imeil with Mr llever. Naney a hunliaml. Win 11. ll"iiii"**y, ,1. Henry Men*" nml 
ilit-re I* no reason why they may not "live w ,| Klt/.nlmmoiiH nml they uave some 

happy ever arterwunl*," anti.Id form- WH) K , u . s ts a eiir.llal reeeptlnn nml Die 

iilar hn* It— l.ynu Item llrnt feature of the nnulvernnrv wantin' 

(I'llnwtl. Henry K. llllcy, I’eter F I Inches, r ,.(.|nr. nml Ills assistant was D. tl K 
Win. H. Hennesny, .1 Henry Mens" nml llrnry M. Kuril with tin- followln>! Mils 
W..I Fitzsimmons ami they stavr sum" |||.niiiril Milrhrll, William .1 Onnvllli' 

.. guests a "onlial rei'eptloii nml 11,.- Thomas H Itiiltlim-r, I'rank .1 Harring- 

llrst fi-aturv of Hie anulversnry was th" | Thomas .1 Whit", .lames F. ... 

following most exi’dlent coina-rt Willinin Itorilen. .1 I. Deslaurles. I."" 

miss Annie l'"nil" non nu .. in- " . . ... . ...,„.i. 

lt , , ,, , ... Iii Hi" "hoseti line of their life work. 

am. Drew ’ll v has ... pastor of . 

Arthur M ..I. .ccompanl*. “ rt 1 h “ ,w * " ' 

of tin* conference year of HHM, amt uur- 

At tin* clone of the ntnive excellent con- ^ ^ pn*torate the largo amount of good 
"ert the hall was elearwl for event immlicr ^ ^ |l( . rr<irlll) .,| |, v |,| ln , anil the llnal re- 
two which was the hall of the wa*on suit nin only he deterinlm*l In Him- lo 
li. K . Thouiaw II. Lynch wa* t1m*r «li- ||«* anti Id* most cwtlniftlile wife 

rector, ami Id* awwiatnut wn* D. (• K |, aV c lu*cn untiring in their labor* for the 1 
Henry M. Ford w ith the following aid* *ucce*j» of tin* work here, and they have 1 
ltd mini Mitchell, William .1 Ounvlllo, gaim*d a warm place In Hit heart* of all) 


JiMRCU A. t't,'* III Nil. 

Kumcnii ft. Hate* 
John W. Uatsn. 

f. It. tTHIIINU. 

IMvItlciiil* pitynM* on III* lOtli of April 
■ ml Oi loltrr. 

Ilf|itiill« pl*«*.loi» lutvrcBt on ttir l$lli 
of Jnii., April, July aidI Od. 


From -J lo 5 r. M , r/rqilluu -Siificr- 
tloyxfrom .htllr 1 In ltd. 7 ,cci/c"ll Ihr hour* 
Kill h, from III .1 » /» I- M . only 

Dr. Lucy W. Tuck. 


l hrunic IHxra*r* and • Ihuruugti Medical 

•• I'actfring," a xure care Tor Catarrh. 

OFFICE, 2 Park Square, BOSTON. 

j Kvciy .lay excepting TliurMlay. Take Elevator. 

I \c,Icm*v lliliiird, Hrainto 


SiH'Olul Nolfolk Distill I I 
NVvin, S.iiilli Wcyuioulli 

County Ottlcers. 


■ lu.lvr of Probate ami Inaolventy, Dim** H 

■ :ci.t Wrymoutli. 

H Ki*:;inIi*i i.i Probate uml hiaolvency, h'lutlun 

■ clltl. 

^■Assistaiit l<«*i»ister, John D- Cobb. 

He Ink oU'mirU, Loui» A. Cook of South 
® mill. 

M Assistant (.'Ink, Robert It- Worthington. 

J KrK.Niei ol Deeds, |ohn W. Hurdakin. 

■ Asvntant Rrifister of I'ee.l-., Howard I- I"" 

■ County Treasurer, Charles If. Smith. 

■ sheriff , Samuel II. Capen. 

■ County Cotninishioneis. Sumiwr II. 1 

H, , k| M e. lames Ifewins of Medheld. Marshall 
B Wngtit of (Juincy. 

■ Srssions, Kvery Tuesday at to a.m. 

■ Commissioner*, l-rwis K. Whittake r <1 
Blank Im ; John Everett «»f Canton. 

B Distil, t Attorney (Suntheast District, NortolU 
lli i I'lvnumth), Asa I*. French «>l Kandol|.lt . Kn h 
Bi t VV Suttri ol lltocktoii, Assistant. 

:...: — Dr.CHAS. R. GREELEY 

The CLOUGH = ?EJH'£I = 
CORSET CO. 0ver ,lie Weymouth Clothing Store 

68 Centre Street, Brockton, I;AHT weymoutii. 

, . , ^ , Orrica IloUHa:— h.oo A. M. to $.30 I'.M. 

c' .ni .'l" s'lc'']."- "ll.'-c' c .'.‘".Vi'l'i.'-. “k.,'".,". Will nllen.l I" cdl I’ent.l W’.,rk .1 ..Hi"" 

.■■.U 1 li Land's Block, South Weymouth. 

rr«, Hm.Hr., Hu.l Kccrmc, llurlir» Hn, Hem N«- Tuesdays lid Fridays 

rkrm, HMftnlly cent l'").lr«l I cdturr W*KI». W| ,. k _ A|1|M ,i n , 111 . 11 „ n, ceil. <>i»-i. 

It, .,.11 |.c \\’i'urfVi«.l*, *l.nn, ♦!.-», 41. • rv»*iitug*>. 

I'.Mi.i i.hi.tlit v. 4 .*.'«i. t.VJY to ♦n.on. . 

W hill, . rl.'*". -'..on «••♦".. •" 

I •",,.o.t.'l ♦2.T.. to $ 7 i.nU. PnWAUn C. AUK. 

Waste of Flowers. cunckut pnoisitAxi.vir 

,l«i*t a timely word nr two to lover* of Orchestra selection 
wilil fhiwcrs, for there may he many (\intrailosolo, “Spring's Awakening 
hunts for the posies tomorrow by those llavv 

wlm keep Kcmter in the country. H 1* to Ml ** 

hear In mlml that a few fpeelinens, tow- “ l ' , ‘ " l " c, ( ", , ^ lrhl 

ers, buds or rinits, will Im* as satisfactory ^y m u wn 11 

for any ptirpose for which they are gatli- |j paJ n, |f; •• Hilly Adams" 
eretl as w ill whole armfulls of them. Oil, Mr. Kdward 1*. Kllhdl 

It is a very pretty sight to see a comely Soprano solo, “Carmcna" «1 - 

girl or woman with iter arms laden with Miss Nellie M. Donovan 

wild blossoms, hut when you think upon baritone solo, “Toreador's Love 
the damage *he ha* wronght-a damage Mr . 8 u . |)llell p r „„' 

that c anned 1 c made hy the grow I,* ^ .. rl , ur ,. <ml sketch" 
of several years perhaps—her burden ^i r Kl | war ,j j. Kllloii 

seems a lilt like spoils. Ciatlieriug flow- 
ers hy wholesale Is not only making the 

wild llower hunt of future generations a AAQQrftT riJOl I 1 
mtieli more difllcult quest than it now is. ||U||||tU I CIlULI* 
hut it Is actually making some of oni l*est- 
lovcd kinds st> rare that they must U'come 

extinct in a very few years. Will it not JOSEP 

Ire well to give u thoiiglit or two to this K*litm of the magazine, “t**rr« 

word, and pass It along to those who Grammatical Construction, 

show they have need of It?—New* Kugland iNt'oitiiKCT. 

our citizens. As a manager anti co-worker j 
Kcv Lcllnron Is tin unusual strong man | 
und every feature «»f the church work l* j 

HeB'ernan, Uolrerl (’roker, Henry Nolas j (1 H p| ( .ndhl condition throtigli Ids eflbrts, 
slid Joseph Kelley. m,,! | u . a pastor win* knows how t*< 

“Built to Bake" 

y og 0 ttfl.fl .gJLB 8 ft & A 

d Joseph Kelley and In* is a pastor who knows how t«• I 

The grand march w as a spectacular und keep them in that condition They have | 
illianl Faster scene and the various Income very warmly attached to all who I 

ohitions were participated in and knew them here and It will he hard for us ( 

Hawley i - ininiaiit Faster scene and the varlmi* 
Mis* Annie Deam* evolutions were participated in am 

*, from “ t.iaconda .. 

0 —* f 

Mr. Win. II. Wall 
Heading, “Hilly Adams" 

Mr. Kdward I*. Kllhdl 
Soprano solo, “Carmcna" iLanej 

Miss Nellie M. Donovan 
Itaritone solo, “Toreador's Love 
Song” (Coneldos) 

Mr. Stephen K. I'ratt 
Heading, “Charcoal Sketch" 

Mr. Kdward I*. Kllloii 

at died with pleasure. At the head of to part with them, hut the only tiling to 
the procession was <• K. Lynch accom- do Is to lie unsclllwh in the matter and 
patiied by Miss A Loretta rroiiln, and wish them (JodspcM*d In tlieir irw Held of 
they were followed by I.Hi couple lalior. Ills understood that lie will 

'1 lie order of dances was one of excel- preach next Sunday ami Faster Sunday 

lent variety ami ciplfrand IB number* _ _ 

with a few extras all of which were 

highly enjoyed and the strains of music Hollis Street Theatre. 

from Deslaurles* orchestra were mingled n |, a ^ | h *cii dceldcddo make the prodtie- 

willi tin* songs of the early birds. thm of the dramatization of Dwight Til- 

Ion's “On Satan's Mount" at tin* Hollis 
street t heat it* on Monday. May 2'Jtli, the 
engagement to he for two weeks oitlv 
Special Interest attaches to the premiere 


Until"" the Intents of your wife hy 
giving her n "1111111 I" link"" llou*- 
liohl I lunge—you’ll Hud her cooking 
better—and Ii<t disposition happier. 



ICditiH of tlip nuga/inc, “t’ornit Knglith: flow To t It.” 

Grammatical Conatruction. 

VI.I V l* U' .VXTI.II 


AT — 

Easl weyiii Savings Bant. 

Calandar of County Court* 

^■ilDlrlDr 11 cdicul Ccmrl |ur» >•<<"•«. ll'»‘l Tuf* i .1011 
B day ol February. 

H>n|*n„r Court, Civil Se»sion« - For work w ith 
B JiirirA — First Monday of January, !u»t Monday 

■ .1 May, and f»r»t Montiay of October. For Loutt y^ri 

■ w..rk First Monday of February, hr*.t Monday nt 

■ ol April, tukt Monday of SeptrmUr, and lost 
| Monday of December. 

Beep,-tier Court, Criminal Sitting* - Fust Monday ^ 
| ol Aptil; first Monday of Septendier; hut M«n 

I day of December. ■* 

pi.ibate Court—At Dedlum, on the first and third 14 
Wednevday* >4 every month, except August. At - 
ijuincy, on the Mcond Wednesday of every 
■ inontli, except August. At lirookllne, on tfie 16 

■ fourth VVeJneiutay ol every month, except , -j 

I AUgUlt' | a 

■' ■ »uiity Coinmi»»ionerh' Meeting*- I idrd I “***“*u> 

■ ol April; fourth Tue*day of June; fourth I "«•» I » 

I dav ..f September, last Wednesday of Detember. ^ j 

1 Hy adjourn uent. U*r T'lenduy*, except during 
■ Augu.t. it . ** 

I Ihstrut Court of F.a»t Norfolk. Jurisdiction. 24 
I Randolph, liraintree Col asset, Weyinmitli, (Jum 
I ty. Holbrook and Milton. Court held at (hum y 
I «,,. mmnal bu»ines» every w,*ek day e«ept legal 26 

I l,',l' J ay*, and for civil buxine** l uexday* at </ 27 

... Juttice. Albert K. Avery, Braintree. 
I J - tier*, B. (iranville I'ratt, tjumey ; !-<>"•' A. Ztt 

I i-nek, Weymouth. Clerk, 'oh.i I' S., 2 9 

I Milton. Probatmn Olhcrr, Fram.s A. ^|H-a« 7 , 

I l ayer Street, (Juinty. t aurt (Miner and Bail *** 

■ ' iiiiuiftkioiier, William M Manlen. J 4 ( ‘«ldtng 225 

I ton Street, yuincy. 31 

arriOD HOURS, 10 to 12*. m., 'i to 5p. in 

*1 .11 lickrr heller. >1 H»l,nrr u. Ulllrn-.i 
huuil. upp. I atliullr ( hurrh. 

JOHN .«.. KAVNUNII. Town Clerk 



71 yiilin y Ave- und II#) » aid Ml 

23 gcclii") An- cued l'encmicr- Ini SI 

24 St 

25 Allou.St #nd CiHiiiin-iTlal Si 

26 Allt-u St #ii-l Slcutt St 

27 r.miin. ic ial Si , ti|i|i Fan Sli..|- 
2, 1 'uiimtcrc'lal SI and Klin Si 

3i Kim si and Middh- Sc 
12 Hlv.-r Si and Middle Si 
14 Klul St and kVa*hiugl.ui St 
31 \V"»l St and Waahlnglnu St 
i 6 A»h Hi ami ll»»lll* Ave 
iU Wawliiugtim St oppoNllr M*muD'p»“t 

41 -L'uluji St amt Mi*hllc St 

42 Uulutt St ami Wawhlugtoii St 
4j ivarl St amt Wa»hlugUiu St 

45 IVarl St. op|*»*lte Sin** PacUrry 
4b Hancock St , private, Uolilng*w**rlh 
47 P«iu«l St , upp A (> Clark * h*ni*c 
4tt Franklin St ami (Vulral Avc 
12J l orm-r Quincy Avc ami UU-n St 
U5 Went St ami Ml Vernon tv t 
145 Fiiuutain St and IVarl St 
•47 I'ouu St and l*<*ud St 

Pole, Hivcr ami Pa m*ll St* 

I trad Icy Fertilizer Work* 

Pole, WcNNttgllNNCl Horn I. 

Pole, I'nlvcruallut t’liurclr 
Pole, Fair view llotiwc. 

Pole, Sea uml North Si* 

Pule, Uivell ami Bridge St* 

Pole, Church ami North St* 

Pole, tirant ami High St* 

I •ole, Jackuon Siptarc 

Pole, Flcctrlc Station, private. 

Pole, Shaw's Corner 
PoUf, M Slicchy & Co 
Pole, Bute* Av c. ami Broad St* 
i pule, Shirwmut ami l.akc St* 
pole, Strong itiarlh hl Cp« 

Pole, Connucn iwluml Putnam Hi* 
Pole, Op I ro* He Daniel Pratt* 

I—Pule, oppowite S W tli Nuwh'x 
Pole, C.mgr. ** ami Wtch.ngton St* 
i Fngine llou*c N«» ”• 

. pole, ProwpcL t uml UraniD Si* 

\ Pole, tiaritchl Sipiarc 
i— pole, corner Library 
I puli. Coiiumreial St . near tiiain 

I Pole, i.oycli* Cornel 
f Pole, oppowite (• S Ilnur* 
i Pole, \a.*h * CorinM. 

5 Pole, cor park, ami Main si* 
b Pole, I'oyy n lloilne 
7 Pole. iippo*ili' Phillip Ft ah* i * 

1 Pole, m ar oil* TulTcy'*. 

2 -Pole, l-iugim* llonac No o 
J Pole, Indcpcnift-m *' Sipiarc 
4’ Pol*-, near Di‘p«i| 

5 Pole, Cor Pond ami riil»k* ts»* 

7 Pole, Mav * (’oiuit 
b In ion Stn-i-t. <»pp llciwv (liumllt 
I Corrn r Pu:t<hdph ami Kur*M Si* 

\t - i <•’. I *.k a hi , i... kcUiXdi ar any giadi- dui 
a.<<< I 6 «- ■ante Aigual at S o'cUxk, u-> **huol 
i i.. if - i and 2 duim; 4 u. 1 In viiur xtgltal at 
M 3 . I" m> id s iadr* i at I a dui tug 

I . « ll .1 || .'• 4 I • k J'm i* • 

I, .1 ii. aii* ciad- lining it ii. 


Qoutyselor at l^avu 

Ml Court Klrrrl, HORTON. 

117 Kruai Mtrrct, HKYMUITH I KKTKK. 

Trh'plioru' Nn. • r »l 3 Main, llortmi, «»r t'i 3 \( *•)■- 


Kail I'umalHxluarr and Solar) Public, lit 



Ntw Billfligs on Broiktldi Road. 

Oprii all Ailglifa 

Ti'lcpliuiu* -'<*'• 3 Itruiiifr«*«*. 


The largest Boot lid Shoe Repairing Shop 
in Norlolk County. 

Tlila 1* between you ami / 

Tlila lw for you ami / 

All those khul of tiling*. 

I feel ttailhj. 

The flower amelia 
She apoke ilhj of you 
Try (i ml come. 

He tlon't like to d«» it 

Tin* liell don't ring 

Neither he or I were at home 

Tlierc were many people **'/. me 

Low Rate for Money. *' 

:: All thoae kind of till 

The County Coinmlaalouera o|H*ned at ^ I 
•he < 'onrt houae, Tueaday forenoon, Rental - T ,„. rtowt . r 8im ,„ M 

propoaala fora loan of on the She apoke ilhi of voi 

note* of the county, payable July 1, P.»P.», - Try mil 

aeinl-uunuHlIy at three ami one-half per H || e like to do il 

cent Intcreat. The hlddera were all Bow- ,, T , |e !ieH (fon ; r |„ K 

tou firm* Their names and propoaala |u Neither he or I wen 

follow*- Little, Hunt i ( “ 111 pan), Tlmrc were many pi 

91,008.7/1: George A Fernald & Company, 

61,(nii; so; Jaekaoii & Curtla, $ 1 , 000 . 20 : kxi' vtouy noik* «*n 
L orlng, Tolinan & Tupper, B 1 , 00 «.H«; cMsarm cik 

Parkinwou Burr, $l t 00:t.l0t Rlodget, n„ i “Till* In Ih*Iw 
M erritt .'v Company, $1,002.70; Blake |„ correct liecauue “helwt 
Brother* <si Company, $IJ»02.lO; It. L. Nltion, and a preposition 
Day i Company, $1,001*70; W. tLijayg lowed hy either a noun 
(’onipauy. $L»HM.:i“; ami Brow n Brothers wldeli la in llie objective 
\ Company, $l,oOO.f»o. The loan wa* correct inatead of “1" In* 
awarded to the llrat-naiucd firm, the objective eaae 
highest bidder* Dedhum Traiiaeripl No. 0 The same rule 

Von look liiei* 

You liNik happy 

“Look" iu fliht aeiiae i*xpie*ae* 01 » 1 * 111 - 
Hiiee. tint not action 
The verb—to taste 

Action- “lie had not lasted food for 

at reef theatre on Monday, May 2 Uth, the . tt TUET CT ^\|C CTQDC 99 

engagement to be for two weeks only 1 I 11 CL O I w t w ■ 

Special Interest attaches to the premiere | _ M — 

of this new play In Boston a* the novel j n * — 1, RIL - ROCKLAND 

from which the play was dramatized wa* sit 

written l»v two well-known and success -1 , — 11 11 

fill Boston George T. Richardson j —^ A TtkT V 6 *0# 

nml Wilder D tpilnt, who also wrote un- J H .H.XlXiN JiiP Oil WWlI 

,.r 11 vt i.<l.t Tilton. ™ ^ 

written hv two well-known uml suceeas- 
ftd Boston authors, George T. Richardson J 
uml Wilder D (Jiiliit. w ho also wrote un¬ 
der the pseudonym of Dwight Tilton,! 
“Miss IVttlcoats" ami “My Lady Laugh*, 
ti r ' “Dn Satan’s Mount'' «* well a* tliej 
other two novels numtloncd were pule | 
Halted l>> a Boston house, the ('. M 
( lark Publishing Co., and the dramatlzu- 


Figuratively—“lie made u vow never |j oll | llls made hy a Boston man. 

again to taste the pleasures of tile world " htt y (iotxlrlcll, Jr , w ho lias lieen peetil- 
Itiuetloii The milk tastes sour j ar |y xm ccssftd in dramatizing popular 

The milk Is not doing the tasting novels Mr George W Sainnus, who 

No. The verb—to smell offers this new play well describes ll a* 

4.11 \ VI VI V l ll vl 


No I “This is Imt w een you uml me ! 
is correct Imcause “liftween" is a prepo -1 

sltion, and u preposition is always 

Action “I * 
\ lolets." 

Inaction “1 
The flower i 

The verb—i* 
Action — “Tl 

pronoun > lung*." 

re case "Me l ‘ I 
because it i* in the j 

milk tastes sour |„ r |y Hticcessfiil in dramatizing popular | | 

doing the tasting novel* Mr George W Sainnus, who 

rh—to smell offers tills new play well describes It a* 

Ninelhsl the sweet odor of pj tt y of twentieth century posslblll-| 
tics" Mr Goodrich lias kept rather I 
• dower smells sweet.’ c j OM4 , to n„. H trong dramatic lines of 
not smelling any other t | M . | Mto k uml all those w ho have read it 
will readily appreciate the brilliant oppor-! 
omul ttmiiie* for striking dramatic effects, 

physician sounded her There i* a large G A. If and Woman's I 
Relief Corps interest in the approaching 
e music sounds sweet." engagement, uml there will be several 

o sound 

lie physician sounded her 

Inaction “The music sounds sweet " 

correct Instead of “I" because it 
objective case 

No. 2 The same rule obtain: 
sentence “This is for you ami me 

ii the ; The music i* not performing Hie act of 8 p er jg| military. nights, u* the dramatist, 

' sounding. | rtt p Goodrich, Jr . of this city, is 

i the No U “She spoke ill of you" Is cor- prominent in military and G A R circles 
•for" I reel because ill is uu adverb as well a* an j n onc p,,. ac .| M \* a military scene of' 


Lime, Nails, Brick, Cement, Sand, Drain Pipe, 
Cutters, Conductors and Mouldings. 


spiugb. Cpess. wmicwood ill Soli Pirn. 

Term. Net Cath. I’li A MBS SAWBU To OUOKR. Telephone Connection 

Commercial St., WEYMOUTH. “ 

Manicuring, - Shampooing, ■ Singeing. 

I.uilir**, a< litii-IIMll'*, ID I* 

, Yulllll** llld < Illlalrt'U*» 

No Oftlaritm. 

Oslerisni wa* dcdixl at the Depew 
icvcnt) -scmiid anniversary birthday 
party Tnc great majority of the leaders 

-I.l- ."<d in :tn .V|« n iimiiii* r. \V..rk <li ^ I of IllOlltfllt Ultd of action W(TC sIlOWDtO 

>vliili'v..u wall, mid Ml Hit-vi'i> l.»«i *t pim -. AI. V * 

iiif ii'ii.iiiiK iimki'tiiif KiiIiIm'i ih'i'U uIw'mv* in *t*«'k. have well passed the (isl»*r choloroforin 

Washington Square, - WEYMOUTH. 

Ilppokllr Wal*b Bro*. Hlorr. 

Notice Water Takers. j 

I'NI'AID WAT Fit BILLS can Im* paid 
at the Water Olllcc, or la* 

I IIA A It II TONIIF.I, l’«*ll*rlui. 

\.trill Wl')'UI«»Utll, Man*. 


(iirU for general housework, table a ml 
chamber work: also a woman t* * do the 
• 'Miking iu bour«liug house GimmI wage* 


I- lt$I Uaarork II. qulsr). 


ai i. i.ixn» or 

Carpenter Work and Building. 

S|M'I l,ll \l|l lllt.iu H ill Im f nil lit al • *1 d.lUlZ. 

I l» 4$$rr**. Librrt) llrrrl, Ks»l Bralsirrr. 

pt'i |od. riioloform should not be for ber W IIII Hie III 
age, cried the lusty Depew, hut for Iu- 0ne ,l,#v H "> 
coin|M‘leuee And Ida philosophy of life or “All those 1 
was of the best work, temperance and H«*rl «»f thing 
fun uje the sources of longevity.—Boston things 
11 .-I nt. I No. 4. “1 f 

being a preposition il Is us incorrect to adjective- Illy Is obsolete III in tills 
say “lids is for I " sentence is an adverb liecauoe spoke 1 * a 

Nn. jl. “All those kluds of tilings" l* verb of actlou 
correct because “kinds" is a plural noun “You look III" ill In this *culciico Is an 
and “those" being in Ihi* sentence a adjective because hmk ill tile sense of 
dertidtivc adjective It must agree iu limn-1 appear I* u vcih of inaction 
her with the noun to wldeli it l(Monga No 7. “Try to come is correct l»e- 

Gne may say “All that kind of thing cause “try" require* the infinitive form 
or “All those kluds of things," “ All that of aoum verb lo complete Its meaning 
sort of thing" or “All those sort* of “I will play and sing"—Iu tills sentence 

play ami sing express two dlatluct action* 

I feel had ' is collect because | due call not endeavor <in/l any more than 

great magnitude 

IMiKOWINli NAILN TBNATED. H.grra-oa* Bair, Wart. aa4 Hair. Bal.le.Mf 
und kHirr*»fall) itauird. I’BIHrra'a Hair taltlBg. 

'Phone 35-9. 


Work for tha Public School!. express action 

Arbor day at preacut receives its great- j'^Vniav'act^l 
,**i attention from the public schools ami ° m 

from village Improvement aaaoclatlona r *‘ , “ 1,1 1,1 

.. The verbs o 

Their efforts are meritorious Nevertlie- 

, , . ,. , . . taste, smell, si 

less, the scImhiIs should be encouraged to 

„ , f and au iuuellv 

work more sysleinatically, ami with ref- v«*r>* t 

rrclice to practical cuds a* well •* .esthetic 

, , . Action—“I 

aixl literary . . . 

Ii is de sir able that more atlculiou “ 1 #r * ° rr 
*hoidd Is* glvcu by them t«* our native 

I .cl ... la- take. Iu " f j^; 

■ btciuiiuing the kinds of trees to plant, 
iu M-leetlug stock, in choosing locations, 
sml m providing for protccllou ami care 
Kchoola might have tlieir own nurseries K**« i*' in ll 
iititl thus secure U»e Is'at of stock for , . 

, , , . . . tlklioll, llUt IHI 

ti aiiMplauliug At the high school, or | |„. V eib i 

grammar school, a corner of the grouud* lion •• g 

might lie pridltuhly devoted t«* a small 

J , , angrily at her 

forest nursery, Just a* lower grades of , 

-« bools have their school gardens This 

'Itouhl he laid out al once, where It can ,l15 * 11 • ^^ 

In- easily shatled. a simple Is-tl four feci 

the verb feel In lids sentence docs not 
express action, consequently the udjcctlvc 
had is riHpdred ami not the advert) badly 
One may act badly, walk badly, slowly, 
rapidly, but nuu feels bad, or *ad pr glad 
'The verba of the “sense*" feel, look, 
taste, smell, aouud, have each uu active 
ami au Inactive form 
•The verb—lo feel 

Action—“I fell iu) wav carefully down 
tlic dark corridor 

Iu a figurative sense. • fell my way 
catcfully Im* fore presenting the subject 
Insetiou | feel *ad 
I fed ba<l 
I f»* l glad 
I fix I iiappy 

••Keel" iu this sense expresses u con¬ 
dition, Imt uot action 

The verb - lo l«M»k t 

Action “I hsikctt laughingly at her «»r 

w idc ami of anv < 

imvcuiciit length 

lu a llguratiic *< u*c t look 
alter carefully 

Inaction You loufc sa 4 l 

3 1 ,n ItMik bail 

one can try uu<t conic: one will endeavor 
lo come and will trv t“ come, or try to 
think or try to sing, etc 

No s. “lie doesn't like to do It" is 
correct because the conjugation Is 
1 st person I do not or 1 don't 
2 d person ^ <»u do not or you dou'l 
:;«| p. rsoii He docs not or he doesn't 
Note- Contractions— I don't, I shan't, I 
can't etc . are allow aide iu easy eouver- 
1 ?*atioiial style of utterance 

No •' “The bell doesu't ring is eor- 
ieel f«»r "•l(H , sn'l" is ildnl pcistin, slugu 
lui number 

N* 4 I lo “Neither lie nor I was at 
home i* correct because neither ami mu 
are • mi• *}Mnutiutj correlative conjum 
turn*. ju*t a* “either' sml “or" arc used 

No it “ There were many people is 
(Idea me" is 14irred because “besides" l* 
obsolete unless it Is used III the seiisc of 

at one's side He l* silting beside her," 
is correct, but “there welt 1 many |>eople 
' besiiles me," wlieu one means that there 
were man) others present 

To People 
Who Want 
Reliable Pianos 

F.ven it ymi are nut uuitc iraJy tu buy a 
•inr iii an i look ah ,, ' t out • tlabliab* 
m i lido to tlu lom 1 tin variant mak•» 
the maay alyls* 1 cat*a and try the Inatni 
menu alt you vn*h. Ask «|ue»tiun» aid id “» 
njiliin tnnix a' ti i "km Vi 11 on 1 
om ben- whetl i > you purdaatt « not, 01 
om tkiag ma haartain <t you • vet want 

a title |Haim v .u'll fine tn u» all.i tin* »i*it. 



Room 5, Bank Bldg., Quincy. 

n| . I All ai/.i-a uml u!l liuialii'a of l'liotogiuplia. 

□hntnnrrnnho iiiHiuninm'oua pioccia mtcti o*ci««iveiy 

rnulUgldpilOi f-tiui ... 

4 law, ...arlaifal of KIITIKk MUILWUU, cartlr, la .luck. YkillM **»* »« UlMU. 

Oitr Easton's Drug Sion. STUDIO GRAND, RkAIuO,M u*. 



Ladies', Misses' and Children's GARMENTS, 
Men's, Youths’ and Boys’ 

Clothing, Hats I Caps. 

Mlikes uml 

D SW1FT&0 

A Guaranteed Cura for Piles- 

Iti lting. Illiml. Bleeding or ITotrmliiig 
Files Druggists refuud money If I'azo 
ointmeul fails to cure auy ease, uo mat¬ 
ter of how loug staudiug. lu to 14 daya 
First application gives ca»c ami rest 
.oc If your druggist hasn't it send .'sic 
iu stamps aud it will be furw aidtd|os 
l-alifb) I'aria Modicior A’t» . $t Ismis Mo 


\\ lulhei you wiali Iii mined lluts, Heady-to-'inm Huts, liitiimincd Huts, 
I’ lowets. Foliage, Novellica. l’riiiiiiduga, or RiMmois. you can liml just what 
j you wall here, uml :it flic right prices, loo. 

*»f Till-: 

Select boa l Overseers of the Pool 

3 'Im Ht U'itUitU tuJ Ovrrarci* i.f tl." ••( Wt ) 

UtoUlAi «U 1 be Ui kckaUtit st lUr 

Savings Bank Budding. East Weymouth, 
Every Monday- 

Jurtug IL*- luuut. t|'*l )r*r, fr«tm 1 *“ (« l*»r wS U A 

V u. 

l.uUUUh Mm f. I I, uniiaii 
I .O.Aadrv**, ** >*i W ryuiuullt. | 

Itiiaurtiki* lias so. i'lrrk. 

I* '*• AdJ'ra*. » VV - jM-tretuiPi, 

Kuwaau W. HvsT. 

.. W'rviuouiu. 

I.EuMtiB 1 NSVflttU. 

Wr)i' fuUi, Martlc 14 . Iwr.’- 

WisSltlH S|UII. 

S. A. WHITE, wuaMa, Mm. 

Ilasu'a H 1 )iuim»IIi I'Allu abatiloUl) (Ult 
HUruuiat•*Ui|A NVuial/ia. FUirrl) vrgrlstiU-. *«6 1 

Klurk iiiimial* nf Kiiat-CIa*" MiiU'i'iaU, IWal 

|,ii,cal SI vli-a. 


t till' Imii-I,' HIT' o|k-IH'tl lot' UCSOUUtc. dul'ill" lltin " 111 ". 



I Granite Street, ■ QUINCY, MA8S. 

Mount lo oar Ni« Start, 1479 Hiicotk St., Qilatf, ll Ml| lit 




rum Him* K' r.HY WtlMt by tiik 





Manager and Editor. 

11 IT tun at tub roar omca at wbtsoptii 
b*m., ai sai'own-ot.Aaa battbr. 

Friday, April 28,1908 

\\v n*k the indulgence of tin rend.- 

Norfolk Conference of Conqreqatlonal 
ChurchM al the Union Conqrrqalional 
Church. South Weymouth, 1 ueiday. 
May 2d. 

(•rttcral theme, The New Kfl f"r ag- 


Morning Swahili 
!• :io organization and busliii'*-* 

;»Devotional service, liet (' I 
Mill Cratltern 

lo ini Addrt’JW* The Dinomlimtlonal 
Spirit foi the New Era. Bev A .1 Myr 
The Religion* MeH«i»fte for the New Kr:i 
Kev. .1, I. Sew all The Lthieal M•••*•»»t: 



nf 1 ti,> Cn/.cltc thin werk fur Miy error* j fnr till- Non Urn. Ili-t I I IIia, 1 f• ' 

, lisiitf,' ,,f pniprlelor- 

,ir,omli«!<lon 9 A r1i«n|fi' "f proprietor- Tint Sml»l f"i U" s '" 1 '" 

.hip nn,I maniKrnii-nt interfere* *oine- i(,., i: c Cnmp Ten iiilimi*- ntl'lr,.- 

■\ lull nilli llili* w irk's Ittmic, hul liivlnx u, be fulhminl In llflii'ii mlniih „ ill. 

purelm-d tin’ plnnl, RnoiPnlll nml lin.l- I .jnn 

m-.., no liopn by another *«k nnil In nil lli»' >lti«lnp 

ilir week* nlileli follon? In give onr mil- II "A Ailaplnthm "f Cliiirili Work I" 

, is n paper wlilrli w.)ll bewnnteO In every the Sew I rn ... repnrm fmin 

Inline ninl to m ini In friend* nn.) relatives clnirelie. n« In -mile new melliml "I 

at n iINtaner. M. K IIwviji church work which Imn been and 

- riutcm fully t rt«*«l 

, 1) f. II,IW the Church may help ami 

„„re ip.vernmcnl mveMI*...-* .he ^ | n t | lt . s.H'lal Mfe „ f theCnmmii.ilti 
ml rim higher «,«■» the price an,I J „ f N ,.„ , ||„, v K 

“re beginning to think that the . „,l,lre- nil I, ten 

Absolutely Pure 


north vvkymouth. 

fore River Shipbuilding Comprtfv R»-i 
reive* Another Contract. 

the Mil* have be« n npciirtl for the eon- 
HlniCtlon of Hirer M thlf jt rnleera to be 
added to the !’ s Navy, and the contrart 
awarded to the Korc River Company for 
two of them 

Hie rornbined igvntraiT fneaj* more 
limn and I*. al«o unmli.T eh* 
doiaeineiit of the work done hv 1 tit** com- j 

I There were -ix competitors In the 
bidding and tin- trui-' iw will lie *ome- \ 
thing entirely nrw In the rfpilprmtii *»f . 
our imv :il -hip- 

The liirblm * oglin' will lie nethlni; 
entirely new to tin \inerlean Navy and 
will tie given Ilf* Itr**t trial In the l ulled 
States limn "f war wlo n Installed In the 
seontH, w lilch m e required to omkc a 
maximum sprisl of t w« i»ty four knots 
In addition to high «|*ocd. Hiesc v«Mel* 
are to tie so i oiistnu lt d as to Imvc a great 
steaming rndlff* line of the turhl ie en¬ 
gines to lie Installwl is an Muitienti type, 
w lille the other Is Knglisli 



Av Provided By Chap. 75, Src. 14, 65, of 
Revieed Law*. 

At a meeting held April ‘21. PJ05, the 
Hoard of Health of tie Fown of Wey¬ 
mouth re a isid and adopted. and do hereby 
publish the following llcgnlathim 
|{, eolation 1 I'.very householder shall 

keep Ills premises free from all llllisanee!* 

from any place at which the keeping 
thereof shall lie prohibited bv the Board 
Beg. 8 . When a phyalclin.knowa that 
n peraon whom lie i« railed to visit, Is In¬ 
fected With amallpox. diphtheria, acaibt 
fever, or any other disease dangerous to 
the public health, In* shall Immediately 
give notice thereof, In writing over his 
signature, stating the name, age, at reel 
and number of residence of such pa¬ 
tient to the Board of Health : and If he 

refuses or neglects to give such notice lie 
shall forfeit for each offense not less than 
fifty, nor more than two hundred dollars 
Beg •• No physician shall go from 
attendance upon n patient sick with small¬ 
pox, diphtheria or scarlet fever, to any 
other house or Into any public convey¬ 
ance In the same clothes worn during 
such attendance, without tlrst having dis¬ 
infected Ids clothes an«l person, or taken 
other precautions equivalent thereto. 

Beg lo Cholera, smallpox, diphtheria 
membraneous or diphtlieretlc croup, scar¬ 
let fever, measles, typhoid fever and tuber- 
culofds are deemed by the Hoard of Health, 

«».f illtii that are Injurious to L„ , M . diseases dangerous lo the public 

public health ami safety ami any nuls- health and safety. In nil caacH 

of mill, or cause of sickness. , 1|lftl|| , K . 1Mir ,, v lva * nn „f cholera, 

The more government Investlgat 
beef trust riw higher gm-s the prlc 

smallpox, diphtheria, membraneous or 
diphthcrctic croup, scarlet fever, or 

ef trusts still hold tin- fort 

Brockton proposes to dignify Itself 
with a magtililcent eight-story business 
block which will tower above all the 
small cities in southeastern Massachu¬ 
setts ' 

Don’t forget “Arbor Day" pliv>» “ 
shrub or bjish, something that will make 
the world brighter and possibly gladden 
some heart when yours has censed to 

Senator bodge is on the “Ocean Blue” 
and will spend AUe next few months In 
foreign lands. In the meantime the State 
campaign will go on ami w ill be decidedly 
warm from dune to November 

.1 oiln Hates, the great wheat manipula¬ 
tor got squeezed about $1,500,000 last 
week according to reports, but then he 
will come up smiling again as Massachu¬ 
setts legislation does not affect Chicago 
business methods. 

a problem of the New l.rn, Bc\ \ 
pierce Twenty minute address with ten 
minutes of discussion 

12 i.*, A Vital Point in Denominational 
Progress, Bev (l \ Hood 
12 :to Beccss. 

1 .10 Business Heport of the Scribe 
on the State of the Churches- 

1 4.*» A Definite Conference Problem, 
Bev K C Wheeler. 

2 1 .*, Beport of the Committee oil the 
Revision of the Constitution. lb \ I. r 

*2 t:» Singing 
2.50 Conference Offering 
;i uo Addresses- Ways of Beaching 
People III the New Kro u The Boy*. 
Bev. W .1 Scholar The Young Men, 
Mr Charles A Hreeii r lllmlranees from 
the Standpoint of those Outside, Bev. IS 
II. Cochrane d The New lhangclism, 
Bev. K N. Hardy 

4 is* Address. ChiMlan l.lfe and 
Work in the New Kra 

\u Master Sunday School concert 
wii* glvcti at the Third CnlversillM 

church la*l Sutulay evening, and one wu* 
. 1 , 11 . 11 . 11 "I'- "V "»• I’l'x" ” •’..nun-u.llotal 

found upon private property must be ! , ma ||p OSf diphtheria, membraneous or 
FREDERICK HUMPHREY. abatisl upon notice from the health olllccrs diphthcrctic croup, scarlet fever, or 

.and within such lime as they shall deslg- measles, the body of the deceased shall 
New Grocsrs' Orqannallon for the Stale nab If such premises are not put in i , 0 conveyed to the place of its Interment 
ef M isvach uvrtls. proper sanitary condition*, the same shall j(| a | l( . anM . t -in,| the interment must take 

Last act played, curtain down 

Weymouth Educational Association. 

The Weymouth Kdiicatlonal associ¬ 
ation w ill hold u public meeting oil Mon- 
Nll day, May t, In the vestry of the Pilgrim 

Sunday school under the direction of Mr* 
Kllcn n 

Miss Carrie K P French has pur¬ 
chased the lumse on liny View street 
recently vacated by David Hunvllle Ia- 
tensivc repairs and Improvemeiils arc 
being made upon the place and when com¬ 
pleted vrtll be occupied by Mr and Mr* 
.John A. Holbrook 

Thotntis Tlghc of Bridge street lias j 
built an addition to Ids house on Bridge | 
street Where lie will sell confectionery, 
fruit and soda 

The whist party given under the 
uu*plccb of the Wcssngusscit dub w as, 
like all the former ones given tills winter, 
a most enjoyable and successful one. 
After the games, a light lunch was served 
mid for mi hour or more sociability 
reigned The tlrst prizes were taken by 
Mrs Parle Williams mid It Mncombcr, 
and ihe consolation prizes by Mr* Solo¬ 
mon Ford and A P .lohiison. The 
regular tlleetltlg of till* clnh will be held 
next Monday evening 

• tu Wednesday iu xt, the ladles' sew- 

(jf M.iv«achu*etl«. 

(tut* of the largest and most important 
aeetlhgs rver held in tills Slate in the 

in a hearse, and Hie Interment must take 

be vacated Upon order of the Board of I place within twenty-four hours after 

No casket containing the 

mi-.Thr. 2 - -A-r I..-M ... IW- S.M.- l« «b, "“'.‘J 1 ;, „y ,aull nr rrtapool No c.-krt ..* the 

'"" ri ' i _ 11 |. , ' | . Hint I- not .Vilirilalit -I,nll In- ...nliituhioil |„„| v „f . purHon whoillpil of nn infurtlnus 

!' ' . within luo r-Hl* ->f any well, -prl„|r. nr n |,j|| ..pc mil ... tin- funeral, 

k zz . . s "" i,,y " m ” «<«•••••- ... -. 

. , . . | , . ,i ...ii fnr lirhikihu p..rpo«.-» Kra.c cnnlalnl.m and. Inal, -hall ho 

" ,R " !. 1 ?.Weler from the kl.ehen-Ink .. „ l.hnu. ... the 

Tue-ilay. tn uhleh nil the relall nrnccrs 
in Massachusetts were Invited. About 
three hundred responded to tin? call and 
more than eighty cities and towns were 

The object of the meeting was to form 
an association for mutual bciiellt and pro¬ 
tection There were morning and after- 
noon sessions Wldcll w ere addressed by 
able speakers, notably so In the after¬ 
noon. when the assembly listened to John 
A (irecnc of Cleveland, president of the 
National tirocers’ association C. H 
Unbar' nf Braintree; F.diniind F Snow 
of Boston. J. K. Patten of Worcester: 
I.eBov pease of Springfield, and David 
(lerow of Powell were appointed a com¬ 
mittee ..nstltutlon and by-laws and an 

organization was perfected which will he 

shall not be allowed to run under any n j- u^m, 

either at the house or cemetery, and no 
grn\c containing such body shall he 
opened without permission of the Board 

house, nor shall any cuss pool for the re- 

No funeral undertaker or 

tetitloti of such waste water be within I 0 ^j, cr perMon nhnll t r «„»f««r any canopy, 

Uve feet «»T any house, unless cemented 
watei-light. All drains connecting water- 
closets and sinks with cesspools shall lie 

curtain or drapery which has been hung 
or otherw ise used in a room in which the 
body of any person who died of a con- 

trapped and ventilated, so as to prevent taK | OUH ,|i H ,. a *,. )* ..| n id out" to any room 

the passage of gases Into the house. 

Beg. I All putrid or decaying animal 

or place in said Weymouth, for a similar 
use or purpose until such articles shall 

or vegetable matter, manure, garbage and j, av( , | KM .n thoroughly disinfected 

t-’very kind of tilth must be removed from | teK No c litl«l or adult person lie- 

'J, u| | all collar-, ami outbullillnu- la-fort- , linB , nK to a ... l» wl.lil. ».„all- 

«.-oin- IL’hI .lay of May ; pn\. nira-U‘-, .lipl.tlit-ria. s.-arlc-t ft-vt-r, 
enyliiK „,»Ui-r -l.all I.,- nllownl lo remain ()r l)t | |cr co nttgloii» illaca-c- ilan«i-ro„s to 
«111 In- l« -»e>' cellars, yanla ami o.illi.ill.lhig- at t , IP public health exist-, or vt l.oac rest- 

.. 1 . ... ... . any time tlurl.ijt tl.e year 

• i- Massachusetts Association ; .. . 

i-.r .i Nn ni>rsoii s i 

more will delighted audiences listen to <'liurcl,. North Weymouth, at m 00 o’clock 1|(U , Uol „ w |„ meet at the Pilgrim cl.iircJl 

elmrmlng eomedian “Joe" Jefferson. He 
ha* passed to the great beyond, and thou¬ 
sands who have been entertained and In¬ 
structed by him mourn Ills departure 

(Jen. W W. Ulackmar, commander-in- 
i hief of the (T A B , Is on a tour ofln- 
spcctlou of Aha several departments and 
mi his trip will include nearly all of the 
states In the I’nion,returning to take part 
in the Memorial exercises In Ids own 
state on May doth. 

Another man gone wrong, Frank ('. 
Bigelow, president of the First National 

p m 

There will be short addresses by Dr 
William A Drake, chairman of the school j 
committee, and other friends of educa¬ 
tion. A talk upon “Nature Study” will 
be given by Miss S F. Brasalll, light re¬ 
freshments will be served and a delega¬ 
tion of school children will slug under 
the direction of Mr A J Shlelinger. i 

The members of the association realiz¬ 
ing tlint many changes have been made in 
the theories and methods of education 
since they were themselves in school, 
are trying to llnd out how far such new 
theories and methods cau be wisely 
recommended for adoption by the Wcy- 

\ eslrj 

--The engagement is announce.I of 
Mis* I *tta Brayshaw and Mr Many (* 
Tu tty. botli of this village 

Tin- Busy Workers, who all winter 
Imvr held fortnightly Friday evening sew ¬ 
ing elides, have been very “busy bees' 

known a**'. Massachusetts Association 

of iiron i* and Provision Dealers. Fred¬ 
erick Humphrey, of the well-known llrtn 
of Humphrey Bros., Fast Weymouth, has 
Hie distinguished honor of being the llrst 
president "F the new organization 

deuce lias a common entrance with such 

Many suburban 

- : lents have found it to 

t.isir advantage to open an 
account with the Old Col¬ 
ony Trust Company, even 
though they continue to 
carry accounts in their 
local hank. 

Outside of Boston 
checks on a Boston bank 
or Trust Company are 
more acceptable than 
checks on a local bank, , 
and greater privacy natur¬ 
ally must attend transac¬ 
tions made through a large 
bank in a large city. An¬ 
other advantage is that the 
Trust Company allows 2% 
interest on daily balances 
of $500 or more. 

Every account, large or 
small, active or inactive, 
receives the most careful 
attention. Checks may be 
cashed at either the Ames 
building or the Temple 
Place office, and arrange¬ 
ments may be made, if de¬ 
sired, that both husband 
and wife may draw checks 
against the same account. 

The Temple Place office, 
in the shopping district, is 
especially useful to women. 
A pamphlet illustrating 
and describing it will be 
mailed upon request. 


Makes Perfect. 


D \ Son* have 
bt*rii making n frlg«T* 1 ot* 
fnr 5M y ,‘Rim w Mhoiit a halt 
Their lefrlmuainr* are 
m know Iedued by everyone 
|m l*e the In M IVrfect 
wood work, ttneat quality 
of lining and Kddy> patent 
nntPronduetlv ,• packing 
make (hem ab*olui« ly pet¬ 
ti el In enfiM run Ion liny 

ale air light, economical In 
lee. hate a free circulation 
of pure cold dry air, in* 
hidden corner* w hero til*- 
ca*e germ* can link F.ddy 
Bcfilgerator* alone are 
*wect, dean and ab*o|ulclv 
*anilnty at all time* 

We -ill them at Imitory 

I It" X 

A Catah'gue and I’rlee 1.1*1 f«* 1 tin a*klng 

Time Payment* t«*r linn 

/ Unv 


New England's lowest Priced House Furnishers. 

1 . 0*5 llimeonk Htrrol, Quincy 

\Vo koop opt-.. Mnnilnj . Krl ln. «ml Sm i.rxln.v ovynlne- 


“ Old 


But to In* It It *>111 
I f t here i* one I 

Via ars Headquarters 

Carden, Flower, Crass 

B ill Illi* M'ctloil O 
■ iniv right, from 

English Lawn Seed, Fancy Red Top end White Cloier, Timothy. 





Easter Announcement. 

Fnr KiikIim* wear wc arc offering ;i huge lint* «»f Men m, \oiiIIim nnd Hau 
Ladies’, SiIhsch’ and CltiMron'rt 

No person shall throw *»r tit- )| 0 us<*liohl, shall In* allowetl to attend any 

posit, in any street, sidewalk, court, p||W|c or pr | valt . HC liool until the explra- 

ttquarc, public place or vacant lot Into any tlo|1 of tww wee ks after the death, re¬ 
pond, creek, river, brook, canal or ditch, covcry or rcmoV al «»f such sick person; 

any dead animal, decaying vegetables, am( cvcr y 8llt .|, v liil«l or adult person shall 

offal, dirt, garbage, 


| the eontculH of any privy-vault or cess- 
| pool, or tilth of any kind ami no person 

manure or rtH j„| rc ,j to [.resent to the teacher of 

the school A certificate from the attend¬ 
ing physician or a member of the Board 




I., nil tl.p slylcs of tl.i- m-w Hi-nson. 


Art Exhibitions 

shall eart swill, or content* of any privy- ()f ,| tia m K stating that he Is free from 

()f every description. 

c\hil*ltl«m* will 

arranged a sale nnd entertain* j month nf May 

National bank of Milwaukee, «Y* ttrly inoulh and to give the piddle an 

i*l.500,OtK) short Will the world ever 
learn by experience ami trust funds be 
considered a sacred trust and used only 
for the purposes for which they were in¬ 
tended. * 

opportunity to Judge for themselvc 

incut to be given at the chapel Friday 
evening. May IHh. 

The regular monthly meeting of the 
Century elub will be held next Friday 
evening .Subject for discussion Be- 
solved, That all food stuffs should be 
liable to examination by public inspectors, 
ami any adulteration from a required 
standard he severely punished 
—The ladle*'sewing circle connected 

The tlrst 
Florence. V 

exhibition from Mav 

vault or cesspool, 01 any other substance 
the front which disagreeable or dangerous 
odors may escape upon any public or prl- 
\ ate wav of said town w ithout a license 

contagion, and that the requirements of •**■'«•> 

this regulation have been compiled with. 

Beg 14 When a householder (a phy¬ 
sician not having been called) knows that 

III Wt’vinniitli, l*.v A. It. Brvnnt, Bougli- 

(an. in's. Weymouth, l*v N' . A. I.oihI. 

W. 7^- TIRRELL, 

represents Italian art. In from the Board of Health, and then only n person within his family or house Is ljlfl||TS FOR SALE. TO LET, 8tC. 

I *.irn i, I in • I.. «nL-iilnf «-..*. .nl., 1,1 I...X— i.r u n<r,,n IiimBi>*. - .. ...... ... _ * .- . ,,n ” 1 W * . .... «,-h 

b» Salvator hn watertight boxes or wagon ImhBvs, L |ck ()f HI „ a i, poXf diphtheria, scarlet fever r«« ihm* or 'im und., tuu>hM«,.only 

Itrnnd Slieot, EAST WEYMOUTH. 

Telcphiinr IIA-I. _ 

Who enjoyed the former with closely tilting covers so fastened ns l )r other Infectious or contagious I 

photographs *.f Florentine art will need t„ prevent the escape of any of the liquid ,n seas ',., dangerous to the public health, 

no urging to see these pictures. 

The second exhibition, from May 2d to odors therefrom 

portion of such substances or of noxious 

Inaartloni »»ch ,«tr» Hum l<*. Count «l|l*t word, to o IIm.1 

No ml*. •rc«|ite«t In tlilm ,l*|>«rt«u*i»l 
umImi accomponlotl will* Hi* comh. 

This meeting will be of an Inteiestlng I with the Third Uulversallst society will 

required June 12. are photographs of the town of 
Plymouth and of Longfellow's pocin, 
mnccted “The t’ourtslilp «*f Miles Staiullsfi.” 
civ will The lllii>trations of the poem arc from 

No person shall allow the 

he shall immediately give notice thereof 
to the Board of Health: ami upon the 
death, recovery or removal of such per- 

sewnge, waste water or liquid of any kind aon> HUC j l 0 f h, c rooms of said house, and 

F OII NALK. Two inlleii row*. May >" ‘' V." 

lit TIiDinp-on Farm, Weynmutli !!• «»«l | ts. " • *•• 
Tlmnii'-oii, iulininl*trtttor. ’■• _ 

F olk NAIiK. lltgli-bml Itlio*!** 1-laU'l l***l 
• UK- for lutt«-'I iIiik; W«* u -citing. Kbci*. " • 

from Ills premises to How into any canal, I (|c | | () f the articles therein, as in the Kieluulu, 4 «« Kn.m hi.’. Wrymoutb. 


Crafting Wax, Floor Wax % 

Hen Netting and Wire Window Cloth.J 


nature ami those wilt* attend will have 
good time. 

Kvcrvbodv is fn\ Bed 

give a May breakfast on the morning of 
May :hl. Breakfast will be served at Lite 
chapel between the hours '• ami 

The i 11 h * t rations «.f the poem are from pom!, or brook, or °P‘ ! » ditch, or upon | O p| n | on 0 f t] lc llonnl of llcalih have 1>ccn | 
tableaux arranged by Be\. \ T Kemptou any sidewalk, gutter or street service »>• | H „bjected to contagion shall be disinfected 
of Fitchburg. Mass. upon any public or private way, or to J)V sa ui householder to the satisfaction 

During the month of June, examples of form any stagnant pools In any place | of Board of Health Any person 

F oil NAI.IL SitoiiiI bittnl SliaubluiK 

nii-i r in >j*huI rMiiilitioii, Apply i*t 1- *'nk* , r 

Floor Wax 

livcnil)' any evening lifter o o'l’liN-k. 

F OII NAI.K. Nlee, low t’linetuii ill Hr**tck*— 
i nmlitiou. Apply to ti. W. lbiker, l.u-t W i'> 

Faster Day has come and gone the New Corporation, 

many well-prepared services and festlvi- »p llt , i ult . H t Incorporateil body in Fast 
ties fur the occasion lu our churches and Weymouth is the Dai Is Bates Clapp Me¬ 
mberwise, were \vell carrhxl out and the inor j„i asHoclatlon, which has recently 
day has never been *o generally observed , )ot . n i„ tr „ r p„ ra t t sl under 
In town as It was this year, ami now may j aws u f Massachusetts. The olllccrs 
the aftermath be one of uplift toward iJjJh m»w urgaui/.utiou are 
Him whose resurrection we have cole- , )re „|dcnt; Bev Finery 

(’lark of Dorchester has the work done In drawing Iti the Wcy- wltldn th<* town. 

piirchastsl considerable land on Great hill mouth schools w ill be hung bv Ml* 
belonging to the Cherringtou estate of ltuckett, the Instructor in tlrawlng 
building lots. Work ha* already been 

begun on one building and it is rumored Your Name as Good as Ccth 

Bqg. Tin 1 keeping of swine, goats, 
•uw* or poultry lu any part of the town 

buen incorporated under the (*orporntion j that Mr Clark will elect two more. 

Your Name ai Good ns CE*h. 

Have you seen the latest styles in mil- 

wliere such keeping shall be held by the 

of such Board of Health Any person Jj w ,,, ll "iriun. Apply’t»t 

neglecting or refusing to comply with » *mntii, Mu*>*. _ 

« otll.o tbovo provUloee ,l,nll he F***'*,^iSSSK m'SuJ'sK 
liable to u Hue not exceeding one htin* Wrymiiuth. proving property »iul paying elmrjH**. 

Board of Health detrimental to the public 
• 'health or offensive to the neighborhood, 

-1 in Tuesday 

an t *UI Folks 

Beg. 15. No person shall become a 
iiumhImt of any public or private school 

■fT’KKF YOril pantry fn <• Horn rut- mul inli-e 
vv itliout the III.I of p*iii*»n, ••ill** i»r trjip*. " «• 

f you have not, you w ill do well i i* hqreby prohibited, and after due notice as teacher or scholar, nor shall he 

.-lid *tirr inctlimi for 16«-. Box W 4 ' 1 , Ku*t " > y moiitli. 

Kdwin Clapp, I e.omert was given in the Pilgrim Congre- I to visit the Norfolk Credit Co.’s storO ftY by kfdd Board to tin* owner or person in |, y employed us janitor therein until he 

j gulional chtireh, untler tin* able direction t^tdiicy. when* your name i* as good as charge, 

hall fort it with remove the 

clerk, and Horace II- Drlnkwutcr. tretis- ,,f [> r 

Hill and A .1 Shlelinger. 

The only credit lion * 1 

same or cause the same to be removed, 

'>« «.",.loy«l us janitor therein mull he X/^^lteiwe^w. r*™* 

has shown satisfactory evidence that he with in<>ui*Kruiii. Kin«l) r pUiiM jeturn t«* Annu L. 

The Nation luourn.- 
tlils week. For the 

urer. The immidiate lioldlugs of the 
with Connecticut corporation are the Davis B Clapp M< 
nuel time within a mortal building on Middle street, the 

year she lias been called upon to lay away spacious grounds for games and athletic 
a i’nited States senator and one of the exercises on Broad street, und Slate 

most sterling men of that body. Senator island in the harbor. 

Platt was a peer und comrade of our la-I The object of the association 

mented Senator Hoar and like him a man I young men to ideal lives by physical and 

who leaves a large void at the head of the 
li*t of statesmen. 

I intellectual culture, for which all of the 

There were thirty voices in the chorus j 
and all presented a very pleasing appear¬ 
ance with their old fashioned costume*. ( 
The old, old songs were stirring one*. ( 
and the audience showed their liking and 
appreciation «»f tlieip by much applause, j 
Ail orchestra of eight pieces, added con¬ 
siderably to tin* enjoyment of those pre*- 
cut The net proceeds were satisfactory 

has Ih-cu a.iccc-asfiilly vacclnatwl, ..nk-aa J" ,rr " ll “ S "'"' K ‘“ 

in case of a scholar, he or she Is legally ^ 





, y |VK l*OlTI.TW¥ WANTKII. Will hiiy 

exempt. Jj any immlH-r uf liiultliy licna, ilurk*, jcwi-c «»r 

Beg. It!. No person shall be allowed * hi. kin* of any *i/<-••ibm'l. s*itii*« l>* •>* 

* .... I Will *)H|i|*lv i xlru Hill* Hurrcil Buck i-gg- fi»» I'-it* h 

to v isit any place In lids town where a mm.. I'.iitli** wl... »m m-t ili.-in fnr im.' iiu i in. 

-■aac -if ainuU|Hix is know tu .'' 1 st, will.- j'jJJ; J. , i“!V I, 'a |i,,ViA'l > w!VT lIJiniriraYi.'i?<>'.‘ i.-"' 

out » written pi-rintl from tl.e llonr.l of « 2 ,'So,uli WVymniiili. .... 

Iliraltli, or l.y tl.e physician rpo i.r.T. a - ■,.to.. t>.lar 

in ch.r B e, ami tlu-n not ....less llu-y have 

hud the disease, or show satisfactory evl- spratfue, wtv.lur Hin i t. 
ilence of successful vaccination «>r re- rpo Tennni'iii over■-tore of 
vaccination of rcct-nt .hue L 

holdings are admirably adapted and will I an*I were for the repair of the 

Next Monday the state cnumciators 
begin tin 1 work of compiling the vital 
statistics of the state. Weymouth is 
still on tiic map ami while it has not 
grow ii us rapidly us w c might have wished, 
let us hope that the enumerators will llnd 
some encouraging tilings and what wc 
say of the state census wc might also say 
of our assessors. * The pencils of the as- 
sessors have been sharpened ami they 

be suitably equipped 

Grape island will undoubtedly lake on a 
new life a* the young men lisc ll for their 
summer vacations uu.l outings 

All Soul* Church. 

organ A light lunch was served to the 
performers lu the vestry after the concert 
Fouls Vernon 1‘renliss has purchased j 
:i building lot on Columbus avenue of the j 
Weymouth Lund Co Work lias already 
[ been commenced upon the house which 


“ Hunt’s News Room." | “ Hunt’s News Room.' 

raxo A ruling!' oil l'filar Stieel, Kant 

X. Weymouth, six room*, luree paiiliy ami 
liUMCinent all ill good repair. Apply to Sii»:iii J. 
Sprague, V2 (V.lar Street. •’ I* 

rpo I.ET. Tenement over -tore of K. W. limit, | 
±. W'ii*hihgtoiiS 4 |mirr,containing il\. g.M..I *i/. .| 
room*, in*wly papered and miint*'.l, large panlrviin.l 

Fnslerlck B (irillln, minister of vv ill probably be completed about June l*t 

All Souls church, Braintree, will preach 

The North Weymouth base hall team | 

In the new church next Sunday morning will giv. 

I'.ugine ball next 1 

al |o lit) sharp- Sunday school to follow 
at 11.45 The llrst session of the kinder- 

will 1»- B iu ll.elr work oil Monday audit ifarlvu vla.» will im-t-t ut loin., and par- 
... llu-y too will llnd a train which >•»» H.lldrcii will, tlda 

Krl-la. I .v'.dun, May I. 'I'l.v |.rovi-nla 
will ;-u towards i.ayiim llu- running | 
pv'list's of (lu- 1 ,-mti Tin 1 l.oya lull I' 


The llourd of Health hereby 1 i.ath, with go.Nl attic 

adjudges that the deposit of sputum in Appi> i<» K. w. tin u. 
public places is a nuisance, source of tilth \\ SSToi*uSSt£ Vi 

ami cause of sickness, and it is hereby A.hln—, Fort l’oint Hotel, North Weymouth. IT* 

“Ordered tiiat spitting upon the floor, xirAXTi:i). fapahle girl for general I.. 

platform or Slvpa of any railroad or rail- W,., j;;' s V‘"° K rit. K'n., Kilt, si 

way station, car, public building, hull, Weymouth. 

church, theatre, market, or any sidewalk wvr’ANTKlN* a man ot fainiiv HetimiiiiUMl in 
immuiiau.-iy counuctc-d wi.i. said p.d.iic ‘CmVI-- 

building he ami hereby is prohibited.” Weymouth or a Pearl Street, Quincy. --HI 

All complaints ill rclatlou to nuisuuccs - w TAWTKI*, Imliwtrion-. mail *T woman a- 
and Hourct-a of .till., Injurloua to tl.o pul.- W 

lie health and safety, must be made in ronniv »ml aJiolniiig territory. fiu»lu««*> an. < . **• 
wrltlnn to ll„- Hoard of lleoltl,. with a 'siVilyp'Jidi“ 

(ittM-rtpiiuu..fluid uuiauuv,' and of tim yr;;-*, 

snUulile for -mall family. 

2 If 

*117 ANTED. A farm of from 4 to lu acre* 
VV within •Veen! fare of llrailitiei- or Quin. x. 
A.ldr. *», Fort Point Hotel, North Weymouth. 4 -'* 

AXTi:n. fapahle girl for general lion- 
work (III* wuhIiiuk). |’lea*e apply ill l 

W ANTED, fapahle 
work (no w uHliiug) 
evening to Mr*. K. II. Ncvi 

Plea**' apply in the 
:.W Mailt St.. S.-illli 

w ill keep llic tux rut* 
bou lids 

within reasonable 

cuts can leave their children with till* rented for the season, the Held »*ff»»f <’•>- 
class and attend church The second ltiudms avenue, owned by Simon Dclorcy 

During next week we offer: 

-S' /' Pb'. lUNI'E XI) /.’ .V T 

session of the kindergarten class will 1 
at 11 45. 

All are cordially invited to tills scrvic 

The school committee held a spiciul 
meeting Monday cveulug and electctl A 
A Badger of Wulpitle superintendent of 
schools in place of John (' Anthony, re¬ 
signed, by a unanimous vote and at a 
salary of $1S00 u year 

Mr. Badger is 41 years old aud u gradu¬ 
ate of tlic Main Stutc Normal school und 
of Bowdoln college. He lias been for 
several years superintendent of schools 
In the towns of Walpole und Mcdlleld 
Ids salary there lias been $lstH), but the 
committee at a meeting held last Saturday 
afternoon, voted to increase It to $ 2 .ooo, 
but he declined to reiuuiu as lie wishes to 
gci into a larger Held. 

Nulbtr (.*■)'« Appeal lo Woiurii. 

If you have pain* lit tin ha. k. t'liliuiv, lllaihler "i 
ki.luey trollhle, all -1 a il.l -. icitaill ph il- .lil helh lor women'- » 11 «. o» M*'thei *•'•*''• 

Au, ", [•»"' - % jj*. 1 ""* |I gul-il.n . X' Di.iggfU-'-i 1“ in;.. I -«• • * - 
S.iiuph package I'ltl.l. \««••». tl.e Molhei 
Uny fo., Feltoy, N. Y. M 6 


Pure Food Association Opening 
People's Eyes, 


The country i» voukiI over the impotitiun « ' 
bem| obliged t*> bring into tlieir liumrt aitiilf* *•! 
focKl tilled with delete*mu* Mlbataticcs or altogether 

Obituary Michael Hart. 

Michael Hart, an old and highly cs- Will \0U Use lUipilT^ HtttOrlBk* 
teemed resident of this town, died at ids lillH KUlllIIUT, 

home, 12 Hurt avenue, Friday morning of 

last wc k. Mr Hart was born In County Wh « , VvlPHI’lH lire lilt* 

fork, Ireland, Dec 4, 1834, and came to ™ neD rWJh KUr " U " 1,11 

this county when a boy. The early part Trulls 111 Liquid Turin? 
of his life w as spent with his two broth* — 

ers, the late John W ami Domiuick A The country u arouved over the i 
Hart, shoe manufacturers of thlstow u being obliged to bring into their Immc 
The past eighteen years he w as employed food tilled with delete*mu* substances 
.. Cuxtom Ilou.u oltldtl Mr Hart i.i.iuuon. d Uie n»tur,l pmJucU 
wu- intrrlL'il la Miri, I. Moran Nov «, T>.« eoampta u U’ro(. Wile, .. «- 

, Flv cUlMn-u .urvlvi' 1.1... Hr b ”" 1 ^ " I.. I-..IU-I Stair, -rrvlrr iu l - F. lav, 

•rd Begt Mass , Heavy Artillery \ols., and milk. The day ot mutat 

July HI. Itfftf, to serve three years and j.^uaci, ,» .oing by. Foss' Pure l x 
wa» houoraoly discharged Sept 1 *. 1 st'.-'* titcy arc simply the natural fruit* ii 
by riasou of the close of the war He a» c bcu»>; .-idered exclusively b> such 
did garrison duty In the defenses of Mi*. D A. Lincoln, author ot the 
Washington, i> C The duties this Book, and u»sd is such tcnipalous lot 
real UK. a wu» ..Ill'll upo# lo |.trforu. Xw. Wulinjia, ll. 

ui [ i,,uii f 

won mud. .-rum for llidr .oldlerl) >|Uall- , u ^ , |otc| AkJiilIi Sl . A i,, u „me 
llw awl B #BU#iua*l)' conducl «•i-.:- Muuoi.Pla.. lid. < 

The funeral took place Monday morn- n,i 
iug at ten o’clock at the Church r*f the M .re liavoiuif .» naturally u»c 

II lie and already games have been arranged 
with other teams. 

nice. -.'J’he Ladies' elrelo will hold an all 
day iiiei'tlng on Wednesday May 3rd, at 
1,1 the chapel 

1' 1 Vo'iV. -Mr- lli'i'bd't It. Tlbbt-llH is vlallnm 
' "tin* r ‘‘ lu M v,s bi Worcester. 

I!., iv -Mr*. Joseph Bodolph \ islted relatives 

jj 1 "' 1 at tloucord Junction last week. 

—The Ladles’circle of I'llgrlm church 
rW held Its regular session Wednesday after- 

t il noon ami evening Supper was served 

n. «i 

a —The Matinee wldst dub celebrated 
its llrst gentleman’s night Wednesday 
I [lino; cveulug ut the home of Mrs. J II I’ratt 
Bat*-* und Humphrey served refreshments 
Peter W New comb, a retired Boston J 
policeman, has rented the vacant tenc- 
meut of Chester 11. Stoddard ou l.lncoln J 
INFUL street, and will move Ills family here lid* 


-The Century club will hold it* regti- 
lur meeting In Pilgrim church vestry next | 
ip.nir TrU»y OVUBIB*. 

urtim \ now tool house lias Imen built In 1 

the local cemetery 

John Wolfe lias purchased u new ^ 
. molor boat 

U * McCord Clark 

? \ p ret tv wedding l«»**k place at the 

home of Mi and Mrs 1. -I Peterson si 
, high uoon last Saturdav wlien Miss Auuu 

_(!... f • l.I_ v ill,..,..> Ih.- 

An Attractive 

Assortment of Gandies. 


in Full l*ack il 3 lb Can, also 

Souvenir Post Cards 

of Weymouth. 

4--NEW Subjects This Week-4. 

I Daffodil 

4k HunV* Jfcw* Hoorn, ’’ 

W ANTED- A man <>! family uciuaiiil.'.l iu 
Wuymoulli, to wmk mi the n.l..rli " pump 
for rl.'iiiiiog vault* and ivaapo.iN. A.ldir*- It**' 
Wey iimutli or ft Pearl Street, Quiue). -- ti 



oat Weymoutli. 

I ii.IiimI riou- 111:111 

permanent representative of lug manufa«T 
- eomiiany, t.» f.M.fc after it- buuliie** m tin- 



Maple Sugar 18c. lb. I MAINE STYLE CORN 

Creamy. Succulent and of 

A CDFFEE at 23c. lb. THREE mi F011 ' QU * RTER - 

premises on which it exists, with the 
owner's name, if known to the coinplaln- 
unt- Snell complaints mnsl bear the sig¬ 
nature of tlie eomplainant and will Ite 
eonsldertsl a* confidential if so desired by 

Gordon Willis, 
Gkoiiok L. Nf.w ton, 

• BottKitr McIntosh, 

Kuwaiti) W- Hi nt, 
Buadfoud Hawks. 

Board «)f Health of Weymoutli. 

Catmn lll.N'k, i lilengo. 

W ANT El*. People to snow that ttco»lnmilv 
'26 ceuts to make known their want** In tin* 


Greatly superior to many ad¬ 
vertised brands at 35 c. lb. THE 
TEST and proof of tins state¬ 
ment ij found IN THK CUP. 
Order at least one pound lor 
trial and prove it. 

Specials In Wlnos. 


The duty imposed upon every mint who buys groceries for 
himself and family is to get quality. Huy uot counterfeit. 

The difference in price is insignilleant when health is at stake, 
lu fact we never make the least difference in price over others 
who do not sell the best. 

(),„• principU-H compel iih to si'll tl.e very ln'-t ipialily hi'ck-i-i'.i'h 
for till- ssime :i» (lu- poorer kintlH lire holil flm-wlicrc. 



La Manuela Sherry 89c WANTED. 

A Fine N ttural Spanish Wine, 
formerly $ 1 . 50 . 

I Jl l’ll.s ili -iiiug iu-tru.-tioii upon any baml * 
f. lu -tial tii-trum.'iit. Tliri't- !.••»<•».* w. rklv. 
--ii Mon.lay, Wt'.lur.tlay ami Fri«lay, upoii tli.' piaim -til win.I or in-truuu iit-. Want -* *u 8 
umri' in.'inhrr* furtlivm-w bund; *A l*a—. * iall.v .!, (' XSTKI.H'tVl OMF.U'*, 0 «>tf “no. 

St., i-r 7HI llroad Sl,, Ka.t Weyiamitl*. 1 1*4 

Delicious American Peas 


c cV Orange Ritters 47c 

Just us good aa the Imported. 

Gilby's Plymouth Gin 83c 

People are Beginning to find 
out llic fact that I am selling 

Bates Sl Humphrey, 

Choice Groceries, Flours, Teas, Coffees, SpicesJ 

Central Fqaaro, WEYMOUTH OBNTHR. 


Good Pianos at Very Low Prices. 


Fur Cocktails Hickeya. etc. 
Sold everywhere at $ 1 . 00 . 


Reason why? 
expense for 
This week 1 

Hardly any 
selling them, 
am offering: 





The example of Prof. Wiley at Wad* < tn. I*.*- I 
been followed by Boardi cl Health m ..M the ptin- 
ci|*al citiex. 

1 he people aie determined to have pure bultrr, 
q*icc» and milk. The day of imitated FUvarlnR 
LxtrecU 1* going by. Foss' Fare Extracts because 

Hat.*( lark .*f 1 ids village Imcuiiic lb»* 1 
bride **f Mr tiorge Ivlwiu McConl of ' 
Pldladflpli a The ccrcrirtuv was per I 
foimi'd in Hi. I(« \ riuuiia* H YlncuOt 
of I'ilgiim ' tiuicli iu tin presence *»f u 
few lutiuui-. frleuds uml relatives Th*' ' 
jiotiae was >. a itifully <l.corate*l w ith [ 
palm?*, l.'rti* und l.uslt-r lilies- ami u wotl- 
ding breakfast wu•» ~. rv««4 by Hates and 
II iiuphjvv . atn. i- Mi anil Mrs Me- 1 
Cord l. f! f"t .111 «• xt«-t»«led Wrddlllg tour | 

ti*cy arc simply the natural fruit» in 1 , .d Mm I aiu |,j ib<- r.*ngi ut uIuiumi* and guo.l W Is iti 

uf the war He arc bciog ordarad exclusively by such autlmritie* a» 
the dtffvoaca of Mi*. L> A. Lincoln, autl»or oi tlve Ho»t-.n ( - 

Th,- duties till* Hook, and u*ed in such kiujaiIous kiuhen* av th->*■ 

1 pun to perform *•«“■'* Wul»«l*w- 

.. . N. II.. 'I l-c Nr, K-yi-iui-d, l -u-fcn,, t,.. V\ei.t- 

“ 1 ‘ ^ -wtl, IUII,J«kM»,N..l..llotaO,0lu<,, Ormo..l. 

4 'mM. tl ft lends 


the \buyk are away ahead oe 


Real Estate 

tone; u firat-claaa Instrument Cost 
9450: price, $175; tell dollars dowu 
ami live dollar* a month. 

1IKNKY F SCjl ABK A large, 
powerful plan.* Worth $100: price, 


Vi IKK w SON'S SIp'ABK Light rose- 
w ood ease: a very liamlMome piano, 
hinallcr than tlie Miller, but lias a 
very sweet, musical tone 

Palli.l, B*V Tirrt. 

I Inb.ii rout s|,,i,|„ ai,J 



SEEDS .mi Bt 1 tvs 


Best Food for House Plant* 




rMJArxiK'r' HI AMTIkir. FTP f 



W. K. C. Notes. 

Ida., Hotel ARa/ur, Sl. AugUttin*, Ida., lie'.*: tli|IUb*'l • f W 1! (' ludu s llict 111 (* 
R. ya'. Palm. Muun.Fla , Hotel C.-Ionia'. Nassau. H hall I" "•Iiipli t.- a quilt for the U 

11 ■ I.. 11 1.1 M 1 v III 1 1 II - I 


More Slav or mg i> naturally u*cd a* *uiunier 

Sacred Heart. 

High Mas.* of I curuot on than al other time* uf tlie year, and t 

Biquicm was celebrated. ltev J J- 
Murphy was celebraut, ltev. Joseph Law- 
h *i« of CoUttsset deacon, ltev J A Coin 
«*f i^uluey aulHjeacou, uud ltev Frank 
Hart uf Dorchester, master of ceremonies 
The ushers were Juliu F i'rolty uud 

in-; text* tike dehiacy and fctren^tli "I an extra ’. 
like cream, t anrlla 1* the queen of all rtavor*. and , andidu 
show* to the bc*t advantage in wluppcxt ucain- tlou giv 
It take* unt year to make Fo**’ Pure Extract ol al 1 W B> 

Women ¥*l*.» have ju*t begun the u*e of Fo— # 
Extract* arc delighted at tl*< do»uty flaVurin -m 

on tin ... April 2Tth u U'XMily 

tiumb.i of W 1J ( ladies met ill (I A 
B ball to 1 .unpli t« u quilt for the W I.’ 1 
• fulr to >»« gi \«11 Mat b>. II, and 1*2 1 
In tlir . viiilii-' tlit- regular business meet- 1 
lug «»f l otp- 1 -2 was ItcM with a large 
attendant. Work for Memorial Day ( 

was laid out g.I 1 .'polls read, two new 

. andidttles balloted f-*r and one uppliea- I 
tloo given ou<. ' h«i- sliuwoig pr»*grcss in I 



Tin* pianos ore in (lial-eln»a 
condition. Come uml aee 


194 Bovlston Street, BOSTON, MASS. 

Ciaeniiiltk tf Misuckiuttr. LOUIS Wi NASH* 

KOI.k. its. l'u-.uxrx Col ur. 7 

NOUFOLk, S>. Pu.>B*ra C’ot ur. 

rgV* Ih.- hi-lr» .il I.iw. next km. - o.lltor- and all r |" i*on» -ut. >. -i. <1 m ll-- ■ -lai- nf 

l(l( 11AUD V. M F IU’HAN'T, 

XX, \ 111 -MilI. ill -aid t .Mint), dc.'i ao d, inlc-l 

22 Coineiciil Street, Weymouth. 



I 1 1 auk l.ouergau 1 ire b**arers were Joliu | j arted tv iitcii de*»eit* and surprised that the 


o'Hrieu of Kuxbury, William McA’arthy ter of fUvuftsu aboald make »<* great a diit. ro. . 
of City Point, Paliit k ('olerau of tills in the |«latablencs» of their cu..king 
town uud Joliu Fetiuell, Ciittiies Spear FOSS’ Pl’KE EX l’KA( 1S uf \ andla, lam- 
.lid Oliver llouglrtoti of Post 5v 4. A B -nd Orange. 

..r w 1.1,1, Mr. Hurl « UU- iucuiIht »’.c, wkc, wdl-c. a«>. .|- 

, , . , , . , to yuur cxpcctalkm* vlien 1 ‘uxx Extract* aie i.*eJ 

I their burial service* were parfortued ' ....... . „ . . 

All giovct* sell r ..»> Pure Extract* »u ‘ .. 

at the grave, Bev Frauk H (Tessey 
oilleUtiug 'Flu* iulermetd w a* ut Sl 
Fruuci Xavier cemetery 

All grocci* sell Fo*»‘Pure E.xtracts tu 'lumo, 
W*1 last mi, II. am tree, We>n*uuUi, I Weymouth 
f< nil. Wryu.outli, Allantf anJ N*»i (-»1 k D'*sn 
IM 19 

Hereine We lake lb:* oeea-iuti to exteud our 
lhank- to those win* have lui'll s»* kind l«* | 
. fl us iti our recent bi-ieaveuient j 
’ '* The bereavement Is severe but it has ( 
In eti lightened bv a«d.- «*f kiuduess and 
“B words of syuipulhv ld.e ready bauds, 
ue i--ed. ^jud Wolds Ulld fiagiatll Bowel's Will •••' 
tju.iK), remctlllurtMl uud vve thank one aud all !“l 
> mouth them 

Mu- Maiiu L lUvr. 

w .3 aud faruily 

Cooman & Hall Ca 

UTmpi k 


When a*, u |« lit tor. ha- lau » |-n ».i.l< >1 tu -aid 
* -nit t» grant a l- ltei <>t idru.m-lrali.-n .>o the r-l.tle 
"I -aid d. • . u>. d, li.'t all.'ad. admillist. led, !•> Mlll.d 
P. «.arejf id W'ev luuulh, i-i to •<.ii.i olh. i -Ultatde 

You ate In i. l.v • lied I,. ..l> 1 .. al al a Pl.d-at. * oUlt 
1 I-.' held al, .11 >*ld I - - Ulll X of N«, .-ll 

' •< *« i.U< ull. day »>l May, A.D. ISUft, at tell o', l.- k 

Hi. l.-i. i.iHiit, to-lios • au-< . it any > uu l.av*, w l.y 
- .lur •liould not he IjniituL 
Aud ll.. prltUumr •» In n I J d.u el. d to give |*uh- 
r*"ti. « il.en..(l.y |iuhli*hiug ilu- . ilalion oil. • iu 
• < a. • k, It -r tin.» ku.<e--b< m the Wey 

" ,u,,u '. .Mil , ■* I.I*M *|>a|.« r I'Uhl.-hed ill XV, > 
moult), ll.r l.,«i |>utili- alioii lo be on. day al least 
1 " od I’oitrl. 

We .lain. - 11 . Fillit, F-julre, Judg. •( -aid 
• • -u 11 . 11 ..• ta. lilt , 1 * 1 ), J.n ui A|>lll, m lio *eai 

‘ * ... ,i, | i,11,, l,ai„||, ,| .,i,d n<, . 

JllHN 1*. ( Obit. Keg.-I.r, 



Plumbing and Heating Co. 

Ginghami, Percales. Chambrayi. White 
Goods for shirt waists, Domestic 
Wrappers, etc., etc. 

- XktkK xHIJIXk. i ..I -.ov.n «hn 

. 11)1 III- W -ll tiOUlU I. wiu »ul a.king ..lid I. 
. a*. > ti.o*. all. ad.) -hruitk. 


Plumbing, Steam Heating, 
Tin and Copper Roofing. 

Telephone, B30 Otfo 

•W Earl] 

Th# tamuu# I 

f Risers 

IU# pil|-. 

C. A. RICE & CO. lartre or mu:. II eoiilrucl# m.H elled. 

All kiiuli or Jobbing Proiuiitly atteude.l lu. 

Hlo\and Furuuc 1 - lt«-|»uiriiiK- 

Irlr^liour I 

Commercial St . WFVMUUTH. 


East Weymouth] 

Hew Waist Sets. 

Wf.ymouth and 


Willi the approach of w armer weaiher 
11,,. x , (!«• nf i In* -flirt walM *et l* raphllv 
tnerea'lmr We arc dlaplavlniz some of , 
ihe daintiest style* now that have ever 
Ihi*ii allow n here 

\\ lta\• an unusually attractive show¬ 
ing nNo "f Women'* loh* (be 
S|MM<»NS nisKi In holli ilhliot) and 
• ham Mvb*!*. that are worth looking :»t 



When you put away your 



A. D. Wilbur, 

Wfishington St., 

/ Have a very nice "Sen Shore'' Cottage. 
I'URNISHEI), for rent. Sat) per month : 7 
minutes from I*. <>.; an elegant walk to 
" Old Ocean." II. WALKER PRATT. 

No Place Like Home. 

J iim t.. in- n I tIn- li->i''i- !>■>•' H» Hi. ..f Miliiibli. “i.|('i U"" Bl.o 

If (here i* oni. iiiliiii mu ilo. il la In pla. i In fm.. mu fur hispid loll Ihelln* -l " f 

Have You Ordered Your 

Housefurnishings and Furniture 

In ilil. n-cllon Ilf tin. sinii 1 There's .. specially. nml wo ,l "" 1 

I,..I ilghl. from knowlclge "f mnli-i Ini nml prices, nn.l give <>ur "'•‘I"""' 1 

■ ill II \V< 
lln- benefit 

Red Top and White Clover, Tlmolh». 


Wa.hlnQlon Square, 
| Weymouth. ^ 

Ranges and Refrigerators. 


Complete House Furnisher. 

ti-'.i.K i'iiosvi'' «o.vtr.nio'. 




— Mr- Catherine Tracy of Ke-lth street | Ql a |U|/ PTQ 

ha* horn the guest of Ml-- I.e-nA •' Brlen D*^l***™ ■ ^ 

of Koxbnry. _ Wl-2 

—Mrs. M B Sanborn of Chelsea ha- - 

been visiting Mr and Mrs I! F 1 *"7 Moth Balls, Jar 

Mr. William II <’lap|i ami Mina _ . Oa>« 

Mill, Hum ham Iwn ih« *m*t« of Coal Oil Camphor, CSC In Hivirly T\T SHTISFRCTORY 

—Thomas Kllman ha- moved from 
Kut Bralntre-e* to the* tenement over A 

IkflI ITU 

Frederick Canfield of Broke! street Ei T I il 

has been visiting relatives In Wlnthrop ■ R r I 

—W Edward Gutterson la home from ,n wflC on 

Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania, much Buy of us and ssve your faro to Boston. 

Improved In heftKh 

Patrolman Amoa.T l.orlng Is almut 

again after an attack of rheumatic fever. __ • . - 

Misses K<liin. Marlon ami Kelllh llarl HdVC ■ OU ^Jl^ClOrO 
of Brighton Seminary an* spending their # 

vacation with their father Louis .1 Mart 
—The* Active Veteran Firemen's nano- 111 U 

elation have hail a handsome sign placed \^IJI 111^^ 

over the entrance to their heidt|daur.« 

m Lincoln ..iiini•* Il l» Ins. rllicl If y.m have mil, now Is * K-»«l llm» \ 

. .i w »• i• . Doineslie Woedens, which have Just arrl 

Active, » \ r.A plates and my prices will please. 

—Mrs. Della Caulfield of Broad stree t , • • r*. — ... u», 

...» . Ladies and Genta Garments Ret 

has bee'll entertaining her I'ousin \\ illlaiu 

t'amplH'll of Hast Boston — * 

—The many friends of claim agent n» bU|«»q| Cl I Bfl 

.lohn Kelley of the Old Colony street ** riMMai ot. t |p B |f| t If 

railway, are pleased to see him abeml ^^^^— 

again after unde rgoing an operation per* .. 

forinc .1 * .hurl .tin, ago hy 1 , 1 . Ur The W«- «lcl,l. . h, 

•liil.n T K.ll.y nf llrhlK.-vu.liT n„,l Hr. nu.,, 1.1 from ">.• . 

.mini.* ,»f It...inn. 1110 ,,f ‘ l,n " 1 , ‘ "*'7 

—M... A,ml.- I’' nf Kl... aveu.m" rocolvf.! . hml cut .... I 

has II...... ri.l.Tlnlnlim lln- Ml..... >'-»>! l» ln« "truck l.y « !»'»'>' I" 

nf li.ul.urv. which f.-ll from the roof. 

--I.oul. F. list.-. I. In rcmntlcl the -C. Sumner V.ntnn utel III Hi 
building In Washington square at pre s, week with an attack of the gt P- 
ent occupied l.y K. II Krury .ml whirl. Smelt u.lleer ««*... «n.l l u.mlur 

..... purehft.e.l hr Mr. llule. .hurt ..W.luh .rrc.trvl live men . .in 

» K n, nml when the ollerullnn. are nun- hnnr Tne.vlay umrnlj.ll fur .-.telling in 

|.letc.l lie will nmve 1,1. hnnlMn. ."I •"» "'« '■ ll ' t,r 

. the District court four of them we 

—Ml.. Klla llelnrey nf Klllnl .ireet lei. 11111,11 # :1 " melt .ml the other ?l 
been vl.lllng her .i.ler, Mr. Amlrew -Clinton No.!. I. nut ,«.!« .fu r l.el 
Cn.hliiK at Kverelt. coofln.-vt to the hon« by Mine... 

-George Kelley, . .Imlent .1 Wllll.nm —Oh.rloH llny.leu hM been .Ir.vvn 




Japanese Camphor, 
Cedar Lavender, 


Trousers To Order, $4.50. 

Weymouth Pharmacy, 

In the Brick Building. 





orfcHEtl FOU 

Ice Cream Soda 


Ice Cream. 

We shall spare no pains to aehl to the 
goewl reputation we have established for 
excellent Ire cream ami soils and yon will 
not lie disappointed If you buy them here. 

Spring Suit or Overcoat ? 

between Main nml Front streets ami In¬ 
tend to embellish the -nine by ln\iiu, out 
flower beds, planting shrubbery, etc 
| Hook A Ladder No 7 will hold their 
regular monthly imsdlng Tuesday of next 

llenrv F Heisl removed today from 


If yon have not, now is a giwsl time to look at my Spring Samples of Foreign ami Tower avenue to a house near the Brain 
Doineslie Woolens, which have Just arrived I have the latest Mltehells fashion j rw , gigtlon lltcly purchased by him 
plates and my prices will please. —Mrs. Alvah Raymond who has beer 

Ladies' and Gents' Garments Repaired, Cleansed, Pressed and Dyed. confined to her home by illness for tin 

24 PlnuM St., 


Til.- Iiltv.v whir l. I. "Up|Kiscil to 
ntugl.i from Hu’ chimney ill.I .limiugc to 
the amount of .bout fl'i. Chief K t> rcccivcrl a hail cut on the 
I.....I by iH'lug .truck by n heavy pall 
which f. ll from lire roof 
—C. Sunnier Vinton ha. been 111 till, 
week vv 111. an attack of the grip. 

Smelt Officer l.ugaii anil Patrolman 
,1 ot.u Walali arrcatcrl live men at an early 
hour Tuc.lay morning for etching an,I 
having .melt. In their posaeaslnn. In 

party at Pythian ball Thla will .'final.t 
of a .upper, .m-lal an.I tlam-c, .upper 
being aervnl at .i :lo p. in. 

- Il.c rhiK’olaU 1 . are worth ,Mlc lb. al 
Hie Weymouth Pharmacy 

Mr.. Alvah Itaymon.l who l.a. Iiecn Oeorg.. 
and Oyed. eonilm.l to her home hy lllncaa for tl.e tl „ 

pa.t week I. ahle to Im> about ngnln liorn l-. lgh 

c,,| h uu ||Bla u —Ml.. K.lher Klwell of llrailfonl Ml.a t 
Oflll mjmltll Bns nt home for the annual ,|,c memhei 

aprlng vacation elnb at her 

—Ml.. II. W llarnea l.a. tlckrta for llnv ,. V( . n |„ 
Thla will eonalal t |„, yy H. C. fair on .ale al her .tore In allowed thi 
ml dame, .upper . 

Columbian aquare the llr.t prl 

worlli MIC III at — Frank K I.oud of M II l.ond * Co., the .I'.ond 
... l.a. taken the agency for the old Middle ,,y the hint 

removed loony irom Mr. I.cllc Ix.verbig of I,..well ha. 
Iiou.e near the llraln- l„rn I he ri.-em gue.t of Ml.. Ilelenh II 
ur. ha.ed hy him Tlrrell of Middle .tree! 

lymond who h». I.'.n ii,.„rg.. Hale, of I.afayelto nventic 

mo by Illness for tin* j lf ,„ | MM .„ enter lain In g Ids niece, Miss 
0 be almut again Dora !<etgtltonof I’oi ilaml, Maine. 

Klwell «»f Bradford p| or enee Hobart eiitertainisl 

holin' for lln* annual tiie nieinbers of the Fnturday Night whist 
dub al her home on lllll street Iasi Hatur- 
irnes has llek« , ls for ,| nv evening The result of the game 
n sale al her store In showed that Mrs F U Hobart had won 
the first prize nml Mrs Clayton Merchant 
of M B Loud <& Co., i| u , second Refreshments were served 

club were delightfully mlerialned ln.-t 
evening bv Miss Lillian Bice nt her home 
on Middle street. Tim highest score for 
the evening was made by Ml.-s Helena B. 
Tlrrell Be fresh in eii Is wore served dur¬ 
ing the e\cuing The club will observe 
gentlemen's night at the home of Mrs .1 
II l.lbby next Thursday evening. 

Sons of Veterans auxiliary held a 
very successful dancing parly at Masonic 
ball last evening, about forty couples 
being present Dr Bates, piano, nml 
.lame- Norton, violin, furnished excellent 
music for dancing which was enjoyed 
from eight until ten o’clock During the 
Intermission lee cream and cake were 

Methodiit Episcopal Churoh Notea. 

The Faster sen lees were especially 

-lee cream and college lees are dell* I Company. 

cions nt the Weymouth rharmacy 

• -lee cream by the pint or quart nt the 
Weymouth Pharmacy. 

-The Ladles' Auxiliary Div No. 2 , 
will hold a whist party nt Mrs Paul 
Dowd’s, Vine street, Thursday. May 4 
Miss Nellie Reagan of Quincy and 

—The annua! meeting of the Highland , H . r | l(Mno „„ ||| K |, 
cemetery association for election of dl ^j rs j* Merchant 

rectors and oilier legal business will In* rt serious op 

held In the rooms of tin* First National 
bank this evening 

—Chester Williams and family have 

by the hostess. Mrs. Fred Graves wilt Interesting this year, and large audiences 
entertain the club tomorrow evening nt "ere present both morning nml evening 
her home on High street The concert In the evening consisted of 

Mrs. K. K. Merchant, who recently readings, reel I nt Iona and songs by the 
underwent a serious operation nt Dr. children of the Sunday school, and the 
Cushing’s hospital, Forest Mils, Is choir repeated the music sung nt the 
slowly recovering morning service. The church wftk hoantl* 

Mr John Quintilian were married at I removed from Fast Weymouth to I y« k !st«*r< 1 ity mornlmc f«>r t!i«*lr ai«-\v field 

Cushing's hospital. Forest III Is, la choir repeated the music sung nt the 
slowly recovering morning service. The church w li hoantl*' 

Mr uml Mrs J. C. Anthony left town Hilly decorated for the occasion, the 

the District court four of them were Quincy Wednesday evening, the Rev. Fr. I Dyer house on Pleasant 9«Lrt-ot, r«»nnerly I ] a | >or nt Thomi»f*«>n*i« IhIbikI 

lined |I 30 each and the other £1 

confined to the house by Illness. 

Power, performing the ceremouv Ml.. | 1M| p, K rai.k llarne. 

I Itia Wnni.air .if llitg n nf ilia. I * 

, l(r -i n hiduif Idna Reagan of this place, a sister of the 
Clinton Nash Is out again after b.Ing ^ ^ l)rll , ail( , Mr ,. atrU . k 

Mrs. Ida liny ford of St 

Opportunity Circle of King's Daughters 
having charge of the same. 

The Sunday School has recently been 

Sheehan of Fast Weymouth was liest I occupy Ids summer home on Tower ave- p a ^ u «,f UiRerest road 

lluttolph of Boston "dl Brunswick, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. the recipient of a most valuable gift 

Saturday will H air list ckaacu ti 
sh tin deaoastratlaa it Hr Sin 
id tM llti-tlki, aovlug flown lw 
our window, Om't aiss It! 



720 Broil Stmt, East Wi|iiitk. 

3 ft lyr 

South Shore 

Annual Meeting. 

The Shareholders «»f the South Shore 

Hayden has been drawn to man. Mr. and Mrs. Quliinliun "III reside nue the coining wisk 

Ann F Bates very generously pro- Co-operative Bank, are notified to meet nt 

college, Is spending Ills vacation with Ids Hcrve 0,1 

the Jury at Dedham. 

parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kelley. ..v „ „ 

has a. 1 . 1 . g.iu.l ipiartcr-liack AVulcr. .if > oii»l<lcrliiK the inttuir uf ImllilltiB 

—TI..' Vlllag.' ComcU'ry aaaiwlallon I. 

i li.igc line of Mi'll'", 
isse.’ am! CliiMi'i'n's 

nml lhivs 

Jc«h of the new season. 







$3.50 Shoes. 

Up-to-Dnte Spring Styles. 

Russia Calf, Patent Corona Colt, 

Vlci Kid, French Enamel and Boi Call. 

(Jet a Cash Chuck nml wnteli our 
Windows the iiist six days of hitch 
Month for the dale L> got )'«"«’ money 

the Williams college foot ball team Mr. 
Waters comes from Ohio. 

—Mr and Mrs. Richard Smith of Boston 
have been visiting his parents, Mr. aud 
Mrs. Cornelius Smith of Sterling street. 

—The high bauk wall In front of the 
residence of Miss Kli/.ubcth Jordan fell 
Into the street a few nights ago. 

—Walter F. Sanborn has been on a 
business trip to Bangor, Maine. 

— A delegation from Nahuiiton Tribe of 

larger receiving tomb, the present one 
being too small. 

—John Hlckiicll lias mild Ids fust 2 M*foot 
launch the “SatelRc" to Dr. Middleton of 

—Tile public schools were closed Tues¬ 
day to enable the teachers to visit in 
other towns. 

at the corner of Webb aud Broad streets _Mrs Margaret Madden, who has been 
tills \ illage. spending the w inter with her sister III 

—The factory formerly occupied by the . .. ... . . „ , ... . „ 

I Champion Vrailing company mi Tremonl N,,r "' AWl, « 1 ”"' r, '" ,rn< "' l,, r 

street was sold at anetion Wislnesday to home on White street. 

Mrs. 1 . N .Colby and daughter May sente*! the school with books to the Boy al Arcanum Hall, 

—Mrs Margaret Madden, who has been i,.ft on Tuesday for a visit to relatives at nundier of twenty-two volumes for Its 
spending the winter with her sister In Warwick, Bliodc Island. library 

North Ablngton, has returned to her navld P Lincoln of Commercial i„ ir , lf ti... i«i b..«ni 

John IL Rhinos for $*».'*n. —Men are at work fixing up the grounds 

—Rev. Harry W. Kimball of South around the residence of Booker Wash- 
Wryniniilh will .'ichang.. pulplla with lnglon oll Main atrwt. 

Rev. Robert II. Cochrane of the Union , r , . . ... . „ 

diurrh 8,in,lay morning. -Shinny Cook of A ale la enjoying a 

—Itev. Frank 11 Creaacy. paator of the v»i «ll»n at l,l» home 

Weymouth Baptist church, has been In- —Theodore Ueed of Phillips Andover 

vlted by Ids sons to take an extended was at home for the Faster holidays. 

The Veteran Firemen will hold a European trip, entirely at their expense, 

It Ablngton, has returned to her i> n \l«l P Lincoln of Commercial 

o nil White street. street has moved to Maine where he Ims 

Men are at w ork fixing up the grounds | M , r( .|, ast .,| a farm 

nd the residence of Booker Wash- Mr. and Mrs. Horace R Drlnkwator 

mi on Main street. |,.ft town on Wednesday for a three 

Sidney Cook of Yale Is enjoying a w eeks'trip to Cuba 
k’s vacation at Ids home. William B. Webster Is making lm- 

Theodore Reed of Phillips Andover proveinents to the grounds surrounding 
at home for the Faster holidays. his homo on Broad street which when 

dance at Clapp's boll this evening. 

—George K. BlckueU goes tomorrow to 
attend a two days’ session of the Grand 

going ns far east as Coustnntinoph' and 
St. Petersburg. 

—Dr. Prl of the II. S. Navy who has completed will present a very nttraetlve 
been cm leave of absence and has lieen a , imu , aran ..., 

if Red Men paid u visit to the tribe in attend a two days'session of the Grand 
,,,,,0.1«v ot-otiimr Council of tlic lloyil Arcanuiil al Worees- 

Mllton list Wednesday evening 
—The members of the Active Veteran 
Firemen’s association held a well attended 
forty-live party at their headquarters Snt 
unlay evening. John Curran and Paul 
Dowd had the same number of points and 

— Miss Loretta Coyle has beeu spend- l, 

Ing a few days with relatives In Rockland. —Tin? fifty-sixth animal Min 

—The members of Ladles Auxiliary j M , Fogg’s t)|>era house 

No. 2 Division No. G, A. O. 11 , will hold ,j av evening, May 4 . Then 

' guest of Charles 11 . Ramsey for some 

months, left town on Wednesday and 

SOUTH WEYHOUTH sailed yesterday for the West Indies. 

—Miss Agnes Connor of the Morse 
— hospital, Natick, has been spending her 

—Tin? fifty-sixth animal May party w ill annual vacation with her brother, William 
! held at Fogg’s Opera house on Thurs- Connor at Ills home on Highland place, 
ly evening, May 4 . There will be a —Harry Merritt of Worcester spent 

house on Thurs- 
Thcre will be a 


Adams Building, * 

i» tn gel yoiu* money 



oii the cut Mr. Curran won. The second 
prize was won by Charles K. Bicknell. 
Another party "111 be held tomorrow 

—John C. Jackson who lias been spend- 

•eoiul a May party in Clapp’s hall Monday even- CO ncert from H to U o’clock with the fol- I the ICaster holidays with Ids parents, Mr 

Ing Iho winter la lloaton, has rntnrnnl H>l» place lo (J.ilncy, — -- 

l.. this town for the summer. ™ ol " s Mn, " lo . v cv ™!“* ll i n ' , 1 t ‘! llL ' r * ".?! 

-The regular monthly meeting of the »" S'"-'" 1 " 1,r,,vl,lctal ‘■^"•'Master Smith 
South Shore Co-operative hank « 111 he of Boston ami .lelcgatlous from Harvar .1 
belli next Monday evening. This Is also lodge of Cambridge, Am hor and Willow 

ing- lowing talent: Miss Annie Deane, con- and Mrs. Charles Merritt, Main street. 

—The members of Fore River lodge of tra ] to; kIhIo Bennett Willard, reader; —Wluton Loud Is tearing down the 

Odd Fellows Manchester IJulty aud who Stephen K. Pratt, baritone. Dancing house formerly owiled hy Fdward T 

recently movetl Its headquarters from from 11 to 1 o'clock; Mace Gay’s orchestra. Nolan on Main street, preparatory to a 

this place to Quincy, dedicated Its new —a grand testimonial dance and min- new residence. 

Iiavi.i . ■.inci.m o, lom.ucM u., A t a meeting of Hie ofilclal hoard Tucs- 
irovl has inuvnl lo Malm, wliurn hv has ,,„ v Mrs. Arllmr Cunningham, 

mr,'hast-.l a farm. Mrs .1 IJ <l.M>dspt.,sl and Mrs Wallaru 

Mr. and Mrs. 11 ,.rat,• II l'rlnkwalvr . ., vlsllmg 

,.fi town on Wednesday for a three c , n on famine*. U was 

,Ms*ks trip lo f.uha also voletl to enlarge the Hunday recep- 

William B. Webster Is making lm tjon n „ nn ,m, HV 

iroveincnta to the grounds siirrouiiding . , , 

„ , ,, , , Sunday evening service for those who 

iin home on Broad street which when * ", 

, , ,,, , ,, ,, i aunot attend ill the inorning 

’o’.nploteil will present a very attractive " 

appearance. The ladles' soelal circle held a largely | 

Lovell B. Bates lias BUlllelently re- attended meeting Wednesday afternoon. I 
covered from Ids recent severe Illness nt At the business session It was voted to 
the Newton hospital as to bo able to lie hold a rummage sale on May 8 and 1 *; 
almut, and has been spending the week in n ^ so to I* 0 ^ l heir annual fair on No- 
lown venibcr 15 and lfi. .Supper was served at 

Itinmul news from Wlacotmln an- d :in o'clovk In the arenlug from eight 
n.nmccH iho death of Itov. II. 1 *., until Inn o'clock a reception wax tendered 
one nf the heat known minister., of that Hev. and Mrs. llutlvr l.y the parishioners, 
slate. Hev. Mr. llaylett w ill be remem- thus showing their pleasure at tiller return hy many people of this place,having 1 ° hast Weymouth. 1 he vestry had 

Monday Evening, May 2, 

at 7.110 p. m , for the purpose of electing 
officers for the ensuing year. 

CHAS. G. JORDAN, Seo’yTreai. 
Weymouth, Man. 

this place to Quincy, dedicated Its new __a Kr aml testimonial dauec and iniii- new residence, 
rooms Monday evening and entertained show w ill be given on Wednesday — Elmer Thayer has broken i 

as guests Provincial Grand Master Smith (.yenliig, May 11 , at Fogg’s Opera house Ills new home on Main street, 
of Ilostou and delegations from Harvard f or the benefit of D. Wallace Vlning. P. Hobart has the contract, 
lodge of Cambridge, Anchor ami Willow Dancing from 10 to 1 o’clock : Deslaiiries’ —Bernard Burke has return* 
lodges of Brockton, ami Norwood bulge orchestra. business trip through Canada, 

of Norwood. The degree stall of liar- —The manager of the Norfolk base —Mrs. Christopher Tower i 

the annual meeting and officers w ill he 
elected for Hie ensuing year. 

—Charles Hayden has been appointed 
rare taker at the Village cemetery In 
place of Lyman C. Williams resigned. 

—Albert P. Worthen lias a new Stanley 
steam currlage. 

been a pastor of the Porter M. F. 

—The Opportunity Circle of King’i 

very prettily decorated for the occasion 
with potted plants, palms, ferns, rugs, 
nu’kers, etc., ami presented a very liome- 

llaughters held a well attended meeting like appearance. At eight o’clock the 

—Klmer Thayer Ims broken ground for at lI|e | lomc 0 f >| rH . Charles Joy, Middle programme for 1 
s new home on Main street. Thomas Monday evening, and among other a piano duet hy 

Hobart has the contract. business It was voted to hold a rummage W. Porter Pratt 

—Bernard Burke lias returned after a 8a i t . | n Gardner’s block on the afternoon a reading, “The 

programme for the evening opened with 
n piano duet hy Miss Fannie W Id ton and 
W Porter Pratt, which was followed by 

of Norwood. The degree slat!' of llar- 

Imslness trip through Canada. 

—Mrs. Christopher Tower is confined 

• worked tin? gold degree am] j, a u t,. am |, as engaged Phil Cullen to do I to her home by Illness. 

the start or Anchor bulge the blue degree. 
A banquet followed. 

the twirling aud Kd. Quinn the catching y n ion Church Notes. 

and evening of May 4 III. 

—Miss Georgia Cushing has been the 
recent guest of Miss Marlon Young of 

(George Ade) by Rev. Mr. Butler, ami 
In. singing hv a quartet!** composed of Miss 
of Litchfield, Miss Will ton, W. 11 Pratt and 
George A. Lincoln. At the conclusion of 

for the coming season. With this strong I »p|, 0 79th annual conference of the I —Mrs. Rose Thayer Thomas has lieen I Gils well-rceelvetl program, Mrs. Arthur 

—Last Saturday the altar hoys of the battery and good support they should laud churches of Norfolk county meets with entertaining Mrs. H. 1 > 
Church of the Sacred Heart won a double many a victory this year. Uic Union church next Tuesday morning this week. 

-Dr and Mrs. Bertram Dcxhclmer of header. Hi the morning they crossed l.ats 

m.”I “Hunt’s News Room.” 

Post Cards 


ijects This Week—4. 

JVewi h Room, ’’ 


A 7 oymoutli. 

Plants and Flowers 

Easter Lilies, $.20 and .25 per flower. 

Azaleas, .60 to 3.00 

Spiraeas, .25, .50, .75 

Rose Bushes 1 In flower ) .50, .75 

s, Hyacinths, Tulips, Geraniums, etc. 
at very low prices. 

Boston spent Sunday with Ids parents, wmi me naKtrs i-uruu i 
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Dexlielmer, Jr., of the score of 8 to 7 . In tl 
Walnut avenue. u,ul lloi,Wc ' ,la - v wns ma ‘ 1, 

—Hose Company No. J has elected the noon they defeated the 
follow Ing officers for the ensiilug year: by a score of lfi to'J. 
Captain, Wallace Bicknell: lieutenant, lhere will he a \ esp 

—Ou Siiuday Box 57 rung in for a 
woods fire In the rear of George Shaw’s 

with the Baker’s Corner nine ami won by W omls fire in the rear o 
tin? score of 8 to 7 . In this game u triple Iiodho, Randolph street, 
and double play was made. In the after- __ Mr ftni j Mrs. Archie Damuuof Main 
noon they defeated the Mt. Pleasants street visited relatives hi Plymouth oyr 
hy a score of lfi to fi. Sunday. 

—There will he a Vesper service at the —Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Sheridan have 

Uulon Congregational church next Sun- | ia ,| as m, L . 8 ts the past week Mm. Clara 
day evening, April doth at 7 o’clock Ihe '|« rav |H ami daughter, of Hyde Park, 
choir will he assisted by Percy F Baker, —The Fin-de-Sicclc whist club enjoyed 
vocalist and Charles L. Leavitt, violin seeing “lliimpty Dumpty” on last lliurs- 

Henry Phillips; clerk and treasurer, Franz Union Congregational church next Sun- 
IIviand; steward, Herbert Pray. Captain t,a >' evening, April doth ut 7 o'clock Ihe 
John S. Bacon who has held tin* position «*oir will he assisted by Percy F Baker, 


for several years declined a re-election. voeaiis 
—Mrs. W. L llayford of St. John ami soloist 
Mrs. A. W. Kmerson of llastlngs-on-tlie si, le ul 
Hudson arc visiting their sister, Mrs. T vltc«l. 
II. Kmersou. “ i,a 

i of Norfolk county meets with entertaining Mrs. H. D Carter of Boston Cnnulnghani, president of the ladles 
n church next Tuesday morning this week. clrcU '- 1,1 “ fcw appropriate remarks, pre- 

ilng. The program appears else- —Mrs. William C Prime ami children sented Ucv. and Mrs. Butler with a huge 
All are cordially welcome. The of Yonkers, New York are the guests of bouquet of pinks us a slight token of the 
address is to he made hy Dr. F. Mrs. Prime's mother, Mrs IL S Lovell high esteem In w hich they are belli hy 
ick of Hoxlairy. of Station avenue. H“-ir <’!*"rcl. people. Mr. Butler re- 

soloist. Arthur M Raymond will pre¬ 
side ut the organ. All are cordially In¬ 

—Safety Lodge No. ‘JO, N. K. O. P. 

day evening al the Colonial theatre. 

—Hose 4 will hold Its auiiiml supper to¬ 
morrow evening at the hose house. 

—Box 51 rung In ou Monday noon for 



—Kxerclses appropriate to Easier were I held a largely attended meeting 1 uesday a fire in the womls near the leu 

ORDIIR PARLY! Cull, write, or telephone. 

held at the Universalist church Sunday. 
A communion service preceded the regu¬ 
lar service and five united with the church. 
The pastor Rev. Melvin S. Nash preached 

and five new members were ad- 

house ou Randolph street. 

—Miss Mary Holbrook of L'ulou street 

Arthur Clark, 

Central Square, 
East Weymouth. 

i and live united with the church. Wcndull B Clapp Is improviug in | H confined to her home with grip 
r Rev. Melvin S. Nash preached health uml "III soon he aide lo attend —Mrs. Annie Roby died nt the Massa- 
Kaster Message.” There w as Water Board meetings and other busluess. cim^qty General hospital on Friday, April 

the Union church next Tuesday inorulug this week, 
rung in fora and evening. The program appears else- —Mrs. William ( 
eorge Shaw’s w |, ero . All are cordially welcome. The of Yonkers, New Yi 
closing address Is to he made hy Dr. F. Mrs. Prime’s motlie 
amuu of Main Herrick of Roxlfiry. of Station avenue. 

'lyiiuHitli oyr Mission Study class will meet at —(’apt. Nathan 

C.fio next Sunday evening nml consider been spending the 
Sh..rn,au liav.' u, e r.-llglous of .lapau. .langlil.T, Mrs. \\ 

r. < '" r ‘ Tta Club have arrange,I for Hev. r "" lrM, | " 1 ' 

, ; 1 ' ! ,rk - , W. .1 Scbolal of Hoaton to give hi* Ulus- 

t elul. enjoye., ,, .. Aw « y Down South In age, Is hale an,I hea 

an last Thura- |)Uk ,.. „„ Krll „ y M .y nth. -Afur a |>rolon 

llicatr.. The lcclure la Hluatralerl l.y Mo lantern •Hacune, John !• \V 

u.ial aupper to- mo , t „ f lhenl twautlfully coloresl. ... "‘K 1 * 

° 1 1,0,, “ , Il Will be given In the Union elmrcl. at 1:1 

“lay noon for 8 0 , d(H . k Mr 8cUo ,„ ,* * soother., s '' n ,r '' s « ul 

,ee uiau and speaks from an Imlmale ae- real,lenee thisi after 
i.ualntauee with eonilltlona In the South. Hnter> *" * rai 
fl,uhm sir,s t || L , *.louhleillasolvlngoxyohy.lrogen "’ehI, has hee„ a 

1,1 Br > ' .. atereopllenu l.ullt esp,■. tally for this " “ s 1 

at the Massa- , streets. 

....... .... ...... leclure. ... , 

—(’apt. Nathan (loo.lspeesl, who has spoil, In his i.s.ial bright ami happy 
|,ceil spending the past winter with Ids manner, expressing Ids appreciation of 

the kindly feeling shown both lie nml 

Hyanuls, returned home Monday, and id- Mra. Hiiller. A social hour follow,si dur- 
Uiongh long past the four score years ,.f Ing which punch and fancy crackers were 





A« it •lopping mono, tlioro l« notliiuts' 
liollor Ilian a *ln»rtli»uil euiirvc fia )onnu 
Hit'll ii« it li'wl* to po«ilinii» of Irnnt ami 
impoi taiK t', Sou«i fur mir bite catalogue. 





age, Is hale uml hearty 

—After a prolonged illness of heart 

served by Misses Fannie WhILon, Alma 
Ford, Geneva Burrell ami Mabel Spear. 

disease, John K Welch passed away al U was pronounced hy all lo have been a 
his home on High street Monday, aged delightful occasion. 

Will lie sold on 

ill years, in months ami h days. Fu¬ 
neral services were held from Ills late 
residence this afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. 
Kmery L. Rradford officiating. Mr. 
Welch lias been a life-long resident of 

W. C. T. U. Notea. 

The 2 'fitli anniversary of the Reform 
eluli was observed in Temperance hail 
last Saturday evening. The meeting 
opened with an address of welcome by 

this I Gingham and was a familiar figure on our I r. W. Kudlcolt which was followed by 

speelal music by the choir uudgr the di¬ 
rection of Miss KinmaL. Clapp, organist, 

—The engagement Is announced of a fj u 

I Miss Susie Nash and Mr W. Kdward v ., art4 

lingering Illness, agetl fil South Churoh Notes. 

nni>rnl nw.k ni., ,. tl... Under the direction of Miss Kmlly 

assisted hy Miss Bessie 11 . Bates who I Hu Iter soil 

Oj>|i. ( lupi> XImiorlul IliiilillnK. 

mi every limn who buys grocurli'* for 
iel qimlily. Huy food, not eountei'feit. 
is inniguillcuiit when henllli is ut slake. 
ie least (lideieiiee III priee over others 

IIS to sell Ihe very best <|ii:ilily groceries 
t kimls me sold elsewhere. 

^ Humphrey, 

lours. Teas, Coffees, Spices. 


Now is the Time to do your 
Spring Sewing-—^ 


H. W. Barnes, 

Culumblun Ktiuitrt'. SOUTH WKVMOI'TII. 

sang “Faster Dawn” and a violin solo by 
William II. Baldwin The choir sang | 
two carols “Welcome Happy Morning” 

—John Aldrich, superintendent of the 
machine shop ut the Cramp Ship yard in 
1'lilladclphiu is home on a week’s vaca- 

years. Her funeral took place from the unuer me uireeuo,. o. m.s* 
home of her daughter, Mrs Joseph I.oud the church was beautifully decor- 
Taylor, on Monday morning Services »U"> f <> r K»ater. At the close of the day 
were held al St. Francis Xavier church, «' e llo '* , ' rM » e,,t 1,1 the Bl, k 

Hev. J . It. Holland officiating, lotenncot Tl “' I'astor preache .1 In the 

streets. remarks from the ftillowing people: K\- 

—Mrs Charles Dunbar returnisl from PresldeulWllliamR.Geldcrt;KtatePresl- 
a few days' visit Lo her sister, Mrs. Klmer dent John McDowell; Vice Presidents 
C. Shaw of Brockton. Hunt atwl Dimond; John White, S. of T., 

—The Tuesday afternoon whist club of Gingham; Will Souther of the Good 

amt “God hath sent Ids Angels." The I Dou. 

held Its last meeting for the season with Templars, Gingham; Mrs. II B. Ray 
Mrs. Caroline II. Lovell, Chard street. m0 nd of the W C. T. U.; and Albert An- 

latter composed by Miss Annie F. Loud 
of this place. The interior of the edifice 

—Mr and Mrs. Timothy White of Klliol 
street are receiving the congratulations 

Rev. J. It. Holland officiating. Interment “hut-ins. Ihe pastor preached In the ^ rH || a „u B |, Abbott was awarded the drew of the L. T. L T 
was III the family lot at (fid Dorchester morning ii|>on the theme, “Ihe Majesl) first prize, Mrs. Alice Pratt the second, readings hy Mrs. Josh* 
cemetery. Mrs. Roby was horn in Bos- ^ ,u Blscn Christ I lie music was ftU( | ^j rjH |,j u M 0 y C s the eoiisolatlou. close of these exercises 

There were also 
• Lovell. At the 
s a banquet was 

w as handsomely decorated with ferns, ™euda ,,lrlh uf a H “"’ 

potted plants, pinks aud Raster lilies Wednesday, April Jn. 

-At the l'ulou Congregational church 

—Mr. and Mrs. George II. Galvin of 
Front street have been entertaining lion. 

mil lived there lu her early life, from unusually fine especially the rendering of ncurcs Year the entire season nerved and a social hour concluded this 

ice she moved to Malden. About the “Gloria from Mozart s 12 th Mass by waH made by Mrs. Charlolto Stoddard. very enjoyable occasion- 

years ago she became a resident of a large chorus choir. —The Klectrlc Light Company has ThcW.C T. U have arranged fora 

this town, making her home with her 

the pastor Rev. R. II. Cocliraue preached a □[[‘ m r s! Thomas IL Devlin'of BosunV. daughter who Is the only surviving rela- passed Ills 5 oth ordination anniversary, p„tnain and Union streets ami two llgl 

a sermon appvosrlatc to the day with _Letter carrier James Riley has been Uve. will speak uext Sunday evening at * are to Ik* installed which will be grea 

music by the choir assisted by Miss Lang off duty this week on account of illness — Court Wcssagussett F. of A , held an o'clock upon “Fifty years in the Gospel appreciated i»y residents along the line 

very enjoyable occasion. 

The W. <’ T. U have arranged fora 

Rev. Lewis P. AIwehhI, who reeeully I crecU . t l o number of new poles between Ha , t . am j 4 . u u. r uinnit«nt to be held next 

passed his 50 th ordination anniversary, 
will speak uext Sunday evening al 7 

Putnam aud Union streets uml two lights 
are to Ik? installed which will be greatly 




ood for house Plants 











and Mr. Foster vocal soloists, and vlollu —Tilt* in 

solos hy Chailes Leavitt. club were 

—At Trinity church the rector, Rev. n°o» by M 
William Hyde preached in the morning ^ 

oil “The Resurn?etloii Life.” There w as | |wr 
special music ami the church was deco- __Mr i 
ruted with potted plauts ami (lowers and Provldene 
in the evening there was an Easter fesll- loi*al relat 
val w ith singing of Easier carols aud reel- u prumlne 
tutlous by members «»f the Sunday school ^ *R| la 
The olfuriug of the inorulug service was j.- liuthax 
1 128 , and the cvculug offering ^21. marrietl a 

—The members of the Matinee whist i entertainment last Wixlnesday evening ut I Ministry.’ Because of the manifest ap- 

club were entertained Wcslnesday afu?r- 
noon by Mrs John F Dwight at her home 
iu Dorchester. 

—Miss Viola Smith is out ugulu after 
her recent illuess. 

—Mr. and Mrs Daulel F. Hart of 
Providence, R. I , have been the guests of 

•' “ ,u r Fogg s Upera house. Ihe rotnuullc war 
drama iu four acts, eullthd “Down iu 
liu uftcr Dixie" was presented with the following 
east of characters: Harvey Wells, a 
Hart of colonel iu the Union army, Parker K 
[wests of Thomas; George Washington Hangs, u 

proprlateness of having such 

the pastor hasasked Mr Atwood to speak ut the next regular meeting, Mon- 

and would Invite all luterestisl and the day evening, May I lu place of the 
community to be present aud hear him regular baked bean supper, a chafing dish 
Tin* animal business meeting of the supper will be served ut the conclusion 
ehiireh with sup|N?r uml reunion, will be of the Initiation 

local relatives Mr. Hart was for years || era | t i reporter, John 8 Vlning; Major held on Thursday, May 11 —The Golden Rule Circle of King’s 

a proiDlot'Dl dtl/eu of llila place. | of lliu ConfuJeraUw, llarry lllch- At EaaU-r coueerl «as glveu In Hit- DaugliU'ra has li.'.'ii holdiug a ruimnag.' 

—Captain Hurry 8. lluthawu) of the 
C 8. Army and s»»nt»f Dr. aud Mrs. Win 
F Hutliuwuy uml Miss Kdinnic Berg were 

mood; Corporal Hooligan, a “True Blue 
Vet,” Joucpii Ashton ; llou. (’. J. Duzen- 

evenlng by the children which was full H *b? this week lu (asrducr-s block and 
of variety ami luterest, uml during tin 1 w* 5 * 1 week the Whatsoever (Irele will 

marricil at (4race church, New York, at iwrry, a member of Congress, How ard II I evening the pastor preseutwl rwl-lelter I °I M 'H ® Hft b' iu the 

“Green stiire" lu 

-At the First Baptist church the pastor I fi p. in , Wednesday. A riH*epUon fol- 

Rev. F IL Crcasey preached oil “Resur- . 
reetlou ami Salvatlou." The choir was j 

lowed ul the Waldorf-Astoria ufU r w hich 
they left oil their wedding tour. Mrs. 

Ilezekiah Knlfilnw 

degenerate I testaineuls to the follow ing children for I Jackson square. 

Yaukec, Matuice Greauey . Uncle Moseley, 

llutliuwuy is the ilaughter of President a faithful »\ti *h Miclisvl Klllory; Billing, 

constant attendance at the church service 
as w ell as Hunday Kchool since Easter of 

assisted by a quartette composed of Mrs. Berg of a number of southern railroads. Bradley's Ilefichiuan, Fred II. Geratley; I | aM t year: Mattie L Sampson, Emmu K 

and be prepared for Ihe work 
April showers will cause >ou 

Hm Vow Lam Mown Sharpened Now 


Are tlu* I'uinU you'll waul tbia 

Wall Paper, Oil Cloth and Linoleum. 

M. R. LOUD & CO., 



anil Heating Co. 

, Steam Heating, 
Copper Roofing. 

.MHili'ucU willi'iletl. 
ur Jobbing Promitlly attemieU lu. 
Htow< and Kuruatv* H< |»uiriiin 

A. If nil Hill id 

'I'llut'« wlmt \vi* liav.' when il . ..mrs lu 11..- 1'imiiluri 1 l.iuiiios. 
W.. |iluy it towanl Hit' i»U'u >l , i urn' nistunu'i*, too. \\ •• ran vnnr house* fi.nn I,’|■ tu l,ottiun. W .* Iiavt* .in.ln'.l lln 1 
Kurnituia i|iu'»lion ami inviiunn' tu knun ii inctly tborouglilv: 
this giv.'S in. ail a.lvantagr in inving, — wnni'tinu'a grin lln aturk 
at a ..unsiili'i'alih' mln.liun. Ou, I'Uilnint'rs will tell you llial 
they mu tlir unis whu lii iutil from tlli- anangrnu'iil. 


Best Makes. 

Ford Furniture Co., 

diaries J. Hollis, Miss Edith White, 
diaries Pile*? ami F. A. Hulls. At the 
eveuiug service the music was repeated. 
The Rev Jouathuu Tllson, honorary pus- 
tor, assisted at the inorulug service. 

—Mrs. Ritchie llowe has lieeu substi¬ 
tuting ul tlu* Tufts school. 

— Mrs. Gilbert Nash of Cambridge, a 
former resident, sailed Tuesday oil the 
Saxonia of tlu* Cuuard Rue for England 

—Miss Carrie Robinson Is spending 
the week iu Cohassct 

—Mrs Dennis Griffin of Elliot street li 
speudiug the week with her daughter ill 

—Miss Elizabeth Tracy has resumed 
her duties as teacher at the sixth grade 
of the Hunt school after u two weeks’ 

—Mrs. Louise Gartiu has lieeu visiting 
friends iu llolUslon 

Chester Maiuc, who cullslcd iu the 
C S army a year ago aud has since bem 
slalloued al Fori Kthuu AReu, N ermont, 
lias lieeu trausferrtxi to Fort Riley, Kan¬ 
sas, where lu* Is stud) lug lo become a 
veterinary surgeon 

The jewelry store of Edward H 
Fiury iu Washiugtou square w as entered 
by burglars at au caily hour 8uuda> 

I uiornlug aud articles of Jew elry * slued 
nt $2o were takcu The thieves gained 

— The I'uion Llfcrary circle met Tuea- Helen Trevolr, a Houlhern heiremi, Mias I Ellison, Helen I Cummings, 

day evening, April 25 , w ith Mrs. K. llourk, 
Mrs. Leavitt read selections from Me- 

Murgaret Dillworlh ; Molly Martin, her I Torrey, olive N. Deane, Myron W Cum- 

r.uujs “Tlig Kmlgraut 81 .l|." Hr. Klwell lively fricu.l. Miss l.or.'Ua McCarthy; uUug., W.rreu I). I.llcy, Allan C. Kear- lag Ihe .m..t I.lghl retres is 

read a very Interesting paper on “What Mrs Du/cuberry, a business wouiau, Ing aud Frank C Torrey tlu* latter for weresemil the next pail) w hi m in . 

Sir Wultcr Hcott did for Heolland " Miss | ,\nule Deant i 

ve has been substt- Hattie F Hourk read selections from Hir | . N . Lri/4 ._ .. . 

... Walter HcoLt'a "Aliliot," .leallug will, “ k * 

' ,, , Eiliiiburgh in the sixteenth century j 1 here was much <' 

faithfulness In attendance 

Miss Abide Cushing I H | 4 s|( ( inilug also remembered. 

hadiiiburgli in tlie sixteenth century 

-Peter F Hayes, the popular eornctlst 


nthusiuHiii during the 
telling points were 

f the Weymouth brass baud played with brought out, ami the efforts of the taleut 

Boyd's baud at u grand coueerl at the 
Dudley 8lrc«?l Opera house, Boston, 
Tuesday eveuiug. 

were well apprtriated Much credit Is 
due Miss Deane for her supervision aud 
thoroughness iu rehearsals. After the 

The Ladles' Aid society will meet at the 
vestry next Thursday afternoon 

To Curs a Cold In Ons Day. 

Take Laxullve Brouio Quinine Tablets 

E W Grove’s signature i 

laluist'lhc m*MHw'ra*of th.' i’urUa'iia‘wlHat l*>»> *l»uvlu|* waa .•i.juy.'.l till 1 oVlot'k lu All Jniggl.U r,'ful | .l Hit- i.iumy If II fail 
club at her home on Front street Tuesday tlu* music of Cuff's orchestra. The light to cure r. W Groves signature ism 
eveuiug. The first prize was won by dresses of Ihe ladies a*«ded much bright- each Ih>x 25 e. 

Mu. II T Humus, I ho situ “tl hyMIss ura< to lU « occaalu, - 

Mae ( hesHiiiau aud the guests prize by ... . . . . 

Miss Hattie Harris (l Kverelt Re»»l has purchased from » SoMr aud Mi> Jopes have quarreled 

.... , , „ , . , Johu liood of Boston. Ida hoigie oo Tower Wliv M » lt , 

rhe Dewey base ball club which Is to , .. . m . h> doeau t sue make up. 

have Its home urounds at Garfield nark, i a'«*uue, aud with his fa ndy will agaiu does, tlreadfullv." That's w Ir 

• So Mr audMi> Jones have quarreled • j 
Why doesn't she make up?" 

“din* tioes, dreadfullyThat's why 

, they quarrel Exchange 

are be- Do not forget the May break fust to 

*“'• . .. U„ -' iTMtvi Jul...s..u l.'s»l.l.. 

;;: Vlli l..ur..r «l,.- 1 .. ,.. tl. ..f >h. M.uu.l Tralu* J*' k *” , 10 "" 

u iu the lug school Bnakfast will be served * M,u 1 . , , 

A tew art from ..a ... Thr Huy.' JwUob a . . '•‘.rluar., Iss- 

''s'v."t Ml11 I'I».v from '■ 1,1 ! Other “ul.rlalu- H®» »whl* 

i)*K'“ulg «><•'» : *" " cluck 

several The l.ittl.' Ihsiiu elub met with Mrs. A Car*. 

»u aud M..|» 8l,u|»..u lust Muuday e.euiug We. the uudurslgued, d.. hurohy agree 
Tliesul.J.' l fur .hseuasluuwas'.liuaal. " U) r ,. fullll „„ a hu eeut ladlle 

ruul/e .1 die t i.i-dt-sle. h* wldst elul. ,uet at uf (ireeue. WarraaU*. 1 Syrup uf Tar If It 

aeoauu 1 lu 1 hi'iii’ "f Mi- Heua Hay ou Juesday fatla lu rure >uurroughuroold We also 
L'h uext j eveuiug l.i/.s were Mrs gaaraulie a X.i'iiul l>oLlle to prove sails- 

Willla.u ..Lie aud Miss Margaret Nellie* ftllury or luour, retuuded 

i.ordou Wlllla It slowly l.uprovlug u ivrklua. Wevmouth. 

The Dewey base ball elub which Is to 
have Its home grouuds at Garfield park, | 

this \ illage. 

play their o|K*ulng game i resume housekeeping 

tin Memoriul Day The grounds are he- ln> u „t i 

iug put iu first-* lass condition ami the . . 

Imers of the s|Nort iu this place haven- , 
spouded handsomely ami the elub will hall for the 
hcglu the sittsou with a got*I suiu lu Ihe lug school 
treasury. Edward llall uml Hu-wurl from 5 to lu 
Baker of this ullage will play with the , f 

U'.iu It lm, not I di',idl'd as y.t * ll " , '*> f "' 

with whom they will play the (qMUiing incut from 
game, they have offers froiu several The Lilt 
stroug clubs. FMward l.ukeiuuu ami Mmiu simp 
Talbot Foster have worked hard lo make i 

it a success and there Is uo doutil but ; 

what the games will be well patronized ' ' u ' * 

—The observance of the Easter season l *“' home of 

entrauce by breaking a paue of glass lu will be continued at Trlutl) church next 
o,t.. of the front uimtoiA. Sunday _ In Ihe moruiug Rev William 

Iflt>|i<>iir |li ?, 

We Furuisli Vour House From Top lo Itoiloni. 

Broad Street, Ea6t Weymouth 

of the froul windows 

Au Alarm was ruug iu from Box 25 , 

Hyde will preach on “Easter Joy ami 
Gladness" and the eveuiug subject will l»c 

A Card. 

\Vc, th«- undersigned, do hereby agree 
to refund the moitey on a &o-ceut bottle 

-n .. lilD'llUltn Mint lilt rl tiling MtOjt'tl Will , | t,,.. 

Fast Braintree, Tuesday forcuoou for u Immortality M ^ ,,r * f * * Illuess j 

•fire at the dwelling of John F Ruben. -tin Friday evening. May 5 th. the 1 h* \\ ey mouth Improvement assocl- j 
| corner of l uiou aud |.jhrri»- street- ladles of Trinity church will Imld a May I • “ , ‘* s ,u ‘‘•“d “ie plot of ground • 

guaraulte a 25 -eeut Im>UIc t«» prove 
factory or mousy refunded 
U. II Ferklus, Wey mouth 
Klhrldge Nash, South Wey mouth 
G M Hoyt, Fast Weymouth 
A M Dickiusou, South Ursiutrei 

until taken with Mrs D I' Tlldeii, Chard street, 
next Saturday evening 

, Dominick Ghlor/a who has biru »*«»n- 

I ine«*t at the . . . 

llneil to his house for several weeks Is 

side to attautl l«> business again 

Edward Thtimpaou, who is wofkiug 
i Day. hi Mlllis, spent Humlay at home 

due Tablet- Joseph T Smith aud Thomas Connell 
icy If It fails have returnevl to their studies ut Dart 
nature Is on mouth after a two weeks' vacation 

The forty hours'devotion will begin 

_ at the church of the Immaculate Com ep- 

, , tiou with solemn Idgli mass ou Suuday 
' ,,ua,r ' ' —Miss B E Sheehan has l»ecii Hie 

That's why t 5 uei * 1 of frleuds at Nashua, N II 
* " Some of the teachers of Ihe Jeff rson 

school t«Hik a visiting day Momlav 
addle-pale*! Mias Grace McKecver who lia** been 

V ,,,w 1(1 enjoying a two weeks' vacation, has re 
luiued to Hartford, Conu 

iuary James McKeever who has heeiu em¬ 
ployed at CluueiuaG f*»r more ttiau u year 
lias rcluraod to that place after a week's 
visit w llh relatives 

by a-'r. e -The home of the late Benjamin Everett 
>o eeul bottle 0,1 * rww **^1 has been so hi to Louis Llcl- 
put Tarim of amtuu 

>M We also Miss Berlins Boodru> has t« eu cu- 
> prove sails- b rlalulng Miss Irene Jcuulngs «*f Ash- 

— Miss Helen Mahoney has returned 
home after a week's visit at Beuulugtou, 

itreelH and two ligntH j,*|-|,| av ufiernooii and evening 
Ihlcli will he gr.'ally Tin- I-T. I. will inert tu Ti'iiiperoni'e 
lent, along the line. |m)| m . sl , fu . rll0oll ul „vh.ek. Itehekah l.cnltfu. No. JS, w||( |„ 11)!hum „||l he the 

| w III confer the tlcgrco ii|«rn two eau.ll- ^ ^ 

gul.r ineetlng. Mon- c ' M _ F „ Boh . 

ti P ou. o a Hev. K-II t’reaaey aoleninke.l a i|ulet 

anpper, a eh.nuK -,1 ah 1>ul ctly » t ... In Wey- 

ed at the eoneliislon , 

mouth Thursday evening lln* coutract- 

, lug parties were Mr Clyde T Cox and 
1 " 1B " MIhh l.eorgla W Kr-nrh of .his place 

i holrliug a rumlliage wurt , .anle.l hy Mias Klla 

, (.anluers. .lock an, „ hrl.lesmahl ami Arthur 

hataoever ( Irele » II .. 

old “Green store" In 

ro I. K. ami I. of COMOBItlllh Of MlSUClNUttS. 

w aa held at Mrs. Kar- NultFtil.K.nn. p.u.n.ra r... ai. 

1 ■ - .. . rni t ll.. It. ir» ut Um , Ut xl I.l-km, • It tltlur* uital .til 

’Veiling ravors wci» ^ .»ili«-r |h i»<»ii* mi*■iv*u , il iu !!••• » - *it»i*' u( 

Irs James A Yitiing, Al.BKUT TIltllKI.L, 

>ml James Farrur mak- utr ni W'< viimuiii, iu •hI>i * ••umy, •!*■« • inn *t 
t. Light refreshments W’Ihitu*, a |>ftilinii It ii* Itftn |tii'M iiliil Ui sulci 
next party W ill lie held |-u> |lf „^ (J l|r ,, Km. li... J. Ttrr.-H m W'. > 

Tlldeii, Chard street, Uioulh. wUlioui giviitir It ht.r»l) OU IlfItouil. 

Y«.ii ho' ln-r.'li> • tli'il i»|i|i* ai ul a rrolmii-i oiiit 
dug i,. iii- In lit hi Dt-tlliaiii, io ski*! i 'mini y ul Murtolk, 

, ry u ..i„, ”11 die M'Vi'iilf. (till tlu, Ol Mo. A. H l«a&, •« «*•»• 

»|/i WHO lias III! II i oil J.h I, ||„ Ir.OIMHlO, III •Il 0 « • 410 . 1 . II 811 ) )"ll 

for sev ri al weeks Is t..or, v*liy ilo- .4110 •lomkl io*i I**' gnml*'«l. 

Viol I to- liflilioio 1 is In if lo ilin-flfil In go •• |»ul • 
isim-ss again i„ i,.,n. .* iIh mui l.> |iii*tii>iiing dn« • iutioii om * in 

. 1 'Lim* ■'41 II Hffk, for tlir* ■ «Uii'ia*iti «il>, ill lliii "*J 

psoll, who is wolkliu. ll , ull ||,,,., /( 11. wa|,4,.f, 1 -Ilf, 1 ioWi >11.'mill, 

inlay at home ihf i 4 »t pubfiiudou tu !>•' om • 1»> 4 los urfoti'Mlu 

ill aud Thomas Conm ll W’ltiif*.. J»m«• II Him. I - m i. ,Jmla«’ of *unl 
111 ni r klinlifi. ul lint I 1 'null, lln- is. ol) -ixlli 'l*> ' X |*i • I. A. It IlS*j. 

tlieir stuuns ul nan u •. ,1011s l». 1 oBII, IhgUnr 

—Court Marlboro L K ami L *»f 
Honor whist party was held at Mrs Far¬ 
rar's last Friday eveuiug. Favors were 
taken by Mr and Mrs James A Yiiiiug, 
Miss Anna Baker and James Farrur mak¬ 
ing the most mows Light refreshments 

April 29th. 

At I >30 P* M*| 

At (liu lute homo of 


lion Hill, 

East Weymouth, 

A luro.i umi desirublo lol of 
llmis.'lml.i R it mils uf All Kill.Is, 
I'liiliiuciii^ suiiu' .lesinililt! Anliquo. 

TKILMS—Ciisli al Sale. 

M, E. HAWES, - AUCtiOfiMT. 

ft 11 

East Weymouth Savings Bank. 

lu uffonLno f Mill) ('Ii 8 |>nr It.'!, Nre. IU. Ut'Vi»«.l 
l.uMB. I li. nl.) firtify dt.»i do- loll.twiii^ |Mr*oit. 
uro utfiiiloTit ul lltf foiporatioii of tin* Emm We* 
111.till It Hm* mg- HmiiW PfU*r W. Krill' It, Dm*i>. I». 

, lt.iinl.ill, Itolii il M. llilodt, XI.Him 1 . Bmwi- 8 . Jolm 

\V. l» 4 t. -. "ill II.H'. lilt I. T. II. I'lllTM'B. II. I 

* l.ovtll, ( litta. 11 . 1 U*fiiuic. " ill. N. Itomv, rirriiMi 
' E<-wi>, N'udi. Ii. Cuutfrhui), •!*•>. II. ('uniting, K. »•. 

Ilulf, John A IUvuioikI, W'iii. M. I’nui, Jmho- 
K<ml, Mifli. Slur lo, Cl 1 4 *. A. Il.n.>l.tll. "in. I* 
IlfithriNilfi, 11 A. J irr. II, W. J, Duithui, tk U I* 

i'lfiii li. tifii. " . ilvrt. I.vintl I .i»ii*1, Slh»» l». I«’i 
0140. " 111. A. Drukf, Miiint I*. •• 4 ii >, Mi'li 
Shf.i.v. w....«. r..lit. I). i» Hauibti. Jr.. E.UH.U 
1.0 .,1 1 . Mbl III fori mdd fio-km II, 11 . It. 8 ym -In. • lm*. W. Joy. Frunk 
In,li?. of . 4 i.l II* Toir.y, Kuai-m* M- Cartrr, Ur.olh.i .1 Ham.-.. 
V n iw. I' " M. 'I'....'ll. 

I». t •mil. Ihk'Utfi. ’ All. -t JOHN A. ltAYIU»N’!», t luk 

It Is Time To Buy Your 



The Columbian Square •Jruier, : : Bouili Womuul li 

All Rail Anthracite '*‘i*... 

ill'll 1 041 . cornea all the way from tho uiluea lu cura. fouaciueully 11 b» 
lea a broken. . leaner au.I uiueh heller Ilian that cumin* hy ho* la. 

Ilrgarai all* jaar orkrr, ear al ear lalrakan ar aa laktaia. klukrs Mai. 



The meiuiiera of the AU,email.■ wi.iai Cord, Wharf 81.i KA8T WKVUOLTH. 

Tel. 21-<. 


East Weymouth 

Bradloe A Chatman Co 







121 Beverly Street, 



TMrphnnr* lilthinnM 

Co|l\l‘lf 1 il, HNNI, bv 


>. DDNItAK of Nnilli \\ , \m,mill, «l»> 
in Dl'fti'I'o of our Not Aii I>. |>:nliii. nl, "ill I" 

IilmiM'il to I'.ill nml miliiiiil |»lniiH mill ,-*iiinnii—. 



Always Remember the Full Name 
Laxative Rromo Quinine 
Cures a Cold in One Day, Crip in Two. 

S. on Box * 2Sc *_ 

South Weymouth Ice Company 

TIRRELL & BAYLEY, Proprietors. 

' iii:a i .•:i«- i' 

» ni \ri i:i! v 
i*tti: ! .lull , 111 * 1 ** ynti hctIh 
f, ,M, 11 . ,1 ill I ' >>f ' I" I** i'- 1 ’ 

■ , ,l„rk I inllMli'l *" ,f 

ini-i' l.••run* mt* Ih»n’t I' Bil 
hi ut 
rit.ititfiii *i\\ 

ni c .i it* 


■ ' , ! 

Bin Inline . 
him I wax 

st li 


lit lit 

in mi ti* I "I l""i I " a* 
!*■ »|fi* went with a small I 
ill tin- mill 

Mu* IIIIIII \vlil«*|*«T**t|. 
ftillUV la* ••••nlil i* 1 * 

t *m* him Sahl 'twill 
ir’tl bHfur Iimvi*. Tol* 
mimalizi an ••mliln't 
.is sorry an • nil!'* «»vt*r 
nl iniili 
St ii|i|itil 
u. nui ii* purvi 


till- ;• I'l |i|t*illl 

•dull* ’llillll I’fatl.V I* tilt* 

W hat I do Still It'll r nil 
iiu' tin* man mild: i*m 
Unlit. «"» I thm'l xvmit t> 
111 \ fai t* Never It't ii •! 

I »bln’t know 
ike a limit'll, 
l n akf mt 
i ln*v ye m if 
• nf\ si'i* my 

Iffi- take 
nii >•*. m | 

put In il.•• HltV Kill v 
iny Ii iii*I II ' 1 t an 
IliullllT iMl'ilWf h't hi" 

Mu- kiifli lii'ii.I*' i • • 
arujin.l • n> llllh* *b m 
mt* in Imp ItpiM l ami * 
trtnh't ly 

I ’It'll Si* |**l lit III “ti«> 

Hi ugiib,. 

II i, hi a ill Hit* worn a i 
turn lilt' unit' thum away 
liaml im* those «•• »t>Ki*"s 

Ami - • trill* lll'f in I'nr.nll-t' 
t a I |t*\. Tt'ii liiilillU'* Idler I " ' ’ I’hn 
IliU my llrst IT*in*' t»f I "I'N " 11,1 111 
Ih* Hope Itrovver among tin* liiigrnnt 
m,„,|<s of tvImat in tin* lit'ltl btiok ttf tin* 


I . nuliln't 
NV .n l >.* 


Ice and 

COAL and 

Heavy Teaming, Plowing, etc 


I'llO Yt V*Tf.Y ATTIAIUli To 

Office, Columbian Square, 


i wi 

Beal 9 fT\e^artt?y 



•i|u nil. 

>ui mill 


.•I >1111.1 



J Etrai'cr ; 

i<l mil iiifi.n.i .«<••«» 


i,,i v kr.ut.«• linirr :'01 KmIH'H'I.. > 

id In* lit*ver M fill mil less | \\ as 
a .lark night until bilk* \vn*» iiIhhI. 
Saul xve looked llkf good folk* S.ailrt 
in.* a littlf Hit we timl.lii't sw a thing 
A I n In* milil 'I hili’t tit* 'friild of lilt*. 

I tn vv lull I fail ft'i* > f ’ ” 

1 Ifllirlllht'l* till' llillll « Tossed tin* 
iTi'iiklntf fltmr nml sal il.nvn m»nr ih 
I lift* r I,.* hail purli ywl " Ith i m i.* Kb 

1 aulillf lii xvhifepers Young at I nvih, 

I kf«'p a \ Iv i*l impit'tsiuu of Mint nigl^t, , 

I 111 . 1 , ii It If * I l.> tin- ilia r \ nf I ii. It* l.l*. ! 

i , ivc infill** ii rn ii i "i "lint w ^ s:.i.i | 

I that It in thf main in • unite 

| in \ mi know w I. you iimV" In' 

I ni.|iiiif.l present Iv. whimpering ns he 
I hail tl< mm* before. 

■ I've im lilfi',*’ Haiti I n. If Kb. 

Wnll, il.twil tin* hill Is I'ntudlso \ al ' 
1,-v ,n I In* Iowiislilp " I'ara way." In* 

. > a 1 1 until. "I i' t Mif 1'iitl " I'ii rat I Iso 

i..i«| :in' a |»iu*ly roiintry lift'll seltlcul 
M lui.u' lluif. an' tin* farms art* bit: an* 
pi>.*.pfi..ut- kliul uv a lainl plenty. | 

l h. i big Inmst* at tin* f*«»t t»' Mn* hill | 
is hiivf Brower'*. Ilf’s tin* rlflifst ! In till* valley." 

Mow .in you happt'ii t* l»f livin' heri*. I 
,r >••'l min' tfllln* me'?" t'm le Kb 


•( •r.i/\ ," Haiti In' " Traltl n* every- i 

li. hIm an' t'verybntly's Traltl 
In till 


III'. Iniif pine slift l in It. »wi r 

Throat Coughs 

A tickling ir. the throat; 
hoarkenrssat times; aderp 
l.rcath irritates it;—these 
features of a tlm*t 
gl>. They're Very dc- 
‘ c and a cough mix- 
won’t cure them. 


You want something that 
will heal the inflamed 
membranes, enrich the 
Mood and tone up the 
si stem 

Scott's Emulsion 

is just such a remedy. 
It has wonderful healing 
nourishing power. 

Removes the cause ot 
the cough and the whole is given new 
• trengtl. and vigor 


jm*t tli'ar ni 

WIMNIs. W Ill'll III.' Him IMSf 
Olio i'iiultl Sff Us tapiT slnnl 
(iw hiri'tililUK away t*» tin* f«»'*t 
\\ 11 .h l\ If.luf, ami at SUIH' I It lay bk»» 
a fa lion mast athwart thf p.mIh. 
Its Imitf lop arm a llylms pfunau! on 
11 . ii(i. .♦ Ho win mi's hill I n Hiinmipr 

till** bar t»f shallow movf.l likf a t lo< k 
Inin.I on llif irri** , u illal of tin* pasiuiv, 
in,.) tin- lu ll* foiil.l It'll tin* Mum by Iiu* 
H |,nil nf n. I.oiii* pin** bail a miulily 
nirih :ii the boltoin, ami Ms baif b nly 
iii|.. i. l into llif sky as Htralydit as an 
arrow. Koch' Kb ust*.l to say that 
l| s ..I,,’ |.<MK, nakoil brain'll tlial swiiiik 
ami . ifakftl Ufar tin* top of It 

Srn.t J«r f'tt urnplt 

SCOTT iy B(J/t .\E t cl'fnuh 

joy-jiS Peerl Street, New Isrk 


fllrf with »h 

*hl\ rrr.L 




• Ui.ili. >1 

.In.llnk frl**.1 f»r I 
nl. in i% way th*-t 

An' I hr ii> >1 that h»* ti.r.k 
in' ihnok 

||, ,| .. mil llkr Hit* Jlnf 1*‘ "f K '« » 

||. «.t .,n n r\rr rtrt' lamthfl .1 • • fbolf 

iitf nM :h»t the miMif *•*'* 

•jfton Im mm*- Mr Pj.l.h t hv turm* 
;i « At lx«*n hairy r»n«1 >' 

r.ifif In n at^cl** b*' fh. w.o<l 

That lb** In thf lnn.1 « thf Mim 
T h.* »tii<* mi' 1 hi' ?■•> v ' ' Mi> > t • an 
|,iiR*i . rtfii* - not If a inlKhM nh f 

Pi,im* rnrnf <l<>*n from • 

nflahhorlnw • ,r • •• H '' 

An th.* llllh' I'lM.k pfoplf tn 
. ,fi\ flaw|*h 

Ah' aul J.o.klPK "l» ■'* Mu 
Th«\ nun*' fo 1 

mluht Ih-. mu' til'- 
an' thf 1 * 1 ** 

I rcmemticr lie liirne.1 In me when lie 

I,;,,| fliil.lesl Hint lenk nr.. m.v •‘lu;ill 

hnml. nml belli II In bl. bnol piilin mol 
lonki.l nl II nml llii'ii l»l" m.v t' 1 "' 

-All. tiny." In- snl'l. ".vnur «».v »lml1 
I,sill inil for fmill Ill-re. Mil,I onl slnill 
Itel |e„mil,a Mini \v,*;l1lII Mini Mill Ill-Ill 

•NVhal iionst'iisf aro you talkliiK. .Itsl 
lonry V" Haiti l iiflf Kb 
••nii. you all think I'm a fool an' a 
litiiuhhg ••>*•* l look It Whyi Klvoii 

11oltIt* 11 . If you was what yt* lookisl yf'tl 
It. in tin* proHlilontlal fhali I'"lks loTf 
'ii llif valloy think o' nutliln' but har.l 
work, most uv Vm, an' I toll no" 

Imv(* If tP'l so hntrli fr»»m 

a hut n w 
f.iniHhf.t 11> 

• 1.1 Mil* 

> nk«* 


I \-ll tt|f r.AHV P \ YMKX I s 





Lincoln Block ••* Rockland, Mass. | 

Parkins' Block v’* Brockton 


rteil.f-J •l»l l<r«utlfie, the hair. 

... a lu ••ii i»'-t *»•'»''' 

N**vit Vail* to Heaton* tlray 
Hair to ita Youtliful Color. , 
Cur> • falp d-f»f. k l.aif UUing. 
jik .aiKl *l'»'at pruitimf I 



I.he,I k""'l loin.’ lime In .Ills wny. M . n|lll . v 

Witltfl't I u«t Into till' l*i« WtMHls. «Sot 
ii ..imp in a bltf favf. fill' wliim I'm 
thfi'f I a littlf ihiyllKhi. 1 Ifro In 
llu . :. ,iiiu' I'm only up in thf iil«lit* 
tiin,*. Tlipfs bow l'vf fotiif to Hff so 
Wfll in thf ilark. It's iflvt* mt* t'fit's 

t* \ f*. 

uit loiit'somt'V" 1’iiflf Kb 

All sixes, 

Do Not Go Out of Town! 



Delivered in Weymouth 
or Braintree 


H. ZEBER, Leading Tailor. 

js yours of fxporh iii t' in tailoring 

Opposite Harlow's Drug Store, 
Washington Square, 



= & SONS. = 

In Hull,line With Iblnrur UunHri. 


I* ft 


Atltlrr** WrjmttMlIi ttr Ktt'i P.ruinirt f 

cli t,JtH« I 

Trouseri Prened. 150- 

Suits Sponqed and Pressed, 65c. 

Suits Cleaned and Pressed, from tl-OU 
to SI .00. " " 

"I i,,i,'I 

•Awful sottifIiinfs," In* auswfrctl 

with a sa'I sluh. ,, an’ It Mi nis u.hhI, t’ 
talk with soiiifhtsly bfsitlfs uiysflf. 1 
m t f■tioimh tn t*at KfiifrAlly. Thfif aro 
iltfP in thf wootls an’ cows in thf llfltls, 
yt* know, an' p.ilalttfs an' corn an* bor- , 
rlrs nii' applfs an* all Ihft Kiml «*' tlilntf. 
Tlit'ii l’vf K"t my traps lu tilt* wtsslH, 
wlifif I kft. b patrlilm'H an' stpilrpfls | 
an' i*....ns an’ all llu* nn*at 1 utftl I'vo 
Kut a plait* in thf tlili'U timbiT t' tlo 
my t'ooklu' ill I want »' «l » In llif 
mii'nllf of Mn* ultflit. SnniftinifH I 
i niiif hopi* an* spfiitl a tiny in tin* garret 
if I’m taimhl lu a hI.htii op if I huppfli 
J f,i stay a littlf too latf In thf vallf.v. 

, i Miff in a KPfat wlillf I nifft a man 
Htiiiif" In 'ft • iii tlm opfii. loil In* always 
, tills away tpilfk as In* ran. t.Ufssthr.v 
I think I'm a uliost iIiiiiiiu what 1 think 
j tt' tilt'll!." 

> mu* host wrnt on talking as if lit* 

| Wt'Pt' lilllll 1o tl'll lilt* SffPfls ..f his 
I liftipt to Hoinr iTrailin' of his own kliul. 

! 1 lm\f oftfii wmitloptsl at Ins frauk- 
' iif"-. but Mit'Pr was n fatlirrly trntb'P- 
' m ss, | it nifiiibfp. in thf v.tlff of 1 ’liflc 
Kb. anil I JutlKf it Ifinplftl his roiitl* 
tli in-f I'pohably thf lovr t.f rompaii 
|iiiishl|t t ali iifVt'P bt* so tlratl in a man 
but that Mn* voirt* of kliuliiOHs may t all 
It buck lo lit'f auaiu. 

I ll biiinr you a bltf t’ rat In fort* 
nioi'liiu’." h.' nii lil pprsnitly as In* Post* 
t.. uo * l.i't nit* frrl tt' your him', nils- 


Alust he Licensed 


him his haiitl an«l 


fj.rpress Co, 


APRIL thirtieth, 

Railroad Express. 
Quick Service. 


Call and see us. 

Or the Owners nr Keepers theritf 
l.iuble tn n Fine. 

Eilriclt from the Liws ot this Commonwealth. 

I i 

l-l . 

. U. |». 

1 I IIIrl Ir l Ii 
rruMrrnl. iiuiiilirrrd. 

r --ii- •• .i ... I.r-I 

.to s«*i» Hired, 


mi.u 'hi 



North Weymouth, 
Quincy and Boston 

da) ul April, , 
dmrrlbrd and llrrn-. tl 

• 1.0 I.| III.' .11*1111.- 'I • - 
tin* fill nr low n w l > o In 
. .no. It I., uri.nii'l 1 
' mark.'*I w .(I. . 1 * ">» > ■ 

I niiinl" r. 

! An nwiifr «.l >. ■ 

i - riKfil iiulil Ik. li> d o 
I |>i<r«nii I..', omlnif file imn< i • > i.> • |» i <»i a .mu 

I il>. tiro d.o ..I Mo, n«>i •< -- • - . 

i i,. i.. ., (Iiferi >l, ni, . 1 1 

.. |.r.oiilrtl mi llo |"< • d> g -■ t|..i. 

Ikr fr«* for *»rr) llrrnor «hnll itr iw.t dollar** 
Tor a male don, sad ihr dollar* for u Iriualr cox. 
Wins .. - k.. i - - > I 

* . I.,.i.i. i »l i-i i>"'• a Ilfl«*rn dnlUr*. 

« . i, it 11 Im- |tiil.| In .Ill I •' " d" 

i«i. In ll.p Ir, tcii.'i of tin . 0111.1 > - " - - il ' vr 

. k.,,i 



• •|M't' nl i|«nf» k* |'l I" 
|.iiri.n*. • limy i•«•• i»•• 41111 U 11 I!) . *|" 

■ ■ III.nli/ll.if I -".1 In k. «'|» •ll.'ll dug* li|»--II 
».-* • I• »■ I ill. d ill *.»ld 1 - .'ll*. . " I'. t' I '' 

•Inga •• k. i-' -I-.* • 11 • • • . *....! I---.*' 

1 anil)-II*r dollar*. 

Imt of du|f» *•> k> l.l . 

IIHj dollar*. 



Boston Olflce, 48 Chatham St. 

North Weymouth Olfici, 60 North St. 

Prompt Delivery, Careful Drivers 


•Alt* nWIU-I 
w l.l. i. ImiM..' 

-I,.. ->l A|>« >1>- --l-l. > 

*. . l» >1 41 id I 

1 uar M-.y ■*» 1 • • • • > '• •* l 

..... Ii.indr.'d wild l«" 
• lu.ll < 1»U».' tl l>> W 14- 
iln-'tljr iii.rk. 'l w rl. < 
I 1.1 rd iiuitiltrr. 

ll.r« >• inoiiil.* 1 . ur, *i > 

i*. it i» l» ». , 

M. Y. CLEMENT, Proprietor 

JOHN A. RAYMOND, Town Cleih, 

U r > 111 n 11 11.. *1 *•■* 

• Ml - \ -1 -1 1 . **, I il* I Mr) 1111 .nl I. 


Weymouth. fa>t Braintree and Uoeton. 
I Old. l PiliWI NTMt. l'rtt*rlrlor» 

IT |l 



, 1.1 PUi' 1 ' 1 . e > klllK-tnli Mi. . 1 

1ST* M ,1" IVI. I'.nir Irtltlit- . I 

|>- I II-.-u Min i. 

I- - j-l-'.ll,' laid. 1447 Ukkuiond. 

Really for Business. 

Tin- un.l. ivitfu. d Im# leu*. >1 wl.4l >- kltuw 11 
1 !„ 4 - * - l.l.,- > - 1 " 1 '»*•• 1,1 

..,-1 1,4* 11.10 I'd 1 ... |.IhIII til. * •• “t 11" |>'•'|»•■' •' 

Cleaning Vaults and Cesspools 

Eipiessing, Baggage Traaslerring, 
Furniture and Sate Noting, Heavy Tuning 


lord, l>. 

1 W. • 

.•II. ltd. d In 41.d l! > 

Peter McConarty, 

f It. .lot il Mr.uuulli. 1 t'r»r. , I|u».') 

riKttV l*KH. Illl-ri.>v 

aUlOLk *' To Lrl lor I'lralra. Kiraraloa# 

Stable. Norfolk Street, Weymouth. 




Builders, : 



East Braintree. 

,**K l.r.i^g *1 foe 

I lilt III *1 I l( * a \«.l ISII Ur*l 

I I • 1 

lulx .... it.,-, II. lu*. Juiigriou* *uImII 

iuiiu.d |..| iMllaln.u* 

I'ui tn ulut* • «••• l 
utuuuU tt. It* I fur I aeltr# 

bv t rl.ii m *••*,! IU man - ,J bj 

*-l I- 

OH 1014KMTI.H I'll, alll'tl. t;u 

alww 14 eUleuu 4,u«ir I*II11 4 1*4 

I n. In Kb KdVr 
M; itiktil him 

I fill u.eihl. I’lrs! I’ve* I It't l Iiultl nf III 
n luii" tiiii4*.” Iif whlHpfPfil. "What's 
tlf.- ihiv «.' tin* nitiiifItV" 

" l lif ‘jr.Mi." 

* i mu -1 pfiiifiubfp. wiifi'f tiitl you 
f.uiif fri.mV" 

i in If i:i. I..UI him. briefly. Hu* Hlory 

of HUP U'dllU WfHt. 

• iiu.- - \nil’ll never tin ini' no hiirui, 
wmil.I \llif itiitit askf.l 

"Not a bit I in It* Kb aiiswertnl. 

Tlit'ii In* ba.lf n*t K'Mtlby, « ios*ifi| llie 
t pi'.iklnir flour and wiml away In the 
tl:it kin ** 

“.Siiiu'i ir t liara.ler!" I’n. lf Kit unit- 

I i\a* ufiiiiiK drowsy, and that wad 
tin* Iasi | | if a rtl lu tin* nntriiiiiK we I 
fmiml a small pall ttf milk Hittiim iifai 
ih, a p..asifd partridoif. two frifd llah I 
ami s'.iia* bulled putabM's Ii was' 
luopf Mmii fit.muli to fappy iik Ihponuh 
Hit* «l.\ w;tIt a fall* ailtiwanff fot 
I’rt'tl. I it. If I it was a bit heller, but , 
Vfiy lam*' ii Mill, ami kt'pl b» bin Innl 
thf up. ai.'P pact "f ihf day. Th'* tilin' 
weld *l"'\ w ith nif, I pi* uu'IiiIm'P. I iiflt’ 
Kb \\a* imt . lift'rful ami told me bull 
on.' hbipy. aild that liml lit) life In It 
\t dusk Im hi im* uo "Ut In tin* road 
t.i pla) a wlillf Willi Knjl and thf 
u .iumi. but i aim* t.* Mr* door anti «•«II«hI 
ih iii shortly. I went to bed lit a 
rather unhappy frame *»f mind, 'llu 
dm; r.nwiwl me by barkiiiK in tlf nml 
ill.- nf tin* uiulit. ami I I it'll nl auaiu the 
familiar whlMper «»f the Htraiitffi'. 

•Sh li li! lb* still, tlutf," he wills 
pfifd. Hut I wan up t.i my «'ars III 
shi p amt weld under shortly, so I have 
it., kmt"Iftlae of what piiHH.'d that, 
nluht. t in lf Kb tella In bis diary that 
In- bad a tall; with him IiisMiik mor* 1 
than an hour, but kink no further and 
11. * V i * P sfd’iut’d i 111 iiu t*» talk 
about ilint int.'rvb'w or other** that 
follow. .1 it. 

I i.iily 1,11111V till' mall hail bPoU^ht 
mori mill, ami tlsli ami fowl for uh. 
Wf *t\. I another th y In thf old I 
house. M, .i w fid llkf the last, and the 
iii^t.l in hi m.f aunln to sff l ii. If Kb. 

■| i • a ■- fompaidon wta 

nb<* i . •dt. im.if freely, but I’iihI and 
I Innl I • slop ami wait for him very 
nfteil ;■I. .1 WII thf blu bill I 
miulily n i l " l.fii wt* were leavlm: the 
liiil-tv ..Id 1 .'-i**' for y.nnl and hail the 
Ini ! h| with all our traps In the 
w uioti It u i* a bright iiiornlim. and 
tin* siiidini.f nl-iiimeris| oil I lie th'W In 

the l.r-i 1 \.d!fi The men were Just 
eiiiium* flam 1.1 t tkfast when we turn 
.••I in >i Imi l llmwfr's \ bareftKitiHl 
littlf n.<! a bit older than I. with red 
ehffks aud blue t>fs and Iona early 
hair that shout* like pdd in the miii 
hnbt, < iiu.' running out (<• m.*fl us and 
hit in.* up I i the doorstep, highly 
a iii list'd lit the sight of I' i»**i aud the 
n .moii 1 lu*p with eiirloslly 
( nml .*• i* ni at tirst, while I m b- Kb 
V - • . a - v:th the II44-H 1 shall 

Ilf • » I'.r^ft that imillM'lit W In u l»avld 
Itiuwer value and lifted lu*' by the 
i shoulders biah above bis bead amt 

! shook im- *t if t<> tost |)i> in* ttle. Ilf 
: Ih»"i led me into the house, where Ids 
wife was working 

What do you Upnk »»f this small U»t 
I *f :t t.o> he asked 

I .she had already kUelt ou the floor 
and put her um.s altoul lay neek autl 
k ISM'd lot*. 

| ' \iu' in* huiiif." said lie *4'uUAM all 

iiu- w t> fruui Vermont with #» *»r 

I LUMi l lie I M* wain out I >11. Ut 't *U 

[ Him, "f hospitality on the liluhway or 
tin- birds, was jm feet above ground, 
j There w. i f a few st lilts here and tlnTe 
! upon ils shart the roost of . rows and 
owls ami hfii hawks. It must hint* 
pass.- 1 1 for a low pt*sort In the ffatliered be.‘ftUse it was only the rob 
|m-i* of tin* sky that halted ou lone 

This towerini! shaft "f dea.l limbet 

..rat ft I thf aiiel.'lit f west 

tlu-om-h width the n-.ithefft Viiiikees 
n t their trails in the bfulnnlmr of Hit 
They were a tall. bi« tlstcil. 

| hrawiiy l"« "f nieu who fame amiss 
| the Adiioinl.ii ks from N"ini«iiit anil be 
o,ni |,, im-.ik the ciffii t anopy Mint foi 
„H..v had .-liveI'ttl the v db-y of the St 
, i.awifii-f «Jetierally liny tlmvi* n «'»w 
with tlii'lii. and mieli Killin' ns they 
cml.l kill "ii the Journey supplemented 
their .let of “pudding nml mill; " Sumo 
, hi- tiled where tin* wimmi hroUe oi 
where they had buried n ntfinber of the 
family, and there they .leaped the for- 

1 4**1 s that the smooth a* res 

1 of tot lay 

< Jradiially the roiiuh sill fat e ..f the 
. trail m't-w - smoother until It bei'aino 
pjiradi**' road, the well worn thofomrli 
fait* .if the stauffo.'ifli. with ils ’'Inns 
i and out*.” as the drivers used to say, 
the Inns when* the "men folks” sat in 
the lire I iuht of tin* Ida/iiitf !'*«>* after 
supper ami told tales of adtfuture until 
bftlliiue. while the women sat with 
tlieir knitting In the pallor and the 
y otim; nit'll wrest Ini In the stable yartl. 
The ini'll "f lllltltlle imt' had stooped and 
massive shoulders ami deep furrowed 
brows. Tell one of them lie w as grow¬ 
ing old. and he inl^lit niiswi'P you by 
holilim; bis whip in front of him and 
leaping ovt-r it between Ids hands. 

There was a little .-leariin; arnUtid 
that bi-_r pint* tree when Inivi.l ltrowef 
sett|til in the valley. Its sluulows, 
shifting in the Iiulil of hiiii ami moon 
llkf the arm of a eonipass, swept tIiu 
spreading aeres of Ills farm, aud ho 
built Ids house some forty rods from 
the foot of il on higher ground, liavid 
was tin- ol.lest of thirteen ehlldren. 
Ills father had died the year before ha 
came to st. l.awTcme county, leaving 
him in *Mi I iiu but heavy responsibilities. 
Korluiiatcly Ids great slrciiglli ami bis 
kindly nature were eipinl t" the burden. 
Mother and children wen- I iml.-d safe¬ 
ly in their new home on bowman's hill 
the day that l»avid was eighteen. 

I have heard the old folks of that 
country tell what a splendid Him re of 
a mail lie was those days si\ fet one 
III Ids stockings nml broad d the shonl- 
der. IIis eyes were gray ami set un¬ 
der heavy brows 1 have never forgot 
tell the big him ti that laid hold of in.- ' 
and the broad, clean hIuiu-ii. serious i 
fa.-e that looked into mine the day I 
came to i*arail 1st* valley. Ah I write 
1 can see plainly Ids dimpltsl chin, his 
large nose, his ilrin mouth that was 
the key to his . harm ter. "t»peii or 
shet,” I have heart I the old bilks say. 
"it showed lie was no I ""I 
After two years lmvi.l look a wife 
nml set tied In Paradise valley lie 
prospered In a small way considered 
haiitlstuin* thereabouts, hi a few years 
In* laid cleared the ihh acres, of his 
farm t«» the sugar bush that was the 
nog Mi vestibule t»f the big forest. He 
hail seen the clearing widen until he 
4-t»ii 1*1 discern the bare summit* of the 
distant hills, ami far a* lie *.iiltl see 
were llie neat while houses ..f the set¬ 
tlers. I'hildren had .. three of 

them, the eldest a son who had left 
home and died in fi far country loua | 
before we Chine |o Paradise valley, the' 
youngest a baby 

I could not have enjoyed my now 
hotr.c more if I had been born lit it. 

I bad much need of a mother's tender- 
iii*ss. mi doubt, for I remember with 
What a M'lUM* of peace ami comtort l 
lay ou the lap of Kli/.abclh It ow.-r that 
llrst evening aud heard lu-i -iiigitig ns 
Klie i.•< k*-d I he lit IU* daughter stood 
ut her knees, looking down at me and 
patting m.v hare toes or reaching over 
to feel my fa.* 1 

•■*lod wilt him I*, ns. didn't lie. moth 
er*?” said she. 

"Maybe,” Mrs. Itrower answerisl. 

•'\\c 11 be good to liltii any w ay 
Then that old query came into my 
Itliial 1 asked lln*m If il was licavet! 
Where we were 

"No." they answered, 
i *’ “J'aiu't anywhere near him 
1 Weill oil 

Tlien she told me about I In 
dentb aud l-egaii sowing in 


. lows w.-ut ny .ug southward before the 
wind a u • *y pirate fleet that tilled the 
sky at times and when we all put oil 
our mill .-ih ami weld down the wind 
lug . iw paths to the grove of butter 
nuts in (lie pasture The great loof of 
the wilderness had larmil rnl and fad 
e.l into yellow. Soon its rafters began 
to show through, and then, in a day or 
two. they were all hare but for some 
patches of evergreen. Omit golden j 
drifts of foliage lay higher than a | 
man's head in the limber land about 
the clearing. We laid our best run 
tlien playing "1 spy" ill the groves. 

In Mint flagrant deep of leaves one 
llilgl-t lie undiscovered a lolig time. He 
could bear roaring like that of water 
at every move or the Under, wallowing 
nearer aud nearer possibly, in bis 
search. Old Fred came generally root 
lug Ids way to ns in the deep drift with 
unerring ueeiirney. 

And shortly winter came out of the 
north and. of a night, after rapping at 
the windows and howling In the eliim 
ney and roaring In the big woods, took 
possession or the earth. That was a 
time when hard elder flowed freely and 
recollection found a ready tongue 
among the older folk, and the young 
enjoy i-d many diversions. Including 
measles and whooping rough. 


F nil that long season nf snow 
1 remember most pleasantly 
the days that were sweetened 

_ with the sugar making. When 

the sun was lifting his course in the 
clearing sky and Man'll had got the 
temper of the Iamb and the frozen 
pulses of the forest had begun to stir, 
the great kettle was mounted lit the 
yard and all gave a band to the wash¬ 
ing oC spouts and buckets. Then mine 
tapping time, in whi.-h 1 helped parry 
the buckets and tasted the sweet flow 
that followed the auger's wound. The 
woods were merry with our shouts, and 
shortly one could hear the heartbeat of J 
the maples in the sounding bucket. It 
was the reveille of spring. Towering 
trees shook down the gathered storms 
of snow and felt for the sunlight. The 
atvli and sliantv were repaired, the 
great iron kettle was scoured and lifted 
to Its plan*, find then mine the boiling. 

It was a great, an Inestimable privi¬ 
lege to sit on the robes of faded fur In 
the shanty and hear the lire roaring un¬ 
der the kettle and smell the sweet odor 
of the boiling sap. Curie Kb minded 
the shanty and the tire, and the woods 
rang with his merry songs. When I 
think «.f that phase of the sugaring I 
am face to face with one of the great¬ 
est perils of my life. My foster father 
had consented to let me spend a night 
with Fncle Kb in the shanty, and I was 
to sleep mi the robes, where he would 
In* beside me when he was not tending 
the tire. It had been a mild, bright day. 
and liavid ramo up with our supper at 
sunset lie sat talking with Fncle El) 
for an hour or so. and the woods were 
darkling when he went away. 

When he started on the dark trail 
that led to the clearing 1 wondered lit 
his courage it was so black beyond the 
tin-light. While we sat alone I plead 
for a story, but the thoughts of Unelt* 
Kb had gone to roost early In a sort of 
gloomy meditation. 

• He still, my boy," said lie, “an* go t' 
sleep. I ain't a goln’ F tell no yarns an' 
git ye all stirred up. Ye go t' sleep. 
Come mornlii’ we'll go down t' the 
brook an* see If we can’t And a mink 
or tew ’n the traps." 

I remember hearing a great eraekllug 
of twigs in the dark wornl before l 
slept. As I r- -si my head Fnelo Eh 
whispered •’Hark!" and we both lis 
(cued. A bent and aged figure mine 
stalking Into the firelight His long 
white hair mingled with his beard and 
eovernl Ids mat collar behind. 

“Don't be sealrt." said I’licle Rl). 
“ 'Tnln’t no bear. It's nutliln’ but ii 

I knew IiIiii for a man who wandered 
much and had a rhyme for every one - 
a kindly mail, with a reputation for 
laziness and without any home. 

"H'ilin’. eh?" said the poet. 

"It'illn'," said Fncle Kb. 

”I'in b'lllii* over 'n the next bush," 
laid the poet, sitting down 

• How's everything In .1 InglcvlIleV" 
1 in le Kb inquired. 

Then Ho jeweomer answered: 

"WVII. ticljfhV.r clear. In Jlnglevillt* 

V. c live I.) faltli. hut vm* . ii our fill 
An ivhal w u'U in* do If II wan l f. r 

“Foil Khali \j,t Icarnhm ami wealth.' 
tills boy ain’t a-golu’ t' be wutli putty 
on a farm Kook «' them slender 

"There was a mini mine to me the 
other day an* wanted F hcv a poem 
'bout Ills Wife, that lied Jes’ died. 1 list 
him t’ tell me all 'bout her. 

•• 'Waal.' said lie after lie had scratch- 
4i 1 his head an* thought a minute, 'she 
was a dietful good woman t* work.* 

•• •Anything else?* I asktsl. 

“He thought ag'in fer a minute. 
•“Broke her leg once,' he said, ‘an 
was laid up fer mote’ll a year.’ 

“•Must 'a' suffered,’ said I. 

• •Not then,’ he answered. Untlier 
enjoyed it laylii* abed an’ readln’ an' 
bein' rubbed, but 'twin* hard on tin 
children. ’ 

•• ‘Spose ye hived her,' I said. 

••Then the tears eome into his eyes, 
an* he couldn't speak fer a minute. 
Flirty soon he whispered ’Yes,' kind o' 
confidential. Course he loved her, but 
these Yankees are ashamed o’ their 
feelln's. They hev tender thoughts, but 
they hide 'em as careful as the wild 
goose hides her eggs. Toil ail* slave 
an’ scrimp tilt* save tliet’s ’bout all we 
think uv 'ii tills country. 'Taln't right, 

“No. ’taln't right," sahl Fncle Kb, 

“1 know Fui a poor, mls'rablo critter. 
Kind 44’ out o’ tune with every body 
know. Allwus quarreled with my own 
folks, an* now I ain't got any home 
Some day I'm goln' t* die In the poor 
house er on the ground under these 
woods. But 1 tell ye"- Imre he spoke 
in u voice that grew loud with feeling— 

"uiebhe I’ve been lazy, as they say, hu 
I've got more out o' my life than any o 
these fools. All’ some day Hod ’ll him 
or me far above them. 

"I know Dave Brower's folks hev got 
brains an’ decency, but when thet boy 
is old enough t’ take care o' himself 
let him git out o' this country. I tell 
ye lie'll never make a farmer, an' if he 
marries an' settles down here lie il git 

tongue that 
Ynnkm lips 

■ i ;.n| o' mercy." s.rd he. “we've gone 
round ill a half clr.-le! Now iv. ’ll Ink*- 
the wall an' molds* It'll bring ih home." 

1 thought I couldn't keep un f*s-t any 
longer, for nn irr. - *tlblc drowsiness 
had mine over me 'I lie voice of t nele 
Kb seemed far tavay. -"-I "lien I sank 
III the snow and shut in' even to sleep 
In* shook me as ti terrier shakes n rut 
Wake up, niy boy sjild he "ye 
mustn’t sleep." 

1 ’hen lie bnstisi my* until l « ried 
and pick'll me up aud mn with me 
along the side of the \v:ill I was but 
dimly isMiscloiis wlo'ii In- dropped me 
under a tr.s» whose bare t"--* laslasl 
the air and stung niy checks I beard 
1 dm tearing the brandies sav ig.-lv and 
muttering. “Thanks to Hod. it'** H"’ 
blue lM*ech." I *lnill never forget liowi 
turned and held to my hand and 
put the whip on me as 1 lay in the 
snow, and how the sting of II *lart«sl 
my blood t’p I sprang lu a Jiff> and 
howled and dillicvsl. Till* stout roil held 
mid circled on me like a lump of lire. 
Vilen I tiirmsl and tried to run. while 
lie ellliig to my mat tails, and every 
step I felt the stinging grab of tin* 
beech. There is a little seam across 
my cheek t.slay that marks a footfall 
of one of tliy-e whips. In a moment I 
was ih wide awake as Fncle Kb and 
needed no more stimulation. 

The wall led us to the pasture lane, 
and there it was 4 *asy enough to make 
our way to the barnyard and up to the 
door of the house, which had a candle 
In every window. I remember David 
was up and dressed to mine after us, 
aud 1 recall how lie took Fncle Kb in 
Ids arms when lie fell tainting on the 
doorstep and carried him t•» the lounge. 

I saw the blood on my fan* as I passed 
the mirror, and Kllznbeth Brower came 
running and gave me one ghiinc and 
rushtsl out of doors with the dipper. It 
was full of snow when she ran in and 
tore the wrappings off niy neck and be 
gnu to rub niy cars and cheeks with the 
cold snow, calling loudly for tiraiidma 
Blsnette. She came in a moment and 
helped lit the stripping of our feet and 
legs. 1 remember that she slit m> 
trousers with the shears as 1 lay on tin 
floor, while the others rublnsl my feet 
with the snow, ilur hand* and ears 
were badly frostisl, but lu an hour the 
whiteness had gone .ait of them and the 
returning blood burnt like a lire. 

How queer he stares!’ I heard them 
say when Fncle Kb llrst came to. And 
in a moment a t;oar of laughter broke 
from him. 

"I'll never ferglt." sahl he pro -cully, 
if I live a thoiisan' years llie lickin' I 
gin thet I my But it hurl me woivo'ii 
It hurt him." 

Then he told the stol'.V of the Iduo 

The next day was that "cold Friday" 

long remembered I tv those who toll its 

dondlv chill, a day when water thrown 
In the magic air came down lu clinking 
crvstals and sheaths oi Irost l.i.i thick 
upon the window*. But tin t and the 
one before il were among the lew days 
in that early period that lie like a lock 
under my character. 

Tn hr I'oUlilllll •! ! 


Vofift Oil* lira-ting llir >* all 'h' ] 

rliiircbf* »r# rnrit'ftll) It \ t'« •> i>- »• >*• •>- > " n 
Donm-rmnu nf f r»i>-r , ,Hc., a* Ihn »n»v »uM, 
Wr 4»nlj MlpiiUtr il »' "" ’ nM.i. r* •*> »•«• in 
•#rte«l atltll rrarl, u* »i Ilf !• »*’ • • 11.>;r*.la, | 

niornln* »>f c«. h w. .h On* ••#» !■••»* »♦ |.»il-l>- 

Ol.l> South riirm II (Houtli w-> 
III.-lit II Rt-v M V \lvonl 
Morning service, loan Solid • s o l, "ol. 
II 4 :> Ilsrncs Young Men* t In--'. 1 *^ 
v |». H. F r meeting nt •> i > K> eiillig 
service nt 7 ihi Thursday ••veiling, 7 :<o, 
TuiNli v Fiirm ii (Weymouth l<e\ 
Wllilnm Hyde, rector Men lie win. ser¬ 
mon nt lo.:to ti iii nittl 7 flit p mi Slindav 
ScIiiniI nt 12 4Ml m 

Hunting Big Game. 

The trip of Mr Roosevelt in search of! 
big game recalls attention to the fact of 
the constantly growing scarcity of big 
game everywhere In this country. I In* 
President and Ids guides are now in the 
host hunting country "f the Failed States 
for big game killing It lias been care¬ 
fully selected by men famllnr with every 
section of the Rocky mountain ranges, 
and who know how to go direct to the 
points where game of the kind sought h 
the most likely to he found, and which 
has not hit'll s«» well shot over as other 
parts «»f the mountains. Yet, after all of 
these advantages In Its favor, the presi¬ 
dential jiarty docs not, so far as reports 
have yet Indicated, appear to have scared 
up any large amount of game; not so 
large an amount, in fact, as an ordinary 
party not so many years ago might well 
have Imped to encounter With the best 
of guides, the tlaest hunting bred dogs 
ami a vast stretch of country pradleally 
their own, "the hag"'Is a disappointment 
to them h to I to the country Mi l.oitis 


be a pout mebbe er some such slilf 

h it'*’ 


I-Vr v\ •• nm l raise 
an* hair." 

u thing but whiskers 

gate ttf 
me llie 

M'cd "i iitsl'.* tiuMi. a* I know now 

llie seed ••! n >nv halve-*!/* I slept 
with I m le K-t in the garret that (light 
ami for long alter we came to the 
Bi'tiWel*' lie continued to - * i belter 
U |l« I was .'•lit »ll l> able to give I.. (mud 
to the work •>! I he farm 
Then* was room for alt of ih in that j 
ample w ihlet im *s of In* HUUgimtthui j 
and the t ry of llie swift woke its eehoe* 
every evening for a lime. Bears and 
panther* prowled ill the deep thicket* 
hut the swills took a itruier grip «*u us, 
being Udder uud more terrible I tide 
Kb became a gnat favorite in the 
family, uud liavid Brower came to 
know sot ni that ha Was > >••.•! man 
lu work ' aud could be liu*i«>! > • look 
after thing* " N\'«* had n-'i been there 

Jung when 1 heartl Kli/.iltelh speak of 
Nebcin all her !••-! miii I ltd his name 
wa* . l it ii on lilt* of others, lie was 
ii b tv of Kixiccii whi'ii he went away, 
and I learm-I iiu more of him until long 
lift* rw aid 

\ mth or moie after we tame to 
F.uaw.i.v 1 lememls-i we went '• I'oss 
|oi* hi a big box wagon to the or* hard 
on the hill aud gathered apples thut 
Icli in a shower when t m le Kb went 
»*huke thclu dowu I hen eame 

"I’lir’iis liovv you can talk po’try," 
saiti Fncle l'.b. "The only thing I've 
gtit ag’in you is them w hiskers iiu' thet 
hair. 'Taln't t’hrlatlan." 

'"Taln’t what's on the head, but 
w bat's in it t lict'a the important 
thing." said the poet. "Did I ever tell 
yi» what 1 wrote about the birds'?" 

• Don' know 'h ye itver did." said I'll 
eh* Kh, stirring bis tire 
"Hie boy’ll like It mebbe." said he, 
taking a dirty piece of paper out of Ills 
pocket uud holding it to the light. 

The poem interested me. young as I 
was, not Jess than the strange figure of 
the old poet who lived unknown lit the 
back wood* and W'lto diet I | dare say. 
with many a filter song In his heart 
I it-member how* he st»ssl Iii the lire 
light and ( hauled the words iii a sing 
song tone. He giive Its that rude 4*opy 
of the poem, and here it is 

Tilt: ROBIN'S WFI*1 *1 Nt: 

Yum g i-.l.ln redbreust hctl t Itt-aullful 
I.->I an' lie 4tU> s to Ida l-c • H.ivtt ti« 
••IPs i, 111 > iiuw t*ii ii rtwkliiK K»> 

In ii, t..|- . i a ma pie tree 
I've lit - -I tt w IIh (Iowa mu' « v v 
l-iuw It on the W'jlst (*f •» l>>onlil, 



.1, d-t 

ul I it. 


• married next (lay In i)*• 
■ | ttut lady liU ' 

aim* wild tl 4 * W 'f¬ 

lu ml i 

An' <>• Ink 

• labile lie tie¬ 
down tn -‘ 

V as nothin* 


lie f it. i. 

sing, tt 

Ils 1 1 «-in in • -I 

I t i* wing -is tti 
, be til. .1 fer t 

v ust him t 
, l.-ar oul hi 

he liuwisf an he hawked 


lint la 

The #v 





lU M I*lUI ll, I 

t a. liver u 
w- I here, an’ he v* 
will, his Itusev un 

>hel «**t 
t is W - 

41 1 . 1.31 K fOOT-bAHt- 

I g i 

1 1 • I ut, Miuii ni#r. Ih-l - 

ler»s etiss all’ die ill the pimlimuse. 

4{ness I better git back t my b 1 lilt 
now. iJikhI night," he added, rising 
ami buttoning his old coat as he wulk 
ed away. 

"Slug'lar man," Fncle Kh exclaimed 
thoughtfully, "hut any one thet picks 
him up fer a find ’ll And him a counter¬ 

Young as I was. tlm rugged, elcmcn 
tul power of the old poet hud somehow 
got to my heart and stirred niy Imug 
illation. It all came not fully to my 
understanding until later. Kittle by 
little It grew upon me, and what iiu ef 
feet it had upon my thought and life 
ever after 1 should Hot dare to estl 
mate. And soon I sought out the "poet 
of the hills," as they called him. and 
got lo know and even to respect him 
in spile of Ids unlovely aspect. 

Fncle Kh skimmed the boiling sap. 
put more wood oil the lire and came 
and pulled off Ids boots ami lay down 
beside me under the robe. And. bear¬ 
ing the boll of the sap and the crackle 
of the hurtling logs in the arch, I soon 
went asleep. 

I remember feeling Fm le Kb's hum! 
upon my cheek and how I rose and 
stared about me in the fading shuduws 
of a dream as he shook me gently. 

"Wake up. my boy," said he. "f’ome 
we mils' put fer home." 

The lire was out. The old man held 
1 a lantern as he slom! before me, tin- 
blaze flickering. There was a fear 
Home darkness all arottud. 

• I'ome. Willie, make haste." he w ills 
pered as I rubbed my eyes. 'Tut on 
ycr hoots, ait' here’s yer little coal an 

There was a mighty roar iu the lor 
4-si and ley puffs of snow eame wills 
Ming In upon us. We stored the robes 
and palls and buckets and covered the 
big kettle. 

The lofty tree tops reeled uud creaked 
uh«vc us, ami a deep, sonorous moan 
was sweeping through the wmsl* as 
If the lingers of I lie wind had touched 
a mighty harp string iu the timber 
N\e could bear the crash and thunder 
of falling trees 

"Make haste! Make haste! it's resky 
here." said Fncle Kh. uud lie held my 
hand and ran. We sturted through the 
brush and steered as straight us wc 
could lor the clearing The little hox 
of light he carried was stxm sheathed 
lu siitiw, aud I remember bow- 
stopped. Iiaif out of breath, often and 
hriHhcd It with Iii* milieus to let out 
tin* light. We bad lUttde the Matter 
lug growth of little timber at the edge 
Ot the Woods when llie globe of the 
lantern snapped uud fell. A momeiit 
hiter we i*t ism 1 iu utter darkness. 1 
knew for the llrst time then that we 
were iu a bad tlx 

"l guess 4Sod 'll lake care of us. \\ d 
lu*. said l Ui’le Kb. ' If lie doll t we 11 
never get there iu this world never!" 

It was a black aud i» > wall of uight 
uud storm ou every side of u>*. 1 uever 
saw a time when the light of Hod's 
hc.iv«-u was »*o utterly extinguished, 
the eukl never went to luy Ismc us uii 
that bitter uight M.v hands aud feet 
weivnumb with uchmg as the roar of 
the trwes grew faiuter iu the open 1 
relucts U r how 1 lugged ami how the 
old muii urged me ou aud how we tolled 
lu (lie wind uud darkness, struluiug 
our 4)1-4 [ur some familiar thing of 
u sudden We stumbled upon a wall that 
we bud pu»ik«*d an hour or so before 
"Oh' ' he gloaned and made that 
lima) depurating t win* kl* 

Letter to Charles A. Clapp 

Smith IIV»/ni««//(, Mas*. 

DcarSir porterhouse, so mill'll: luck, 
so much: till the way between. 

.last so with paint. Ih'vnc lettd-attd 
zlpe Is the porterhouse 
the neck the between, some say, i* 
iiongli for them 

Bui Devon costs less, not more, 
between. Keud-atid-oll Is between 
the ohl-fashion point But zinc lun 
Zinc toughens white lend 


(South Weymouth), lb" Harry W 
Klmhnll. pastor Morning service ni 
III :lo Sunday School nt 11? Ill V P 
S (' K meeting nt ti p in 

BaptistT'iipihtH Weymouth > Frank It 
Fressey, pnstor Kurd’s lhi\ services: 
Preaching nt lu flu n in ami 7 flu p m 
Bible School, 11 4-'t Young peojvle's meet¬ 
ing at Ki Prayer meeting, Thnrsdny 
evening, 7 Ft p til (*m tu n (North Wey¬ 
mouth) Hev. Melvin S Nash, pastor 
Sunday school nt 1 F> p iii. ; prent'hlng at 
2 .10 |c in 

MkHIOIHsI Kl'ISl'Ol'Al.l 'iii ikti ( Ka*t 
Braintree.) Hev W t Parity, pastor 
Sunday services are held as follows 
Morning service, lu lu Sabbath School, 

12 m Kpworth League service nt Alu 
p. m P.vetting preaching service 7 l.v 
Prayer meeting l-’rhlny evening, 7 .">n 


mouth and Itrulnlree) Hcv. Hohert II 
Coehniue, paator Morning service sit 
|o ill. Sunday School nt 12 V P S. 

C, K at n oo Prayer meeting Thurs¬ 
day evening nt 7 in.’ All; are Inv ited to 
tit tend these services 

Mkiiioihsi Ki'isvoi'Ai. Oipim.ti (Hast 
Weymouth) Hev. William II Butler, 
pastor .Morning worship and preaeliltig 
at lu.:to. Sunday School ni noon Kp* 
w ortli la itgiie meeting tit O.imi p. in. Kven- 
Ing scrv ice at 7 oo. Tuesday evenings, 
7.10 p. m prayer meetings. Thursday 
evenings 7 Ft, class meeting*. Iloly 
Communion, llrst Sunday In every month 
following morning service 

Ol.l) Non t it FilPticit (Weymouth 
Heights.) Hcv Halph.l lliuighton,pastor 
Preaching service nt lo.lo a. in Sunday 
School at 12. Prayer nml praise meet¬ 
ing Thursday evening .it 7.lo. 


(North Weymouth). Hev. T. II Viueetit, 
pastor. Morning service at lo.lo. Sun¬ 
day school, 11.41 a in. Kvetilng ser¬ 
vice nt 7.00. A cordial weleonie Is e\- 
teudisl to all of these services. 

(’oNoiiKii aitonA t. Fit 11 lieu (Hast Wey¬ 
mouth). Hev. Kniery K. Bradford, pit* 
tor. Morning worship at Hi 10 a in 
Sunday School at 11 Ft Y P S (' 
nt O ld. levelling service til 7.10 

Ft its r Fmv rots vt.isr Cut in ti l Wey¬ 
mouth) Hev. Melvin S. NihIi, i»as|or. 
Sunday morning service nt loin. Sunday 
School at 12 in> Univkiisai.isi FllUltCll (South 
Weymouth.) Hev. K. W. Alt wood. ptHlor 
Morning si rv Ice at lo.lo. Sunday School 
at 12 m. 

Tkmi'KIianck I l.vl,l. (Kttst Weymouth) 

4Dispel temperance meeting at f> |» m. 

PoitTK.u M. K. Fiiuucii (Lovell's Fornerj 
Hev. Mr Adams, pastor. Sunday 
School nt 12.4f». Preaching service ut 2 
p. iii.—K pworth League at O.iH). Social 
nml Praise service at 7 p. m All are 
cordially Invited. 

Fitcncii ok Sr. Kiiancih .\AViKii(Sonth 
Weyntoutii) Hev .1 B Holland, rector 
Sundays .Masses 8 .imi mid lo u in Sun¬ 
day Seliool 1 i.l't tt. in. 

nioutli) Hev. .1 It Holland, rector. 
Sunday — Masses at. 7.10 and lo.lo a. tn 
Sunday School at 2 30 p. in Vespers at 
4 p in. Week days—Mass 7 a tn. 

iton (Kast Weymouth). Hcv. James W. 
Allison, rector. Hev Maurice Lynch, as- ' 
slslanl. Masses Sunday at 8 and 10.10 a ; 
m. Sunday School at 1 t>. in. Vespers 
at 7 4.1 p m Masses week days at 7 and 

Sr. tlK.ito.UK's Fiiuitcil (North Wey¬ 
mouth) Pastor, Hev. James W. Allison, 
Assistant, Hev. Maurice Lynch. Mass, 
Sunday at 0. Sunday School at 1 
Zion’s HillFiiakki. (Kast Weymouth) 
Social service ut 2 and 0.30 p nt. 

Kiltsr Fiiuucii ok Fmtisr, Scientist, 
(Braintree). Services Sunday ai 10.4.1 a. 
in ut Christian Scleti. ull on Washing¬ 
ton street, south of Hollis avenue. Sun¬ 
day School at 10.41 a. in. Wednesday at 
7.Ft p. m a testimony and experience 
meeting Heading room open Tuesday 
Thursday and Fi'play afternoons and 
Tuesday evening All are welcome. 

Am. Souls Fiiuucii (Coehato Hull 
Braintree). Hev. Frederick It (iriflin, 
pastor Preaching service at lo.lo 
Sabbath School at 11.4,1. Kindergarten 
class at lo lo, in charge ol Miss Helen 
Johnson. All are welcome. 



Why Suller ot Pay Eiorbltinl Prices? 

li ,„it im* ii *uti. i. i ii Xrrvou* Mint ttiroh 
| 0 *ra«r. Hrakar**. Momarh. M 4 ar), Rla 44 rr 

unit trlaarj Trowhlf^. Itlneill I’olxoala*. khla 
lllttr#*r". I li route lltilgritlo. «•» ••• "•'»>« fr-' 
niiv tll»t*»«f |tffMliiir t<» yon, *' t-K tin atlrifo "I • 

• ■\|tfiii wlitt**. I'lutii* - tit'l t'(|t(-ii. ii • t *q»ft 
allnt ihr la«t 20 jrars •mo- t-»o«».e Inin 
|tro.n|>tly apply Hi<- i.mcln— tpili'liljr •- 

HUM t llu- l|l«ca*t 


f 0 v%n OfflcoPa ol 
Poit 01 


I Im \ Raymond, 

■ ,,tm It Stctvnn, St 


||,,in* tlitllt 1" 1" •*. Siimla 
W.-ln.-tlit' ltl"i •*',tl III dll v f(tn 

S|t< > , tl Hour* 1»v iippitintiiit iti. 


|i>n Willis ilwi 
Hiri il-'i-l Hawr*. it- 
H\i.|it-rl Me Intohll, I- 

Wt Mfear.l W. Hunt, ’ 
ViI.. Newton, 


limes Bldg., BROCKTON, MASS. 

' Franci* It. Cowing 
|olin W. Ilale*. cln 
lirorxe K. Newton, 
i •ilmao It. Loud, S 
i lieorge (’. Torrey,: 

mil tie flu-til ml luy Tn 

j. F. &W. H, GUSHING, 


w. A. brake, chair 
Insrpll A. CudlillR, 
II. r. ferry, Weyn 
Frank K. I-otid, Se> 
I'liarle* II Willoby 
Mr* Mary K. Holt 


M i l MINTH* 

Coal Dealers, i 

(|,,lin A nt lion 

|,se of *(I|" 'I on Mol 
Ming . Tuesday a 
Thursday ut I 

WATkm c 

Hard and Soft Coal, 
Otto Coke, 

Hard and Soft Wood 
Hay and Straw, 

W-'tank II. I'orrey, ? 
a,.in. II. Stetsoll, s- 
2,1.1 ion Willi*, Soul 
»\,-nda1l It. « l.ipp, 

M. luston, Kast 





■vers M. t.'»w, Kast 

Tfelrplionr , )ll-'). 


Willard |. Punliar, 

Best Grade of 



. (). Collyer, cliir 
F. i >rr. Fast W 
W. I'ratt, Kast 
K. Walsh, NVeyi 
\V. Hart, Soutl 




MHirdnn Willis, Son 

Jrriioinai Fitzgerald 
■ A. li. Fralt, Kast 
jjp. Butler, Kast Wi 
.-.Sit>lin I). Walsh, \N 
r ; jhliduel Allen, Sol, 

For Open Grates. 

jUsuac II. Walker, t 
■leniamin F. Rich: 
■s'alhaniel B. l’ear* 
y\*a B. I’ratt, Kast 
STIiomas Fitzgcrah 
Violin I). Walsh, M 
■Villiani F. Freud 
Kr-qe It. lUyiey, 
Mluluel Allen, Sol 
[Keor^e W Conani 

Augustus J. 
Richards & Son 

W alter K. Bates, ? 
Aharles A. Komi,: 
Molin I*. Hunt, Kai 


William If. Clapp 
l,ouis A. Cook, St 
■ Frank II. Torrey, 

N*dniilv want* 
in- aitv, i* ..I 

it i* 
I levin- 


leail-and-zinc la the paint that 
twice as long us leud-aud-oll 

Mr. John N Pellel, Fair llaveli, N X , 

Mr Charles llolleuhet-k, of tlii* plai t-, 
pulnted Ills house three tears ugowilli 
pcvdc lead-und-/.lnc; his father pointed 
at the same lime w ith leud-und-ull To- 
,luv the sous house looks u** well as the 
lay it was painted, while the lallier't* 
house has all elialktsl ofl and needs paint¬ 
ing very badly. The father says lie will 
paint with Pcvoc next time ' 

Yours truly, 

F W Pl'.VOK %v Co 

P S M H Koud A Co. Soiiili Wey¬ 
mouth, sell our puiut 

Meeks—My wife called me up mi the 
phone six times toduy 
Weeks What for'? 

Meeks—The lust live times were for the 
purpose of ealling me tlovv ii because I 
didn't answer the llrst time sin* culled me 
up Philadelphia Inqiilrer 

Deafneki Cannot He Cured 


sMAl.l. LOANS on pt-rMtUid pi'ttpeily ttr it-nl 
i -liiti- lo tiili- you ovt-i pit-«t-Ul neei-ttfltit-s, at low 
i iit * aiul privult-lv. For inlt-iv n-w atlth't **, 
"I', it i I .-ii I'-ml lit'lt l, N-.illi W* ynittiilli, 

M.,-. aoir 



UflOHATK t ol ItT 

\i .if km, .-ri-tlittir* tit.l :tII 
•Itn r pt r*i>n- inlt-ii «li-il iu tin- i**lut« of 
lilt It M.F. I' I Y Ni II, 

i.tir ..I Wev iiii.iiiI i, in ttidil County, dt n-uiM-il, init-*i- 

NoltFOl.K, ss. 

'•pn tin- lo ir* .a lu 


Hf-iank 1). Sherni; 

Win it ,i*. a pt liiit.ii li.i* Im-.-ii pinM-nli .l It. ••! 
I mill p. Ki .,ut ., teller of u.liiiiniwliiillon on the i-*tt»l,- 
ol aititl il,ti-,'Uiti‘d, lot I,arlt* I'. I "is,in- t.i Wt-v n». oil Ii. 
n illimit |i( mu » *iirt-l» ou Id* l-ond. 

• , i tlf.I ' .. ■" — 

V,,ii ;,!•• In-n l.y i iii d in ul a l’roltult- 1 "ini 
. l.f lit-l.l at Oiliin')', m fuitl C'oiinly ol Norfolk, 
ii llif ifiilli Jay nl Mai, A. I>. 1 V 40 .S. il i i» 

lin k iu llu- lort-iHMiii, P. *lnivv fuii 4 t-, il any von 
Iiaif. vvliv tl.f ttanii- ttlumld not I*** graiiletl. 

\ml iiu- |>, liti<nifi >• lit-rt-l'V diit-ftf.l I" Rio 
piililit-noti.-f iln-rt-of l-v puMidiiiiK «*»luttoi» 
■ ■it. i-in fiit-li vvt-fk, for lliit t- *iifff**ivf Mt-fk*. in 
ihe Wt-v uimilli i.a/t-llf. a in M*pupt r pulill-l,i -I >n 

Wt-v inoiilli, tlo- Ia*t pnl»lif.»l».m to I"' .. al 

.i*t Itt-fort- »aitl»'• tn• l. 

Willi.*-, •lam,-* II. Flint, l.*t|iPi''. .1 utltff of •ail 
i ml, llu- • mlil.-t-lllli da, of Vpill. A. I>. IW 06 . 

4 0 ,lullN I• v unit, H.-uM.-r. 

by Im al application, »» they eauuot reach the <!l* 
eattetl pt •rtion Ol llie ear T here i* only one way lo 
curt- iettliit-t-t. and l hut I* by i-mntt itiit Imial reiue.lie*, 
I it-ufiif— i* t auaetl by uii iuflauu-tl ft.iidillon of the 
iniii'outt lining of the Etiitoelriuii I ube. When t bi* 
IuIh- K''ttt intl«iiied )oti have a niuibliiig *ouml or 
imperfect hearing, autl when it i» entirely dotted 
tteafiw-M U I he rouP, ami unit-** tin- iiillamiualioii 
• an be laki-n out ami tld* tube rentoretl to it* lioriua 
foiul it ton, lifu lug willbe ,1,-i.lroyetl Pnever; nine 
i-o»(-» out of ten are cauaed by • atari In wld-i, I* 
nothiua Imt an iiittauied condillttll of llie UlUcolU 

We will viva One lluinire .1 l>«llara f«.r .no fa*t-t.f 
Dealueaa t-auaetl lo eatarrbi ilut tail not In- uud 
l»y lial.« alarrli Curt-. Send lor eiri-ulat», free. 

1 F. J. ClIKNKY A t o., Toledo, o. 

Solti l»y Uruicghiia. "&•-. 

Hall'* Family Fill* are the bc»»- 

"Si Iff 
tl Ml 

When You Buy Spoons 

kuivra, fork*, etc . buy reliable brauda. 
even if they do coat • little mure 
They ate worth the (iitfcicucc. If 


la (he stamp It iuaurea gcnulue Kugcia 
quality, famuua fur wear. 

bold bv trading dealria every where; 
For Catalogue “C-L," addtcaa tbc 

tutoroabwoai Ca . Marlgen. Ivan. 

Fommonwealth ol Massachusetts 

NnltFoLK. W*. I'imihah Col 

r \*l i .,|| nerooii* lllti ri nlt-il iu llo I-M'ati- ol 
l VI \RI.ARI I I si I I IVAN. 

I.iP o| Wi viiimilh, in ttaid t oiint), tli-fi-aM-il 
Whcrt a*, •lohu F. Itfiirdou, llo- ailiuiui*lral"i <-i 
ill, t -lalf of •tti'l tlf, . a*, tl, l.a* pit -fulfil In • allow 
i,m t-, llif lir-t uud tinal ufi-muil nl Iii* adiniiiUirutbiii 
, 11 it ut llif i *l„le of »i,id dft-i an,-,I 

You un lu-n bv f ib d lo appear al a Probate I 'ourl. 
Pi In In Id al quiiu y, in *aitl ( onitly. on llo- P iilb 
■ luy ni Mn, A.l>. two*,, i,| uilif •■'•><•-k in tin- fore- 
urn,ll. In *bow‘ . all*,*, if uii> (oil Iiaif, wliy the 
vitiiif *lim,ld mil In- uiloWfd. 

• Ami *.,ul i„liiili,i*lralor •* "idfiid i, •m, 1 llo* 
• tl al mil Ik di'llvi i iiiu a fop) tin not lo all pi-iatu,* 
itiP if-P ii n, llu • *luP Imilic, ii day ul It a-i In Ion 
■aid t 'mill, or bv pi,bll»llil!K llie »ul„f nin e ill eiieb 
WI I k, for Ibrce •ur,-f»»IV, week*, lit llu- Weymmill, 
i.a/.ll. , in witpupfl' publl.bfd il, WY> U,nlilb, llu 
Ia*t pilbiifiilloll lu be out- duv I,I It a»l l» Ion »a,d 
( ■•uii, and In ntaiItnyz. poaipaid. a eop( of Il,i« • Ha¬ 
lim, lo all known iifi*ou* ml,-n *P d iu llie ,■*!.,I, 
..-(, II da) • al lea-1 be for, *i,ld t o,|||. 

Willi, *-, laiiii - li. Flint, K-tpure, •Imltfe »aid 
In,1,1, llu- -• (fiip-fitlli tlar • *4 April, m Mn- imr 
him- Ihoil-alitl nim bmidred and lire. 

4 i. P UIN l>. i "HR R. gi.t, ,. 

Easy and Quick I 




To make the very host soap, simply I 
dissolve a can of Hamwr J ye ii» ‘ oM 
water, melt 5 x i lbs. of grease, pour U»e 
Lye water in llie grease. Stir and pull 
aside to set. 

Full Direction* on livery I’ockag* 

Jl,inner is pulverized. The can I 
may be ojiencd and closed at will, pc 
milting the ice of a small quantity at 1 
time. It It just the article needed 1 
every household. It will clean paint, 
floors, marble ami tile work, soften watci, 
disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes B 

Write for booklet *•*Cscs of /tannery 
J ye ”—free. 

Tha Fvinn Chiaikal Work*, Fhiladrlphta 
Miarlra Richardson & Co.. Doalon, Ma»> 

(From Six 
h-orgr L. Barnes 

1 4 h-orgr L. Barnes 
Aubrey Hilliard, I 

; 1 


Iwji I It. N'evin, 



Old Colony Street Railway Ct 


Time Schedule. 

Sludge of I'roba 
■nt of Weymouth 
Htetpstcr of 1’roU 

^^•tsistant Ke^iste 
'Slftk of t.’ouit*., I 

Assistant L'lerk, 
Kesi*ter of 1 teedi 

! Assistant Kegiste 

Jounty Treasurei 
Sheriff, Samuel I 
jL'uunty Commits 
oklinr. James 
Wright of CJuim 

■Sessions, Kvery '1 
T*|>rcial Commihs 
laliklili ; )ohn Kv 
El bs'ni t Attorney 
|il IMyinoutli), A*, 
i W. Nutter ol 1 


Commonwealth of MassacTiusetts 
NORFOLK, sj* I'll,»u a tk Ctrl iit 


II pfIXili- ,1,1,-i*-lt d it lit,- iiii-I f|i .iii d t*( 

m i i:i:i• i 111 < K it ii"LHB""h 

iii |., * m cl In- > hildifH, i P , Wf, im • iilli, in 
( MUIllV. 

Wl„ r, a*, t bail, - A.II, r-f), llu- 11,i-l«-,- n.i l*-r 
■aid lro-l. Im* pri M-nlfd bn uIImwuii>i il„- i>r*l a< 

. i.iiltt cl In- lflt-1 

Yen .ttf lifu I*, • iifd |c appi .a .< I'rubalf * curt 
Pi |.. 1 In-Id ul (tcdliaiii. in -aid l m'iiiI), - ii llif 
«,■,fiiP fiilb duv of M i, V I>. lV"V, il I, n o'i I •■ k 
II, till' foil lUMil,. P- •l»,W , III-' If All) lull li.n> , 
llu -.urn- -Inn,id l,ul In .»>•> - , d 

Xud »uld lr,i»t«-«- •• «*rdi-r«d p ei(>- llu- >i.,4i, i. 
by df liv t-iiug a fup( ll.fifoi P- . |" - mi* PiP i -C» *t 
hi 1 1,. ,- ali,P- foiul, • u >l.i, • a' 1 . -i 1 . -4 id ('-- ' > I, 
m I.) puldlailUlg llif-all,,- "IU , >i cocll wa-ck, l-l 

Ibl, o *U, fia*i» i „*,k- u, llu W. .. (in/ ll. , 

iu ,t-|iapi , publUl.fd in Weyn. ut! , llu l.i-i pub 
ii>U I" l-f m„ d.i, ,1 If.,»! l>, ini' -aid l oU'l. 
Mtul i») iiiaihutr, p-mpaid,., •••i>, u. - . uiim, to 
1,11 known pi-1 -.>,,“ lulflialfd ill llu « »t .!• . M ,rll 
• I.,- Ul I. ..-I bfluri -aid t on, l 

Wlillf*. .1 (III, • II. Flint, K«i|ulif. -I udj.'e of • aid 
fcnl, ll,i* l--ur4« i Hill da> of Api >1, ill It-* i oi" 

Ibmi*.,ml nim- inn,iiu I nut ti,,-. 

4 •> -I) dlN l». < (»BB. IU-gla(rr. 


0114 ): 114 III II 1 I 4 X 4 . 1 % l-:* 

I,.tins ul tin «-laP i-i 1 
ctbfrw i«c knowl, >- 

I. ili ul Wf) inmiili. in i 
. ■ .,•■ >!, ini, -I.iP , and 

II. 4 l ti„-l I*, gh iog I. 

pi radl,- having ,h iiiaiul- 
. . d ul, •• •|ii»rcd 4 «* 
|M-r»m,« mdf lip d i> 


A. p.. 

• nl 1 

I,,l*- KpiMiiulfd A'ltubi • 

V Mil HIM fehkl I KY . 

1 \ I'll» HIM -*( 11 ! X 

, ( miulv ci Norhdk, *b 

ll >■ lake" Ula>U lu l»fl! 
I a- llu law >bi> I-. AH 
UJHill llu • -lal>- >>l *nid df 
(IiiIhI llu- ■a"" . and al> 
■-•tap an • a Hill upon i>> 


%%'rrk I 4 w> Tlliir. 

I'm BKAINTKF.K PKPOT, (>.00, 630, 7 
7. pi A . M , then oil the lumi aud to lililiiitt-H |w* 
until i>i.pi I' M. Additional car Saturday, 11 1 
I*. M. Retiuning, leave Braintree Ilejait, — 
7.05, 7.A M , then S and t* minutes past ' Vi| 
hour until 11.05 I’. M. Satunlay, 11.30 I*. M | >. 
For QUINCY, boo, b.30, 1. 45, 7.00 A M., tl" 
on the liuiir and Iiaif hour until 11 30 I'.’ 
Returning, leave Muincy, 5.50,6.05,620, • 

A. M , then 20 ami 50 minutes past each In- 
until 11 20 |*. M 11.50 In tjuiiuy Point m>' 
Wednesday and Saturday to hast Weymouth. 

For SOUTH WKYMOUTH, 600, 7.00, 7 
X.00, 8.30, o o ,10.00, 1 i.o - A. M., 12c . 1 
2.00, 2.30, pi* >• 3. to, 4.00, 4 pi, too, 5.30, I 
6.30, 7x0, 7.3 •, S,3->, o. 30. 10.3, U. M Kclu' 
ing, leave Soutli Wcynioulb. 7 5, 7 33, S 05, > 

005,ly.35, 1 .33,11.33 A M . 12.33, I ' 

• i'l. 

V03 ,,). 5, 10.03, 11.05 I*. M 
F» r HIM.HAM, f> >0,6.30, 7 >-». 7 ■», S 1 
10.10, 11.10 A. M . I2.pi, 1.1 1 , t.i", 4 

3 .imi, 5.30, b.oO, 6 30, 7 In,, "I ,!•>(«■, I 
P M Kcturning, leave Ibnglam, 613, • 

7.1 j, 7.45. s (o, •• 30, lo ; . 11. ; " A M , 1 ’ 

1 . 1 |u 1 1 • 1 1 ' 

H ; , o jo, 10.15, 10 43 P M 

feiintlfe) Time. 

For BKAIMKKK PKPUT, 7.%••. ' 

then on the hour and 30 minutes i>a*t eaili 6 
until lo.*, - 1 '. M Returning, leave Btainl 
| Ir (Hit, 8.03, 8 33 A %t,, then and 33 null' 

|ast eadt hour until 11.( 3 P M 
Fm OUINCY, 7 o. S- \ M , then ,.11 the lu 
ami ball iioiu until it!' PM Kctunon ;, If. 

(juinc v. 7.2", 7.50, A M , tl,* it 2 and • mini 
jiasl eadt hour until 11 -I'M 

jirettie Judiual i 
Lty of February 
iperior Court, t 
Juries - First M> 
>>l May, aud first 
work Fust Mu 
ol April, first M 
Monday of Peer- 
perior Court, Ct 
ot April; first M 
day of Decemlx-i 
lobate Court- A 
Wednesdays ol , 
Quincy, on tin 
month, except 
iourth Wednrs 

ouuty Comuitssii 
ol April; fuurtb 
day ot Septeliib 
Hy adjourn a ten 
district Court 
Randolph, Brail 
• v, llolliriMik at 
1-4 minioal bus 
liul J ays, aud b 
m. Justice,/ 
Justices, K. lit 
book, Weymou 
Milton. Protra 
l liayer Street, 
ton Street, tjui 


A M 

4."'', 4. ', j 1 u, 3. ;>», 6. o 
8.30, y.o»i, y. to, 10.3 > P 
South VX ryiuoutli, S 33 . " 

'*• 35 . » » H. : >• : ; 

11.03 P. M. 

For HIN'tdiAM. S 1., 
12 . 19 , l.l 0, 2 10, 3 I . I • 

? - in, 8.1", >, |u, in 00, 1 
rave llingham, 8.3", n. 
12.30, I.30, 2.3.', 3 3 ", 4-P 


3 oc, 

7.|", > 

Uelutiling, li. 

. 11 • A. M I 

4 “S. 4 

N ’•)•') 1 


• 3>>, 1 l 

. 3 3 ". 

1 1 • A. M 
Krtuin . I 

A. M 

3- >, X 3- . V 30, 49.15, lo 4 j P M 


, H rrk lit) 11 mm 

ai . leave THOMAS’ tt'KNI K, Nortn W 
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